THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARY MACMILLAN'S LATIN SERIES EDITED BY JOHN COPELAND KIRTLAND Professor of Latin in The Phillips Exeter Academy MACMILLAWS LATIN SERIES CORNELIUS NEPOS: TWENTY LIVES. Edited by J. E. BARSS, Hotchkiss School. 90 cents. THE POEMS OF OVID : SELECTIONS. Edited by C. W. BAIN, South Carolina College. $1.10. MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO: TEN ORATIONS, WITH THE LETTERS TO His WIFE. Edited by R. A. von MINCKAVITZ, De Witt Clinton High School, New York City. $1.25. CAESAR: THE GALLIC WAR, BOOKS I-VII. Edited by A. L. HODGES, Wadleigh High School, New York City. VERGIL: THE AENEID. Edited by D. O. S. LOWELL, Roxbury Latin School, and C. W. GLEASON, Volkmann School, Boston. SALLUST: THE CATILINE. Edited by J. C.'KIRTLAND, Phillips Exeter Academy. GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR - " (From the bust in the British Museum, London) Pacmtilatt's Hatin Series C A E S A R THE GALLIC WAR , BOOKS I-VII EDITED BY ARCHIBALD LIVINGSTON HODGES INSTRUCTOR IN LATIN IN THE WADLEIGH HIGH t SCHOOL, NEW YORK CITY THE ' MAGMILL'AN COMPANY 1909 All rights reserved GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR (From the bust in the British Museum, London) ffiacmtllan's Hatitt C A E S A R THE GALLIC WAR BOOKS I-VII EDITED BY ARCHIBALD LIVINGSTON HODGES INSTRUCTOR IN LATIN IN THE WADLEIGH HIGH / SCHOOL, NEW YORK CITY gorfe THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1909 All rights reserved t , t e ' c X I t . t , c COPYRIGHT, 1909, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published September, 1909. J. S. Gushing Co. Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. .2517 PREFACE IN spite of the attempts which have been made to find a substitute, most students of Latin still read Caesar, and read him as their first Latin author. In the opinion of many teachers there are good reasons why this should be so. Caesar's style is direct, even if not particularly simple ; his story is interesting in itself, and especially interesting when put in its proper setting and made a part of the larger story of the development of Rome and of Europe ; his vocabulary is pure, concrete, and not excessively copious ; last but not least, he furnishes an admirable drill-book for training in syntax, that is to say in linguistic logic. To help the student avail himself as fully as possible of the advantages which the study of Caesar offers is the purpose of this book. The text is, in the main, Meusel's. It varies from his somewhat in the treatment of assimilation in com- pounds (Hale and Buck's grammar has been followed here) and in the spelling of certain words. Further- more, some passages regarded by Meusel as probably spurious have been retained, not to do too great violence to the traditional text. But aside from these variations this text differs from Meusel's in not more than three or four places. In the marking of hidden quantities Bennett's Latin Language has been followed in almost all cases, but the vowel before gn in dignus and its derivatives has vi PREFACE been marked. Vowels standing before /-consonant have been marked, because there is no simple way of indicating the diphthongal sound which appears to have existed there, and because it was believed that a more nearly correct pronunciation would be secured by mark- ing them than by leaving them unmarked. For the quantity of vowels in Celtic names Holder has been the authority chiefly used. The notes on Book II have been made full and com- plete in themselves, that those teachers who so desire may begin with that book. The notes contain, of necessity, much grammatical explanation and many references to the grammars; but both notes and intro- duction aim to furnish material which may lead the student to appreciate the narrative as a piece of his- torical literature, important in itself and in its bearings. In the treatment of topography and military operations Holmes' s great works have been constantly consulted, as well as earlier authorities on the same subjects. A portion of the text has been edited for sight-reading, with brief foot-notes. Walde's Lateinisches Etymologisches Wb'rterbuch has been of great assistance in the preparation of the word- groups. These are not exhaustive, but are intended to assist the student in gaining a knowledge of Latin words. To further the same end, the words chosen by Professor Gonzalez Lodge as the ones to be learned by the time the student finishes the reading of Caesar have been marked with an asterisk in the vocabulary. I am greatly indebted to Professor Lodge for permission to use the list contained in his Vocabulary of High School Latin. The meanings of a few Celtic proper PREFACE vii names have been given, but only the more important ones, or those that seemed to invite comparison with roots appearing in Latin words. The campaign-maps are on the same scale as the general map of Gaul, being, in fact, portions of the latter, with necessary additions. All modern names have been rigorously excluded from maps and battle- plans, in the belief that they tend only to confuse the young student. To compensate for this omission, a modern map has been added. This does not profess to be a complete map of the territory included in it, but is practically a copy of the ancient map, showing modern instead of ancient names, and generally only names mentioned in the introduction, notes, and vocabulary. It is hoped that it will enable the student to orient him- self as he reads, and gain an appreciation of the fact that Gaul was the country which is now France. So many people have helped me, either by actual assistance rendered or by encouragement, that it is impossible to mention them all by name. But I must acknowledge the kindness of Mr. St. George Stock in allowing me to make use of the material contained in the introduction to his edition of Caesar; of Professor Charles E. Bennett, who provided me with proof-sheets of his Latin Language in advance of its publication; of the officials of the Astor, Columbia, and Harvard libraries; of the late Mr. Richard A. von Minckwitz of the De Witt Clinton High School, Miss Anna Pearl MacVay of the Wadleigh High School, and Mr. William F. Abbot of the Worcester Classical High School, in reading and criticising the introduction; especially of Miss Caroline P. Townsend of the Worces- vfii PREFACE ter Classical High School, whose counsel and assist- ance have been freely placed at my disposal in the prep- aration of all parts of the work. Lastly, it is a pleasure to acknowledge my deep obligations to the editor-in- chief of this series, Professor John C. Kirtland, to whose accurate scholarship and cordial cooperation a great part of whatever merit the book may possess is due. ARCHIBALD L. HODGES. NEW YORK CITY, July 20, 1909. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE GALLIC WARS BEFORE 58 B.C i THE LIFE OF CAESAR .....- 8 CAESAR'S FIELD OF MILITARY OPERATIONS . . .21 ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION IN CAESAR'S TIME . 31 BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND READING . . . 52 TEXT BOOK I. The Geography of Gaul . . . -55 The Helvetian War . . . . -55 The Campaign against Ariovistus . . 72 BOOK II. The War with the Belgae .... go BOOK III. Trouble in the Alps 109 The Campaign against the Veneti and Other Maritime Tribes . . . . .112 The Campaign in Aquitania . . .119 A Short Campaign against the Morini and Menapii . . . " . . . .122 BOOK IV. The War against the Usipetes and Tencteri, and Caesar 'j Passage of the Rhine . .124 Caesar's First Expedition to Britain . .134 BOOK V. Caesar's Second Expedition to Britain . . 145 Uprisings in Northern Gaul . . .156 BOOK VI. Operations tn Northern Gaul and the Second Passage of the Rhine . . . . . 174 Gaul and Germany Described and Compared 179 ix x CONTENTS SIGHT-READING PAGE BOOK VI. The War tipon Ambiorix and the Eburoms 187 BOOK VII. A General Uprising of Gaul . . . 199 NOTES 255 WORD-GROUPS 403 VOCABULARY . 419 MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR Frontispiece PAGE MAP OF GAUL (colored) Before . i MODERN MAP (colored) ..... Before 21 A COIN OF CAESAR 21 A GALLIC CHIEF 22 GALLIC HOUSES 25 A GALLIC SOLDIER . . . . . . . . 26 CAESAR AS IMPERATOR . Facing 32 * J. I^fJTi. O O^) GLADIUS AND VAGINA . . . . , . . .36 CASSIS 37 VEXILLUM : . .39 CORNU 39 TUBA . . . -39 LITUUS . 39 TABERNACULA 41 CASTRA 42 'TRIPLEX ACIES 44 ARRANGEMENT OF A COHORT 44 VINEA 47 PLUTEI. . . 47 TURRIS 48 ARIES AND TESTUDO 49 FALX .... Crt . ^o xi xii MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE CATAPULTA 50 BALLISTA 50 PROW OF BlREME 51 STERN OF TRIREME 51 THE CAMPAIGN OF 58 B.C. (colored} . . . Facing 55 COINS OF ORGETORIX AND DUMNORIX 56 CARRUS 58 CAESAR'S INTRENCHMENTS ALONG THE RHONE (colored) . 59 A ROMAN CAVALRYMAN 63 THE DEFEAT OF THE HELVETII (colored} .... 70 PLAN OF VESONTIO 77 A ROMAN LEGIONARY 81 THE DEFEAT OF ARIOVISTUS (colored} .... 87 THE CAMPAIGN OF 57 B.C. (colored} . . . Facing 91 TESTUDO .......... 93 SAGITTARIUS 93 THE BATTLE ON THE AXONA (colored} .... 95 SOLDIERS BUILDING AN AGGER . ^ 97 ROMAN SOLDIERS ON THE MARCH 99 THE BATTLE ON THE SABIS (colored} 102 CASTELLUM AND SIGNAL-TOWER 107 A BATTLE in SOLDIERS BURNING A BARBARIAN VILLAGE . . . 123 A HORSE WITH EPHIPPIUM .125 CAESAR'S BRIDGE OVER THE RHINE .... 132 ROMAN SOLDIERS CROSSING A BRIDGE . . . 133 ROMAN SHIPS , . 136 AQUILIFER 138 A ROMAN COIN SHOWING AN ESSEDUM .... 142 THE CAMPAIGN OF 54 B.C. (colored) . . . Facing 145 BRITAIN ACCORDING TO CAESAR'S DESCRIPTION . . . 152 TRAGULA AND AMENTUM 168 MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS xiii PAGE VERCINGETORIX . . . . . . . . .198 A COIN OF VERCINGETORIX . . . .. . . .201 THE CAMPAIGN OF 52 B.C. (colored} . . . Facing 203 PLAN OF AVARICUM . . . . . . . 207 THE ROMAN WORKS AT AVARICUM 209 A GALLIC WALL . . . . . . . . .214 THE BATTLE AT GERGOVTA (colored} 228 THE EXPEDITION OF LABIENUS (colored} .... 234 THE INVESTMENT OF ALESIA (colored} . 240 THE ROMAN WORKS AT ALESIA . 243 ^>- ^ Bratuspantiu Vellaunqflunuin \ * V \L C A E Longitude West 2" from Greenwich 0' ^varicW Vo TBi INTRODUCTION GALLIC WARS BEFORE 58 B.C. THE history of Rome down to the Christian era is largely the importance, record of her struggles with the peoples whom she was bringing under her dominion. Of these the Gauls were the most formi- dable. At various times the fear of a Gallic war or, worse still, the stern reality engaged the skill and courage of the wisest statesmen and bravest generals of Rome. The struggle con- tinued for hundreds of years, with alternating periods of war and peace. The subjugation of the Transalpine Gauls by Cae- sar, an account of which is to be read in this book, was but the closing scene in a long and bloody drama. The story of the struggle resembles in many respects that of A parallel, the wars between the settlers of America and the American In- dians. The Gauls, like the Indians, were divided into tribes more or less independent of one another. In both cases lack of proper organization and of unity of purpose put the savage or partially civilized tribes at a disadvantage with their more civilized opponents. In both contests the attitude of those destined to become the conquerors was gradually changed from defense to open aggressiveness. In both stories the romantic element is very prominent, and it is not always easy to disen- tangle the truth from the interwoven, fiction. Wars in Cisalpine Gaul. The historian Livy tells us that at the time of Tarquinius Priscus, about the beginning of the sixth century before Christ, Transalpine Gaul, the country north and west of the Alps, was full to overflowing of a seething mass of B r INTRODUCTION Cisalpine Gaul. humanity. By command of the aged king of the Bituriges, who Settlement of were then the leading people of the Celtae, 1 the surplus of six tribes, among them the Bituriges, the Arverni, and the Haedui, set out for other lands. Having crossed the Alps they came into northern Italy, where, in the fertile country between the mountains and the Eo, they formed settlements, with Mediola- num (Milan) for their chief town. Soon other tribes came, among them the Boii and Lingones, who crossed the Po and made settlements between that river and the Apennines. The Senones came later. They pushed farther south and attacked the town of Clusium in Etruria. Here three brothers named Fabius, who had been sent by the Roman senate to treat with the Gauls on behalf of Clusium, forgot their sacred character as ambassadors and fought with the Clusines against the Gauls. This breach of the law of nations highly exasper- ated the barbarians, and only the counsels of the older men prevented them from seeking immediate vengeance. Soon, however, when all negotiations failed, they marched for Rome. The Romans met them at the Allia, a small stream flowing into the Tiber a few miles north of the city, and suffered a complete defeat. Rome was captured and laid in ashes. The date of this event is usually given as 390 B.C. The main points of this narrative are very likely true, but the account is embellished in the pages of Livy with stories as plainly fabulous as those told of the battle of Lake Regillus. The legends of Camillus and of Brennus, of the aged nobles calmly sitting on their chairs of state awaiting death, of Marcus Manlius and the geese which by their cackling saved the Capi- tol may be read in most Roman histories and need not be given here. The capture of Rome was only a temporary reverse, and she soon recovered from its effects and continued her career of conquest. Gradually her power was extended and confirmed. The Senones at times gave trouble, but in 289 B.C. a colony B.C. i. I. Capture and burning of Rome. GALLIC WARS BEFORE 58 B.C. 3 was planted in their territory, at Sena Gallica. This was the Roman coio- first Roman colony on Gallic soil. A few years later the Sen- es * n C 1 isal " plUG vaUi. ones were completely subdued and almost annihilated. Thus after more than a century the burning of Rome was avenged. Soon after this the Boii were defeated with great slaughter, and a colony was established fifty miles beyond Sena Gallica, at Ariminum. After the war with Pyrrhus, which made Rome mistress of southern Italy, and the First Panic War, which gave her com- mand of the sea and freed her temporarily from the fear of Carthage, the Romans turned their attention again to the Gauls. In 223 B.C. for the first time a Roman army crossed the Po. The following year the Romans defeated the Insubres and took Conquest of their chief city, Mediolanum. The consul Marcus Claudius the Insubres - Marcellus slew with his own hand the Insubrian chieftain and thus won the spolia opima. Two more colonies were founded, and Cisalpine Gaul began to be regarded as a dependency of Rome. In 218 B.C. Hannibal, with his Carthaginian army, started Second Punic from Spain to invade Italy. The Romans hoped that the Gauls War - might be induced to offer opposition to his progress, but in this they were disappointed. Some of the Transalpine Gauls did, it is true, come out in defense of their own homes ; but when Hannibal reached Cisalpine Gaul, he found many of the inhab- itants ready to rally around his standard. The defeat of Scipio on the Ticinus gave courage to those who wavered, and throughout the Hannibalian war Gauls were generally to be found fighting on the side of the Carthaginians. The conclusion of peace after the defeat, of Hannibal at Zama left the Romans free to chastise his allies in the north. This they did with com- pleteness, though the operation was protracted. By 191 B.C., however, the consul was able to boast that of the Boii he had left only old men and children alive. Thenceforth, beyond an occasional minor insurrection, there was quiet submission from the Gauls dwelling south of the Alps. 4 INTRODUCTION Operations in Transalpine Gaul. Not until considerably later did the Romans carry war across the Alps. In the inter- val the Gallic name did not drop out of sight entirely, for even in Asia Minor Roman armies had to contend with Gauls. Up to the middle of the second century before Christ the relations between Rome and Transalpine Gaul seem to have been not unfriendly. Massiiia. Massilia (the modern Marseilles), in southern Gaul, was founded about six hundred years before the Christian era by Greeks from the Ionian city of Phocaea. They brought with them to their Gallic home Greek customs and letters. Other Greeks, too, settled along the coast of the Mediterranean, and hence a flavor -of Greek culture pervaded the life of this region and gradually spread into the interior. In 154 B.C. Massilia and two of her dependent cities found themselves threatened by neighboring Ligurian tribes. Massilia had been a steadfast friend of Rome, and in her distress she asked aid of the Romans. This was promptly granted, and an army was sent, which defeated the Ligurians and relieved the depend- encies of Massilia. It is rather surprising that a pretext had not been found before this for the invasion of Transalpine Gaul, for Spain had been subject to Rome for half a century, and the direct road to Spain led through southern Gaul. But in spite of this, Rome does not seem to have profited very much from this first victory. In 125 B.C. Massilia again asked help, which was again Roman coio- granted. In 122 B.C. the first Roman settlement in Transalpine nies m Trans- Q au \ was m ade at Aquae Sextiae (Aix). Roman armies defeated alpine Gaul. ^ the powerful Arverni and Allobroges, and in 118 B.C. the consul Quintus Marcius Rex extended the conquests of Rome so that the road through southern Gaul to the Pyrenees was completely opened. In the same year the important colony of Narbo Martius (Narbonne) was established. The Cimbri A strange, fierce enemy soon brought terror to Gauls and and Teuton!. R omans a iik e< Vast hordes of barbarians, the Cimbri and GALLIC WARS BEFORE 58 B.C. 5 Teutoni, suddenly appeared on the very borders of civilization. The Cimbri are thought to have dwelt in Jutland, and it was said they had been driven from their home by an inundation. The Teutoni perhaps lived somewhat farther south. The Roman _consul Gnaeus Papirius Carbo first met the barbarians in Noricum, in 113 B.C. He was defeated, and his army barely escaped annihilation. Later the Cimbri and Teutoni overran Gaul. 1 The people were shut up in their towns and compelled to sustain life by the most direful means. 2 The Belgae alone TheAtuatucL succeeded in protecting their own domains, though the barba- rians left among them their heavy belongings with a guard of six thousand men. These, Caesar tells us, 3 held their own against the surrounding peoples for many years ; but when the main forces of the Cimbri and Teutoni had been destroyed, they finally consented to lay down their arms and to join them- selves with the Belgae under the name Atuatuci. The . Romans were long unable to make headway against the Cimbri and Teutoni. Some of the tribes of Gaul joined forces with the invaders. The Helvetii were a rich, powerful, and peaceful tribe. Excited, however, by cupidity, two of their four cantons, the Tigurini and the Tougeni, took up arms in the hope of plunder. In 107 B.C. they defeated and killed Roman the Roman consul Lucius Cassius Longinus, slaughtered a con- siderable part of his army, and sent the rest under the yoke. In this battle was slain the legatits Lucius Piso, great-grandfather of Calpurnia, whom Caesar married just before entering upon the governorship of Gaul. 4 But a more fearful disaster was to come. In 105 B.C. the Cimbri and their allies defeated two Roman armies, killing, it is said, eighty thousand soldiers and half as many camp-followers. Great was the alarm at Rome. Gaius Marius was now the idol of the Roman people. He GaiusMarius. was rough and uncouth, but had displayed great qualities as a strategist and a fighter. He had just vanquished Jugurtha, and the people insisted on making him consul for 104 B.C., to end a Cf.AC.i. 33. 2 Cf. B. G. 7. 77. 8^.6.2.29. 4 Cf. B.C. i. 7 and 12. 6 INTRODUCTION the war against the Cimbri and Teutoni. These, however, in- stead of invading Italy, turned aside to Spain, where they re- mained two years. Marius was reflected for 103 B.C., and again for 102. In the latter year the barbarians returned from Spain. Marius was on the watch for them, and at Aquae Sextiae met the Teutoni as they passed through southern Gaul, inflicting a crushing defeat upon them. But the Cimbri reached Cisalpine Gaul by another route. In 101 B.C. Marius, consul for the fifth time, and Quintus Lutatius Catulus gained a complete victory over them at Vercellae. 1 From this time on there was comparative peace in Gaul for many years. The war with Sertorius in Spain affected Gaul somewhat, but Pompey allayed all disaffection. In 63 B.C., at Envoys of the the time of the conspiracy of Catiline, envoys of the Allobroges Allobroges in were at R ome seeking redress for official abuses in their own Rome. land. The conspirators tried to involve them in the conspiracy, but without success. It was through them that Cicero obtained the final proofs convicting Lentulus and other associates of Catiline. A grateful senate thanked the envoys but did not correct the abuses. The Allobroges rose in revolt. Though they were subdued, they long remained restive. 2 i Extent of RO- Gaul just before Caesar's Governorship. Roman power about man power in 6o B>c> exten ded to Lake Geneva, and from the Rhone to the Transalpine Gaul. Alps. Farther west it covered the southern coast of Gaul and the country for a considerable distance inland. The simple name provincia (modern Provence) is used by Caesar to designate this province. The governor of Cisalpine Gaul seems sometimes to have had jurisdiction over the Transalpine province also. TWO factions Outside the province there had long been two factions in in aui. Gaul. 3 The leading place in oqe was held by the Haedui, and the Sequani and Arverni led the other. The Haedui and Sequani dwelt on opposite sides of the Arar (Saone) and quarreled with each other for the control of the river and the tolls of the traffic 1 Cf. B. G. I. 40. 2 Cf. B.C. i. 6 and 44. 3 Cf. B.G. I. 31 and 6. 12. GALLIC WARS BEFORE 58 B.C. 7 upon it. The Haedui were allies of the Roman people, and were strong from their military valor and numerous depend- encies. When the Arverni and Sequani were unable to hold their own against the Haedui, they invited the Suebi to come across the Rhine from Germany to assist them. 1 At first only a few came, but soon others followed, until there were in Gaul a hundred and twenty thousand Germans. Ariovistus, king and general- in-chief of the allies, defeated the Haedui at Mage- The Haedui tobriga, probably in the year 60 B.C. He compelled the aefeated/>y ' r J J r Ariovistus. Haedui to swear never to ask aid of the Roman people. The druid Diviciacus, who alone did not suffer himself to be bound by this oath, went to Rome to ask aid, but without success. Ariovistus proved a hard master to the Sequani, whom he had come to assist. They were first deprived of a third of their lands, and afterwards another third was demanded. If the Romans had not finally interfered, all Gaul might have become Ger- manized, with results impossible to calculate. In the year 61 B.C. the Helvetii, a large tribe inhabiting a The Helvetia district having nearly the boundaries of modern Switzerland, prepare to . migrate, determined to migrate from home and settle in the southwestern part of Gaul. 2 The smallness of their country was the reason assigned, and the coming of so many Germans into Gaul no doubt was another reason for their determination. The de- parture was set for the spring of 58 B.C., and the intervening time was to be spent in preparation. Alarming reports of the threatening danger reached Rome. A new Gallic war was feared, but the successes of Ariovistus calmed this fear to some extent. As yet, the peril from the presence of the German hordes in Gaul was thought to be distinctly less than that from some great movement of the Gauls themselves. In spite of the alliance between the Haedui and Rome, Caesar during his consulship, in 59 B.C., caused the senate to address Ariovistus as "king and friend." 3 In this year by the Lex Vatinia the p^ t " d a ^ v . Roman people gave Caesar, as proconsul, the provinces of emorofGaui 1 Cf. B.C. i. 31. 2 Cf . BmGm I 2> 3 C f. B.C. i. 35. ' - 8 INTRODUCTION Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricura and granted him an army of three legions. To this the senate added Transalpine Gaul and a fourth legion. THE LIFE OF CAESAR Birth, The First Period. Julius Caesar (Gains lulius Caesar) was loo [102 j . . k onlj accorc ii n g to the common account, July 12, 100 B.C., though some put the date two years earlier. He was of a noble family, several members of which, but not his father or grand- father, had held the consulship. The name lulius was sup- posed to be derived from that of the son of Aeneas, lulus, who was the reputed founder of the Julian house. Thus the lineage Family. of the family was traced back to the gods ; for Aeneas was the son of Venus, /and grandson of Jove. Through his father's mother Caesar claimed descent from King Ancus. The family, though noble, was allied with the democracy. Marius, who conquered Jugurtha and the Cimbri and Teutoni, and who, though he became seven times consul, was yet a man of the people, had married the sister of Caesar's father. Thus connected with the populares, the party of the people, as well as with the optimates, the party of the aristocracy or senatorial nobility, Caesar favored the former. His uncle Marius became his model, though he tried to avoid the coarseness and brutality which disfigured the life of the other. By his words in the fortieth chapter of the first book of the Gallic War he seems to suggest a comparison between himself and his uncle. Youth and Caesar's youth was passed in troublous times. The Social early \y ar an ^ tne first Civil War early inured him to the sight and training. thought of bloodshed. Little is known of his boyhood. He lost his father at an early age, and much of his training was in the hands of his mother. He probably studied with the best teachers to be had at Rome. The name of one is given, Gnipho, a native of Cisalpine Gaul, who was a grammarian and rhetorician of repute. THE LIFE OF CAESAR 9 In 87 B.C., when Caesar was only thirteen (or fifteen, if we namen Diaiis, accept the earlier date for his birth), Marius caused him to be 87 ' c ' appointed flamen Diaiis, or priest of Jupiter. This position gave dignity, but little else. The next year Marius died. Sulla was now the leader of the optimates. After the death of Marius this party gained the ascendancy, and Sulla made Caesar an object of persecution. In 83 B.C. the latter married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna, who had been a friend of Marius and his colleague in the consulship. Sulla ordered him to divorce his Persecuted wife. Pompey obeyed a similar order, but Caesar refused to b y Sulla - obey, and preferred to be outlawed and to lose priesthood and possessions. For some time he wandered a fugitive among the Sabine mountains. Sulla finally yielded to entreaty and par- doned him, remarking at the same time that the youth would one day be the ruin of the optimates, for there was many a Marius in him. Caesar saw some military service in Asia, and in 80 B.C. First miii- won a 'civic crown' of oak leaves by saving the life of a tary service - Roman citizen. Two years later he returned to Rome. Sulla was dead, and no doubt Caesar expected, in the party strife likely to follow, a favorable opportunity to enter public life. None appearing, he adopted a common device for attracting public notice. He brought against Gnaeus JDolabella, who had governed Macedonia as proconsul, a charge of extortion in his province, in a speech which was greatly admired, though the influence of the optimates was sufficient to secure the acquittal of the accused. A hint from the optimates that his absence from Rome for a time would be desirable perhaps strengthened in Caesar's mind, if it did not actually awaken, a desire to study oratory abroad under a great teacher, Molo of Foreign Rhodes. On the way to Rhodes, so the story goes, he was captured by pirates and held until a ransom should be paid. He was very friendly with the pirates, informing them, how- ever, that when liberated he should return and crucify them all. The pirates enjoyed the joke hugely, but Caesar kept his 10 INTRODUCTION Beginning of political career, 68 B.C. Aedile, 65 B.C. Conspiracy of Catiline, 63 B.C. Pontifex inaximus. word. During his absence from Rome he raised troops, though he held no military commission, and succeeded in maintaining the authority of Rome in certain cities of Asia Minor which Mithridates was trying to win over. Having returned to Rome, Caesar was military tribune in 74 B.C. In 68 B.C. he was one of the quaestors, or state treasurers. During this year his wife, Cornelia, and his aunt Julia, widow of Marius, died, and he pronounced funeral orations over both. Afterwards his duties as quaestor took him to Farther Spain. In 65 B.C. he was aedile. The aediles had charge of the public buildings and superintendence of public games and festivals. The state granted to them for expenses a certain sum of money, to -which they themselves usually added large amounts. By his unprecedented lavish- ness of expenditure Caesar completely won the favor of the masses. He exhibited so many gladiators in the games that the senate through fear set a limit to the number of slaves which .might be thus employed. Caesar left the aedileship owing enormous sums of money. In 63 B.C. occurred the conspiracy of Catiline. Lucius Sergius Catilina, represented by Roman writers as a brave but * totally unprincipled man, had planned with others to massacre the leaders of the optimates, pillage Rome, and seize the government. The plot was thwarted by Cicero, who had the previous year defeated Catiline in his candidacy for the consul- ship. Caesar was thought by many to have been implicated in this conspiracy, and some modern scholars have even be- lieved that Catiline was a mere tool in his hands. The truth cannot now be known, but Cicero, in his fourth oration against Catiline, manifests considerable anxiety to gain the good will of Caesar, evidently feeling that he is a man to be reckoned with. In this year Caesar was elected pontifex maximus, official head of the state religion, in spite of the utmost efforts of the optimates to elect their candidate. This election quieted for a time his creditors. He held the priesthood as long as he lived. THE LIFE OF CAESAR 1 1 In 62 B.C. Caesar was praetor. The next year he was Praetor, governor of Farther Spain, where he gained some military 62BiC - successes and accumulated a large amount of money, which enabled him to pay his debts. In the following year he be- came a candidate for the consulship. The most prominent man in Rome at this time was Gnaeus Pompeius (Pompey). Recent successful military operations in Asia had given him unbounded popularity, and although he had adhered to the aristocratic party during the struggle between Marius and Sulla, he had for some time been coquetting with the populares. Crassus was the wealthiest man in Rome. He had political ambitions, and was in close relations with Caesar, to whom he had lent money. These three men formed a political league, generally known in history as the First Triumvirate. Each The First of the three no doubt expected to use the others for his own ad- Trium -viratt 60 B.C. vantage, but the sequel showed the prestige of Pompey and the wealth of Crassus unequally matched against the brains of Caesar. Caesar was consul in 59 B.C. Supported by the influence consul, of Pompey and Crassus, he conducted affairs with vigor and 59B - C - ability, securing the passage of some really excellent laws. He received, as proconsul, according to custom, a provincial gov- Appointed ernorship. His province included Cisalpine Gaul, Transalpine sovernor 01 (jcLlU. Gaul, and Illyricum, and the appointment was for five years. The friendship between Pompey and Caesar was strengthened by the marriage of Caesar's daughter Julia to Pompey. Caesar, whose second wife had been divorced by him, married Cal- purnia, daughter of Lucius Calpurnius Piso, one of the consuls of the year 58 B.C. The governorship of Gaul afforded Caesar the opportunity Anadvan- which he wished. The province was near enough to Rome to allow him to keep in close touch with the political life of the capital, especially since he usually spent his winters in Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum. Transalpine Gaul gave him a field for military action, allowed him to train an army, and furnished 12 INTRODUCTION him the money which he needed to further his ambitions. It is altogether probable that Caesar conceived at the outset the intention of conquering that portion of Gaul which still remained free, and that he hoped and expected to become the first power in the Roman world ; but it is by no means certain, perhaps is improbable, that he then aimed at the subversion of the republican constitution and the overthrow of the power of the senate which he afterwards accomplished. The Period of the Gallic War. Caesar spent the first three 58 B.C. months of the year 58 B.C. near Rome. There were prepara- tions to be made. Besides, he had to defend himself against charges of maladministration in his consulship, the usual lot of an ex-consul. Meanwhile disquieting rumors came to Rome. It was reported that the Helvetii were to assemble March 28 at the bank of the Rhone, to begin the migration for which they had been preparing. Caesar recognized that" this move- ment must be stopped, and accordingly he started for his province, arriving on the farther side of the Alps in April. Soon after he was in Geneva and saw how matters stood. By midsummer he had checked the migration, killing, accord- ing to his own story, more than two thirds of the Helvetii and their allies, and compelling the rest to return to the lands from which they had come. He then turned his attention to Ariovistus and the Germans, who were in Gaul ostensibly for the purpose of protecting certain Gallic states against others. By the end of the campaign of this year he had freed Gaul from the German invaders. In 57 B.C. an uprising took place among the Belgae, who dwelt in the northern part of Gaul. They felt sure that Cae- sar's coming boded no good to themselves, or to Gaul in gen- eral. Caesar defeated them in two pitched battles and several smaller engagements and broke their military prestige. During B. G. HI, 1-6. the winter of 57-56 B.C. Servius Galba, who was quartered with a part of the army among the tribes near the Alps, was at- THE LIFE OF CAESAR 13 tacked by the natives, and, though he extricated himself, yet thought it better to move his winter quarters into a more . friendly region. In the spring of 56 B.C. Caesar met Pompey and Crassus 56 B.C. at Luca in Etruria. It was agreed that at the expiration of Caesar's term as governor his command should be extended for five years more. He would then again be eligible to the con- sulship. Pompey and Crassus were to hold the consulship in 55 B.C., and then to receive five-year terms as governors of provinces, Crassus in Syria and Pompey in Spain. After this conference Caesar went back to his province and conducted a successful naval campaign against some of the tribes of the 5.6.111,7-29 western coast. Labienus, Caesar's legatus, held in check the Belgae ; Sabinus, another legatus, defeated the Venelli and allied tribes ; while Publius Crassus, son of *the triumvir, who was serving with Caesar, received the submission of the greater part of Aquitania. In the year 55 B.C. the Usipetes and Tencteri, German 55 B.C., tribes, crossed the Rhine and established themselves on the B - G - IV - Gallic side of the river. It was contrary to Caesar's policy to allow them to remain there, and so he marched against them. He had no great difficulty in defeating them, and determined to follow up his advantage by crossing the Rhine. Accordingly he built a bridge over the river and led his army across. He did not remain long, however, but returned after ravaging the country. Though summer was well advanced, he then crossed over into Britain. His purpose in so doing was to reconnoiter the country and, if time permitted, to punish the Britons, who had repeatedly aided the Gauls in their con- flicts with the Romans. Only the first part of his purpose was accomplished, but the knowledge gained proved useful in the following year. The earlier part of the year 154 B.C. was devoted to a second 54 BC B P V expedition to Britain. Caesar crossed the channel with five legions and half of his cavalry. A storm destroyed a part of |i 14 INTRODUCTION I his ships, which were lying at anchor, so that he thought it I . best to beach those which were left. He then proceeded 'I towards the interior of the island and crossed the River ;| Thames. After some fighting, and partial submission on the part of the Britons, the Romans returned to Gaul. The legions were placed in several camps for the winter. The division under command of Sabinus and Cotta was attacked by the Eburones under Ambiorix and practically annihilated. An- other division, commanded by Quintus Cicero, brother of the orator, was also attacked, but defended itself heroically until it was relieved by Caesar's arrival. 53 B.C., At the opening of 53 B.C. the situation in Gaul was threaten- B. G. vi. - n g^ -pj^ B e ig ae were disaffected and were intriguing with the Germans. Caesar ravaged the country of the Nervii. His great purpose this year was to take vengeance on the Eburones and Ambiorix for their acts of the previous year. Ambiorix contrived to elude him, but the Eburones were destroyed. Labienus defeated the Treveri, and Caesar, to frighten the Germans who had assisted the Treveri, crossed the Rhine a second time. 52 B.C., The next year, 5 2 B.C., saw the culmination of the war. The B. G. vii. Roman government was thrown into confusion early in the year by the murder of Clodius, a disreputable leader of the popular party and the bitter enemy of Cicero. The Gauls thought this a favorable opportunity to strike a supreme blow for liberty. A leader arose in Vercingetorix, who, had he appeared at an earlier period in the war, might have rendered more difficult, if not impossible, the task of subjugation which Caesar carried through. "The seventh book is a tragedy, with the revolt of Gaul for its subject and for its hero Vercingetorix." The Gauls planned to prevent Caesar from joining his army, which could thus be more easily dealt with ; but Caesar, as usual, was too quick for them. He traveled secretly from Cisalpine Gaul and arrived before his enemies were aware of his approach. Now began the great final struggle. With the exception of the THE LIFE OF CAESAR 15 peoples of Aquitania, barely three or four tribes in all Gaul held aloof from the movement. The struggle ended at Alesia ; the gallant leader surrendered, and Gaul was Caesar's. The next two years, 51 and 50 B.C., were spent in calming minor disturbances and conquering the few tribes which still fi - G - vm - held out. By the capture of Uxellodunum the conquest of the country was completed. The Period of the Civil War. The compact of Luca had been all but carried out. Crassus had gone to his province in 54 B.C. and had been killed there. Pompey governed Spain through a deputy, remaining himself near Rome. The con- Relations of trol of the Roman world lay in the hands of Caesar and Pom- Caesa * and J Pompey. pey. Between these two, of whom a writer has said that Caesar could not brook a superior, Pompey an equal, a breach was sure to come. Pompey was becoming jealous of Caesar's great popularity and influence, and was being led to identify himself more and more with the senatorial, or aristocratic, party. The death, in 54 B.C., of Caesar's daughter Julia, wife of Pompey, to whom both her husband and her father were devotedly attached, severed a strong bond of union between the two men. An event which served to hasten the rupture occurred in 52 B.C. This was the murder of Clodius, mentioned above. Owing to the bitterness of feeling which led to this murder, and which was raised to a high pitch after it, the capital was rilled for a time with anarchy and tumult. Order was not restored until the appointment of Pompey as consul without colleague. This appointment marked the end of Pompey's nominal alliance with the popular party and the beginning of his real alliance with the senatorial party. The senate, though corrupt, was yet the guardian of the constitution, and was determined to curb the growing power of Caesar and prevent, if possible, the fulfilment of his further ambitions. Pompey had a supreme confidence that his military renown and present i6 INTRODUCTION The imme- diate causes of the war. The senate's ultimatum. The begin- ning of the struggle, 49 B.C. power would prove an overmatch for Caesar's strength and reputation resulting from the Gallic War. Caesar knew that if he were to become a private citizen, he would quickly be put at the mercy of his enemies. While in office, he could not be impeached, but many were lying in wait to attack him the moment the shield of official position should be removed. Accordingly he wished to become a candidate for the consulship of 48 B.C., since his term of office as governor of Gaul would expire in 49 B.C. This had, indeed, been a part of the program arranged at Luca. But he could not legally become a candidate unless actually in Rome, nor could he legally come to Rome so long as he retained the gov- ernorship. Caesar's enemies insisted on the strict application of the laws to his case, while he wished to be elected to the consulship in his absence. The senate tried by various ex- pedients to shorten his term of office and weaken his army. Caesar proposed concessions, even offering to resign his com- mand if Pompey would do the same. This Pompey refused to do. Finally the senate voted that Caesar should disband his army before a certain day, 1 or be regarded a public enemy. The consuls were invested with dictatorial power, and Pompey was placed in command of the senatorial army. War thus became inevitable. Caesar crossed the Rubicon, which formed the boundary line between his province and Italy, and marched southward. City after city surrendered to him as he advanced. Pompey fell back to Brundisium, whither Caesar followed him. Pompey then abandoned Italy and crossed over to Greece. This left Caesar master of Rome and Italy less than three months after the beginning of the war. But though he commanded Italy, Pompey was in Greece and a powerful army under Pompey's generals held Spain. Sicily, Sardinia, and Africa were also occupied 1 Whether Caesar's term was legally to expire March i, 49 B.C., or was to continue to the end of the year, he had counted on remaining in office until the beginning of 48. THE LIFE OF CAESAR 17 by adherents of the senatorial party. Sending some of his generals against these, Caesar himself set out for Spain. On the way, as Massilia refused to submit to him, he laid siege to the town. Not being immediately successful, he left a force to continue the siege and proceeded to Spain. In a little more than a month he defeated the Pompeians there, and returning through Gaul found Massilia just on the point of sur- rendering. After its surrender he returned to Rome and assumed the office of dictator, to which he had been appointed Dictator, in his absence. He laid down this office after eleven days, but not before he had caused some important laws to be passed, and had held an election in which he was chosen for the consulship of the next year. He now turned his attention to Pompey, who was still in Greece and had greatly enlarged his army by recruits from Greece and the East. After a vigorous campaign of more than six months he defeated this army in the decisive battle of Pharsaius, in August, 48 B.C. Pompey in despair crossed Pharsaius, over into Egypt, where he asked the protection of Ptolemy, 48 B.C. the king ; but he was treacherously murdered by order of the Murder of king's advisers. Caesar is said to have shed tears on learning pom P e 7- of the death of his rival. After Pompey's death Caesar became involved in wars in Egypt and Asia Minor. When these had been successfully finished, he returned to Rome, but soon set out for Africa, where there was still a senatorial army. In April, 46 B.C., he defeated this army in the battle of Thapsus, and all northern Thapsus, Africa submitted to his authority. He returned to Rome again 46B - C - and celebrated magnificent triumphs, though not for his victo- ries over Roman citizens. The half- forgotten Gallic hero Ver- cingetorix was dragged from the Roman dungeon where he had lain for six years, led in Caesar's triumphal procession, and then solemnly beheaded at the foot of the Capitol as a warning to Execution 'traitors.' Public thanksgivings of unprecedented length were decreed, and honors of all sorts were showered upon the con- orix. i8 INTRODUCTION Dictator for ten years. Munda, 45 B.C. Imperator. queror. He seemed to win all hearts by his clemency. He was created dictator for ten years (afterwards for life) and made guardian of the public morals. He was already pontifex maxim us, and in these several capacities he made many whole- some laws and reforms, one of the most important being the reform of the calendar, which had come to vary greatly from the solar year. In commemoration of this reform the name July (inensis Julius) was given to the month Quinctilis, in which he was born, and the calendar established by him, slightly changed, is the one we still use. In 45 B.C. fighting was resumed, this time in Spain, but after a vigorous campaign the final victory was won at Munda, and Caesar was master of the Roman world. .He was now hardly past the prime of life, and could apparently look forward to many years of power. The senate conferred upon him the title imperator (military head of the state), which was to be held for life and was probably intended to be hereditary. This made him practically the first of a line of monarchs, though lacking the title of king. Probably this title too would have been given him but for the deep hatred which the Romans had for the kingly name. But he was hailed as pater patriae, and his por- trait was placed on Roman coins. As head of the state he took to himself the prerogatives, if not the name, of royalty. He maintained a splendid court, and undertook to reward his friends and adherents in right princely fashion. He planned great public works, such as the establishment of a library and the digging of a canal through the isthmus of Corinth. More and greater than this, he began to make extensive and far- reaching changes in the Roman constitution, looking toward the reorganization of the government of the whole empire. Not all Romans were content with things as they were and with the prospects for the future. There were men who looked with disfavor on the honors and power conferred upon Caesar. As early as the beginning of 44 B.C. a conspiracy was begun, which had for its object the killing of the 'tyrant' and the res- LIFE OF CAESAR 19 toration of the republic. Some of the conspirators were actu- ated by patriotic motives, while others were Caesar's personal enemies. The assassination took place on the Ides of March, Death, as planned, but the reestablishment of the republic was impos- . March J 5 44 " , \j j. sible. Caesar's death plunged the state into anarchy and confusion, from which it was not rescued until his successor Augustus was firmly established upon the imperial throne. Caesar, the Man. For details regarding Caesar's personal Physical appearance we have to depend on the gossip of later writers, since none of the many existing statues and busts is known to have been taken from life, or to represent the man as he actu- ally was. Suetonius says that he was tall and slender, with a fair complexion and bright, black eyes. His health was gener- ally good, and he was capable of great endurance. He seemed never to feel fatigue, and could travel night and day, sleeping in his carriage. Late in life, however, he became subject to epilepsy. He was very fastidious in dress, and received with delight the honor bestowed by the senate in authorizing him to wear in public a crown of bay, because thereby he could hide his growing baldness. Caesar was a man of remarkable mental strength and Moral unbounded confidence in himself and in his destiny. Ambition Qualities. was his ruling passion, and to that everything else was subordi- nate. He seems to have been by nature kind-hearted and generous, and he boasts of his clemency ; yet his cruelties in his Gallic campaigns are appalling. He tells of them himself, how- ever, apparently with perfect frankness. In the Civil War and afterward his forbearance toward the vanquished was politic and most admirable. In the use of money he was lavish and altogether unscrupulous. Bribery, direct and indirect, was one of his chief methods of attracting support, at least in his earlier career. But no one was more faithful to a friend than he, and he had warm friends in all ranks of life. The soldiers of his army were devoted to him. So were many of his personal 20 INTRODUCTION Varied activities. De Bella Gallico. friends ; yet some of his greatest troubles, and at last his death, came from the treachery of men in whose friendship he had confided. Caesar's ability manifested itself in everything which he under- took, and in many different ways. Though in early life he had comparatively little military experience, yet after the age of forty he became one of the world's greatest generals. His en- gineering works were worthy of one bred to the life of an engi- neer. As an orator the Romans ranked him second to Cicero only. As a writer he cultivated the fields of poetry, history, sci- ence, philosophy, and all of them with success. His work as a statesman gave definite shape to the subsequent history of Rome, and through her strongly influenced the destinies of mankind. Caesar's Commentaries. Besides some fragments, the only writings of Caesar which have been preserved, to us are the Commentaries on the Gallic War and the Commentaries on the Civil War. The style of these is direct and, for the most part, clear. The work on the Civil War is in three books, with con- tinuations in three books by other hands. Caesar's account of the Gallic War is in seven books, to which an eighth was added by another writer, probably Hirtius, one of Caesar's officers. The events are narrated by years, each year usually occupying a book. Caesar speaks of himself in the third person. The general trustworthiness of the account seems fairly well established, though Caesar represents his own motives in the most favorable light, and very likely sometimes suppresses troublesome facts. Minor discrepancies between different parts of the work are no doubt due to haste of compo- sition, or to the fact that the different parts were composed at different times. Some mistakes may be due to corruptions which crept in while the text was transmitted in handwritten copies during the centuries before the invention of printing. The Commentaries on the Gallic War give us many curious facts about the world outside of Rome. Almost our earliest oa . / Mont Bquvray / Toulon-sur-Arroux Longitude "West 2 from Greenwich MODERN MAP 50 T E R - ie East from Greenwich 8 * MAP Rouen Beauvais Berif-au-Bac Longitude "West 2 from Greenwich 4 Longitude East MODERN' MAP 50 jittide East G from Greenwich 8 12 :RN T MAP CAESAR'S FIELD OF OPERATIONS 21 trustworthy information regarding Britain, Germany, and Gaul Interest and comes from them. Caesar was a close observer; though he was sometimes imposed upon by false information, yet modern investigation verifies many of his seemingly improbable state- ments. These lands were to the Romans the home of the wild, the strange, and the impossible, and far more extravagant stories than Caesar tells would readily have been believed of them. Caesar himself was the ex- plorer, conqueror, and histo- rian of this strange world. A halo of romance crowns the hero who carries his country's arms into an unknown land, far more than him whose deeds are done in the plain sight of his countrymen. Moreover, Caesar's deeds in Gaul were by no means insignificant in themselves. In ten years, according to Plutarch, he took more than eight hundred towns, conquered three hundred tribes, and fought with three millions of men, killing one million and capturing another. Besides, he freed Rome from a fear which had haunted her for centuries, and opened a new world to the Romans for colonization and occupation. A COIN OF CAESAR CAESAR'S FIELD OF MILITARY OPERA- TIONS Gaul. Gaul in Caesar's time included Gallia Cisalpina Divisions ('Gaul this side the Alps,' i.e. northern Italy) and Gallia ofGaul - Transalpine!, ('Gaul across the Alps'). Gallia Cisalpina was also called Gallia Citerior ('Hither Gaul'). It came to be regarded as an integral part of Italy, and Caesar sometimes says Italia when he refers to Cisalpine Gaul. 1 Gallia Transal- 1 E.g. B. G. i. 10. A GALLIC CHIEF 22 ' CAESAR'S FIELD OF OPERATIONS pina, or Gallia Ulterior ('Farther Gaul'), included modern France, the most of Switzerland, Germany west of the Rhine, Belgium, and a part of Holland. The Roman province (Gallia provincia, sometimes called simply provincia) occupied the southeastern part of this region. The rest of Transalpine Gaul was divided, Caesar tells us, 1 into three parts, inhabited respectively by the Belgae, the Aquitani, and the Celtae, or Galli proper. Caesar sometimes uses' the name Gallia to designate the division inhabited by the Celtae ; elsewhere by Gallia he generally means Transalpine Gaul exclusive of the province. The soil of Gaul was fertile, producing cereals and timber, Soil, climate and supporting large numbers of cattle and swine. The climate P roductlons - seems to have been somewhat colder than that of the same regions to-day, though the valley of the Rhone closely resem- bled Italy in climate and products. Minerals gold, silver, iron, and copper were found in different parts of the coun- try, and the Aquitani especially were skilled in mining and quarrying. Caesar's division of the inhabitants of Gaul into Belgae, inhabitants. Aquitani, and Celtae, though not strictly scientific, is con- venient for understanding his narrative of the Gallic War. In reality no one of these peoples was homogeneous. Modern researches show that each included more than one race, or type. A part of the Aquitani seem to have been akin to the Aquitani. Iberians of Spain; but along with them dwelt another race, very likely belonging to the Ligurian stock, which we know inhabited other parts of southern Gaul. The relation between these two races and the modern Basques, who dwell among the Pyrenees, has not been determined with certainty. In sharp contrast to the Aquitani stood the Belgae and Belgae and Celtae. The Aquitani were a small, dark people. The Gauls, Celtae> or Celts, are represented by ancient writers as tall and large, with fair complexion, red or yellowish hair, and fierce blue 1 E.G. i. i. INTRODUCTION Language. Character, civilization, and mode of life. eyes. Long before Caesar's time a people having these char- acteristics had invaded and conquered Gaul with the exception of Aquitania. The mixture, or partial amalgamation, of these invaders with the aboriginal race or races of central Gaul con- stituted Caesar's Celtae. The invaders of the north may have differed slightly from those farther south, though essentially the same race. These northern invaders were the Belgae, who were perhaps more or less mixed with Germans. According to a statement reported by Caesar as made to him by Belgian chiefs, the most of the Belgae were of German origin. 1 Caesar speaks of a difference in language between the Belgae and the Celtae, but this difference was probably only slight. The languages of both belonged, of course, to the Celtic family, living members of which are still found in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and elsewhere. The languages of the Celtic group closely resemble those of the Italic group, of which Latin is one. Of the Celtic of Caesar's time no texts are preserved, but there are numerous proper names and a few other words. The lan- guage of the Belgae may have had some German admixture. The Gauls were a lively race, fond of boasting, curious, quick to learn, quarrelsome among themselves, but generous and sympathetic. Caesar often speaks of their changeableness. They were prone to excess in eating and drinking. They loved to deck themselves out with golden ornaments. Their ordi- nary clothing consisted of a woolen shirt or tunic, trousers, and a colored cloak, probably somewhat like a Scottish plaid. Their houses were generally of timber or wattlework, round, and covered with thatch. They had some skill in mechanic arts, such as bridge-building and other kinds of engineering. They had passed so far from the barbarian stage that they even had a crude literature, art, and philosophy of their own. The Celtae were more civilized than the Belgae. The Aquitani were com- paratively unimportant, and less is known of them than of the other Gauls. * B.G. 2. 4. CAESAR'S FIELD OF OPERATIONS The Gauls were brave in battle. The Belgae especially had Military great repute among the other Gauls for military prowess, be- , spirit - cause they alone had successfully resisted the invasion of the Cimbri and Teutoni. 1 The Gauls were full of fiery impetuosity, but lacked endurance, and hence were at a disadvantage with the smaller and more wiry Romans. Their weapons were huge GALLIC HOUSES swords and lances, and they made comparatively little use of defensive armor. Cavalry formed a large part of their fighting strength. The time had been when they carried their arms across the Rhine into Germany, but in the first century before Christ the tide of invasion was running the other way. There had been a marked decline of martial spirit, due partly to the corrupting influences coming from the Roman province. The 1 Cf. B. G. 2. 4. A GALLIC SOLDIER 26 CAESAR'S FIELD OF OPERATIONS 27 Greek culture which at an early period pervaded southern Gaul from Massilia and the other Greek settlements had been par- tially replaced by a vicious sort of Roman culture. The population of Gaul was very numerous. Napoleon III Population, estimated that in Caesar's time the country had more than seven million inhabitants. They were divided into many tribes, sixty, according to one authority, over three hundred, accord- ing to another. The apparent discrepancy is due to the fact that some tribes were subdivided, and the name of a large tribe often covered smaller dependent tribes. There was no national unity, though some of the larger Political tribes exercised a virtual sovereignty over others. Each tribe C(mditl gestus, a platform or mound from which the general addressed his soldiers assembled in the forum. Around the wall, on the inside, a space of two hundred feet was left clear, that there of the camp. ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION 43 might be room for necessary movements of troops within the camp, and that missiles from without might not reach the soldiers in their tents. The tents (tabernacula) were usually of leather or skins (pelles}. Ten soldiers occupied a tent to- gether, constituting a mess (contuberniuni) . The details of arrangement of Caesar's camps are unknown, but the accom- panying illustration probably represents them approximately. The fortifications of the camp consisted of a rampart Fortifica- (vallum, agger) and a trench (fossa} outside the wall. Accord- tion of the ing to a late Roman writer the normal width of the trench was twelve feet, and the depth nine feet. This, if correct in the main, was of course constantly varied. Caesar often gives one dimension of his trenches, without specifying which one. In these cases width at the top is meant. The depth was less im- portant, and probably bore a fixed ratio to the width. These trenches were not ordinarily filled with water. The earth re- moved in excavation was used in building the rampart. This was often strengthened by sods on the outside, and by logs or brushwood imbedded in the rampart itself. Obviously the size of the rampart would vary with the depth and width of the trench. No doubt it was usually at least six feet in height. The top was made flat, and wide enough to give firm footing for a row of soldiers. Often a parapet (lorica) of stakes (valli) was placed along the outer edge, to serve as a protection for the soldiers in case of an attack upon the camp. Wooden towers were sometimes built at intervals along the wall and connected by gangways or bridges (pontes). The gates were protected by earthworks so built that those entering must expose their right sides, which were unprotected by shields, to the defenders. Winter camps (Jiiberna) differed from summer Winter camps chiefly in being more strongly fortified and in having uarters - wooden barracks in place of tents. 1 Pickets (stationes) were thrown forward outside the gates in Guards, sufficient numbers to provide against surprise. Sometimes 1 Cf. B. G. 3. 29. 44 INTRODUCTION the picket consisted of a single cohort and some cavalry. In times of great danger this force was largely increased. At Avaricum 1 two- legions were quartered before the camp. Senti- nels (vigiliae), who were relieved at regular intervals of three hours (hence the use of vigilia as a measure of time), kept guard during the night. J 10 L J TRIPLEX AC IBS The Army in Action. The usual formation for battle was Triplex acies. a triple line (triplex acies]. When a legion was arranged in triple line, four cohorts stood in the front row, three in the sec- ond, and three in the third. The three maniples of a cohort were probably stationed side by side, the first centuries ahead of the second. If the century contained sixty men, the arrange- ment was very likely fifteen front and four deep. Thus each co- Manip. Ill Manip. II Manip. I ARRANGEMENT OF A COHORT hort would have a depth of eight men and a front of forty-five. According to a late writer each soldier had a right-and-left space of three feet in the rank, and the ranks were six feet apart. So, if we allow seven or eight feet between the maniples and a few feet between the centuries of a maniple, a cohort would occupy a rectangle about one hundred and fifty feet by forty-five feet. The space between cohorts may have been equal -to the 1 Cf. B. G. 7. 24. ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION 45 width of a cohort. If so, the legion would occupy a space of more than one thousand feet from right to left. In action the soldiers doubtless moved farther apart, filling the space between the cohorts and presenting an unbroken front to the enemy. When the army joined battle with the enemy, the soldiers in The battle, the first line discharged their pila. Then they rushed for- ward and with swords drawn continued the battle. The char- acter of the weapons used rendered it necessary that fight- ing should be at close range ; in fact, a battle consisted largely of single combats. When the soldiers of the first line became weary, they fell back, and the soldiers of the second line came forward through the intervals. Thus the two lines alternated, while the third line in the rear acted as a reserve ready to come up at the critical moment. The new recruits usually made up the third line, and thus had an opportunity to become accustomed to battle gradually without being put at first in positions of great danger or responsibility. The stand- ards (signa) served as rallying-places for the soldiers. Their position during battle is not known, but probably it was a little behind the first line of cohorts. The battle was won not so much by brute force as by well or- ganized, persistent attack. When an army was once defeated, especially an army of barbarians, it was seldom necessary to defeat the same soldiers again. When the enemy fled, the light-armed infantry and the cavalry, who formed the wings of the army, started in pursuit. Usually most of the defeated were cut down or captured. Those captured were sometimes paroled, but more often they were either killed or sold as slaves. Different formations were adopted to meet various emergen- other cies. The wedge (cunens) was used to make an irresistible attack ormatlons - on a particular spot, or to divide the enemy's line. The orbis was formed when an army, or a part of one, was attacked on the march. It was easy to change from the order of march usual in the vicinity of an enemy 1 to a condensed mass, circle or square, 1 See p. 40. 46 INTRODUCTION offering equal resistance on all sides. The testudo, an arrange- ment in which the soldiers held their shields overlapped above their heads, was of use chiefly in advancing to attack fortified places, where missiles were likely to be received from overhead. The favorite battle-ground of the Romans was the slope of a hill, where they could rush down upon the enemy and throw their pila downward, thus increasing their force. As already stated, camps were usually located in places which gave this advantage of position in case of attack. Operations against Fortified Towns. Many of Caesar's military movements were directed against fortified towns. There were several ways of proceeding against such towns. If the attempt seemed likely to be successful, a sudden attack The assault, (oppugnatio repentina) was made. While the wall was kept clear of defenders by light-armed troops, archers and slingers, and by the use of tormenta, other parts of the attacking army tried to force an entrance into the town by filling up the moats, breaking through the gates, undermining or pulling down the wall, or even sometimes by climbing over it. The attempt was often made before a camp was constructed by the attacking army (ex itinere oppugnare)} The siege. If the place was of considerable strength, a siege (pbsidio, obsessio] might be begun. This often meant starving out the besieged, unless they surrendered before they were reduced to extremities. The town was first surrounded with a series of redoubts (castella) connected by lines of intrenchments (inuni- tiones). Such a series of works is called in modern times a contravallation. Outside of these works were the forces of the besiegers, sometimes divided up among several camps, to ward off sallies against different points in the line. Sometimes an- other line of intrenchments was drawn around the outside, to keep off assistance coming to the besieged from without. Thus it was at Alesia. 2 1 Cf. B. G. 2.12. 2 Cf. B. G. 7. 74. .ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION 47 A third method of procedure was by special siege-works of The attack attack. This was used against places strongly fortified or diffi- by s ^ e " cult of access, and was often combined with the siege proper. The important feature of this method was the building of the VINEA agger. In its usual form this. was an elevated -roadway, built Agger. chiefly of logs. It was begun out of reach of missiles from the wall of the town, and then carried toward the wall, usually at a right angle to it, though sometimes it turned as it ap- PLUTEI preached the wall and ran for some distance parallel to the lat- ter. As the building of the agger progressed, rows of sheds (vineae) open at the ends were placed end to end on the com- vineae. pleted portion, forming a covered passage along which material could be brought. In front of those engaged in the work were INTRODUCTION PluteL Turn's. Testudines, musculi. plutei, shield-like protections or screens, made of planks or of woven branches and mounted on wheels or rollers. These, as well as the vineae, were often covered with skins, to protect them from fire. As the agger was constructed chiefly of wood, it also might be set on fire ; accordingly the exposed portions were faced with stone or earth, or covered with skins or wet i cloths. The height and general shape of the agger varied of course with the condi- tions. Usually its upper surface formed a plane leading directly toward the base of the wall. If the town was much ele- vated above the surround- ing country, this plane must have had a consider- able upward slope. Some- times, however, it appears that the upper surface of the agger was horizon- TURRIS tal, or nearly so. On it was built a tower (turris), which might be thirty or forty feet square or even larger. This was very solidly made of timber, and was pushed forward on rollers as the agger was completed. The tower was built up in stories until it was as high as the wall. In the top of it were soldiers, whose duty it was to clear the wall of defenders, while their companions below filled up the moat and tried to breach the wall. Men working near the wall were protected by strongly timbered sheds (testudines, musculi}. If the town was on level ground and not difficult of access, sometimes no agger was built, but two towers were moved toward the wall on the surface of the ground itself, while be- tween them the soldiers worked to make a breach. On the ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION 49 agger, or between these towers if no agger was built, the soldiers massed, after the breach was made, to deliver the assault. Some think that the agger was made as high as the top of Different the wall of the town, its purpose being to give a passage for an assaulting column, which might pass from it upon the wall by drawbridges or similar means. Undoubtedly the agger was sometimes as high as the wall. It might even carry more than one tower, and have soldiers stationed on it. There may have been a form of agger which was built parallel to the wall and carried several towers. But it is not certain that the purpose of these forms was different from that of the form first described. The whole subject is one about which greats uncertainty and difference of opinion exist. ARIES AND TESTUDO In breaching the wall various instruments and devices might be used. The battering-ram (aries) consisted of a heavy log Aries. provided with a metallic head, often shaped like a ram's head. It was suspended horizontally by the middle in the interior of a tower or inside a testudo or musculus. The ram was swung backward and forward to strike the wall with its head. Its length was sometimes more than one hundred feet, and a large number of men were required to work it. Thejfo/# was some- Faix. what similar, except that instead of a solid head it had a hook to pull off stones from the wall. Walls were often undermined, and sometimes, where the situation permitted, gates were set on fire by the besiegers. 5 INTRODUCTION Means and Various means were used by the besieged to counteract the resistance e ff rts of the attacking army. Bags of straw or wool were low- ered from the wall to deaden the blows of the ram. Great FALX. rocks were rolled down upon the soldiers and their implements. Nooses or huge tongs were let down to catch the aries and the falx, and either turn them aside or draw them up. Fire-balls, Tormenta. CATAPULT A BALLISTA burning pitch and suet, and blazing arrows were discharged at the agger and turris. Above all, a continuous shower of mis- siles was rained upon the attackers. Both besieged and besiegers were often provided with instru- ments (tormcnta) for hurling heavy missiles. These consisted of heavy crossbows with highly elastic strings of sinew or hair. ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION 5 1 The catapulta discharged huge arrows, either horizontally or with a slight elevation. The scorpio was a smaller weapon of a similar kind. The ballista threw large stones or beams at a considerable angle. Caesar had tormenta, but the Gauls with whom he fought probably did not have them. PROW OF BIREME STERN OF TRIREME The Navy. Ships of war (naves longae) were long and nar- row. They were propelled chiefly by oars, though sails also were used. The trireme was the usual type of war-vessel. It had three banks, or rows, of oars, one above another. The ships were steered by rudders (gubernacula), huge paddles on either side of the stern. At the prow was the beak (rostrum), a piece of timber tipped with bronze or iron, projecting forward near the water-line or sometimes below it. The object of this was to ram the enemy's ship and sink it. Towers were often erected on deck and manned with soldiers in time of battle, and tormenta were used. The fighters were regular legionary soldiers temporarily on board. A favorite manceuver was to catch the enemy's ship with grappling-irons, let down a gang- way, and board the ship. The fighting then was hand-to-hand, just as in a land-battle. The trireme. 5 INTRODUCTION Means and Various means were used by the besieged to counteract the resistance en " orts f the attacking army. Bags of straw or wool were low- ered from the wall to deaden the blows of the ram. Great FALX rocks were rolled down upon the soldiers and their implements. Nooses or huge tongs were let down to catch the (tries and the falx, and either turn them aside or draw them up. Fire-balls, CATAPULT A BALLISTA Tormenta. burning pitch and suet, and blazing arrows were discharged at the agger and turns. Above all, a continuous shower of mis- siles was rained upon the attackers. Both besieged and besiegers were often provided with instru- ments (tormcnfa] for hurling heavy missiles. These consisted of heavy crossbows with highly elastic strings of sinew or hair. ROMAN MILITARY ORGANIZATION The catapulta discharged huge arrows, either horizontally or with a slight elevation. The scorpio was a smaller weapon of a similar kind. The ballista threw large stones or beams at a considerable angle. Caesar had tormenta, but the Gauls with whom he fought probably did not have them. ~-J! PROW OF 151REME STERN OF TRIRKME The Navy. Ships of war (naves longae] were long and nar- row. They were propelled chiefly by oars, though sails also were used. The trireme was the usual type of war-vessel. It had three banks, or rows, of oars, one above another. The ships were steered by rudders (_gubernacula\ huge paddles on either side of the stern. At the prow was the beak (rostrum}, a piece of timber tipped with bronze or iron, projecting forward near the water-line or sometimes below it. The object of this was to ram the enemy's ship and sink it. Towers were often erected on deck and manned with soldiers in time of battle, and tormenta were used. The fighters were regular legionary soldiers temporarily on board. A favorite manceuver was to catch the enemy's ship with grappling-irons, let down a gang- way, and board the ship. The righting then was hand-to-hand, just as in a land-battle. The trireme. 52 INTRODUCTION other kinds Transports (naves onerariae) were wider and shorter than of ships. ships of war. Naves actuariae were vessels propelled by both oars and sails. Navigia speculatoria were small, swift vessels used for reconnoitering. Some of the larger ships were com- pletely decked over, but many were open, or decked only at -prow and stern. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND READING General Histories of Rome Any standard history covering the period of Caesar's life may be consulted. The following are especially valuable : APPIAN : Roman History, translated by White. ARNOLD : History of the Later Roman Commonwealth. DURUY : History of Rome and of the Roman People. FERRERO : Greatness and Decline of Rome. How- LEIGH : History of Rome to the Death of Caesar. IHNE : History of Rome. LIDDELL : History of Rome to the Establishment of the Empire. LONG : Decline of the Roman Republic. MERIVALE : Fall of the Roman Republic. MERIVALE : General History of Rome. MERIVALE : History of the Romans under the Empire. MOMMSEN : History of Rome. PELHAM : Outlines of Roman History. SHUCKBURGH : History of Rome to the Battle of Actium. TAYLOR : Constitutional and Political History of Rome. Histories of Countries Other than Rome CHURCH : Story of Early Britain. GUIZOT : History of France. HUG-STEAD : Story of Switzerland. BOOKS FOR REFERENCE AND READING 53 MONTGOMERY : Leading Facts of French History. SCARTH : Roman Britain. TAYLOR : History of Germany. BiograpJiies and Special Histories ALLCROFT : The Making of the Monarchy. BARING- GOULD : The Tragedy of the Caesars. BOISSIER : Cicero and His Friends. CAESAR : Civil War, translated by Long. DE QUINCEY : The Caesars. DODGE : Caesar. FORSYTH : Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. FOWLER : Julius Caesar and the Foundation of the Roman Imperial System. FROUDE : Caesar, a Sketch. HOLMES : Ancient Britain and the Invasions of Julius Caesar. HOLMES : Caesar's Conquest of Gaul. LIDDELL : Life of Julius Caesar. MERIVALE : The Roman Triumvirates. NAPOLEON III : History of Julius Caesar. OMAN : Seven Roman Statesmen of tfie Later Republic. PLUTARCH : Lives of Illustrious Men : Caesar. STRACHAN-DAVIDSON : Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic. SUETONIUS : Lives of the Twelve Caesars, translated by Thom- son and Forester. TACITUS : Germania and Agricola, translated by Church and Brodribb. TROLLOPE : The Commentaries of Caesar. TROLLOPE : Life of Cicero. Maps and Illustrations BAUMEISTER : Bilder aus dem Griechischen und Romischen Altertitm. 54 INTRODUCTION GURLITT : Anschauungstafeln zu Caesars Bellum Gallicum. HILL : Illustrations of School Classics. KAMPEN : Quindecim ad Caesaris de Bella Gallico Commen- tarios Tabulae. KIEPERT : Atlas Antiquus. OEHLER : Bilder- Atlas zu Caesars Buchern de Bella Gallico. RHEINHARD : Album des Classischen Altertums. SCHREIBER : Atlas of Classical Antiquities. Histories of Roman Literature BROWNE : History of Roman Classical Literature. CRUTTWELL : History of Roman Literature. MACKAIL : Latin Literature. SIMCOX : History of Latin Literature. TEUFFEL-SCHWABE : History of Roman Literature. Miscellaneous APPACH : C. Julius Caesars British Expeditions. CHAPMAN : Caesar and Pompey. CHURCH : Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. DAVIS : A Friend of Caesar. Gow: Companion to School Classics.. GUHL-KONER : The Life of the Greeks and Romans. HARRINGTON : Helps to the Intelligent Study of College Prepara- tory Latin. JUDSON : Caesar's Army. LUCAN : Pharsalia, translated by Ridley. MIDDLETON-MILLS : Studenf s Companion to Latin Authors. MONTESQUIEU : Grandeur and Decadence of the Romans. Scon': Portraitures of Julius Caesar. SEELEY : Roman Imperialism. SHAKSPERE : Julius Caesar. VINE : Caesar in Kent. WILLARD : Julius Caesar, an Historical Tragedy. rn^" Wiio^=^: K XT* VSR-V r^-rcjiixA b f lva ^3^- v .-- *5T /^ ' Bfito-vac/oJ;> > ^i>jjiESs ^ "V-v ^.yl ^ V p, rP Ws JiituspaffUu^ ,%V oJ^-^-i v\=, ^f I \ AEMEfEb . o X ^C__xt>i'n i\ Ua. =V \._.V 4 Loogitudo East from Greenwich 8 THE CAMPAIGN OF 58 B.C. BOOK I THE GEOGRAPHY OF GAUL I. Gallia est omnis dlvisa in partis tris ; quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam AqmtanI, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, mstitutls, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aqmtanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit. Horum om- 5 nium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important; proximique sunt Germams, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. 10 Qua de causa Helvetii quoque reliquos Gallos virtute prae- cedunt, quod fere cottidianis proelils cum Germams con- tendunt, cum aut suls flnibus eos prohibent aut ipsi in eorum finibus bellum gerunt. \ Eorum una pars, quam Gallos ob- tinere dictum est, initium capit aflumine Rhodano ; continetur-is Garumna flumine, Oceano, fmibus Belgarum ; attingit etiam ab Sequanis et Helvetils flumen Rhenum ; vergit ad septem- triones. Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur, pertinent ad Inferiorem partem fluminis RhenT, spectant in septem- trionem et orientem solem. Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad 20 Pyrenaeos mentis et earn partem Ocean! quae est ad His- paniam pertinet ; spectat inter occasum solis et septemtriones. \ THE HELVETIAN WAR The Helvetii, influenced by Orgetorix, prepare to migrate. Orgetorix forms a conspiracy. II. Apud Helvetios longe nobilissimus fuit et ditissimus Orgetorix. Is M. Messala et M. PIsone consulibus regm 55 THE GALLIC WAR cupiditate inductus coniurationem nobilitatis fecit, et civitati persuasit ut de finibus siris cum omnibus copiis exirentj perfacile esse, cum virtute omnibus praestarent, totlus Galliae imperio potlri. Id hoc facilius ils persuasit, quod undique 5 loci natura Helvetii continentur : una ex parte flumine Rheno latissimo atque altissimo, qul agrum Helvetium a Germanis dlvidit ; altera ex parte monte lura altissimo, qui est inter Sequanos et Helvetios ; tertia lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano, qul provinciam nostram ab Helvetiis dlvidit. His 10 rebus fiebat ut et minus late vagarentur et minus facile fmi- timls bellum Inferre possent ; qua ex parte homines bellandi cupidi magno dolore adficiebantur. Pro multitudine autem hominum et pro gloria belli atque fortitudinis angustos se finis habere arbitrabantur, qul in longitudinem milia passuum 15 CCXL, in latitudinem CLXXX patebant. III. His rebus adducti et auctoritate Orgetorigis permoti constituerunt ea quae ad proficlscendum pertinerent com- parare, iumentorum et carrorum quam maximum numerum coemere, sementls quam maximas facere, ut in itinere copia 20 f rumenti suppeteret, cum proximis civitatibus pacem et ami- citiam confirmare. Ad eas res conficiendas biennium sibi satis esse duxerunt ; in tertium annum profectionem lege conflrmant. Orgetorix dux deligitur. Is sibi legationem ad civitates suscipit. In eo itinere persuadet Castico, Cataman- 25 taloedis fllio, Sequano, cuius pater regnum in Sequams multos annos obtinuerat et a senatu populi Roman! amlcus appellatus erat, ut regnum in civitate sua occuparet, quod pater ante COINS OF ORGETORIX AND DUMNORIX habuerat; itemque Dumnongi Haeduo, fratn Dlviciaci, qui eo tempore prlncipatum in civitate obtinebat ac maxime plebi I THE HELVETIAN WAR 57 acceptus erat, ut idem conaretur persuadet, eique filiam suam in matrimonium dat. Perfacile factu esse illls probat conata perficere, propterea quod ipse suae civitatis imperium obten- turus esset; non esse dubium quln totius Galliae plurimum Helvetii possent ; se suis copiis suoque exercitu illls regna 5 conciliaturum confirmat. Hac oratione adducti inter se fidem et ius iurandum dant, et regno occupato per trls potentissimos ac firmissimos populos totius Galliae sese potiri posse spirant. Orgetorix is accused of treason; his death. IV. Ea res est Helvetils per indicium enuntiata. Moribus suis Orgetorigem ex vinculis causam dicere coegerunt ; dam- 10 natum poenam sequi oportebat ut Tgni cremaretur. Die constituta causae dictionis Orgetorix ad iudicium omnem suam familiam, ad hominum milia decem, undique coegit, et omms clientis obaeratosque suos, quorum magnum numerum habebat, eodem conduxit ; per eos ne causam diceret se 15 eripuit. Cum clvitas ob earn rein incitata armis ius suum exsequi conaretur, multitudinemque hominum ex agrls magis- tratus cogerent, Orgetorix mortuus est ; neque abest suspicio, ut Helvetii arbitrantur, quln ipse sibi mortem consciverit. Preparations for migration go on. Routes by which the Helvetii may leave their home. V. Post eius mortem nihilo minus Helvetii id quod con- 20 stituerant facere conantur, ut e fmibus suis exeant. Ubi iam se ad earn rem paratos esse arbitrati sunt, oppida sua omnia, numero ad duodecim, vicos ad quadringentos, reliqua privata aedificia incendunt ; frumentum omne, praeter quod secum portaturl erant, comburunt, ut domum reditionis spe sublata25 paratiores ad omnia perlcula subeunda essent ; trium mensium molita cibaria sibi quemque domo efferre iubent. Persuadent Rauracis et Tulingis et LatobrigTs finitimis uti eodem iisi consilio, oppidis suls viclsque exustls, una cum ils proficis- cantur ; Boiosque, qm trans Rhenum incoluerant et in agrum 30 THE GALLIC WAR Noricum transierant Noreiamque oppugnarant, receptos ad se socios sibi asciscunt. VI. Erant ommno itinera duo, quibus itineribus domo exire possent: unum per Sequanos, angustum et difficile, sinter montem luram et fluinen Rhodanum, vix qua singull earn ducerentur (mons autem altissimus impendebat, ut facile perpauci prohibere possent); alterum per provinciam nos- tram, multo facilius atque 10 expeditius, propterea quod inter finis Helvetiorum et Allobrogum, qui nuper pacati erant, Rhodanus fluit, isque non nullis locis vado trans- is Itur. Extremum oppidum Allobrogum est, proximumque Helvetiorum finibus, Genava. Ex eo oppido pons ad Hel- vetios pertinet. Allobrogibus sese vel persuasuros, quod nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur, ex- Istiinabant vel vi coacturos ut per suos finis eos ire pate- aorentur. Omnibus rebus ad profectionem comparatls diem dicunt, qua die ad rlpam Rhodani omnes conveniant. Is dies erat ante diem quantum Kalendas Aprilis L. Pisone, A. Gablnio consulibus. CARRUS Caesar builds fortifications along the Rhone, and prevents the Helvetii from crossing the river. VII. Caesarl cum id nuntiatum esset, eos per provinciam 25 nostram iter facere conari, maturat ab urbe proficlsci et quam maximls potest itineribus in Galliam ulteriorem contendit et ad Genavam pervenit. Provinciae toti quam maximum potest militum numerum imperat (erat ornnlno in Gallia ulteriore legio una), pontem qui erat ad Genavam iubet rescind!. Ubi 30 de eius adventu Helvetii certiores fact! sunt, legatos ad eum mittunt nobilissimos civitatis, cuius legation is Nammeius et Verucloetius prmcipem locum obtinebant, qui dicerent sibi' THE HELVETIAN WAR 59 esse in animo sine ullo maleficio iter per provinciam facere, propterea quod alind iter haberent nullum ; rogare ut eius voluntate id sibi facere liceat. Caesar quod memoria tenebat L. Cassium consulem occisum exercitumque eius ab Helvetils pulsum et sub iugum missum, concedendum non putabat; 5 neque homines inimico animo data facilitate per provinciam itineris faciendi temperatures ab iniuria et maleficio exlsti- mabat. Tamen, ut spatimn intercedere posset dum milites quos imperaverat convenlrent, legatis respondit diem se ad dellberandum sumpturum ; si quid vellent, ad Idus AprilTs 10 reverterentur. VIII. Interea ea legione quam secum habebat mllitibtisque qui ex provincia convenerant a lacu Lemanno, qui in flumen Rhodanum influit, ad montem luram, qui finis Sequanorum ab HelvetiTs dividit, milia passuum xvim inurum in altitu-i5 dinem pedum .sedecim fossamque perducit. E6 opere per- fecto praesidia disponit, castella communit, quo facilius, si se imito transire conarentur, prohibere posset. Ubi ea dies ^ / \ nurus fogsaque >, castcllfini - ^>- Section of v/all and trench BORUAY EN6RAVINS CO.,N.Y. CAESAR'S INTRENCHMENTS. ALONG THE RHONE quam constituerat cum legatis venit, et legatT ad eum rever- terunt, negat se more et exemplo populi Roman! posse iter 20 ulli per provinciam dare ; et si vim facere conentur, prohi^ biturum ostendit. Helvetii ea spe deiecti navibus iunctis THE GALLIC WAR Noricum transierant Noreiamque oppugnarant, receptos ad se socios sibi asciscunt. VI. Erant oirmmo itinera duo, quibus itineribus domo exire possent : unum per Sequanos, angustum et difficile^ 5 inter montem luram et flumen Rhoclanum, vix qua singuli earn ducerentur (mons autem altissimus impendebat, ut facile perpauci prohibere possent); alterum per provinciam nos- tram, multo facilius atque loexpeditius, propterea quod inter finis Helvetiorum et Allobrogum, qm nuper pacati erant, Rhodanus fluit, isque non nullls locls vado trans- isitur. Extremum oppidum Allobrogum est, proximumque Helvetiorum fmibus, Genava. Ex eo oppido pons ad Hel- vetios pertinet. Allobrogibus sese vel persuasiiros, quod nondum bond animo in populum Romanum viderentur, ex- Istimabant vel vi coacturos ut per suos finis eos Ire pate- aorentur. Omnibus rebus ad profectionem comparatls diem clicunt, qua die ad rip am Rhodani omnes conveniant. Is dies erat ante diem qulntum Kalendas Aprilis L. Pisone, A. Gabinio consnlibus. CARRUS Caesar builds fortifications along the Rhone, and prevents the Helvetii from crossing the river. VII. Caesar! cum id nuntiatum esset, eos per provinciam 25 nostram iter facere conari, maturat ab urbe proficisci et quam maximis potest itineribus in Galliam ulteriorem contendit et ad Genavam pervenit. Provinciae toti quam maximum potest militum numerum iinperat (erat omnlno in Gallia ulteriore legio una), pontem qul erat ad Genavam iubet rescind!. Ubi 30 de eius adventu Helvetii certiores fact! sunt, legates ad eum mittunt nobilissimos clvitatis, cuius legationis Nammeius et w. Verucloetius pnncipem locum obtinebant, qul dicerent sibi THE HELVETIAN WAR 59 esse in animo sine ullo maleficio iter per provinciam facere, propterea quod aliud iter haberent nulluin ; rogare ut eius voluntate id sibi facere liceat. Caesar quod memoria tenebat L. Cassium consulem occisum exercitumque eius ab Helvetils pulsum et sub iugum missum, conceclendum non putabat; 5 neque homines inimico animo data facilitate per provinciam itineris faciendi temperatures ab iniuria et maleficio existi- mabat. Tamen, ut spatium intercedere posset dum mllites quos imperaverat convenirent, legatis respondit diem se ad deliberandum siimpturum ; si quid vellent, ad Idus ApnlTs 10 reverterentur. A^III. Interea ea legione quam secum habebat mllitibusque qm ex provincia convenerant a lacu Lemanno, qui in flumen Rhodanum Influit, ad montem lurain, qui finis Sequanorum ab Helvetils dlvidit, mllia passuum xvim murum in altitu-i5 dinem pedum .sedecim. fossamque perducit. Eo opere per- fecto praesidia disponit, castella communit, quo facilius, si se in\ito transire conarentur, prohibere posset. Ubi ea dies OOBMAY ENGRAVINS CO.,N.Y. CAESAR'S INTRENCHMENTS. ALONG THE RHONE quam constituerat cum legatls venit, et legatl ad eum rever- terunt, negat se more et exemplo popull Roman! posse iter 20 ullT per provinciam dare ; et sT vim facere conentur, prohi- biturum ostenclit. Helvetil ea spe deiecti navibus iiinctis 60 THE GALLIC WAR I ratibusque compluribus factis, alii vadis Rhodam, qua minima altitude fluminis erat, non numquam interdiu, saepius noctu, si perrumpere possent conatl, operis munitione et mllitum concursu et tells repulsl hoc conatu destiterunt. The Helvetii obtain permission to pass through the country of the Sequani. Cassar hurriedly raises an army. 5 IX. Relinquebatur una per Sequanos via, qua Sequanis in- vitis propter angustias ire non poterant. His cum sua sponte persuadere non possent, legates ad Dumnorigem Haeduum mittunt, ut eo deprecatore a Sequanis impetrarent. Dum- norix gratia et largitione apud Sequanos plurimum poterat, 10 et Helvetils erat amicus, quod ex ea civitate Orgetorigis filiam in matrimonium duxerat ; et cupiditate regni adductus novis rebus studebat et quam plurimas civitates suo beneficio habere obstrictas volebat. Itaque . rem suscipit, et a Sequanis im- petrat ut per finis suos Helvistios Ire patiantur, obsidesque 15 uti inter sese dent perficit, Sequani, ne itinere Helvetios prohibeant; Helvetii, ut sine maleficio et iniuria transeant. X. Caesari nuntiatur Helvetils esse in animo per agrum Sequanorum et Haeduorum iter in Santonum finis facere, qui non longe a Tolosatium finibus absunt, quae civitas est 20 in provincia. Id si fieret, intellegebat magno cum penculo provinciae futurum ut homines bellicos5s, populi R5mani inimicos, locis patentibus maximeqne frumentariis finitimos haberet. Ob eas causas el munitioni quam fecerat T. Labie- num legatum praeficit ; ipse in Italiam magnis itineribus . 25 contendit duasque ibi legiones conscrlbit, et tns quae circum Aquileiam hiemabant ex hibernls educit, et qua proximum iter in ulteriorem Galliam per AlpTs erat cum his qulnque legionibus Ire contendit. Ibi Ceutrones et Graioceli et Caturiges locis superioribus occupatls itinere exercitum pro- 3ohibere conantur. Compluribus his proeliis pulsis, ab Ocelo,' quod est oppidum citerioris provinciae extremum, in finis Vocontiorum ulterioris provinciae die septimo pervenit; inde I THE HELVETIAN WAR 6 1 in Allobrogum finis, ab Allobrogibus in Segusiavos exercitum ducit. Hi sunt extra provinciam trans Rhodanum primi. The Haedui, Ambarri, and Allobroges ask for help. XI. Helvetii iam per angustias et finis Sequanorum suas copias traduxerant et in Haeduorum finis pervenerant eo- rumque agros populabantur. Haedui cum se suaque ab iis 5 defendere non possent, legates ad Caesarem mittunt rogatum auxilium : 'Ita se omni'tempore de populo Romano meritos esse ut paene in conspectu exercitus nostii agrl vastan, libeii in servitutem abduci, oppida expugnari non debuerint.' Eodem tempore Ambarri, necessarii et consanguine! Haeduorum, 10 Caesarem certiorem faciunt sese depopulatis agns n5n facile ab oppidls vim hostium prohibere. Item Allobroges, qui trans Rhodanum vicos possessionesque habebant, fuga se ad Caesarem recipiunt et demonstrant sibi praeter agrl solum nihil esse reliqui. Quibus rebus adductus Caesar' non ex- 15 spectandum sibi statuit dum omnibus fortums sociorum con- sumptis in Santonos Helvetii pervemrent. Part of the Helvetii cross the Arar. The Tigurini are cut to pieces by Caesar. XII. Flumen est Arar, quod per finis Haeduorum et Se- quanorum in Rhodanum mfluit incredibili lenitate, ita ut oculis in utram partem fluat iudicari non possit. Id Helvetii 2 o ratibus ac lintribus iunctis transibant. Ubi per exploratores Caesar certior factus est tris iam partis copiarum Helvetios id fliimen traduxisse, quartam fere partem citra flumen Ararim reliquam esse, de tertia vigilia cum legionibus tribus e castris profectus ad earn partem pervenit quae nondum 2 5 flumen transierat. Eos impeditos et inopinantis adgressus magnam partem eorum concidit reliqui sese fugae mandarunt atque in proximas silvas abdiderunt. Is pagus appella- batur Tigurmus ; nam omnis clvitas Helvetia in quattuor pagos divisa est. Hie pagus unus, cum domo exisset, pa- 30 62 THE GALLIC WAR -I trum nostrorum memoria L. Cassium consulem interfecerat et eius exercitum sub iugum mlserat. Ita sive casu sive consilio deorum immortalium, quae pars civitatis Helvetiae, inslgnem calamitatem populo Romano intulerat, ea prmceps Spoenas persolvit. Qua in re Caesar non solum publicas 'Sed etiam privatas iniurias ultus est, quod eius soceri L. Pisonis avum, L. Pisonem legatum, Tigurin! eodem proelio quo Cassium interfecerant. The Helvetii send an embassy to Caesar. His terms are rejected. XIII. Hoc proelio facto, reliquas copias Helvetiorum ut 10 consequl posset, pontem in Ararl faciendum curat atque ita exercitum traducit. Helvetii repentmo eius adventu com- motl, cum id quod ipsi diebus xx aegerrime confecerant, ut flumen transirent, ilium uno die fecisse intellegerent, legates ad eum mittunt ; cuius legation is Divico pnnceps fuit, qul 15 bello Cassiano dux Helvetiorum f uerat. Is ita cum Caesare egi't : ' Si pacem populus Romanus cum Helvetiis faceret, in earn partem ituros atque ibi futures Helvetios ubi eos Caesar constituisset atque esse voluisset ; sin bello persequi perse- veraret, reminlsceretur et veteris incommodl popull Roman! 20 et pristinae virtutis Helvetiorum. Quod improvise unum pagum adortus esset, cum ii quT flumen transissent suis aux- ilium ferre non possent, ne ob earn rem aut suae magnopere virtuti tribueret aut ipsos despiceret Se - ita a patribus maioribusque suis didicisse ut magis virtute contenderent 25 quam dolo aut msidiis mterentur. Quare ne committeret ut is locus ubi constitissent ex calamitate popull Romani et inter- neci5ne exercitus nomen caperet aut memoriam proderet.' XIV. His Caesar ita respondit : ' Eo sibi minus dubita- tionis dan, quod eas res quas legati Helvetii commemorassent 30 memoria teneret, atque eo gravius ferre quo minus merito popull Roman! accidissent ; qiu si alicuius iniiariae sibi con- scius fuisset, non fuisse difficile cavere, sed eo deceptunv quod neque cotnmissum a se intellegeret quare timeret neque THE HELVETIAN WAR sine causa timendtim putaret. Quod si veteris contumeliae obliviscl vellet, num etiam recentium iniuriarum, quod eo invitp iter per provinciam per .vim temptassent, quod Haeduos, quod Ainbarros, quod Allobroges vexassent, memoriam de- ponere posse ? Quod sua victoria tarn msolenter gloriarentur 5 A ROMAN CAVALRYMAN (From a gravestone) quodque tam diu se impune iniurias intulisse admirarentur eodem pertinere. Consuesse enim deos immortalis, quo gravius homines ex commutatione rerum doleant, quos pro scelere eorum ulcisci velint, his secundiores interdum res et 64 THE GALLIC WAR I diuturniorem impunitatem concedere. Cum ea ita sint, tamen si obsides ab iis sibi dentur, uti ea quae polliceantur facturos intellegat, et si Haeduls de iniurils quas ipsis sociisque eorum intulerint, item si Allobrogibus satisfaciant, sese cum 5 iis pacem esse facturum.' Divico respondit : ' Ita Helvetios a maioribus suls Institutes esse uti obsides accipere, non dare consuerint ; eius rel populum Romanum esse testem.' Hoc response dato discessit. A cavalry skirmish. XV. Postero die castra ex eo loco movent. Idem facit 10 Caesar equitatumque omnem, ad numerum quattuor mllium, quern ex omni provincia et Haeduls atque eorum socils coac- tum habebat, praemittit, qui videant quas in partis hostes iter faciant. Qui cupidius novissimum agmen msecuti alieno loco cum equitatu Helvetiorum -proelium committunt, et pauci de isnostris cadunt. Quo proelio sublati Helvetii, quod qum- gentis equitibus tantam multitudinem equitum propulerant, audacius subsistere non numquam et novissimo agmine proelio nostros lacessere coeperunt. Caesar suos a proelio contine- bat ac satis habebat in praesentia hostem rapims populatio- aonibusque prohibere. Ita dies circiter xv iter fecerunt uti inter novissimum hostium agmen et nostrum prlmum non amplius quinls aut senls milibus passuum interesset. The Haedui are slow in furnishing grain. XVI. Interim cottidie Caesar Haeduos frumentum quod essent publice pollicitl flagitare. Nam propter frigora, quod 25 Gallia sub septemtrionibus, ut ante dictum est, posita est, non modo frumenta in agrls matura non erant, sed ne pabull quidem satis magna copia suppetebat ; eo autem frumento quod flumine Ararl navibus subvexerat propterea uti minus poterat, quod iter ab Ararl Helvetii averterant, a quibus dis- 30 cedere nolebat. Diem ex die ducere Haedui ; conferrii comportari, adesse dlcere. Ubi se diutius duel intellexit et I THE HELVETIAN WAR 65 diem Instare quo die frumentum militibus metiri oporteret, convocatis eorum principibus, quorum magnam copiam in castris habebat, in his Diviciaco et Lisco, qui summo magis- tratui praeerat (quern vergobretum appellant Haedui, qui creatur annuus et vitae necisque in suos habet potestatem), 5 graviter eos accusat quod, cum neque emi- neque ex agris sum! possit, tarn necessario tempore, tarn propinquis hostibus ab ils non sublevetur, praesertim cum magna ex parte eorum precibus adductus bellum susceperit; multo etiam gravius quod sit destitutus queritur. ic XVII. Turn demum Liscus oratione Caesaris adductus quod antea tacuerat proponit : ( Esse non s nullos quorum auc- toritas apud plebem plurimum valeat, qm privatim plus possint quam ipsi magistrates. Hos seditiosa atque improba oratione multitudinem deterrere ne frumentum conferant quod de-i5 beant : Praestare, si iam principatum Galliae obtinere non possint, Gallorum quam Roman orum imperia perferre, neque dubitare debere qum, si Helvetios snperaverint Roman!, una cum reliqua Gallia Haeduls libertatem sint erepturi. Ab isdem nostra consilia quaeque in castris gerantur hostibus 20 enuntiari ; hos a se coerceri non posse. Quin etiam, quod necessariam rem coactus Caesari enuntiarit, intellegere sese quanto id cum periculo fecerit, et ob earn causam quam diu potuerit tacuisse.' Evidence of the treachery of Dumnorix is presented to Caesar. XVIII. Caesar hac oratione Lisci Dumnorigem, Diviciacias fratrem, designari sentiebat, sed quod pluribus praesentibus eas res iactari nolebat, celeriter concilium dimittit, Liscum retinet. Quaerit ex solo ea quae in conventu dlxerat. Dicit Hberius atque audacius. Eadem secreto ab aliis quaerit ; re- perit esse vera : ' Ipsum esse DumnorTgem, summa audacia, 30 magna apud plebem propter liberalitatem gratia, cupidum rerum novarum. Compluris annos portoria reliquaque omnia Haeduorum vectigalia parvo pretio redempta habere, propterea 66 THE GALLIC WAR I quod illo licente contra liceri audeat nemo. His rebus et suam rem familiarem auxisse et facultates ad largiendum magnas comparasse ; magnum nuraerum equitatus suo sumptu semper alere et circum se habere, neque solum dorm sed 5 etiam apud finitimas civitates largiter posse, atque huius potentiae causa matrem in Biturlgibus homim illic nobilissimo ac potentissimo conlocasse ; ipsum ex Helvetiis uxorem habere, sororem ex matre et propinquas suas nuptum in alias civitates conlocasse. Favere et cupere Helvetiis propter earn loadfinitatem, odisse etiam suo nomine Caesarem et Romanes, quod eorum adventu potentia eius deminuta et Diviciacus frater in antlquum locum gratiae atque honoris sit restitutus. Si quid accidat Romanis, summam in spem per Helvetios regnl obtinendi venire ; imperio populi Roman! non modo de regno 15 sed etiam de ea quam habeat gratia desperare.' Reperiebat etiam in quaerendo Caesar, quod proelium equestre adversum paucis ante diebus esset factum, initium fugae factum a Dum- nonge atque eius equitibus (nam equitatui quern auxilio Caesari Haedul mlserant DumnorTx praeerat) j eorum fuga zoreliquum esse equitatum perterritum. XIX. Quibus rebus cognitis, cum ad has suspiciones cer- tissimae res accederent, quod per finis Sequanorum Helvetios traduxisset, quod obsides inter eos dandos curasset, quod ea omnia non modo iniussu suo et civitatis sed etiam inscientibus 25 ipsis fecisset, quod a magistratii Haeduorum accusaretur, satis esse causae arbitrabatur quare in eum aut ipse animadverteret aut civitatem animadvertere iuberet. His omnibus rebus unum repugnabat, quod Diviciaci fratris summum in populum Ro- manum studium, summam in se voluntatem, egregiam fidem, 3oiustitiam, temperantiam cognoveratj nam ne eius supplicio Diviciaci animum offenderet verebatur. Itaque priusquam quicquam conaretur, Diviciacum ad se vocarl iubet, et cotti- dianis interpretibus remotis per. C. Valerium Troucillum, prin- cipem Galliae provinciae, familiarem suum, cui summam 35 omnium rerum fidem habebat, cum eo conloquitur ; simul com- I THE HELVETIAN WAR 67 monefacit quae ipso praesente in concilio Gallorum de Dnm- norige sint dicta et ostendit quae separatim quisque de eo apud se dixerit. Petit atque hortatur ut sine eius offensione animi vel ipse de eo causa cognita statuat vel civitatem statuere iubeat. Diviciacus intercedes for Dumnorix, and Caesar pardons him. XX. Diviciacus multis cum lacrimis Caesarem complexus 5 obsecrare coepit ne quid gravius in fratrem statueret : 'Scire se ilia esse vera, nee quemquam ex eo plus quam se duloris capere, propterea quod, cum ipse gratia plurimum domi atque in reliqua Gallia, ille minimum propter adulescentiam posset, per se crevisset; quibus opibus ac nervis non solum ad minu- 10 endam gratiam sed paene ad perniciem suam uteretur. Sese tamen et amore fraterno et existimatione vulgl commoverl. Quod si quid el a Caesare gravius accidisset, cum ipse eum locum amicitiae apud eum teneret, neminem existimaturum non sua voluntate factum ; qua ex re futurum uti totius Galliae 15 animi a se averterentur.' Haec cum pluribus verbis flens a Caesare peteret, Caesar eius dextram prendit ; consolatus ro- gat flnem orandi faciat; tanti eius apud se gratiam esse os- tendit uti et rei piiblicae iniuriam et suum dolorem eius voluntati ac precibus condonet. Dumnorigem ad se vocat, 2 o fratrem adhibet; quae in eo reprehendat ostendit; quae ipse intellegat, quae civitas queratur proponit ; monet ut in reliquum tempus omnis suspiciones vitet; praeterita se Diviciaco fratrl condonare dicit. Dumnorigi custodes ponit, ut quae agat, quibuscum loquatur scire possit. . 2 * Caesar plans to attack the Helvetii ; the fright of Considius. XXI. Eodem die ab exploratoribus certior factus bostis sub monte consedisse mllia passuum ab ipsius castris octo, qualis esset natura mentis et qualis in circuitu ascensus qui cognos- cerent misit. Renuntiatum est facilem esse. De tertia vigilia T. Labienum, legatum pro praetore, cum duabus legionibus et^o iis ducibus qui iter cognpverant summum iugum montis ascen- 68 THE GALLIC WAR 1 dere iubet ; quid sui consili sit ostendit. Ipse de quarta vigilia eodem itinere quo hostes ierant ad eos contendit equitatumque omnem ante se rnittit. P. C5nsidius, qul re! militaris peritis- simus habebatur et in exercitu L. Sullae et postea in M. Crassi 5 fuerat, cum exploratoribus praemittitur. XXII. Prlma luce, cum surnmus mons a Labieno teneretur, ipse ab hostium castris non longius mille et qumgentis passibus abesset, neque, ut postea ex captlvis comperit, aut ipslus adventus aut Labieni cognkus esset, Considius equo admisso load eum accurrit, dlcit montem quern a Labieno occuparl volu- erit ab hostibus teneri ; id. se a GallicTs armis atque insignibus cognovisse. Caesar suas copias in proximum collem subdiicit, aciem instruit. Labienus, ut erat el praeceptum a Caesare ne proelium coramitteret nisi ipslus copiae prope hostium castra 15 vlsae essent, ut undique uno tempore in hostis impetus fieret, monte occupato nostros exspectabat proelioque abstinebat. Multo denique die per exploratores Caesar cognovit et montem a suis teneri et Helvetios castra movisse et Considium timore perterritum quod non vidisset pro vlso sibi renuntiavisse. Eo 20 die quo consuerat intervallo hostis sequitur et milia passuum tria ab eorum castiis castra ponit. Caesar turns aside towards Bibracte; the Helvetii follow. XXIII. Postridie eius diel, quod omnmo biduum supererat cum exercituT frumentum metlri oporteret, et quod a Bibracte, oppido Haeduorum longe maximo et copiosissimo, non amplius 25 milibus passuum xvm aberat, rei frumentariae prospiciendum existimavit ; itaque iter ab Helvetiis avertit ac Bibracte Ire con- tendit. Ea res per fugitivos L. Aemili, decurionis equitum Gallorum, hostibus nuntiatur. Helvetii, sen quod timore per- territos Romanos discedere a se existimarent, eo magis quod 30 pridie superioribus locis occupatis proelium non commlsissent, sive eo, quod re frumentaria intercludi posse confiderent, com- mutato consilio atque itinere converso nostros a novissimo agmine msequi ac lacessere coeperunt. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 69 XXIV. Postquam id animum advertit, copias suas Caesar in proximum collem subduxit equitatumque qui sustineret hostium impetum mlsit. Ipse interim in colle medio triplicem aciem Instruxit legionum quattuor veteranarum ; in summo iugo duas legiones quas in Gallia citeriore proxime conscrlpserat et omnia 5 auxilia conlocari ac totura montem hominibus complerl, et interea sarcinas in unum locum confern, et eum ab ils qui in superiore acie constiterant mumri iussit. Helvetii cum omni- bus suls earns secuti impedimenta in unum locum contulerunt ; ipsl confertissima acie reiecto nostro equitatu, phalange facta 10 sub primam nostram aciem successerunt. A battle takes place, in which the Helvetii are defeated. XXV. Caesar primum suo, deinde omnium ex conspectu re- motls equis, ut aequato omnium periculo spem fugae tolleret, cohortatus suos proelium commlsit. MTlites e loco superiore pills missis facile hostium phalangem perfregerunt. Eais disiecta gladils destrictis in eos impetum fecerunt. GallTs magno ad pugnam erat impediments quod pluribus eorum scutls uno ictu pilorum transfixis et conligatis, cum ferrum se inflexis- set, neque evellere neque sinistra impedita ~satis commode pugnare poterant ; mult! ut diu iactato bracchio praeoptarent 20 scutum manu emittere et nudo corpore pugnare. Tandem vulneribus defessi et pedem referre et, quod mons aberat circiter mille passus, e5 se recipere coeperunt. Capto monte et suc- cedentibus nostris Boil et TulingI, qui hominum milibus circiter xv agmen hostium claudebant et novissimls praesidio 25 erarit, ex itinere nostr5s ab latere aperto adgressi circumvenire, et id conspicati Helvetii, qui in montem sese receperant, rursus Instare et proelium redintegrare coeperunt. RomanI conversa slgna bipartite intulerunt, prlma et secunda acies ut victls ac submotls resisteret, tertia ut vementis sustineret. 30 XXVI. Ita ancipitl proelio diu atque acriter pugnatum est. Diutius cum sustinere nostrorum impetus non possent, alter! se, ut coeperant, in montem receperunt, alter! ad impedimenta THE GALLIC WAR et carros suos se contulerunt. Nam hoc toto prcelio, cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit, aversum hostem videre nemo potuit. Ad multam noctem etiam ad im- pedimenta pugnatum est, propterea quod pro vallo carros 5 obiecerant et e Ioc5 superiore in nostros venientis tela conicie- bant, et non null! inter carros raedasque mataras ac tragulas THE DEFEAT OF THE HELVETII subiciebant nostrosque vulnerabant. Diu cum esset pugnatum, impedimentls castrisque nostri potiti sunt. Ibi Orgetorigis filia atque unus e filils captus est. Ex eo proelio circiter hominum cxxx superfuerunt eaque tota nocte continenter ierunt I THE HELVETIAN WAR JI nullam partem noctis itinere intermisso ; in finis Lingoniim die quarto pervenerunt, cum et propter vulnera militum et propter sepulturam occlsorura nostri triduum morati eos sequi non potuissent. Caesar ad Lingones litteras nuntiosque nrisit ne eos frumento neve alia re iuvarent : ' Qui si iuvissent, se eodem 5 loco quo Helvetios habiturum.' Ipse trlduo intermisso cum omnibus copiis eos sequi coepit. The survivors surrender themselves to Caesar, who orders them to return to their homes. XXVII. Helvetii omnium rerum inopia adduetl legates de deditione ad eum miserunt. Qui cum enm in itinere conve- nissent seque ad pedes proiecissent suppliciterque locut! 10 flentes pacem petissent, atque eos in eo loco quo turn essent suum adventum exspectare iussisset, paruerunt. Eo postquam Caesar pervenit, obsides, arma, servos qui ad eos perfugissent poposcit. Dum ea conqulruntur et conferuntur, nocte intermissa circiter hominum railia sex eius pagi qui Ver- 15 bigenus appellatur, sive timore perterritl ne armis traditis sup- plicio adficerentur sive spe salutis induct!, quod in tanta mul- titudine dediticiorum suam fugam aut occultari aut ommno ignoran posse existimarent, prima nocte e castris Helvetiorum egress! ad Rhenum fimsque Germanorum contenderunt. 20 XXVIII. Quod ubi Caesar resciit, quorum per f!n!s ierant, h!s ut! conquirerent et reducerent, si sibi purgat! esse vellent, imperavit ; reductos in hostium numero habuit ; reliquos omms obsidibus, armis, perfngis traditis in deditionem accepit. Hel- vetios, Tulingos, Latobrigos in finis suos unde erant profectizs revert! iussit ; et quod omnibus frugibus amissls domi nihil erat quo famem tolerarent, Allobrogibus imperavit ut ils frumenti copiam facerenfj ipsos oppida vicosque, quos incenderant, restituere iussit. Id ea maxime ratione fecit, quod noluit eum locum unde Helvetil discesserant vacare, ne propter bonitatem 30 agrorum German!, qu! trans Rhenum incolunt, ex suis finibus in Helvetiorum finis transirent et finitimi Galliae provinciae THE GALLIC WAR et carros suos se contulerunt. Nam hoc toto prcelio, cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit, aversum hostem videre nemo potuit. Ad multam noctem etiam ad im- pedimenta pugnatum est, propterea quod pro vallo carros 5 obiecerant et e loco superiore in nostros venientis tela conicie- bant, et non null! inter carros raedasque mataras ac tragulas A^itrenchments \\ THE DEFEAT OF THE IIELVET1I subiciebant nostrosque vulnerabant. Diu cum esset pugnatum, impedlmentis castrisqne nostrl potiti sunt. Ibi Orgetorigis filia atque unus e filiis captus est. Ex eo proelio circiter hominum cxxx superfuerunt eaque tota nocte continenter ierunt I THE HELVETIAN WAR 71 nullara partem noctis itinere intermisso ; in finis Lingonum die quarto pervenerunt, cum et propter vulnera militum et propter sepulturam occlsorum nostri tridimm morati eos seqm non potuissent. Caesar ad Lingones litteras nuntiosque raisit ne eos frumento neve alia re iuvarent : ' Qui si iuvissent, se eodem 5 loco quo Helvetios habiturum.' Ipse trlduo intermisso cum omnibus copiis eos sequl coepit. The survivors surrender themselves to Caesar, who orders them to return to their homes, XXVII. Helvetii omnium rerum inopia adductl legatos de deditione ad eum mlserunt. Qui cum eum in itinere conve- nissent seque ad pedes proiecissent suppliciterque lociitl 10 flentes pacem petissent, atque eos in eo loco quo turn essent suum adventum exspectare iussisset, paruerunt. Eo postquam Caesar pervenit, obsides, arma, servos qui ad eos perfugissent poposcit. Dum ea conqulruntur et conferuntur, nocte intermissa circiter hominum mllia sex eius pagi qui Ver- 15 bigenus appellatur, slve timore perterriti ne armis traditis sup- plicio adficerentur sive spe salutis induct!, quod in tanta mul- titudine deditlciorum suam fugam aut occultarT aut omnino ignoran posse existimarent, prima nocte e castris Helvetiorum egress! ad Rhenum fimsque Germanorum contendenmt. 20 XXVIII. Quod ubi Caesar resciit, quorum per fmis ierant, h!s ut! conqinrerent et reducerent, s! sibi purgat! esse vellent, imperavit ; reductos in hostium numero habuit ; reliquos omnls obsidibus, armis, perfugis traditis in deditionem accepit. Hel- vetios, Tulingos, Latobrigos in fims suos unde erant profecti 25 revert! iussit ; et quod omnibus frugibus amissis clom! nihil erat quo famem tolerarent, Allobrogibus imperavit ut iis frument! copiam facerent; ipsos oppida vicosque, quos incenderant, restituere iussit. Id ea maxime ratione fecit, quod n51uit eum locum unde Helvetii discesserant vacare, ne propter bonitatem 30 agrorum German!, qu! trans Rhenum incolunt, ex suis finibus in Helvetiorum f!n!s transirent et finitimi Galliae provinciae 72 THE GALLIC WAR I Allobrogfbusque essent. Boios petentibus Haeduis, quod egregia virtute erant cogniti, ut in finibus suls conlocarent concessit; quibus ill! agros dederunt, quosque postea in parem iuris libertatisque condicionera atque ipsi erant 5 receperunt. The number of the Helvetii and their allies. XXIX. In castris Helvetiorum tabulae repertae sunt, litteris Graecis confectae, et ad Caesarem relatae, quibus in tabulis nominatim ratio confecta erat, qul numerus domo exisset eorum qul arma ferre possent, et item separatim quot puen, xosenes, mulieresque. Quarura omnium rerum summa erat capitum Helvetiorum mllium CCLXIII, Tulingorum milium xxxvi, Latobrigorum xim, Rauracorum xxin, Boiorum xxxri ; ex his, qui arma ferre possent ad milia nonaginta duo. Summa omnium fuerunt ad milia CCCLXVIII. Eorum 15 qul domum redierunt censu habito, ut Caesar imperaverat, re- pertus est numerus milium c et x. THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS The Gauls congratulate Caesar. XXX. Bello Helvetiorum confecto totlus fere Galliae legati, prmcipes civitatum, ad Caesarem gratulatum convenerunt : 'Intellegere sese, tametsi pro veteribus Helvetiorum iniurils aopopuli Roman! ab his poenas bello repetisset, tamen earn rem non minus ex usu Galliae quam populi Roman! accidisse, propterea quod eo consilio florentissimis rebus domos suas Helvetii reliquissent, ut! tot! Galliae bellum mferrent imperio- que potirentur locumque domicilio ex magna copia deligerent 25 quern ex omn! Gallia opportunissimum ac fructuosissimum iudi- cassent reliquasque civitates stipendiarias haberent.' Petierunt ut! sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere idque Caesaris voluntate facere liceret : l Sese habere quasdam res quas ex communi consensu ab eo petere vellent.' Ea re per- I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 73 missa diem concilio constituerunt et iure iurando ne quis enun- tiaret, nisi quibus commum consih'5 mandatum esset, inter se sanxerunt. Diviciacus asks Caesar's help against Ariovistus and the Germans. XXXI. Eo concilio dimisso Idem prlncipes civitatum qui ante fuerant ad Caesarem reverterunt, petieruntque uti sibi g secreto de sua omniumque salute cum eo agere h'ceret. Ea re impetrata sese omnes flentes Caesari ad pedes proiecerunt : ' Non minus se id contendere et laborare, ne ea quae dixissent enuntiarentur, quam uti ea quae vellent impetrarent, propterea quod si enuntiatum esset, summum in cruciatum se ventures 10 viderent.' Locutus est pro his Diviciacus Haeduus : ' Galliae totms factiones esse duas ; harum alterius principatum tenere Haeduos, alterius Arvernos. Hi cum tantopere de potentatu inter se multos annos contenderent, factum esse uti ab Ar- verms Sequamsque German! mercede arcesserentur. Horum 15 primo circiter mllia xv Rhenum transisse ; posteaquam agros et cultum et copias Gallorum homines feri ac barbari adamas- sent, traductos plurls ; nunc esse in Gallia ad c et xx milium numerum. Cum his Haeduos eorumque clientls semel atque iterum armis contendisse ; magnam calamitatem pulsos ac- 20 cepisse, omnem nobilitatem, omnem senatum, omnem equi- tatum amlsisse. Quibus proelils calamitatibusque fractos, qui et sua virtute et populi Romam hospitio atque amicitia pluri- mum ante in Gallia potuissent, coactos esse Sequams obsides dare nobilissimos civitatis, et iure iurando civitatem obstringere 25 sese neque obsides repetlturos neque auxilium a populo Ro- mano imploraturos neque recusaturos quominus perpetuo sub illorum dicione atque imperio essent. Unum se esse ex omm civitate Haeduorum qui adducT non potuerit ut iuraret aut liberos suos obsides daret. Ob earn rem se ex civitate pro- 3 - . L I fugisse, et Romam ad senatum venisse auxilium postulatum, quod solus neque iure iurando neque obsidibus teneretur. Sed peius victoribus Sequanis quam Haeduis victls accidisse, prop- 74 THE GALLIC WAR I terea quod Ariovistus, rex Germanorum, in eorum fmibus con- sedisset tertiamque partem agri Sequam, qui esset optimus totlus Galliae, occupavisset, et nunc de altera parte tertia Sequanos decedere iuberet, propterea quod paucis raensibus 5 ante Harudum milia hominura xxmi ad eum venissent, quibus locus ac sedes pararentur. Futurum esse paucis anms ut! ornnes ex Galliae finibus pellerentur, atque omnes German! Rhenum transirent ; neque enira conferendum esse Gallicum cum Germanorum agro neque hanc consuetudinera vlctus 10 cum ilia comparandam. Ariovistum autem, ut semel Gallorum copias proelio vicerit, quod proelium factum sit ad Mageto- brigam, superbe et crudeliter imperare, obsides nobilissimi ciiiusque Hberos poscere, et in eos omnia exempla cruciatusque edere, si qua res non ad nutum aut ad voluntatem eius facta 15 sit. Hominem esse barbarum, Iracundum, temerarium ; n5n posse eius imperia diutius sustinen. Nisi quid in Caesare populoque Romano sit auxili, omnibus Gallis idem esse facien- dum quod Helvetii fecerint, ut domo emigrent, aliud domici- lium, alias sedls remotas a Germanis petant, fortunarnque 20 quaecumque accidat experiantur. Haec si enuntiata Ario- visto sint, non dubitare quin de omnibus obsidibus qm apud eum sint gravissimum supplicium sumat. Caesarem vel aucto- ritate sua atque exercitus vel recent! victoria vel nomine popul! Roman! deterrere posse ne maior multitude Germanorum 25 Rhenum traducatur, Galliamque omnem ab Ariovist! iniuria posse defendere.' Caesar determines to aid the Gauls. XXXII. Hac oratione ab Diviciaco habita omnes qu! aderant magno fletu auxilium a Caesare petere coeperunt. Animadvertit Caesar unos ex omnibus Sequan5s nihil earum 3rerum facere quas ceteri facerent, sed tr!st!s capite demisso terram intueri. Eius re! quae causa esset miratus ex ipsis quaesiit. Nihil Sequan! respondere, sed in eadem tnstitia tacit! permanere. Cum ab his saepius quaereret neque ullam I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 75 ommno vocem exprimere posset, idem Diviciacus Haeduus respondit : ' Hoc esse miseriorem et graviorem fortunam Se- quanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli ne in occulto quidem queri neque auxilium implorare auderent, absentisque Ariovisti crudelitatem, velut si coram adesset, horrerent, propterea quod 5 reliquis tarn en fugae facultas daretur, Sequams vero, quT intra finis suos Ariovistura recepissent, quorum oppida omnia in po- testate eius essent, omnes cruciatus essent perferendi.' XXXIII. His rebus cognitis Caesar Gallorum animos verbls conffrmavit pollicitusque est sibi earn rem curae futuram : 10 ' Magnam se habere spem et beneficio' suo et auctoritate ad- ductum Ariovistum finem iniurils facturum.' Hac oratione habita concilium dimlsit. Et secundum ea multae res eum hortabantur quare sibi earn rein cogitandam et suscipiendam putaret, in primls quod Haeduos, fratres consanguineosque 15 saepenumer5 a senatu appellatos, in servitute atque in dicione videbat Germanorum tenen, eorumque obsides esse apud Ariovistum ac Sequanos intellegebat ; quod in tanto imperio populi Roman! turpissimum sibi et rel publicae esse arbitra- batur. Paulatirn autem Germanos consuescere Rhenum trans- 20 ire et in Galliam magnam eorum multitudinem venire populo Romano periculosum videbat, neque sibi homines feros ac barbaros temperaturos exlstimabat quin, cum omnem Galliam occupavissent, ut ante Cimbri Teutonique fecissent, in provin- ciam exirent atque inde in Italiam contenderent, praesertim 25 cum Sequanos a provincia nostra Rhodanus divideret ; quibus rebus quam maturrime occurrendum putabat. Ipse autem Ariovistus tantos sibi spiritus, tantam adrogantiam sumpserat ut ferendus non videretur. He sends an embassy to Ariovistus, who returns an insolent reply. XXXIV. Quam ob rem placuit el ut ad Ariovistum legates 30 mitteret, qui ab eo postularent uti aliquem locum medium utrmsque conloquio deligeret : 'Velle sese de re publica et summis utrmsque rebus cum eo agere.' El legationl Ariovistus 7 6 THE GALLIC WAR I respondit : ' Si quid ipsi a Caesare opus esset, sese ad eum venturum fuisse ; si quid ille se velit, ilium ad se venire opor- tere. Praeterea se neque sine exercitu in eas partis Galliae venire audere quas Caesar possideret neque exercitum sine 5 magno commeatu atque mollmento in uniim locum contrahere posse. Sibi autem rairum videri quid in sua Gallia, quam bello vicisset, aut Caesar! aut omnmo populo Romano negotl esset.' A second embassy and a second reply. XXXV. His responsis ad Caesarem relatls" iterum ad eum Caesar legates cum his mandatis mittit : ' Quoniam tanto suo zopopulique RomanI beneficio adfectus, cum in consulatu suo rex atque amicus a senatu appellatus esset, hanc sibi populoque Romano gratiam referret, ut in conloquium venire invitatus gravaretur neque de communi re discendum sibi et cogncs- cendum putaret, haec esse quae ab eo postularet : primum, ne 15 quam multitudinem hominum amplius trans Rhenum in Galliam traduceret deinde, obsides quos haberet ab Haeduis redderet, Sequanisque permitteret ut quos ill! haberent voluntate eius reddere illls liceret neve Haeduos iniuria lacesseret neve his sociisque eorum bellum Inferret. Si ita fecisset, sibi populoque 20 Romano perpetuam gratiam atque-amlcitiam cum eo futuram ; si non impetraret, sese, quoniam M. Messala, M. Plsone con- sulibus senatus censuisset utl quicumque Galliam provinciam obtineret, quod commodo rei publicae facere posset, Haeduos ceterosque amicos populi Romam defenderet, se Haeduorum ssiniurias non neglecturum.' XXXVI. Ad haec Ariovistus respondit : ' lus esse belli ut qui vicissent iTs quos ylcissent quern ad modum vellent imperarent. Item populum Romanum victis non ad alterius praescriptum, sed ad suum arbitrium imperare consuesse. Si ipse populo 30 Romano non praescriberet quern ad modum suo iure uteretur, non oportere se a populo Romano in suo iure impedirl. Hae- duos sibi, quoniam belli fortunam temptassent et armis congress! ac superati essent, stipendiaries esse factos. Magnam Caesarem THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 77 iniuriam facere, quT suo adventu vectlgalia sibi deteriora faceret. Haeduis se obsides redditurum non esse, neque his neque eorum sociis iniuria bellura inlaturum, si in eo manerent quod convenisset stlpendiumque quotannls penderent; si id non fecissent, longe ils fraternum nomen populi Roman! afuturum. 5 Quod sibi Caesar denuntiaret se Haeduorum imurias non neg- lecturum, neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse. Cum vellet, congrederetur ; intellecturum quid invicti German!, exer- citatissimi in armis, qui inter annos xim tectum non subissent, virtute possent.' 10 The Gauls complain of new hardships. Caesar hastens to Vesontio. XXXVII. Haec eodem tempore Caesar! mandata refere- bantur et legatl ab Haeduis et a Treveris veniebant, Haedui questum quod Harudes, qui nuper in Galliam transportati essent, finis eorum popularentur ; sese ne obsidibus quidem datis pacem Ariovisti redimere potuisse ; Treveri autem, pagos 15 centum Sueborum ad ripas Rheni consedisse, qui Rhenum transire conarentur ; his prae- esse Nasuam et Cirnberium fratres. Quibus rebus Caesar 20 vehementer commotus matii- randum sibi exlstimavit, ne, si nova manus Sueborum cum veteribus copiis Ariovisti sese coniunxisset, minus facile re- 25 sisti posset. Itaque re frumen- taria quam celerrime potuit comparata magms itineribus ad Ariovistum contendit. XXXVIII. Cum tridul viam processisset, nuntiatum est eiso Ariovistum cum suls omnibus copiis ad occupandum Veson- tionem, quod est oppidum maximum Sequan5rum, contendere tridulque viam a suls fmibus processisse. Id ne accideret PLAN OF VESONTIO 78 THE GALLIC WAR I magnopere sibi praecavendum Caesar existimabat. Naraque omnium rerum quae ad bellum usui erant summa erat in eo oppido facultas, idemque natura loci sic muniebatur ut magnam ad ducendum bellum daret facultatem, propterea quod flumen 5Dubis ut circino circumductum paene totum oppidum cingit, reliquum spatium, quod est non amplins pedum sescentorum, qua flumen intermittit, mons continet magna altitudine, ita ut radices eius mentis ex utraque parte ripae fluminis contingant. Hunc murus circumdatus arcem efficit et cum oppido coniungit. 10 Hue Caesar magnis nocturnis diurmsque itineribus contendit occupatoque oppido ibi praesidium conlocat. A panic seizes the soldiers. XXXIX. Dura paucos dies ad Vesontionera rei frumentariae commeatusque causa moratur, ex percontatione nostrorum vocibusque Gallorum ac mercatorum, qui ingentl magnitudine iscorporum Germanos, incredibili virtute atque exercitatione in armis esse praedicaba'nt (saepenumero sese cum his congressos ne vultum quidem atque aciem oculorum dicebant ferre potuisse), tantus subito timor omnem exercitum occupavit ut non mediocriter omnium mentis animosque perturbaret. Hie 20 primum ortus est a tribunls militum, praefectls, reliquisque qui ex urbe amicitiae causa Caesarem secuti non magnum in re mili- tari usum habebant ; quorum alius alia causa inlata, quam sibi ad proficlscendum necessariam esse dlceret, petebat ut eius vo- luntate discedere liceret; non nullipudore adducti, ut timoris sus- 25 picionem vitarent, remanebant. Hi neque vultum fingere neque interdum lacrimas tenere poterant j abditi in tabernaculis aut suum fatumquerebantur aut cum familiaribus suis commune peri- culum miserabantur. Vulgo totis castris testamenta obsignaban- tur. Horum vocibus ac timore paulatim etiam ii qui magnum in 30 castris usum habebant, milites centurionesque quique equitatui praeerant, perturbabantur. Qui se ex his minus timidos ex- Tstimari volebant, non se hostem vereri, sed angustias itineris et magnitudinem silvarum quae intercederent inter ipsos atque I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 79 Ariovistum, aut rera frumentariam, ut satis commode supportari posset, timere dicebant. Non null! etiam Caesar! nuntiabant, cum castra mover! ac slgna fern iussisset, non fore dicto audientls rmlites neque propter timorem signa laturos. Caesar quiets their fears by a remarkable speech. XL. Haec cum animadvertisset, convocato consilio om- 5 niumque ordinum ad id consilium adhibitis centurionibus vehe- menter eos incusavit : prlmum, quod aut quam in partem aut quo consilio ducerentur sibi quaerendum aut cogitandum putarent. ' Ariovistum se c5nsule cupidissime populi Romani amicitiam appetisse ; cur hunc tarn temere quisquam ab officio 10 discessurum iudicaret? Sibi quidem persuader! cognitis suis postulatls atque aequitate condici5num perspecta eum neque suam neque populi Romam gratiam repudiaturnm. Quod si furore atque amentia impulsus bellum intulisset, quid tan- dem vererentur? Aut cur de sua virtute aut de ipsius diligentiais desperarent? Factum eius hostis periculum patrum nostrorum memoria, cum Cimbrls et Teutoms a C. Mario pulsis non minorem laudem exercitus quam ipse^ imperator meritus vide- batur ; factum etiam nuper in Italia servlll tumultu, quos tamen aliquid usus ac disciplina quam a nobis accepissent sublevarent. 2 o Ex quo iudicari posse quantum haberet in se bom constantia, propterea quod quos aliquamdiu inermis sine causa timuissent, hos postea armatos ac victores superassent. Denique hos esse eosdem Germanos quibuscum saepenumero Helvetii congressl non solu.m in suis sed etiam in illorum finibus plerumq^ue 25 superarint ; qui tamen pares esse nostro exercitui non potuerint. Si quos adversum proelium et fuga Gallorum commoveret, hos, si quaererent, reperlre posse diuturnitate belli defatlgatls Gallis Ariovistum, cum multos mensis castris se ac paludibus tenuisset neque sui potestatem fecisset, desperantls iam de pugna et^o disperses subito adortum magis ratione et consilio quam vir- tute vicisse. Cui ration! contra homines barbaros atque imperitos locus fuisset, hac ne ipsum quidem sperare nostros 8o THE GALLIC WAR I exercitus capi posse. Qui suum timorem in rei frumentariae simulationem angustiasque itineris conferrent, facere adrogan- ter, cum aut die officio imperatoris desperare aut praescribere viderentur. Haec sibi esse curae ; frumentum Sequanos, 5 Leucos, Lingones subministrare, iamque esse in agris frumen- tamatura; de itinere ipsos brevi tempore Judicatures. Quod non fore dicto audientes neque signa latuii dicantur, nihil se ea re commoveri ; scire enim quibuscumque exercitus dicto audiens non fuerit, aut male re gesta fortunam defuisse aut aliquo lofacinore comperto avaritiam esse convictam. Suam inno- centiam perpetua vita, felicitatem Helvetiorum bello esse per- spectam. Itaque se quod in longiorem diem conlaturus fuisset repraesentaturum, et proxima nocte de quarta vigilia castra moturum, ut quam primum intellegere posset utrum apud eos 15 pudor atque officium an timor plus valeret. Quod si praeterea nemo sequatur, tamen se cum sola decima legione iturum, de qua non dubitaret, sibique earn praetoriam cohortem futuram.' Huic legion! Caesar et indulserat praecipue et propter virtutem confidebat maxime. The army moves toward Ariovistus. 20 XLI. Hac oratione habita mirum in modum conversae snnt omnium mentes, summaque alacritas et cupiditas belli gerendi inlata est, princepsque decima legio per tribunes militurn el gratias egit quod de se optimum iudicium fecisset, seque esse ad bellum g;erendum paratissimam confirmavit. Deinde reliquae 25 legiones cum tribunls militum et primorum ordinum centurioni- bus egerunt utT Caesar! satisfacerent : 'Se neque urnquam dubi- tasse neque timuisse neque de sum ma belli suum iudicium, sed imperatoris esse existimavisse.' Eorum satisfactione accepta et itinere exquisite per Dlviciacum, quod ex Gallis el maximam 30 fidem habebat, ut milium amplius L circuitu locis apertls exerci- turn duceret, de quarta vigilia, ut dixerat, profectus est. Sep- timo die, cum iter non intermitteret, ab exploratoribus certior fac- tus est Ariovisti copias a nostris rnilia passuum mi et xx abesse. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 8 1 Negotiations between Caesar and Ariovistus. XLII. Cognito Caesaris adventu Ariovistus legates ad eum mittit : ' Quod antea de conloquio postulasset, id per se fieri licere, quoniara propius accessisset seque id sine periculo facere posse existimaret.' Non respuit condicionem Caesar, iamque eum ad sanitatem 5 revertl arbitrabatur, cum id quod antea petentl denegas- set ultro polliceretur ; mag- namque in spem veniebat pro suls tantls populique Roman! 10 in eum beneficils, cognitls suls postulatis, fore uti pertinacia desisteret. Dies conloquio dictus est ex eo die qumtus. Interim saepe cum Iegatii5 ultro citroque inter eos mit- terentur, Ariovistus postulavit ne quern peditem ad conlo- quium Caesar adduceret : ' Vereri se ne per insidias ab 20 eo circumveniretur ; uterque cum equitatu vemret; alia ratione sese non esse ven- turum.' Caesar quod neque conloquium interposita causa 25 toll! volebat neque salutem suam Gallorum equitatui com- mittere audebat, commodissi- mum esse statuit omnibus equis Gallis equitibus detractis 30 eo legionaries milites legionis decimae, cui quam maxime con- fidebat, imponere, ut praesidium quam amicissimum, si quid opus facto esset, haberet. Quod cum fieret, non inridicule quidam ex militibus decimae legionis dixit plus quam pollicitus A ROMAN LEGIONARY (From a gravestone) 8o THE GALLIC WAR 1 exercitus capT posse. QuI suura timorem in rei frumentariae simulationem angustiasque itineris conferrent, facere adrogan- ter, cum aut de officio imperatoris desperare aut praescrlbere viderentur. Haec sibi esse curae ; frumentum Sequanos, 5 Leucos, Lingones subministrare, iamque esse in agiis frumen- ta matiira ; de itinere ipsos brevi tempore judicatures. Quod non fore dicto audientes neque slgna laturi dlcantur, nihil se ea re commoveri ; scire enim quibuscumque exercitus dicto audiens non fuerit, aut male re gesta fortunnm defuisse aut aliquo icfacinore comperto avaritiam esse convictam. Suam inno- centiam perpetua vita, felicitatem Helvetiorum bello esse per- spectam. Itaque se quod in longiorem diem conlaturus fuisset repraesentatiirum, et proxima nocte de quarta vigilia castra moturum, ut quam prlmum intellegere posset ntrum apud eos 15 pudor atque officium an timor |5]us valeret. Quod si praeterea nemo sequatur, tamen se cum sola decima legione iturum, de qua non dubitaret, sibique earn praetoriam cohortem futiiram.' Huic legion! Caesar et indulserat praecipue et propter virtutem confldebat maxime. The army moves toward Ariovistus. 20 XLI. Hac oratione habita mlrum in modum conversae sunt omnium mentes, summaque alacritas et cupiditas belli gerendi inlata est, princepsque decima legio per tribunos mlliturn el gratias egit quod de se optimum indicium fecisset, seque esse ad bellum gerendum paratissimam confirmavit. Deinde reliquae aslegiones cum tribiinls militum et primorum ordinum centurioni- bus egerunt uti Caesar! satisfacerent : 'Se neque umquam dubi- tasse neque timuisse neque de summa belli suum iudicium, sed imperatoris esse existimavisse.' Eorum satisfactione accepta et itinere exquislto per Diviciacum, quod ex Gallis el maximam 3 fidem habebat, ut milium amplius L circuitu locis apertls exerci- tum duceret, de quarta vigilia, ut dixerat, profectus est. Sep- timo die, cum iter non intermitteret,ab exploratoribus certior fac- tus est Ariovisti copias a nostris milia passuum mi et xx abesse. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 8 1 Negotiations between Caesar and Ariovistus. XLII. Cognito Caesaris adventu Ariovistus legates ad eum mittit : ' Quod antea de conloquio postulasset, id per se fieri licere, quoniam propius accessisset seque id sine perlculo facere posse existimaret.' Non respuit condicionem Caesar, iamque eum ad sanitatem 5 revert! arbitrabatur, cum id quod antea patent! denegas- set ultro polliceretur ; mag- namque in spem veniebat pro sms tantis populique Roman! 10 in eum beneficiis, cognitis su!s postulat!s, fore ut! pertinacia desisteret. Dies conloquio dictus est ex eo die qumtus. Interim saepe cum legat! 15 ultro citroque inter eos mit- terentur, Ariovistus postulavit ne quern peditem ad conlo- quium Caesar adduceret : ' Vereri se ne per msidias ab 20 eo circumveniretur ; uterque cum equitatu vemret j alia ration e sese non esse ven- turum.' Caesar quod neque conloquium interposita causa 25 toll! volebat neque salutem suam Gallorum equitatu! com- mittere audebat, commodissi- mum esse statuit omnibus eqms Gallis equitibus detracts 30 eo legionarios milites legionis decimae, cui quam maxima con- fidebat, imponere, ut praesidium quam amicissimum, si quid opus facto esset, haberet. Quod cum fieret, non inridicule quidam ex militibus decimae legionis dixit plus quam pollicitus A ROMAN LKCIIONAKY (From a gravestone) 82 THE GALLIC WAR I esset Caesarem facere ; pollicitum se in cohortis praetoriae loco decimam legionem habiturum ad equum rescrlbere. A conference is held, in which Caesar makes demands of Ariovistus. XLIII. Planities erat magna et in ea tumulus terrenus satis grandis. Hie locus aequum fere spatium a castrls Ariovistl et 5 Caesaris aberat. Eo, ut erat dictum, ad conloquium venerunt. Legionem Caesar quam equis devexerat passibus ducentis ab eo tumulo constituit. Item equites Ariovistl pan intervallo constiterunt. Ariovistus ex equis ut conloquerentur et praeter se denos ad conloquium adducerent postulavit. Ubi eo ven- 10 turn est, Caesar initio orationis sua senatusque in eum beneficia commemoravit, quod rex appellatus esset a senatu, quod amlcus, quod munera amplissima missa; quam rem et paucis contigisse et pro magnis hominum officiis consuesse tribui do- cebat; ilium, cum neque aditum neque causam postulandi 15 iustam haberet, beneficio ac liBeralitate sua ac senatus ea prae- mia consecutum. Docebat etiam quam veteres quamque iustae causae necessitudinis ipsis cum Haeduls intercederent ; quae senatus consulta, quotiens, quamque honorifica in eos facta essent ; ut omnl tempore totius, Galliae principatum HaeduT 20 tenuissent, prius etiam quam nostram amlcitiam appetissent. 'Populi Roman! hanc esse consuetudinem, ut socios atque amicos non modo sui nihil deperdere sed gratia, digmtate, honore auctiores vellet esse; quod vero ad amlcitiam popull Roman! attulissent, id iis eripl quis pati posset ? ' Postulavit 25 deinde eadem quae legatis in mandatis dederat : ne aut HaeduTs aut edrum sociis bellum inferret, obsides redderet : si nullam partem Germanorum domum remittere posset, at ne quos amplius Rhenum transire pateretur. Ariovistus rejects Caesar's demands and makes others in his turn, which Caesar rejects. XLIV. Ariovistus ad postulata Caesaris pauca respondit, de 3 o suis virtutibus multa praedicavit : ' Transisse Rhenum sese non I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 8j t sua sponte, sed rogatum et arcessltum a Gallls ; non sine magna spe magnlsque praemiis domum propinquosque rell- quisse; sedls habere in Gallia ab ipsls concessas, obsides ipsorum voluntate dates ; stlpendium capere iure belli, quod victores victls imponere consuerinU Non sese Gallls, sed 5 Gallos sibi bellum intulisse ; omuls Galliae crvitates ad se op- pugnandum venisse ac contra se castra habuisse ; eas omms copias a se uno proelio pulsas ac superatas esse. Si iterum ex- perm velint, se iterum paratum esse decertare ; si pace utl velint, iniquum esse de stipendio recusare, quod sua voluntate 10 ad id tempus pependerint. ' Amicitiam popull Roman! sibi ornamento et praesidio, non detrimento esse oportere, atque se hac spe petlsse. Si per populum Romanum stlpendium remittatur et deditlcil subtra- hantur, non minus libenter sese recusaturum popull Roman! 15 amicitiam quam appetierit. Quod multitudinem Germanorum in Galliam traducat, id se sui munieridl, non Galliae oppug- nandae causa facere ; eius re! testimonium esse quod nisi rogatus non venerit, et quod bellum non intulerit, sed defen- derit. 20 ' Se prius in Galliam venisse quam populum Romanum. Numquam ante hoc tempus exercitum popull Roman! Galliae provinciae fmibus egressum. Quid sibi vellet? Cur in suas possessiones vemret ? Provinciam suam hanc esse Galliam,/ sicut illam nostram. Ut ips! conced! non oporteret, s! in nostros 25 finis impetum faceret, sic item nos esse imquos, quod in suo iure se interpellaremus. Quod fratres a senatu Haeduos appel- latos diceret, non se tarn barbarum neque tain imperitum esse rerum ut non sclret neque bello Allobrogum proxim5 Haeduos Romams auxilium tulisse neque ipsos in his contentionibus 30 quas Haedui secum et cum Sequanls habuissent auxilio popull Roman! usos esse. Debere se suspicar! simulata Caesarem amicitia, quern exercitum in Gallia habeat, sui opprimend! causa habere. Qu! nisi decedat atque exercitum deducat ex h!s regionibus, sese ilium non pro am!co, sed pro hoste 35 84 THE GALLIC WAR I habiturum. Quod si eum interfecerit, multis sese nobilibus prmcipibusque populi Roman! gratum esse facturum (id se ab ipsis per eorum nuntios compertum habere), quorum omnium gratiam atque ainicitiam eius morte redimere posset. 5 Quod si decessisset et liberam possessionem Galliae sibi tradi- disset, magno se ilium praemio remuneraturum, et quaecumque bella gerl vellet sine ullo eius labore et periculo confec- turum.' XLV. Multa a Caesare in earn sententiam dicta sunt, quare ronegotio desistere non posset: 'Neque suam neque populi Roman! consuetudinem pat! uti optime meritos socios desereret, neque se iudicare Galliam potius esse Ariovistl quam popul! Roman!. Bello superatos esse Arvernos et Rutenos a Q. Fabio Maximo, quibus populus Romanus ignovisset neque in 15 provinciam redegisset neque stipendium imposuisset. Quod si ant!quissimum quodque tempus spectar! oporteret, populi Ro- man! iustissimum esse in Gallia imperium ; si iudicium senatus observar! oporteret, liberam debere esse Galliam, quam bello victam sms legibus uti voluisset.' The conference is broken off by signs of bad faith on the part of the Germans. 20 XLVI. Dum haec in conloquio genmtur, Caesar! nuntiatum est equites Ariovistl propius tumulum accedere et ad nostros adequitare, lapides telaque in nostros conicere. Caesar lo- quend! fmem fecit seque ad suos recepit, suisque imperavit ne quod ommno telum in hostis reicerent. Nam ets! sine ullo 25 periculo legionis delectae cum equitatu proelium fore videbat, tamen committendum non putabat ut pulsis hostibus die! posset eos ab se per fidem in conloquio circumventos. Posteaquam in vulgus mllitum elatum est qua adrogantia in conloquio Ario- vistus usus omn! Gallia Romanis interdixisset, impetumque ut 30 in nostros eius equites fecissent, eaque res conloquium dire- misset, multo maior alacritas studiumque pugnand! maius exer- citu! iniectum est. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 85 Ariovistus wishes to renew negotiations, but casts into chains envoys whom Caesar sends. XLVII. Biduo post Ariovistus ad Caesarem legates misit : ' Velle se de iis rebus quae inter eos agl coeptae neque perfectae essent agere cum eo ; uti aut iterum conloquio diem constitueret aut, si id minus vellet, ex suis legatls aliquem ad se mitteret.' Conloquend! Caesar! causa visa non est, et eo magis quod 5 pridie eius diel German! retineri non potuerant qum tela in nostros conicerent. Legatum ex suis sese magno cum periculo ad eum missurum et hominibus fens obiecturum existimabat. Commodissimum vlsum est C. Valerium Procillum, C. Valeri Cabuii filium, summa virtute et humanitate adulescentem, cuius 10 pater a C. Valerio Flacc5 civitate donatus erat, et propter jfidem et propter linguae Gallicae scientiam, qua multa iam Ariovistus longinqua consuetudine utebatur, et quod in eo peccandi Ger- manis causa non esset, ad eum mittere, et una M. Metium, qul hospitio Ariovisti utebatur. His mandavit ut quae diceret 15 Ariovistus cognoscerent et ad se referrent. Qu5s cum apud se in castrls Ariovistus conspexisset, exercitu suo praesente concla- mavit : ' Quid ad se venlrent ? An speculandl causa ? ' Conantis dicere prohibuit et in catenas coniecit. Caesar tries in vain to induce Ariovistus to fight. XLVIII. Eodem die castra promovit et milibus passuum sex 20 a Caesaris castrls sub monte consedit. Postridie eius diel praeter castra Caesaris suas copias traduxit et milibus passuum duobus ultra eum castra fecit eo consilio, uti frumento com- meatuque, qui ex Sequanis et Haeduls supportaretur, Caesarem intercluderet. Ex eo die dies continues quinque Caesar pro 25 castrls suas copias produxit et aciem Instructam habuit, ut si vellet Ariovistus proelio contendere, el potestas non deesset. Ariovistus his omnibus diebus exercitum castris continuit, eques- trl proelio cottidie contendit. Genus hoc erat pugnae quo se German! exercuerant. Equitum milia erant sex, totidem numero 30 pedites velocissimi ac fortissiml, quos ex omn! copia singuli 86 THE GALLIC WAR I singulos suae salutis causa delegerant; cum his in proeliis versabantur, ad eos se equites recipiebant. Hi, si quid erat diirius, concurrebant ; si qui graviore vulnere accepto equo deciderat, circumsistebant ; si quo erat longius prodeundum 5 aut celerius recipiendum, tanta erat horum exercitatione cele- ritas ut iubis sublevati equorum cursum adaequarent. XLIX. Ubi earn castris se tenure Caesar intellexit, ne diutius commeatu prohiberetur, ultra eum locum quo in loco German! consederant circiter passus sescentos ab his castrls idoneum 10 locum delegit, acieque triplici mstructa ad earn locum venit. Primam et secundam aciem in armis esse, tertiam castra munlre iussit Hie locus ab hoste circiter passus sescentos, uti dictum est, aberat. Eo circiter hominum xvi milia expedita cum omm equitatu Ariovistus misit, quae copiae nostros terrerent 15 et munitione prohiberent. Nihilo setius Caesar, ut ante con- stituerat, duas acies hostem propulsare, tertiam opus perficere iussit Munitis castris duas ibi legiones rellquit et partem auxiliorum, quattuor reliquas in castra maiora reduxit. Fighting at last begins. L. Proximo die institute suo Caesar ex castris utrisque aocopias suas eduxit, paulumque a maioribus castris progressus aciem Tnstruxit hostibusque pugnandi potestatem fecit. Ubi ne turn quidem eos prodfre intellexit, circiter meridie exercitum in castra reduxit. Turn demum Ariovistus partem suarum co- piarum, quae castra minora oppugnaret, misit. Acriter utrim- 25 que usque ad vesperum pugnatum est. Solis occasu suas co- pias Ariovistus multis et inlatis et acceptls vulneribus in castra reduxit. Cum ex captivis quaereret Caesar quam ob rem Ariovistus proelio non decertaret, hanc reperiebat causam, quod apud Germanos ea consuetudo esset, ut matres familiae eorum sosortibus et vaticinationibus declararent utrum proelium com- mitti ex usu esset necne eas ita dicere : ' Non esse fas Ger- manos superare si ante novam lunam proelio contendis- sent.' . [ ll/Caesar's I _ll ' arger cam P Cra\ssus with the cavalry THE DEFEAT OF ARIOV1STUS 87- 86 THE GALLIC WAR I singulos suae salutis causa delegerant; cum his in proelils versabantur, ad eos se equites recipiebant. Hi, si quid erat durius, concurrebant ; si qui graviore vulnere accepto equ5 deciderat, circumsistebant ; si quo erat longius prodeundum 5 aut celerius recipiendum, tanta erat horum exercitatione cele- ritas ut iubls sublevatl equorum cursum adaequarent. XLIX. Ubi enm castris se teriere Caesar intellexit, ne diutius commeatu prohiberetur, ultra eum locum quo in loco German! consederant circiter passus sescentos ab his castris idoneum 10 locum delegit, acieque triplicl mstructa ad eum locum venit. Primara et secundam aciem in armis esse, tertiam castra munlre iussit. Hie locus ab hoste circiter passus sescentos, uti dictum est, aberat. Eo circiter hominum xvi mllia expedlta cum omm equitatu Ariovistus mlsit, quae copiae nostros terrerent 15 et munitione prohiberent. Nihilo setius Caesar, ut ante con- stituerat, duas acies hostem propulsare, tertiam opus perficere iussit. Munitis castris duas ibi legiones rellquit et partem auxiliorum, quattuor reliquas in castra maiora reduxit. Fighting at last begins. L. Proximo die Institute suo Caesar ex castris utrisque zocopias suas eduxit, paulumque a maioribus castris progressus aciem Instruxit hostibusque pugnandi potestatem fecit. Ubi ne turn quidem eos prodire intellexit, circiter meridie exercitum in castra reduxit. Turn demum Ariovistus partem suarum co- piarum, quae castra minora oppugnaret, mlsit. Acriter utrim- 25 que usque ad vesperum pugnatum est. Solis occasu suas co- pias Ariovistus multis et inlatis et acceptls vulneribus in castra reduxit. Cum ex captlvis quaereret Caesar quam ob rein Ariovistus proelio non decertaret, hanc reperiebat causam, quod apud Germanos ea consuetudo esset, ut matres familiae eorum sosortibus et vaticinationibus declararent utrum proelium com- mittl ex usu esset necne ; eas ita dicere : ' Non esse fas Ger- manos superare si ante novam lunam proelio contendis- sent.' First camp of Ariovistus I li /Caesar's . v( larger camp Second \ O camp of Ariovistus smaller camp|l I Cra\ssus with the cavalry THE DEFEAT OF AKIOVTSTUS 8 7 - THE GALLIC WAR A decisive battle. The Germans are defeated, and those who survive the battle flee across the Rhine. LI. Postridie eius die! Caesar praesidio utrisque castris quod satis esse visum est rellquit, alarios omms in conspectu hostium pro castris minoribus constituit, quod minus multituciine mili- tum legionariorum pro hostium numero valebat, ut ad speciem 5 alarils uteretur ; ipse triplicl instructa acie usque ad castra hos- tium accessit. Turn demum necessari5 German! suas copias castris eduxerunt generatimque constituerunt paribus interval- Hs, Harudes, Marcomannos, Tribocos, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusios, Suebos, omnemque aciem suam raedis et earns cir- 10 cumdederunt, ne qua spes in fuga relinqueretur. Eo mulieres imposuerunt, quae ad proelium proficiscentls milites passls manibus flentes implorabant ne se in servitutem Romanis traderent. LII. Caesar singulls legionibus singulos legates et quaestorem 15 praef ecit, uti eos testis suae quisque virtutis haberet ; ipse a dextro cornu, quod earn partem minime firmam hostium esse animadverterat, proelium commlsit. Et ita nostri acriter in hostls slgno dato impetum fecerunt, itaque hostes repente ce- leriterque procurrerimt ut spatium pila in hostls coniciendi non 2odaretur. Reiectis pills comrainus gladils pugnatum est. At GermanI celeriter ex consuetudine sua phalange facta impetus gladiorum exceperunt. Reperti sunt complures nostri qul in phalangem Insillrent et scuta manibus revellerent et desuper vulnerarent. Cum hostium acies a sinistro cornu pulsa atque 25 in fugam coniecta esset x a dextro cornu vehementer multitudine suorum nostram aciem premebant. Id cum animadvertisset P. Crassus adulescens, qul equitatui praeerat, quod expeditior erat quam ii qul inter aciem versabantur, tertiam aciem laborantibus nostris subsidio mlsit. 30 LIII. Ita proelium restitutum est, atque oinnes hostes terga verterunt, nee prius fugere destiterunt quam ad flumen Rhenum mllia passuum ex eo loco circiter qulnque pervenerunt. Ibi perpaucl aut vlribus conflsl tranare contenderunt aut lintribus I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 89 inventls sibi salutem reppererunt. In his fuit Ariovistus, qui naviculam deligatam ad ripam nactus ea profugit ; reliquos omms consecutl equites nostrl interfecerunt. Duae fuerimt Ariovisti uxores, una Sueba natione, quam domo secum duxerat, altera Norica, regis Voccionis soror, quam in Gallia duxerat a 5 fratre missam ; utraque in ea fuga periit. Duae flliae ; harum altera occisa, altera capta est. C. Valerius Procillus, cum a custodibus in fuga trims catenls vinctus traheretur, in ipsum Caesarem hostls equitatu Insequentem incidit. Quae quid em res Caesar! non minorem quam ipsa victoria voluptatem attulit, 10 quod hominem honestissimum provinciae Galliae, suum fami- liarem et hospitem, ereptum ex manibus hostium sibi restitutum videbat, neque eius calamitate de tanta voluptate et gratula- tione quicquam fortuna deminuerat. Is se praesente de se ter sortibus consultum dicebat, utrum Tgni statim necaretur an in 15 aliud tempus reservaretur ; sortium beneficio se esse incolumem. Item M. Metius repertus et ad eum reductus est. Caesar, after placing the army in winter quarters, departs for Hither Gaul. LIV. Hoc proelio trans Rhenum nuntiato Suebl, qui ad ripas RhenI venerant, domum revert! coeperunt; quos Ubii, qui proxim! Rhenum incolunt, perterritos senserunt j msecut! 20 magnum ex i!s numerum occlderunt. Caesar una aestate duobus maximis bellis confectls maturius paulo quam tempus anni postulabat in hiberna in Sequanos exercitum deduxit ; - hibernis Labienum praeposuit ; ipse in citeriorem Galliam ad conventus agendos profectus est. 25 BOOK II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE The Belgae conspire. I. Cum esset Caesar in citeriore Gallia, ita uti supra demon- stravimus, crebri ad eum rumores adferebantur litterlsque item Labiem certior fiebat omms Belgas, quam tertiam esse Galliae partem dlxeramus, contra popuhmi Romanum coniurare ob- 5 sidesque inter se dare. Coniurandi has esse causas : primum, quod vererentur ne omnl pacata Gallia ad eos exercitus noster adduceretur ; deinde, quod ab non nullis Gallis sollicitarentur, partim qul, ut Germanos diiitius in Gallia versari noluerant, ita populi Roman! exercitum hiemare atque inveterascere in Gallia icmoleste ferebant, partim qul mobilitate et levitate animl novls imperils studebant ; ab non nullis etiam quod in Gallia a poten- tioribus atque Ms qul ad conducendos homines facultates habe- bant vulgo regna occupabantur, qul minus facile earn rem imperio nostro consequl poterant. Caesar with his army hastens towards them. The Remi join him. 15 II. His nuntifs litterlsque commotus Caesar duas legiones in citeriore Gallia novas conscrlpsit, et inita aestate in ulteriorem Galliam qul deduceret, Q. Pedium legatum misit. Ipse, cum primum pabuli copia esse inciperet, ad exercitum venit. Dat negotium Senonibus reliquisque Gallis quT finitiml BelgTs erant 20 uti ea quae apud eos gerantur cognoscant seque de his rebus certiorem faciant. HI constanter omnes nuntiaverunt manus cogi, exercitum in unum locum conduci. Turn vero dubitandum non existimavit quin ad eos proficlsceretur. Re frumentaria provisa castra movet diebusque circiter xv ad finis Belgarum 25 pervenit. 90 II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 9 1 III. Eo cum de improvise celeriusque omnium oplnione venisset, RemI, qui proximl Galliae ex Belgis sunt, ad eum legates Icciura et Andebrogium, primos civitatis, mlserunt, qui dicerent se suaque omnia in fidem atque potestatem populi Roman! per mittere ; neque se cum reliquis Belgis consensisse 5 neque contra populum Romanum coniurasse, paratosque esse et obsides dare et imperata facere et oppidls recipere et fru- mento ceterlsque rebus iuvare ; reliquos omnls Belgas in armis esse, German5sque qui cis Rhenum incolant sese cum his con- iunxisse ; tantumque esse eorum omnium furorem ut ne Sues- 10 siones quidem, fratres consanguineosque suos, qui eodem iure et isdem legibus utantur, unum imperium unumque magistratum cum ipsis habeant, deterrere potuerint quin cum his consentirent. The strength of the Belgae. IV. Cum ab iis quaereret quae civitates quantaeque in armis essent et quid in bello possent, sic reperiebat : ' Plerosque Belgas 15 esse ortos a Germanis, Rhenumque antlquitus traductos propter loci fertilitatem ibi consedisse, Gallosque qui ea loca incolerent expulisse, solosque esse qui patrum nostrorum memoria omni Gallia vexata Teutonos Cimbrosque intra suos finis ingredl pro- hibuerint ; qua ex re fieri uti earum rerum memoria magnam 20 sibi auctoritatem magnosque splritus in re mllitarl sumerent.' De numero eorum omnia se habere explorata RemI dlcebant, propterea quod propinquitatibus adflnitatibusque coniunctl quantam quisque multitudinem in communl Belgarum concilio ad id bellum pollicitus sit cognoverint. Plurimum inter 60525 Bellovacos et virtute et auctoritate et hominum numero valere ; hos posse conficere armata milia centum, pollicitds ex eo numero electa milia LX, totlusque belli imperium sibi postulare. Suessiones suos esse flnitimos ; finis latissimos feracissimosque agros possidere. Apud eos fuisse regem nostra etiam memoria 30 Dlviciacum, totlus Galliae potentissimum, qui cum magnae partis harum regionum, turn etiam Britanniae imperium obti- nuerit; nunc esse regem Galbam ; ad hunc propter iustitiam 92 THE GALLIC WAR II prudentiamque summam totius belli omnium voluntate deferri. Oppida habere numero xn, pollicerl milia armata L ; totidem Nervios, qui maxima feri inter ipsos habeantur longissimeque absint ; xv milia Atrebatls, Arnbianos x milia, Morinos xxv 5 milia, Menapios vn milia, Caletos x milia, Veliocassls et Viro- manduos totidem, Atuatucos xvim milia ; Condrusos, Ebu- rones, Caeroesos, Caemanos, qui uno nomine German! appellantur, arbitrarl ad XL milia. Caesar sends a force of Haedui to threaten the Bellovaci; he himself crosses the Axona. V. Caesar Remos cohortatus llberaliterque oratione pro- 10 secutus omnem senatum ad se convemre prmcipumque liberos obsides ad se adducl iussit. Quae omnia ab his diligenter ad diem facta sunt. Ipse Diviciacum Haeduum magnopere co- hortatus docet quantopere rel publicae communisque salutis intersit manus hostium distinerl, ne cum tanta multitudine uno 15 tempore confligendum sit. ' Id fieri posse, si suas copias Haedui in finis Bellovacorum introduxerint et eorurn agros popularl coe- perint.' His datls mandatis eum a se dimittit. Postquam omnls Belgarum copias in unum locum coactas ad se venire vldit, neque iam longe abesse ab ils quos miserat exploratoribus 20 et ab Remls cognovit, flumen Axonam, quod est in extremis Remorum fmibus, exercitum traducere maturavit atque ibi castra posuit. Quae res et latus unum castrorum ripls fluminis muniebat et post eum quae erant tuta ab hostibus reddebat, et commeatus ab Remls reliqulsque civitatibus ut sine periculo ad 25 eum portari possent efficiebat. In eo flumine pons erat. Ibi praesidiumponitetinalteraparte fluminis Q. Titurium Sabmum legatum cum sex cohortibus relinquit ; castra in altitudinem pedum duodecim vallo fossaque duodevigintipedummunmiubet. He relieves Bibrax, a town of the Remi. VI. Ab his castris oppidum Remorum nomine Bibrax aberat 30 milia passuum octo. Id ex itinere magno impetu Belgae II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 93 oppugnare coeperunt. Aegre eo die sustentatum est. Gallorum eadem atque Belgarum oppug- natio est haec : ubi cir- 5 cumiecta multitudine hominum toils moenibus undique in murum lapides iaci coepti sunt murusque def ensoribus nudatusio est, testudine facta suc- cedunt miirumque sub- ruunt. Quod turn facile fiebat. Nam cum tanta multitude lapides ac telais conicerent, in muro con- sistendi potestas erat nulli. Cum fmem oppugnandi nox fecisset, Iccius Remus, sum ma nobilitate 20 et gratia inter suos, qui TESTUDO tum oppido praeerat, unus ex ils qui legatl de pace ad Caesarem venerant, nun- tios ad eum mittit, nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, sese diutius sustinere non posse. 25 VII. E6 de media nocte Caesar isdem duci- bus usus qui nuntil ab Iccio venerant Numidas et Cretes sagittarios et funditores Balearis subsi- dio oppidams mittit ; quorum adventii et Remis cum spe defensionis studium propugnandi ac-so cessit et hostibus eadem de causa spes potiundi oppidi discessit. Itaque paulisperapud oppidum morati agrosque Remorum depopulati, omnibus vlcis aedificiisque quo adire potuerant incensis, SAGITTARIUS ad castra Caesaris omnibus copiis contenderuntss 92 THE GALLIC WAR II prudentiamque summam totius belli omnium voluntate deferrl. Oppida habere numero xn, pollicen milia armata L ; totidem Nervios, qui maxime fen inter ipso.s habeantur longissimeque absint ; xv milia Atrebatls, Ambianos x milia, Morinos xxv 5 milia, Menapios vn milia, Caletos x milia, Veliocassls et Viro- manduos totidem, Atuatuco.s xvim milia ; Condrusos, Ebu- rones, Caeroesos, Caemanos, qui uno nomine German! appellantur, arbitrarl ad XL milia. Caesar sends a force of Haedui to threaten the Bellovaci ; he himself crosses the Axona. V. Caesar Remos cohortatus llberaliterqne oratione pro- iosecutus omnem senatum ad se convenire principmnque libero.s obsides ad se addiici iussit. Quae omnia ab his diligenter ad diem facta sunt. Ipse Diviciacum Haeduum magnopere co- hortatus docet quantopere re! publicae commiinisque salutis intersit manus hostium distinen, ne cum tanta multitudine lino 15 tempore confligendum sit. ' Id fien posse, si suas copias Haedui in finis Bellovacorum introduxerint et eorum ngros popular! coe- perint.' His datls mandatls eum a se dlmittit. Postquam omnls Belgarum copias in unum locum coactas ad se venire vldit, neque iam longe abesse ab ils quos miserat exploratoribus 20 et ab Remls cognovit, fliimen Axonam, quod est in extremis Remorum flnibus, exercitum tradiicere matiiravit atque ibi castra posuit. Quae res et latus unum castrorum rlpls fliiminis muniebat et post eum quae erant tuta ab hostibus reddebat, et commeatus ab Remls relicjulsque civitatibus tit sine perlculo ad 25 eum portaii possent efficiebat. In eo flumine pons erat. Ibi praesidium ponit etin altera parte fluminis Q. Titiirium Sablnum legatum cum sex cohortibus relinquit ; castra in altitiidinem pedum duodecim vallo fossaque duodevlgintlpedummunlrliubet. He relieves Bibrax, a town of the Remi. VI. Ab his castrls oppidum Remorum nomine Bibrax aberat 30 milia passuum octo. Id ex itinere magno impetu Belgae II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 93 oppugnare coeperunt. Aegre eo die sustentatum est. Gallorum eadem atque Belgarum oppug- natio est haec : ubi cir- 5 cumiecta multitiidine hominum tolls moenibus 'I undique in miirum lapides iaci coeptlsunt murusque def ensoribus n u d a t u s 10 est, testudine facta suc- cedunt murumque sub- ruunt. Quod turn focile fiebat. Nam cum tanta multitudo lapides ac tela 15 conicerent, in miiro con- sistendT potestas erat niilli. Cum finem oppugnandl nox fecisset, Iccius Remus, summa nobilitate 20 et gratia inter suos, qul turn oppido praeerat, unus ex ifs qul legati de pace ad Caesarem venerant, niin- tios ad eum mittit, nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, sese diutius sustinere non posse. 25 VII. Eo de media nocte Caesar Isdem duci- bus usus qul nuntii ab Iccio venerant Numidas et Cretes sagittarios et funditores Baleans subsi- dio oppidanls mittit ; quorum adventu et Remis cum spe defensionis studium propugnandi ac-so cessit et hostibus eadem de causa spes potiundl oppidT discessit. Itaque paulisper apud oppidum moratl agrosque Remorum depopulati, omnibus vicis aedificiisque quo adire potuerant incensls, SAGITTARIUS a d castra Caesaris omnibus copiis contenderuntss TESTUDO 94 THE GALLIC WAR II et a milibus passuum minus duobus castra posueruntj quae castra, lit fumo atque Ignibus slgnificabatur, amplius milibus passuum octo in latitudinem patebant. Description of Caesar's camp on the Axona. VIII. Caesar primo et propter multitudinetn hostium et 5 propter eximiam opmionem virtutis proelio supersedere statuit ; cottldie tamen equestribus proeliis quid hostis virtute posset et quid nostri auderent periclitabatur. Ubi nostros non esse mferiores intellexit, loco pro castris ad aciem Instruendam natura opportune atque idoneo, quod is coin's ubi castra posita xoerant paululum ex planitie editus tantum adversus in latitudi- nem patebat quantum loci acies Instructa occupare poterat, atque ex utraque parte lateris deiectus habebat et in fronte leniter fastigatus paulatim ad planitiem redibat, ab utroque latere eius collis transversam fossam obduxit circiter passuum 15 quadringentorum, et ad extremas fossas castella constituit ibique tormenta conlocavit, ne cum aciem. instruxisset, hostes, quod tantum multitudine poterant, ab lateribus pugnantis suos cir- cumvenire possent. Hoc facto duabus legionibus quas proxime conscripserat in castris relictls, ut si quo opus esset, subsidio 20 duel possent, reliquas sex legiones pro castris in acie constituit. Hostes item suas copias ex castris eductas Instruxerunt. A battle, in which the Belgae are defeated with much loss. IX. Palus erat non magna inter nostrum atque hostium ex- ercitum. Hanc si nostri transirent hostes exspectabant ; nostri autem, si ab illis initium transeundi fieret, ut impeditos adgre- 25 derentur parati in armls erant. Interim proelio equestri inter duas acies contendebatur. Ubi neutri transeundi initium fa- ciunt, secundiore equitum proelio nostris Caesar suos in castra reduxit. Hostes protinus ex eo loco ad flumen Axonam con- tenderunt, quod esse post nostra castra demonstratum est. 3olbi vadls repertis partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt eo consilio, ut, si possent, castellum cui praeerat Q. Titu- II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 95 rius legatus expugnarent pontemque interscinderent ; si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popularentur, qui magno nobis usul ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque nostros prohiberent. THE BATTLE ON THE AXONA X. Caesar certior factus ab Titurio omnem equitatum et levis armaturae Numidas, funditores sagittariosque ponte tra- 5 ducit atque ad eos contendit. Acriter in eo loco pugnatum est. HostTs impeditos nostri in flumine adgressi magnum eorum numerum occiderunt ; per eorum corpora reliquos au- dacissime transire conantis multitudine telorum reppulerunt, primosque, qui transierant, equitatii circumventos interfecerunt. 10 Hostes ubi et de expugnando oppido et de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse intellexerunt, neque nostros in locum inl- quiorem progredi pugnandi causa vlderunt, atque ipsos res frumentaria deficere coepit, concilio convocato constituerunt optimum esse domum suam quemque revert!, et quorum in 15 finis primum Roman! exercitum introduxissent, ad eos de- fendendos undique convenient, ut.potius in suis quam in aliems finibus decertarent et domesticis copiis rel frumentariae ute- 94 THE GALLIC WAR II et a mllibus passuum minus duobus castra posuerunt-j quae castra, ut fumo atque Ignibus slgnificabatur, amplius milibus passuum octo in latitudinem patebant. Description of Caesar's camp on the Axona. VIII. Caesar prlmo et propter multitudinem hostium et 5 propter eximiam opmionem virtutis proelio supersedere statuit ; cottidie tamen equestribus proeliis quid hostis virtute posset et quid nostri auderent penclitabatur. Ubi nostros non esse mferiores intellexit, loco pro castrls ad aciem Instruendam natura opportune atque idoneo, quod is collis ubi castra posita joerant paululum ex planitie editus tan turn adversus in latitudi- nem patebat quantum loci acies Instructa occupare poterat, atque ex utraque parte lateris deiectus habebat et in fronte leniter fastlgatus paulatim ad planitiem redibat, ab utroque latere eius collis transversam fossam obduxit circiter passuum 15 quadringentorum, et ad extremas fossas castella constituit ibique tormenta conlocavit, ne cum aciem instruxisset, hostes, quod tantum multitudine poterant, ab lateribus pugnantis suos cir- cumvemre possent. Hoc facto duabus legionibus quas proxime conscripserat in castrls relictls, ut si quo opus esset, subsidio 20 duel possent, reliquas sex legiones pro castrfs in acie constituit. Hostes item suas copias ex castrls eductas instruxerunt. A battle, in which the Belgae are defeated with much loss. IX. Palus erat non magna inter nostrum atque hostium ex- ercitum. Hanc si nostri translrent hostes exspectabant nostri autem, si ab illls initium transeundi fieret, ut impedltos adgre- 25 derentur paratl in armls erant. Interim proelio equestii inter duas acies contendebatur. Ubi neutri transeundi initium fa- ciunt, secundiore equitum proelio nostrls Caesar suos in castra reduxit. Hostes protinus ex eo loco ad flu men Axonam con- tenderunt, quod esse post nostra castra demonstratum est. 3 o Ibi vadis repertls parte m suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt eo consilio, ut ; si possent, castellum cui praeerat Q. Titu- II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 95 rius legatus expugnarent pontemque interscinderent ; si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popularentur, qui magno nobis usul ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque nostros prohiberent. THE BATTLE ON THE AXONA X. Caesar certior factus ab Titurio omnem equitatum et levis armaturae Numidas, funditores sagittariosque ponte tra- 5 ducit atque ad eos contendit. Acriter in e5 loco pugnatum est. Hostls impedltos nostrl in flumine adgressl magnum eorum numerum occlderunt ; per eorum corpora reliquos au- dacissime transire conantis multitudine telorum reppulerunt, primosque, qui transierant, equitatu circumventos interfecerunt. 10 Hostes ubi et de expugnando oppido et de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse intellexerunt, neque nostros in locum ini- quiorem progredi pugnandl causa vlderunt, atque ipsos res frumentaria deficere coepit, concilio convocato constituerunt optimum esse domum suam quemque reverti, et quorum in 15 finis primum Rom am exercitum introduxissent, ad eos cle- fendendos undique convenient, ut.potins in suis quam in aliems finibus decertarent et domesticis copiis rei frumentariae ute- 96 THE GALLIC WAR II rentur. Ad earn sententiam cum reliquis causls haec quoque ratio eos deduxit, quod Dlviciacum atque Haeduos fmibus Bellovacorum appropinquare cognoverant. His persuader! ut diutius morarentur neque suls auxilium. ferrent non poterat. 5 XI. Ea re constituta secunda vigilia magno cum strepitu ac tumultu castrls egress! nullo certo ordine neque imperio, cum sibi quisque prlmum itineris locum peteret et domtim pervemre properaret, fecerunt ut consimilis fugae profectio videretur. Hac re statim Caesar per speculatores cognita insidias veritus, 10 quod qua de causa discederent nondum perspexerat, exercitum equitatumque castris continuit. Prima luce confirmata re ab exploratoribus omnem equitatum, qu! novissimum agmen mo- raretur, praemisit. His Q. Pedium et L. Aurunculeium Cottam legates praefecit j T. Labienum legatum cum legionibus tribus 15 subsequ! iussit. . Hi novissimos adort! et multa milia passuum prosecut! magnam multitudinem eorum fugientium conciderunt, cum ab extremo agmine, ad quos ve'ntum erat, consisterent fortiterque impetum nostrorum militum sustinerent, priores, quod abesse a periculo viderentur neque ulla necessitate neque soimperio continerentur, exaudito clamore perturbatis ordinibus omnes in fuga sibi praesidium ponerent. Ita sine ullo periculo tantam eorum multitudinem nostr! interfecerunt quantum fuit diei spatium ; sub occasum solis sequi destiterunt seque in castra, ut erat imperatum, receperunt. Caesar receives the submission of the Suessiones, Bellovaci, and Ambiani. 25 XII. Postridie eius die! Caesar, priusquam se hostes ex ter- rore ac fuga reciperent, in finis Suessionum, qui proximl Remls erant, exercitum duxit et magno itinere ad oppidum Noviodu- num contendit. Id ex itinere oppugnare conatus, quod vacuum ab defensoribus esse audiebat, propter latitudinem fossae mu- sorlque altitudinem paucis defendentibus expugnare non potuit. Castrls mumtis vineas agere quaeque ad oppugnandum usui erant comparare coepit. Interim, omnis ex fuga Suessionum multitude in oppidum proxima nocte convenit Celeriter vinels II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 97 ad oppidum actis, aggere iacto, turribusque constitutls magni- tudine operum, quae neque viderant ante Galli neque audi- erant, et celeritate Romanorum permoti legates ad Caesarem de deditione mittunt et petentibus Reims ut conservarentur impetrant. XIII. Caesar obsidibus acceptis primls civitatis atque ipslus Galbae regis duobus filiis armisque omnibus ex oppido traditls SOLDIERS BUILDING AN AGGER in deditionem Suessiones accipit exercitumque in Bellovacos ducit. Qui cum se suaque omnia in oppidum Bratuspantium contulissent, atque ab eo oppido Caesar cum exercitu circiteno milia passuum quinque abesset, omnes maiores natu ex oppido egress! maniis ad Caesarem tendere et voce significare coepe- runt sese in eius fidem ac potestatem venire neque contra populum Romanum armis contendere. Item, cum ad oppidum accessisset castraque ibi poneret, pueri mulieresque ex mur5i5 passis manibus suo more pacem ab Romams petierunt. XIV. Pro his Diviciacus (nam post discessum Belgarum dimissls Haeduorum copils ad eum reverterat) facit verba : 'Bellovacos omnl tempore in fide atque amicitia civitatis Hae- duae fuisse ; impulses ab suls principibus, qul dlcerent Haeduos 20 H THE GALLIC WAR II a Caesare in servitutem redactos omms indignitates contume- liasque perferre, et ab Haeduls defecisse et populo Romano bellum intulisse. Qui eius consili prmcipes fuissent, quod intellegerent quantara calamitatem clvitatl intulissent, in Bri- Stanniam profugisse. Petere non solum Bellovacos sed etiara pro his Haeduos ut sua dementia ac mansuetudine in eos utatur. Quod si fecerit, Haeduorum auctoritatem apud omnls Belgas amplificatiirum, quorum auxilils atque opibus, si qua bella inci- derint, sustentare consuerint.' 10 XV. Caesar honoris DIviciacI atque Haeduorum causa sese eos in fidem recepturum et conservaturum dixit, et quod erat clvitas magna inter Belgas auctoritate atque hominum multi- tudine praestabat, DC obsides poposcit. His traditls omni- busque armis ex oppido conlatis ab eo loco in finis Ambianorum 15 pervenit ; qu! se suaque omnia sine mora dediderunt. The Nervii. Eorum finis Nervii attingebant. Quorum de natura mori- busque Caesar cum quaereret, sic reperiebat : ' Nullum esse aditum ad os mercatoribus ; nihil pati vim reliquarumque rerum ad liixuriam pertinentium Inferri, quod his rebus relan- soguescere animos et remitti virtutern existimarent ; esse homines feros magnaeque virtutis ; increpitare atque incusare reliquos Belgas, qui se populo Romano dedidissent patriamque virtiatem proiecissent ; confirmare sese neque legates missuros neque ullam condicionem pacis accepturos.' The Nervii plan an attack. 25 XVI. Cum per eorum finis trlduum iter fecisset, inveniebat ex captlvls Sabim flumen a castris suis non amplius rnllia pas- suum decem abesse ; trans id flumen omms Nervios consedisse adventumque ibi Romanorum exspectare una cum Atrebatibus et Viromanduls, finitimis suis (nam his utrisque persuaserant 3 o uti eandem belli fortunam experirentur) ; exspectari etiam ab iis Atuatucorum copias atque esse in itinere j mulieres qnlque II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 99 per aetatem ad pugnam inutiles viderentur in eum locum con- iecisse quo propter paliides exercitui aditus non esset. XVII. His rebus cognitis exploratores centuri5nesque prae- mittit, qui locum castrls idoneum deligant. Cum ex dediticils Belgis reliquisque Gallis complures Caesarem secuti una iter 5 facerent, quidam ex his, ut postea ex captivis cognitum est, eorum dierum consuetudine itineris nostri exercitus perspecta ROMAN SOLDIERS ON THE MARCH nocte ad Nervios pervenerunt atque his demonstrarunt inter singulas legiones impedimentorum magnum numerum inter- cedere, neque esse quicquam negotT, cum prima legio in castra 10 venisset reliquaeque legiones magnum spatium abessent, hanc sub sarcinls adorm; qua pulsa impedimentisque direptis fu- turum ut reliquae contra consistere non auderent. Adiuvabat etiam eorum consilium qui rem deferebant quod Nervii antl- quitus, cum equitatu nihil possent (neque enim ad hoc tempus J5 ei rei student, sed quicquid possunt pedestribus valent copiis), quo facilius finitimorum equitatum, si praedandi causa ad eos venissent, impedirent, teneris arboribus inclsls atque mflexls THE GALLIC WAR II a Caesare in servitutem redactos omnis indignitates contume- liasque perferre, et ab HaeduTs defecisse et populo Romano bellum intulisse. Qui eius consili principes fuissent, quod intellegerent quantam calamitatem civitatl intulissent, in Bri- 5 tanniam profiigisse. Petere non solum Bellovacos sed etiara pro his Haeduos ut sua dementia ac mansuetudine in eos utatur. Quod si fecerit, Haeduorum auctorilatem apud omnls Belgas amplificaturum, quorum auxilils atque opibus, si qua bella inci- derint, sustentare consuerint.' 10 XV. Caesar honoris DlviciacT atque Haeduorum causa sese eos in fidem recepturam et cdnservaturum dixit, et quod erat civitas magna inter Belgas auctoritate atque hominum multi- tudine praestabat, DC obsides poposcit. His traditis omni- busque armls ex oppido conlatis ab eo loco in finis Ambianorum 15 pervenit ; qul se suaque omnia sine mora dedidenmt. The Nervii. Eorum finis NerviT attingebant. Quorum de natiira mori- busqne Caesar cum quaere ret, sic reperiebat : ' Nullum esse aditum ad -eos mercatoribus ; nihil pati vim reliquarumque rerum ad liixuriam pertinentium TnferrT, quod his rebus relan- sogutiscere an i mas et remitti virtutern existimarent ; esse homines feros magnaeque virtiitis ; increpitare atque incusare reliquos Belgas, qui se populo Romano dedidissent patriamque virtutem proiecissent ; conffrmare sese neque legatos missuros neque ullam condicionem pacis accepturos.' The Nervii plan an attack. 25 XVI. Cum per eorum finis tnduum iter fecisset, inveniebat ex captivis Sabim flumen a castrls suis non amplius rnilia pas- suum decem abesse ; trans id flumen omnls Nervios consedisse adventumque ibi Romanorum exspectare lina cum Atrebatibus et Viromanduls, finitimTs sins (nam his ntiisque persuaserant 3 outieandem belli fortunam expeiirentur) ; exspectari etiam ab ils Atuatucorum copias atque esse in itinere ; mulieres qmque II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 99 per aetatem ad pugnam inutiles viderentur in eum locum con- iecisse quo propter paludes exercitul aditus non esset. XVII. His rebus cognitis exploratores centurionesque prae- mittit, qul locum castris idoneum deligant. Cum ex dediticils BelgTs reliqulsque Gallls complures Caesarem secuti una iter 5 facerent, quldam ex his, ut postea ex captivls cognitum est 7 eorum dierum consuetucline itineris nostri exercitu.s perspecta ROMAN SOLDIERS ON THE MARCH nocte ad Nervios pervenerunt atque Ills demonstrarunt inter singulas legiones impedlmentorum magnum numerum inter- cedere, neque esse quicquam negoti, cum pnma legio in castra ic venisset reliquaeque legiones magnum spatium abessent, hanc sub sarcinls adoiirl; qua pulsa impedlmentlsque direptis fu- turum ut reliquae contra consistere non auderent. Adiuvabat ^ etiam eorum consilium qul rem deferebant quod Nervii antl- quitus, cum equitatu nihil possent (neque enim ad hoc tempus 15 el re! student, sed quicquid possunt pedestribus valent copiis), quo facilius flnitimorum equitatum, si praedandl causa ad eos venissent, impedlrent, teneris arboribus inclsls atque mflexls 100 THE GALLIC WAR II crebrisque in latitudinem raims enatls et rubis sentibusque interiectis effecerant ut instar muri hae saepes munimentum praeberent, quo non modo non intrari sed ne perspici quidem posset. His rebus cum iter agminis nostri impedfretur, non 5 omittendum sibi consilium Nervii existimaverunt. XVIII. Loci natura erat haec, quern locum nostri castris delegerant. Collis ab summo aequaliter decllvis ad flumen Sabim, quod supra nominavimus, vergebat. Ab eo flumine par! acclivitate collis nascebatur adversus huic et contrarius, xopassus circiter ducentos Infimus apertus, ab superiore parte silvestris, ut non facile introrsus perspici posset. Intra eas silvas hostes in occulto sese continebantj in aperto loco se- cundum flumen paucae stationes equitum videbantur. Fluminis erat altitude pedum circiter trium. The Romans are taken by surprise, but soon the value of experience and discipline is shown. 15 XIX. Caesar equitatu praemisso subsequebatur omnibus copils ; sed ratio ordoque agminis aliter se habebat ac Belgae ad Nervios detulerant. Nam quod hostibus appropinquabat, consuetudine sua Caesar sex legiones expeditas ducebat ; post eas totius exercitus impedimenta conlocarat ; inde duae legiones aoquae proxime conscriptae erant totum agmen claudebant prae- sidioque impedimentis erant. Equites nostri cum funditoribus sagittarilsque flumen transgress! cum hostium equitatu proelium commiserunt. Cum se ill! identidem in silvas ad suos reciperent ac rursus ex silva in nostros impetum facerent, neque nostri 25 longius quam quern ad finem porrecta loca aperta pertinebant cedentis Insequi auderent, interim legiones sex quae primae venerant opere dimenso castra rnunire coeperunt. Ubi prlma impedimenta nostri exercitus ab iis qui in silvis abditi latebant visa sunt, quod tempus inter eos committendi proeli convenerat, 30 ut intra silvas aciem ordinesque constituerant atque ipsi sese confirmaverant, subito omnibus copils provolaverunt impe- tumque in nostros equites fecerunt. His facile pulsis ac pro- II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE IOI turbatis incredibili celeritate ad flumen decucurrerunt, ut paene uno tempore et ad silvas et in flumine et iam in manibus nostrls hostes viderentur. Eadera autem celeritate adverse colle ad nostra castra atque eos qui in opere occupati erant contenderunt. XX. Caesari omnia uno tempore erant agenda : vexillum s proponendum (quod erat msigne cum ad arma concurri opor- teret), signum tuba dandum, ab opere revocandi milites, qui paulo longius aggeris petendi causa processerant arcessendi, acies mstruenda, milites cohortandi, signum danclum. Quarum rerum magnam partem temporis brevitas et incursus hostium impedie- ic bat. His difEcultatibus duae res erant subsidio, scientia atque usus militum, quod superioribus proeliis exercitatT quid fieri oporteret non minus commode ipsT sibi praescribere quam ab alils doceri poterant, et quod ab opere singuKsque legionibus singulos legates Caesar discedere nisi munitls castris vetuerat. Hi prop- is ter propinquitatem et celeritatem hostium nihiliam Caesaris im- perium exspectabant, sed per se quae videbantur administrabant. XXI. Caesar necessarils rebus imperatis ad cohortandos milites, quam partem fors obtulit, decucurrit et ad legionem decimam devenit, Milites non longiore oratione cohortatus 20 quam uti suae pristinae virtutis memoriam retinerent neu per- turbarentur animo hostiumque impetum fortiter sustinerent, quod non longius hostes aberant quam quo telum adigi posset, proeli committendi signum dedit. Atque in alteram partem item cohortandi causa profectus pugnantibus occurrit. Tern- 25 poris tanta fuit exiguitas hostiumque tarn paratus ad dlmicandum animus ut non modo ad Insignia accommodanda sed etiam ad galeas induendas sciitisque tegimenta detrahenda tempus de- fuerit. Quam quisque ab opere in partem casu devenit quaeque prima signa conspexit, ad haec constitit, ne in quaerendis suis 30 pugnandi tempus dlmitteret. The battle rages fiercely with varying fortunes. XXII. Instructo exercitu magis ut loci natura deiectusque collis et necessitas temporis quam ut rel militaris ratio atque 102 J THE GALLIC WAR II ordo postulabat, cum diversae legiones aliae alia in parte hosti- bus resisterent, saepibusque densissimis, ut ante demonstravimus, interiectis prospectus impediretur, neque certa subsidia conlo- cari neque quid in quaque parte opus esset provider! neque ab suno omnia imperia administrar! poterant. Itaque in tanta rerum imquitate fortunae quoque eventus varii sequebantur. XXIII. Legionis nonae et decimae milites, ut in sinistra parte acie constiterant, pills emissis cursu ac lassitudine exanimatos THE SATTLE ON THE SABIS vulneribusque confectos Atrebatis (nam his ea pars obvenerat) 10 celeriter ex loco superiore in flumen compulerunt, e't translre conantls insecuti gladiis magnam partem eorura impeditam interf ecerunt. Ipsi translre flumen non dubitaverunt, et in locum inlquu-m progress! rursus resistentls hostis redintegrato proelio in fugam coniecerunt. Item alia in parte diversae duae 15 legiones, undecima et octava, profligatis ViromanduTs, quibus- cum erant congressae, ex loco superiore in ipsis fluminis ripis II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 103 proeliabantur. At totis fere castris a fronte et a sinistra parte nudatis, cum in dextro cornu legio duodecima et n5n magno ab ea intervallo septima constitisset, omnes Nervii confertissimo agmine duce Boduognato, qul summam imperi tenebat, ad eum locum contenderunt ; quorum pars ab aperto latere legiones 5 circumvemre, pars summum castrorum locum petere coepit. XXIV. Eodem tempore equites nostri levisque armaturae pedites, qui cum iis una fuerant, quos primo hostium impetu pulsos dixeram, cum se in castra reciperent, adversls hostibus occurrebant ac rursus aliam in partem fugam petebant ; et 10 calones, qul ab decumana porta ac summo iugo collis nostrds victores flumen transisse conspexerant, praedandi causa egressl, cum respexissent et hostis in nostrls castris versari vidissent, praecipites fugae sese mandabant Simul eorum qu! cum im- pedimentis veniebant clamor fremitusque oriebatur, aliique aliam 15 in partem perterriti ferebantur. Quibus omnibus rebus per- moti equites Treveri, quorum inter Gallos virtutis opinio est singularis, qui auxili causa a clvitate missi ad Caesarem vene- rant, cum multitudine hostium castra nostra complen, legiones premi et paene circumventas teneri, calones, equites, fundi- 20 tores, Numidas disperses dissipatosque in omnis partis fugere vidissent, desperatis nostris rebus domum contenderunt ; Ro- manos pulsos superatosque, castris impedimentisque eorum hostis potitos civitati renuntiaverunt. Caesar himself fights in the ranks, while the result of the contest con- tinues doubtful. XXV. Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum 25 cornu profectus, ubi suos urgeri slgnlsque in unum locum con- latis duodecimae legionis confertos mllites sibi ipsos ad pugnam esse impedimento vidit, quartae cohortis omnibus centurio- nibus occisis, slgnifero interfecto, signo amisso, reliquarum co- hortium omnibus fere centurionibus aut vulneratls aut occisis, 30 in his primipilo P. Sextio Baculo, fortissimo viro, multls gravi- busque vulneribus confecto, ut iam se sustinere non posset, 102 THE GALLIC WAR II ordo postulabat, cum diversae legiones aliae alia in parte hosti- bus resisterent, saepibusque densissimis, ut ante demonstravimus, interiectis prospectus impediretur, neque certa subsidia conlo- cari neque quid in quaque parte opus esset provider! neque ab suno omnia imperia administrari poterant. Itaque in tanta rerum imquitate fortunae quoque eventus varil sequebantur. XXIII. Legionis nonae et decimae mllites, ut in sinistra parte acie constiterant, pills emissls cursu ac lassitudine exanimatos THE BATTLE ON THE SAB IS vulneribusque confectos Atrebatis (nam his ea pars obvenerat) 10 celeriter ex loco superiore in flumen compulerunt, et transire conantis InsecutT gladiTs magnam partem eorum impeditam interfecerunt. Ipsi transire flumen non dubitaverunt, et in locum mlquu-m progress! rursus resistentls hostls redintegrate proelio in fugam coniecerunt. Item alia in parte diversae duae 15 legiones, undecima et octava, profligatls Viromanduis, quibus- cum erant congressae, ex Ioc5 superiore in ipsis fluminis ripis II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 103 proeliabantur. At totis fere castris a fronte et a sinistra parte nudatis, cum in dextro cornu legio duodecima et non magno ab ea intervallo septima constitisset, omnes Nervii confertissimo agmine duce Boduognato, qui summam imperl tenebat, ad eum locum contenderunt ; quorum pars ab aperto latere legiones 5 circumvemre, pars summum castrorum locum petere coepit. XXIV. Eodem tempore equites nostii levisque armaturae pedites, qui cum iis una fuerant, quos prlmo hostium impetu pulsos dixeram, cum se in castra reciperent, adversls hostibus occurrebant ac riirsus aliam in parte m fugam petebant ; et 10 calones, qui ab decumana porta ac summo iugo collis nostros victores flumen translsse conspexerant, praedandi causa egressl, cum respexissent et hostis in nostris castris versari vldissent, praecipites fugae sese mandabant. Simul eorum qui cum im- pedimentis veniebant clamor fremitusque oriebatur, aliique aliam 15 in partem perterriti ferebantur. Quibus omnibus rebus per- moti equites Treveri, quorum inter Gallos virtutis opinio est singularis, qui auxili causa a civitate missi ad Caesarem vene- rant, cum multitudine hostium castra nostra compleri, legiones premi et paene circumventas teneri, calones, equites, fundi- 20 tores, Numidas disperses dissipatosque in omnis partis fugere vidissent, desperatis nostris rebus domum contenderunt ; Ro- manos pulsos superatosque, castris impeclimentisque eorum hostis potitos civitati renuntiaverunt. Caesar himself fights in the ranks, while the result of the contest con- tinues doubtful. XXV. Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum 25 cornu profectus, ubi suos urgeri signlsque in u'num locum con- latis duodecimae legionis confertos milites sibi ipsos ad pugnam esse impediments vidit, quartae cohortis omnibus centurio- nibus occlsis, signifero interfectd, signo amisso, reliquarum co- hortium omnibus fere centurionibus aut vulneratis aut occlsis, 30 in his primipilo P. Sextio Baculo, fortissimo viro, multis gravi- busque vulneribus confecto. ut iam se sustinere non posset, 104 THE GALLIC WAR II reliquas esse tardiores et non nullos ab novissimis deserto loco proelio excedere ac tela vitare, hostfs neque a frorite ex m- feriore loco subeuntis intermittere et ab utroque latere instare, et rem esse in angusto vidit, neque ullum esse subsidium quod 5 submitti posset, scuto ab novissimis militi detracts, quod ipse eo sine scuto venerat, in prlmam aciem processit, centurioni- busque nominatim appellatis reliquos cohortatus milites slgna inferre et manipulos laxare iussit, quo facilius gladils uti pos- sent. Ciiius adventu spe inlata militibus ac redintegrate animo, 10 cum pro se quisque in conspectu imperatoris etiam in extremis suls rebus operam navare cuperet, paulum hostium impetus tardatus est. XXVI. Caesar cum septimam legionem, quae iuxta con- stiterat, item urgeri ab hoste vldisset, tribunos militum monuit 15 ut paulatim sese legiones coniungerent et conversa slgna in hostis Inferrent. Quo facto cum aliis alii subsidium ferrent neque timerent ne aversl ab hoste circumvenirentur, audacius resistere ac fortius pugnare coeperunt. Interim milites legi- onum duarum quae in novissimo agmine praesidio impedi- 20 mentis fuerant proelio nuntiato cursu incitato in summo colle ab hostibus conspiciebantur; et T. Labienus castrls hostium potltus et ex loco superiore quae res in nostris castrls gere- rentur conspicatus decimam legionem subsidio nostris misit. Qui cum ex equitum et calonum fuga quo in loco res esset 25 quantoque in periculo et castra et legiones et imperator ver- saretur cognovissent, nihil ad celeritatem sibi reliqui fecerunt. At last the Nervii are utterly defeated and almost annihilated. XXVII. Horum adventu tanta rerum commutatio est facta ut nostri, etiam qui vulneribus confecti procubuissent, scutis innm proelium redintegrarent, calones perterritos hostls con- 30 spicati etiam inermes armatls occurrerent, equites vero, ut tur- pitiidinem fugae virtute delerent, omnibus in locis pugnandd se legionariis militibus praeferrent. At hostes etiam in ex- trema spe salutis tantam virtutem praestiterunt ut, cum primi II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 105 eorum cecidissent, proximl iacentibus msisterent atque ex eorum corporibus pugnarent ; his deiectis et coacervatis cada- veribus, qui superessent, ut ex tumulo, tela in nostros conicerent et plla intercepta remitterent ; ut non nequiquam tantae virtu- tis homines iudicari deberet ausos esse translre latissimum 5 flumen, ascendere altissimas rlpas, subire imquissimum locum ; quae facilia ex difficillimls animi magnitude redegerat. XXVIII. Hoc proelio facto et prope ad internecionem gente ac nomine Nerviorum redacto maiores natu, quos una cum pueris mulieribusque in . aestuaria ac paludes coniectos 10 dixeramus, hac pugna nuntiata, cum victoribus nihil impeditum, victis nihil tiitum arbitrarentur, omnium qui supererant con- sensu legates ad Caesarem miserunt seque el dediderunt; et in commemoranda civitatis calamitate ex DC ad tris senatores, ex hominum milibus LX vix ad D qui arma ferre possent sese 15 redactos esse dixerunt. Quos Caesar, ut in miseros ac sup- plices usus misericordia videretur, diligentissime conservavit suisque finibus atque oppidis utl iussit, et finitimis imperavit ut ab iniuria et maleficio se suosque prohiberent. The Atuatuci assemble in one town; Caesar besieges it. XXIX. Atuatuci, de quibus supra diximus, cum omnibus 20 copiis auxilio Nerviis venirent, hac pugna nuntiata ex itinere domum reverterunt ; cunctls oppidis castellisque desertis sua omnia in unum oppidum egregie natura munitum contulerunt. Quod cum ex omnibus in circuitu partibus altissimas rupis deiectusque haberet, una ex parte leniter accllvis aditus in 25 latitiidinem non amplius pedum cc relinquebatur ; quern lo- cum duplici altissimo muro munierant, turn magni ponderis saxa et praeacutas trabis in muro conlocabant. Ipsi erant ex Cimbris Teutonlsque prognati, qui, cum iter in provinciam nostram atque Italiam facerent, iis impedimentls quae secum 30 agere ac portare non poterant citra flumen Rhenum depositis custodiam ex suis ac praesidium sex milia hominum una ___ -a rehquerant. Hi post eorum obitum multos annos a finitimis -\ io6 THE GALLIC WAR II exagitatl, cum alias bellum Inferrent, alias inlatum defenderent, consensu eorum omnium pace facta hunc sibi domicilio locum delegerant. XXX. Ac primo adventii exercitus nostri crebras ex oppido 5 excursiones faciebant parvulisque proelus cum nostris conten- debant; postea vallo pedum xn in circuitu xv milium cre- brisque castellis circummuniti oppido sese continebant. Ubi vmeis actis, aggere exstructo turrim procul constitui viderunt, primum inrldere ex muro atque increpitare vocibus quod tanta 10 machinatio a tanto spatio institueretur : ' Quibusnam manibus aut quibus vlribus, praesertim homines tantulae staturae (nam plerumque omnibus Gallis prae magnitudine corporum suorum brevitas nostra contemptui e'st), tantl oneris turrim in muro sese posse conlocare conflderent ? ' The Atuatuci surrender on favorable terms; but attempting treachery, they are afterwards sold as slaves. i 5 XXXI. Ubi vero mover! et appropinquare muris viderunt, nova atque inusitata specie commoti legates ad Caesarem de pace miserunt, qui ad hunc modum locutl : ' Non se existimare Romanos sine ope deorum bellum gerere, qui tantae altitudinis machinationes tanta celeritate promovere possent ; se suaque 20 om'nia eorum potestati permittere ' dixerunt. ' Unum petere ac deprecari : si forte pro sua dementia ac mansuetudine, quam ipsi ab aliis audirent, statuisset Atuatucos esse c5nservandos, ne se armis despoliaret. Sibi omuls fere fmitimos esse ini- micos ac suae virtuti invidere; a quibus se defendere traditis 25 armis non possent. Sibi praestare, si in eum casum deduce- rentur, quamvis fortunam a populo Romano pati quam ab his per cruciatum interfici, inter quos dominari consuessent.' XXXII. Ad haec Caesar respondit : 'Se magis consuetudine sua quam merito eorum civitatem conservaturum, si priusquam 30 murum aries attigisset se dedidissent ; sed deditionis nullam esse condicionem nisi armis traditis. Se id quod in Nerviis fecisset facturum fmitimisque imperaturum ne quam deditfciis II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 107 populi Romam iniuriara Inferrent' Re renuntiata ad suos quae imperarentur facere dixerunt. Armorum magna multitudine de muro in fossam quae erat ante oppidum iacta, sic ut prope sum- mam murl aggerisque altitudinem acerviarmorum adaequarent, et tamen circiter parte tertia, ut postea perspectum est, celata 5 atque in oppido retenta, portls patefactis eo die pace sunt usi. XXXIII. Sub vesperum Caesar portas claudT militesque ex oppido exire iussit, ne quam noctu oppidan! -a militibus iniuriam acciperent. 111! ante inito, ut intellectum est, consilio, quod deditione facta nostros praesidia deducturos aut denique indili- ic gentins servaturos crediderant, partira cum ils qnae retinuerant et celaverant armis, partim sciltis ex cortice factis aut vimini- bus intextis, quae subito, ut temporis exiguitas postulabat, pelli- r> CASTELLUM AND SIGNAL-TOWER / , ._ ' \ bus induxerant, tertia vigilia, qua mini me arduus ad nostras munltiones ascensus videbatur, omnibus copiis repente ex 15 oppido eruptionem fecerunt. Celeriter, ut ante Caesar impe- raverat, Ignibus significatione facta ex proximis castellis eo con- cursum est, pugnatumque ab hostibus ita acriter est ut a viris fortibus in extrema spe salutis iniquo loco contra eos qui ex vallo turribusque tela iacerent pugnari debuit, cum in una vir- 20 tute omnis spes consisteret. OccisTs ad hominum milibus quattuor reliqui in oppidum reiecti sunt. Postridie eius die! refractls portls, cum iam defenderet nemo, atque intromissis militibus nostris sectionem eius oppidT universam Caesar ven- didit. Ab iTs qui emerant capitum numerus ad eu.m relatus est 25 mllium LUI. 108 THE GALLIC WAR II Meantime several maritime states have been subjugated by Crassus. XXXIV. Eodem tempore a P. Crasso, quern cum legione iina miserat ad Venetos, Venellos, Osismos, Coriosolites, Esu- vios, Aulercos, Redones, quae sunt maritimae clvitates Ocea- numque attingunt, certior factus est omnis eas clvitates in 5 dicionem potestatemque populi Roman! esse redactas. The army goes into winter quarters ; a thanksgiving. XXXV. His rebus gestis omm Gallia pacata tanta huius belli ad barbaros opinio perlata est uti ab ils natidnibus quae trans Rhenum incolerent legati ad Caesarem mitterentur, qui se ob- sides daturas, imperata facturas pollicerentur. Quas legationes 10 Caesar, quod in Italiam Illyricumque properabat, inita proxima aestate ad se revert! iussit. Ipse in Carnutes, Andls, Turonos, quaeque civitates propinquae iis locls erant ubi bellum gesserat Iegi5nibus in hiberna deductis in Italiam profectus est. Ob casque res ex litteris Caesaris dierum xv supplicatio decreta 15 est, quod ante id tempus accidit null!. BOOK III TROUBLE IN THE ALPS Galba is sent into the Alps to hold in check certain mountain tribes. He occupies Octodurus. I. Cum in Italiam proficlsceretur Caesar, Ser. Galbam cum legione duodecimal et parte equitatus in Nantuatis, Veragros, Sedunosque misit, qui a fmibus Allobrogum et lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano ad summas Alpis pertinent. Causa rnit- tendi fuit quod iter per AlpTs, quo magno cum periculo mag- r msque cum portoriis mercatores ire consuerant, pate fieri vole- bat. Huic permlsit, si opus esse arbitraretur, uti in his locis legionem hiemandi causa conlocar'et. Galba secundis aliquot proeliis factis castellisque compluribus eorum expugnatis, missis ad eum undique legatis obsidibusque datis et pace facta con- 10 stituit cohortis duas in Nantuatibus conlocare et ipse cum reli- quis eius legionis cohortibus in vico Veragrorum, qui appellatur Octodurus, hiemare ; qui vicus positus in valle non magna adiecta planitie altissimis montibus undique continetur. Cum hie in duas partis flumine divideretur, alteram partem eius vici 15 Gallls concessit, alteram vacuam ab his rellctam cohortibus attribuit. Eum locum vallo fossaque munivit. The mountaineers threaten him. II. Cum dies hlbernorum complures translssent frumentum- que eo comportarl iussisset, subito per exploratores certior factus est ex ea parte vici quam Gallls concesserat omms noctiiao discessisse, montlsque qui impenderent a maxima multitudine Sedunorum et Veragrorum teneri. Id aliquot de causis acci- derat, ut subito Galll belli renovandi legionisque opprimendae consilium caperent : prlmum, quod legionem, neque earn ple- nissimam detractis cohortibus duabus et compluribus singilla- 25 109 no THE GALLIC WAR III tim, quT commeatus petendi causa missi erant, absentibus, propter paucitatem despiciebant ; turn etiam, quod propter inlquitatem loci, cum ipsi ex montibus in vallem decurrerent et tela conicerent, ne primum quidem impetum suum posse sus- 5 tineri existimabant. Accedebat quod su5s ab se Hberos abs- tractos obsidum nomine dolebant, et Romanes non solum itinerum causa sed etiam perpetuae possessions culmina Alpium occupare conari et ea loca finitimae provinciae adiungere sibi persuasum habebant. 10 III. His nuntiis acceptis Galba, cum neque opus hibernorum munitionesque plene essent perfectae neque de frumento re- liquoque commeatu satis esset provisum, quod deditione facta obsidibusque acceptis nihil de bello timendum existimaverat, consilio celeriter convocato sententias exquirere coepit. Quo 15 in consilio, cum tantum repentini periculi praeter oplnionem accidisset, ac iam omnia fere superiora loca multitudine arma- torum completa conspicerentur, neque subsidio venir! neque commeatus supportarl interclusis itineribus possent, prope iam desperata salute non nullae eius modi sententiae dicebantur, ut ao impedimentls relictis eruptione facta isdem itineribus quibus eo pervenissent ad salutem conteuderent. Mai or! tarn en parti placuit hoc reservato ad extremum casum consilio interim rel eventum experm et castra defendere. He repulses them, but thinks it best to return to the province. IV. BrevT spatio interiecto, vix ut iis rebus quas constituissent 25 conlocandls atque administrandis tempus daretur, hostes ex omnibus partibus signo dato decurrere, lapides gaesaque in vallum conicere. Nostri primo integris viribus fortiter pro- pugnare neque ullum frustra telum ex loco superiore mittere, et quaecumque pars castrorum nudata defensoribus premi videba- 3otur, eo occurrere et auxilium ferre; sed hoc superari, quod diuturnitate pugnae hostes defessi proelio excedebant, alii in- tegris viribus succedebant, quarum rerum a nostris propter paucitatem fieri nihil poterat, ac non modo defesso ex pugna Ill TROUBLE IN THE ALPS ill excedendi, sed ne saucio quid em eius loci ubi constiterat relin- quendi ac sui recipiendi facultas dabatur. V. Cum iam amplius horis sex continenter pugnaretur ac non solum vires sed etiam tela nostros deficerent, atque hostes acrius instarent languidioribusque nostrls vallum, scindere et 5 fossas complere coepissent, resque esset iam ad extremum A BATTLE perducta casum, P. Sextius Baculus, primi pill centurio, quern Nervico proelio compluribus confectum vulneribus diximus, et item C.Volusenus, tribunus mTlitum, vir et consilT magni et virtutis, ad Galbam accurrunt atque unam esse spem salutis docent, siio eruptione facta extremum auxilium expenrentur. Itaque con- vocatis centurionibus celeriter mllites certiores facit paulisper intermitterent proelium ac tantummodo tela missa exciperent seque ex labore reficerent, post dato signo ex castris erumpe- rent atque omnem spem salutis in virtute ponerent. 15 VI. Quod iussi sunt faciunt, ac subito omnibus portis erup- tione facta neque cognoscendl quid fieret neque sui conligendi hostibus facultatem relinquunt. Ita commutata fortuna eos qul in spem potiundorum castrorum venerant undique circnmventos interficiunt, et ex hominum mllibus amplius xxx, quern nume- 20 rum barbarorum ad castra venisse constabat, plus tertia parte no THE GALLIC WAR III tim, quT commeatus petendi causa missi erant, absentibus, propter paucitatem despiciebant ; turn etiam, quod propter inlquitatem loci, cum ipsl ex montibus in valleni decurrerent et tela conicerent, ne prlmum quidem impetum suum posse sus- 5 tinerl existimabant. Accedebat quod suos ab se llberos abs- tractos obsidum nomine dolebant, et Romanos non solum itinerum causa sed etiam perpetuae possessions culmina Alpium occupare con an et ea loca flnitimae provinciae adiungere sibi persuasum habebant. 10 III. His nuntils acceptis Galba, cum neque opus hibernorum miinitione.sque plene essent perfectae neque de frumento re- liquoque commeatu satis esset provisum, quod deditione flicta obsidibusque acceptTs nihil de bello timendum existimaverat, consilio celeriter convocato sententias exqulrere coepit. Quo 15 in consilio, cum tantum repentini periculi praeter opmionem accidisset, ac iam omnia fere superiora loca multitudine arma- torum completa conspicerentur, neque subsidio vemn neque commeatus supportan interclusls itineribus possent, prope iam desperata salute non niillae eius modi sententiae dlcebantur, ut 20 impedlmentls rellctis eruptione flicla Tsdem itineribus quibus eo pervenissent ad salutem contenderent. Mai or! tamen parti placuit hoc reservato ad extremum casum consilio interim rel eventum experiri et castra defendere. He repulses them, but thinks it best to return to the province. IV. Brevi spatio interiecto, vix ut ils rebus quas constituissent 25 conlocandls atque administrandi's tempus daretur, hostes ex omnibus partibus signo dato decurrere, lapides gaesaque in vallum conicere. Nostn prlmo integris viribus fortiter pro- pugnare neque ullum friistra telum ex loco superiore mittere, et quaecumque pars castrorum niidata defensoribus prerai videba- 3otur, eo occurrere et auxilium ferre ; sed hoc superan, quod diuturnitate pugnae hostes defessT proelio excedebant, alii in- tegrls viribus succedebant, quarum re rum a nostrls propter paucitatem fieri nihil poterat, ac non mo do defesso ex pugna Ill TROUBLE IN THE ALPS ill excedencli, sed ne saucio quidem eius loci ubi constiterat relin- quendl ac sui recipiendi facultas dabatur. V. Cum iam amplius horls sex continenter pugnaretur ac non solum vires sed etiam tela nostros deficerent, atque hostes acrius mstarent languidioribusque nostris vallum scindere et 5 fossas complere coepissent, resque esset iam ad extremum A BATTLK perducta casum, P. Sextius Baculus, pnmi pih centurio, quern Nervico proelio compliiribus confectiim vulneribus dlximus, et item C.Volusenus, tribunns militum, vir et consill magni et virtutis, ad Galbam accurrunt atque unam esse spem salutis docent, siio eruptione facta extremum auxilium expenrentur. Itaque con- vocatis centurionibus celeriter milites certiorcs facit paulisper intermitterent proelium ac tantummodo tela missa exciperent seque ex labore reficerent, post da to slgno ex castris erumpe- rent atque omnem spem salutis in virtute ponerent. 15 VI. Quod iussi sunt faciunt, ac subito omnibus portls erup- tione facta neqne cognoscendi quid fieret neqne sui conligendl hostibus facultatem relinqnunt. Ita commntata fortuna eos quT in spem potiundorum castrorum venerant undique circumventos interficiunt, et ex hominnm milibus amplius xxx, quern nume- 20 rum barbarorum ad castra venisse constabat, plus tertia parte H2 THE GALLIC WAR III interfecta reliqu5s perterritos in fugara coniciunt ac ne in locis quidem superioribus consistere patiuntur. Sic omnibus hos- tium copiis fusis armlsque exutis se intra munltiones suas recipi- unt. Quo proelio facto, quod saepius fortunam temptare 5 Galba nolebat, atque alio se in hiberna consilio venisse memine- rat, alils occurrisse rebus viderat, maxime frumentl commeatus- que inopia permotus postero die omnibus eius vie! aedificiis incensis in provinciam revert! contendit, ac nul]6 hoste pro- hibente aut iter demorante incolumem legionem in Nantuatis, ioinde in Allobroges perduxit ibique hiemavit. THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI AND OTHER MARITIME TRIBES Roman officers, sent among the tribes of the coast after grain, are detained. VII. His rebus gestis, cum omnibus de causis Caesar paca- tam Galliam existimaret superatis Belgis, expulsis Germams, victis in Alpibus Sedums, atque ita inita hieme in Illyri- cum profectus esset, quod eas quoque nationes adire et isregiones cognoscere volebat, subitum bellum in Gallia coortum est. Eius belli haec fait causa. P. Crassus adulescens cum legione septima proximus mare Oceanum in Andibus hiemabat. Is, quod in his locis inopia frumentl erat, praefectos tribunosque militum compluris in fmitimas 20 civitates frumentl causa dimisit ; quo in numero est T. Terrasidius missus in Esuvios, M. Trebius Gallus in Coriosolites, Q. Vela- nius cum T. Silio in Venetos. VIII. Huius est clvitatis longe amplissima auctoritas omnis orae maritimae regionum earum, quod et navis habent Veneti 25 plurimas, quibus in Britanniam navigare consuerunt, et scientia atque usu rerum nauticarum ceteros antecedunt, et in magno impetu maris vastl atque aperti paucis portibus interiectis, quos tenent ipsi, omnis fere quT eo man uti consuerunt habent vecti- galis. Ab his fit initium retinendl Sill atque Velam, quod per 3 o eos suos se obsides quos Crasso dedissent recuperaturos existi- Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 113 mabant. Horum auctoritate fmitimi adducti (ut sunt Gallorum subita et repentina consilia) eadem de causa Trebium Terrasi- diumque retinent, et celeriter missis legatis per suos principes inter se coniiirant nihil nisi commum consilio acturos eundem- que omnls fortunae exitum esse laturos, reliquasque civitates 5 sollicitant ut in ea Hbertate quam a maioribus acceperint per- manere quam Romanorum servitutem perferre malint. Omni ora maritima celeriter ad suam sententiam perducta commu- nem legationem ad P. Crassum mittunt : 'Si velit suos recupe- rare, obsides sibi remittat.' 10 Preparations for war. IX. Quibus de rebus Caesar a Crass5 certior factus, quod ipse aberat longius, navis interim longas aedificari in flumine Ligeri, quod Influit in Oceanum, remiges ex provincia Institui, nautas gubernatoresque comparari iubet. His rebus celeriter administratis ipse, cum primum per anm tempus potuit, ad 15 exercitum contendit. Veneti reliquaeque item civitates cognito Caesaris adventu, simul quod quantum in se facinus admlsissent intellegebant, legates, quod nomen ad omnls nationes sanctum inviolatumque semper fuisset, retentos ab se et in vincula coniectos, pro magnitudine pericull bellum parare et maxime 20 ea quae ad usum navium pertinent providere instituunt, hoc maiore spe, quod multum natura loci confidebant. Pedestria esse itinera concisa aestuariis, navigationem impeditam propter Inscientiam locorum paucitatemque portuum sciebant, neque nostros exercitus propter frumentl inopiam diutius apud 8625 morari posse confidebant ; ac iam ut omnia contra opinionem acciderent, tamen se plurimum navibus posse, Romanes ne- que ullam facultatem habere navium toeque eorum locorum ubi bellum gesturi essent vada, portus, Tnsulas novisse, ac longe aliam esse navigationem in concluso marl atque in vastissimoso atque apertissimo Oceano perspiciebant. His initis consiliTs oppida muniunt, frumenta ex agris in oppida comportant, navis in Venetiam, ubi Caesarem primum bellum gesturum 114 THE GALLIC WAR III constabat, quam plurimas possunt cogunt. Socios sibi ad id bellum Osismos, Lexovios, Namnetes, Ambiliatos, Morinos, Diablintes, Menapios asciscunt ; auxilia ex Britannia, quae contra eas regiones posita est, arcessunt. 5 X. Erant hae difficultates belli gerendi quas supra ostendi- mus, sed tamen multa Caesarem ad id bellum incitabant, iniuria retentorum equitum Romanorum, rebellio facta post deditionem, defectio datTs obsidibus, tot civitatum coniuratio, in primls ne hac parte neglecta reliquae nationes sibi idem licere loarbitrarentur. Itaque cum intellegeret omnls fere Gallos novis rebus studere et ad bellum mobiliter celeriterque excitari, omms autem homines natura libertatT studere et cohdicionem servitutis odisse, priusquam pliires civitates con- splrarent, partiendum sibi ac latius distribuendum exercitum 15 putavit. XI. Itaque T. Labienum legatum in Treveros, quT proximi flufnini Rheno sunt, cum equitatu mittit. Huic mandat Remos reliquosque Belgas adeat atque in officio contineat, Germanos- que, qul auxilio a Gallls arcessiti dicebantur, si per vim navibus 20 flumen translre conentur, prohibeat. P. Crassum cum cohorti- bus legionariis xn et magno numero equitatus in Aquitaniam proficlsci iubet, ne ex his nationibus auxilia in Galliam mittan- tur ac tantae nationes coniungantur. Q. Titurium Sabinum legatum cum legionibus tribus in Venellos, Coriosolites, 25 Lexoviosque mittit, qul earn manum distinendam curet. D. Brutum adulescentem class! Gallicisque navibus, quas ex Pictonibus et Santoms reliquisque pacatis regionibus con- venire iusserat, praeficit et cum primum possit in Venetos proficisci iubet. Ipse eo pedestribus copils contehdit. The towns and ships of the Veneti. 30 XII. Erant eius modi fere situs oppidorum ut posita in ex- tremis lingulis promunturiisque neque pedibus aditum haberent cum ex alto se aestus incitavisset, quod accidit semper horarum xii spatio, neque navibus, quod riirsus minuente aestu naves Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 115 in vadis adflictarentur. Ita utraque re oppidorum oppugnatio impediebatur. Ac si quando magnitudine opens forte superatl, extruso mar! aggere ac molibus atque his oppidi moenibus adaequatis, desperare fortunls suls coeperant, magno nuraero navium appulso, cuius rel summam facultatem habebant, sua 5 deportabant omnia seque in proxima oppida recipiebant ; ibi se rursus Isdem opportunitatibus loci defendebant. Haec eo facilius magnam partem aestatis faciebant, quod nostrae naves tempestatibus detinebantur, 'summaque erat vasto atque aperto marl, magms aestibus, raris ac prope nullls portibus difBcultas 10 navigandi. XIII. Namque ipsorum naves ad hunc modum factae arma- taeque erant : carmae aliquanto planiores quam nostrarum navium, quo facilius vada ac decessum aestus excipere possent ; prorae admodum erectae atque item puppes, ad magnitudinem 15 fluctuum tempestatumque accommodatae ; naves totae factae ex robore ad quamvis vim et contumeliam perferendam ; transtra ex pedalibus in altitudinem trabibus, conf Ixa clavis ferreis digit! pollicis crassitudine ; ancorae pro funibus ferrels catenls revinctae ; pelles pro veils alutaeque tenuiter confectae, 20 slve propter inopiam llni atque eius usus Inscientiam sive eo, quod est magis veri simile, quod tantas tempestates Ocean! tantosque impetus ventorum sustineri ac tanta onera navium regi veils non satis commode posse arbitrabantur. Cum his navibus nostrae class! eius mod! congressus erat ut una ce- 25 leritate et pulsu remorum praestaret, reliqua pro loci natura, pro v! tempestatum illls essent aptiora et accommodatiora. Neque enim ils nostrae rostro nocere poterant, tanta in ils erat firmitudo, neque propter altitudinem facile telum adigebatur, et eadem de causa minus commode copulls con- 30 tinebantur. Accedebat ut, cum saevlre ventus coepisset et se vento dedissent, et tempestatem ferrent facilius et in vadis consisterent tutiiis, et ab aestu. rellctae nihil saxa et cautis timerent; quarum rerum omnium nostris navibus casus erat extimescendus. 35 Ii6 . THE GALLIC WAR III The Romans are victorious in a naval battle. XIV. Compluribus expugnatis oppidis Caesar, ubi intellexit frustra tantum laborem sum! neque hostium fugara captis oppi- dis reprimi neque iis noceri posse, statuit exspectandam classem. Quae ubi convenit ac primum ab hostibus visa est, scirciter ccxx naves eorum paratissimae atque omul genere armorum ornatissimae profectae ex portu nostrls adversae constiterunt ; neque satis Bruto, qul class! praeerat, vel tribums mllitum centurionibusque, quibus singulae naves erant attribu- tae, constabat quid agerent aut quam rationem pugnae Insis- 10 terent. Rostro enira noceri non posse cognoverant ; turribus autem excitatis, tamen has altitudo puppium ex barbans navibus superabat, ut neque ex mferiore loco satis commode tela adigl possent et missa a Gallis gravius acciderent. Una erat magno usui res praeparata a nostris, falces praeacutae insertae adfixae- 15 que longuriis, non absimili forma muralium falcium. His cum funes qui antemnas ad malos destinabant comprehensl adductl- que erant, navigio remis incitato praerumpebantur. Quibus absclsls antemnae necessario concidebant, ut, cum omnis Gal- licis navibus spes in veils armamentisque consisteret, his ereptis 20 omnis usus navium uno tempore eriperetur. Reliquum erat certamen positum in virtute, qua nostri milites facile supera- bant, atque eo magis quod in conspectu Caesaris atque omnis exercitus res gerebatur, ut nullum paulo fortius factum latere posset ; omnes enim colles ac loca superiora unde erat propin- 25 quus despectus in mare ab exercitu tenebantur. XV. Deiectls, ut diximus, antemms, cum singulas binae ac ternae naves circumsteterant, milites summa vi transcendere in hostium navis contendebant. Quod postquam barbari fieri animadverterunt, expugnatis compluribus navibus, cum el rei 30 nullum repenretur auxilium, fuga salutem petere contenderunt. Ac iam conversls in earn partem navibus quo ventus ferebat tanta subito malacia ac tranquillitas 'exstitit ut se ex loco movere non possent. Quae quidem res ad negotium conficien- dum maxime fuit opportuna ; nam singulas nostri consectatl Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 117 expugnaverunt, ut perpaucae ex oram mimero noctis interventu ad terram pervenirent, cum ab hora fere quarta ii.sque ad solis occasum pugnaretur. The survivors surrender, and Caesar punishes them. XVI. Quo proelio bellum Venetorum totmsqne orae mariti- raae confectum est. Nam cum omnis iuventus, omnes etiam 5 gravioris aetatis in quibus aliquid consili ant dlgnitatis fuit eo convenerant, turn navium quod ubique fuerat in unum locum coegerant quibus amissis reliqm neque quo se reciperent neque quern ad modum oppida defenderent habebant. Itaque se suaque omnia Caesan dediderunt. In quos eo gravius 10 Caesar vindicandum statuit, quo diligentius in reliquum tern- pus a barbarls ius legatorum conservaretur. Itaque omnl senatu necato reliqtios sub corona vendidit. Sabinus defeats the Venelli and their allies. XVII. Dum haec in Venetis geruntur, Q. Titiirius Sabinus cum ils copiis quas a Caesare acceperat in finis Venellorum 15 pervenit. His praeerat Viridovix ac summam imperi tenebat earum omnium clvitatum quae defecerant, ex quibus exercitum magnasque copias coegerat; atque his panels diebus Aulercl EburovTces Lexoviique senatu suo interfecto, quod auctores belli esse nolebant, portas clauserunt seque cum Viridovice2o coniunxerunt ; magnaque praeterea multitude undique ex Gallia perditorum hominum latronumqne convenerat, et quos spes praedandl studiumque bellandi ab agrl cultura et cottidiano labore sevocabat. Sabinus idoneo ""omnibus rebus loco castris sese tenebat, cum Viridovix contra eum duorum mllium spatio25 consedisset cottidieque productis copiis pugnandl potestatem faceret, ut iam non solum hostibus in contemptionem Sabinus veniret sed etiam nostrorum militum vocibus non nihil car- peretur ; tantamque opinionem timoris. praebuit ut iam ad vallum castrorum hostes accedere auderent. Id ea de causa 30 faciebat, quod cum tanta multitudine hostium, praesertim eo Il8 THE GALLIC WAR III absente qui summam imperi teneret, nisi aequo loco aut oppor- tunitate aliqua data legato dimicandum non exlstimabat. XVIII. Hac conflrmata opmione timoris idoneum quendam hominem et callidum delegit, Gallum, ex ils quos auxill causa 5 secum habebat. Huic magms praemils pollicitationibusque per- suadet uti ad hostis transeat, et quid fieri velit edocet. Qui ubi pro perfuga ad eos venit, timorem Romanorum proponit, qui- bus angustiis ipse Caesar a Venetis prematur docet, neque longius abesse quin proxima nocte Sabmus clam ex castris 10 exercitum educat et ad Caesarem auxili ferendi causa proficis- catur. Quod ubi auditum est, conclamant omnes occasionem negoti bene gerendi amittendam non esse ; ad castra Iri opor- tere. Multae res ad hoc consilium Gallos hortabantur, su- periorum dierum Sabmi cunctatio, perfugae confirraatio, inopia 15 cibariorum, cui rei parum diligenter ab ils erat provlsum, spes Venetici belli, et quod fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. His rebus adducti non prius Viridovicem reliquosque duces ex concilio dimittunt quam ab ils sit concessum arma uti capiant et ad castra contendant. Qua re concessa laeti ut 20 explorata victoria sarmentis virgultisque conlectis, quibus fossas Romanorum compleant, ad castra pergunt. XIX. Locus erat castrorum editus et paulatim ab imo acclivis circiter passus mille. Hue magno cursu contenderunt, ut quam minimum spati ad se conligendos armandosque Romanis daretur, 25 exanimatique pervenerunt. Sabmus suos hortatus cupientibus signum dat. Impeditis hostibus.propter ea quae ferebant onera subito duabus portis eruptionem fieri iubet. Factum est oppor- tunitate loci, hostium inscientia ac defatlgatione, virtute militum et superiorum pugnarum exercitatione ut ne primum quidem 30 nostrorum impetum ferrent ac statim terga verterent. Quos integris vlribus milites nostri consecuti magnum numerum eorum occlderunt ; reliquos equites consectati paucos, qui ex fuga evaserant, reliquerunt. Sic uno tempore et de navali pugna Sabmus et de Sabini victoria Caesar est certior factus, civita- 35 tesque omnes se statim Titurio dediderunt. Nam ut ad bella Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 119 suscipienda Gallorum alacer ac promptus est animus, sic mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitates ferendas mens eorum est. THE CAMPAIGN IN AQUITANIA Crassus conquers the Sotiates. XX. Eodem fere tempore P. Crassus, cum in Aquitaniam pervenisset (quae, ut ante dictum est, est tertia pars Galliae), cum intellegeret in ils locis sibi bellum gerendum ubi paucis 5 ante annis L. Valerius Praeconinus legatus exercitu pulso inter- fectus esset, atque unde L. Manlius proconsul impediments amissis profugisset, non mediocrem sibi diligentiam adhibendam intellegebat. Itaque re frumentaria pr5visa, auxiliis equita- tuque comparato, multis praeterea viris fortibus Tolosa et 10 Carcasone et Narbone, quae sunt civitates Galliae provinciae flnitimae his regionibus, nominatim evocatis in Sotiatium finis exercitum introduxit. Cuius adventu cognito Sotiates magms copiis coactis equitatiique, quo plurimum valebant, in itinere agmen nostrum adorti primum equestre proelium commlserunt ; 15 deinde equitatu suo pulso atque insequentibus nostris subito pedestris copias, quas in convalle in insidils conlocaverant, ostenderunt. Hi nostros disiectos adorti proelium renovarunt. XXI. Pugnatum est diu atque acriter, cum Sotiates superio- ribus victoriis freti in sua virtute totius Aquitaniae saliitem posi- 20 tarn putarent, nostri autem quid sine imperatore et sine reliquis legionibus adulescentulo duce efficere possent perspici cuperent ; tandem confecti vulneribus hostes terga verterunt. Quorum magno numero interfecto Crassus ex itinere oppidum Sotiatium c;ppugnare coepit. Quibus fortiter resistentibus vmeas turrisque25 git. 111! alias eruptione temptata, alias cuniculis ad aggerem vineasque actis (cuius rei sunt longe perltissimi Aquitani prop- terea quod multis locis apud eos aerariae secturaeque sunt), ubi diligentia nostrorum nihil his rebus proficl posse intellex- erunt, legates ad Crassum mittunt seque in deditionem utso recipiat petunt. Qua re impetrata arma tradere iussi faciunt. 120 THE GALLIC WAR III XXII. Atque in earn rera omnium nostrorum intentis animis, alia ex parte oppidi Adiatunnus, qul sumraam imperi tenebat, cum sescentis devotis, quos ill! soldurios appellant, quorum haec est condicio, ut omnibus in vita commodis una cum ils 5 fruantur quorum se amicitiae dediderint, si quid his per vim accidat, aut eunde'm casum una ferant aut sibi mortem con- sciscant neque adhuc hominum memoria repertus est quisquam qui eo interfecto cuius se amicitiae devovisset mortem recusaret cum his Adiatunnus eruptionem facere conatus, clamore ab 10 ea parte mumtionis sublato, cum ad arma milites concurrissent vehementerque ibi pugnatum esset, repulsus in oppidum, tamen uti eadem deditionis condicione uteretur a Crasso impe- travit. The Aquitani ask help from Spain. XXIII. ArmTs obsidibusque acceptis Crassus in finis Vo- 15 catium et Tarusatium profectus est. Turn vero barbari com- moti, quod oppidum et natura loci et manu munitum paucis diebus quibus eo v en turn erat expugnatum cognoverant, legates quoqueversus dimittere, coniurare, obsides inter se dare, copias parare coeperunt. Mittuntur etiam ad eas civitates 20 legatl quae sunt citerioris Hispaniae fmitimae Aquitaniae ; inde auxilia ducesque arcessuntur. Quorum adventu magna cum auctoritate et magna hominum multitudine bellum gerere conantur. Duces vero ii deliguntur qui una cum Q. Sertorio omnis annos fuerant summamque scientiam rel militaris habere 25 existimabantur. Hi consuetudine populf Roman! loca capere, castra rnumre, commeatibus nostros intercludere instituun 1 :. Quod ubi Crassus animadvertit suas copias propter exiguitatem non facile diduci, hostem et vagarl et vias obsidere et castrif satis praesidi relinquere, ob earn causam minus commode fru- 30 mentum commeatumque sibi supportari, in dies hostium numerum augen, non cunctandum exlstimavit qum pugna de- certaret. Hac re ad consilium delata, ubi omms idem sentire intellexit, posterum diem pugnae constituit. Ill THE CAMPAIGN IN AQUITANIA 1 21 Crassus defeats the Aquitani and their allies, and brings the greater part of Aquitania into submission. XXIV. Prima luce productis omnibus copils, duplicl acie instituta, auxiliis in mediam aciem coniectis, quid hostes consill caperent exspectabat. 111! etsi propter multitudinem et ve- terem belli gloriam paucitatemque nostrorum se tuto dimica- turos exlstimabant, tamen tutius esse arbitrabantur obsessis viis, 5 commeatu intercluso sine vulnere victoria potiri, et si propter inopiam rel frumentariae Roman! sese recipere coepissent, im- peditos in agmine et sub sarcinls Tnfirmiores animo adoriri cogitabant. Hoc consilio probato ab ducibus, productis Ro- manorum copiis sese castrls tenebant. Hac re perspecta Cras- 10 sus, cum sua cunctatione atque opinione timoris hostes nostros milites alacriores ad pugnandum effecissent, atque omnium voces audirentur exspectarl diutius non oportere quin ad castra iret'ur, cohortatus suos omnibus cupientibus ad hostium castra contendit. I5 XXV. Ibi cum alii fossas complerent, alii multis tells coniec- tis defensores vallo mumtionibusque depellerent, auxiliaresque, quibus ad pugnam non multum Crassus confldebat, lapidibus telisque subministrandis et ad aggerem caespitibus comportandfs speciem atque opinionem pugnantium praeberent, cum item ab2o hostibus constanter ac non timide pugnaretur, telaque ex loco superiore missa non frustra acciderent, equites circumitis hos- tium castris Crasso renuntiaverunt non eadem esse diligentia ab decumana porta castra mumta facilemque aditum habere. XXVI. Crassus equitum praefectos cohortatus ut magniS25 praemiis pollicitationibusque suos excitarent, quid fieri vellet ostendit. Illi, ut erat imperatum, devectls iis cohortibus quae praesidio castris relictae intritae ab labore erant et longiore itinere circumductis, ne ex hostium castris conspicT possent, omnium oculls mentibusque ad pugnam intentls celeriter ad easso quas diximus munltiones pervenerunt, atque his prorutis prius in hostium castris constiterunt quam plane ab his videri aut quid rel gereretur cognosci posset. Turn ver5 clamore ab ea 122 THE GALLIC WAR III parte audito nostri redintegratls viribus, quod plerumque in spe victoriae accidere consuevit, acrius impugnare coeperunt. Hostes undique circumvent! desperatis omnibus rebus se per munltiones deicere et fuga salutem petere contenderunt. Quos 5 equitatus apertissimls campis consectatus ex milium L numero, quae ex Aquitania Cantabrisque convenisse constabat, vix quarta parte relicta multa nocte se in castra recepit. XXVII. Hac audlta pugna maxima pars Aquitaniae sese Crasso dedidit obsidesque ultro misit ; quo in numero fuerunt loTarbelll, Bigerriones, Ptianii, Vocates. Tarusates, Elusates, Gates, Ausci, Garumni, Sibusates, Cocosates ; paucae ultimae nationes anm tempore confisae, quod hiems suberat, id facere neglexerunt. A SHORT CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE MORINI AND MENAPII XXVIII. Eodem fere tempore Caesar, etsi prope exacta iam 15 aestas erat, tamen quod omni Gallia pacata Morini Menapiique supererant qui in armis essent neque ad eum umquam legatos de pace misissent, arbitratus id bellum celeriter conficT posse eo exercitum duxit ; qui longe alia ratione ac reliqui Galli bellum gerere coeperunt. Nam quod intellegebant maxima's nationes, 20 quae proelio contendissent, pulsas superatasque esse, conti- nentisque silvas ac paludes habebant, eo se suaque omnia contulerunt. Ad quarum initium silvarum cum Caesar per- venisset castraque mumre Tnstituisset, neque hostis interim visus esset, dispersis in opere nostris subito ex omnibus parti- 25 bus silvae evolaverunt et in nostros impetum f ecierunt. Nostri celeriter arma ceperunt eosque in silvas reppulerunt, et com- pluribus interfectis longius impeditioribus locis secutl paucos ex suis deperdiderunt. XXIX. ReliquTs deinceps diebus Caesar silvas caedere insti- 30 tuit, et ne quis inermibus imprudentibusque militibus -ab latere impetus fieri posset, omnem earn materiam quae erat caesa conversam ad hostem conlocabat et pro vallo ad utrumque latus Ill THE MORINI AND MENAPII 123 exstruebat. Incredibill celeritate magno spatio paucis diebus confecto, cum iam pecus atque extrema impedimenta a nostris tenerentur, ipsi densiores silvas peterent, eius modi sunt tem- pestates conseciitae uti opus necessario intermitteretur, et con- tinuatione imbrium diutius sub pellibus milites contineri non 5 possent. Itaque vastatis omnibus eorum agris, vlcis aedifi- ciisque incensis Caesar exercitum reduxit et in Aulercis Lexo- viisque, reliquis item clvitatibus quae proxime bellum fecerant, in hiberms conlocavit. SOLDIERS BURNING A BARBARIAN VILLAGE 122 THE GALLIC WAR III parte audlto nostri redintegratis vi'ribus, quod plerumque in spe victoriae accidere consuevit, acrius impugnare coeperunt. Hostes undique circumvent! desperatls omnibus rebus se per mumtiones deicere et fuga salutem petere contenderunt. Quos 5 equitatus apertissimls campis consectatus ex milium L numero, quae ex Aqultania Cantabrisque convenisse constabat, vix quarta parte relicta multa nocte se in castra recepit. XXVII. Hac audita pugna maxima pars Aquitaniae sese Crasso dedidit obsidesque ultro misit ; quo in numero fuerunt loTarbelli, Bigerriones, Ptianii, Vocates, Tarusates, Elusates, Gates, Ausci, GarumnT, Sibusates, Cocosates ; paucae ultimae nationes annl tempore confisae, quod hiems suberat, id facere neglexerunt. A SHORT CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE MORINI AND MENAPII XXVIII. Eodem fere tempore Caesar, etsT prope exacta iam 15 aestas erat, tamen quod omm Gallia pacata Morim Menapifque supererant qm in armis essent neque ad eum umquam legates de pace misissent, arbitratus id bellum celeriter confici posse eo exercitum diiixit ; quT longe alia ratione ac reliqui Galli bellum gerere coeperunt. Nam quod intellegebant maximas nationes, 20 quae proelio contendissent, pulsas superatasque esse, conti- nentisque silvas ac paliides habebant, eo se suaque omnia contulerunt. Ad quarum initium silvarum cum Caesar per- venisset castraque munire Tnstituisset, neque hostis interim visus esset. dispersls in opere nostrls subito ex omnibus parti- 25 bus silvae evolaverunt et in nostros impetum f ecerunt. NostrT celeriter arma ceperunt eosque in silvas reppulerunt, et com- pluribus interfectis longius impeditioribus locls secuti paucos ex sms deperdiderunt. XXIX. ReliquTs deinceps diebus Caesar silvas caedere insti- sotuit, et ne quis inermibus imprudentibusque militibus-ab latere impetus fieri posset, omnem earn materiam quae erat caesa conversam ad hostem conlocabat et pro vallo ad utrumque latus Ill THE MORINI AND MENAPII 123 exstruebat. Incredibili celeritate magno spatio panels diebus confecto, cum iam pecus atque extrema impedimenta a nostris tenerentur, ipsi densiores silvas peterent, eius modi sunt tem- pestates consecutae utT opus necessario intermitteretur, et con- tinuatione imbrium diutius sub pellibus mllites continerl non 5 possent. Itaque vastatis omnibus eorum agris, vicis aedifi- ciisque incensis Caesar exercitum rediixit et in AulercTs Lexo- vilsque, reliquis item clvitatibus quae proxime bellum fecerant, in hiberms conlocavit. SOLDIERS BURNIN'G A BARBARIAN VILLAGE BOOK IV THE WAR AGAINST THE USIPETES AND TENCTERI, AND CAESAR'S PASSAGE OF THE RHINE The Usipetes and Tencteri cross the Rhine into Gaul. Description of the Suebi. I. Ea quae secfuta est hieme, qul fuit annus Cn. Pompeio, M. Crasso consulibus, Usipetes German! et item Tencteri magna cum multitudine hominum flumen Rhenum transierunt non longe a marl, quo Rhenus influit. Causa transeundi fuit quod 5 ab Suebls compluris annos exagitati bello premebantur et agri cultura prohibebantur. Sueborum gens est longe maxima et bellicosissima Germano- ram omnium. Hi centum pagos habere dicuntur, ex quibus quotannis singula milia armatorum bellandi causa ex fmibus io educunt. ReliquI, qul domi manserunt, se atque illos alunt ; hi rursus invicem anno post in armis sunt, ill! domi remanent. Sic neque agri cultura nee rati5 atque usus belli intermittitur. Sed privati ac separati agri apud eos nihil est, neque longius anno remanere uno in loco colendi causa licet. Neque multum 15 frumento, sed maximam partem lacte atque pecore vivunt, multumque sunt in venationibus ; quae res et cibi genere et cottidiana exercitatione et Hbertate vltae, quod a pueris nullo officio aut disciplina adsuefactT nihil ommno contra voluntatem faciunt, et viris alit et immanl corporum magnitudine homines aoefficit. Atque in earn se consuetudinem adduxerunt ut locis s frlgidissimis neque vestitus praeter pellis haberent quicquam, quarum propter exiguitatem magna est corporis pars aperta, et lavarentur in fluminibus. II. Mercatoribus est aditus magis eo, ut quae bello ceperint 25 quibus vendant habeant, quam quo ullam rem ad se importari 124 IV THE USIPETES AND TENCTERI 125 desiderent. Qum etiam iumentis, quibus maxime Galli delec- tantur quaeque impenso parant pretio, German! importatls non utuntur, sed quae sunt apud e5s nata, parva atque deformia, haec cottidiana exercitatione summl ut sint laboris efficiunt. Equestribus proeliis saepe ex equis desiliunt ac pedibus proe- 5 liantur, equosque eodem remanere vestlgio adsuefecerunt, ad quos se celeriter, cum usus est, recipiunt; neque eorum mori- bus turpius quicquam aut inertius habetur quam ephippiis uti. Itaque ad quemvis numerum-ephippiatorum equitum quamvis pauci adire audent. VinuuSic ommno ad se importari non patiuntur, quod ea re ad la- borem ferendum remollescere homines atque effeminari arbi- trantur. 15 III. Publice maximam pu- tant esse laudem quam latissime a suls finibus vacare agjos; hac re significar! magnum numerum civitatum suam vim 20 sustinere non posse. Itaque una ex parte a Suebiscirciter miliapassuum c agri vacare dicuntur. Ad alteram partem succedunt Ubii, quorum rait civitas ampla atque florens, iit est captus Germanorum ; ii paulo (quamquam sunt eiusdem generis) sunt ceteris humaniores, propterea quod 25 Rhenum attingunt, multumque ad eos mercatores ventitant, et ipsi propter propinquitatem Gallicis sunt moribus adsuefacti. Hos cum Suebl multls saepe bellls experti propter amplitudinem gravitatemque civitatis finibus expellere non potuissent, tamen vectlgalls sibi fecerunt ac multo humiliores Infirmioresque 3 redegerunt. The Menapii are overpowered by the Usipetes and Tencteri. IV. In eadem causa fuerunt Usipetes et TencterT, quos supra diximus, qui compluns annos Sueborum vim sustinuerunt ; A HORSE WITH EPHIPPIUM 126 THE GALLIC WAR IV ad extremum tamen agrls expulsi et multis locis Germaniae triennium vagati ad Rhenum pervenerunt, quas regiones Mena- pil incolebant. HI ad utramque ripam fluminis agros, aedi- ficia, vicosque habebant ; sed tantae multitudinis adventu 5 perterriti ex ils aedificiis quae trans fluraen habuerant demigra- verant, et cis Rhenum dispositis praesidiis Germanos transire prohibebant. 111! omnia expert!, cum neque vr contendere propter inopiam navium neque clam translre propter custodias Menapiorum possent, revert! se in suas sedis regionesque simu- ^ \ i ! i\ " 10 lav'erunt, et tridul viam progress! rursus reverterunt, atque omm hoc itinere una nocte equitatu confecto mscios inopinantisque Menapios oppresserunt, qu! de Germanorum discessu per ex- ploratores certiores fact! sine metu trans Rhenum in suos vicos remigraverant. His interfectls navibnsque eorum occupatis, 15 priusquam ea pars Menapiorum quae citra Rhenum erat certior fieret, flumen transierunt, atque omnibus eorum aedificiis occu- patis reliquam partem hiemis se eorum copils aluerunt. The invaders are received in a friendly manner by certain of the Gallic tribes. V. His de rebus Caesar certior factus et infirmitatem Gallo- rum veritus, quod sunt in consiliis capiendis mobiles et novls 20 plerumque rebus student, nihil his committendum ex!stimavit. Est enim hoc Gallicae consuetudinis, uti et viatores etiam invitos consistere cogant, et quid quisque eorum de quaque re audierit aut cognoverit quaerant, et mercatores in pppidis vulgus circumsistat, quibusque ex regionibus veniant quasque 25 ibi res cognoverint pronuntiare cogat. His rebus atque audi- tionibus permoti de summis saepe rebus consilia ineunt, quorum eos in vestigio paenitere necesse est, cum incertis rumoribus serviant, et plerique ad voluntatem eorum ficta respondeant. VI. Qua consuetudine cognita Caesar, ne gravior!' bello 30 occurreret, maturius quam corisuerat ad exercitum proficiscitur. f\ . , ; J^>*- E6 cum venisset, ea quae fore suspicatus erat) facta^Cognovit ; missas legationes ab non nullis civitatibus ad Germanos, invita- IV THE USIPETES AND TENCTERI 127 tosque eos utl ab Rheno discederent : ' Omnia quae postulassent ab se fore parata.' Qua spe adducti German! latius iam vaga- bantur et in finis Eburonum et Condrusorum, qui sunt Treve- rorum clientes, pervenerant. Prmcipibus Galliae evocatTs Cae- sar ea quae cognoverat dissimulanda sibi exlstimavit, eoruinque 5 animis permulsls et confirmatis equitatuque imperato bellum cum Germanis gerere constituit. Caesar demands that the Germans depart from Gaul. VII. Re frumentaria comparata equitibusque delectis iter in ea loca facere coepit quibus in locls esse Germanos audiebat. A quibus cum paucorum dierum iter abesset, legati ab iis vene- 10 runt, quorum haec fuit oratio : ' Germanos neque priores populo Romano bellum Inferre neque tamen recusare, si laces- santur, qmn armis contendant, quod Germanorum consuetude haec sit a maioribus tradita, quicumque bellum mferant resistere neque deprecari. Haec tamen dicere : venisse invltos, eiectos 15 domo ; si suam gratiam Roman! velint, posse iis utills esse a.micos ; vel sibi agros attribuant vel patiantur eos tenere quos armis possederint ; sese urns Suebls concedere, quibus ne dil quidem immortales pares esse possint ; reliquum quidem in terris esse neminem -quern non superare possint.' 20 VIII. Ad haec Caesar quae vlsum est respondit; sed exitus foit orationis : ' Sibi riullam cum iis amicitiam esse posse, si in Gallia remanerent ; neque verum esse qui suos finis tueri non potuerint alienos occupare ; neque ullos in Gallia vacare agros qui dan, tantae praesertim multitudinl, sine iniuria possint ; sed 25 licere, si velint, .in Ubiorum finibiis consldere, quorum sint legati apud se et de Sueborum iniuriis querantur et a se auxilium petantj hoc se Ubils imperaturum.' IX. Legati haec se ad suos relaturos dixerunt et re delibe- rata post diem tertium ad Caesarem reversuros ; interea ne pro- 30 pius se castra moveret petierunt. Ne id quidem Caesar ab se impetrari posse dixit. Cognoverat enim magnam partem equi- tatus ab iis aliquot diebus ante praedandl frumentandlque causa 128 THE GALLIC WAR IV ad Ambivaritos trans Mosam missam ; hos exspectari equites atque eius rei causa moram interponl arbitrabatur. The Meuse and the Rhine. X. Mosa profluit ex monte Vosego, qui est in fmibus Lingonum, et parte quadam ex Rheno recepta, quae appella- 5 tur Vacalus, insulam efficit Batavorum, neque longius inde milibus passuum LXXX in Oceanum influit. Rhenus autem oritur ex Lepontils, qui AlpTs incolunt, et longo spatio per finis Nantuatium, Helvetiorum, Sequanorum, Mediomatricum, Tri- bocorum, Treverorum citatus fertur, et ubi Oceano appropin- loquavit, in pluris dififluit partis multis ingentibusque Insulis effectis, quarum pars raagna a fens barbarisque nationibus incolitur (ex quibu's sunt qui piscibus atque ovis avium vlvere existimantur), multisque capitibus in Oceanum influit. The Germans seek delay. A cavalry skirmish takes place. XL Caesar cum ab hoste non amplius passuum xn milibus 15 abesset, ut erat constitutum, ad eum legati revertuntur; qui in itinere congress! magnopere ne longius progrederetur orabant. Cum id non impetrassent, petebant uti ad eos equites qui agmen antecessissent praemitteret eosque pugna prohiberet, sibique ut potestatem faceret in Ubios legatos mittendi ; quo- 20 rum si principes ac senatus sibi iure iiirando fidem fecisset, ea condicione quae a Caesare ferretur se usuros ostendebant ; ad has res conficiendas sibi trldul spatium daret. Haec omnia Caesar eodem illo pertinere arbitrabatur, ut trldul mora in- terposita equites eorum qui abessent reverterentur ; tamen 25 sese non longius milibus passuum quattuor aquationis causa processurum eo die dixit; hue postero die quam frequen- tissimi convemrent, ut de eorum postulatis cognosceret. Interim ad praefectos, qui cum omni equitatu antece^serant, mittit qui nuntiarent ne hostis proelio lacesserent, . et si 30 ipsi lacesserentur, sustinerent quoad ipse cum exercitu propius accessisset. IV THE USI PETES AND TENCTERI 129 XII. At hostes, ubi primum nostros equites conspexerunt, quorum erat qulnque mllium numerus, cum ipsT non amplius DCCC equites haberent, quod ii qui frumentandl causa ierant trans Mosam nondum redierant, nihil timentibus nostris, quod legati eorum paulo ante a Caesare- discesserant atque is dies s indutiis erat ab his petitus, impetu facto celeriter nostros per- turbaverunt ; rursus his resistentibus consuetudine sua ad pedes desiluerunt, suffossisque equis compluribusque nostris deiectis reliquos in fugam coniecerunt, atque ita perterritos egerunt ut non prius fuga desisterent quam in conspectum agminis nostrf ic venissent. In eo proelio ex equitibus nostris interficiuntur un et LXX, in his vir fortissimus Piso Aquitanus, amplissimo ge- nere natus, cuius avus in clvitate sua regnum obtinuerat amicus a senatu nostro appellatus. Hie cum fratri intercluso ab hosti- bus auxilium ferret, ilium ex periculo eripuit, ipse equo 15 vulnerato deiectus quoad potuit fortissime restitit ; cum circum- ventus multls vulneribus acceptis cecidisset, atque id frater, qui iam proelio excesserat, procul animadvertisset, incitato equo se hostibus obtulit atque interfectus est. Caesar defeats the German army and destroys it. XIII. Hoc facto proelio Caesar neque iam sibi legates 20 audiendos neque condiciones accipiendas arbitrabatur ab ils qui per dolum atque msidias petita pace ultro bellum intulis- sent; exspectare vero dum hostium copiae augerentur equita- tusque reverteretur summae dementiae esse iudicabat; et cognita Gallorum infirmitate quantum iam apud eos hostes un5 25 proelio auctoritatis essent consecuti sentiebat ; quibus ad con- silia capienda nihil spatl dandum existimabat. His constitu- tis rebus et consilio cum legatis et quaestore communicato, ne quern diem pugnae praetermitteret, opportunissima res accidit, quod postridie eitis diel mane eadein et simulatione et 30 perfidia usi German! frequentes omnibus principibus maiori- busque natu adhibitls ad eum in castra venerunt, simul, ut dice- batur, purgandi sui causa, quod contra atque esset dictum K 130 THE GALLIC WAR IV p et ipsl petissent proelium pridie commisissent, simul ut, si quid possent, de indutils fallendo impetrarent. Quos sibi Caesar oblatos gavisus illos retinerl iussit ; ipse ornnis copias castris ediixit equitatumque, quod recent! proelio perterritum 5 esse exlstimabat, agmen subsequi iussit. XIV. Acie triplici Instituta et celeriter octo milium itinere confecto prius ad hostium castra pervenit quam quid ageretur GermanI sentire possent. Qui omnibus rebus subito perterritT, et celeritate adventus nostn et discessu suorum, 10 neque consilT habendi neque arma capiendi spatio dato pertur- bantur, copiasne adversus hostem ducere an castra defendere an fuga saliiteni petere praestaret. Quorum timor cum fremitu" et concursu significaretur, mllites nostrl pristini die! perfidia incitatl in castra inruperunt. Quo loco qui celeriter arma 15 capere potuerunt paulisper nostris restiterunt atque inter car- ros impedimentaque proelium commiseruntj at reliqua multi- tude puerorum mulierumque (nam cum omnibus suis domo excesserant Rhenumque transierant) passim fugere coepit; ad quos consectandos Caesar equitatum misit. 20 XV. GermanI post tergum clamore audito, cum suos inter- fici viderent, armis abiectis slgnisque mllitaribus relictis se ex castris eiecerunt, et cum ad confluentem Mosae et RhenI pervenissent, reliqua fuga desperata, magno numero interfecto reliqui se in flumen praecipitaverunt atque ibi timore, lassi- astudine, vl fluminis oppress! perierunt. Nostri ad unum omnes incolumes perpaucls vulneratis ex tant! belli timore, cum hostium numerus capitum ccccxxx milium fuisset, se in castra receperunt. Caesar ils quos in castris retinuerat disce- dendl potestatem fecit. 111! supplicia cruciatiisque Gallorum soveritl, quorum agros vexaverant, remanere se apud eum velle dlxerunt. His Caesar llbertatem concessit. Caesar determines to cross over into Germany. XVI. Germanico bello confecto multls de causls Caesar sta- tuit sibi Rhenum esse transeundum j quarum ilia fuit iustis- IV CAESAR'S PASSAGE OF 'THE RHINE 131 sima, quod, cum videret Germanos tarn facile impelli ut in Galliam venirent, suls quoque rebus ^eJ5s timere voluit, cum intellegerent et posse et audere popull Roman! exercitum Rhenum transire. Accessit etiam quod ilia pars equitatus Usipetum et Tencterorum quam supra commemoravi prae- 5 dandl frumentandique causa Mosam translsse neque proelio interfuisse \ post fugam suorum se trans Rhenum in finis Sugambrorum receperat seque cum his coniunxerat.- Ad quos ^ IS-' ' ' cum Caesar nuntios mlsisset, qui postularent "e5s qui sibi Galliaeque bellum intulissent sibi dederent, responderunt : 10 1 Popull RomanI imperium Rhenum flnire ; si se invito Ger- manos in Galliam transire non aequum existimaret, cur sul quicquam esse imperl aut potestatis trans Rhenum postu- laret?' Ubil autem, qui unl ex Transrhenams ad Caesarem legates miserant, amicitiam fecerant, obsides dederant, mag- 15 nopere orabant ut sibi auxilium ferret, quod graviter ab Sue- bis premerentur ; vel si id facere occupationibus rel publicae prohiberetur, exercitum modo Rhenum transportaret : 'Id sibi ad auxilium spemque reliqul temporis satis futurum. Tantum esse nomen atque oplnionem eius exercitus Ariovisto pulso et 20 hoc novissimo proelio facto, etiam ad ultimas Germanorum nationes, utl opinion e et amicitia popull RomanI tutl esse possent.' Navium magnam copiam ad transportandum exer- citum pollicebantur. He builds a bridge over the Rhine. XVII. Caesar his de causis quas commemoravi Rhenum 25 transire decreverat ; sed navibus transire neque satis tutum esse arbitrabatur neque suae neque popull RomanI dlgnitatis esse statuebat. Itaque, etsi summa difficultas faciendi pontis proponebatur propter latitudinem, rapiditatem, altitudinemque fluminis, tamen id sibi contendendum aut aliter non tradu-so cendum exercitum exlstimabat. Rationem pontis hanc Instituir. Tigna blna sesquipedalia paulum ab Imo praeacuta, dlmensa ad altitudinem fluminis, intervallo pedum duorum inter se iunge- 132 THE GALLIC WAR IV bat. Haec cum macbiinationibus immissa in flumen defixerat fistucisque adegerat, non sublicae mod5 derecte ad perpen- diculum, sed prone ac fastigate, ut secundura naturam fluminis procumberent, iis item contraria duo ad eundem modum iuucta, Sintervallo pedum quadragenum ab inferiore parte contra vim atque impetum fluminis conversa statuebat. Haec utraque in- super bipedalibus trabibus immissis, quantum eorum tignorum iunctura distabat, blnis utrimque flbulis ab extrema parte dis- CAESAR'S BRIDGE OVER THE RHINE a a, tigna bina sesqiiipedalia, b, trabs bipedalis. c c.,_fibitlae. d d, derecta ma- terta. e, longurii. f, crates, g, sublicae oblique actae. h, sublicae supra ponton actae. tinebantur; quibus disclusis atque in contrariam partem re- 10 vinctis tanta erat operis firmitudo atque ea rerum natura ut, quo maior vis aquae se incitavisset, hoc artius inligata tene- rentur. Haec derecta materia iniecta contexebantur ac lon- guriis cratibusque consterneb'antur ; ac nihilo setius sublicae et ad Inferiorem partem fluminis oblique agebantur, quae pro ariete 15 subiectae et cum omnl opere coniunctae vim fluminis e-xcipe- rent, et aliae item supra pontem mediocri spatio, ut si arborum trunci sive naves deiciendi operis causa essent a barbans immissae, his defensoribus earum rerum vis minueretur neu ponti nocerent. \' IV CAESAR'S PASSAGE OF THE RHINE 133 After spending eighteen days across the Rhine, Caesar returns into Gaul. XVIII. Diebus decem quibus materia coepta erat com- portari omni opere effecto exercitus traducitur. Caesar ad ROMAN SOLDIERS CROSSING A BRIDGE utramque partem pontis firmo praesidio rehcto in finis Su- gambrorum contendit. Interim a compluribus civitatibus ad eum legati veniunt j quibus pacem atque amicitiam petentibus 5 Hberaliter respondet obsidesque ad se adduci iubet. At Su- gambrLex eo tempore quo pons mstitui coeptus est fuga com- parata/ hortantibus iis quos ex Tencteris atque Usipetibus apud 132 THE GALLIC WAR IV bat. Haec cum machinationibus immissa in flumen defixerat fistuclsque adegerat, non sublicae modo derecte ad perpen- diculum, sed prone ac fastlgate, ut secundum naturam fluminis procumberent, ils item contraria duo ad eundem modum iuncta, Sintervallo pedum quadragenum ab Inferiore parte contra vim atque impetum fluminis conversa statuebat. Haec utraque In- super bipedalibus trabibus immissis, quantum eorum tignorum iunctura distabat, blnis utrimque fibulls ab extrema parte dis- CAESAR'S URIDGE OVER THE RHINE a a, tigno. bina sesqnipedalia. b, trabs bipedalis. c c,Jil>nlae. d d, derecta Jiia- teria. e, longitrii. f, crates, g, sublicae oblique actae. h, sublicae supra pontetn actae. tinebantur ; quibus disclusls atque in contrariam partem re- lovinctis tanta erat operis firmitudo atque ea rerum natura ut, quo maior vis aquae se incitavisset, hoc artius inligata tene- rentur. Haec derecta materia iniecta contexebantur ac lon- guriis cratibusque consternebantur ; ac nihilo setius sublicae et ad inferiorem partem fluminis oblique agebantur, quae pro ariete 15 subiectae et cum omnl opere coniunctae vim fluminis excipe- rent, et aliae item supra pontem mediocrl spatio, ut si arborum truncl slve naves deiciendl operis causa essent a barbarls immissae, his defensoribus earum rerum vis minueretur neu ponti nocerent. IV CAESAR'S PASSAGE OF THE RHINE 133 After spending eighteen days across the Rhine, Caesar returns into Gaul. XVIII. Diebus decem quibus materia coepta erat com- portari omni opere effecto exercitus tradiicitur. Caesar ad ROMAN SOLDIERS CROSSING A F.RIDGE utramque partem pontis firmo praesidio rellcto in finis Su- gambrSrum contendit. Interim a compliiribus civitatibus ad eum legati veniunt ; qnibns pacem atque amicitiam petentibus 5 Hberaliter respondet obsidesqtie ad se adduci iubet. At Su- gambri ex eo tempore quo pons institm coeptus est fuga com- parata^ hortantibus iis quos ex Tencterls atque Usipetibus apud 134 THE GALLIC WAR IV se habebant, fmibus suls excesserant suaque omnia exporta- verant 'seque in solitudinem ac silvas abdiderant. XIX. Caesar paucos dies in eorum finibus moratus omni- bus vicis aedificilsque incensls frumentlsque succisis se in finis 5 Ubioram recepit, atque his auxilium suum pollicitus si a Suebis premerentur, haec ab iis cognovit : 'Suebos, posteaquam per ex- ploratores pontem fieri comperissent, more suo concilio habito nuntios in omnis partis dimlsisse, ut! de oppidls demigrarent, liberos, uxores, suaque omnia in silvls deponerent, atque omnes 10 qui arma ferre possent iinum in locum convenlrent. Hunc esse delectum medium fere regionum earum quas Suebi obtinerent ; hie Romanorum adventum exspectare atque ibidem decertare constituisse.' Quod ubi Caesar compertt, omnibus iis rebus confectls quarum rerum causa traducere exercitum constitu- 15 erat, ut Germams metum iniceret, ut Sugambros ulciscere- tur, ut Ubios obsidione Hberaret, diebus omnmo xvm trans Rhenum consumptis satis et ad laudem et ad utilitatem profectum arbitratus se in Galliam recepit pontemque re- scidit. CAESAR'S FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN Preparations for the voyage. 20 XX. Exigua parte aestatis reliqua Caesar, etsi in his locis, quod omnis Gallia ad septemtriones vergit, maturae sunt hiemes, tamen in Britanniam proficlsci contendit, quod omni- bus fere Gallicis bellis hostibus nostris inde subministrata auxilia intellegebat ; et si tempus anni ad bellum gerendum 25 deftceret, tamen magno sibi usul fore arbitrabatur si modo in- sulam adisset, genus hominum perspexisset, loca, portus, aditus cognovisset, quae omnia fere Gallis erant incognita. Neque enim temere praeter mercatores illo adit quisquam neque his ipsis quicquam praeter oram maritimam atque eas regiones 30 quae sunt contra Gallias notum est. Itaque vocatis ad se IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 135 undique mercatoribus neque quanta esset fnsulae magnitude neque quae aut quantae nationes incolerent neque quern usum belli haberent aut quibus institutls uterentur neque qui essent ad maiorem navium multitudinem idonei portus reperire poterat. 5 XXI. Ad haec cognoscenda, priusquam periculum faceret, idoneum esse arbitratus C. Volusenum cum navi longa prae- mittit. Huic mandat ut exploratis omnibus rebus ad se quam primum revertatur. Ipse cum omnibus copils in Morinos pro- ficiscitur, quod inde erat brevissimus in Britanniam traiectus. 10 Hue navis undique ex finitimis regionibus et quam superiore aestate ad Veneticum bellum fecerat classem iubet convemre. Interim consilio eius cognito et per mercatores perlato ad Bri- tannos a compluribus insulae civitatibus ad eum legati veniunt, qui polliceantur obsides dare atque imperio populi Romam ob- 15 temperare. Quibus auditis Hberaliter pollicitus hortatusque ut in ea sententia permanerent, eos domura remittit et cum iis una Commiuirij quern ipse Atrebatibus superatis regem ibi con- stituerat, cuius et virtutem et consilium probabat et quem sibi fidelem esse arbitrabatur, cuiusque auctoritas in his regionibus 20 magm habebatur, mittit. Huic imperat quas possit adeat civi- tates horteturque ut populi Romam fidem sequantur, seque celeriter eo venturum nuntiet. Volusenus perspectis regioni- bus, quantum el facultatis dari potuit qui navi egredi ac se barbaris committere non auderet, quinto die ad Caesarem re- 25 vertitur quaeque ibi perspexisset renuntiat. XXII. Dum in his locls Caesar navium parandarum causa moratur, ex magna parte Morinorum ad eum legati venerunt, qui se de superioris temporis consilio excusarent, quod homines barbari et nostrae consuetudinis imperiti bellum populo Ro-so mano fecissent, seque ea quae imperasset facturos pollice- rentur. Hoc sibi Caesar satis opportune accidisse arbitratus, quod neque post tergum hostem relinquere volebat neque belli gerendi propter anni tempus facultatem habebat neque has tan- tularum rerum occupationes Britanniae anteponendas iiidicabat, 35 136 THE GALLIC WAR IV magnum iis numerum obsidum imperat. Quibus adductis eos in fidem recipit. Navibus circiter LXXX onerariis coactis, quot satis esse ad duas transportandas legiones existimabat, quod praeterea navium longarum habebat quaestor!, legatis, praefec- 5 tisque distribuit. Hue accedebant xvin onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco a milibus passuum oct5 vento tenebantur, quo- minus in eundem portum venire possent j has equitibus dis- ROMAN SHIPS \ tribuit .Reliquum exercitum Titurio Sabmo et Aurunculeio Cottae legatis in Menapios atque in eos pagos Morinorum a loquibus ad eum legati non venerant ducendum dedit. Sulpi- cium Rufum legatum cam eo praesidio quod satis esse arbi- trabatur portum tenere iussit. The voyage. XXIII. His constitutls rebus nactus idoneam ad navigandum tempestatem tertia fere vigilia solvit, equitesque in ulteriorem IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 137 portum progredi et navis conscendere et se sequi iussit. A quibus cum paulo tardius esset administratum, ipse hora die! circiter quarta cum primis navibus Britanniam attigit atque ibi in omnibus collibus expositas hostium copias armatas conspexit. Cuius loci haec erat natura, atque ita montibus anguste mare 5 continebatur, uti ex locls superioribus in lltus telum adigi posset. Hunc ad egrediendum nequaquam idoneum locum arbitratus, dum reliquae naves eo convenient, ad horam nonam in ancoris exspectavit. Interim legatis tribumsque militum convocatis et quae ex Voluseno cognovisset et quae fieri vellet ostendit, mo- 10 nuitque, ut rei militaris ratio, maxime ut maritimae res postula- rent, ut quae celerem atque instabilem motum haberent, ad nutum et ad tempus omnes res ab ils administrarentur. His dlmissis et ventum et aestum uno tempore nactus secundum, dato signo et sublatis ancoris circiter mllia passuum septem ab 15 eo loco progressus aperto ac piano Htore navis constituit. The Britons unsuccessfully attempt to prevent a landing. XXIV. At barbari consilio Romanorum cognito, praemisso equitatu et essedariis, quo plerumque genere in proelils uti consuerunt, reliquis copils subsecuti nostros navibus egredi prohibebant. Erat ob has causas summa difficultas, quod 20 naves propter magnitudinem nisi in alto constitui non poterant, mllitibus autem ignotis locls, impeditis manibus, magno et gravl onere armorum pressis simul et de navibus desiliendum et in fluctibus consistendum et cum hostibus erat pugnandum ; cum ill! aut ex arido aut paulum in aquam progress! omnibus membris 25 expeditls, notissimis locis audacter tela conicerent et equos in- suefactos incitarent. Quibus rebus nostri perterriti atque huius ommno generis pugnae imperiti non eadem alacritate ac studio quo in pedestribus uti proelils consuerant utebantur. XXV. Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, navis longas, quarum 3 et species erat barbaris inusitatior et motus ad usum expeditior, paulum removeri ab onerariis navibus et remis incitari et ad latus apertum hostium constitui, atque inde fundis, sagittis, 136 THE GALLIC WAR IV magnum iis numerum obsidum imperat. Quibus adductis eos in fidem recipit. Navibus circiter LXXX onerariis coactis, quot satis esse ad duas transportandas legiones existimabat, quod praeterea navium longarum habebat quaestorl, legatis, praefec- 5 tisque distribuit. Hue accedebant xvm onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco a milibus passuum octo vento tenebantur, quo- minus in eundem portum venire possent ; has equitibus dis- ROMAN SHIPS tribuit. " Reliquum exercitum Titurio Sabino et Aurunculeio Cottae legatis in Menapios atque in eos pagos Morinorum a loquibus ad eum legati non venerant ducendum dedit. Sulpi- cium Rufum legatum cam eo praesidio quod satis esse arbi- trabatur portum tenere iussit. The voyage. XXIII. His constitiitis rebus nactus idoneam ad navigandum tempestatem tertia fere vigilia solvit, equitesque in ulteriorem IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 137 portum progredi et navTs conscenclere et se sequi iassit. A quibtis cum paulo tardius esset administratum, ipse hora die! circiter quarta cum prirnls navibus Britanniam attigit atque ibi in omnibus collibus expositas hostium copias armatas conspexit. Cuius loci haec erat natura, atque ita montibus anguste mare 5 continebatur, utl ex locis superioribus in Htus telum adigl posset. Hunc ad egrediendum nequaquam idoneum locum arbitratus, dum reliquae naves eo convenlrent, ad horam nonam in ancoris exspectavit. Interim legatls tribunlsque militum convocatis et quae ex Voluseno cognovisset et quae fieri vellet ostendit, mo- 10 nuitque, ut rei militaris ratio, maxime ut maritiinae res postula- rent, ut quae celerem atque Instabilem motum haberent, ad niitum et ad tempus omnes res ab ils administrarentur. His dimissis et ventum et aestum lino tempore nactus secundum, dato signo et sublatls ancoris circiter mllia passuum septem ab 15 eo loco progressus aperto ac piano Htore navls constituit. The Britons unsuccessfully attempt to prevent a landing. XXIV. At barbarl consilio Romanorum cognito, praemisso equitatii et essedarils, quo plerumque genere in proeliTs utT consuerunt, reliquls copils subseciiti nostros navibus egredi prohibebant. Erat ob has causas sum ma difricultas, quod 20 naves propter magnitiidinem nisi in alto constitui non poterant, mllitibus autem ignotis locis, impeditis manibus, magno et gravi onere armorum pressis simul et de navibus desiliendum et in fluctibus consistendum et cum hostibus erat pugnandum ; cum ill! aut ex arido aut paulum in aquam progress! omnibus membris 25 expedltis, notissimis locis audacter tela conicerent et equos in- suefactos incitarent. Quibus rebus nostrl perterriti atque huius omnlno generis pugnae imperiti non eadem alacritate ac studio quo in pedestribus utl proeliis consuerant utebantur. XXV. Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, navls longas, quarum 3 et species erat barbarls inusitatior et motus ad usum expeditior, paulum removeii ab onerarils navibus et remls incitarl et ad latus apertum hostium constitui, atque inde fundis, sagittis, 138 THE GALLIC WAR IV tormentis hostis propelli ac submoverl iussit ; quae res magno usui nostris fuit. Nam et navium figura et reraorum motu et inusitato genere tormento- rum permoti barbari consti- 5 teruntacpaulumetiampedem rettulerunt Atque nostris mllitibus cunctantibus, max- ime propter altitudinem maris, qul decimae legionis 10 aquilam ferebat, obtestatus deos ut ea res legion! feli- citer evemret : " Desilite," inquit, " commilitones, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus pro- 15 dere ; ego certe meum rei publicae atque imperatori officium praestitero." Hoc cum voce magna dlxisset, . se ex navl proiecit atque 20 in hostis aquilam ferre coepit. Turn nostri cohortatl inter se ne tantum dedecus ad- mitteretur universi ex navl desiluerunt. Hos item ex 25proximis navibus cum con- spexissent, subsecuti hostibus appropinquaverunt. XXVI. Pugnatum est ab utrlsque acriter. Nostri sotamen, quod neque ordines servare neque firmiter Insistere neque slgna subsequT poterant, atque alius alia ex navl quibuscumque sTgms occiirrerat se adgregabat, magnopere perturbabantur ; hostes vero notis omni- bus vadls, ubi.ex litore aliquos singularis ex navl egredientis 35 conspexerant, incitatis equls impedltos adoriebantur, plures AQUILIFER (From a graveston_e) IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 139 paucos circumsistebant, alii ab latere aperto in universes tela coniciebant. Quod cum animadvertisset Caesar, scaphas longarum navium, item speculatoria navigia militibus com- pleri iussit, et quos laborantis conspexerat, his subsidia sub- mittebat. - Nostri simul in arido constiterunt, sms omnibus con- 5 secutis in hostls impetum fecerunt atque eos in fugam dederunt ; neque longius prosequl potuerunt, quod equites cursum tenere atque msulam capere x non potuerant. Hoc unum ad pristinam fortunam Caesar! defuit. They sue for peace. XXVIL Hostes proe]io superati, simul atque se ex fugaio receperunt, statim ad Caesarem legates de pace miserunt; obsides daturos quaeque imperasset facturos sese polliciti sunt. Una cum his legatis Commius Atrebas venit, quern supra demonstraveram a Caesare in Britanniam praemissum. Hunc illl e navl egressum, cum ad eos oratoris modo Caesaris man- 15 data deferret, comprehenderant atque in vincula coniecerant ; turn proelio facto remiserunt, et in petenda pace eius rei culpam in multitudinem contulerunt, et propter imprudentiam ut ignos- ceretur petiverunt. Caesar questus quod, cum ultro in conti- nentem legatis missis pacem ab se petissent, bellum sine causa 20 intulissent, ignoscere imprudentiae dlxit obsidesque imperavit ; quorum illl partem statim dederunt, partem ex longinquioribus locis arcessitam paucis diebus sese daturos dixerunt. Interea suos remigrare in agros iusserunt, principesque undique con- venire et se civitatesque suas Caesari commendare coeperunt. 25 Storm and tide damage the fleet. XXVIII. His rebus pace confirmata post diem quartum c[uam est in Britanniam ventum naves xvm, de quibus supra demonstratum est, quae equites sustulerant, ex superiore portii lenT vento solverunt. Quae cum appropinquarent Britanniae et ex castrls viderentur, tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut nulla 3 earum cursum tenere posset, sed aliae eodem unde erant pro- THE GALLIC WAR IV Nam et navium figura et remorum motu et tormentis hostis propellf ac submoveri iussit ; quae res magno iisul nostris fuit. iniisitato genere tormento- rum permotl barbarl consti- 5 terunt ac paulum etiam pedem rettulerunt. Atque nostris mllitibus cunctantibus, max- ime propter altitudinem man's, qm decimae legionis 10 aquilam ferebat, obtestatus deos nt ea res legion! felf- citer evemret : " Desilite," inquit, " commilitones, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus pro- 15 dere ; ego certe meum re! publicae atque imperatorl officium praestitero." Hoc cum voce magna dixisset, se ex navi proiecit atque 20 in hostis aquilam ferre coepit. Turn nostri cohortati inter se ne tantum dedecus ad- mitteretur universi ex navi desiluerunt. Hos item ex 25 proximis navibus cum con- spexissent, subsecuti hostibus appropinquaverunt. XXVI. Pugnatum est ab A QUILT PER (From a gravestone) utrisque acriter. Nostri sotamen, quod neque ordines servare neque firmiter Tnsistere neque sTgna subsequT poterant, atque alius alia ex navi quibuscumque slgnls occurrerat se adgregabat, magnopere perturbabantur ; hostes vero notls omni- bus vadls, ubi ex litore aliquos singulans ex navT egredientls 35 conspexerant, incitatis equls impedltos adoriebantur, plures IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 139 pancos circurnsistebant, alii ab latere aperto in universes tela coniciebant. Quod cum animadvertisset Caesar, scaphas longarum navium, item speculatoria navigia militibus com- plerl iussit, et quos laborantis conspexerat, his subsidia sub- mi tte bat. NostrT simul in arido constiterunt, sms omnibus con- 5 secutls in hostis impetum fecerunt atque eos in fugam dederunt ; neque longius proseqm potuerunt, quod equites cursum tenere atque insulam capere non potuerant. Hoc tinum ad pristinam fortunam Caesarl defuit. They sue for peace. XXVII. Hostes proelio superati, simul atque se ex fuga 10 receperunt, statim ad Caesarem legatos de pace mlserunt ; obsides datiiros quaeque imperasset factiiros sese pollicitl sunt. Una cum his legatis Commius Atrebas venit, quern supra demonstraveram a Caesare in Britanniam praemissum. Hunc illi e navl egressnm, cum ad eos orat5ris modo Caesaris man- 15 data deferret, comprehenderant atque in vincula coniecerant ; turn proelio facto remiserunt, et in petenda pace eius rei culpam in multitudinem contulerunt, et propter imprudentiam ut ignos- ceretur petlverunt. Caesar questus quod, cum ultro in conti- nentem legatTs missis pacem ab se petlssent, bellum sine causa 20 intulissent, ignoscere impriidentiae dixit obsidesque imperavit ; quorum ill! partem statim dederunt, partem ex longinquioribus locis arcessitam paucis diebus sese datiiros dlxenmt. Interea suos remigrare in agros iusserunt, principesque undique con- venire et se civitatesque suas Caesarl commendare coeperunt. 25 Storm and tide damage the fleet. XXVIII. His rebus pace conflrmata post diem quartum quam est in Britanniam ventum naves xvm, de quibus supra demonstratum est, quae equites sustulerant, ex superiore portii lenT vent5 solvenmt. Quae cum appropinquarent Britanniae et ex castris viderentur, tanta tempestas subito coorta est ut niillas earum cursum tenere posset, sed aliae eodem unde erant pro- 140 THE GALLIC WAR IV fectae referrentur, aliae ad Inferiorem partem insulae, quae est propius solis occasum, magno suo cum periculo deicerentur ; quae tamen. ancoris iactis cum fluctibus complerentur, neces- sario adversa nocte in altum provectae continentem petierunt. 5 XXIX. Eadem nocte accidit ut esset luna plena, qui dies maritimos aestus maximos in Oceano efficere consuevit, nos- trisque id erat incognitum. Ita uno tempore et longas navis quibus Caesar exercitum transportandum curaverat, quas Caesar in aridura subduxerat, aestus complebat et onerarias, quae ad 10 ancoras erant deligatae, tempestas adflictabat, neque ulla nostris facultas aut administrandl aut auxiliandi dabatur. Compliiribus navibus fractis reliquae cum essent fimibus, ancoris, reliqulsque armamentis amissis ad navigandum inutiles, magna, id quod necesse erat accidere, totms exercitus perturbatio facta est. 15 Neque enim naves erant aliae quibus reportari possent, et omnia deerant quae ad reficiendas navis erant usui, et quod omnibus constabat hiemari in Gallia oportere, frumentum in his locis in hiemem provisum non erat. The Britons decide to renew hostilities. XXX. Quibus rebus cognitis prlncipes Britanniae, qui post 20 proelium ad Caesarem convenerant, inter se conlocuti, cum et equites et navis et frumentum RomanTs deesse intellegerent et paucitatem: militum ex castrorum exiguitate cognoscer'ent, quae hoc erant etiam angustiora, quod sine impedlmentis Caesar legiones transportaverat, optimum factu esse duxerunt rebellione 25 facta frumento commeatuque nostros prohibere et rem in hie- mem producere, quod his superatis aut reditu interclusls nerni- nem postea belli inferendi causa in Britanniam transiturum confidebant. Itaque rursus coniuratione facta paulatim ex castris discedere et suos clam ex agns deducere coeperunt. 30 XXXI. At Caesar etsl nondum eorum consilia cognoverat, tamen et ex eventu navium suarum et ex eo, quod obsides dare intermiserant, fore id quod accidit suspicabatur. Itaque ad omnis casus subsidia comparabat. Nam et frumentum ex agris IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 141 cottidie in castra conferebat, et quae gravissime adfllctae erant naves, earum materia atque acre ad reliquas reficiendas ute- batur, et quae ad eas res erant usu! ex continent! comparari iubebat. Itaque/ cum summo studio a mllitibus administraretur, xii navibus amissis, reliquis ut navigari satis commode posset s effecit. The seventh legion is attacked. XXXII. Dum ea geruntur, legione ex consuetudine una frumentatum missa, quae appellabatur septima, neque ulla ad id tempus belli suspicione interposita, cum pars hominum in agris remaneret, pars etiam in castra ventitaret, il qul pro portis 10 castrorum in statione erant Caesari niintiaverunt pulverem ma- v iorem quam consuetudo ferret in ea parte videri quam in partem legio iter fecisse^. Caesar, id quod erat, suspicatus aliquid novl a barbaris initum consill, cohortis quae in stationibus erant secum in earn partem pr&ficiscl, ex reliquis duas in stationem 15 succedere, reliquas a'rmari et confestim sese subseqm iussit. Cum paulo longius a castris processisset, suos ab hostibus premi atque aegre sustinere et conferta legione ex omnibus partibus tela conic! animadvertit. Nam quod omn! ex reliquis partibus demesso frumento pars una erat reliqua, suspicat! hostes hue 20 nostros esse ventures noctu in silv!s delituerant ; turn disperses, depositis armis in metendo occupatos subito adort! paucis inter- fectis reliquos incertis ordinibus perturbaverant, simul equitatu atque essedis circumdederant. The war-chariots of the Britons. > XXXIII. Genus hoc est ex essedis pugnae. Primo per 25 omms part!s perequitant et tela coniciunt, atque ipso terrore equorum et strepitu rotarum ordines plerumque perturbant j et cum se inter equitum turmas Insinuaverunt, ex essedis desiliunt et pedibus proeliantur. Aurigae interim paulatim ex proelio excedunt atque ita currus conlocant ut s! ill! a multitudine 3 hostium premantur, expedltum ad suos receptum habeant. Ita 142 THE GALLIC WAR IV A ROMAN COIN SHOWING AN ESSEDUM mobilitatem equitum, stabilitatem peditum in proelils praestant, ac tantum usu cottidiano et exercitatione efficiunt uti in declivl ac praecipitl loco incitatos equos sustinere et brevl moderari ac flectere et per temonem percurrere et in iugo Insistere et se 5 inde in currus citissime recipere consuerint. Caesar relieves the seventh legion. He defeats the Britons in. battle. XXXIV. Quibus re-bus perturbatis nostris novitate pugnae tempore opportunissimo Caesar auxilium tulit ; namque eius adventii hostes consti- terunt, nostri se ex timore 10 receperunt. Quo facto ad lacessendum hostem et committendum proe- lium alienum esse tempus arbitratus suo 15 se loco continuit, et brevl tempore intermisso in castra legiones reduxit. Dura haec geruntur, nostris omnibus occupatis, qui erant in agrls reliqul discesserunt. Secutae sunt continues compliiris dies tempestates, quae et nostros in castris 20 continerent et hostem a pugna prohiberent. Interim barbarl nuntios in omnls partis dimiserunt paucitatemque nostro- rum militum suis praedicaverunt, et quanta praedae faciendae atque in perpetuum sul Hberandi facultas daretur, si Romanos castris expulissent, demonstraverunt. His rebus celeriter ssmagna multitudine peditatus equitatusque coacta ad castra venerunt. XXXV. Caesar etsi idem quod superioribus diebus acciderat fore videbat, ut, si essent hostes pulsi, celeritate periculum effugerent, tamen nactus equites circiter xxx, quos Commius 3 Atrebas, de quo ante dictum est, secum transportaverat, legiones in acie pro castris constituit. Commisso proelio diutius nos- troruin militum impetum hostes ferre non potuerunt ac terga IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 143 verteruht. Quos tanto spatio secuti quantum cursu et viribus efficere potuerunt, compluris ex ils occiderunt., deinde omnibus longe lateque aedificiis incensls se in castra receperunt. The Britons again ask for peace. Caesar returns to Gaul. XXXVI. Eodem die legatl ab hostibus missi ad Caesarem de pace venerunt. His Caesar numerum obsidum quern ante 5 imperaverat duplicavit eosque in continentem adduci iussit, quod propinqua die aequinoctl, infirmis navibus hiemi naviga- tionem subiciendam non existimabat. Ipse idoneam tempes- tatem nactus paulo post mediam noctem navis solvit, quae omnes incolumes ad continentem pervenerunt; sed ex iisio onerariae duae eosdem portus quos reliquae capere non potu- erunt, et paulo infra delatae sunt. The Morini and Menapii cause trouble. The army goes into winter quarters. A thanksgiving at Rome. XXXVII. Quibus ex navibus cum essent expositi milites circiter ccc atque in castra contenderent, Morini, quos Caesar in Britanniam proficiscens pacatos reliquerat, spe praedae ad- 15 ducti prlmo non it-a magno suorum numer5 circumsteterunt ac, si sese interfici nollent, arma ponere iusserunt. Cum ill! orbe facto sese defenderent, celeriter ad clamorem hominum circiter milia sex convenerunt. Qua re nuntiata Caesar omnem ex castris equitatum suis auxilio misit. Interim nostri milites 20 impetum hostium sustinuerunt atque amplius horis quattuor fortissime pugnaverunt et panels vulneribus acceptis compluris ex his occiderunt. Postea vero quam equitatus noster in con- spectum venit, hostes abiectis armis terga verterunt, magnusque eorum numerus est occisus. 25 XXXVIII. Caesar postero die T. Labienum legatum cum ils legionibus quas ex Britannia reduxerat in Morinos, qui re- bellionem fecerant, misit. QuT cum propter siccitates paludum quo se reciperent non haberent, quo perfugio superiore anno erant usi, omnes fere in potestatem Labiem venerunt. At Q. 30 144 THE GALLIC WAR IV Titurius et L. Cotta legati, qui in Menapiorum finis legiones duxerant, omnibus eorum agris vastatis, frumentis succisis, aedificiis incensls, quod Menapii se omnes in densissimas silvas abdiderant, se ad Caesarem receperunt. Caesar in 5 BelgTs omnium legionum hiberna constituit. E6 duae ommno civitates ex Britannia obsides miserunt, reliquae neglexerunt. His rebus gestis ex litterls Caesaris dierum xx supplicatio a senatu decreta est. BOOK V CAESAR'S SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN Having given orders for the building of a fleet, Caesar goes to Hither Gaul and Illyricum. I. L. Domitio, App. Claudio consulibus discedens ab hi- berms Caesar in Italiam, ut quotanms facere consuerat, legatis imperat, quos legionibus praef ecerat, uti quara plurimas possint hieme navis aedificandas veteresque reficiendas curent. Earum modum formamque demonstrat. Ad celeritatem onerandi sub- 5 ductionisque paulo facit humiliores quam quibus in nostro marl uti consuevimus, atque id eo magis, quod propter crebras-com- mutationes aestuum minus magnos ibi fluctiis fieri cognoverat ; ad onera ac multitudinem iumentorum transportandam paulo latiores quam quibus in reliquis utimur maribus. Has ommsio actuarias imperat fieri, quam ad rem multum humilitas adiuvat. Ea quae sunt usul ad armandas navis ex Hispania apportari iubet. Ipse conventibus Galliae citerioris peractis in Illyricum proficlscitur, quod a Plrustis finitimam partem provinciae in- cursionibus vajtari audiebat. E5 cum venisset, civitatibus 15 mllites imperat certumque in locum convemre iubet. Qua re nuntiata Plrustae legatos ad eum mittunt, qul doceant nihil earum rerum publico factum consilio, seseque paratos esse demonstrent omnibus rationibus de iniuriis satisfacere. Per- cepta oratione eorum Caesar obsides imperat eosque ad certam 20 diem adduci iubet ; nisi ita fecerint, sese bello civitatem perse- cuturum demonstrat. Us ad diem adductis, ut imperaverat, arbitros inter civitates dat, qul litem aestiment poenamque constituant. L 145 146 THE GALLIC WAR V He checks an incipient revolt among the Treveri. II. His confectis rebus conventibusque peractis in citeriorem Galliam revertitur atque inde ad exercitum proficiscitur. Eo cum venisset, circumitis omnibus hiberms singular! militum studio in summa omnium rerum inopia circiter DC eius generis 5 cuius supra demonstravimus navis et longas xxvm invenit Instructas, neque raultum abesse ab eo, qum paucis diebus deduc! possint. Conlaudatis militibus atque iis qui negotio praefuerant, quid fieri velit ostendit atque omms ad portum Itium convenlre iubet, quo ex portu commodissimum in Britan- loniam traiectum esse cognoverat, circiter milium passuum xxx a continent! ; huic re! quod satis esse visum est militum relin- quit. Ipse cum Iegi5nibus expeditis quattuor et equitibus DCCC in fims Treverorum profic!scitur, quod hi neque ad con- cilia veniebant neque imperio parebant, Germanosque Trans- 15 rhenanos sollicitare dicebantur. III. Haec c!vitas longe plurimum totius Galliae equitatu valet magnasque habet copias peditum, Rhenumque, ut supra demonstravimus, tangit. In ea civitate duo de piincipatu inter se contendebant, Indutiomarus et Cingetonx; ex quibus alter, 20 simul atque de Caesaris legionumque adventu cognitum est, ad eum venit, se suosque omms in officio futures neque ab amicitia populi Roman! defecturos confirmavit, quaeque in Treveris gererentur ostendit. At Indutiomarus equitatum peditatumque cogere, usque qu! per aetatem in armls esse non poterant in assilvam Arduennam abditis, quae ingent! magnitudine per medios f!n!s Treverorum a flumine Rheno ad initium Remorura pertinet, bellum parare Instituit ; sed posteaquam non null! principes ex ea civitate et auctoritate Cingetorigis adduct! et adventu nostri exercitus perterrit! ad Caesarem venerunt et de 3 osu!s privatis rebus ab eo petere coeperunt, quoniam civitat! consulere non possent, veritus ne ab omnibus desereretur lega- tes ad Caesarem mittit : ' Sese idcirco ab su!s discedere atque ad eum venire noluisse, quo facilius civitatem in officio con- tineret, ne omnis nobilitatis discessu plebs propter impruden- V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 147 tiam laberetur ; itaque civitatem in sua potestate esse, seque, si Caesar permitteret, ad eum in castra venturum et suas civita- tisque fortunas ems fidei permissurum.' IV. Caesar etsi intellegebat qua de causa ea dicerentur quaeque eum res ab institute consilio deterreret, tamen, ne 5 aestatem in Treveris consumere cogeretur omnibus rebus ad Britannicum bellum comparatls, Indutiomarum ad se cum cc obsidibus venire iussit. His adductis, in iis filio propin- quisque eius omnibus, quos nominatim evocaverat, c5nsolatus Indutiomarum hortatusque est uti in officio maneret ; nihilo 10 tamen setius principibus Treverorum ad se convocatis hos singil- latim Cingetorigi conciliavit, quod cum merito eius ab se fieri intellegebat, turn magm interesse arbitrabatur eius auctoritatem inter suos quam plurimum valere, cuius tarn egregiam in se vo- luntatem perspexisset. Id factum graviter tulit Indutiomarus, 15 suam gratiam inter suos minul, et qul iam ante inimico in nos animo fuisset, multo gravius hoc dolore exarsit The fleet and army assemble at Portus Itius. V. His rebus constitutes Caesar ad portum Itium cum legionibus pervehit. Ibi cognoscit LX navis, quae in Meldis factae erant, tempestate reiectas cursum tenere non potuisseao atque eodem unde erant profectae revertisse ; reliquas paratas ad navigandum atque omnibus rebus Instructas invenit. Eodem equitatus totius Galliae convenit, numero milia quattuor, prm- cipesque ex omnibus civitatibus ; ex quibus perpaucos, quorum in se fidem perspexerat, relinquere in Gallia, reliquos obsidumras loco secum ducere decreverat, quod, cum ipse abesset, motum Galliae verebatur. Dumnorix, refusing to obey Caesar's commands and acting treacherously, is killed. VI. Erat una cum ceteris Dumnorix Haeduus, de quo ante a nobis dictum est. Hunc secum habere in primis constituerat, quod emu cupidum rerum novarum, cupidum imperi, magniso 148 THE GALLIC WAR V animi, raagnae inter Gallos auctoritatis cognoverat. Accedebat hue quod in concilio Haeduorum Duranorlx dixerat sibi" a Caesare regnum clvitatis deferri ; quod dictum Haedui graviter ferebant neque recusand! aut deprecandl causa legatos ad Cae- 5 sarera mittere audebant. Id factum ex suls hospitibus Caesar cognoverat. Ille omnibus primo precibus petere contendit ut in Gallia relinqueretur, partim quod msuetus navigandi mare timeret, partim quod religionibus impedlri sese dlceret. Pos- teaquam id obstinate sibi negarl vidit, omm spe impetrandi loadempta prmcipes Galliae sollicitare, sevocare singulos horta- rique coepit utl in continent! remanerent ; metu territare : 'Non sine causa fieri ut Gallia omm nobilitate spoliaretur; id esse consilium Caesaris, ut quos in conspectu Galliae interficere vereretur, hos omnis in Britanniam traductos necaret;' fidem i5reliquls interponere, ius iurandum poscere, ut quod esse ex usu Galliae intellexissent communl consilio administrarent. Haec a compluribus ad Caesarem deferebantur. VII. Qua re cognita Caesar, quod tantum civitati Haeduae dignitatis tribuebat^ coercendum atque deterrendum quibuscum- 2oque rebus posset DumnorTgem statuebat; quod longius eius amentiam progredi videbat, prospiciendum ne quid sibi ac rei pilblicae nocere posset. Itaque dies circiter xxv in eo loco commoratus, quod Corus ventus navigationem impediebat, qul magnam partem omnis temporis in his locis flare consuevit, asdabat operam ut in officio Dumnorigem contineret, nihilo tamen setius omnia eius consilia cognosceret ; tandem idoneam nactus tempestatem milites equitesque conscendere navis iubet. At omnium impeditis animis Dumnorix cum equitibus Hae- duorum a castris Insciente Caesare domum discedere coepit. 30 Qua re nuntiata Caesar intermissa profectione atque omnibus rebus postpositls magnam partem equitatus ad eum insequen- dum mittit retrahique imperat; si vim faciat neque pareat, interne! iubet, nihil hunc se absente pro sano facturum arbi- tratus, qu! praesentis imperium neglexisset. IHe autem SSrevocatus resistere ac se manu defendere suorumque fidem V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 149 implorare coepit, saepe clamitans liberum se liberaeque esse civitatis. IllI, ut erat imperatum, circumsistunt hominem atque interficiunt ; at equites Haedui ad Caesarem omnes revertuntur. The voyage to Britain. VIII. His rebus gestis, Labieno in continent! cum tribus 5 legionibus et equitum milibus duobus relicto, ut portus tue- retur et re! frumentariae provideret, quaeque in Gallia gere- rentur cognosceret, consiliumque pro tempore et pro re caperet, ipse cum qumque legionibus et par! numero equitum quern in continent! relinquebat ad solis occasum navis solvit ; et len! 10 Africo provectus media circiter nocte vento intermisso cursum non 'tenuit, et longiu^ delatus aestii orta luce sub sinistra Britanniam relictam conspexit. Turn rursus aestus commuta- tionem secutus remis contendit ut earn partem msulae caperet qua optimum esse egressum superiore aestate cognoverat. Qua 15 in re admodum fuit m!litum virtus laudanda, qu! vectori!s gravibusque navigiis non intermisso remigandi labore i lon- garurri navium cursum adaequarunt. Accessum est ad Bri- tanniam omnibus navibus meridiano fere tempore, neque in eo loco hostis est v!sus j sed, ut postea Caesar ex cap- 20 t!v!s cognovit, cum magnae manus eo convenissent, multitu- dine navium perterritae, quae, cum annotims' pnvatisque quas su! quisque commod! causa fecerat, amplius DCCC uno erant v!sae_ tempore, a litore discesserant ac se in superiora loca abdiderant. 25 4 Caesar marches against the enemy and storms a stronghold. IX. Caesar exposito exercitu et loco castris idoneo capto, ubi ex captMs cognovit quo in loco hostium copiae consedis- sent, cohortibus decem ad mare relictis et equitibus ccc, qu! praesidio navibus essent, de tertia vigilia ad host!s contendit, eo minus veritus navibus quod in l!tore moll! atque aperto deli- 30 gatas ad ancoras relinquebat. E! praesidio navibusque Q. Atrium praefecit. Ipse noctu progressus milia passuum cir- 150 THE GALLIC WAR V citer XIL, hostium copias conspicatus est. UK equitatu atque essedis ad flumen progress! ex loco superiore nostros prohibere et proelium committere coeperunt. Repuls! ab equitatu se in silvas abdiderunt locum nact! egregie et natura et opere 5 munltum, quern domestic! belli, ut videbatur, causa iam ante praeparaverant ; nam crebris arboribus succisis omnes introitus erant praeclus!. Ips! ex silvis ran propugnabant nostrosque intra mumtiones ingred! prohibebant. At milites legionis septimae testudine facta et aggere ad munitiones adiecto locum 10 ceperunt eosque ex silvis expulerunt paucis vulneribus acceptis. Sed eos fugient!s longius Caesar prosequi vetuit, et quod loci naturam ignorabat et quod magna parte die! consumpta munition! castrorum tempus relinqm volebat. A storm shatters the fleet, which is lying at anchor, Caesar decides to beach the ships and build a fortification around them, X. Postridie eius die! mane tripartite milites equitesque in 15 expeditionem misit, ut eos qui fugerant perseqiierentur. His aliquantum itineris progressis, cum iam extremi essent in pro- spectu, equites a Q. Atrio ad Caesarem venerimt, qui nuntiarent superiore nocte maxima coorta tempestate prope omms navis a'dflictas atque in litus eiectas esse, quod neque ancorae funes- 20 que sustinerent neque nautae gubernatoresque vim tempestatis pat! possent; itaque ex eo concursu navium magnum esse incommodum acceptum. XL H!s rebus cognitis Caesar legiones equitatumque revo- car! atque in itinere resistere iubet, ipse ad navis revertitur; aseadem fere quae ex nuntiis litterisque cognoverat coram per- spicit, sic ut amissis circiter XL navibus reliquae tamen refic! posse magno negotio viderentur. Itaque ex legionibus fabros deligit et ex continent! alios arcess! iubet ; Labieno scribit ut quam plurimas possit i!s legionibus quae sint apud eum navis 30 mstituat. Ipse, etsr res erat multae operae ac laboris, tamen commodissimum esse statuit omms navis subdue! et cum castris Una munitione coniungl. In his rebus circiter dies V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 151 decem consumit ne nocturms quidem temporibus ad laborem militum intermissis. Subdue tis navibus castriscme egregie mumtis easdem copias quas ante praesidio navibus relinquit; ipse eodem unde redierat proficlscitur. E6 cum venisset, maiores iam undique in eum locum copiae Britannorum con- 5 venerant summa imperl belllque administrandl communi con- silio permissa Cassivellauno, cuius f mis a maritimis civitatibus flumen dividit, quod appellatur Tamesis, a marl circiter milia passuum LXXX. Huic superiore tempore cum reliquis civita- -tibus continentia bella intercesserant ; sed nostro adventuio permoti Britanm hunc toll bello imperioque praef ecerant. Britain: inhabitants, geography, customs of the people. XII. Britanniae pars interior ab iis incolitur quos natos in Insula ipsa memoria proditum dicunt, maritima pars ab iis qui praedae ac belli inferendi causa ex Belgio transierunt (qui omnes fere isdem nominibus civitatum appellantur quibus ort! 15 ex civitatibus eo pervenerunt) et bello inlato ibi remanserunt atque agros colere coeperunt. Hominum est Infmlta multitudo creberrimaque aedificia fere Gallicis consimilia, pecoris magnus numerus. Utuntur aut acre aut nummo aureo aut taleis ferreis ad certum pondus examinatls pro nummo. Nascitur ibi plum- 20 bum album in mediterraneis regionibus, in maritimis ferrum, sed eius exigua est copia ; acre utuntur importato. Materia cuiusque generis ut in Gallia est praeter fagum atque abietem. Leporem et gallinam et anserem gustare fas non putant ; haec tamen alunt animi voluptatisque causa. Loca sunt temperatiora 25 quam in Gallia remissioribus fngoribus. XIII. Insula natura triquetra, cuius unum latus est contra Galliam. Huius lateris alter angulus, qui est ad Cantium, quo fere omnes ex Gallia naves appelluntur, ad orientem solem, inferior ad meridiem spectat> Hoc latus tenet circiter milia 30 passuum D. Alterum vergit ad Hispaniam atque occidentem solem j qua ex parte est Hibernia Insula, dimidio minor, ut ex- istimatur, quam Britannia, sed par! spatio transmissus atque ex 152 THE GALLIC WAR V HIDE Gallia est in Britanniam. In hoc medio cursu est insula. quae appellatur IVI^ona ; complures praeterea minores obiectae Insu- lae existimantur, de quibus msulis non null! scripserunt dies continues xxx sub brumam esse noctem. Nos nihil de eo 5 percontationibus reperiebamus, nisi certis ex aqua mensuris breviores esse quara in continent! noctis videbamus. Hiiius est longitiido lateris, ut fert illorum opmio, DCC milium. Ter- tium est contra septemtriones, cui parti nulla est obiecta terra ; sed eius angulus alter maxime load Germaniam spectat. Hoc milium passuum DCCC in longi- tudinem esse existimatur. Ita omnis insula est in circuitu vlcies centum milium passuum. 15 XIV. Ex his omnibus longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt, quae regio est maritima omnis, neque multum a Gallica differunt consuetudine. In- aoteriores plerique frumenta non serunt, sed lacte et carne vivunt pellibusque sunt vestlti. Om- -nes vero se Britanm vitro mficiunt, quod caeruleum efficit colo- rem, atque hoc horribiliores sunt in pugna aspectu j capilloque / sunt promisso atque omnl parte corporis rasa praeter caput et 25labrum superius. Uxores habent dem duodemque inter se communis, et maxime fratres cum fratribus parentesque cum liberls ; sed qui sunt ex iis nati eorum habentur Hberi quo primum virgo quaeque deducta est. The Britons gain some slight advantages, but on the whole the Romans are superior. XV. Equites hostium essedariique acriter proelio cum equi- 30 tatu nostro in itinere conflixerunt, ita tamen ut nostri omnibus partibus superiores fuerint atque eos in silvas collisque com- pulermtj sed compluribus interfectls cupidius insecutl non HISPAiM BRITAIN ACCORDING TO CAESAR'S DESCRIPTION V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 153 nullos ex suls amiserunt. At ill! intermisso spatio, imprudenti- bus nostrls atque occupatis in munitidne castrorum subito se ex silvis eiecerunt, impetuque in eos facto qui erant in stati5ne pro castris conlocati acriter pugnaverunt, duabusque missis subsidio cohortibus a Caesare, atque his primls legionum duarum, cum 5 eae ;perexiguo intermisso loci spatio inter se constitissent, novp genere pugnae perterritis nostrls per medios audacissime perra- perunt seque inde incolumis receperunt. Eo die Q. Laberius Durus, tribunus militum, interficitur. 111! pluribus submissis cohortibus repelluntur. 10 XVI. Toto hoc in genere pugnae, cum sub oculis omnium ac pro castris dimicaretur, intellectum est nostros propter gravi- tatem armorum, quod neque insequl cedentis possent neque ab sigms discedere auderent, minus aptos esse ad huius generis hostem ; equites autem magno cum periculo proelio dTmicare, 15 propterea quod illl etiam consulto plerumque cederent, et cum paulum ab legionibus nostr5s removissent, ex essedis desilirent et pedibus disparl proelio contenderent. Equestris autem proeli ratio et cedentibus et Insequentibus par atque idem peri- culum mferebat. Accedebat hue ut numquam confertl, sedzo ran magmsque intervallis proeliarentur, stationesque dispositas haberent atque alios alii deinceps exciperent, integrique et recentes defatigatis succederent. I/ XVII. Postero die procul a castris hostes in collibus con- stiterunt, rarique se ostendere et lenius quani prldie nostros 25 equites proelio lacessere coeperunt. Sed meridie, cum Caesar pabulandi causa tris legiones atque omnem equitatum cum C. Trebonio legato misisset, repente ex omnibus partibus ad pabu- latores advolaverunt, sic uti ab signis legionibusque non absis- terent.- Nostrl acriter in eos impetu fact5 reppulerunt, neque 3 fmem sequendl fecerunt quoad subsidio conf is! equites, cum post se legiones viderent, praecipitis hostis egerunt, magnoque eorum numero interfecto neque sul conligendl neque consistendi aut ex essedis desiliendl facultatem dederunt. Ex hac fuga protinus quae undique convenerant auxilia discesserunt, neque 35 154 THE GALLIC WAR V post id tempus umqdam summis nobiscum copiis hostes con- tenderunt. Caesar crosses the Thames. XVIII. Caesar cognito consilio eorum ad flumen Tamesim in finis Cassivellaum exercitum duxit ; quod flumen uno ommno 5 loco pedibus, atque hoc aegre, transfri potest. E6 cum ve- nisset, animadvertit ad alteram fluminis ripam magnas esse copias hostium mstructas. RTpa. autem erat acutis sudibua praefixlsque munita, eiusdemque generis sub aqua defixae sudes flumine tegebantur. His rebus cognitis a captMs perfugisque 10 Caesar praemisso equitatu confestim legiones subsequi iussit. Sed ea celeritate atque eo impetii mllites ierunt, cum capita sold ex aqua exstarent, ut hostes impetum legionum atque equitum sustinere non possent ripasque se fugae mandarent. Many tribes surrender to him. 15 XIX. Cassivellaunus, ut supra demonstravimus, omm depo- sita spe contentionis, dlmissls amplioribus copiis, milibus circiter quattuor essedariorum relictis itinera nostra servabat paulumque ex via excedebat locisque impedltis ac silvestribus sese occulta- bat, atque iis regionibus quibus nos iter facturos cognoverat 20 pecora atque homines ex agris in silvas compellebat ; et cum equitatus noster liberius praedandi vastandique causa se in agros effunderet, omnibus viis semitisque essedarios ex silvis emittebat, et magno cum perlculo nostrorum equitum cum his confligebat atque hoc metu latius vagari prohibebat. Relin- 25 quebatur ut neque longius ab agmine legionum disced! Caesar pateretur, et tantum agris vastandis incendiisque faciendis hostibus noceretur quantum in labore atque itinere legionarii mllites efficere poterant. XX. Interim Trinovantes, prope firmissima earum regionum 30 civitas, ex qua Mandubracius adulescens Caesaris fidem secutus ad eum in continentem venerat, cuius pater in ea civitate reg- num obtinuerat interfectusque erat a Cassivellauno, ipse fuga V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 155 mortem vitaverat, legates ad Caesarem mittunt pollicenturque sese el dedituros atque imperata facturos ; petunt ut Mandubra- cium ab miuria Cassivellauni defendat atque in civitatem mittat, qui praesit imperiumque obtineat. His Caesar imperat ob- sides XL frumentumque exercitui, Mandubraciumque ad eos 5 .mittit. 111! imperata celeriter fecerunt, obsides ad numerum frumentumque miserunt. XXI. Trinovantibus defensis atque ab omm militum iniuria prohibits Cenimagni, Segontiaci, Ancalites, Bibroci, Cassi lega- tionibus missis sese Caesari dedunt. Ab his cognoscit non 10 longe ex eo loco oppidum Cassivellaum abesse silvis paludi- busque munitum, quo satis magnus hominum pecorisque nume- rus convenerit. Oppidum autem Britanni vocant .cum silvas impeditas vallo atque fossa munierunt, quo incursionis hostium vitandae causa convenire consuerunt. Eo proficlscitur cum 15 legionibus ; locurn reperit egregie natura atque opere munitum ; tamen hunc duabtis ex partibus oppugnare contendit. paulisper moratl militum nostrorum impetum non tulerunt sese- que alia ex parte oppidi eiecerunt. Magnus ibi numerus peco- ris repertus multlque in fuga sunt comprehensi atque interfecti. 20 XXII. Dum haec in his locis geruntur, Cassivellaunus ad Cantium, quod esse ad mare supra demonstravimus, quibus regionibus quattuor reges praeerant, Cingetorix, Carvilius, Taxi- magulus, Segovax, nuntios mittit atque his imperat uti coactis omnibus copiis castra navalia de improviso adoriantur atque 25 oppugnent. Hi cum ad castra venissent, nostri eruptione facta, multis eorum interfectis, capto etiam nobili duce Lugotorlge suos incolumis reduxerunt. Cassivellaunus hoc proelio nun- tiato, tot detrimentis acceptis, vastatis fmibus, maxime etiam permotus defectione civitatum legates per Atrebatem Commium 3 de deditione ad Caesarem mittit. Caesar cum cSnstituisset hiemare in continent! propter repentinos Galliae motus, neque multum aestatis superesset, atque id facile extrahi posse intel- legeret, obsides imperat et quid in annos singulos vectigalis populo Romano Britannia penderet constituit ; interdicit atque 35 156 THE GALLIC WAR V imperat Cassivellauno ne Mandubracid neu Trinovantibus noceat. He returns to Gaul. XXIII. Obsidibus acceptis exercitum reducit ad mare, navis invenit refectas. His deductis, quod et captivorum magnum 5 numerum habebat et non nullae tempestate deperierant naves, duobus co.mmeatibus exercitum reportare instituit. Ac sic accidit utl ex tanto navium nuinero tot navigationibus neque hoc neque superiore anno ulla omnmo navis quae milites portaret desideraretur ; at ex iis quae inanes ex continent! ad eum remit- 10 terentur prioris commeatus expositls militibus, et quas postea Labienus faciendas curaverat numero LX, perpaucae locum caperent, reliquae fere omnes reicerentur. Quas cum ali- quamdiii Caesar frustra exspectasset, ne anni tempore a navi- gatione excluderetur, quod aequinoctium suberat, necessario 15 angustius milites conlocavit, ac surama tranquillitate consecuta, secunda inita cum solvisset vigilia, prima luce terrain attigit ommsque incolumis navis perduxit. UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL The legions are placed in winter quarters. XXIV. Subductis navibus concilioque Gallorum Samarobri- vae peracto, quod eo anno frumentum in Gallia propter sicci- 20 tates angustius provenerat, coactus est aliter ac superioribus annis exercitum in hiberms conlocare legionesque in pluris civitates distribuere. Ex quibus unam in Morinos diicendam C. Fabi5 legato dedit, alteram in Nervios Q. Ciceroni, tertiam in Esuvios L. Roscio ; quartam in Remis cum T. Labieno in 25 confmio Treverorum hiemare iussit ; tris in Bellovacls conlo- cavit, his M. Crassum et L. Munatium Plancum et C. Trebo- nium legates praefecit. Unam legionem, quam proxime trans Padum conscripserat, et cohortis quinque in Eburones, quorum pars maxima est inter Mosam ac Rhenum, qui sub imperio V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 157 Ambiorigis et Catuvolcl erant, misit. His militibus Q. Titurium Sabmum et L. Aurunculeium Cottam legates praeesse iussit. Ad hunc modum distributis legionibus facillime inopiae rei frumen- tariae sese mederi posse existimavit. Atque harum tarn en omnium legionum hiberna, praeter earn quam L. Roscio in s pacatissimam et quietissimam partem diicendam dederat, mili- bus passuum c continebantur. Ipse interea, quoad legiones conlocatas mumtaque hiberna cognovisset, in Gallia morari constituit. The murder of Tasgetius. XXV. Erat in Carnutibus summo loco natus Tasgetius, cuius 10 maiores in sua clvitate regnum obtinuerant. Huic Caesar pro eius virtute atque in se benevolentia, quod in omnibus bellis singular! eius opera fuerat usus, maiorum locum restituerat. Tertium iam hunc annum regnantem inimici palam multis ex clvitate auctoribus interfecerunt. Defertur ea res ad Caesarem. 15 Ille veritus., quod ad pluris pertinebat, ne civitas eorum impulsu deficeret, L. Plancum cum legione ex Belgio celeriter in Car- nutes proficlsci iubet ibique hiemare, quorumque opera cogno- verit Tasgetium interfectum, hos comprehensos ad se mittere. Interim ab omnibus quibus legiones tradiderat certior factusso est in hiberna perventum locumque hibernis esse munitum. The Eburones, led by Ambiorix, revolt, XXVI. Diebus circiter xv quibus in hiberna ventum est initium repeiitml tumultus ac defectionis ortum est ab Ambio- rige et Catuvolco ; quT cum ad finis regnl sui Sabmo Cottaeque praesto fuissent frumentumque in hiberna comportavissent, 25 Indutiomari Treveri nuntils impulsi suos concitaverunt, subi- toque oppressls lignatoribus magna manu ad castra oppug- nanda venerunt. Cum celeriter nostri arma cepissent vallumque ascendissent, atque una ex parte Hispanls equitibus emissis equestn proelio superiores fuissent, desperata re hostes suos ab 30 oppugnatione reduxerunt. Turn suo more conclamaverunt uti 158 THE GALLIC WAR V aliqul ex nostris ad conloquium prodlret : ' Habere sese quae de re commun! dicere vellent, quibus rebus controversies minui posse sperarent.' Ambiorix makes proposals to Sabinus and Cotta. XXVII. Mittitur ad eos conloquendi causa C. Arpmeius, 5 eques Romanus, familiaris Q. Tituri, et Q. lunius ex Hispania quidam, qui iam ante missu Caesaris ad Ambiorigem ventitare consuerat. Apud quos Ambiorix ad hunc modum locutus est : 'Sese pro Caesaris in sebeneficiis plurimum el confiteri debere, quod eius opera stlpendio liberatus esset quod Atuatucis, finiti- 10 mis suls, pendere consuesset, quodque el et filius et fratris filius a Caesare remiss! essent, quos Atuatuci obsidum numero missos apud se in servitute et catems tenuissent ; neque id quod fecerit de oppugnatione castrorum aut iudicio aut voluntate sua f ecisse, sed coactu civitatis ; suaque esse eius modi imperia 15 ut non minus haberet iuris in se multitudo quam ipse in multi- tudinem. Civitati porro hanc fuisse belli causam, quod repen- tmae Gallorum coniuratiom resistere non potuerit. Id se facile ex humilitate sua probare posse, quod non adeo sit imperitus rerum ut suis copiis populum Romanum superari posse con- 20 fidat. Sed esse Galliae commune consilium ; omnibus hibernls Caesaris oppugnandis hunc esse dictum diem, ne qua legio alter! legion! subsidio venire posset. Non facile Gallos Gall!s negare potuisse, praesertim cum de recuperanda communl li- bertate consilium initum videretur. Quibus quoniam pro pietate 25 satisfecerit, habere nunc se rationem offic! pro beneficils Caesaris ; monere, orare Titurium pro hospitio ut suae ac mllitum saluti coiasulat. Magnam manum Germanorum con- ductam Rhenum transisse ; hanc adfore b!duo. Ipsorum esse consilium, velintne, priusquam finitim! sentiant, eductos ex 30 hibernis m!lites aut ad Ciceronem aut ad Labienum deducere, quorum alter mllia passuum circiter L, alter paulo amplius ab iis absit. Illud se pollicer! et iure iurando conf!rmare, tutum se iter per suos finis daturum. Quod cum faciat, et clvitat! V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 159 sese consul ere, quod hlbernls levetur, et Caesari pro eius raeri- tls gratiam referre.' Hac oratione habita discedit Ambiorix. The Romans hold a council of war. Sabinus and Cotta cannot agree. XXVIII. ArpFneius et lunius quae audierant ad legates deferunt. 111! repentma re perturbati, etsi ab hoste ea dice- bantur, tamen non neglegenda existimabant, maximeque hac 5 re permovebantur, quod civitatem ignobilem atque humilem Eburonum sua sponte populo Romano bellum facere ausam vix erat credendum. Itaque ad consilium rem deferunt, mag- naque inter eos exsistit controversia. L. Aunmculeius com- pluresque tribum militum et primorum ordinum centuriones 10 nihil temere agendum neque ex hibernls iniussu Caesaris dis- cedendum existimabant ; quantasvls copias etiam Germanorum sustineri posse munltls hiberms docebant ; rem esse testimoni5, quod primum hostium impetum multls ultro vulneribus inlatls fortissime sustinuerint ; re frumentaria non premi ; interea et 15 ex proximis hiberms et a Caesare conventura subsidia; pos- tremo, quid esse , levius aut turpius quam auctore hoste de summis rebus capere consilium ? XXIX. Contra ea Titurius sero facturos clamitabat, cum maiores manus hostium adiunctis Germanis convenissent, aut 20 cum aliquid calamitatis in proximis hiberms esset acceptum. 'Brevem consulendl esse occasionem. Caesarem se arbitrari profectum in Italian! ; neque aliter Carnutes interficiendi Tas- geti consilium fuisse captures neque Eburones, si ille adesset, tanta contemptione nostrl ad castra ventures. Sese non hos- 25 tern auctorem, sed rem spectare : subesse Rhenum ; magno esse Germanis dolorl Ariovisti mortem et superiores nostras victorias ; ardere Galliam tot contumeliis acceptis sub populi Roman! imperium redactam, superiore gloria rel militaris ex- stmcta. Postremo, quis hoc sibi persua.ieret, sine certa spes Ambiorigem ad eius modi consilium descendisse ? Suam sen- tentiam in utramque partem esse tutam : si nihil esset durius, nullo cum periculo ad proximam legionem perventuros ; si 160 THE GALLIC WAR V Gallia omnis cum Germams consentlret, unam esse in -eden- tate positam salutem. Cottae quidem atque eorum qui dis- ; sentlrent consilium quern habere exitum ? In quo si non praesens periculum, at certe longinqua obsidione fames esset 5 timenda.' ; XXX. Hac in utramque partem disputatione habita, cum a Cotta prlmlsque ordinibus acriter resisteretur, "Vincite," inquit, " si ita vultis," Sablnus, et id clariore voce, ut magna pars militum exaudiret ; " neque is sum," inquit, " qui gravis- 10 sime ex vobls mortis periculo terrear. Hi sapient j si gravius quid accident, abs te rationem reposcent ; qui, si per te liceat, perendino die cum proximis hlbernis coniuncti commiinem cum reliquls belli casum sustineant, non reiectl et relegatl longe a ceteris aut ferro aut fame intereant." The Romans abandon their camp. 15 XXXI. Consurgitur ex consilio ; comprehendunt utrumque et orant ne sua dissensione et pertinacia rem in summum peri- culum deducant : ' Facilem esse rem, seu maneant seu proficis- cantur, si modo unum omnes sentiant ac probent ; contra in dissensione nullam se salutem perspicere.' Res disputatione 20 ad mediam noctem perducitur. Tandem dat Cotta permotus manus, superat sententia Sabmi; pronuntiatur prima luce ituros. Consumitur vigiliis reliqua pars noctis, cum sua quis- que miles circumspiceret, quid secum portare posset, quid ex instrumento hibernorum relinquere cogeretur. Omnia excogi- 25 tantur quare nee sine periculo maneatur et languore militum et . vigiliis periculum augeatur. Prima luce sic ex castris proficls- cuntur ut quibus esset persuasum non ab hoste, sed ab homine amicissimo consilium datum, longissimo agmine maximisque impedimentls. They are attacked on the march by Ambiorix. 3 o XXXII. At hostes posteaquam ex nocturne fremitu vigili- isque de profectione eorum senserunt, conlocatls Insidils bi- V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 161 partito in silvis opportune atque occulto loco a milibus passuum circiter duobus Romanorum adventum exspectabant ; et cum se maior'pars agminis in magnam convallem demisisset, ex utraque parte eius vallis subito se ostenderunt, novissimosque premere et primes prohibere ascensu atque imquissimo nostris 5 loco proelium committere coeperunt. XXXIII. Turn demum Titurius, qui nihil ante providisset, trepidare et concursare cohortisque disponere, haec tamen ipsa timide atque ut eum omnia deficere viderentur, quod plerumque iis accidere consuevit qui in ipso negotio consilium 10 capere coguntur. At Cotta, qui cogitasset haec posse in iti- nere accidere atque ob earn causam profectionis auctor non fuisset, nulla in re commum saluti deerat, et in appellandis cohortandisque militibus imperatoris et in pugna militis officia -praestabat. , Cum propter longitudinem agminis non facile 15 per se omnia obire et quid quoque loco faciendum esset providere possent, iusserunt pronuntiari ut impedimenta relinquerent atque in orbem consisterent. Quod consilium, etsi in eius modi casu reprehendendum non est, tamen incommode cecidit ; nam et nostris militibus spem minuit 20 et hostis ad pugnam alacriores effecit, quod non sine summo timore et desperatione id factum videbatur. Praeterea accidit, quod fieri necesse erat, ut vulgo milites ab sighis discederent, quaeque quisque eorum carissima haberet ab impedimentis petere atque adripere properaret, clamore etss fletu omnia complerentur. After a long fight the Romans are defeated. The few survivors kill themselves. XXXIV. At barbaris c5nsilium non defuit. Nam duces eorum rota acie pronuntiari iusserunt ne quis ab loco disce- deret : ' Illorum esse praedam atque illis reservari quaecumque Romani reliquissent ; proinde omnia in victoria posita ex!s-3 timarent.' Erant et virtute et genere pugnandl pares. Nostri tametsl ab duce et a fortuna deserebantur, tamen omnem spem M 1 62 THE GALLIC WAR V salutis in virtute ponebant, et quotiens quaeque cohors pro- currerat, ab ea parte magnus numerus hostium cadebat. Qua re animadversa Ambiorlx pronuntiari iubet ut procul'tela con- iciant neu propius accedant, et quam in partem Roman! 5 impetuin f ecerint, cedant : 'Levitate armorum et cottldiana exer- citatione nihil his noceri posse j ' rursus se ad slgna recipients msequantur. XXXV. Quo praecepto ab ils dlligentissime observato, cum quaepiam cohors ex orbe excesserat atque impetum fecerat, 10 hostes velocissime refugiebant. Interim earn partenr nudarl necesse erat et ab latere aperto tela recipere. Rursus cum in eum locum unde erant progress! revert! coeperant, et ab iis qu! cesserant et ab i!s qu! proxim! steterant circumveniebantur ; sin autem locum tenere vellent, nee virtut! locus relinquebatur 15 neque ab tanta multitudine coniecta tela^ confert! v!tare pote- rant. Tarneri tot incommodis conflictat! mult!s vulneribus ac- cept!s resistebant, et magna parte die! consumpta, cum a prima luce ad horam octavam pugnaretur, nihil quod ipsis esset in- dignum .committebant. Turn T. Balventio, qu! superiore anno so primum p!lum duxerat, virp fort! et magnae auctoritatis, utrum- que femur tragula traicitur ; Q. Lucanius, eiusdem ordinis, fortissime pugnans, dum circumvento filio subvenit, interfi- citur ; L. Cotta legatus omms cohortis ordinesque adhortans in adversum os funda vulneratur. 25 XXXVI. His rebus permotus Q. Titurius, cum procul Ambiorigem suos cohortantem conspexisset, interpretem suum Cn. Pompeium ad eum mittit rogatum ut sibi militibusque parcat. Ille appellatus respondet : ' Si velit secum conloqui, licere ; sperare a multitudine impetrar! posse quod ad mllitum 30 salutem pertineat ; ips! vero nihil nocitum iri, inque earn rem se suam fidem interponere.' Ille cum Cotta saucio commu- nicat, si videatur, pugna ut excedant et cum Ambiorige una conloquantur : ' Sperare se ab eo de sua ac militum salute im- petrari posse.' Cotta se ad armatum hostem iturum negat 35 atque in eo perseverat. V- UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 163 XXXVII. Sabmus quos in praesentia tribunes militum circum se habebat et primorum ordinum centuriones se sequi iubet, et cum propius Ambiorigem accessisset, iussus arma abicere im- peratum facit sulsque ut idem faciant imperat. Interim dum de condicionibus inter se agunt longiorque consulto ab Ambio- 5 rlge instituitur sermo, paulatim circumventus interficitur. Turn vero suo more victoriam conclamant atque ululatum tollunt impetuque in nostros facto ordines perturbant. Ibi L. Cotta pugnans interficitur cum maxima parte militum. Reliqui se in castra recipiunt unde erant egressi. Ex quibus L. Petrosidius 10 aquilifer, cum magna multitudine hostium premeretur, aquilam intra vallum proicit; ipse pro castris fortissime pugnans occi- ditur. Illi aegre ad noctem oppugnationem sustinent ; nocte ad unum omnes desperata salute se ipsi interficiunt. Pauci ex proelio elapsl incertis itineribus per silvas ad T. Labienum 15 legatum in hiberna perveniunt atque eum de rebus gestis certi- orem faciunt. Ambiorix induces the Nervii to revolt. XXXVIII. Hac victoria sublatus Ambiorix statim cum equi- tatu in Atuatucos, qui erant eius regno finitimi, proficlscitur ; neque noctem neque diem intermittit, peditatumque se subsequl 20 iubet. Re demonstrate Atuatucisque concitatls postero die in Nervios pervenit, hbrtaturque ne suT in perpetuum Hberandi atque ulciscendi Romanos pro iis quas acceperint iniuriis occasionem dlmittant. Interfectos esse legatos duos magnamque partem ex- ercitus interisse demonstrat ; nihil esse negoti subito oppressam 25 legionem quae cum Cicerone hiemet interficT. Se ad earn rem profitetur adiutorem. Facile hac oratione Nerviis persuadet. The Eburones and Nervii and their allies attack Cicero's camp, but meet a vigorous resistance. XXXIX. Itaque confestim dimissis nuntiis ad Ceutrones, Grudios, Levacos, Pleumoxios, Geidumnos, qui omnes sub eorum imperio sunt, quam maxima's possunt manus cogunt, et de im- 3 164 THE GALLIC WAR V proviso ad Ciceroriis hiberna advolant nondum ad eum fama de Titurl morte perlata. Huic quoque accidit, quod fuit necesse, ut non nulll mllites, qui lignationis raumtionisque causa in sil- vas discessissent, repentmo equitum adventu interciperentur. 5 His circumventls magna manu Eburones, Nervii, Atuatuci, atque horum omnium socii et clientes legionem oppugnare incipiunt. Nostri celeriter ad arma concurrunt, vallum con- scendunt. Aegre is dies sustentatur, quod omnera spem hostes in celeritate ponebant, atque hanc adept! victoriam in per- 10 petuum se fore victores conf idebant. XL. Mittuntur ad Caesarem confestim a Cicerone litterae, magnls propositls praemiTs si pertulissent ; obsessls omnibus vils missi intercipiuntur. Noctu ex materia quam mumtionis causa comportaverant turres admodum cxx excitantur incre- 15 dibill celeritate ; quae deesse open videbantur perficiuntur. Hostes postero die multo maioribus coactls copils castra op- pugnant, fossam complent. A nostris eadem ratione qua pridie resistitur. Hoc idem reliquis deinceps fit diebus. Nulla pars nocturni temporis ad laborem intermittitur non aegris, non 20 vulneratls facultas quietis datur. Quaecumque ad proximl die! oppugnationem opus sunt noctu comparantur ; multae praeus- tae sudes, magnus muralium pilorum numerus Instituitur ; turres contabulantur, pinnae loricaeque ex cratibus attexuntur. Ipse Cicero, cum tenuissima valetudine esset, ne nocturnum quidem 25 sibi tempus ad quietem relinquebat, ut ultro militum concursu ac vocibus sibi parcere cogeretur. XLI. Turn duces principesque Nerviorum, qui aliquem ser- monis aditum causamque amicitiae cum Cicerone habebant, conloqui sese velle dlcunt. Facta potestate eadem quae Am- sobiorix cum Titurio egerat commemorant : 'Omnem esse in armis Galliara, Germanos Rhenum translsse, Caesaris reliquo- rumque hiberna oppugnari.' Addunt etiam de Sabim morte ; Ambiorigem ostentant fidei faciendae causa. Errare eos dlcunt, si quicquam ab iis praesidi sperent qui suls rebus diffidant; 35 sese tamen hoc esse in Ciceronem populumque Rom ami m V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 165 animo ut nihil nisi hiberna recusent atque hanc inveterascere consuetudinem nolint ; licere illis per se incolumibus ex hiber- ms discedere et quascumque in partis velint sine metu pro- ficisci. Cicero ad haec unum modo respondet : 'Non esse consuetudinem popull- Roman! accipere ab hoste armato con- 5 dicionem ; si ab armis discedere velint, se adiutore utantur legatosque ad Caesarem mittant; sperare se pro eius iustitia quae petierint impetraturos.' The Gauls undertake a siege. XLII. Ab hac spe repulsi Nervii valid pedum decem et fossa pedum xv hiberna cingunt. Haec et superiorum annorum 10 consuetudine a nobis cognoverant et quosdam de exercitu nacti captivos ab his docebantur ; sed nulla ferramentormn copia quae essent ad hunc usura idonea, gladiTs caespites circumci- dere, manibus sagulisque terrain exhaurire cogebantur. Qua quidem ex re hominum multitudo cognosci potuit ; nam minus 15 horis tribus mllium passuum trium in circuitu munltionem per- fecerunt. Reliquls diebus turns ad altitudinem valli, falcis, testudinesque, quas Idem captivi docuerant, parare ac facere coeperunt. XLIII. Septimo oppugnationis die maximo coorto vento fer- 20 ventis fusills ex argilla glandis fundis et fervefacta iacula in casas, quae more Gallico stramentis erant tectae, iacere coepe- runt. Hae celeriter ignem comprehenderunt et venti magni- tudine in omnem locum castrorum distulerunt. Hostes maximo clamore, sicuti parta iam atque explorata victoria, turns testu- 25 dinesque agere et scalis vallum ascendere coeperunt. At tanta militum virtus atque ea praesentia animl fuit ut, cum undique flamma torrerentur maximaque telorum multitudine premeren- tur suaque omnia impedimenta atque omms fortunas confla- grare intellegerent, non modo de vallo decederet nem5, sed 30 paene ne respiceret quidem quisquam, ac turn omnes acerrime fortissimeque pugnarent. Hie dies nostris longe gravissimus fuit, sed tamen hunc habuit eventum, ut eo die maximus nu- 1 66 THE GALLIC WAR V meras hostium vulneraretur atque interficeretur, ut se sub ipso vallo constfpaverant recessumque primis ultiml non dabant. Paulum quidem intermissa flarama et quodam loco turn adacta et contingente vallum tertiae cohortis centuriones ex eo quo 5 stabant loco recesserunt suosque omms removerunt, nutu voci- busque hostis, si introlre vellent, vocare coeperunt; quorum progredl ausus est nemo. Turn ex omm parte lapidibus con- . iectis deturbati turrisque succensa est. The rivalry of Pullo and Vorenus. XLIV. Erant in ea legione fortissimi viri, centuriones, qui 10 iam primis ordinibus appropinquarent, T. Pullo et L. Vorenus. Hi perpetuas inter se controversias habebant, uter alter! anteferretur, omnibusque annis de loco summis simultatibus contendebant. Ex his Pullo, cum acerrime ad mumtiones pugnaretur, "Quid dubitas," inquit, " Vorene? Aut quern locum istuae probandae virtutis exspectas? Hie dies de nostris con- troversils iudicabit." Haec cum dixisset, procedit extra mu- mtiones, quaeque pars hostium confertissima est visa, inrumpit. Ne Vorenus quidem sese turn vallo continet, sed omnium veri- tus exlstimationem subsequitur. Mediocrl spatio relicto Pullo 20 pilum in hostis immittit atque unum ex multitudine procurren- tem traicit ; quo percusso et exanimato, hunc scutls protegunt hostes, in ilium universl tela coniciunt neque dant progrediendi facultatem. Transfigitur scutum PullonI et verutum in balteo defigitur. Avertit hie casus vagmam et gladium educere co- asnanti dextram moratur manum, impeditumque hostes circum- sistunt. Succurrit inimicus ill! Vorenus et laborantl subvenit. Ad hunc se confestim a Pullone omnis multitudo convertit ; ilium veruto tran'sfixum arbitrantur. Gladio comminus rem gerit Vorenus atque uno interfecto reliquos paulum propellit ; sodum cupidius Instat, in locum deiectus Inferiorem concidit. Huic rursus circumvento subsidium fert Pullo, atque ambo in- columes compluribus interfectis summa cum laude sese intra mumtiones recipiunt. Sic fortuna in contentione et certamine V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 167 utrumque versavit lit alter alter! inimicus auxilio salutique esset, neque diiudicari posset uter utri virtute anteferendus videretur. Caesar learns of the danger and hastens to the relief of Cicero. XLV. Quanto erat in dies gravior atque asperior oppugnatio, et maxime quod magna parte militum confecta vulneribus res ad paucitatem defensorum pervenerat, tanto crebriores litterae 5 nuntiique ad Caesarem mittebantur ; quorum pars deprehensa in conspectu nostrorum militum cum cruciatu necabatur. Erat unus intus Nervius, nomine Vertico, loco natus honesto, qui a prima obsidione ad Ciceronem perfugerat suamque el fidem praestiterat. Hie servo spe Hbertatis magmsque persuadetio praemiis ut litteras ad Caesarem deferat. Has ille in iaculo inligatas effert, et Gallus inter Gallos sine ulla suspicione ver- satus ad Caesarem pervenit. Ab eo de perlculis Ciceronis legionisque cognoscitur. XLVI. Caesar acceptis litteris hora circiter iindecima die! 15 statim nuntium in Bellovacos ad M. Crassum mittit, cuius hiberna aberant ab eo milia passuum xxv ; iubet media nocte legionem proficlsci celeriterque ad se venire. Exit cum nuntio . Crassus. Alterum ad C. Fabium legatum mittit, ut in Atreba- tium finis legionem adducat, qua sibi iter faciendum sciebat. 20 Scribit Labieno, si rel publicae commodo facere possit, cum legione ad finis Nerviorum veniat. Reliquam partem exercitus, quod paulo aberat longius, non putat exspectandam ; equites circiter cccc ex proximls hlberms cogit. XLVII. Hora circiter tertia ab antecursoribus de Grasses adventu certior factus eo die milia passuum xx progreditur. Crassum Samarobrivae praeficit legionemque el attribuit, quod ibi impedimenta exercitus, obsides civitatum, litteras publicas, frumentumque omne, quod eo tolerandae hiemis causa de- vexerat, relinquebat. Fabius, ut imperatum erat, non ita mul- 30 turn moratus in itinere cum legione occurrit. Labienus interitu Sabmi et caede cohortium cognita, cum omnes ad eum Treve- rorum copiae venissent, veritus ne, si ex hibernis fugae similem 1 68 THE GALLIC WAR V profectionem fecisset, hostium impetum sustinere non posset, praesertim quos recent! victoria efferri sciret, litteras Caesarl remittit quanto cum periculo legionem ex hiberms educturus esset; rem gestam in Eburonibus perscribit; docet omms 5 equitatus peditatusque copias Treverorum tria milia passuum longe ab suis castris consedisse. XLVIII. Caesar consilio eius probato, etsi opinione trium legionum deiectus ad duas reciderat, tamen iinum commum saluti auxiliura in celeritate ponebat. Venit magnis itineribus in Ner- xoviorum finis. Ibi ex captlvls cognoscit quae apud Ciceronem gerantur quantoque in periculo res sit. Turn cuidam ex equiti- bus Gallis magnis praemiis persuadet uti ad Ciceronem epistulam deferat. Hanc 15 Graecls conscriptam litteris mittit, ne intercepta epistula nostra ab hostibus consilia cognoscantur. ffi_ adlre non TRAGULA ^ AMEVTUM possit, monet ut tragulam cum 20 epistula ad amentum deligata intra munitiones castrorum abiciat. In litteris scribit se cum legionibus profectum celeriter adfore ; hortatur ut pristinam virtutem retineat. Gallus periculum veritus, ut erat praeceptum, tragulam mittit. Haec casu ad turrim ad- haesit, neque a nostris biduo animadversa tertio die a quodam 25 mllite conspicitur, dempta ad Ciceronem defertur. Ille perlec- tam in conventu inilitum recitat maximaque omms laetitia adficit. Turn fumi incendiorum procul videbantur; quae res omnem dubitationem adventus legionum expulit. The Gauls raise the siege and go to meet Caesar. He defeats them. XLIX. Galli re cognita per exploratores obsidionem relin- soquunt, ad Caesarem omnibus copiis contendunt. Haec erant armata circiter milia LX. Cicer5 data facultate Gallum ab eodem Verticone quern supra demonstravimus repetit, qui litteras ad Caesarem deferat. Hunc admonet iter caute dlligen- V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 169 terque faciat. Perscribit in litteris hostls ab se discessisse omnemque ad eum multitudinem convertisse. Quibus litteris circiter media nocte Caesar adlatis suds facit certiores eosque ad dlmicandum animo confrrmat. Postero die luce prima movet castra, et circiter milia passuum quattuor progressus 5 trans vallera et rivum multitudinem hostium conspicatur. Erat magnl periculi res tantulis copils iniquo loco dimicare ; turn, quoniam obsidione liberatum Ciceronem sciebat, aequo animo remittendum de celeritate existimabat. Considit et quam aequissimo potest loco castra communit ; atque haec etsi erant 10 exigua per se, vix hominum milium septem, praesertim nullls cum impedimentis, tamen angustils viarum quammaxime potest contrahit eo consilio, ut in summam contemptionem hostibus veniat. Interim speculatoribus in o mills partis dimissis ex- plorat quo commodissime itinere vallem transire possit. 15 L. Eo die parvulis equestribus proeliTs ad aquam factis utrique sese suo loco continent, Galll, quod ampliores copias, quae nondum convenerant, exspectabant ; Caesar, si forte timoris simulatione hostls in suum locum elicere posset, ut citra vallem pro castris proelio contenderet ; si id efficere non 20 posset, ut exploratls itineribus minore cum periculo vallem rivumque transiret. Prima luce hostium equitatus ad castra accedit proeliumque cum nostrls equitibus committit. Caesar consulto equites cedere seque in castra recipere iubet ; simul ex omnibus partibus castra altiore vallo muniri portasque 25 obstrul atque in his administrandis rebus quam maxime con- cursari et cum simulatione agi timoris iubet. LI. Quibus omnibus rebus hostes invitati copias traducunt aciemque iniquo loco constituunt, nostrls vero etiam de vallo deductis propius accedunt et tela intra munitionem ex omnibus 30 partibus coniciunt, praeconibusque circummissis pronuntiari iubent, seu quis Gallus seu Romanus velit ante horam tertiam ad se transire, sine periculo licere ; post id tempus non fore potestatem. Ac sic nostros contempserunt ut obstructis in speciem portis singulis ordinibus caespitum, quod ea non posse 35 170 THE GALLIC WAR V introrumpere videbantur, alii vallum manu scindere, alii fossas complere inciperent. Turn. Caesar omnibus portis eruptione fac.ta equitatuque emisso celeriter hostls in fugam dat, sic ut! omnino pugnandi causa resisteret nemo, magnumque ex ils 5 numerum occidit atque omms armis exuit. y Caesar joins Cicero, and finds that the latter's soldiers have suffered severely in the siege. LII. Longius prosequi veritus, quod silvae paludesque inter- cedebant, omnibus suis incolumibus eodem die ad Ciceronem pervenit. Institutes turns, testudines, munltionesque hostium admiratur ; producta legione cognoscit non decimum quemque 10 esse reliquum militem sine vulnere ; ex his omnibus iudicat rebus quanto cum periculo et quanta virtute res sint adminis- tratae. Ciceronem pro eius merito legionemque conlaudat; centuriones singillatim tribunosque militum appellat, quorum egregiam fuisse virtutem testimonio Ciceronis cognoverat. De iscasu Sabini et Cottae certius ex captivls cognoscit. Postero die contione habita rem gestam proponit, milites consolatur et confirmat; quod detrimentum culpa et temeritate legati sit acceptum, hoc aequiore animo ferendum docet, quod beneficio deorum immortalium et virtute eorum expiato incommodo neque aohostibus diutina laetitia neque ipsis longior dolor relinquatur. The Gauls abandon their intention of attacking the camps of Labienus and Roscius. LIU. Interim ad Labienum per Remos incredibili celeritate de victoria Caesaris fama perfertur, ut, cum ab hlberms Ciceronis milia passuum abesset circiter LX eoque post horam nonam die! Caesar pervenisset, ante mediam noctem ad portas castrorum 25 clamor oreretur, quo clampre significatio victoriae gratulatioque \ ab Remis Labieno fieret. Hac fama ad Treveros perlata In- dutiomarus, qul postero die castra LabienI oppugnare decre- verat, noctu profugit copiasque omnis in Treveros reducit. Caesar Fabium cum sua legione remittit in hiberna, ipse cum V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL I/I tribus legionibus circum Samarobrivam trims hiberms hiemare constituit; et quod tanti motus Galliae exstiterant, totam hie- mem ipse ad exercitum manere decrevit. Nam illo incommode de Sabim morte perlato omnes fere Galliae clvitates de bello consultabant, nuntios legationesque in omnls partis dimittebant, 5 et quid reliqul consili caperent atque unde initium belli'.fieret explorabant, nocturnaque in locis desertis concilia habebant. Neque ullum fere totius hiemis tempus sine sollicitiidine Cae- saris intercessit, t qum aliquem de consilils ac motu Gallorum nuntium acciperet. In his ab L. Roscio, quem legion! tertiae ro decimae praefecerat, certior factus est magnas Gallorum copias earum civitatum quae Aremoricae appellantur oppugnandi sui causa convenisse, neque longius milibus passuum octo ab hiber- ms suis afuisse, sed nuntio adlato de victoria Caesaris discessisse, adeo ut fugae similis discessus videretur. 15 The Senones expel Cavarinus and disobey Caesar's command. Gaul is in confusion. LIV. At Caesar principibus cuiusque civitatis ad se evocatis alios territando, cum se scire quae fierent denuntiaret, alios cohortando magnam partem Galliae in officio tenuit. Tarn en Senones, quae est clvitas in primis f Irma et magnae inter Gallos auctoritatis, Cavarinum, quem Caesar apud eos regem con- 20 stituerat, cuius frater Moritasgus adventu in Galliam Caesaris cuiusque maiores regnum obtinuerant, interficere publico con- silio conati, cum ille praesensisset ac profugisset, usque ad finis Insecutl regno domoque expulerunt; et missis ad Caesarem satisfaciendi causa legatls, cum is omnem ad se senatum venire 25 iussisset, dicto audientes non fuerunt. Ac tantum apud homines barbaros valuit esse aliquos repertos principes belli inferendi tantamque omnibus voluntatum commutationem attulit ut praeter Haeduos et Remos, quos praecipuo semper honore Caesar habuit, alteros pro vetere ac perpetua erga populumao Romanum fide, alteros pro recentibus Gallic! bell! offici!s nulla fere clvitas fuerit non suspecta nobis. Idque adeo haud scio 172 THE GALLIC WAR V i mirandumne sit, cum compluribus aliis de causis, turn maxime quod qui virtute belli omnibus gentibus praeferebantur, tantum se eius opinionis deperdidisse ut popull Roman! imperia per- ferrent gravissime dolebant. Indutiomarus tries to bring about a general uprising, but is defeated by Labienus and killed. 5 LV. Treveri vero atque Indutiomarus totius hiemis nullum tempus intermlserunt qum trans Rhenum legates mitterent, civitates sollicitarent, pecunias pollicerentur, magna parte exer- citus nostri interfecta multo minorem superesse dicerent par- tern. Neque tamen ulli civitatl Germanorum persuader! potuit 10 ut Rhenum transiret, cum se bis expertos dicerent, Ariovist! bello et Tencterorum transitu; non esse amplius fortunam temptaturos. Hac spe lapsus Indutiomarus nihilo minus co- pias cogere, exercere, a f!nitim!s equos parare, exsules damna- tosque tota Gallia magnis praemiis ad se adlicere coepit. Ac 15 tantam sibi iam h!s rebus in Gallia auct5ritatem comparaverat ut undique ad eum legationes concurrerent, gratiam atque am!ci- tiam publice privatimque peterent. LVI. Ubi intellexit ultro ad se vemri, altera ex parte Se- nones Carnutesque conscientia facinoris mstigari, altera Nervios 20 Atuatucosque bellum Romanis parare, neque sibi voluntariorum copias defore, si ex finibus suis progred! coepisset, armatum con- cilium indicit. Hoc more Gallorum est initium bell! ; quo lege commun! omnes puberes armat! convenire coguntur. Qu! ex iis novissimus venit, in conspectu multitudinis omnibus cruciatibus asadfectus necatur. In eo concilio Cingetongem, alterius prin- cipem factionis, generum suum, quern supra demonstravimus Caesaris secutum fidem ab eo non discessisse, hostem iudicat ' bonaque eius piiblicat. His rebus confe.ct!s in concilio pro- nuntiat arcessitum se a Senonibus et Carnutibus ali!sque com- 30 pluribus Galliae civitatibus ; hue iturum per finis Remorum eorumque agros populaturum ac, priusquam id faciat, castra Labien! oppugnaturum. Quae fieri velit praecipit. V UPRISINGS IN NORTHERN GAUL 173 LVII. Labienus cum et loci natura et manu munitissimis castris sese teneret, de suo ac legionis perlculo nihil timebat, ne quam occasionem rel bene gerendae dlmitteret cogitabat. Itaque a Cingetorige atque eius propinquls oratione Induti- omarl cognita, quam in concilio habuerat, nuntios mittit ad 5 fmitimas civitates equitesque undique evocat ; his certain diem conveniendi dicit. Interim prope cottidie cum omnl equitatu , Indutiomarus sub castris eius vagabatur, alias ut situm cas- trorum cognosceret, alias conloquendi aut territandi causa; equites plerumque omnes tela intra vallum coniciebant. Labi- 10 enus suos intra mumtionem continebat timorisque opmionem quibuscumque poterat rebus augebat. LVIII. Cum maiore in dies contemptione Indutiomarus ad castra accederet, nocte una intromissis equitibus omnium finitimarum civitatum, quos arcessendos curaverat, tanta dili- 15 gentia omnis suos custodiis intra castra continuit ut nulla ratione ea res enuntiari aut ad Treveros perferri posset. In- terim ex consuetudine cottldiana Indutiomarus ad castra ac- cedit atque ibi magnam partem die! consumit; equites tela coniciunt et magna cum contumelia verborum nostros ad 20 pugnam evocant. Nullo ab nostris dato response, ubi visum est, sub vesperum dispersi ac dissipati discedunt. Subito Labi- enus duabus portls omnem equitaturn emittit ; praecipit atque interdicit perterritis hostibus atque in fugam coniectis (quod fore, sicut accidit, videbat) unum omnes petant Indutiomarum, 25 neu quis quern prius vulneret quam ilium interfectum vlderit, quod mora reliquorum spatium nactum ilium effugere nolebat ; magna proponit ils qul occlderint praemia ; submittit cohortis equitibus subsidio. Comprobat hominis consilium fortuna, et cum unum omnes peterent, in ipso fluminis vado deprehensus 30 Indutiomarus interficitur, caputque eius refertur in castra ; red- euntes equites quos possunt consectantur atque occidunt. Hac re cognita omnes Eburonum et Nerviorum quae convie- nerant copiae discedunt, pauloque habuit post id factum Caesar quietiorem Galliam. 35 BOOK VI OPERATIONS IN NORTHERN GAUL AND THE SECOND PASSAGE OF THE RHINE Caesar augments his army. I. Multis de causis Caesar maiorem Galliae' motum ex- spectans per M. Silanum, C. Antistium Regmum, T. Sextium legates dilectum habere mstituit ; simul ab Cn. Pompeio pro- consule petit, quoniam ipse ad urbem cum imperio rei publicae 5 causa remaneret, quos ex Cisalpma Gallia consul sacramento rogasset ad slgna convemre et ad se proficisci iuberet, magm interesse etiam in reliquum tempus ad opmionem Galliae existimans tantas videri Italiae facultates ut, si quid esset in bello detrimenti acceptum, non modo id brevi tempore sarcm, rosed etiam maioribus auger! copiis posset. Quod cum Pom- penis et rei publicae et amicitiae tribuisset, celeriter confecto per suos dilectu, tribus ante exactam hiemeni et constitutis et adductis legionibus duplicatoque earum cohortium numero quas cum Q. Titurio amiserat, et celeritate et copiis docuit 15 quid populi Roman! disciplina atque opes possent. Expeditions against several rebellious states. II. Interfecto Indutiomaro, ut docuimus, ad eius propin- quos a Treveris imperium defertur. 111! finitimos Germanos sollicitare et pecuniam polliceri non desistunt. Cum a proxi- mis impetrare non possent, ulteriores temptant. Inventls non 20 nullis civitatibus iure iurando inter se confirmant obsidibusque de pecunia cavent; Ambiorigem sibi societate et foedere adiungunt. Quibus rebus cognitis Caesar, cum undique bel- lum parari videret, Nervios, Atuatucos, Menapios adiunctis 174 VI OPERATIONS IN NORTHERN GAUL 175 Cisrhenanls omnibus Germams esse in armis, Senones ad im- peratum non venire et. cum Carnutibus fmitimisque civitatibus consilia communicare, a Treveris Germanos. crebris legationi- bus sollicitari, maturius sibi de bello cogitandum putavit. III. Itaque nondum hierne confecta proximis quattuor 5 coactis legionibus de improvise in finis Nerviorum contendit, et priusquam ill! aut convenire aut profugere possent, magno pecoris atque hominum numero capto atque ea praeda militi- bus concessa vastatisque agris in deditionem venire atque obsides sibi dare coegit.. Eo celeriter confecto negotio rursus 10 in hiberna legiones reduxit. Concilio Galliae primo vere, ut instituerat, indicto, cum reliqui praeter Senones, Carnutes, Treverosque venissent, initium belli ac defectionis hoc esse arbitratus, ut omnia postponere videretur, concilium Lutetiam Parisiorum transfert. Confines erant hi Senonibus civitatem- 15 que patrum memoria coniunxerant, sed ab hoc consilio afuisse existimabantur. Hac re pro suggestu pronuntiata eodem die cum legionibus in Senones proficlscitur magnisque itineribus eo pervenit. IV. Cognito eius adventu Acco, quT prmceps eius consill 2 o fuerat, iubet in oppida multitudinem convenire. Conantibus, priusquam id effici posset, adesse Romanos nuntiatur. Ne- cessario sententia desistunt legatosque deprecandl causa ad Caesarem mittunt; adeunt per Haeduos, quorum antiquitus erat in fide civitas. Libenter Caesar petentibus Haeduls dat 25 veniam excusationemque accipit, quod aestivum tempus m- stantis belli, non quaestionis esse arbitrabatur. Obsidibus im- peratis c hos Haeduls custodiendos tradit. Eodem Carnutes legates obsidesque mittunt usi deprecatoribus Reims, quorum erant in clientela ; eadem ferunt responsa. Peragit cncilium 30 Caesar equitesque imperat civitatibus. Caesar proceeds against the Menapii. V. Hac parte Galliae pacata totus et mente et animo in bellum Treverorum et Ambiorlgis Insistit. Cavarinum cum 176 THE GALLIC WAR VI equitatu Senonura secum proficisci iubet, ne quis aut ex huius Iracundia aut ex eo quod meruerat odio civitatis motus exsistat. His rebus constitutis, quod pro explorato habebat Ambiorigem prcelio non esse contenturum, reliqua eius consilia animo cir- 5 cumspiciebat. Erant Menapii propinqui Eburonum flnibus, perpetuis paludibus silvisque munitl, qui uni ex Gallia de pace ad Caesarem legatos numquam miserant. Cum his esse hospi- tium Ambiorigl sciebat; item per Treveros venisse Germams in amicitiam cognoverat. Haec prius ill! detrahenda auxilia 10 exlstimabat quam ipsum bello lacesseret, ne desperata salute aut se in Menapios abderet aut cum Transrhenams congredi cogeretur. Hoc inito consilio totms exercitus impedimenta ad Labienum in Treveros mittit duasque ad eum legiones proficisci iubet ; ipse cum legionibus expedltis quinque in Menapios pro- 15 ficlscitur. 111! nulla coacta manu loci praesidio fret! in silvas paliidesque confugiunt suaque eodem conferunt. VI. Caesar partltis copiis cum C. Fabio legato et M. Crasso quaestore celeriterque effectis pontibus adit tripartito, aedificia vicosque incendit, magno pecoris atque hominum numero sopotitur. Quibus rebus coactl^ Menapii legatos ad eum pacis petendae causa mittunt Ille obsidibus acceptis hostium se habiturum numero confirmat, si aut Ambiorigem aut eius legatos flnibus suls recepissent. His confirmatis rebus Com- mium Atrebatem cum equitatu custodis loco in Menapiis re- 25 linquit ; ipse in Treveros proficiscitur. Labienus defeats the Treveri. VII. Dum haec a Caesare geruntur, Treveri magnis coactis peditatus equitatusque copiis Labienum cum una legione quae in eorum flnibus hiemabat adorirl parabant, iamque ab eo non longius bidul via aberant, cum duas venisse legiones missii SoCaesaris cognoscunt. Positis castrls a mllibus passuum xv auxilia Germanorum exspectare constituunt. Labienus hostium cognito consilio sperans temeritate eorum fore aliquam dimi- candl facultatem, praesidio quinque cohortium impedimentis VI OPERATIONS IN NORTHERN GAUL 177 relicto cum xxv cohortibus magnoque equitatu contra hostem proficiscitur et mllle passuum intermisso spatio castra com- munit. Erat inter Labienum atque hostem difficili transitu flumen ripisque praeruptls. Hoc neque ipse transire habebat in animo neque hostis transituros exlstimabat. Augebatur 5 auxiliorum cottidie spes. Loquitur consulto palam, quoniam German! appropinquare dicantur, sese suas exercitusque for- tunas in dubium non devocaturum et postero die prima luce castra moturum. Celeriter haec ad hostis deferuntur, ut ex magno Gallorum equitum numero non nullos Gallicls rebus 10 favere natura cogebat. Labienus nocte tribunis militum pri- misque ordinibus convocatis quid sui sit consili proponit, et qu5 facilius hostibus timoris det suspicionem, maiore strepitu et tumultu quam populi Roman! fert consuetudo castra mover! iubet. His rebus fugae similem profecti5nem efficit. Haec 15 quoque per exploratores ante lucem in tanta propinquitate castrorum ad hostis deferuntur. VIII. Vix agmen novissimum extra munitiones processerat, cum Gall! cohortat! inter se ne speratam praedam ex manibus dimitterent 'Longum esse perterritis R5man!s Germanorumao auxilium exspectare, neque suam pat! dignitatem ut tantis copiis tarn exiguam manum, praesertim fugientem atque impe- ditam, adoriri non audeant' flumen transire et iniquo loco committere proelium non dubitant. Quae fore suspicatus Labienus, ut omnis citra flumen eliceret, eadem us us Simula- 25 tione itineris placide progredrebatur. Turn prae missis paulum impedimentis atque in tumu!5 quodam conlocatis, " Habetis," inquit, " milites, quam petistis facultatem ; hostem impedito atque iniquo loco tenetis. Praestate eandem nobis ducibus virtutem quam saepenumero imperatori praestitistis, atque ilium 30 adesse et haec coram cernere existimate." Simul signa ad hostem converti aciemque derig! iubet, et paucis turmis prae- sidi5 ad impedimenta dimissis reliquos equites ad latera dis- ponit. Celeriter nostri clamore sublato pila in hostis immittunt. Illi ubi praeter spem quos fugere credebant infestis signis ad 35 N 178 THE GALLIC WAR VI se ire vidertmt, impetum nostrorum ferre non potuerunt, ac primo concursu in fugam coniecti proximas silvas petierunt. Quos Labienus equitatu consectatus niagno numero interfecto, compluribus captls paucis post diebus civitatem recepit. Nam 5 GermanI, qui auxilio veniebant, percepta Treverorum fuga sese domum contulerunt. Cum his propinqui Indutiomari, qui defectionis auctores fuerant, comitati eos ex civitate excesse- runt. Cingetorlgi, quern ab initio permansisse in officio denionstravimus, principatus atque imperium est traditum. Caesar crosses the Rhine a second time. 10 IX. Caesar postquam ex Menapiis in Treveros venit, duabus de causis Rhenum transire constituit. Quarum una erat quod German! auxilia contra se Treveris miserant ; altera, ne ad eos Ambiorix receptum haberet. His constitutis rebus paulo supra eum locum quo ante exercitum traduxerat facere pontem insti- 15 tuit. Nota atque instituta ratione magno militum studio paucis diebus opus efficitur. Firmo in Treveris ad pontem praesidio rellcto, ne quis ab his subito motus oreretur, reliquas copias equitatumque traducit. Ubii, qui ante obsides dederant atque in deditionem venerant, purgandi sui causa ad eum legatos mit- 20 tunt, qui doceant neque auxilia ex sua civitate in Treveros missa neque ab se fidem laesam; petunt atque orant ut sibi parcat, ne communi odio Germanorum innocentes pro nocenti- bus poenas pendant j si amplius obsidum velit dari, pollicentur. Cognita Caesar causa reperit ab Suebis auxilia missa esse ; 25 Ubiorum satisfactionem accipit, aditus viasque in Suebos per- quirit. . X. Interim paucis post diebus fit ab Ubils certior Suebos omms in unum locum copias cogere, atque ils nationibus quae sub eorum sint imperio denuntiare ut auxilia pe'ditatus equita- 30 tusque mittant. His cognitls rebus rem frumentariam providet, castris idoneum locum deligitj Ubils imperat ut pecora dedu- cant suaque omnia ex agrls in oppida conferant, sperans bar- baros atque imperitos homines inopia cibariorum adductos ad VI THE SECOND PASSAGE OF THE RHINE 179 imquam pugnandi condicionem posse deduci ; mandat iit cre- bros exploratores in Suebos mittant, quaeque apud eos gerantur cognoscant. 1111 imperata faciunt et paucis diebus intermissis refer unt : ' Suebos omms, posteaquam certiores nuntii de exer- citu Romanorum venerint, cum omnibus suis sociortnnque 5 copiis, quas coegissent, penitus ad extremos finis se recepisse ; silvam esse ibi Infimta magnitudine, quae appelletur Bacenis; hanc longe introrsus pertinere, et pro nativo muro obiectam Cheruscos ab Sueb5rum Suebosque ab Cheruscorum iniuriTs incursionibusque prohibere ; ad eius silvae initium . Suebos 10 adventum Romanorum exspectare constituisse. ' GAUL AND GERMANY DESCRIBED AND COMPARED Party spirit and parties in Gaul. XI. Quoniam ad hunc locum perventum est, non alienum esse videtur de Galliae Germaniaeque moribus et quo differant hae nationes inter sese proponere. In Gallia non solum in omnibus civitatibus atque in omnibus pagls partibusque sed 15 paene etiam in singulis domibus factiones sunt, earumque factionum prmcipes sunt qui sum mam auctoritatem eorum iudicio habere existimantur, quorum ad arbitrium iudiciumque summa omnium rerum consiliorumque redeat. Idque eius rel causa antiquitus Institutum videtur, ne quis ex plebe contra 20 potentiorem auxill egeret; suos eni'm quisque opprimi et cir- cumvemri non patitur, neque, aliter si faciat, ullam inter suos habeat auctoritatem. Haec eadem ratio est in summa totms Galliae; namque omnes civitates divisae sunt in duas partis. XII. Cum Caesar in Galliam venit, alterius factionis prin- 25 cipes erant Haedui, alterius Sequam. Hi cum per se minus valerent, quod summa auctoritas antiquitus erat in Haeduis magnaeque eorum erant clientelae, Germanos atque Ariovistum sibi* adiunxerant eosque ad se magms iacturis pollicitationi- busque perduxerant. ProeliTs vero compluribus factis secundis 30 atque omm nobilitate Haeduorum interfecta tantum potentia l8o THE GALLIC WAR VI antecesserant ut magnam partem clientium ab Haeduis ad se traducerent obsidesque ab his prlncipum filios aeciperent, et publice iurare cogerent nihil se contra Sequanos consili initu- ros, et partera fmitimi agri per vim occupatam possiderent 5 Galliaeque totius principatum obtinerent. Qua necessitate adductus Dlviciacus auxill petendi causa Romam ad senatum profectus mfecta re redierat. Adventu Caesaris facta commu- tatione rerum, obsidibus Haeduis redditis, veteribus clientelis restitiitis, novis per Caesarem comparatis, quod ii qui se ad 10 eorum amicitiam adgregaverant meliore condicione atque aequiore imperio se iiti videbant, reliquis rebus eorum gratia dignitateque amplificata Sequani principatum dimiserant. In eorum locum Remi successerant ; quos quod adaequare apud Caesarem gratia intellegebatur, ii qui propter veteres inimi- 15 citias nullo modo cum Haeduis coniungi poterant se Remis in clientelam dicabant. Hos illl diligenter tuebantur ; ita et no- vam et repente conlectam auctoritatem tenebant. E6 tamen statii res erat ut longe principes haberentur Haedui, secundum locum dlgnitatis Remi obtinerent. The druids. 20 XIII. In omni Gallia eorum hominum qui aliquo sunt numero atque honore genera sunt duo ; nam plebes paene servorum habetur loco, quae nihil audet per se, null! adhibetur consilio. Plerique, cum aut acre alieno aut magnitudine tribu- torum aut iniuria potentiorum premuntur, sese in servitutem 25 dicant nobilibus ; quibus in hos eadem omnia sunt iura quae domims in servos. Sed de his duobus generibus alterum est druidum, alterum equitum. Illl rebus divmls intersunt, sacri- ficia publica ac privata procurant, religiones interpretantur ; ad eos magnus adulescentium numerus disciplmae causa con- 3 ocurrit, magnoque hi sunt apud eos honore. Nam fere de omnibus controversiis publicls privatlsque constituunt, et si quod est admissum facinus, si caedes facta, si de hereditate, de fmibus controversia est, Idem decernunt, praemia poenasque VI GAUL AND GERMANY DESCRIBED 181 constituunt ; si qui aut privatus aut populus eorum decreto non stetit, sacrifices interdicunt. Haec poena apud eos est gravissima. Quibus ita est interdictum, hi numero impiorum ac sceleratorum habentur, his omnes decedunt, aditura eorum sermonemque defugiunt, ne quid ex contagione incoramodi s accipiant, neque ils petentibus ius redditur neque honos ullus communicatur. His autem omnibus druidibus praeest unus, qui summam inter eos habet auctoritatem. Hoc mortuo aut, si qui ex reliqtiis excellit dignitate, succedit aut, si sunt plures pares, suffragio druidum, non numquam etiam armis de' princi- 10 patu contendunt. Hi certo anm tempore in fmibus Carnutum, quae regio totms Galliae media habetur, considunt in loco consecrate. Hue omnes undique qui controversies habent conveniunt eorumque decretls iudiciisque parent. Disciplma in Britannia reperta atque inde in Galliam translata existima- 15 tur, et nunc qui diligentius earn rem cognoscere volunt ple- rumque illo discendi causa proficiscuntur. XIV. Druides a bello abesse consuerunt neque tributa una cum reliquls pendunt, militiae vacationem omniumque rerum habent immunitatem. Tantis excitati praemiis et sua sponteso multi in disciplinam conveniunt et a parentibus propinquisque mittuntur. Magnum ibi numerum versuum ediscere dicuntur. Itaque annos non null! vlcenos in disciplma permanent. Neque fas esse 'existimant ea. litteris mandare, cum in reliquls fere rebus, publicls privatisque rationibus, Graecis litteris utantur. 25 Id mihi duabus de causis mstituisse videntur, quod neque in vulgus disciplinam efferri velint neque eos qui discunt litteris conflsos minus memoriae studere, quod fere plerisque accidit ut praesidio litterarum diligentiam in perdiscendo ac memo- riam remittant. In primis hoc volunt persuadere, nori interire 30 animas, sed ab aliis post mortem translre ad alios, atque hoc maxime ad virtutem excitari putant metu mortis neglecto. Multa praeterea de sideribus atque eorum motu, de mundi ac terrarum magnitudine, de rerum natura, de deorum immor- talium vi ac potestate disputant et iuventuti tradunt. 35 182 THE GALLIC WAR VI The knights. ' XV. Alterum genus est equitum. Hi, cum est usus atque aliquod bellum incidit (quod fere ante Caesaris adventum quot- anms accidere solebat, utl aut ipsi iniurias mferrent aut inlatas propulsarent) , omnes in bello versantur, atque eorum ut quis- Sque est genere copiisque amplissimus, ita plurimos circum se ambactos clientisque habet. Hanc imam gratiam potentiam- que noverunt. Human sacrifices. XVI. Natio est omnis Gallorum admodum dedita religioni- bus, atque ob earn causam qui sunt adfecti gravioribus morbis loquique in proeliTs periculisque versantur aut pro victimls homines iramolant aut se immolaturos vovent, administrisque ad ea sacrificia druidibus utuntur, quod pro vita hominis nisi horainis vita reddatur, non posse deorum immortalium numen placari arbitrantur, publiceque eiusdem generis habent Instituta 15 sacrificia. Alii imraam magnitudine simulacra habent, quorum contexta viminibus membra vlvls hominibus complent ; quibus succensis circumvent! flam ma exanimantur homines. Supplicia eorum qui in furto aut latrocinio aut aliqua noxia sint compre- hensi gratiora dis immortalibus esse arbitrantur ; sed cum 20 eius generis copia deficit, etiam ad innocentiuin supplicia descendunt. The religion of the Gauls. XVII. Deorum maxime Mercurium colunt, huius sunt plurima simulacra, hunc omnium inventorem artium ferunt, mine viarum atque itinerum ducem, hunc ad quaestus pecuniae 25 mercaturasque habere vim maximam arbitrantur, post hunc, Apollinem et Martem et lovem et Minervam. De his eandem fere quam reliquae gentes habent opmi5nem : Apollinem mor- bos depellere, Minervam operum atque artificiorum initia tra- dere, lovem imperium caelestium tenere, Martem bella regere. 30 Huic, cum proelio dimicare constituerunt, ea quae bello cepe- rint plerumque de vovent. Cum superaverunt, animalia capta Vf GAUL AND GERMANY DESCRIBED 183 immolant, reliquas res in unum locum conferunt. Multis in civitatibus harum rerum exstructos cumulos locis consecratis conspicari licet; neque saepe accidit ut neglecta quispiam religione aut capta apud se occultare aut posita tollere auderet, gravissimumque el rel supplicium cum cruciatu constitutum est. 5 % Curious customs. XVIII. Gall! se omnes ab Dite patre prognatos praedicant idque ab druidibus proditum dicunt. Ob earn causam spatia omnis temporis non numero dierum, sed noctium finiurit; dies natalis et mensium et annorum initia sic observant ut- noctem dies subsequatur. In reliquis vltae institutis hoc fere ab reli- 10 quls differunt, quod suos liberos, nisi cum adoleverunt, ut munus militiae sustinere possint, palam ad se adire non pati- untur, filiumque puerili aetate in publico in conspectu patris adsistere turpe ducunt. XIX. Viri quantas pecunias ab uxoribus dotis nomine ac- 15 ceperunt, tantas ex suls boms aestimatione facta cum dotibus communicant. Huius omnis pecuniae coniunctim ratio habe- tur fructusque servantur; uter eorum vita superavit, ad eum pars utrmsque cum fructibus superi5rum temporum pervenit. Viri in uxores sicuti in liberos vltae necisque habent potes-ao tatem ; et cum pater familiae inlustriore loco natus decessit, eius propinqui conveniunt, et de morte si res in suspicionem venit, de uxoribus in servilem modum quaestionem habent, et si compertum est, ignl atque omnibus tormentis excruciatas interficiunt. Funera sunt pro cultu Gallorum magnifica etas sumptuosaj omniaque quae vMs cordi fuisse arbitrantur in Ignem inferunt, etiam animalia, ac paulo supra hanc memoriam servi et clientes quos ab iis dilectos esse constabat mstls fune- bribus confectis una cremabantur. XX. Quae civitates commodius suam rem publicam ad- 30 ministrare existimantur habent legibus sanctum, si quis quid de re publica a finitimis rumore ac f ama acceperit, uti ad magis- tratum deferat neve cum quo alio communicet ; quod saepe 184 THE GALLIC WAR VI homines teraerarios atque imperitos falsis rumoribus terreri et ad facinus impelli et de summis rebus consilium capere cog- nitum est. Magistrates quae visa sunt occultant, quae esse ex usu iudicaverunt multitudim produnt. De re publica nisi per 5 concilium loqui non conceditur. The religion and customs of the Germans. XXI. German! multum ab hac consuetudine differunt. Nam neque druides habent, qul rebus dlvims praesint, neque sacrificiis student. Deorum numero eos solos ducunt quos cernunt et quorum aperte opibus iuvantur, Solem et Vulcanum io et Lunam ; reliquos ne fama quidem acceperunt. Vita omnis in venationibus atque in studiis rei militaris consistit ; a parvis labor! ac duritiae student. Qu! diutissime impuberes perman- serunt maximam inter suos ferunt laudem; hoc all staturam, al! v!r!s nervosque confirmar! putant. Intra annum vero 15 vicesimum feminae notitiam habuisse in turpissimis habent rebus ; cuius re!' nulla est occultatio, quod et promiscue in fluminibus perluuntur et pellibus aut parvis renonum tegimen- tis utuntur magna corporis parte nuda. XXII. Agri culturae non stitdent, maiorque pars eorum 20 v!ctus in lacte, caseo, carne consistit. Neque quisquam agri modum certum aut finis habet proprios, sed magistrates ac principes in annos singulos gentibus cognationibusque homi- num qulque una coierunt quantum et quo loco vlsum est agri attribuunt, atque anno post alio transire cogunt. Eius re! 25 multas adferunt causas : ne adsidua consuetudine capti stu- dium belli gerendi agri cultura commutent; ne latos finis parare studeant potentiores atque humiliores possessionibus expellant ; ne accuratius ad frigora atque aestus vitandos aedi- ficent ; ne qua oriatur pecuniae cupiditas, qua ex re factiones 30 dissensionesque nascuntur ; ut anim! aequitate plebem con- tineant, cum suas quisque opes cum potentissirms aequari videat. XXIII. Cfvitatibus maxima laus est quam latissime circum se vastatis finibus solitudines habere. Hoc proprium virtutis VI GAUL AND GERMANY DESCRIBED 185 existimant, expulsos agris fmitimos cedere neque quemquam prope se audere consistere ; simul hoc se fore tutiores arbi- trantur repentmae incursionis timore sublato. Cum bellum clvitas aut inlaturn defendit aut Infert, magistrates qui el bello praesint et vitae necisque habeant potestatem deliguntur. In 5 pace nullus est communis magistratus, sed principes regionum atque pagorum inter suds ius dicunt controversiasque minuunt. Latrocinia nullara habent mfamiara quae extra fmls cuiusqiie clvitatis f runt, atque ea iuventutis exercendae ac desidiae minu- endae causa fieri praedicant. Atque ubi quis ex principtbus in 10 concilio dlxit se ducem fore, qui sequi velint profiteantur, con- surgunt ii qui et causam et hominera probant suumque auxilium pollicentur atque a multitudine conlaudantur ; qm ex his secuti non sunt in desertorura ac proditorum numero ducuntur, omni- umque his rerum postea fides derogatur. Hospitem violare 15 fas non putant ; qui quacumque de causa ad eos venerunt ab inmria prohibent sanctosque habent, hisque omnium domus patent victusque communicatur. Gauls and Germans compared. XXIV. Ac fuit antea tempus cum Germanos Galli virtute superarent, ultro bella mferrent, propter hominum multitu- 20 dinem agrique inopiam trans Rhenum colonias mitterent. Itaque ea quae fertilissima Germaniae sunt loca, circum Hercyniam silvam (quam Eratostheni et quibusdam Graecls fama notam esse video, quam illl Orcyniam appellant), Volcae Tectosages occupaverunt atque ibi consederunt; quae gens 25 ad hoc tempus his sedibus sese continet summamque habet iustitiae et bellicae laudis opmionem. Nunc, quod in eadem inopia, egestate, patientia qua ante German! per- manent, e5dem victu et cultu corporis utuntur, Gallis autem provinciarum propinquitas et transmarinarum rerum notitiaso multa ad copiam atque usus largltur, paulatim adsuefactT superari multisque victi proeliis ne se quidem ipsi cum illis virtute comparand 1 86 THE GALLIC WAR VI The Hercynian Forest and the animals inhabiting it. XXV. Huius Hercyniae silvae, quae supra demonstrata est, latitude novem dierum iter expedite patet; non enim aliter finiri potest, neque mensuras itmerum noverunt. Oritur ab Helvetiorum et Nemetum et Rauracorum fmibus, rectaque 5 fluminis Danuvi regione pertinet ad finis Dacorum et Anar- tium ; hinc se flectit sinistrdrsus dlversls a flumine regionibus multarumque gentium finis propter magnitudinem attingit; neque quisquam est huius Germaniae qul se aut adisse ad . initium eius silvae dlcat, cum dierum iter LX processerit, aut 10 quo ex loco oriatur acceperit ; multaque in ea genera ferarum nascl constat quae reliquls in locls visa non sint, ex quibus quae maxime differant a ceteris et memoriae prodenda videan- tur haec sunt. XXVI. Est bos cervl figiira, cuius a media fronte inter 15 auris unum cornu exsistit excelsius magisque derectum his quae nobis nota sunt cornibus. Ab eius summo sicut palmae ramique late diffunduntur. Eadern est feminae. marisque na- tura, eadem forma magnitudoque cornuum. XXVII. Sunt item quae appellantur alces. Harum est 20 consimilis capris figura et varietas pellium, sed magnitudine paulo antecedunt mutilaeque sunt cornibus et crura sine nodls articullsque habent, neque quietis causa procumbunt neque, si quo adfllctae casu conciderunt, erigere sese ac sublevare possunt. His sunt arbores pro cubllibus; ad eas se ap- 25 plicant atque ita paulum modo reclmatae quietem capiunt. Quarum ex vestigils cum est animadversum a venatoribus quo se recipere consuerint, omnls eo loco aut ab radlcibus subruunt aut accldunt arbores, tantum ut summa species earum stantium relinquatur. Hue cum se consuetudine re- 30 clmaverunt, Inflrmas arbores pondere adfllgunt atque una ipsae concidunt. ^ , , - ^A, XXVIII. Tertium est genus eorum qul uri appellantur. Hi sunt magnitudine paulo Infra elephantos, specie et colore et figura taurl. Magna vis eorum est et magna velocitas, neque VI GAUL AND GERMANY DESCRIBED 187 homini neque ferae quam conspexerunt parcunt. Hos studiose foveis captos interficiunt. Hoc se labore durant adulescentes atque hoc genere venationis exercent, et qui plurimos ex his interfecerunt, relatis in publicum cornibus, quae sint testimonio, raagnam ferunt laudem. Sed adsuescere ad homines et man- 5 suefieri ne parvuli quidem except! possunt. Amplitude cor- nuum et figura et species multum a nostrorum bourn cornibus differt. Haec studiose conquisita ab labris argento circumclu- dunt atque in amplissimis epulis pro poculls utuntur. SIGHT-READING THE WAR UPON AMBIORIX AND THE EBURONES Caesar invades the land of the Eburones. Ambiorix escapes. XXIX. Caesar postquam per Ubios exploratores comperit 10 Suebos sese in silvas recepisse, inopiam frumenti veritus, quod, ut supra demonstravimus, minime homines German! agri cul- turae student, constituit non progred! longius ; sed ne ommno metum reditus sui barbaris tolleret, atque ut eorum auxilia tardaret, reducto exercitu partem ultimam pontis, quae ripas 15 Ubiorum contingebat, in longitudinem pedum cc rescindit, atque in extremo ponte turrim tabiilatorum quattuor constituit praesidiumque cohortium xn pontis tuendi causa ponit mag- nisque eum locum mumtionibus firmat. Ei loco praesidioque C. Volcacium Tullum adulescentem praeficit. Ipse, cum ma- 20 turescere frumenta inciperent, ad bellum Ambiongis profectus per Arduennam silvam, quae est totius Galliae maxima atque ab ripis Rhen! finibusque Treverorum ad Nervios pertinet milibusque amplius D in longitudinem patet, L. Miriucium 10. Caesar: the story is now resumed from Chap. X. 17. tabu- latorum quattuor : of four stories . 20. maturescere : cf. matiirus. 24. D : an exaggeration. 1 88 THE GALLIC WAR VI Basilum cum omm equitatu praemittit, si quid celeritate iti- neris atque opportunitate temporis proficere possit ; monet ut Ignis in castris fieri prohibeat, ne qua ems adventus procul sig- nificatio flat ; sese confestim subsequi dicit. 5 XXX. Basilus ut imperatum est facit. Celeriter contraque omnium opmionem confecto itinere multos in agris inopinantis deprehendit ; eorum indicio ad ipsum Ambiorigem contendit, quo in loco cum paucis equitibus esse dlcebatur. Multum cum in omnibus rebus turn in re mllitarl potest fortuna; nam ut .lomagno accidit casu ut in ipsum incautum etiam atque impa- ratum incideret, priusque eius adventus ab hominibus videretiir quam fama ac nuntius adferretur, sic magnae fuit fortunae omm militari mstrumento quod circum se habebat erepto, raedis equisque comprehensis ipsum effugere mortem. Sed hoc 15 factum est, quod aedificio circumdato silva, ut sunt fere do- micilia Gallorum, qul vltandi aestus causa plerumque silvarum ac fluminum petunt propinquitates, comites familiaresque eius angusto in loco paulisper equitum nostrorum vim sustinuerunt. His pugnantibus ilium in equum quidam ex suls intulit ; fugi- 20 entem silvae texerunt. Sic et ad subeundum periculum et ad vltandum multum fortuna valuit. XXXI. Ambiorix copias suas iudicione non conduxerit, quod proelio dimicandum non existimaret, an tempore ex- clusus et repentmo equitum adventu prohibitus, cum reliquum 25 exercitum subsequi crederet, dubium est ; sed certe dimissis per agros nuntiis sibi quemque consulere iussit. Quorum pars in Arduennam silvam, pars in continentis paludes profugit ; I. si quid proficere possit: ( & see) if he can effect anything, i.e. to effect something, if he can. 7. indicio : on information. 9. ut : as, answered by sic, so also. 10. ipsum: Ambiorix. incautum: off his guard. 12. magnae fait fortunae: it was due chiefly to hick that, lit. it was (a thing) of great luck. 13. erepto : concessive. raedis : wagons. 1 6. aestus -.heat. 17. comites : companions. 22. iudicione: iudicio, designedly +-ne, whether. 27. continentis: continuous, wide- extended, i VI THE WAR UPON AMBIORIX 189 qui proximi Oceano fuerunt, hi insulis sese occultaverunt quas aestus efficere consuerunt ; raulti ex suls fmibus egress! se suaque omnia alienissimls crediderunt. Catuvolcus, rex dimi- diae partis Eburonum, qui una cum Ambiorige consilium in- ierat, aetate iara cdnfectus, cum laborem belli aut fugae ferre 5 non posset, omnibus precibus detestatus Ambiorigem, qui eius consili auctor fuisset, taxo (cuius magna in Gallia Germaniaque copia est) se exanimavit. One legion is stationed at Atuatuca. Caesar divides the rest of the army into three parts. XXXII. Segm Condrusique ex gente et numerd Germano- rum, qui sunt inter Eburones Treverosque, legates ad Caesa- 10 rem miserunt oratum ne se in hostium numero duceret, neve omnium Germanorum qui essent citra Rhenum unam esse causam iudicaret : ' Nihil se de bello cogitavisse, nulla Ambiongl auxilia misisse.' Caesar explorata' re quaestione captlvorum, si qui ad eos Eburones ex fuga convenissent, ad se ut reduceren- 15 tur imperavit ; si ita f ecissent, finis eorum se violaturum nega- vit. Turn copils in tris partis distributls impedimenta omnium legionum Atuatucam contulit. Id castelll nomen est. Hoc fere est in medils Eburonum flnibus, ubi Titurius atque Au- runculeius hiemandl causa consederant. Hunc cum reliqulszo rebus locum probabat, turn quod superioris annl munltiones integrae manebant, ut mllitum laborem sublevaret. Praesidio impedimentis legionem quartam decimam rellquit, unam ex his tribus quas proxime conscrlptas ex Italia traduxerat. El legionl castrisque Q. Tullium Ciceronem praef ecit ducentosque 25 equites el attribuit. XXXIII. Partlto exercitu T. Labienum cum legionibus I. insulis: slight elevations of land surrounded by water at high tide. 3. alienissimis : to absohtte strangers. dimidiae partis : of half. 6. detestatus : cursing. 7. taxo : with yew. The bark and leaves are poisonous. 22. sublevaret : he could lighten. igo THE GALLIC WAR VI tribus ad Oceanum versus in eas partis quae Menapios attin- gunt proficlscl iubet ; C. Trebonium cum par! legionura nu- mero ad earn regionem quae Atuatucis adiacet depopulandam mittit ; ipse cum reliquis tribus ad flumen Sabim, quod influit Sin Mosam, extremasque Arduennae partis ire constituit, quo cum paucls equitibus profectum Ambiorigem audiebat. Dis- cedens post diem septimum sese reversurum conflrmat, quam ad diem el legion! quae in praesidio relinquebatur frumentum deberi sciebat. Labienum Treboniumque hortatur, si rel pub- lolicae commodo facere possint, ad earn diem revertantur, ut rursus communicato consilio exploratisque hostium rationibus aliud initium belli capere possint. He invites other Gallic states to plunder the Eburones. XXXIV. Erat, ut supra demonstravimus, manus certa nulla, non oppidum, non praesidium quod se armls defenderet, sed 15 in omnls partis dispersa mjultitudo. Ubi cuique aut valles abdita aut locus silvestris aut palus impedlta spem praesidi aut salutis aliquam offerebat, consederat. Haec loca vlclnitatibus erant nota, magnamque res dlligentiam requirebat, non in summa exercitus tuenda (nullum enim poterat universis a per- aoterritls ac dispersls perlculum accidere), sed in singulls mlliti- bus conservandls ; quae tamen ex parte res ad salutem exercitus pertinebat. Nam et praedae cupiditas multos longius sevocabat et silvae incertls occultisque itineribus con- fertos adlre prohibebant. SI negotium conficl stirpemque sshominum sceleratorum interfici vellet, dimittendae plures manus dlducendlque erant mllites ; si continere ad signa I. ad Oceanum versus : toward the ocean. 3. adiacet: lies next. 10. commodo : abl. 13. manus certa : i.e. of the Eburones. 17. vicinitatibus : to the neighbors {neighborhoods). 19. summa: the whole. 21. ex parte: to some extent. 24. stirpem homimim sceleratorum : race (lit. stock) of scoundrels. The loss of his soldiers described in the previous book had made Caesar very bitter against the Eburones. VI THE WAR UPON AMBIORIX 191 manipulos vellet, ut mstituta ratio et consuetude exercitus Roman! postulabat, locus ipse erat praesidio barbaris, neque ex occulto msidiandi et dispersos circumveniend! singulis deerat audacia. Ut in eius modi difficultatibus, quantum dili- gentia provider! poterat providebatur, ut potius in nocendo 5 aliquid praetermitteretur, etsi omnium animi ad ulciscendum ardebant, quam cum aliquo militum detrimento noceretur. Dimittit ad fmitimas civitates nuntios Caesar omnis evocat spe praedae ad dlripiendos Eburones, ut potius in silvis Gallo- rum vita quam legionarius miles periclitetur, simul ut magnaio multitudine circumfusa pro tali facinore stirps ac nomen civir tatis tollatur. Magnus undique numerus celeriter convenit. Germans cross the Rhine, induced by the hope of sharing in the plunder. XXXV. Haec in omnibus Eburonum partibus gerebantur, diesque appetebat septimus, quern ad diem Caesar ad impedi- menta legionemque revert! constituerat. Hie quantum in bello-is fortuna possit et quantos adferat casus cognosc! potuit. Dissi- patis ac perterritis hostibus, ut demonstravimus, manus erat nulla quae parvam modo causam timoris adferret. Trans Rhenum ad Germanos pervenit fama diripi Eburones atque ultr5 omnis ad praedam evocari. C5gunt equitum duo miliazo Sugambri, qui sunt proximi Rheno, a quibus receptos ex fuga Tencteros atque Usipetes supra docuimus. Transeunt Rhenum navibus ratibusque xxx milibus passuum infra eum locum ubi pons erat perfectus praesidiumque a Caesare relictum ; primos Eburonum finis adeunt; multos ex fuga dispersos excipiunt, 25 magno pecoris numero, cuius sunt cupidissim! barbari, potiun- tur. Invitat! praeda longius procedunt. Non hos paludes bello latrociniisque natos, non silvae morantur. Quibus in 3. ex occulto insidiandi : for making an attack from ambush. 7. quam: completes the thought of potius, noceretur: harm sho^lld be done, sc. barbaris. 10. periclitetur : in pericuhim veniat. 14. ap- petebat: appropinquabat. 1 8. modo : even. 20. ultro : more than that. 28. latrociniis : for robberies, with natos. 192 THE GALLIC WAR VI locis sit Caesar ex captivis quaerunt ; profectum longius re- periunt omnemque exercitum discessisse cognoscunt. Atque unus ex captivis, " Quid vqs," inquit, " hanc miseram ac tenuem sectamim praedam, quibus licet iam esse fortu- 5 natissimos ? Tribus horis Atuatucam venire potestis ; hue orams suas fortunas exercitus Romanorum contulit ; praes.idi tantum est ut ne murus quidem cingi possit neque quisquam egredi extra munltiones audeat." Hac oblata spe German! quam nacti erant praedam in occulto relinquunt ; ipsi 10 Atuatucam contendunt us! eodem duce cuius haec indicio cognoverant. They are diverted from their purpose and attack Cicero's camp at Atuatuca. XXXVI. Cicero, qui omnls superiores dies praeceptis Caesaris summa diligentia milites in castiis continuisset, ac ne calonem quidem quemquam extra munitionem egredi passusesset, septimo 15 die difHdens de numero dierum Caesarem fidem servaturum, quod longius progressum audiebat neque ulla de reditu eius fama adferebatur, simul eorum permotus vocibus qui illius patientiam paene obsessionem appellabant, si quidem ex castiis egredi non liceret, nullum eius modi casum exspectans quo novem oppo- 20 sifis legionibus maxim oque equitatu, dispersis ac paene deletls hostibus in milibus passuum tribus offend! posset, qumque cohortis frumentatum in proximas segetes mittit, qnas inter et castra unus omnmo collis intererat. Complures erant in cas- tris ex legionibus aegri relict! ; ex quibus qu! hoc spatio dierum 25 convaluerant, circiter ccc, sub vexillo una mittuntur. Magna I. prof eGtum : sc. eum esse. 4. sectamini: sector, -art, derived from sequor. 7. tantum : so little. 15. diffidens : feeling doubtful. 18. obsessionem: siege. 19. liceret: this is the thought of those who complained. quo offendi posset : whereby a disaster could be suffered. oppositis: opposing (the enemy). The nine legions were those off on expeditions, as told in Chap. XXXIII. 22. segetes : grain- Jields. 24. aegri: ill. .25. convaluerant : cf. Eng. ' convalescent.' VI THE WAR UPON AMBIORIX 193 praeterea multitude calonum, magna vis iumentorum, quae in castris subsederat, facta potestate sequitur. XXXVII. Hoc ipso tempore casu German! equites inter- veniunt, protinusque eodem illo quo venerant cursu ab decu- mana porta in castra inrumpere conantur, nee prius sunt visl 5 obiectls ab ea parte silvis quam castris appropinquarent, usque eo ut qui sub val!5 tenderent mercatores recipiendi sui faculta- tem non haberent. InopTnantes nostii re nova perturbantur, ac vix primum impetum cohors in statione sustinet. Circumfun- duntur hostes ex reliquis partibus, si quern aditum reperire I D possint. Aegre portas nostri tuentur, reliquos aditus locus ipse per se mumtioque defendit. Tods trepidatur castris, atque alius ex alio causam tumultus quaerit ; neque quo signa ferantur neque quam in partem quisque conveniat provident. Alius castra iam capta pronuntiat, alius deleto exercitu atque impera- 15 tore victores barbaros venisse contendit ; plerlque novas sibi ex loco religiones fingunt Cottaeque et Tituri calamitatem, qui in eodem occiderint castello, ante oculos ponunt. Tall timore omnibus perterritis confirmatur opinio barbaris, ut ex captivo audierant, nullum esse intus praesidium. Perrumpere nituntur 20 seque ipsi adhortantur ne tantam fortunam ex manibus dimit- tant. XXXVIII. Erat aeger in praesidio relictus P. Sextius Baculus, qui primum pilum apud Caesarem duxerat, cuius mentionem superioribus proeliis f ecimus, ac diem iam qumtum cibo 25 caruerat. Hie difflsus suae atque omnium saliiti inermis ex tabernaculo proditj videt imminere hostis atque in summo rem esse discrlmine ; capit arma a proximls atque in porta con- 2. subsederat: had stayed behind. 4. protinus :. straight forward, 6. usque eo : even to this extent^ i.e. and so completely was this the case. 7. tenderent: had booths (tentorid}. 12. trepidatur: impersonal. 17. religiones: superstitious fears. 24. primum pilum duxerat : he had been chief centurion of a legion, and was probably at this time an evocatiis.. 25. cibo caruerat: had eaten nothing. 27. imminere: threaten. 28. discrimine : peril. o 1 94 THE GALLIC WAR VI i sistit. Consequuntur hunc centuriones eius cohortis quae in statione eratj paulisper una proelium sustinent. Relinquit animus Sextium gravibus acceptis vulneribus ; aegre per manus traditus servatur. Hoc spatio interposito reliqui sese confir- 5 mant tantum ut in mumtionibus consistere audeant speciemque defensorum praebeant. XXXIX. Interim confecta frumentatione milites nostri cla- morem exaudiunt ; praecurrunt equites, quanto res sit in periculo cognoscunt. Hie vero nulla mumtio est quae perter- 10 ritos recipiat ; modo conscript! atque usus militaris imperitl ad tribunum militum centurionesque ora convertunt, quid ab his praecipiatur exspectant. Nemo est tarn fortis qum rei novi- tate perturbetur. Barbari signa procul conspicati oppugnatione desistunt ; redisse primo legiones credunt, quas longius disces- 15 sisse ex captlvls cognoverant ; postea despecta paucitate ex omnibus partibus impetum faciunt. They are repulsed, but the Romans lose many men. Caesar arrives at the camp. fc XL. Calones in proximum tumulum procurrunt ; hinc cele- riter deiecti se in signa manipulosque coniciunt, eo magis timidos perterrent mllites. Alii cuneo facto ut celeriter per- 20 rumpant censent : ' Quoniam tarn propinqua sint castra, etsi pars aliqua circumventa ceciderit, at reliquos servarl posse; ' alii ut in iugo consistant atque eundem omnes ferant casum. Hoc veteres non probant mllites, quos sub vexillo una profectos docuimus. Itaque inter se cohortati duce C. Trebonio, equite 25 Romano, qui iis erat praepositus, per medios hostis perrumpunt incolumesque ad unum omnes in castra perveniunt. Hos sub- secuti calones equitesque eodem impetu militum virtute servan- tur. At ii qui in iugo constiterant niillo etiam nunc usu rei militaris percepto neque in eo quod probaverant consilio per- 3. animus: consciousness, per manus : from hand to hand. 18. Be coniciunt : for safety. 19. cuneo : a -wedge. 28. nullo usu percepto : having gained no experience. VI THE WAR UPON AMBIORIX 195 manere, ut se loco superiore defenderent, neque earn quam profuisse aliis vim celeritatemque viderant imitari potuerunt, sed se in castra recipere conati inlquura in locum demiserant. Centuriones, quorum non null! ex mferioribus ordinibus reliqua- rum legionum virtutis causa in superiores erant ordines huius 5 legionis traducti, ne ante partam rel militaris laudem amit- terent, fortissime pugnantes conciderunt. Militum pars horum virtute submotis hostibus praeter spem incolumis in castra per- venit, pars a barbarls circumventa periit. XLI. German! desperata expugnatione castrorum, quodio nostros iam constitisse in mumtionibus videbant, cum ea praeda quam in silvis deposuerant trans Rhenum sese receperunt. Ac tantus fuit etiam post discessum hostium terror ut ea nocte, cum C. Volusenus missus cum equitatu in castra venisset, fidem non faceret adesse cum incolumi Caesarem exercitu. 15 Sic omnium animos timor occupaverat ut paene alienata mente deletis omnibus copiis equitatum se ex fuga recepisse dicerent, neque incolumi exercitu Germanos castra oppugna- turos fuisse contenderent. Quern tim5rem Caesaris adventus sustulit. 20 XLIL Reversus ille, eventus belli non ignorans, unum, quod cohortes ex statione et praesidio essent emissae, questus (' Ne minimum quidem casui locum relinqul debuisse ') multum fortunam in repentino hostium adventu potuisse iudicavit, multo etiam amplius quod paene ab ipso vallo portisque cas-25 trorum barbaros avertisset. Quarum omnium rerum maxime admlrandum videbatur quod GermanT, quT eo consilio Rhenum transierant, ut Ambiorigis finis depopularentur, ad castra Romanorum delati optatissimum Ambiorigl beneficium obtu- lerant. . 3 o 2. profuisse : to have helped. 6. partam : won: 15. fidem non faceret: i.e. he was not believed. 16. alienata mente: deprived of reason; an abl. abs. 18. oppugnaturos fuisse: in direct discourse oppugnavissent ; incolumi exercitu forms its protasis. 26. avertisset: the subject \s fortuna. 29. optatissimum: most welcome. 196 THE GALLIC WAR VI Renewed operations against the Eburones. Ambiorix again escapes. The army is placed in winter quarters. XLIII. Caesar rursus ad vexandos hostis profectus magno equitum coacto numero ex fmitimis civitatibus in omms partis dimittit. Omnes vicl atque omnia aedificia quae quisque con- spexerat incendebantur ; praeda ex omnibus locis agebatur ; sfrumenta non solum a tanta multitudine iumentorum atque hominum consumebantur sed etiam anm tempore atque imbribus procubuerant, ut si qui etiam in praesentia se occultassent, tamen his deducto exercitu rerum omnium inopia pereundum videretur. Ac saepe in eum locum ventum xoest, tanto in omms partis dimisso equitatu, ut modo visum ab se Ambiorigem in fuga circumspicerent captivl, nee plane etiam abisse ex conspectu contenderent j ut spe consequendi inlata atque infimto labore suscepto qui se summam a Caesare gratiam inituros putarent paene naturam studio isvincerent, semperque paulum ad summam felicitatem de- fuisse videretur, atque ille latebris aut saltibus se eriperet, et noctu occultatus alias regiones partisque peteret non maiore equitum praesidio quam quattuor, quibus soils vitam suam committere audebat. 20 XLIV. Tali modo vastatis regionibus exercitum Caesar dua- rum cohortium damno Durocortorum Remorum deducit, con- cilioque in eum locum Galliae indicto de coniuratione Seno- num et Carnutum quaestionem habere instituit, et de Accone, qui prlnceps eius consili fuerat, graviore sententia pronuntiata 25 more maiorum supplicium sumpsit. Non nulll iudicium ve- 7. procubuerant: had become lodged {on the groimd}. 10. modo: only an instant before. 1 1. circumspicerent: looked round in search of. nec plane : and... not entirely. 13. inlata: being inspired (in theni). 16. latebris aut saltibus: by (iising) hiding-places or wooded glens. 21. damno: -with the loss. 22. indicto : having been convoked. 23. quaestionem: investigation. 25. more maiorum: the "good old- fashioned Roman mode " was to flog the traitor to death and then cut off his head. VI THE WAR UPON AMBIORIX 197 ritl profugerunt. Quibus cum aqua atque igni interdixisset, duas legiones ad finis Treverorum, duas in Lingonibus, sex re- liquas in Senonum f inibus Agedinci in hibernis conlocavit ; frumentoque exercitui proviso, ut instituerat, in Italiam ad con- ventus agendos profectus est. I. Quibus . . . interdixisset : and when he had cut these off from fire and water, the regular formula for banishment and outlawry. 111 31 811 HI t Oil Illl Qli /III ill! III! (III III Hi! (Ill till III 1 Oil !RI Wilt III! Ilii HI IIS III) till 1 (III HI III III III III III III HI III HI 111 III J te ^\w\\\\\V\\\\\\\\X\\V^MW\\iUV^ VERCINGETOR1X (A modern statue) 198 BOOK VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL The Carnutes revolt. 1. Quieta Gallia Caesar, ut constituerat, in Italiam ad con- ventus agendos proficiscitur. Ibi cognoscit de P. ClodT caede ; de senatusque consulto certior factus, ut omnes iuniores Italiae coniurarent, dilectum tota provincia habere mstituit. Eae res in Galliam Transalpmam celeriter perferuntur. Addunt ipsi 5 et adfingunt rumoribus Galli, quod res poscere videbatur, reti- neri urbano motu Caesarem neque in tantis dissensi5nibus ad exercitum venire posse. Hac impulsl occasione qui iam ante se populi Roman! imperio subiectds dolerent liberius atque auda- cius de bello consilia imre incipiunt. Indictis inter se princi- 10 pies Galliae conciliis silvestribus ac remotis locis queruntur de Acconis morte ; posse hunc casum ad ipsos recidere demon- strant; miserantur communem Galliae fortunam ; omnibus polli- citationibus ac praemiis deposcunt qui belli initium faciant et sul capitis periculo Galliam in libertatem vindicent. In primis 15 rationem esse habendam dicunt, priusquam eorum clandestina consilia efferantur, ut Caesar ab exercitu intercludatur ; id esse facile, quod neque legion es audeant absente imperatore ex hlberms egredi neque imperator sine praesidio ad legiones pervemre possit ; postremo, in acie praestare interfici quam 20 2. Clodi : the rioting which followed the death of Clodius reached al- most the proportions of a civil war. 3. consulto: decree. iuniores: i.e. the men of military age. 4. coniurarent : should take the military oath. 6. adfingunt: make up. 12. recidere: with ad, befall, come home to. 15. in libertatem vindicent : claim for freedom, i e. declare to be free. 17. efferantur: are made known. 199 200 THE GALLIC WAR VII non veterem belli gloriam Hbertatemque quam a maioribus ac- ceperint recuperare. II. His rebus agitatis profitentur Carnutes se nullum pericu- lum commiinis salutis causa recusare principesque ex omnibus 5 bellum facturos pollicentur, et quoniam in praesentia obsidibus cavere inter se non possint, ne res efferatur, at iure iurando ac fide sanciatur petunt conlatls mllitaribus sigms, quo more eorum gravissima caerimonia continetur, ne facto initio belli ab reli- quis deserantur. Turn conlaudatis Carnutibus, dato iure iu- icrando ab omnibus qui aderant, tempore eius rei constituto a concilio disceditur. III. Ubi ea dies venit, Carnutes Cotuato et Conconnetodumno ducibus, desperatis hominibus, Cenabum signo dato concurrunt, civisque Romanes qui negotiandl causa ibi constiterant, in his 15 C. Fufium Citam, honestum equitem Romanum, qui rei fru- mentariae iussu Caesaris praeerat, interficiunt bonaque eorum diripiunt. Celeriter ad ornnis Galliae civitates fama perfertur. Nam ubi quae maior atque inlustrior incidit res, clamore per agros regionesque significant; hunc alii deinceps excipiunt et aoproximis tradunt, ut turn accidit Nam quae Cenabi oriente sole gesta essent ante primam confectam vigiliam in finibus Arvernorum audita sunt, quod spatium est milium passuum circiter CLX. The Arverni, led by Vercingetorix, revolt, and are joined by many other states. IV. Simill ratione ibi Vercingetorix, Celtilli filius, Arvernus, assummae potentiae adulescens, cuius pater principatum totlus Galliae obtinuerat et ob earn causam, quod regnum appetebat, 3. agitatis : having been discussed. 6. cavere inter se : to take precautions against one another. 7. sanciatur : that assurance be given. 8. caerimonia: rite. 14. civis: citizens. negotiandi: the business was chiefly lending money, trading in grain and slaves, and farming the revenues. 16. iussu: by order. 18. quae: any. 19. deinceps: in turn. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 2OI a civitate erat interfectus, convocatis suls clientibus facile in- cendit. Cognito eius consilio ad arraa concurritur. Prohibetur a Gobannitione, patruo suo, re- liquisque principibus, qui hanc temptandam fortunam non ex- 5 istimabant, expellitur ex oppido A COIN OF VERCINGETORIX Gergovia ; non desistit tamen atque in agris habet dilectum egentium ac perditorum. Hac coacta manu quoscumque adit ex civitate ad suam sententiam perducit; hortatur ut communis 10 Hbertatis causa arraa capiant, magnisque coactis copiis adver- saries suos, a quibus paulo ante erat eiectus, expellit ex civitate. Rex ab suls appellatur. Dimittit quoqueversus legationes ; obtestatur ut in fide maneant. Celeriter sibi Senones, Parisios, Pictones, Cadurcos, Turonos, Aulercos, Lemovices, Andos, 15 reliquosque omms qui Oceanum attingunt adiungit; omnium consensu ad eum defertur imperium. Qua oblata potestate omnibus his civitatibus obsides imperat, certum numerum mili- tum ad se celeriter adducl iubet, armoram quantum quaeque civitas doml quodque ante tempus efficiat constituit ; in primis 20 equitatui studet. Summae diligentiae summam imperi seve- ritatem addit ; magnitudine supplici dubitantis cogit. Nam maiore commisso delict5 Igni atque omnibus tormentis necat ', leviore de causa auribus desectis aut singulis effossis oculis domum remittit, ut sint reliquis documento et magnitudine 25 poenae perterreant alios. V. His suppliciis celeriter coacto exercitu Lucterium Cadur- cum, summae hominem audaciae, cum parte copiarum in Rutenos mittit; ipse in Bituriges proficiscitur. Eius adventii Bituriges ad Haeduos, quorum erant in fide, legates mittuntso 3. patruo: uncle (father's brother}. 9. egentium: part, of egeo,to be in -want. 13. quoqueversus: in all directions. 14. obtestatur: he implores. 20. quod : an interrogative agreeing with tempus. 23. de- licto : crime. 24. desectis : cut off. effossis : torn out. 25. do- cumento : a warning. 202 THE GALLIC WAR VII subsidium rogatum, quo facilius hostium copias sustinere possint. Haedui de consilio legatorum quos Caesar ad exercitum reli- querat copias equitatus peditatusque subsidio Biturlgibus mit- tunt. Qui cum ad flumen Ligerira venissent, quod Bituriges ab 5 Haeduls dividit, paucos dies ibi morati neque flumen transire ausl domum revertuntur, legatisque nostris renuntiant se Bitu- rigum perfidiam veritos revertisse, quibus id consili fuisse cog- noverint, ut, si flumen translssent, una ex parte ipsT, altera Arverni se circumsisterent. Id eane de causa quam legatis 10 pronuntiarint an perfidia adducti fecerint, quod nihil nobis constat, non videtur pro certo esse ponendum. Bituriges eorum discessu statim se cum Arvernls coniungunt. Caesar hastens from Italy, repels a threatened attack on the province, and himself threatens the Arverni. VI. His rebus in Italiam Caesar! nuntiatis, cum iam ille urbanas res virtute Cn. Pompei commodiorem in statum per- isvenisse intellegeret, in TransalpTnam Galliam profectus est. Eo cum venisset, magna difficultate adficiebatur qua ratione ad exercitum pervemre posset. Nam si legiones in provinciam arcesseret, se absente in itinere proelio dlmicaturas intellegebat ; si ipse ad exercitum contenderet, ne iis quidem e5 tempore aoqul quiet! viderentur suam salutem recte committi videbat. VII. Interim Lucterius Cadurcus in Rutenos missus earn civitatem Arvernls conciliat. Progressus in Nitiobroges et Gabalos ab utrlsque obsides accipit, et magna coacta manu in provinciam Narbonem versus inruptionem facere contendit. 25 Qua re nuntiata Caesar omnibus consilils antevertendum exls- timavit ut Narbonem proficisceretur. Eo cum venisset, timen- tls confirmat, praesidia in Rutenls provincialibus, Volcis 10. nihil constat : it is by no means clear. 14. Cn. : Gnaei, gen. of Gnaeus. 20. recte : well, or safely. 22. conciliat : wins over. 24. Narbonem versus: towards Narbo. 25. antevertendum: ought to take precedence of; its subject is ut Narbonem proficisceretur. 27. provincialibus: of the province. THE CAMPAIGN OF 52 B.C. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 203 Arecomicis, Tolosatibus, circumque Narbonem, quae.loca hos- tibus erant finitiraa, constituit, partem copiarum ex provincial supplementumque, quod ex Italia adduxerat, in Helvios, qui finis Arvernorum contingunt, convenire iubet. VIII. His rebus comparatls, represso iam Lucterio et re- 5 motc^quod intrare intra praesidia periculosum putabat, in Helvios proficiscitur. Etsi mons Cebenna, qui Arvernos ab Helviis discludit, durissimo tempore anm altissima nive iter impediebat, tamen discussa nive in altitudinem pedum sex atque ita viis patefactis summo militum labore ad finis 10 Arvernorum pervenit. Quibus oppressis inopmantibus, quod se Cebenna ut muro munltos existimabant, ac ne singular! quidem umquam homim eo tempore anm semitae patuerant, equitibus imperat ut quam latissime possint vagentur et quam maximum hostibus terrorem mferant. Celeriter haec 15 fama ac nuntii ad Vercingetorigem perferuntur ; quern per- territi omnes Arverm circumsistunt atque obsecrant ut suls fortunls consulat, neu se ab hostibus dm pi patiatur, prae- sertim cum videat omne ad se bellum translatum. Quorum ille precibus permotus castra ex Biturigibus movet in Arver- 20 nos versus. He starts to the relief of Gorgobina, a town of the Boii, which Vercinget- orix has attacked. IX. At Caesar biduum in his locis moratus, quod haec de Vercingetorige usii ventura opinione praeceperat, per causam supplement! equitatusque cogendi ab exercitu discedit, Brutum adulescentem his copiis praeficit hunc monet ut in omnis 25 partis equites quam latissime pervagentur : ' Daturum se operam ne longius triduo a castris absit.' His constitutis rebus, suls 3. supplementum : reinforcements. 8. durissimo tempore : it was the depth of winter. nive: snow. 9. discussa: having been cleared away. 13. semitae patuerant : paths had been open. 17. ob- secrant : beg. 23. usu ventura : would come to pass. opinione praeceperat: had anticipated. per causam: on the pretext. 204 THE GALLIC WAR VII inoplnantibus quara maximls potest itineribus Viennam per- venit. Ibi nactus recentem equitatum, quern multis ante die- bus eo praemiserat, neque diurno neque nocturne itinere inter- misso per finis Haeduorum in Lingones contendit, ubi duae 5 legiones hiemabant, ut si quid etiam de sua salute ab Haeduls imretur consili, celeritate praecurreret. Eo cum pervenisset, ad reliquas legiones mittit, priusque omnls in unum locum cogit quam de eius adventu Arverms nuntiari posset. Hac re cognita Vercingetorix riirsus in Bituriges exercitum reducit, joatque inde profectus Gorgobinam, B5i5rum oppidum, quos ibi Helvetico proelio victos Caesar conlocaverat Haedulsque attribuerat, oppugnare mstituit. X. Magnam haec res Caesarl difficultatem ad consilium capiendum adferebat : si reliquam partem hiemis uno loco 15 legiones contineret, ne stipendiariis Haeduorum expugnatis cuncta Gallia deficeret, quod nullum amlcis in eo praesidium positum videret ; si matiirius ex hlberms educeret, ne ab re frumentaria duns subvectionibus laboraret. Praestare visum. est tamen omnls difficultates perpeti quam tanta contumelia 20 accepta omnium suorum voluntates alienare. Itaque cohorta- tus Haeduos de supportando commeatu praemittit ad Boios qui de suo adventu doceant hortenturque ut in fide maneant atque hostium impetum magno ammo sustineant. Duabus AgedincT legionibus atque impedimentis totlus exercitus relictis 25 ad Boios proficiscitur. On the way he takes Vellaunodunum, Cenabum, and Nqviodunum. Ver- cingetorix raises the siege of Gorgobina. XL Altero die cum ad oppidum Senonum Vellaunodunum . venisset, ne quern post se hostem relinqueret et quo expedi- tiore re frumentaria uteretur, oppugnare mstituit eoque biduo 2. recentem: fresh; a predicate adj. 15. stipendiariis: depend- ents. 1 6. quod . . . videret: seeing that there was in him no protection for friends. 1 8. subvectionibus: transportation. 19. perpeti: per + pati. 27. quo., .uteretur: that he might Jind provisioning an easier matter. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 205 circumvallavit ; tertio die missis ex oppido legatis de deditione arma conferri, iumenta produci, se,scentds obsides dari iubet. Ea qui conficeret, C. Trebonium legatum relinquit; ipse, ut quam primum iter conficeret, Cenabum Carnutum proficiscitur. Qui turn primum adlato rmntio de oppugnatione Vellaunoduni, 5 cum longius earn rem ductum Iri exlstimarent, praesidium CenabI tuendi causa, quod eo mitterent, comparabant. Hue blduo pervenit. Castris ante oppidum positis diel tempore exclusus in posterum oppugnationem differt, quaeque ad earn rem usui sint militibus imperat ; et quod oppidum Cenabum 10 pons fluminis Ligeris contingebat, veritus ne noctu ex oppido profugerent, duas legiones in armis excubare iubet. Cena- benses paulo ante mediam noctem silentio ex oppido egress! flumen transire coeperunt. Qua re per exploratores nuntiata Caesar legiones, quas expedltas esse iusserat, portis incensis 15 intromittit atque oppido potitur perpaucls ex hostium numero desideratis qum cuncti caperentur, quod pontis atque itinerum angustiae multitudini fugam intercluserant. Oppidum diripit atque incendit, praedam militibus donat, exercitum Ligerim traducit atque in Biturigum finis pervenit. 20 XII. Vercingetoiix, ubi de Caesaris adventu cognovit, oppugnatione desistit atque obviam Caesari proficiscitur. Ille oppidum Biturigum positum in via, Noviodunum, oppugnare instituerat. Quo ex oppido cum legati ad eum venissent ora- tum ut sibi ignosceret suaeque vltae consuleret, ut celeritateas reliquas res conficeret qua pleraque erat consecutus, arma con- ferri, equos produci, obsides dari iubet. Parte iam obsidum tradita, cum reliqua administrarentur, centurionibus et paucls militibus intromissis, qui arma iumentaque conqulrerent, equita- tus hostium procul vlsus est, qui agmen Vercingetorigis ante- 30 9. posterum: sc. diem. 12. excubare: bivouac outside the camp. 1 6. perpaucis . . . caperentur: i.e. all the enemy were taken except a very few. 17. desideratis. being lacking. 19. praedam: no doubt the people themselves as well as their effects. 22. obviam proficiscitur: starts to meet. 206 THE GALLIC WAR VII cesserat. Quern simul atque oppidan! conspexerunt atque in spem auxili venerunt, clamore sublato arma capere, portas claudere, murum complere coeperunt. Centuriones in oppido, cum ex significatione Gallorum novl aliquid ab ils iniri consili 5 intellexissent, gladiis destrictis portas occupaverunt suosque omms incolurms receperunt. XIII. Caesar ex castris equitatum educl iubet proeliumque equestre committit ; laborantibus iam suis Germanos equites circiter cccc submittit, quos ab initio secum habere Institu- 10 erat. Eorura impetum Galli sustinere non potuerunt atque in fugara coniecti multis amissis se ad agmen receperunt. Quibus profllgatls rursus oppidan! perterriti comprehensos eos quorum opera plebem concitatam exlstimabant ad Caesarem perdux- . erunt seseque el dediderunt. Quibus rebus confectis Caesar 15 ad oppidum Avaricum, quod erat maximum nmnitissimuinque in flnibus Biturigum atque agri fertilissima regione, profectus est, quod eo oppido recepto civitatem Biturigum se in potesta- tem redacturum confidebat. The Gauls change their plan of action. The towns of the Bituriges are burned, except Avaricum. XIV. Vercingetorix tot continuls incommodis Vellauno- soduni, Cenabi, Novioduni acceptis suos ad concilium convocat. Docet longe alia ratione esse bellum gerendum atque antea gestum sit. Omnibus modis huic rei studendum, ut pabulati- one et commeatu Roman! prohibeantur. Id esse facile, quod equitatu ips! abundent et quod anm tempore subleventur. 25 Pabulum secari non posse, necessario disperses hostis ex aedi- ficiis petere ; hos omms cottidie ab equitibus deleri posse. Praeterea salutis causa re! familiaris commoda neglegenda; vicos atque aedificia incend! oportere hoc spatio' quoqueversus 4. significatione: behavior. 16. agri fertilissima regione: in the most productive part of their domain. 21. atque: than, after alia. 22. studendum: their efforts must be directed. 25. secari: be cut. 28. hoc. . . quo: as far (lit. within this distance) in every direction as. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 207 quo pabulandl causa adire posse videantur. Harum ipsis rerum copiam suppetere, quod quorum in fmibus bellum geratur, eorum opibus subleventur; Romanes aut inopiara non laturos aut magno cum periculo longius a castris processuros, neque _V LsS mteresse ipsosne interficiant an impedlmentis exuant, quibus 5 Cross section of the Roman - OF AVARICUM amissis bellum gerl non possit. Praeterea oppida incendi opor- tere quae non mumtione et loci natura ab omm sint periculo tuta, ne suls sint ad detractandam militiam receptacula neu Romanis proposita ad copiam commeatus praedamque tollen- 5. ipsosne : -ne, -whether ; the indirect question is the subject of inter- esse* 8, cletractandam : evading. receptacula : places of refuge. 206 THE GALLIC WAR VII cesserat. Quern simul atque oppidan! conspexerunt atque in speni auxili venerunt, clamore sublato arma capere, portas claudere, murum complere coeperunt. Centuriones in oppido, cum ex significatione Gallorum novi aliquid ab ils inirl consill 5 intellexissent, gladiis destrictis portas occupaverunt suosque omms incolumis receperunt. XIII. Caesar ex castris equitatum educi iubet proeliumque equestre committit ; laborantibus iam suls Germanos eqtiites circiter cccc submittit, quos ab initio secum habere Tnstitn- 10 erat. Eorum impetum Gall! sustinere non potuerunt atque in fugam coniecti multls amissls se ad agmen receperunt. Quibus profligatls rursus oppidan! perterriti comprehensos eos quorum opera plebem concitatam existimabant ad Caesarem perdux- erunt seseque el dediderunt. Quibus rebus confectis Caesar 15 ad oppidum Avaricum, quod erat maximum munitissimumque in fmibus Bitungum atque agri fertilissima regione, profectus est, quod eo oppido recepto civitatem Bitungum se in potesta- tem redacturum confidebat. The Gauls change their plan of action. The towns of the Bituriges are burned, except Avaricum. XIV. Vercingetorlx tot continuis incommodls Vellauno- sodunl, Cenabl, Novioduni acceptis suos ad concilium convocat. Docet longe alia ratione esse bellum gerendum atque antea gestum sit. Omnibus modls huic rel studendum, ut pabulati- one et commeatu RomanI prohibeantur. Id esse facile, quod equitatu ipsi abundent et quod anm tempore subleventur. 25 Pabulum secarl non posse, necessario disperses hostls ex aedi- ficiis petere ; hos omms cottidie ab equitibus deleri posse. Praeterea salutis causa rel familiaris commoda neglegenda; vicos atque aedificia incendi oportere hoc spatio' quoqueversus 4. significatione: behavior. 16. agri fertilissima regione: in the most productive part of tJieir domain. 21. atque: than, after alia. 22. studendum : their efforts imist be directed. 25. secari: be cut. 28. hoc. . . quo: as far (lit. within this distance) in every direction as. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 207 quo pabulandi causa adlre posse videantur. Harum ipsis rerum copiam suppetere, quod quorum in fmibus bellum geratur, eorum opibus subleventur; Romanos aut inopiarn non laturos aut magno cum periculo longius a castrls processuros, neque interesse ipsosne interficiant an impediments exuant, quibus 5 Cross section of the Roman PLAN OL> AVAK1CUM amissis bellum gerl non possit. Praeterea oppida incendl opor- tere quae non munition e et loci natura ab omm sint periculo tuta, ne suls sint ad detractandam mllitiam receptacula neu Romams proposita ad copiam commeatus praedamque tollen- 5. ipsosne: -ne, whether ; the indirect question is the subject of i 8. Detractandam : evading, receptacula : places of refuge. 208 THE GALLIC WAR VII dam. Haec si gravia aut acerba videantur, multo ilia gravius aestimari debere, Hberos, coniuges in servitutem abstrahi, ipsos interficT, quae sit necesse accidere victis. XV. Omnium consensu hac sententia probata uno die am- 5 pirns xx urbes Biturigum incenduntur. Hoc idem fit in reli- quis civitatibus. In omnibus partibus incendia conspiciuntur ; quae etsi magno cum dolore omnes ferebant, tamen hoc sibi solaci proponebant, quod se prope explorata victoria celeriter amissa recuperaturos confldebant. DelTberatur de Avaricot 10 in communi concilio, incendl placeat an defend!. Procumbunt omnibus Gallis ad pedes Bituriges, ne pulcherrimam prope to- tms Galliae urbem, quae et praesidio et ornamerito sit civitatT, suis manibus succendere cogantur ; facile se loci natura defen- suros dfcunt, quod prope ex omnibus partibus flumine et palude iScircumdata unum habeat et perangustum aditum. Datur pe- tentibus venia dissuadente primo Vercingetorige, post conce- dente et precibus ipsorum et misericordia vulgi. Defensores oppido idonei deliguntur. XVI. Vercingetorix minoribus Caesarem itineribus subsequi- 2ot\ir et locum castrls deligit paludibus silvlsque mumtum ab Avarico longe milia passuum xvi. Ibi per certos exploratores in singula die! tempora quae ad Avaricum gererentur cognosce- bat, et quid fieri vellet imperabat. Omms nostras pabulationes frumentationesque observabat, dispersosque, cum longius ne- 25 cessario procederent, adoriebatur magnoque incommodo adfi- ciebat, etsi quantum ratione provider! poterat ab nostris occurrebatur, ut incertis temporibus diversisque itineribus iretur. I. acerba: bitter. 2. coniuges: wives. 8. solaci: solatium, comfort. 10. incendi: sc. -ne. n. pulcherriraam : most beautiful. 15. Datur . . . venia: the favor is granted. 17. vulgi: subjective gen. The other members of the council are meant. 21. certos : trust- worthy. 22. in . . . tempora.: from time to time during the day. 24. ne- cessario : the adverb. 27. ut . . . iretur : a result clause, almost equivalent to an abl. of means with occurrebatur, i.e. our men met the emergency by going, etc. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 209 Caesar lays siege to Avaricum. He fails in an attempt to surprise the enemy's camp while Vercingetorix is absent. XVII. Castris ad earn partem oppidi positis Caesar quae in- termissa flumine et palude aditum, lit supra diximus, angustum habebat, aggerem apparare, vineas agere, turns duas constituere coepit ; nain circumvallare loci natura prohibebat. De re fru- THE ROMAN WORKS AT AVARICUM mentaria Boios atque Haeduos adhortari non destitit j quorum s. alter!, quod nullo studio agebant, non multum adiuvabant, alter! non magnis facultatibus, quod clvitas erat exigua etln- firma, celeriter quod habuerunt consumpserunt. Summa dif- ficultate rei frumentariae adfecto exercitiS tenuitate Boiorum, indiligentia Haeduorura, incendiis aedificiorum, usque eo ut 10 I . intermissa : free from, not shut in by. ready. 9. tenuitate: by reason of the poverty. 3. apparare : make 208 THE GALLIC WAR VII dam. Haec si gravia aut acerba videantur, mult5 ilia gravius aestimari debere, liberos, coniuges in servitutem abstrahi, ipsos interfici, quae sit necesse accidere victis. XV. Omnium consensii hac sententia probata uno die am- splius xx urbes BiturTgum incenduntur. Hoc idem fit in reli- quis civitatibus. In omnibus partibus incendia conspiciuntur ; quae etsi magno cum dolore omnes ferebant, tamen hoc sibi solaci proponebant, quod se prope explorata victoria celeriter amissa recuperatiiros confldebant. DelTberatur de Avarico 10 in commum concilio, incendi placeat an defend!. Procumbunt omnibus Gallis ad pedes BiturTges, ne pulcherrimam prope to- tlus Galliae urbem, quae et praesidio et ornamento sit civitatl, suis manibus succendere cogantur ; facile se loci natura defen- suros dicunt, quod prope ex omnibus partibus flumine et palude 15 circumdata iinum habeat et perangustum aditum. Datur pe- tentibus venia dissuadente primo Vercingetorige, post conce- dente et precibus ipsorum et misericorclia vulgl. Defensores oppido idonei deliguntur. XVI. Vercingetorlx minoribus Caesarem itineribus subsequi- zotur et locum castiis deligit paliidibus silvlsqne munltum ab Avarico longe milia passuum xvi. Ibi per certos exploratores in singula diel tempora quae ad Avaricum gererentur cognosce- bat, et quid fieri vellet imperabat. OmnTs nostras pabulationes fnlmentationesque observabat, dispersosque, cum longius ne- 25 cessario procederent, adoriebatur magnoque incommodS adfi- ciebat, etsi quantum ratione provider! poterat ab nostris occurrebatur, ut incertis temporibus diversisque itineribus iretur. i. acerba: bitter. 2. coniuges: wives. 8. solaci: solatium, comfort. 10. incendi: sc. -ne. II. pulcherrimam: most bemitiful. 15. Datur . . . veiiia: the favor is granted. 17. vulgi : subjective gen. The other members of the council are meant. 21. certos : trust- worthy. 22. ill ... tempora: from time to time during the day. 24. ne- cessario : the adverb. 27. ut . . . iretur: a result clause, almost equivalent to an abl. of means with occurrebatur, i.e. our men met the emergency by going, etc. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 209 Caesar lays siege to Avaricum. He fails in an attempt to surprise the enemy's camp while Vercingetorix is absent. XVII. CastrTs ad earn partem oppidi positis Caesar quae in- termissa flumine et paliide aditum, ut supra diximus, angustum habebat, aggerem apparare, vineas agere, turns duas constituere coepit ; nain circumvallare loci natiira prohibebat. De re fru- THK. ROMAN WORKS AT AVAR1CUM mentaria Boi5s atque Haeduos adhortari non destitit ; quorum 5 alteri, quod nullo studio agebant, non multum adiuvabant, alterl non magms facultatibus, quod civitas erat exigua et Tn- firma, celeriter quod habuerunt consumpserunt. Summa dif- ficultate rei frumentariae adfecto exercitii tenuitate Boiorum, indiligentia Haeduorum, incendils aedificiorum, usque e5 ut 10 I. intermissa : free from, not shut in by. 3. apparare : make ready. 9. tenuitate: by reason of the poverty. 210 THE GALLIC WAR VII compluris dies' frumento milites caruerint et pecore ex longin- quioribus vlcis adacto extremam famem sustentarint, nulla tamen vox est ab iis audita popull Roman! maiestate et superi- oribus victoriis indlgna. Qum etiam Caesar cum in opere 5 singulas legiones appellaret, et si acerbius inopiam ferrent, se dimissurum oppugnationem diceret, universi ab eo ne id faceret petebant : ' Sic se compluris annos illo imperante meruisse ut nullam ignominiam acciperent, numquam Infecta re discede- rent; hoc se ignominiae laturos loco, si inceptam oppugnatio- 10 nem reliquissent ; praestare omnis perferre acerbitates quam non civibus Romanls qui CenabI perfidia Gallorum interissent parentarent.' Haec eadem centurionibus tribumsque militum mandabant, ut per eos ad Caesarem deferrentur. XVIII. Cum iam miiro turres appropinquassent, ex captivls 15 Caesar cognovit Vercingetorigem consumpto pabulo castra movisse propius Avaricum, atque ipsum cum equitatu expecli- tisque, qui inter equites proeliari consuessent, insidiandi causa eo profectum quo nostros postero die pabulatum ventures arbi- traretur. Quibus rebus cognitls media nocte silenti5 profectus 20 ad hostium castra mane' pervenit. 111! celeriter per explorato- res adventu Caesaris cognito carros impedimentaque sua in artiores silvas abdiderunt, copias omnis in loco edito atque aperto instruxerunt. Qua re nuntiata Caesar celeriter sarcinas conferri, arma expediri iussit. 25 XIX. Collis erat leniter ab mfimo accllvis. Hunc ex omni- bus fere partibus palus difficilis atque impedita cingebat non latior pedibus L. Hoc se colle interruptis pontibus Galli fiducia loci continebant, generatimque distributi omnia vada eius paludis obtinebant, sic animo parati ut, si earn paludem 30 Romam perrumpere conarentur, haesitantis premerent ex loco superiore; ut qui propinquitatem loci videret paratos prope 5. acerbius : gravius. 7. meruisse : had served. 8. infecta : in-, not -\-facta. 12. parentarent: avenge. 22. artiores: denser. 28. generatim : by tribes. 30. haesitantis : impeditos. 31. ut : with existimaret. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 21 1 aequo Marte ad dimicandum existimaret, qui inlquitatem condicionis perspiceret inani simulatione sese' ostentare cognos- ceret. Indlgnantis milites Gaesar-~ quod conspectum suum hostes ferrq possent tantulo spatio interiectS et slgnum proell exposcent!s"edocet quanto detriments et quot virorum fortium 5 morte necesse sit constare victoriam : 'Quos cum sic animo pa- ratos videat ut nullum pro sua laude perlculum recusent, sum- mae se iniquitatis condemnari debere nisi eorum vitam laude sua habeat cariorem.' Sic milites consolatus eodem die reducit in castra, reliquaque quae ad oppugnationem oppidi pertinebant 10 administrare mstituit. Vercingetorix, being accused of treason by his people, defends himself. XX. Vercingetorix cum ad suos redlsset, proditionis Insimu- latus, quod castra propius Romanes movisset, quod cum omm equitatu discessisset, quod sine imperio tantas copias reli- quisset, quod eius discessu Romam tanta opportunitate etis celeritate venissent : ' Non haec omnia fortuito aut sine consilio accidere potuissej regnum ilium Galliae malle Caesaris concessu quam ipsorum habere beneficio'- talimodo accusatus ad haec respondit : ' Quod castra movisset, factum inopia pabuli etiam ipsis hortantibus ; quod propius Romanes 20 accessisset, persuasum loci opportunitate, qui se ipse sine mumtione defenderet; equitum vero operam neque in loco palustri deslderarl debuisse et illlc fuisse utilem quo sint pro- fecti. Summam imperi se consulto null! discedentem tradi- disse, ne is multitudinis studio ad dimicandum impelleretur ; 25 cui rei propter animi mollitiem studere omnis videret, quod i. aequo Marte: on equal terms. 2. inani simulatione : in an empty pretense. ostentare: sc. G alias as subject. 5. quot: how many. 6. constare: cost, with abl. of price. 12. proditionis insi- mulatus : accused -of treason. 14. sine imperio : i.e. sine imperatore. 16. fortuito: accidentally. 19. Quod castra movisset: subject of factum (esse}. 23. palustri: cf. palus. 24. consul to: on purpose. 26. mollitiem : cf. mollis, soft. 212 THE GALLIC WAR VII diutius laborem ferre non possent. Roman! si casu inter- l*"i. venerint, fortiinae, si alicuius indicio vocati, huic habendam gratiam, quod et paucitatem eorum ex loco superiore cognos- cere et virtutem despicere potuerint, qul dimicare non ausi Sturpiter se in castra receperint. Imperium se a Caesare per proditionem nullum deslderare, quod habere victoria posset, quae iam esset sibi atque omnibus Gallls explorata ; quin etiam ipsls remittere, si sibi magis honorem tribuere quam ab se saliitem accipere videantur.' " Haec ut intellegatis," inquit, 10 "a me sincere pronuntiari, audite Romanes milites." Prodiicit servos, quos in pabulatione paucls ante diebus exceperat et fame vinculisque excruciaverat. Hi iam ante edocti quae inter- rogati pronuntiarent milites se esse legionarios dicunt ; fame atque inopia adductos clam ex castris exisse, si quid frumentl 15 aut pecoris in agrls reperire possent ; simill omnem exercitum inopia preml, nee iam vliis sufficere cuiusquam nee ferre operis laborem posse j itaque statuisse imperatorem, si nihil in op- pugnatione oppidl profecisset, triduo exercitum deducere. "Haec," inquit, "a me beneficia habetis, quern proditionis 20 Insimulatis, cuius opera sine vestro sanguine tantum exercitum victorem fame paene consumptum videtis; quern turpiter se ex hac fuga recipientem ne qua civitas suls finibus recipiat, a me provlsum est." XXI. Conclamat omnis multitudo et suo more armls con- as crepat, quod facere in eo consuerunt cuius orationem appro- bant : 'Summum esse Vercingetorigem ducem, nee de eius fide dubitandum, nee maiore ratione bellum administrari posse.' Statuunt ut decem milia hominum delecta ex omnibus copils in oppidum submittantur, nee soils Biturigibus communem 30 saliitem committendam censent, quod paene in eo, si id oppi- dum retinuissent, summam victoriae constare intellegebant. 2. fortunae: dat. 7. quin etiam: on the contrary. 8. remit- tere: reddere. IO. sincere: honestly. 1 6. sufficere : be adequate. 20. sanguine: blood. 24. concrepat: make a clatter. 31. constare: depend. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 213 The garrison of Avaricum offers a stubborn resistance. XXII. Singular! militum nostrorum virtuti consilia cuiusque modi Gallorum occurrebant, ut est summae genus sollertiae atque ad omnia imitanda et efficierida quae a quoque traduntur aptissimum. Nam et laqueis falcis avertebant, quas cum desti- naverant, tormentis introrsus reducebant, et aggerem cumculis 5 subtrahebant, eo scientius quod apud eos magnae sunt ferrariae, atque omne genus cumculorum notum atque usitatum est. Totum autem murum ex omni parte turribus contabulaverant atque has coriis intexerant. Turn cr^bris diurms nocturmsque eruptionibus aut agger! Ignem mferebant aut milites occupatos 10 in opere adoriebantur ; et nostrarum turrium altitudinem, quantum has cottidianus agger expresserat, commissis suarum turrium mllTs adaequabant; et apertos cuniculos praeusta et praeacuta materia et pice fervefacta et maxim! ponderis saxis morabantur moenibusque appropinquare prohibebant. 15 A description of Gallic walls. XXIII. Muri autem omnes Gallic! hac fere forma sunt. Trabes derectae perpetuae in longitudinem paribus intervallls distantes inter se bmos pedes in solo conlocantur. Hae revin- ciuntur introrsus et multo aggere vestiuntur; ea autem quae diximus intervalla grandibus in fronte saxis effarciuntur. His 20 i. consilia cuiusque modi: all sorts of devices, z. sollertiae: dexterity. 4. laqueis: with nooses. 5. tormentis: -with windlasses. 6. ferrariae : iron-mines. 7. usitatum : familiar. 8. contabula- verant: had built -up in stories. At frequent intervals were placed towers several stories in height. 9. coriis: with hides. 12. cottidia- nus agger: the daily (increase in the height of the} agger. com- missis malis: the upright timbers having been joined together, i.e. fresh lengths were added. 13. apertos cuniculos morabantur: probably equivalent to cuniculos aperiebani et morabantur. 14. pice fervefacta: boiling pitch. 17. derectae: at right angles (to the direc- tion, of the wall} . perpetuae in longitudinem : along the whole length. 19. vestiuntur: cf. vestis, clothing. 20. effarciuntur: are filled in. 4 2I 4 THE GALLIC WAR VII conlocatis et coagmentatis alius insuper ordo additur, ut idem illud intervallum servetur neque inter se contingant trabes, sed paribus intermissis spatiis singulae singulls saxls interiectis arte contineantur. Sic deinceps omne opus contexitur, dum iusta muri altitude expleatur. Hoc cum in speciem varietatemque A GALLIC WALL opus deforme non est alterms trabibus ac saxis, quae rectis llneis suos ordines servant, turn ad utilitatem et defensionem urbium summam habet opportunitatem, quod et ab incendio lapis et ab ariete materia defendit, quae perpetuis trabibus pedum 10 quadragerium plerumque introrsus revincta neque perrumpi neque distrahi potest. The bravery of the Gauls. XXIV. His tot rebus impedita oppugnatione milites, cum toto tempore frigore et adsiduis imbribus tardarentur, tamen continenti labore omnia haec superaverunt, et diebus xxv I. coagmentatis: joined together. 3. arte: tightly. 6. rectis lineis: in straight lines. 9. perpetuis trabibus: these were laid lengthwise of the wall. 10. quadragenum : gen. of the distributive numeral, forty. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 215 aggerem latum pedes cccxxx, altum pedes LXXX exstrux- erunt. Cum is murum hostium paene contingeret, et Caesar ad opus consuetudine excubaret, militesque hortaretur ne quod omnmo tempus ab opere intermitteretur, paulo ante tertiam vigiliam est animadversum fumare aggerem, quern cumculo 5 hostes succenderant, eodemque tempore toto muro clamore sublato duabus portls ab utroque latere turrium eruptio fiebat. Alii faces atque aridam materiam de muro in aggerem eminus iaciebant, picem reliquasque res quibus Ignis excitari potest fun- debant, ut qu5 primum occurreretur aut cui rei ferretur auxilium 10 vix ratio iniri posset. Tamen quod Institute Caesaris duae semper legiones pro castrls excubabant, pluresque partltis tem- poribus erant in opere, celeriter factum est ut alii eruptionibus resisterent, alii turns reducerent aggeremque interscinderent, omm's vero ex castris multitudo ad restinguendum concurreret. 15 XXV. Cum in omnibus locis consumpta iam reliqua parte noctis pugnaretur, semperque hostibus spes victoriae redinte- graretur, eo magis quod deustos pluteos turrium videbant nee facile adire apertos ad auxiliandum animadvertebant, semperque ipsi recentes defessis succederent, omnemque Galliae salutemso in illo vestlgio temporis positam arbitrarentur, accidit Inspec- tantibus nobls quod dignum memoria visum praetereundum non existimavimus. Quidam ante portam oppidi Gallus per manus sebl ac picis traditas glaebas in ignem e regione turris proicie- bat ; scorpione ab latere dextro traiectus exanimatusque con- 25 cidit. Hunc ex proximls unus iacentem transgressus eodem 4\lo munere fungebatur eadem ratione ictii scorpionis exani- mato altero successit tertius et tertio qtiartus, nee prius ille est a propugnatoribus vacuus relictus locus quam restmcto aggere atque omni parte submotis hostibus finis est pugnandi factus. 3 8. faces: firebrands. eminus: from a distance. 18. deustos: burned. pluteos: mantelets. 19. apertos: sc. nostros. 22. dignum: worthy. 24. sebi : of tallow. glaebas : lumps. e regione : directly in front of. 25. scorpione: by a missile from a scorpion. 27. funge- batur: performed. . 2i6 THE GALLIC WAR VII / Avaricum is finally taken and its inhabitants are mercilessly slaughtered. XXVI. Ornnia expert! Galli, quod res nulla successerat, pos- tero die consilium ceperunt ex oppido profugere hortante et iubente Vercingetorige. Id silentio noctis conati non magna iactura suorum sese effecturos sperabant, propterea quod neque slonge ab oppido castra Vercingetorigis aberant et palus per- petua quae intercedebat Romanes ad insequendum tardabat. lamque hoc facere noctu apparabant, cum matres familiae repente in publicum procurrerunt, flentesque proiectae ad pedes suorum omnibus precibus petierunt ne se et communis loliberos hostibus ad supplicium dederent, qu5s ad capiendam fugam naturae et vlrium infirmitas impedlret. Ubi eos in sen- tentia perstare viderunt, quod plerumque in sum mo periculo timor misericordiam non recipit, conclamare et significare de fuga Romams coeperunt. Quo timore perterriti Galli, ne ab 15 equitatu Romanomm viae praeoccuparentur, consilio destite- runt. XXVII. Postero die Caesar promota turn derectlsque operi- bus quae facere Instituerat, magno coorto imbri non inutilem hanc ad capiendum consilium tempestatem arbitratus, quod zopaulo incautius custodies in muro dispositas videbat, suos quoque languidius in opere versari iussit et quid fieri vellet ostendit ; legionibusque in occulto expedltis cohortatus ut ali- quando pro tantis laboribus fructum victoriae perciperent, iis qui primi murum ascendissent praemia proposuit militibusque ssslgnum dedit. 111! subito ex omnibus partibus evolaverunt miirumque celeriter compleverunt. XXVIII. Hostes re nova perterriti, muro turribusque deiectl in foro ac locls patentioribus cuneatim constiterunt hoc animo, ut si qua ex parte obviam vemretur, acie mstructa depugna- 4. iactura: loss. 5. perpetua: without a break. 12. perstare: persist. 13. non recipit: does not admit of. 17. derectis: straight- ened out; set in" order and directed toward the points where they would be most effective. 22. aliquando : at last. 28. foro : the market-place. cuneatim : in compact (wedge-shaped ') formation. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 217 rent. Ubi neminem in aequum locum, sese demittere, sed toto undique muro circumfundl vlderunt, veriti ne omnmo spes fugae tolleretur, abiectls armis ultimas oppidl partis continent! impetu petlverunt, parsque ibi, cum angust5 exitu portarum se ipsi premerent, a militibus, pars iam egressa portis ab equitibus 5 est interfecta. Nee fuit quisquam qul praedae studeret. Sic et Cenabensi caede et labore operis incitati non aetate confectis, non mulieribus, n5n mfantibus pepercerunt. Denique ex omni nuraero, qul fuit circiter milium XL, vix DCCC, qul pnmo cla- more audlto se ex oppido eiecerant, incolumes ad Vercingetori- 10 gem pervenerunt. Quos ille multa iam nocte silentio ex fuga excepit, et veritus ne qua in castris ex eorum concursu et misericordia vulgl seditio oreretur, procul in via dispositis familiaribus suis prmcipibusque clvitatum disparandos dedu- cendosque ad suos curavit, quae cuique civitati pars castrorum 15 ab initio obvenerat. Vercingetorix inspires the Gauls to continue the war with renewed vigor. XXIX. Postero die concilio convocato consolatus cohortatus- que est ne se admodum animo demitterent neve perturbarentur incommode: ' N5n virtute neque in acie vlcisse Romanes, sed artificio quodam et scientia oppugnationis, emus rel fuerint ipsiao imperti. Errare, si qul in bello omnls secundos rerum pro- ventus exspectent. Sibi numquam placuisse Avaricum defend!, cuius re! testis ipsos haberet, sed factum imprudentia Biturigum et nimia obsequentia reliqu5rum ut! hoc incommodum acci- peretur. Id tamen se celeriter maioribus commodis sanaturum. 25 Nam quae ab reliquis Gallis c!vitates dissentirent, has sua dili- gentia adiuncturum atque unum consilium totms Galliae effec- turum, cuius consensu! ne orbis quidem terrarnm possit obsistere ; idque se prope iam effectum habere. Interea aequum esse ab 3. continent! impetu : in a steady rus/i. 7. Cenabensi : at Cenabum. 8. pepercerunt : spared. 14. disparandos : separandos. 1 6. obvenerat : had been assigned. 24. nimia obsequentia : the too ready compliance. 25. sanaturum : cf. sanus, sound. 2l8 THE GALLIC WAR VII iis communis salutis causa impetrari ut castra mumre mstitue- rent, quo facilius repentmos hostium impetus sustinere possent.' XXX. Fuit haec oratio non ingrata Gallis, et maxime quod ipse ammo non defecerat tanto accepto incommodd, neque se 5 in occultum abdiderat et conspectum multitudinis fugerat ; plusque animo providere et praesentlre existimabatur, quod re integra primo incendendum Avaricum, post deserendum cen- suerat. Itaque ut reliquorum imperatorum res adversae aucto- ritatem minuunt, sic huius ex contrario dignitas incommodo 10 accepto in dies augebatur. Simul in spem veniebant eius adfirmatione de reliquis adiungendls civitatibus, primumque eo tempore Gall! castra mumre mstituerunt ; et sic erant animo j consternati homines insueti laboris ut omnia quae imperarentur sibi patienda exlstimarent. 15 XXXI. Nee minus quam est pollicitus Vercingetorix animo laborabat ut reliquas clvitates adiungeret, atque earum prm- cipes doms pollicitationibusque adliciebat. Huic rei idoneos homines deligebat, quorum quisque aut oratione subdola aut amlcitia facillime capere posset. Qui Avarico expugnato re- aofugerant armandos vestiendosque ciirat; simul, ut deminutae copiae redintegrarentur, imperat certum numerum rmlitum ci- vitatibus, quern et quam ante diem in castra adducl velit, sagit- tariosque omms, quorum erat permagnus in Gallia numerus, conquirl et ad ' se mitti iubet. His rebus celeriter id quod ssAvarici deperierat expletur. Interim Teutomatus, Olloviconis filius, rex Nitiobrogum, cuius pater ab senatu nostro amicus erat appellatus, cum magno numero equitum suorum et quos ex Aquitania conduxerat ad eum pervenit. Caesar settles a dispute among the Haedui. XXXII. Caesar Avarici compluris dies commoratus summ'am- 30 que ibi copiam frumenti et reliqui commeatus nactus exerci- 4. animo defecerat.: had lost courage. 13. consternati : thor- oughly frightened. insueti laboris: unused to labor. 17. adlicie- bat: tempted. 18. subdola: mbtle. 19. capere: win over. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 219 turn ex labore atque inopia reficit. lam prope hieme confecta, cum ipso anrii tempore ad gerendum bellum vocaretur et ad hostem proficisci constituisset, sive eum ex paludibus silvlsque elicere sive obsidione premere posset, legati ad eum prmcipes Haeduorum veniunt oratum ut maxime necessario tempore cT- 5 vitati subveniat : 'Summo esse in periculo rem, quod cum singuli magistrates antiquitus creari atque regiam potestatem annum obtinere consuessent, duo magistratum gerant et se uterque eorum legibus creatum dicat. Horum esse alterum Convicto- litavem, florentem et inlustrem adulescentem ; alteram Cotum, 10 antiquissima familia natum atque ipsum hominem summae po- tentiae et magnae cognationis, cuius frater Valetiacus prox- imo anno eundem magistratum gesserit. Civitatem esse omnem in armis, divisum senatum, divlsum populum, suas cuiusque eorum clientelas. Quod si diutius alatur controversia, fore uti 15 pars cum parte civitatis confligat. Id ne accidat positum in eius diligentia atque auctoritate.' XXXIII. Caesar etsi a bello atque hoste discedere detrimen- tosum esse existimabat, tamen non ignorans quanta ex dissen- sionibus incommoda orm consuessent, ne tanta et tarn coniuncta 20 populo Romano civitas, quam ipse semper aluisset omnibus- que rebus ornasset, ad vim atque arma descenderet, atque ea pars quae minus sibi confideret auxilia a Vercingetorlge ar- cesseret, huic rei praevertendum exlsthnavit ; et quod legibus Haeduorum iis qui summum magistratum obtinerent excedere 25 ex finibus non liceret, ne quid de iure aut de legibus eSrum de- minuisse videretur, ipse in Haeduos proficisci statuit, senatum- que omnem et quos inter controversia esset ad se Decetiam evocavit. Cum prope omnis civitas eo convenisset, doceretur- que paucis clam convocatis alio loco, alio tempore atque opor-3 tuerit fratrem a fratre renuntiatum, cum leges duo ex una 4. elicere: draw otit. 12. cognationis : connections. 18. detri- mentosum: cf. detrimentum. 22. ornasset: had honored. 24. huic rei praevertendum : this matter nmst be first attended to. 28. quoa inter: i.e. eos inter quos. 29. doceretur: sc. Caesar. 31. renunti- 220 THE GALLIC WAR VII familia vivo utroque non solum magistrates creari vetarent sed etiam in senatu esse prohiberent, Cotum imperium deponere coegit, Convictolitavem, qul per sacerdotes more civitatis inter- missis magistratibus esset creatus, potestatem obtinere iussit. Caesar sends Labienus northward with a part of the army ; he himself marches against Gergovia. 5 XXXIV. Hoc decreto interposito cohortatus Haeduos ut controversiarum ac dissensionis obliviscerentur atque omnibus omissis rebus huic bello servirent, eaque quae meruissent praemia ab se devicta Gallia exspectarent, equitatumque omnem et pedi- tum milia decem sibi celeriter mitterent, quae in praesidils rel 10 frumentariae causa disponeret, exercitum in duas partis divisit : quattuor legiones in Senones Parisiosque Labi end ducendas dedit, sex ipse in Arvernos ad oppidum Gergoviam secundum flumen Elaver duxit; equitatus partem ill! attribuit, partera sibi reliquit. Qua re cognita Vercingetorix omnibus interrupts i5eius fluminis pontibus ab altera fluminis parte iter facere coepit. XXXV. Cum uterque utrimque exisset exercitus, in con- spectu fereque e regione Caesaris castra ponebat dispositis ex- ploratoribus, necubi effecto ponte Roman! cop i as traducerent. Erat in magnis Caesari difficultatibus res, ne maiorem aestatis 20 partem flurnine impediretur, quod non fere ante autumnum Elaver vado transiri solet. Itaque, ne id accideret, silvestri loco castris positls e regione umus eorum pontium quos Vercingeto- rix rescindendos curaverat, postero die cum duabus legionibus in occulto restitit ; reliquas copias cum omnibus impedimentis, 25 ut consuerat, misit carptis quibusdam cohortibus, ut numerus legionum constare videretur. His quam longissime possent progredl iussis, cum iam ex diel tempore coniecturam caperet atum : sc. esse, had been declared elected. Valetiacus held the election at which Cotus was declared elected. As this election was illegal, there was a vacancy in the magistracy, which was filled by the priests. 3. interrnis- sis magistratibus: i.e. since there was an interregnum. 18. necubi: tJiat nowhere. 25. carptis : divided. 26. constare : to be complete. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 221 in castra perventum, isdem sublicis, quarum pars Inferior inte- gra remanebat, pontem reficere coepit. Celeriter effectd opere legionibusque traductis et loco castris idoneo delecto reliquas copias revocavit. Vercingetorix re cognita, ne contra suam voluntatem dimicare cogeretur, magnis itineribus antecessit. 5 XXXVI. Caesar ex eo locoqulntis castris Gergoviam pervenit, equestrique eo die proelio lev! facto, perspecto urbis situ, quae posita in altissimo monte oranis aditus difficills habebat, de op- pugnatione desperavit ; de obsessione non prius agendum con- stituit quam rein frumentariam expedisset. At Vercingetorix 10 castris prope oppidum in monte positis, mediocribus circum se intervallis separatim singularum civitatum copias conlocaverat. atque omnibus eius iugi collibus occupatis qua dispici poterat horribilem speciem praebebat; prmcipesque earum civitatum, qu5s sibi ad consilium capiendum delegerat, prima luce cottidie 15 ad se convemre iubebat, seu quid communicandum seu quid administrandum videretur, neque ullum fere diem intermittebat quln equestii proelio interiectls sagittarils quid in quoque esset animi ac virtutis suorum periclitaretur. Erat e regione oppidi collis sub ipsis radicibus montis, egregie munitus atque ex 20 omm parte circumcisus ; quern si tenerent nostri, et aquae magna parte et pabulatione libera prohibituri hostis videbantur. Sed is locus praesidio ab his non mflrmo tenebatur. Tamen silentio noctis Caesar ex castris egressus, priusquam subsidio ex oppido veniri .posset, deiecto praesidi5 potltus loco duasas ibi legiones conlocavit fossamque duplicem duodenum pedum a maioribus castris ad minora perduxit, ut tuto ab repentino hostium incursu etiam singull commeare possent. Some of the Haedui plan a revolt. XXXVII. Dum haec ad Gergoviam geruntur, Convictolitavis Haeduus, cui magistratum adiudicatum a Caesare demon- 30 6. quintis castris : i.e. in Jive days, since camp was pitched at the end of every day's march. 21. circumcisus: steep. 26. duodenum pedum : of t"i.velve feet each. 28. incursu : attack. 222 THE GALLIC WAR VII stravimus, sollicitatus ab Arverms peciinia cum quibusdam adulescentibus conloquitur, quorum erat prmceps Litaviccus atque eius fratres, amplissima familia nati adulescentes. Cum his praemium communicat, hortaturque ut se liberos et imperio Snatos meminerint : 'Unam esse Haeduorum clvitatem quae certissimam Galliae victoriam distineatj eius auctoritate reli- quas continerij qua traducta locum consistendi Romanis in Gallia non fore. Esse non nullo se Caesaris beneficio adfectum, sic tamen ut iustissimam apud eum causam obtinuerit ; sed 10 plus commum libertati tribuere. Cur enim potius Haedui de suo iure et de legibus ad Caesarem disceptatorem quam Roman! ad Haeduos veniant?' Celeriter adulescentibus et oratione magistratus et praemio deductls, cum se vel principes eius consili fore profiterentur, ratio perficiendi quaerebatur, 15 quod cTvitatem temere ad suscipiendum bellum adducl posse non conf idebant. Placuit ut Litaviccus decem illls mTlibus quae Caesari ad bellum mitterentur praeficeretur atque ea ducenda curaret, fratresque eius ad Caesarem praecurrerent. Reliqua qua ratione agi placeat constituunt. 20 XXXVIII. Litaviccus accepto exercitu, cum milia passuum circiter xxx a Gergovia abesset, convocatis subito mllitibus lacrimans, "Quo proficiscimur," inquit, "mllites? Omnis noster equitatus, omnis nobilitas interiit ; principes civitatis, Eporedorix et Viridomarus, Insimulati proditionis ab Romanis 25 indicia causa interfecti sunt. Haec ab his cognoscite, qui ex ipsa caede effugerunt ; nam ego fratribus atque omnibus meis propinquis interfectis dolore prohibeor quae gesta sunt pro- nuntiare." Producuntur il quos ille edocuerat quae did vellet, atque eadem quae Litaviccus pronuntiaverat multitudim 30 exponunt : ' Omnis equites Haeduorum interfectos, quod con- lociiti cum Arvernis dlcerentur ; ipsos se inter multitudinem mllitum occultasse atque ex media caede effugisse.' Con- 6. distineat: hinders. 9. obtinuerit: maintained. II. discep- tatorem: -umpire. 25. indicta causa: without a hearing. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 223 clamant Haedui et Litaviccum obsecrant ut sibi consulat. " Quasi vero," inquit ille, " consili sit res ac non necesse sit nobis Gergoviam contendere et cum Arverms nosmet con- iungere. An dubitamus qum nefario facinore admisso Roman! iam ad nos interficiendos concurrant? Proinde, si quid in 5 nobis animi est, persequamur eorura mortem qui indignissime interierunt, atque hos latrones interficiamus." Ostendit civis Romanes qui eius praesidi fiducia una erant. Continuo magnum numerum frumenti commeatusque diripit, ipsos crudeliter excruciates interficit. Nuntios tota civitate Haedu- 10 orum dimittit, eodem mendacio de caede equitum et prin- cipum permovet ; hortatur ut simili ratione atque ipse fecerit suas iniurias persequantur. Caesar prevents the contingent of the Haedui from going over to the Arverni. XXXIX. Eporedorix Haeduus, summo loco natus adulescens et summae domi potentiae, et una Viridomarus, par! aetate et 15 gratia, sed genere dispari, quern Caesar ab Dlviciaco sibi traditum ex humili loco ad summam dignitatem perduxerat, in equitum numero convenerant nominatim ab eo evocati. His erat inter se de principatu contentio, et in ilia magistratuum controversia alter pro Convictolitave, alter pro Goto summis opibus pugna- 20 verant. Ex his Eporedorix cognito Litavicci consilio media fere nocte rem ad Caesarem defert; orat ne patiatur civitatem pravls adulescentium consiliis ab amicitia populi Roman! de- ficere, quod futurum provideat, si se tot hominum mllia cum hostibus coniiinxerint, quorum salutem neque propinqui25 neglegere neque civitas lev! momento aestimare possit. XL. Magna adfectus sollicitudine hoc mlntio Caesar, quod semper Haeduorum civitati praecipue indulserat, nulla inter- 2. Quasi vero: jiist as if, indeed. 3. nosmet: ourselves, nos + -met. 4. nefario: heinoiis. 5. Proinde: so. 8. fiducia: through confidence. 1 1., mendacio : falsehood. 23. pravis: wicked. 25. pro- pinqui neglegere : sc. possint. 224 THE GALLIC WAR VII posita dubitatione legiones expeditas quattuor equitatumque omnem ex castris educit; nee fuit spatium tall tempore ad contrahenda castra, quod res posita in celeritate videbatur. C. Fabium legatum cum legionibus duabus castris praesidio re- 5 linquit. Fratres Litavicci cum coraprehendl iussisset, paulo ante reperit ad hostis profugisse. Adhqrtatus milites ne necessario tempore itineris labore permoveantur, cupidissimis omnibus progressus milia passuum xxv agmen Haeduorum conspica- tur immisso equitatu iter eorum moratur atque impedit, inter- lodicitque omnibus ne quemquam interficiant. Eporedorlgem et Viridomarum, quos ill! interfectos existimabant, inter equites versari suosque appellare iubet. His cognitis et Litavicci fraude perspecta Haedui manus tendere et deditionem significare et proiectis arrais mortem deprecari incipiunt. Litaviccus cum i5suis clientibus, quibus more Gallorum nefas est etiam in ex- trema fortuna deserere patronos, Gergoviam profugit. XLI. Caesar niintiis ad clvitatem Haeduorum missis, qui suo beneficio conservatos docerent quos iure belli interficere potuis- set, tribusque horis exercitui ad quietem datis castra ad Ger- 20 goviam movet. Medio fere itinere equites a Fabio missi quanto res in perlculo fuerit exponunt. Summis copiis castra oppug- nata demonstrant, cum crebro integri defessls succederent nostrosque adsiduo labore defatigarent, quibus propter magni- tudinem castrorum perpetuo esset isdem in vallo permanendum ; 25 multitudine sagittarum atque omni genere telorum multos vul- neratos ad haec sustinenda magno usui fuisse tormenta ; Fa- bium discessu eorum duabus rellctis portis obstruere ceteras pluteosque vallo addere et se in posterum diem similemque casum apparare. His rebus cognitis Caesar summo studio mili- 3 o turn ante ortum solis in castra pervenit. . 2. ad contrahenda castra: that it might be defended more easily by the soldiers who remained. 16. patronos : protectors. 22. crebro : repeatedly. 23. quibus isdem: dative with permanendum. 28. plu- teos : parapets. 30. in castra pervenit : the army had marched about fifty miles in less than thirty hours. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 225 Further acts of unfaithfulness among the Haedui. XLII. Dum haec ad Gergoviam geruntur, Haedui primis nuntiis ab Litavicco acceptis nullum sibi ad cognoscendum spatium relinquunt. Impellit alios avaritia, alios iracundia et temeritas, quae maxime ill! hominum generl est innata, ut lev em auditionem habeant pro re comperta. Bona civium Romano- 5 rum dlripiunt, caedis faciunt, in servitutem abstrahunt. Adiuvat rem proclmatam Convictolitavis plebemque ad furorem impel- lit, ut facinore admisso ad sanitatem revert! pudeat. M. Aris- tium, tribunum militum, iter ad legiones facientem fide data ex oppido Cavillono educunt ; idem facere cogunt eos qul negoti- 10 and! causa ibi constiterant. Hos continuo in itinere adorti omnibus impedimentis exuunt; repugnantls diem noctemque obsident; multis utrimque interfectls maiorem multitudinem ad arma concitant. XLIII. Interim nuntiS adlato omms eorum milites in po-is testate Caesaris teneri concurrunt ad Aristium, nihil publico factum consilio demonstrant ; quaestionem de boms direptis decernunt, LitaviccI fratrumque bona publicant, legates ad Cae- sarem purgandl sui gratia mittunt. Haec faciunt recuperando- rum suorum causa ; sed contaminatl facinore et capti compendio 20 ex direptis boms, quod ea res ad multos pertinebat, et timore poenae exterriti consilia clam de bello inire incipiunt civita- tesque reliquas legationibus sollicitant. Quae tametsi Caesar intellegebat, tamen quam mitissime potest legates appellat : ( Nihil se propter Inscientiam levitatemque vulgl gravius de clvi- 25 tate iudicare neque de sua in Haeduos benevolentia deminuere.' Ipse maiorem Galliae motum exspectans, ne ab omnibus civita- tibus circumsisteretur, consilia inlbat, quern ad modum a Ger- 3. iracundia: quickness of temper. 7. proclinatam: already started. 8. pudeat: impersonal verb, it may shame (theni), i.e. they may be ashamed, ir. continuo: at once. 17. quaestionem: investigation. 18. publicant: confiscate. 19. gratia: equivalent to causa. 20. con- taminati : corrupted. compendio : gain. 24. mitissime : most gently. Q 226 THE GALLIC WAR VII govia discederet ac rursus omnem exer'citum contraheret, ne profectio nata ab timore defectionis similisque fugae videretur. Caesar perceives a chance of gaining some advantage at Gergovia. XLIV. Haec cogitantl accidere visa est facultas bene geren- dae rei. Nam cum in minora castra operis perspiciendl causa . Svenisset, animadvertit collem, qui ab hostibus tenebatur, nuda- tum hominibus, qui superioribus diebus vix prae multitudine cerm poterat. Admiratus quaerit ex perfugis causam, quorum magnus ad eum cottidie numerus confluebat. Constabat inter omnis, quod iam ipse Caesar per exploratores cognoverat, dor- 10 sum esse eius iugi prope aequum, sed silvestre et angustum, qua esset aditus ad alteram partem oppidi ; vehementer huic illos loco timere nee iam aliter sentire r uno colle ab Romams occupat5, si alterum amisissent, qum paene circumvallatl atque omm exitu et pabulatione interclusi viderentur ; ad hune muni- 15 endum locum omms a Vercingetorige evocatos. XLV. Hac re cognita Caesar mittit complurls equitum tur- mas eo de media nocte ; imperat ut paulo tumultuosius omnibus locis pervagentur. Prima luce magnum numerum impedimento- rum ex castrls mulorumque produci deque his stramenta de- sotrahl, mulionesque cum cassidibus equitum specie ac simula- tione collibus .circumvehi iubet. His paucos addit equites, qui latius ostentationis causa vagentur. Longo circuitu easdem omms iubet petere regiones. Haec procul ex oppido videban- tur, ut erat a Gergovia despectus in castra, neque tan to spatio sscerti quid esset exploran poterat. Legionem decimam eodem luce mittit et paulum progressam inferiore constituit loco sil- vlsque occultat. Augetur Gallis 'suspicio, atque omnes illo ad munltionem copiae traducuntur. Vacua castra hostium Caesar conspicatus tectls insignibus suorum occultatisque signis mili- 8. confluebat: flocked. 9. dorsum: ridge. 18. impedimen- torum: beasts of burden. 19. mulomm : mules. str amenta: pack- saddles. 20. muliones : mule-drivers. cassidibus : helmets. 21. circumvehi: to ride around. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 227 taribus raros milites, ne ex oppido aniraadverterentur, ex maio- ribus castris in minora traducit, legatlsque, quos singulls legionibus praefecerat, quid fieri velit ostendit ; in primis monet ut contineant mllites, ne studio pugnandl aut spe praedae longius progrediantur ; quid imquitas loci habeat incommodl proponit : 5 'Hoc una celeritate posse vitari; occasionis esse rem, non proeli.' His rebus expositis 'slgnum dat et ab dextra parte alio ascensu eodem terapore Haeduos mittit. XLVI. Murus oppidi a planitie atque initio ascensus recta regione, si nullus anfractus intercederet, MCC passus aberat ; 10 quicquid hue circuitus ad molliendum clivum accesserat, id spatium itineris augebat. A medio fere colle in longitudinemj ut natura montis ferebat, ex grandibus saxis sex pedum murum, qul nostrorum impetura tardaret, praeduxerant Galli, atque m- feriore omni spatio vacuo relicto superiorem partem collis usque 15 ad murum oppidi densissimis castris compleverant. Milites dato signo celeriter ad mumtionem perveniunt eamque transgressl trims castris potiuntur ; ac tanta fuit in castris capiendls celeritas ut Teutomatus, rex Nitiobrogum, subito in tabernaculo op- pressus, ut meridie conquieverat, superiore parte corporis nuda, 20 vulnerato equo vix se ex manibus praedantium milituin eriperet. After a slight success he sounds the retreat, but the soldiers continue to push forward. XLVII. Consecutus .id quod animo proposuerat Caesar receptui cam iussit, legionisque decimae, quacum erat, continuo signa constiterunt. At reliquarum legionum milites non audito sono tubae, quod satis magna yalles intercedebat, tamen a 25 tribums militum legatlsque, ut erat a Caesare praeceptum, retinebantur. Sed elatl spe celeris victoriae et hostium fuga et superiorum temporum secundls proelils nihil adeo arduum sibi 9. recta regione : in a straight line, 10. anfractus : turn. n. ad molliendum clivum: to ease the ascent. 18. trinis: distributive, used instead of tria because castra here is plural in meaning. 23. cani: to be sounded, i.e. the signal to be given. 228 THE GALLIC WAR VII existimabant quod non virtute consequi possent, neque f mem prius sequendi fecerunt quam muro oppidi portlsque appropin- quarunt. Turn vero ex omnibus urbis partibus orto clamore, quT longius aberant repentmo tumultu perterritl, cum hostem 5 intra portas esse existimarent, se ex oppido eiecerunt. Matres familiae de miiro vestem argentumque iactabant, et pectore nudo prominentes passls manibus obtestabantur Romanos ut THE BATTLE AT GERGOVIA sibi parcerent, neu, sicut Avarici fecissent, ne a mulieribus quidem atque infantibus abstinerent ; non nullae de muro 10 per manus demissae sese militibus tradebant. L. Fabius, cen- turio legionis octavae, quern inter suos eo die dixisse constabat excitarl se Avaricensibus praemils neque commissurum ut prius quisquam murum ascenderet, tris suos nactus manipularls atque ab ils sublevatus murum ascendit ; hos ipse rursus singulos 15 exceptans in murum extulit. 6. vestem : clothing. argentum : silver. pectore : breast, 7. prominentes: leaning forward. 13. manipularis : comrades (in a maniple). 15. exceptans: helping tip. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 229 XLVIII. Interim ii qui ad alteram partem oppidT, lit supra demonstravimus, mumtionis causa convenerant, primo exaudito clamore, inde etiam crebris nuntiis incitati oppidum a Romams tenieri, praemissis equitibus magno cursu eo contenderunt. Eorum ut quisque primus venerat, sub muro consistebat suorum- 5 que pugnantium numerum augebat. Quorum cum magna multitude convenisset, matres familiae, quae paulo ante Ro- mams de muro manus tendebant, suos obtestarl et more Gallico passum capillum ostentare liberosque in conspectum proferre coeperunt. Erat RomanTs nee loco nee numero aequa con- 10 tentio; simul et cursu et spatio pugnae defatigati non facile recentis atque integros sustinebant. The Romans are driven back with considerable loss. XLIX. Caesar cum iniquo loco pugnari hostiumque copias augerl videret, praemetuens suis ad T. Sextium legatum, quem minoribus castrls praesidio reliquerat, misit ut cohortis ex castris 15 celeriter educeret et sub Tnfimo colle ab dextro latere hostium constitueret, ut, si nostros loco depulsos vidisset, quominus Hbere hostes Insequerentur terreret. Ipse paulum ex eo loco cum legione progressus ubi constiterat eventum pugnae exspec- tabat. 20 L. Cum acerrime comminus pugnaretur, hostes loco et nu- mero, nostri virtute confiderent, subito sunt Haedui vlsl ab latere nostris aperto, quos Caesar ab dextra parte alio ascensu manus distinendae causa mlserat. Hi similitudine armorum vehemen- ter nostros perterruerunt, ac tametsT dextris umerls exsertis 25 animadvertebantur, quod Inslgne pactum esse consuerat, tamen id ipsum sul fallendl causa mllites ab hostibus factum existima- bant. Eodem tempore L. Fabius centurio quique una murum ascenderant circumvent! atque interfectl de muro praecipita- bantur. M. Petr5nius, eiusdem legionis centurio, cum portasso 25. dextris umeris exsertis : to have their right shoulders bare. 26. pactum : agreed upon. 228 THE GALLIC WAR VII existimabant quod non virtute consequi possent, neque f mem prius sequendi fecerunt quam muro oppidi portlsque appropin- quarunt. Turn vero ex omnibus urbis partibus ort5 clamore, qui longius aberant repentlno tumultu perterriti, cum hostem 5 intra portas esse existimarent, se ex oppido eiecerunt. Matres familiae de muro vestem argentumque iactabant, et pectore nudo prominentes passis manibus obtestabantur Romanos ut Ancient lake uc tins, 1st position ^"y^ < -^ naL L * .^?^ ler campT"}/ ^' Ses Smaller cam BIT Larger camp 2DRMAY ENG.CO., N r. THE BATTLE AT GERGOVIA sibi parcerent, nen, sicut AvaricI fecissent, ne a mulieribus quidem atque Infantibus abstinerent ; non nullae de muro jo per manus demissae sese militibus tradebant. L. Fabius, cen- turio legionis octavae, quern inter suos eo die dixisse constabat excitari se Avaricensibus praemiis neque commissurum ut prius quisquam murum ascenderet, tns suos nactus manipularis atque ab Ms sublevatus murum ascendit ; hos ipse rursus singulos 15 exceptans in murum extulit. 6. vestem : clothing. argentum : silver. pectore : breast. 7. prominentes: leaning forward. 13. manipularis: comrades (in a maniple). 15. exceptans: helping i(p. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 229 XLVIII. Interim il quT ad alteram partem oppidi, ut supra demonstravimus, mumtionis causa convenerant, primo exaudito clamore, inde etiam crebris nun tils incitati oppidum a Romania teneri, praemissls equitibus magno cursu eo contenderunt. Eorum ut quisque primus venerat, sub muro consistebat suorum- 5 que pugnantium numerum augebat. Quorum cum magna multitude convenisset, matres familiae, quae paulo ante Ro- mams de muro manus tendebant, suos obtestari et more Gallico passum capillum ostentare liberosque in conspectum proferre coeperunt. Erat Romams nee loco nee numero aequa con- 10 tentio j simul et cursu et spatio pugnae defatlgatl non facile recentis atque integros sustinebant. The Romans are driven back with considerable loss. XLIX. Caesar cum iniquo loco pugnari hostiumque copias auger! videret, praemetuens sms ad T. Sextium legatum, quern minoribus castrls praesidio rellquerat, misit ut cohortis ex castris 15 celeriter ediiceret et sub Infimo colle ab dextro latere hostium constitueret, ut, si nostros loco depulsos vldisset, quominus Hbere hostes Tnsequerentur terreret. Ipse paulum ex eo loco cum legione progressus ubi constiterat eventum pugnae exspec- tabat. 20 L. Cum acerrime comminus pugnaretur, hostes loco et nu- mero, nostrl virtute confiderent, subitosunt Haedul vis! ab latere nostrls aperto, quos Caesar ab dextra parte alio ascensii manus distinendae causa miserat. HI similitiidine armorum vehemen- ter nostros perterruerunt, ac tametsT dextris urn ens exsertis 25 animadvertebantur, quod in sign e pactum esse consuerat, tamen id ipsum sul fallendi causa milites ab hostibus factum existima- bant. Eodem tempore L. Fabius centurio quique tina murum ascenderant circumvent! atque interfectl de muro praecipita- bantur. M. Petronius, eiusdem legionis centurio, cum portasso 25. dextris umeris exsertis: to have their right shoulders bare. 26. pactum : agreed upon. 230 THE GALLIC WAR VII excidere conatus esset, a multitudine oppressus ac sibi desperans multis iarn vulneribus acceptis, manipularibus suis, qul ilium secutierant, "Quoniam," inquit, " me una vobiscum servare n5n possum, vestrae quidem certe vltae prospiciam, quos cupiditate 5 gloriae adductus in periculum deduxi. Vos data facilitate vobis consulite." Simul in medios hostis inrupit duobusque interfec- tis reliquos a porta paulum submovit. Conantibus auxiliarl suis, "Frustra," inquit, " meae vltae subvemre conamim, quern iam sanguis viresque deficiunt. Proinde abite, dum est facultas, 10 vosque ad legionem recipite." Ita pugnans post paulum con- cidit ac suis saluti fuit. LI. Nostri cum undique premerentur, XLVI centurionibus amissis deiectl sunt loco. Sed intolerantius Gallos msequentls legio decima tardavit, quae pro subsidio paulo aequiore loco 15 constiterat. Hanc rursus tertiae decimae legionis cohortes exceperunt, quae ex castrls minoribus eductae cum T. Sextio legato ceperant locum superiorem. Legiones ubi prlmum planitiem attigerunt, Infestis contra hostem sigms constiterunt. Vercingetorix ab radicibus collis suos intra mumtiones reduxit. 20 Eo die milites sunt paulo minus DCC desiderati. Caesar raises the siege and sets out to join Labienus. LII. Postero die Caesar contione advocata temeritatem cu- piditatemque militum reprehendit, quod sibi ipsi iudicavissent quo procedendum aut quid agendum videretur, neque signo re- cipiendi dato constitissent, neque a tribums militum legatisque 25 retineri potuissent. Exposuit quid imquitas loci posset, quod ipse ad Avaricum sensisset, cum sine duce et sine equitatu de- prehensls hostibus exploratam victoriam dimisisset, ne parvum modo detrimentum in contentione propter iniquitatem loci accideret * Quantopere eorum animi magnitudinem admira- aoretur, quos non castrorum mumtiones, non altitude mentis, non 13. intolerantius: too impatiently, 18. infestis: hostile; infestia signis, in battle array. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 231 murus oppidi tardare potuisset, tantopere licentiam adrogan- tiamque reprehendere, quod plus se quam imperatorera de vic- toria atque exitu rerum sentire existimarent ; nee minus se a milite modestiam et continentiam quam virtutem atque animl magnitudinera desiderare.' 5 LIIL Hac habita contione et ad extremum confirmatls mi- litibus, ne ob hanc causam ammo permoverentur, neu quod imquitas loci attulisset, id virtuti hostium tribuerent, eadem de profectione cogitans quae ante senserat legiones ex castris eduxit aciemque idoneo loco constituit. Cum Vercingetorix 10 nihilo magis in aequum locum descenderet, levl facto equestri proelio, atque eo secundo, in castra exercitum reduxit. Cum hoc idem postero die fecisset, satis ad Gallicam ostentationem minuendam mllitumque animos confirmandos factum existimans in Haeduos movit castra. Ne turn quidem Insecutis hostibus 15 tertio die ad flumen Elaver venit ; pontem refecit exercitum- que traduxit. The Haedui burn Noviodunum and destroy the Roman stores there. LIV. Ibi a Viridomaro atque Eporedorige Haeduls appel- latus discit cum omni equitatu Litaviccum ad sollicitandos Haeduos profectum : 'Opus esse ipsos antecedere ad con- 20 firmandam civitatem.' Etsi multis iam rebus perfidiam Hae- duorum perspectam habebat atque horum discessu maturari defectionem civitatis existimabat, tamen eos retinendos non censuit, ne aut Inferre iniuriam videretur aut daret timoris aliquam suspicionem. Discedentibus iis breviter sua in Hae-2$ duos merita exposuit, quos et quam humilis accepisset, compulsos in oppida, multatos agris, omnibus ereptls socils, imposito stipendio, obsidibus summa cum contumelia extortis, et quam in fortunam quamque in amplitudinem duxisset, ut non solum in pristinum statum redlssent, sed omnium tern- 30 porum dignitatem et gratiam antecessisse viderentur. His datis mandatis eos ab se dimlsit. 27. multatos: deprived (mulcted}. 232 THE GALLIC WAR VII LV. Noviodiinum erat oppidum Haeduorum ad ripas Ligeris opportune loco positum. Hue Caesar omms obsides Galliae, frumentum, pecuniam publicam, suorum atque exercitus im- pedlmentorum magnam partem contulerat; hue magnum nu- 5 merum equorum huius belli causa in Italia atque Hispania coemptum miserat. Eo cum Eporedorlx Viridomarusque ve- nissent et de statu civitatis cognovissent, Litaviccum Bibracte ab Haeduis receptum, quod est oppidum apud eos maximae auctoritatis, Convictolitavem magistratum magnamque partem losenatus ad eum convenisse, legatos ad Vercingetorigem de pace et amicitia concilianda publice missos, non praeter- mittendum tantum commodum existimaverunt. Itaque inter- fectis Noviodum custodibus qulque eo negotiandT causa convenerant pecuniam atque equos inter se partltl sunt, 15 obsides civitatum Bibracte ad magistratum deducendos cura- verunt, oppidum, quod a -se teneri non posse iudicabant, ne cui esset usul Romanis, incenderunt, frumenti quod subito potuerunt navibus avexerunt, reliquum flumine atque incendio. corruperunt ; ipsi ex fmitimis regionibus copias cogere, prae- sosidia custodiasque ad ripas Ligeris disponere, equitatumque omnibus locis iniciendi timoris causa ostentare coeperunt, si ab re frumentaria Romanos excludere aut adductos inopia in provinciam expeliere possent. Quam ad spem multum eos adiuvabat quod Liger ex nivibus creverat, ut omnmo vado 25 non posse translri videretur. Caesar crosses the Liger and continues his march northward. LYI. Quibus rebus cognitls Caesar maturandum sibi censuit, si esset in perficiendls pontibus periclitandum, ut priusquam essent maiores eo coactae copiae dimicaret. Nam ne commu- tato consilio iter in provinciam converteret, ut non nemo turn soquidem necessario faciendum existimabat, cum Infamia atque mdlgnitas rei et oppositus mons Cebenna viarumque difficultas 24. nivibus: snows. 27. si ... periclitandum : in case he had to risk a battle -while building bridges. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 233 impediebat, turn maxime quod abiuncto Labieno atque iis legionibus quas una mlserat vehementer timebat. Itaque ad- modum magnls diurms nocturmsque itineribus confectis contra omnium opmionem ad Ligerim venit, vadoque per equites in- vento pro rei necessitate opportune, ut bracchia modo atque 5 umerl ad sustinenda arma liberi ab aqua esse possent, disposito equitatu, qui vim fluminis refringeret, atque hostibus primo as- pectu perturbatis incolumem exercitum traduxit ; frumentumque in agris et pecoris copiam nactus repleto his rebus exercitu iter in Senones facere Instituit. 10 Meanwhile Labienus, after some opposition, reaches Lutetia. LVII. Dum haec apud Caesarem geruntur, Labienus eo sup- plements quod nuper ex Italia venerat rellcto Agedinci, ut esset impedlmentis praesidio, cum quattuor legionibus Lutetiam pro- jficiscitur. Id est oppidum Parisiorum positum in Insula flumi- nis Sequanae. Cuius adventu ab hostibus cognito magnae ex 15 fmitimls clvitatibus copiae convenerunt. Sura ma imperi tradi- tur Camulogeno Aulerco, qui prope confectus aetate tamen propter singularem scientiam rei militaris ad eum est honorem evocatus. Is cum animadvertisset perpetuam esse paludem quae mflueret in Sequanam atque ilium omnein locum magno- 20 pere impedlret, hie consedit nostrosque transitu prohibere Instituit. LVIII. Labienus primo vineas agere, cratibus atque aggere paludem explere atque iter munlre -conabatur. Postquam id difficilius fieri animadvertit, silentio e castris tertia vigilia egres-25 sus eodem quo venerat itinere Metiosedum pervenit. Id est oppidum Senonum in Insula Sequanae positum, ut paulo ante de Lutetia diximus. Deprehensls navibus circiter L celeriter- que coniunctis atque eo militibus impositis et rei novitate per- territls oppidams, quorum magna pars erat ad bellum evocata, 30 sine contentione oppido potitur. Refecto ponte, quern superi- 9. repleto: cf. Eng. 'replete.' 19. perpetuam: continuous. 23. aggere : earth. 24. munire : btiild. 234 THE GALLIC WAR VII oribus diebus hostes resciderant, exercitum Iraducit et secundo fliimine ad Lutetiam iter facere coepit. Hostes re cognita ab iis qui Metiosedo profugerant Lutetiam incendl pontisque eius ""''''' BORUAY :ENe'."C(>V:' ViV. THE EXPEDITION OF LABIENUS oppidT rescind! iubent ; ipsl profecti a palude in ripa Sequanae 5 e regione Lutetiae contra LabienI castra considtmt. I. secundo flumine: down-stream. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 235 Hearing of Caesar's failure at Gergovia, he returns to Agedincum and rejoins Caesar. LIX. lam Caesar a Gergovia discessisse audiebatur, iam de Haeduorum defectione et secundo Galliae motu rumores ad- ferebantur, Gallique in conloquiis interclusum itinere et Ligeri Caesarem inopia frumenti coactum in provinciam contendisse confirmabant. BellovacI autem defectione Haeduorum cog- 5 nita, qul iam ante erant per se Infideles, manus cogere atque aperte bellum parare coeperunt. Turn Labienus tanta rerum commutatione longe aliud sibi capiendum consilium atque antea senserat intellegebat, neque iam ut aliquid adqulreret proelioque hostis lacesseret, sed ut incolumem exercitum Age- 10 dincum reduceret cogitabat. Namque altera ex parte Bello- vaci, quae civitas in Gallia maximam habet oplnionem virtutis, Instabant, alteram Camulogenus parato atque Instracto exer- citu tenebat; turn legiones a praesidio atque impedimentis interclusas maximum flumen distinebat. Tantis subito diffi-is cultatibus obiectis ab animi virtute auxilium petendum vide- bat. LX. Itaque sub vesperum consilio convocato cohortatus ut ea quae imperasset dlligenter industrieque administrarent, navis quas Metiosedo deduxerat singulas equitibus Romanls attribuit, 20 et prima confecta vigilia quattuor milia passuum secundo flu- mine silentio progredi ibique se exspectare iubet Quinque cohortis quas minime firmas ad dimicandum esse existimabat castris praesidio relinquit; quinque eiusdem legionis reliquas de media nocte cum omnibus impedimentis adverse flumine2s magno tumultu proficisci imperat. Conquirit etiam lintris ; has magno sonitu remorum incitatas in eandem partem imttit. Ipse post paulo silentio egressus cum tribus legionibus eum locum petit quo navis appelli iusserat. LXI. Eo cum esset ventum, exploratores hostium, ut omnlso fluminis parte erant dispositi, inoplnantes, quod magna subito 25. adverse flumine : the opposite of secundo flumine. 27. sonitu: noise. 234 THE GALLIC WAR VII oribus diebus hostes resciderant, exercitum traducit et secundo flumine ad Lutetiam iter facere coepit. Hostes re cognita ab iis qui Metiosedo profugerant Lutetiam incendl pontisque eius /Camp of Labienus Lutetia THE EXPEDITION OF LABIENUS oppidT rescindi iubent ; ips! profecti a palude in npa Seqnanae 5 e regione Lutetiae contra Labieni castra considunt. r. secundo flumine: down-stream. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 235 Hearing of Caesar's failure at Gergovia, he returns to Agedincum and rejoins Caesar. LIX. lam Caesar a Gergovia discessisse audiebatur, iam de Haeduorum defectione et secundo Galliae motu rumores ad- ferebantur, Gallique in conloquils interclusum itinere et Ligeri Caesarem inopia frumenti coactum in provinciam contendisse conffrmabant. Bellovaci autem defectione Haeduorum cog- 5 nita, qui iam ante erant per se mfideles, manus cogere atque aperte bellum parare coeperunt. Turn Labienus tanta rerum commutatione longe aliud sibi capiendum consilium atque antea senserat intellegebat, neque iam ut aliquid adquireret proelioque hostis lacesseret, sed ut incolumem exercitum Age- 10 dincum reduceret cogitabat. Namque altera ex parte Bello- vaci, quae civitas in Gallia maximam habet oplnionem virtutis, instabant, alteram Camulogenus parato atque Instructo exer- citu tenebat; turn legiones a praesidio atque impedimentis interclusas maximum flumen distinebat. Tantis subito diffi- 15 cultatibus obiectls ab animi virtute auxilium petendum vide- bat. LX. Itaque sub vesperum consilio convocat5 cohortatus ut ea quae imperasset diligenter industrieque administrarent, navis quas Metiosedo deduxerat singulas equitibus Romanis attribuit, 20 et prima confecta vigilia quattnor mllia passim m secundo flu- mine silentio progredl ibique se exspectare iubet Quinque cohortis quas minime firmas ad dimicandum esse existimabat castris praesidio relinquit ; quinque eiusdem legionis reliquas de media nocte cum omnibus impedimentis adverse flumine 25 magno tumultii proficisci imperat. Conquirit etiam lintris ; has magno sonitii remorum incitatas in eanclem partem mittit. Ipse post paulo silentio egressus cum tribus legionibus eum locum petit quo navis appelli iusserat. LXI. Eo cum esset ventum, exploratores hostium, ut omniso fluminis parte erant dispositi, inoplnantes, quod magna subito 25. adverse flumine : the opposite of secundo flumine. 27. sonitu: noise. 236 THE GALLIC WAR VII erat coorta tempestas, a nostris opprimuntur ; exercitus equi- tatusque equitibus Roraanis adrainistrantibus quos el negotio praefecerat celeriter transmittitur. Uno fere tempore sub lucem hostibus nuntiatur in castris Romanorum praeter con- Ssuetudinem tumultuari, et magnum Ire agmen adverse flu- mine, sonitumque remorum in eadem parte exaudm, et paulo infra milites navibus transporter!. Quibus rebus anditis, quod exlstimabant tribus locis transire legiones atque omms pertur- batos defectione Haeduorum fugam parare, suas quoque copias 10 in tris partis distribuerunt. Nam praesidio e regione castro- rum rellcto et parva manu Metiosedum versus ' missa, quae tan- tum progrederetur quantum naves processissent, reliquas copias contra Labienum duxerunt. LXII. Prima luce et nostri omnes erant transportati et hos- i5tium acies cernebatur. Labienus milites cohortatus ut suae pristinae virtutis et tot secundissimorum proeliorum retinerent memoriam, atque ipsum Caesarem, cuius ductii saepenumero hostls superassent, praesentem adesse existimarent, dat slgnum proeli. Prlmo concursu ab dextro cornu, ubi septima legio 20 constiterat, hostes pelluntur atque in fugam coniciuntur ; ab sinistro, quern locum duodecima legio tenebat, cum primi ordines hostium transfix! pills concidissent, tamen acerrime reliqui resistebant, nee dabat suspicionem fugae quisquam. Ipse dux hostium Camulogenus suis ad erat atque eos cohorta- 25 batur. At incerto etiam nunc exitu victoriae, cum septimae legionis tribums esset nuntiatum quae in sinistro cornu gereren- tur, post tergum hostium legionem ostenderunt signaque intu- lerunt. Ne eo quidem tempore quisquam loco cessit, sed circumvent! omnes interfectique sunt. Eandem fortunam tulit 30 Camulogenus. At i! qui in praesidio contra castra Labieni erant relict!, cum proelium commissum aud!ssent, subsidio suis ierunt collemque ceperunt, neque nostrorum militum victorum impetum sustinere potuerunt. Sic cum suis fugientibus per- mixt! quos non silvae montesque texerunt ab equitatu sunt in- 35 terfecti. Hoc negotio confecto Labienus revertitur Agedincum, VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 237 ubi impedimenta totius exercitus relicta erant ; inde cum omni- bus copiis ad Caesarem pervenit. The insurrection now becomes general. Vercingetorix is chosen commander- in-chief. He adopts energetic measures. LXIIL Defectione Haeduorum cognita bellum augetur. Legationes in omnis partis circummittuntur ; quantum gratia, auctoritate, pecunia valent ad sollicitandas civitates utuntur; 5 nacti obsides quos Caesar apud eos deposuerat horum sup- plicio dubitantis territant. Petunt a Vercingetorige Haedul ut ad se veniat rationesque belli gerendi communicet. Re im- petrata contendunt ut ipsls summa imperi tradatur, et re in controversiam deducta totius Galliae concilium Bibracte indicitur. ro Conveniunt undique frequentes. Multitudinis suffragiTs res permittitur; ad unum omnes Vercingetorigem probant im- peratorem. Ab hoc concilio Remi, Lingeries, Treveri afuerunt, illi, quod amicitiam Romanorum sequebantur; Treveri, quod aberant longius et a Germanis premebantur, quae fuit causa 15 quare toto abessent bello et neutrls auxilia mitterent. Magno dolore Haedul ferunt se deiectos principatu, queruntur fortunae commutationem et Caesaris in se indulgentiam requirunt, neque tamen suscepto bello suum consilium ab reliquls separare audent. Invltl summae spel adulescentes Eporedorix 20 et Viridomarus Vercingetorigl parent. LXIV. Ille imperat reliquis clvitatibus obsides diemque el rel constituit. OmnTs equites, xv milia numero, celeriter convemre iubet. Peditatu quern ante habuerit se fore con- tentum dicit neque fortunam temptaturum aut acie dimi-25 caturum; sed quoniam abundet equitatu, perfacile esse factu frumentationibus pabulationibusque Romanes prohibere, aequo modo animo sua ipsi frumenta corrumpant aedificiaque incen- dant, qua rel familiaris iactura perpetuum imperium Hbertatem- que se consequi videant. His constitutls rebus Haeduisso Segusiavisque, quT sunt finitimi provinciae, decem milia ii. suffragiis: to the decision (votes). 18. requirunt: miss. 238 THE -GALLIC WAR VII peditum imperat ; hue addit equites pccc. His praeficit fratrem Eporedorigis bellumque inferre Allobrogibus iubet. Altera ex parte Gabalos proximosque pagos Arvernorum in Helvios, item Rutenos Cadurcosque ad finis Volcarum Are- Scomicorum depopulandos mittit. Nihilo minus clandestmls nuntils legationibusque Allobroges sollicitat, quorum mentis nondum ab superiore bello resedisse sperabat. Horum prin- cipibus pecunias, civitatl autem imperium totius provinciae pollicetur. Caesar secures cavalry from Germany. 10 LXV. Ad hos omms casus provisa erant praesidia cohortium duarum et xx, quae ex ipsa coacta provincia ab L. Caesare legato ad omms partis opponebantur. Helvii sua sponte cum fmitimis proelio congress! pelluntur, et C. Valerio Domnotauro, Caburl filio, prmcipe civitatis, compluribusque alils interfectis i5intra oppida murosque compelluntur. Allobroges crebris ad Rhodanum dispositis praesidiis magna cum cura et diligentia suos finis tuentur. Caesar quod hostls equitatu superiores esse intellegebat, et interclusis omnibus itineribus nulla re ex provincia atque Italia sublevari poterat, trans Rhenum 20 in Germaniam mittit ad eas civitates quas superioribus annis pacaverat, equitesque ab his arcessit et levis armaturae pe- dites qui inter eos pfoeliari consuerant. Eorum adventu, quod minus idoneis equis utebantur, a tribunis militum reliquisque equitibus Romams atque evocatls equos sumit 25 Germanisque distribuit. The cavalry of the Gauls attacks him, but is defeated. LXVI. Interea, dum haec geruntur, hostium copiae ex Arvernis equitesque qui toti Galliae erant imperati conveniunt. Magno horum coacto numero, cum Caesar in Sequanos per extremos Lingonum finis iter faceret, quo facilius subsidium 7. resedisse : had become calm, 24. evocatis : veterans, who having served their time had reeniisted on invitation of the general. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 239 provinciae f erre posset, circiter imlia passuum decem ab Romams trims castris Vercingetorix consedit, convocatisque ad consilium praefectls equitum venisse terapus victoriae demonstrat: 'Fugere in provmciam Romanes Galliaque excedere. Id sibi ad prae- sentem obtinendam Hbertatem satis esse ; ad reliqui temporis 5 pacem atque otium parum proficl, maioribus enim coactis copils reversuros neque finem bellandl facturos. Proinde in agmine impedltos adoriantur. Si pedites suls auxilium ferant" atque in eo morentur, iter facere non posse ; si, id quod magis futurum confldat, relictis impedimentis suae saluti consulant, et usu 10 rerum necessariarnm et dignitate spoliatum in. Nam de equiti- bus hostium, quln nemo eorum. progredi modo extra agmen audeat, ne ipsos qiiidem debere dubitare. Id quo rnaiore faciant animo, copias se omnls pro castris habiturum et terror! hostibus futurum.' Conclamant equites sanctissimo iure iurando 15 confirmarl oportere ne tecto recipiatur, ne ad Hberos, ne ad parentis, ne ad uxorem aditum habeat, qui non bis per agmen hostium perequitarit. LXVII. Probata re atque omnibus ad ius iurandum adactis, postero die in tris partis distributo equitatu duae se acies ab 20 duobus lateribus ostendunt, una a primo agmine iter impedire coepit. Qua re nuntiata Caesar suum quoque equitatum tripar- tito divisum contra hostem Ire iubet. Pugnatur una omnibus in partibus. Consistit agmen ; impedimenta inter legiones reci- piuntur. SI qua in parte nostri laborare aut gravius premi25 videbantur, eo slgna Inferri Caesar aciemque convert! iubebat ; quae res et hostls ad Insequendum tardabat et nostros spe auxili conflrmabat. Tandem German! ab dextro latere summum iugum nactl hostls loco depellunt ; fugientls usque ad flumen, ubi Vercingetorix cum pedestribus copils consederat, perse- 30 quuntur complurisque interficiunt. Qua re animadversa reliqui, ne circumvemrentur veriti, se fugae mandant. Omnibus locls fit caedes. Tres nobilissimi Haedui capti ad Caesarem per- ducuntur, Cotus, praefectus equitum, qui controversiam cum 6. otium: quiet. profici: advantage was gained. 240 THE GALLIC WAR VII Convictolitave proximis comitiis habuerat, et Cavarillus, qui post defectionem Litavicci pedestribus copiis praefuerat, et Eporedorix, quo duce ante adventum Caesaris Haedui cum Sequams bello contenderant. Vercingetorix withdraws into Alesia. Caesar follows him to the town. $ LXVIII. Fugato omm equitatu Vercingetorix copias suas, ut pro castris conlocaverat, reduxit protinusque Alesiam, quod est oppidum Mandubiorum, iter facere coepit, celeriterque impedi- EXPLANATION i ' ' v ' : ' . . '' ' '' ! ps and lines of intrenchment ; of the Romans i Roman castella : Caesar's position in the final struggle; BOBMAV ENS. CO.. N.r. THE INVESTMENT OF ALESIA menta ex castris educi et se subsequT iussit. Caesar impedl- mentls in proximum collem ductls, duabus legionibus praesidio lorellctTs seciitus hostis quantum die! tempus est passum, circiter tribus milibus ex novissimo agmine interfectis altero die ad Alesiam castra fecit. Perspecto urbis situ perterritisque hosti- bus, quod equitatu, qua maxime parte exercitus confidebant, erant pulsl, adhortatus ad laborem milites Alesiam circumvallare 15 Instituit. i. comitiis: election. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 241 LXIX. Ipsum erat oppidum in colle summo, admodum edito loco, ut nisi obsididne expugnari non posse videretur; cuius collis radices duo duabus ex partibus flumina subluebant. Ante oppidum planities circiter milia passuum tria in longitudinem patebat; reliquis ex omnibus partibus colles mediocr! interiecto 5 spatio par! altitudinis fastigio oppidum cingebant. Sub muro, quae pars collis ad orientem solem spectabat, hunc omnem locum copiae Gallorum compleverant fossamque et maceriam in altitudinem sex pedum praeduxerant. Eius mumtionis quae ab Romams instituebatur circuitus xi milia passuum tenebat. 10 Castra opportunis locis erant posita octo castellaque xxm facta, quibus in castellls interdiu stationes ponebantur, ne qua subito eruptio fieret ; haec eadem noctu excubitoribus ac f irmls praesidiis tenebantur. A cavalry battle is fought, in which the Gauls are again defeated. Vercin- getorix sends away his cavalry to seek aid. LXX. Opere institute fit equestre proelium in ea planitie 15 quam intermissam collibus tria milia passuum in longitudinem patere supra deinonstravirnus. Summa vT ab utrisque con- tenditur. Laborantibus nostrls Caesar Germanos submittit legionesque pro castris constituit, ne qua subito inruptio ab hostium peditatu flat. Praesidio legionum addito nostrls animus 20 augetur; hostes in fugam coniecti se ipsi multitudine impediunt atque angustioribus portis relictis coartantur. German! acrius usque ad mumtiones sequuntur. Fit magna caedes; non nulll relictis equls fossam transire et maceriam transcendere conantur. Paulum legiones Caesar quas pro vallo constituerat 25 promoveri iubet. Non minus qui intra mumtiones erant Galli perturbantur , venm ad se confestim existimantes ad arma conclamant j non nulll perterriti in oppidum inrumpunt. Ver- cingetorix iubet portas claudi, ne castra nudentur. Multis interfectis, compluribus equls captls German! sese recipiunt. 30 6. pari altitudinis fastigio : with s^tmm^ts of equal height. 8. ma- ceriam: wall. 13: excubitoribus: pickets. R 240 THE GALLIC WAR VII Convictolitave proximis comiths habuerat, et Cavarillus., qui post defectionem Litavicci pedestribus copils praefuerat, et Eporedorix, quo duce ante adventum Caesaris Haedui cum Sequams bello contenderant. Vercingetorix withdraws into Alesia. Caesar follows him to the town. $ LXVIIL Fugato omm equitatu Vercingetorix copias suas, ut pro castris conlocaverat, reduxit protinusque Alesiam, quod est oppidum Mandubiorum, iter facere coepit, celeriterque impedi- Iloman castella. +> Caesar's position in the final struggle THE INVESTMENT OF ALESIA menta ex castris educi et se subsequT iussit. Caesar impedi- mentls in proximnm collem ductTs, duabus legionibus praesidio 10 relictls secutus hostls quantum diel tempus est passum, circiter tribus milibus ex novissimo agmine interfectis altero die ad Alesiam castra fecit. Perspecto urbis situ perterritlsque hosti- bus, quod equitatu, qua maxime parte exercitus confidebant, erant pulsi, adhortatus ad laborem mTlites Alesiam circumvallare 15 instituit. I. comitiis: election. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 241 LXIX. Ipsum erat oppidum in colle sum mo, admodum edito loco, ut nisi obsidione expugnarl non posse videretur ; cuius collis radices duo duabus ex partibus flumina subluebant Ante oppidum planities circiter milia passuum tria in longitudinem patebat ; reliquls ex omnibus partibus colles mediocri interiecto 5 spatio pan altitudinis fastigio oppidum cingebant. Sub muro, quae pars collis ad orientem solem spectabat, hunc omnem locum copiae Gallorum compleverant fossamque et maceriam in altitudinem sex pedum praeduxerant. Eius munltionis quae ab Romams Tnstituebatur circuitus xi milia passuum tenebat. 10 Castra opportunis locis erant posita octo castellaque xxm facta, quibus in castellls interdiu stationes ponebantur, ne qua subito eruptio fieret ; haec eadem noctu excubitoribus ac f irmis praesidils tenebantur. A cavalry battle is fought, in which the Gauls are again defeated. Vercin- getorix sends away his cavalry to seek aid. LXX. Opere Institute fit equestre proelium in ea planitie 15 quam intermissam collibus tria milia passuum in longitudinem patere supra demonstravimus. Summa vl ab utrisque con- tenditur. Laborantibus nostrls Caesar Germanos submittit legionesque pro castris constituit, ne qua subito inruptio ab hostium peditatu flat. Praesidio legionum addito nostrls animus 20 augetur; hostes in fugam coniectl se ipsi multitudine impediunt atque angustioribus portls rellctls coartantur. German! acrius usque ad mumtiones seqmmtur. Fit magna caedes ; non nulll rellctls equls fossam translre et maceriam transcendere conantur. Paulum legiones Caesar quas pro vallo constituerat 25 promoverl iubet. Non minus qul intra mumtiones erant Galll perturbantur , venlri ad se confestim exlstimantes ad arma conclamant ; non nulll perterriti in oppidum inrumpunt. Ver- cingetorix iubet portas claudi, ne castra nudentur. Multls interfectls, compluribus equls captls GermanI sese recipiunt. 30 6. pari altitudinis fastigio : with summits of equal height. 8. ma- ceriam: -wall. 13: excubitoribus: pickets, R 242 THE GALLIC WAR VII LXXI. Vercingetorix, priusquam mumtiones ab Romams perficiantur, consilium capit omnem ab se equitattim noctu diraittere. Discedentibus mandat ut suam quisque eorum civitatem adeat omnisque qul per aetatem arma ferre possint Sad bellum cogant; sua in illos merita proponit obtestaturque ut suae salutis rationem habeant, neu se optime de commum libertate meritum hostibus in cruciatum dedant. ~ Quod si indiligentiores fuerint, milia hominum delecta LXXX una secum interitiira demonstrat. ' Ratione inita frumentum se exigue lodierum xxx habere, sed paulo etiam longius tolerari posse parcendo.' His datls mandatis qua erat nostrum opus inter- missum secunda vigilia silentio equitatum dimittit. Frumentum omne ad se referrl iubet ; capitis poenam ils qul non paruerint constituit ; pecus, cuius magna erat copia a Mandubiis com- 15 pulsa, viritim distribuit ; frumentum parce et paulatim metlri Instituit ; copias omms quas pro oppido conlocaverat in oppidum recipit. His rationibus auxilia Galliae exspectare et bellum administrare parat. Description of Caesar's works. \ LXXII. Quibus rebus cognitls ex perfugls et captivis Caesar 20 haec genera munitionis Instituit. Fossam pedum xx derectis lateribus duxit, ut eius fossae solum tantundem pateret quantum summa labra distarent j reliquas omms mumtiones ab ea fossa pedes cccc reduxit hoc consilio, quoniam tantum esset neces- sario spatium complexus, nee facile totum opus corona militum 25 cingeretur, ne de improviso aut noctu ad mumtiones multitude hostium advolaret aut interdiu tela in nostros open destinatos conicere possent. Hoc intermisso spatio duas fossas xv pedes latas eadem altitudine perduxit ; quarum interiorem campestri- bus ac demissis locis aqua ex flumine derivata complevit Post 13. capitis: \ 20. derectis : perpendicular. 21. solum: bottom. tantundem : just as muck, i.e. the trench was as wide at the bottom as at the top. 22. labra: edges (lips'). 24. corona: by a ring (crown). 26. destinatos: detailed. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 243 eas aggerem ac vallum xn pedum exstruxit ; huic loncam pin- nasque adiecit grandibus cervis eminentibus ad commissuras plu- teorum atque aggeris, qui ascensum hostium tardarent, et turris toto opere circumdedit, quae pedes LXXX inter se distarent. LXXIII. Erat eodem tempore et materiari et frumentari et 5 tantas mumtiones fieri necesse deminutls nostris copils, quae THE ROMAN WORKS AT ALESIA longius a castris progrediebantur ; ac non numquam opera nostra Galll temptare atque eruptionem ex oppido pluribus portis sumtna vi facere conabantur. Quare ad haec rursus opera ad- dendum Caesar putavit, quo minore numero militum rnunitiones 10 defend! possent. Itaque truncls arborum aut admodum firmls ramis absclsis atque horum delibratis ac praeacutis caciimini- i. loricam pinnasque: a parapet and battlements. 2. cervis: forked branches or tops of trees (lit. stags, from the resemblance to their antlers). pluteorum : i.e. the shields, or squares, of wattlework forming the lorica. 12. delibratis: stripped of bark. cacuminibus : tops. 242 THE GALLIC WAR VII LXXI. Vercingetorlx, priusquam mumtiones ab Romanis perficiantur, consilium capit omnera ab se equitattim noctu dimittere. Discedentibus mandat ut suam quisque eorum civitatem ad eat omnlsque qul per aetatem arm a ferre possint Sad bellum cogant ; sua in illos merita proponit obtestaturque ut suae salutis ration em habeant, neu se optime de communi libertate meritum hostibus in cruciatum dedant. Quod si indiligentiores fuerint, milia hominum delecta LXXX una secum interitura demonstrat. ' Ratione inita frumentum se exigue lodierum xxx habere, sed paulo etiam longius tolerari posse parcendo.' His datis raandatis qua erat nostrum opus inter- missum secunda vigilia silentio equitatum dlmittit. Frumentum omne ad se referri iubet ; capitis poenam ils qm non paruerint constituit ; pecus, cuius magna erat copia a Mandubiis corn- is pulsa, virltim distribuit ; frumentum parce et panlatim metlri instituit ; copias omms quas pro oppido conlocaverat in oppidum recipit. His rationibus auxilia Galliae exspectare et bellum administrare parat. Description of Caesar's works. LXXI I. Quibus rebus cognitis ex perfugls et captivis Caesar 20 haec genera mumtionis instituit. Fossam pedum xx derectis lateribus duxit, ut eius fossae solum tantundem pateret quantum summa labra distarent ; reliquas omnis miinitiones ab ea fossa pedes cccc reduxit hoc consilio, quoniam tantum esset neces- sario spatium complexus, nee facile totum opus corona militum 25 cingeretur, ne de improviso ant noctu ad mumtiones multitudo hostium advolaret aut interdiu tela in nostros open destinatos conicere possent. Hoc intermisso spatio duas fossas xv pedes latas eadem altitiidine perduxit ; quarum interiorem campestri- bus ac demissls locis aqua ex flumine derivata complevit. Post 13. capitis: i.e. capital. 20. derectis : perpendicular. 21. solum: bottom. tantundem: just as muck, i.e. the trench was as wide at the bottom as at the top. 22. labra: edges (lips}. 24. corona: by a ring (crown} . 26. destinatos : detailed. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 243 eas aggerem ac vallum xn pedum exstruxit ; huic loricam pin- nasque adiecit grandibus cervis eminentibus ad commissuras plu- teorum atque aggeris, qui ascensum hostium tardarent, et turns toto opere circumdedit, quae pedes LXXX inter se distarent. LXXIII. Erat eodem tempore et materiarl et frumentari et 5 tantas mumtiones fieri necesse deminutls nostris copiis, quae THE ROMAN WORKS AT ALKSIA longius a castris progrediebantur ; ac non numquam opera nostra Galll temptare atque eruptionem ex oppido pluribus portls summa vi facere conabantur. Quare ad haec riirsus opera ad- dendum Caesar putavit, quo minore numero mllitum munitiones 10 defend! possent. Itaque truncls arborum aut admodum flrmls ramis absclsls atque horum delibratis ac praeacutis caciimini- I. loricam pinnasque: a parapet and battlements. 2. cervis: forked branches or tops of trees (lit. stags, from the resemblance to their antlers). pluteorum: i.e. the shields, or squares, of wattlework forming the lorica. 12. delibratis: stripped of bark. cacuminibus : tops. 244 THE GALLIC WAR VII bus perpetuae fossae qumos pedes altae ducebantur. Hue illi stlpites demissi et ab infimo revincti, ne revelll possent, ab ramis eminebant. Quim erant ordines, coniuncti inter se atque im- plicati ; quo qul intraverant se ipsi acutissimls valhs Induebant. 5 Hos cippos appellabant. Ante hos obliquis ordinibus in quin- cimcem dispositls scrobes in altitudinem trium pedum fpdieban- tur paulatim angustiore ad mfimum fastlgio. Hue teretes stlpites feminis crassitudine ab summo praeacuti et praeusti demitteban- tur, ita ut non amplius digitis quattuor ex terra erninerent ; losimul confirmandi et stabiliendl causa singuli ab Infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur, reliqua pars scrobis ad occultandas Insidias vlrainibus ac virgultis integebatur. Hiiius generis octoni ordines ductl ternos inter se pedes distabant. Id ex similitudine floris lilium appellabant. Ante haec taleae pedem longae ferrels 15 hamis Infixis totae in terrain Infodiebantur mediocribusque intermissis spatiis omnibus locis disserebantur ; quos stimulos nominabant. LXXIV. His rebus perfectis regiones secutus quam potuit aequissimas pro loci natura, xini milia passuum complexus 20 pans eiusdem generis munitiones, drversas ab his, contra ex- teriorem hostem perfecit, ut ne magna quidem multitudine munitionum praesidia circumfundi possent ; ne autem cum pe- riculo ex castris egredi cogatur, dierum xxx pabulum fru- mentumque habere omms convectum iubet. 2. stipites: tree-trunks. ab ramis: -with their branches (only). 4. vallis: stakes. induebant: impaled. 5. cippos: gravestones, or perhaps boimdary-posts. quinctmcem : the quincunx is an arrange- ment like that of the jive of cards or dice. 6. scrobes -.pits. 7. fastigio: slope. The sides were sloping, so that the bottom of the pits was smaller than the top. teretes : round. 8. feminis : of a thigh. praeusti : charred at the end. 10. singuli . . . exculcabantur : at the bottom of each pit a foot was filled in with earth trampled solid (around the stake). 12. octoni: eight in each place (where needed). 14. floris : of the flower. lilium: a lily. taleae -.blocks. 15. hamis: hooks, or barbed spikes. 16. disserebantur: were scattered (sowti) here and there. stimulos : goads. 20. diversas : facing in the opposite direction. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 245 A Gallic army starts to the relief of Alesia. . LXXV. Dum haec ad Alesiam geruntur, Galll concilio prin- cipum indicto non omnis qui arma ferre possent, ut censuit Vercingetorix, convocandos statuunt, sed certum numerum cuique civitati imperandum, ne tanta multitudine confusa nee moderari nee discernere suos nee frumentandi rationem habere 5 possent. Imperant Haeduis atque eorum clientibus, Segusiavis, Ambivaretls, Aulercis Brannovicibus, milia xxxv; parem nu- merum Arverms, adiunctis Eleutetis, Cadurcls, Gabalis,VellaviIs, qui sub imperio Arvernorum esse consuerunt; Sequanis, Se- nonibus, Biturigibus, Santonis, RutenTs, Carnutibus duodena 10 milia ; Bellovacis x ; totidem Lemovicibus ; octona Pictonibus et TuronTs et Parlsiis et Helvetils; sena Andibus, Ambiams, Mediomatricis, Petrocoriis, Nerviis, Morinis, Nitiobrogibus ; v milia Aulercis Cenomams ; totidem Atrebatibus ; mi Velio- cassis; Aulercis Eburovicibus in; Rauracis et Boils bma; xi$ universis civitatibus quae Oceanum attingunt quaeque eorum consuetudine Arernoricae appellantur, quo sunt in numero Co- riosolites, Redones, Ambibarii, Caletes, OsismI, Veneti, Lexovii, Venelli. Ex his Bellovaci suum numerum non contulerunt, quod se suo nomine atque arbitrio cum RomanTs bellum gestu- 20 ros dicerent neque cuiusquam imperio obtemperaturos ; rogati tamen a Commio pr5 eius hospitio duo milia miserunt. LXXVI. Huius opera Comrni, ut antea demonstravimus, fidell atque utili superioribus annls erat usus in Britannia Caesar ; pro quibus meritls civitatem. eius immunem esse iusserat, iuraas legesque reddiderat, atque ipsi Morinos attribuerat. Tanta tamen universae Galliae consensio fuit libertatis vindicandae et pristinae belli laudis recuperandae ut neque beneficiis neque amicitiae memoria moveretur, omnesque et animo et opibus in id bellum incumberent. Coactls equitum milibus octo et pe- 30 ditum circiter CCL, haec in Haeduorum -finibus recensebantur 5. discernere: distinguish. 21. obtemperaturos: would obey. 25. immunem: free from tribute. 31. recensebantur: were re- viewed. 246 THE GALLIC WAR VII numerusque inlbatur, praefectl constituebantur ; Commio Atre- bati, Viridomaro et Eporedorigl Haeduis, Vercassivellauno Arverno, consobrino Vercingetorigis, summa imperi traditur. His delect! ex clvitatibus attribuuntur, quorum consilio bellum 5 administraretur. Omnes alacres et fiduciae pleni ad Alesiam proficlscuntur, neque erat omnium quisquam qui aspectum modo tantae multitudinis sustineri posse arbitraretur, praesertim ancipiti proelio, cum ex oppido eruptione pugnaretur, foris tantae copiae equitatus peditatusque cernerentur. A council of war is held in Alesia. The cruel proposal of Critognatus. 10 LXXVII. At ii qui Alesiae obsidebantur praeterita die qua auxilia suorum exspectaverant, consumpto omni friimento inscil quid in Haeduis gereretur concilio coacto de exitu suarum fortunarum consultabant. Ac variis dictis sententiis, quarum pars deditionem, pars, dum vires suppeterent, eruptionem cen- 15 sebat, non praetereunda oratio Critognati videtur propter eius singularem et nefariam criidelitatem. Hie summo in Arvernis ortus loco et magnae habitus auctoritatis, " Nihil," inquit, "de eorum sententia dicturus sum qui turpissimam servitutem dedi- tionis nomine appellant, neque hos habendos civium loco neque 20 ad concilium adhibendos censeo. Cum his mihi res est qui eruptionem probant ; quorum in consilio omnium vestrum con- sensu pristinae residere virtutis memoria videtur. Animi est ista mollitia, non virtus, paulisper inopiam ferre non posse. Qui se ultro mortl offerant facilius reperiuntur quam qui dolorem 25 patienter ferant. Atque ego hanc sententiam probarem (tan- turn apud me dignitas potest), si nullam praeterquam vitae nos- trae iacturam fieri viderem ; sed in consilio capiendo omiiem Galliam respiciamus, quam ad nostrum auxilium concitavimus. Quid hominum milibus LXXX uno loco interfectis propinquls 30 consanguinelsque nostrls animl fore exlstimatis, slpaene in ipsls 3. consobrino : cousin. 8. foris : outside. 22. residere : to linger. 26. praeterquam: except. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 247 cadaveribus proelio .decertare cogentur? Nolite hos vestro auxilio exspoliare, qui vestrae salutis causa suum periculum neg- lexerunt, nee stultitia ac temeritate vestra aut animl imbecil- litate omnem Galliam prosternere et perpetuae servituti subicere. An quod ad diem ndn venerunt, de eorum fide 5 constantiaque dubitatis ? Quid ergo ? Romanes in illis ulteri- oribus mumtionibus animine causa cottldie exerceri putatis ? Si illorum nuntiis confirmari non potestis omni aditu praesaepto, his utimini testibus appropinquare eorum adventum ; cuius rei timore exterriti diem noctemque in opere versantur. Quid ergo 10 mei consili est? Facere quod nostrl maiores nequaquam par! bello Cimbrorum Teutonumque f ecerunt ; qui in oppida com- pulsi ac simili inopia subacti eorum corporibus qui aetate ad bellum inutiles videbantur vitam toleraverunt neque se hostibus tradiderunt. Cuius rei si exemplum non haberemus, tamen 15 libertatis causa InstituI et posteris prodi pulcherrimum iudi- carem. Nam quid ill! simile bello fuit? Depopulata Gallia Cimbri magnaque inlata calamitate fmibus quidem nostris ali- quando excesserunt atque alias terras petierunt, iura, leges, agros, libertatem nobis reliquerunt. Roman! vero quid petunt 20 aliud aut quid volunt, nisi invidia adducti, quos fama nobilis potentisque bello cognoverunt, horum in agris civitatibusque consldere atque his aeternam iniungere servitutem? Neque enim umquam alia condicione bella gesserunt. Quod si ea quae in longinquls nationibus geruntur ignoratis, respicite finitimam 25 Galliam, quae in provinciam redacta, iure et legibus commutatls, securibus subiecta perpetua premitur servitute." LXXVIII. Sententils dictls constituunt ut ii qui valetudine aut aetate inutiles sint bello oppido excedant, atque omnia prius experiantur quam ad Critognati sententiam descendant ; 30 illo tamen potius utendum consilio, si res cogat atque auxilia morentur, quam aut deditionis aut pads subeundam condi- 7. animi causa: for amusement. 8. praesaepto: blocked up. 27. securibus: to the axes (of the lictors, symbols of Roman power). 31. utendum: sc. esse; translate as if oportere ttti. 248 THE GALLIC WAR VII cionera. Mandubil, qui eos oppido receperant, cum llberis at- que uxoribus exfre coguntur. Hi cum ad mumtiones Roma- norum accessissent, flentes omnibus precibus orabant ut se in servitutem receptos cibo iuvarent. At Caesar dispositis in vallo 5 custodiis recipl prohibebat. Arrival of the army of relief. Caesar repulses an attack upon his works. LXXIX. Interea Commius reliqulque duces quibus summa imperi permissa erat cum omnibus copiis ad Alesiam perveni- unt, et colle exteriore occupato non longius mille passibus a nostris mumtionibus consldunt. Postero die equitatu ex castrls xoeducto omnem earn planitiem quam in longitudinem mllia passuum tria patere demonstravimus complent, pedestrlsque copias paulum ab e5 loco abductas in locls stiperioribus consti- tuunt. Erat ex oppido Alesia despectus in campum. Concur- runt his auxiliis visis ; fit gratulatio inter eos, atque omnium isanimi ad laetitiam excitantur. Itaque productis copiis ante oppidum consistunt, et proximam fossam cratibus integunt atque aggere explent, seque ad eruptionem atque omms casus comparant. LXXX. Caesar omm exercitu ad utramque partem mumtio- 20 num disposito, ut si usus veniat, suum quisque locum teneat et noverit, equitatum ex castrls educi et proelium committi iubet. Erat ex omnibus castris, quae summum undique iugum tene- bant, despectus, atque omnes mllites intentl pugnae proventum exspectabant. Galli inter equites raros sagittarios expeditos- asque levis armaturae interiecerant, qui suis cedentibus auxilio succurrerent et nostrorum equitum impetus sustinerent. Ab his complures de improviso vulneratT proelio excedebant. Cum suos pugna superiores esse Galli confiderent et nostros multi- tudine premi viderent, ex omnibus partibus et ii qui mumtioni- 30 bus continebantur et ii qui ad auxilium convenerant clamore et ululatu suorum animos confirmabant. Quod in conspectu om- 31. ululatu: yell. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 249 nium res gerebatur neque recte aut turpiter factum celari poterat, utrosque et laudis cupiditas -et timor ignominiae ad virtutem excitabat. Cum a meridie prope ad soils occasum dubia victoria pugnaretur, German! una in parte confertls tur- mis in hostls impetum lecerunt eosque propulerunt; quibus in 5 fugam coniectis sagittarii circumvent! interfectique sunt. Item ex reliqms partibus nostrl cedentis usque ad castra Insecuti sul conligendi facultatem non dederunt. At ii qui Alesia processe- rant, maesti prope victoria desperata se in oppidum receperunt. A second attack also is repulsed. LXXXI. Uno die intermisso Galll atque hoc spatio magno 10 cratium, scalarum, harpagonum numero effecto media nocte si- lentio ex castris egress! ad campestris mumtiones accedunt. Subito clamore si\blato, qua s!gnificatione qui in oppido obside- bantur de suo adventu cognoscere possent, cratis proicere, fundis, sagittis, lapidibus nostros de vallo proturbare, reliqua- 15 que quae ad oppugnationem pertinent parant administrare. Eodem tempore clamore exaudito dat tuba signum suis Ver- cingetorix atque ex oppido educit. Nostrl, ut superioribus diebus suus cuique erat locus attributus, ad mumtiones acce- dunt ; fundis librilibus sudibusque, quas in opere disposuerant, 20 ac glandibus Gallos proterrent. Prospectu tenebris adempto multa utrimque vulnera accipiuntur ; complura tormentis tela coniciuntur. At M. Antonius et C. Trebonius legati, quibus hae partes ad defendendum obvenerant, qua ex parte nostros premi intellexerant, his auxilio ex ulterioribus castellis deduct5s 25 subnaittebant. LXXXII. Dum longius a mumtione aberant Galll, plus mul- titudine telorum proficiebant ; posteaquam propius successe- 9. maesti: sorrowful. n. scalarum: ladders. harpagonum: hooks, like grappling-irons, for tearing clown walls. 20. fundis librilibus sudibusque : with slings throwing stones of a pound -weight and with stakes'^ 21. glandibus: leaden slugs (also thrown with slings). tene- bris : by darkness. 250 THE GALLIC WAR VII runt, aut se stimulis inopmantes induebant aut in scrobis delati transfodiebantur aut ex vallo ac turribus traiectl pills muralibus interibant. Multis undique vulneribus acceptls, nulla munitione perrupta, cum lux appeteret, veriti ne ab latere aperto ex supe- 5 rioribus castris eruptione circumvenirentur, se ad suos recepe- runt. At interiores dum ea quae a Vercingetorige ad eruptio- nem praeparata erant proferunt, priores fossas explent, diutius in his rebus administrandis morati prius suos discessisse cogno- verunt quam mumtionibus appropinquarent. Ita re mfecta in 10 oppidum reverterunt. Once more an attempt is made to break through Caesar's lines. 1 LXXXIII. Bis magno cum detrimento repulsi Galli quid agant consulunt ; locorum peritos adhibent, ex his superiorum castrorum situs munitionesque cognoscunt. Erat a septemtrio- m'bus collis quem propter magnitudinem circuitus opere cir- iscumplecti non potuerant nostri, necessarioque paene imquo loco et leniter declM castra fecerant. Haec C. Antistius Re- ginus et C. Canmius Rebilus legati cum duabus legionibus ob- tinebant. Cognitis per exploratores regionibus duces hostium LX mllia ex omm numero deligunt, earum civitatum quae max- 20 imam virtutis opinionem habebant; quid quoque pacto agi placeat occulte inter se constituunt ; adeundl tempus definiunt cum meridies esse videatur. His copiis Vercassivellaunum Ar- vernum, unum ex quattuor ducibus, propinquum Vercingetori- gis, praeficiunt. Ille ex castris prima vigilia egressus prope 25 confecto sub lucem itinere post montem se occultavit milites- que ex nocturno labore sese reficere iussit. Cum iam meridies appropinquare videretur, ad ea castra quae supra demonstravi- mus contendit; eodemque tempore equitatus ad campestris munltiones accedere et reliquae copiae pro castris sese osten- 30 dere coeperunt. LXXXIV. Vercingetonx ex arce Alesiae suos conspicatus ex 2. pills muralibus : wall-javelins. These were heavy, made to be hurled from a wall. 20. quo pacto : in what way. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 251 oppido egreditur ; cratis, longurios, muralis falcls, reliquaque quae eruptionis causa paraverat profert. Pugnatur uno tern- pore omnibus locis atque omnia temptantur; quae minime visa pars firma est, hue concurritur. Romanorum manus tantis mumtionibus distinetur nee facile pluribus locjs occurrit. Mul- 5 turn ad terrendos nostros valet clamor qui post tergum pugnan- tibus exsistit, quod suum periculum in alieha vident virtute constare ; omnia enim plerumque quae absunt vehementius hominum mentis perturbant. Both sides fight despsrately, and the Romans are in great danger. LXXXV. Caesar idoneum locum nactus quid quaque in parte 10 geratur cognoscit, laborantibus subsidium submittit. Utrisque ad animum occurrit unum esse illud tempus quo maxime con- tend! conveniat : Galli nisi perfregerint mumtiones, de omm salute desperant ; Roman! si rem obtinuerint, finem laborum omnium exspectant. Maxime ad superipres mun!tiones labora- 15 tur, quo Vercassivellaunum missum demonstravimus. Inlquum loci ad decllvitatem fastigium magnum habet momentum. Alii tela coniciunt, alii testudine facta subeunt; defatlgatls invicem integri succedunt. Agger ab universls in munltionem coniectus et ascensum dat Gallis et ea quae in terra occulta- 20 verant RomanI contegit ; nee iam arma nostris nee vires suppe- tunt. LXXXVI. His rebus cognitis Caesar Labienum cum cohorti- bus sex subsidio laborantibus mittit. Imperat si sustinere non possit, deductis cohortibus erupti5ne pugnet ; id nisi necessario 25 ne faciat. Ipse adit reliquos, cohortatur ne labor! succumbant ; omnium superiorum dlmicationum fructum in eo die atque hora docet consistere. Interiores desperatis campestribus locis propter magnitudinem munltionum loca .praerupta ascensu temptantj hue ea quae paraverant conferunt. Multitudine 30 I. muralis falcis: perhaps the same as the harpagones mentioned in Chap. LXXXI. 17. momentum: importance; the Gauls were higher on the hill than the Romans. 252 THE GALLIC WAR VII telorum ex turribus propugnantls deturbant, aggere et cratibus fossas explent, falcibus vallum ac loricara rescindunt. LXXXVII. Mittit primum Brutum adulescentem cum cohor- tibus Caesar, post cum aliis C. Fabium legatum ; postremo ipse, 5 cum vehementius pugnaretur, integros subsidio adducit. Re- stituto proelio ac repulsis hostibus eo quo Labienum miserat contendit ; cohortls quattuor ex proximo castello deducit, equitum partemseseqm, partem circumire exteriores munltiones et a tergo hostis adoriri iubet. Labienus, postquam neque 10 aggeres neque fossae vim hostium sustinere poterant, coactis xr cohortibus, quas ex proximis praesidiis deductas fors obtulit, Caesarem per nuntios facit certiorem quid faciendum existimet. Accelerat Caesar, ut proelio intersit. Finally the Gauls are utterly defeated, and Vercingetorix surrenders himself to Caesar. LXXXVIII. Eius adventu ex colore vestitus cognito, quo 15 Insigni in proeliis utT consuerat, turmlsque equitum et cohorti- bus visls quas se sequi iusserat, ut de locis superioribus haec declivia et devexa cernebantur, hostes proelium committunt. Utrimque clamore sublato excipit rursus ex vallo atque omnibus munltionibus clamor. Nostri emissis pills gladiis rem gerunt. 20 Repente post tergum equitatus cernitur ; cohortes aliae appro- pinquant. Hostes terga vertunt ; fugientibus equites occurrunt. Fit magna caedes. Sedulius, dux et princeps Lemovicum, occiditur; Vercassivellaunus Arvernus vivus in fuga compre- henditur; signa militaria LXXIIII ad Caesarem referuntur; 25 pauci ex tanto numero se incolumes in castra recipiunt. Con- spicati ex oppido caedem et fugam suorum desperata salute copias a munltionibus reducunt. Fit protinus hac re audita ex castrls Gallorum fuga. Quod nisi crebrls subsidiis ac totius diel labore milites essent defessi, omnes hostium copiae deleri 14. colore vestitus: the purple color of his paludamentum. 16. haec . . . devexa: this sloping hillside; devexus means practically the same as declivis. VII A GENERAL UPRISING OF GAUL 253 potuissent. De media nocte missus equitatus novissimum agmen consequitur; magnus numerus capitur atque interficitur, reliquT ex fuga in civitates discedunt. LXXXIX. Postero die Vercingetorix concilio convocato id bellum se suscepisse n5n suarum necessitatum, sed communis 5 Hbertatis causa demonstrat ; et quoniam sit fortunae cedendum, ad utramque rem se illis offerre, seu morte sua Romams satis- facere seu vivum tradere velint. Mittuntur de his rebus ad Caesarem legati. lubet arma tradi, prmcipes produci. Ipse in munitione pro castris consldit ; eo duces producuntur. Ver- 10 cingetorix deditur, arma proiciuntur. Reservatis Haeduls atque Arvernis, si per eos civitates recuperare posset, ex reliquis captivis toti exercitui capita singula praedae nomine distribuit. The troops are placed in winter quarters. A thanksgiving of twenty days is appointed at Rome. XC. His rebus confectis in Haeduos proficiscitur ; civitatem recipit. E6 legati ab Arverms missi quae imperaret se facturos 15 pollicentur. Imperat magnum numerum obsidum. Legiones in hiberna mittit. Captivorum circiter xx milia Haeduls Arvermsque reddit. T. Labienum cum duabus legionibus et equitatu in Sequanos proficisci iubet ; huic M. Sempronium Rutilum attribuit. C. Fabium legatum et L. Minucium Basilum 20 cum legionibus duabus in Remls conlocat, ne quam a fmitimis Bellovacis calamitatem accipiant. C. Antistium Regfnum in Ambivaretos, T. Sextium in Bituriges, C. Caninium Rebilum in Rutenos cum singulis legionibus mittit. Q. Tullium Ciceronem et P. Sulpicium Cavillom et Matiscone in Haeduls ad Ararim 25 rei frumentariae causa conlocat. Ipse Bibracte hiemare con- stituit. His rebus ex Caesaris litteris cognitls Romae dierum xx supplicatio redditur. 28. redditur : sc. dis. NOTES The references are to the grammars of Allen and Greenough (A.), Bennett (B.), Gildersleeve and Lodge (G.), Harkness (H.), and Hale and Buck (HB.). References to the first edition of B. are added in parenthesis where it differs from the revised edition. Most of the abbreviations will be easily understood; but cf. (confer} =' compare,' and sc. (scilicet) ' understand,' ' supply." BOOK I CHAP. I. Line i . Gallia omnis : Gaul in the wider sense. PAGE Transalpine Gaul is meant, exclusive of the Roman province 55 (provincia) . See Introd., p. 23, and the map of Gaul. In a narrower sense Gallia meant the land of the Celtae, or Galli, of 1. 3. est divisa: illustrates the adjective use of a participle. We translate is divided. A. 495 ; B. 337 ; G.- 250. R. 2 ; H. 640. 3 ; HB. 248. tris : for declension see the grammar. The student should be sure that he knows the inflection of every inflected word which he meets, and should early accustom himself to the use of the index in his Latin grammar. unam : sc. partem. 2. incolunt: the passive would be more in conformity with English idiom (one of which is inhabited by the Belgae) . aliam : the regular succession is alter (second) , tertites (third). What are the usual meanings of alius and alter? qui : rel. pron., implying its own antecedent ; the third (part those inhabit) who are called. ipsorum : the reflexive sua might have been expected, but Caesar is speaking from the Roman point of view ; ipsorum is contrasted with nostra, as if Caesar had said, ' They themselves use the name Celtae, we call them Galli. 1 lingua: A. 409; B. 220. 3 ; G. 401 ; H. 476; HB. 436. b. 3. lingua, institutis, legibus : in language, customs, (and) laws. A. 418; B. 226; G. 397; H. 480; HB. 441. 4. inter se: from one another. A. 301. f; B. 245; G. 221; H. 502. I ; HB. 266. 5. dividit : the verb is singular because the two rivers form a single boundary-line from the upper course of the Marne to the mouth of the Seine. See the map of Gaul. A. 317. b ; B. 255. 3 ; G, 285. EXC. 2; H. 392. 4; HB. 331. 3. Notice the order of 255 256 NOTES I PAGE words in this sentence. The emphatic word, as often, is placed first. 55 See A. 596, 597, and the translation of this chapter there given ; B. 348, 349; G. 672. 2. a, 674. RULE I ; H. 664, 665. I ; HB. 623, 625. Horum omnium: partitive gen., or gen. of the whole. A. 346. 2; B. 201. i; G. 372; H. 442; HB. 346 These words, re- ferring back to the previous sentence, are placed in a prominent position. 6. a cultu : A. 402 ; B. 214; G. 390. i. 2. N. i ; H. 461, 462. i ; HB. 408. cultu . . . provinciae : civilization and refinement of the province, i.e. the province, in which are civilization and refinement. See Introd., p. 23. The name provincia gives the modern Pro- vence. 7. minime saepe : least often, i.e. very seldom. The force of miniine saepe extends to important. We should be likely to say, 'Traders very seldom come, bringing in those things.' 8. mercatores : these were traveling traders, or peddlers, chiefly from the province. Starting from seaports, as Massilia, they would naturally trade mostly in southern and central Gaul, though they went as far as Germany and Britain. ad effeminandos animos : to character being weakened, to weaken character', effeminandos is a gerundive agreeing with animos, which is used with ad. Dis- tinguish carefully between the gerundive, a participle, and the gerund, a noun. A. 503, 506 ; B. 338. 3, 339. 1.2; G. 427, 432 ; H. 623, 628 ; HB. 609, 612. III. 9. proximi: how is this compared? Germanis : dat. with proximi. The accusative might have been used. A. 384, 432. a; B. 192. i, 141. 3; G. 359. N. i ; H. 434. 2, 435. 2; HB. 362. Ill, 380. b. 10. trans Rhenum : the Rhine was considered the boundary between Gaul and Germany, yet migrations across the river were fre- quent. quibuscum : for cum as enclitic see A. 150. d ; B. 142. 4; G. 413. R. i ; H. 182. 2 ; HB. 418. a. u. Qua de causa: and for this (same) reason, i.e. that of nearness to the Germans. A. 308. f ; B. 251. 6; G. 610. R. i ; H. 510; HB. 284. 8. quoque: also, i.e. as well as the Belgae. Quoque always follows the word which it emphasizes. reliquos : the rest of. A. 293 ; B. 253. 5 ; G. 291. R. 2 ; H. 497. 4 ; HB. 279. i. b. virtute : in valor ; abl. of specification, or respect. praecedunt : not all verbs compounded with prae take the dative. 12. proeliis: abl. of means, but trans, in battles. 13. cum . . . prohibent . . . gerunt: temporal clauses, almost equivalent in meaning to participles (either keeping them away . . . I THE GEOGRAPHY OF GAUL 257 or themselves making war). Notice that suis and ipsi refer to the PACK subject, Helvetii, while eos and eorum refer to the Germans. suis 55 finibus : abl. of separation. 14. Eorum : the inhabitants of Gallia omnis, the people being mentioned instead of the land ; so Belgae is used for Belgium in 1. 1 8 below. quam : rel. pron., obj. oiobtinere, of which Gallos is the subject. The three words form a clause in indirect discourse, and this clause is subject of dictum est. The direct form of the quotation would be quam Galli obtinent. A. 579, 580; B. 331.! ; G. 508.2, 343. 2; H. 641, 642; HB. 533, 534. i. obtinere : does not mean obtain, but hold (against opposition, active or potential). Latin words are often not to be translated by their English derivatives. 15. initium capit a: begins at. 1 6. flumine, Oceano, finibus : notice the asyndeton (absence of connectives), and cf. lingua, institutis,legibus, 1. 3. 17. ab Sequanis : i.e. on the side where the Sequani live. A. 429. b ; G. 390. 2. N. 6 ; H. 485. 4 ; HB. 406. 2. What prepositions are used with the ablative? septemtriones : north. Notice the singular in 1. 19. The word (lit. seven plow-oxen) designates the seven prominent stars of the constellation Ursa Major, the ' Great Bear,' 'Dipper,' or 'Charles's Wain.' 1 8. ab finibus oriuntmr : cf. a flumine Rhodano, 1. 15 ; oriuntur is equivalent to initium capiunt. What are its principal parts? What name is given to verbs which have mostly passive forms, but active meaning ? extremis : farthest from the province. G-alliae : the region inhabited by the Celtae. What rivers formed its northern boundary? 19. inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni: we usually say 'the lower Rhine.' spectant in septemtrionem et orientem solem : lie towards the north and east, i.e. northeast (from the province). 21. ad Hispaniam : near Spain. What is this ' part of the ocean ' now called ? This chapter serves to introduce us to the people with whom Caesar fought, and to their country. In Bk. VI Caesar gives a somewhat detailed account of the Gallic race. The student should now read Introd., pp. 21-29. II. 23. nobilissimus : of highest rank. ditissimus : sup. of dives. 24. Orgetorix: besides proper names, only a few words of the languages of ancient Gaul survive- The names are usually signifi- cant. The termination -rix is frequently found, and means ' king ' (Latin rex). Orgetorix means ' king-of-the-killers.' M. : read s 258 NOTES I PAGE this Marco. M. Messala . . . consulibus : in the consulship of 55 Marcus Messala and Marcus Peso, i.e. 61 B.C., three years before the outbreak of the Gallic War. A. 419. a, 424. g ; B. 227. i ; G. 409 ; H. 489; HB. 421, 661. i. The year was regularly expressed in this way. regiii : obj. gen., depending on ctipiditate. A. 348 ; B. 200 ; G. 363. 2 ; H. 440. 2 ; HB. 354. 56 i. nobilitatis : of the nobles (lit. nobility) ; abstract noun used in a collective sense, as often in English. In most of the states of Gaul the kings had been overthrown and the prerogatives of the old nobility curtailed. But to one who was able to put himself at the head of a mercenary force the field was open for an attempt to overthrow the elective magistrates and become king in fact, if not in name. Cf. Bk. II, Chap. I. civitati: A. 367; B. 187. II. a; G. 346; H. 426. 2 ; HB. 362. I. 2. ut . . . exirent : A. 563 ; B. 295. i ; G. 546. i ; H. 565 ; HB. 502. 3. a. Notice how the English idiom differs from the Latin. In English we say, ' He persuades me to do this ' ; the Latin says, ' He persuades (makes acceptable) to me that I do this.' Per-, suadeo is from the root of suavis, sweet. Why is exirent plural ? cum omnibus copiis : i.e. ' bag and baggage.' This was to be a migration of the whole people, but yet, as Caesar represents it, it was for purposes of conquest. The Helvetii were to become masters of Gaul. 3. perfacile: what is the force of per? esse : inf. in ind. disc., depending on the idea of saying in persuasit. .A. 580. a; B. 314. 2 ; G. 652. R. 2 ; H. 642. I ; HB. 589. a. The subject of esse is the infinitive potiri. A. 452 ; B. 327. I ; G. 421 ; H. 609. i ; HB. 585. Since an infinitive used substantively is neuter, the predicate adjective perfacile is also neuter. Trans, that it was -very easy to get the sovereignty of the whole of Gaul. omnibus: A. 370; B. 187. Ill; G. 347; H. 429; HB. 376. praestarent: A. 549; B. 286. 2; G. 586; H. 598; HB. 526. The tense is imperfect be- cause the clause takes its time from persuasit, a secondary, or his- torical, tense. A. 482, 483 ; B. 258, 267. 1.2; G. 225, 509 ; H. 198, 543; HB. 476. totius Galliae: obj. gen. 4. imperio: A. 410; B. 218. i ; G. 407; H. 477. I; HB. 429. Id: dir. obj. of persuasit (Jie persuaded them of this, lit. made this acceptable to them). hoc facilius : the more easily, lit. more easily by this ; hoc is abl. of degree, or measure, of difference, but hardly differs here from abl. of cause. A. 414. N. ; B. 223 ; G. 403 ; H. 479. i ; HB. 424. a. 5. loci natura: i.e. by natural boundaries, or obstacles; ex- I THE HELVETIAN WAR 259 plained by the ablatives fliimine Rheno, monte lura, etc. How does PAGE the plural Q{ locus differ in gender from the singular? continentur : 56 are shut zn, lit. are held together- una ex parte : on one side. Notice the Latin idiom, and see note on ab Sequanis, p. 55, 1. 17. For the order of the words (adj.. prep., noun) see A. 599. d ; B. 350. 7. b ; G. 678. R. 2 ; H. 671. 5 ; HB. 627. 4. 6. latissimo : very wide, not widest. qtii : does this pronoun take its gender from flumine or from Rheno? 7. altera : see note on aliam, p. 55, 1. 2. 9. provinciam nostram : the part which the Allobroges inhab- ited. See the map of Gaul. His rebus fiebat ut . . . possent : so (lit. because of these things') it was coming about that they both roamed less widely (than they wished) and could less easily wage war upon their neighbors. Observe faak fiebat is imperfect, and see the grammar for the difference in meaning between the perfect and the imperfect tense. The subject of fiebat is ut . . . vagarentvtr . . . possent. In Latin, as in other languages, a clause may be used as a noun. Such a clause is called a substantive clause. The subject of a verb is often obscured in English by the little word 'it.' In this sentence, to find the real subject -of fiebat (it was coming about), ask yourself what was coming about. For the mood of vagarentnr and possent see A. 569. 2 ; B. 297. 2 ; G. 553. 3 ; H. 571. i ; HB. 521. 3. a. 10. finitimis : for the case see note on omnibus, 1. 3. 1 1 . qua ex parte : and in this respect. Cf. una ex parte, 1. 5 . The Helvetii were distressed on their military side. homines : not subject, but in predicate apposition with the subject (being men fond of warring}. bellandi: gerund; obj. gen., depending on ' czipidi. A. 504, 349. a; B. 338. i..b, 204. i ; G. 428, 374; H. 626, 451. i; HB. 612. I, 354. 12. Pro multitudine hominum angustos : (too) narrow for the mimber of their people (lit. narrow in proportion to) . Their number is given as 263,000. 13. gloria . . . fortitudinis : renown for bravery in war, lit. renown of war and bravery. se habere: ind. disc.; the direct form would be nos habemus. 14. in longitudinem : in length. Notice that in this idiom the accusative is used with in. What prepositions are used with both accusative and ablative? milia passuum : miles, lit. tfwusands of paces. The passus, a double step, was five Roman feet. The mile, 5000 Roman feet, was equal to about 4854 feet, modern measure. For case of milia see A. 425; B. 181. i; G. 335; H. 417; HB. 260 NOTES I PAGE 387. I. Observe that it is a noun, and learn from the grammar the 56 use of the singular, mille. 15. CCXL : read this ducenta (not ducenti^ for it agrees with milia) quadraginta. The student should always carefully consult his grammar, whenever he is in doubt as to the Latin form of a nu- meral for which characters are used in the text. CLXXX : to bring this more nearly into accord with the fact, it has been conjec- tured that Caesar wrote in latitudinem LXXX (instead of CLXXX) . How do the dimensions given compare with those of modern Switzerland? The pressure of the Germans no doubt influenced the Helvetii in forming their decision to migrate. Read Introd., pp. 6-8. III. 1 6. His rebus : the special meaning of res must be ob- tained from its context. Here it is reason^ or cause. 17. ea: obj. of comparare. quae . . . pertinerent: which were necessary (lit. tended) to their departure. The subjunctive is used because the sentence represents the thought of the Helvetii. A. 592. 3; B. 323; G. 628; H. 649. i ; HB. 535. i. a. proficis- cendum: A. 506; B. 338. 3; G. 432; H. 628; HB. 612. III. comparare : depends on constituerunt . A. 456 ; B. 328. I ; G. 423. 1.2; H. 607 ; HB. 586. a. 18. quam maximum: as great as possible. A. 291. c; B. 240. 3; G. 303. R. i ; H. 159. 2; HB. 241. 4. 19. ut . . . suppeteret: a clause of purpose, or final clause, de- pending on sementis facer e ; that a supply of grain might be on hand. A- 53> S3 1 - i; B. 282. i; G. 544, 5455 H. 568; HB. 502. 2. 21. Ad eas res conficiendas : for completing these prepara- tions. A. 506. N. 2; B. 339. 2; G. 427; H. 628; HB. 613. i. 22. in tertium annum : for the third year. 23. confirmant: historical present, nearly equivalent to a his- torical perfect; not like the presents of Chap. I. Presents of this kind are much more common in Latin than in English, and should therefore usually be translated by the past tense. A. 469 ; B. 259. 3 ; G. 229; H. 532. 3; HB. 491. I. 25. multos annos : A. 423; B. 181. i ; G. 336; H. 417; HB. 387- II. 26. amicus : this appellation, given by the Roman senate, was eagerly sought by foreign princes, and was (says Caesar in Chap. XLIII) generally given for great services. 27. ut . . . occuparet : depends on persuadet. See note on ut . . . exirent, 1. 2. For tense see A. 485. e; B. 268. 3; G. 511. R. i ; H. 546; HB. 491. 2. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 261 28. Dumnorigi: depends on perstiadet, p. 57, 1. i. Dumnorixwas PAGE bitterly hostile to Caesar and the Romans. His elder brother, the 56 druid Diviciacus, was, on the other hand, an admirer of the Romans, a friend of Cicero, and an efficient helper of Caesar. See Introd., p. 7. For the fate of Dumnorix see Bk. V, Chaps. VI and VII. qui : its antecedent is Dumnorigi. 29. eo tempore : A. 423. i ; B. 230 ; G. 393 ; H. 486 ; HE. 439. principatum : leadership, not as a magistrate, but as a man of great personal influence. maxime : especially. For the positive of this word multum or magnopere is used. 2. Perfacile f actu : (a) very easy (thing) to do. A. 510; B. 57 340. 2; 0.436; H. 635.1; HB. 619. i. esse: inf. in ind. disc. ; its subject is conata perficere. conata : a participle used as a noun, neut. pi. In the singular the masculine noun conatus, -us, is used. 3. obtenturus esset : subjunctive of the first, or active, peri- phrastic conjugation, representing a future of the direct discourse. A. 194. a, 580 ; B. 269. 3, 314. I ; G. 514, 515, 508. 2 ; H. 541. N. I, 643 ; HB. 470. 4. a, 534. 2. 4. quiii plurimurn Helvetii possent : that the Helvetii were the most powerful. For plurimum see A. 390. c; B. 176. 2. b ; G. 334; H. 409. i ; HB. 387. III. For the form of the clause see A. 558. a; B. 298 ; G. 555. 2; H. 594. II, 595. i ; HB. 521.3. b. This whole pas- ^ sage in direct discourse would run as follows : Perfacile factii, est conata perficere, propterea quod (ego} meaecivitatistmperium obtineboj non est dubium quin totius Galliae plurimum Helvetii possint ; (ego) meis copiis meoqrie exercitu vobis regna conciliabo, 5. copiis : here resources, not troops. 6. confirmat : notice the three different meanings blconfirmo in this chapter. 7. regno occupato . . . sperant : they hope that having seized (or when they have seized} royal power they can, through the three very powerful and strong nations, get possession of the whole of Gaul. The three nations are, of course, the Helvetii, Sequani, and Haedui. For regno occupato see A. 420 ; B. 227. 2 ; G. 410, 664 ; H. 489. i ; HB. 421. 8. totius Galliae : A. 410. a ; B. 212. 2 ; G. 407. d ; H. 477. 1. 3 ; HB. 353. What case does potior usually take? posse: possum has no future infinitive, but the present often has a future implica- tion. A future infinitive is regularly used with spero. Reread Chaps. I-III, observing tenses of the indicative. Notice that the story is told by perfects and historical presents. Details are filled in by imperfects, which describe rather than narrate. 262 NOTES I PAGE IV. 9. per indicium: through informers (lit. information). 57 Moribus suis : according to their custom. A. 418. a; B. 220. 3 ; G. 397; H. 475.3; HB. 414. 10. ex vinculis : we should say in chains, but the pleading comes, so to speak, from within the chains. coegeruut : the Helvetii were very willing to become masters of Gaul, but were not ready to give supreme power into the hands of Orgetorix. damnatum . . . opor- tebat: it must needs be that the famishment follow (i.e. be inflicted oil) him (if) condemned. What is the subject of oportebat? 11. ut igni cremaretur : a substantive clause in apposition with poenam. Die . . . dictionis : on the day set for the pleading of his caitse ; die is abl. of time. For its gender see A. 97. a ; 6.53; G. 64 ; H. 135 ; HB. 101. The genitive dictionis depends on die, and causae is obj. gen., depending on dictionis. See note on regni, p. 55, 1. 24. 13. familiam : the usual meaning is household, particularly slaves. Perhaps here it means clansmen, though it is not certain that the clan system prevailed in Gaul at this time. ad ... decem : to (the number of} i 0,000 men. 14. obaeratos : many of the common people, either through poverty or through debt, gave themselves up to the service of a powerful lord, becoming nearly the same as slaves. 15. eodem: the adverb. per eos . . . eripuit: by means of these he escaped being tried. What literally ? What prepositions take the accusative only? The. high-handed action of Orgetorix apparently led to rioting and almost to civil war. ne diceret: A. 558. b; B. 295. 3; G. 548; H. 566; HB. 502. 3. b. 1 6. ius . . . conaretur: was trying to enforce its right, i.e. the right to bring criminals to account. For the mood of conaretur see A. 546; B. 288. i ; G. 585 ; H. 600. II. r; HB. 524. 17. multitudinem : hasty levies. The power of the magistrates was military as well as civil. 19. ut arbitrantur : the beginner should notice that ut here is followed by the indicative, and cannot, therefore, mean that, in order that, or so that. With the indicative ut usually means either as or when. quin . . . consciverit : that he himself decreed death to himself, i.e. committed suicide. A. 558 ; B. 298 ; G. 555. 2 ; H. 595. i ; HB. 521. 3. b. ipse : A. 298. f ; B. 249. 2 ; G. 311. 2 ; H. 509. i ; HB. 268. V. 20. nihilo minus : nevertheless (less by nothing). 21. ut . . . exeant: a substantive clause explaining id qiiod constituerant. A. 563 ; B. 295. 4; G. 546; H. 565 ; HB. 502. 3. a. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 263 The fact that the Helvetii persisted in their determination shows PAGE that there were real reasons for their migration. See note on p. 56, 57 1. 15, at the end. Ubi: when. A. 543; B. 287. i; G. 561; H. 602 ; HB. 557. 22. oppida, vicos, privata aedificia : fortified towns, milages (not fortified), isolated houses. 23. numero : abl. of specification, or respect. reliqua : besides, not here the rest of. 24. secum: A. 144. N. i ; B. 142. 4; G. 413. R. I ; H. 175. 7; HB. 418. a. 25. portaturi erant: were going to carry. ut . . . essent: a clause of purpose. domum : A. 427. 2 ; B. 182. i. b.; G. 337 ; H. 419. i ; HB. 450. b. reditionis : the gerund redeundi \~mg\\\. have stood in place of this. sublata : see tollo in Vocab. 26. subeunda : see note on ad eas res conficiendas, p. 56, 1. 21. trium mensium : for three months. A. 345. b; B. 203. 2; G. 365. R. 2; H. 440. 3 ; HB. 355. The number of the Helvetii and their allies is given as 368,000. Estimating the supply of flour at only one pound per day for each person, we should have a sum total of more than 16,000 tons. An immense number of animals and wagons would be required to transport this great quantity of food, with the other baggage, and progress on the march would be necessarily slow. 27. sibi : A. 376 ; B. 188. i ; G. 350. 2 ; H. 425. 2 ; HB. 366. quemque : from quisque. domo : A. 93, 427. I ; B. 49. 4, 229. I . b ; G. 61. R. 2, 390. 2; H. 133. i, 462. 4: HB. 97. 5, 451. a. efferre: A. 563. a; B. 331. II; G. 423. N. 6; H. 565. 3; HB. 587. b. 28. usi : having adopted, from ntor. But the idiomatic rendering is persuade to adopt, burn, and set out. 29. cum iis : secwn might have been used as an indirect reflexive, but there would have been ambiguity, since suis refers to the subject of proficiscantur. A. 300. b ; B. 244. II ; G. 521. N. 3 ; H. 504. 3 ; HB. 262. 2. 30. Boios : -the name of this tribe survives in the name Bohemia. They had probably been driven south by the advance of the Ger- mans. There was a tribe of Boii in Cisalpine Gaul, probably kin- dred to these. See Introd., pp. 2, 3. i. Noreiam : identified with the modern Neumarkt, in Styria. 58 Near this town, in 113 B.C., the Cimbri defeated the Romans. See Introd., p. 5. oppugnarant: for oppngnaverant. A. 181. a; B. 116. i; G. 131. i; H. 238; HB. 163. i. receptos : agrees with Boios, which is object oiasciscunt. A. 496. N. 2 ; B. 337. 5 (336. 3) ; G. 664. R. i ; H. 639; HB. 604. i. We may translate the sentence 264 NOTES I PAGE the Boii, who had, etc., they receive to themselves and adopt (lit. join 58 to themselves) as allies. The dative sibi depends on asciscunt, while ad se depends on receptos. VI. 3. Erant : there were. quibus itineribus : A. 429. a ; B. 218. 9; G. 389; H. 476; HB. 426. Notice the repetition of the antecedent in the relative clause, but do not imitate it in translation. 4. posseut : subj. of characteristic. There may have been many roads, but there were only two so situated, or of such a kind, that they could use them. A. 535; B. 283. 2; G. 631. i ; H. 591. 5; HB. 521. i. The Helvetii could, no doubt, have marched north- ward ; but that would not have suited their purpose, and would have brought them into collision with the Germans. unum : sc. iter. This ran westward along the right bank of the Rhone. The student while following the story should make constant use of the maps in this book. 5. qua : the adverb. 6. ducerentur: A. 537. 2; B. 284. 2; G. 631. i ; H. 591. 2; HB. 517. 2. The way was so narrow and difficult that only with great trouble could wagons be hauled over it one by one (in single file). A railway now follows this route from Geneva. The narrow part, where the Jura approaches the river, is called the Pas de I'^cluse. ut . . . possent : a clause of result. 8. alterum : the other. The Helvetii wished to follow this route, crossing to the left bank of the Rhone and passing through the territory of the Allobroges, just south of the river. 9. facilius : the difficulty of reaching western Gaul through the CeVennes Mountains would, however, have been considerable. . 12. pacati erant : by the Romans. See Introd., p. 6. 14. non nullis: A. 326. a; B. 347.2; G. 449. 4; H. 656. i ; HB. 298. 2. locis: A. 429. i; B. 228. i. b; G. 385. N. i; H. 485. 2; HB. 436. vado : in Caesar's time the Rhone seems to have been fordable in more places than now. 15. Extremum: how is this compared? 17. persuasuros : sc. esse, which is often omitted in the future active and perfect passive infinitives. 18. bono animo : well-disposed, of good feeling. A. 415; 6.224; G. 400; H. 473. 2; HB. 443. viderentur : account for the mood and tense ; notice that existimabant is the main verb of the sentence. 19. eos : cf. cum Us, p. 57, 1. 29, and see the note. ire: A. 563. c; B. 295. 2. N. ; G. 553. 2. N. ; H. 614; HB. 587. paterentur: a substantive clause, object of both persuasuros and coacturos. The direct form of this sentence would be Allobrogibus (nos) vel I THE HELVETIAN WAR 265 persuadebimus, quod nondum . . . videntur, vel vi cogemits ut per PAGE suos finis nos ire patiantur. 58 20. Omnibus rebus comparatis : may be translated by a clause beginning with when or cffter. A. 420. I ; B. 227. 2. a ; G. 665 ; 1^.489. i ; HB. 421. 3. 21. qua die : notice the gender, and cf. is dies below. See note on p. 57, 1. ii. For the repetition of the antecedent cf. quibus itineribus, 1. 3, and see A. 307. a; B. 251. 3; G. 615; H. 399. i; HB. 284. 4. conveniant: A. 531. 2; B. 282. 2; G. 630; H. 590; HB. 502. i. 22. ante . . . Aprilis : an idiomatic expression, equivalent here to quintus dies ante Kalendas Aprilis. The nominal date is March 28, 58 B.C. (found by counting backward 5 days, be- ginning with April i); but, as the calendar was in a very con- fused state, authorities differ nearly a month in their estimates of the real date. The estimate of the famous astronomer Leverrier is March 24, the date of the spring equinox of that year. L. Fisone: Caesars father-in-law. VII. 24. Caesari : emphatic position ; depends on nnntiatum esset. id : explained by the clause eos . . . conari. 25. ab urbe: i.e. from Rome. See Introd., p. 12. quam maximis : see note on quam maximum, p. 56, 1. 18; potest might have been omitted. Caesar is said to have made the journey from Rome to Geneva at the rate of about ninety miles a day. 26. itineribus : the plural refers to the successive stages of the journey. 27. ad Grenavam: before Geneva. A. 428. a; B. 182. 3; G. 337. R. 4; H.4i8. 4; HB.453- 1. Provinciae . . . imperat: he levies upon the whole province as great a number of soldiers as possible. 29. legio una: probably the tenth, Caesar's favorite legion. See Introd., pp. 31 and 36. ad G-enavam : at Geneva. A. 428. d ; B. 182. 3; G. 386. R. 2; HB. 453. I. TTbi . . . facti sunt : when the Helvetii were informed (lit. were made more certain) of his arrival. For mood of facti sunt see note on ubi, p. 57, 1. 21. 32. qui dicerent : to say. Why is dicer ent subjunctive ? sibi esse in anirno : that they purposed (Jiad it in mind}. What had they in mind ? The answer, iter facere, gives the subject of esse. For sibi see A. 373 ; B. 190 ; G. 349 ; H. 430 ; HB. 374. 1. ullo: A. 311; B. 252. 4; G. 317. i ; H. 513 ; HB. 276. 7. 59 2. propterea quod . . . nullum : because they had no other way. There is strong emphasis on nulhtm, as is indicated by its unusual position. We might say in English becaiise other way they 266 NOTES I PAGE had none. Why is haberent subjunctive ? rogare : sc. se as 59 subject ; in the direct form rogamus. The object of rogare is the substantive clause^?// . . . liceat. eius voluntate : "with his con- sent (willingness}. ' 3. liceat: for tense see A. 485. e; B. 268. 3 ; 0.509. a; 11.546; HB. 491. 2. Notice that the main verb of the sentence is mittunt, and that the subordinate verbs dicerent and haberent are in a second- ary tense. 4. occisum : sc. esse. The killing of Cassius took place in 107 B.C. See Introd., p. 5. 5. sub iugum : cf. English < subjugate.' Two spears were stuck into the ground and a third was fastened across their tops. Under this 'yoke 1 the captured soldiers, laying aside their arms and their outer garments, were compelled to pass in token of defeat and humil- iation. concedeudum: sc.esse; impersonal use. Trans, thought permission ought not to be granted, lit. thought it was not to be yielded. Consult the grammar regarding the second (or passive) periphrastic conjugation of verbs. 6. inimico animo : cf. bono ;/0, p. 58, 1. 18. data facul- tate : abl. abs., expressing a condition, if the opportunity were given. 7. faciendi : gerundive, agreeing with itineris. A. 503, 504 ; B. 339. i ; G. 427, 428; H. 623, 626; HB. 612. I, 613. 8. ut . . . posset: gives the purpose of Caesar's temporizing reply. dum': until. A. 553 ; B. 293. III. 2 ; G. 572 ; H. 603. II. 2 ; HB. 507. 5. 9. diem : not a day. See Vocab. 10. quid: anything. A. 310. a; B. 252. i; G. 107. i. R. ; H. 1 86; HB. 276. I. ad Idus Aprilis: on April fj; but see note on p. 58, 1. 22. ir. reverterentur : let them return. A. 588 ; 6.316; 0.652; H. 642 ; HB. 534. 2. Caesar's words in direct form would be : Diem addeliberandum sumam; si quid vultis, ad Idus Aprilis revertimini. VIII. 12. militibus : the new levies. Notice the construction. The soldiers are regarded as instruments in the hands of the general. 13. lacu : what is the ablative plural ? 14. influit : the Rhone flows into the lake at one end and out at the other. ad montem luram: Caesar's works were on the left, or southern, bank of the Rhone. They were constructed to the point where the Jura range, approaching the right bank, leaves the narrow pass mentioned in Chap. VI. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 267 15. Helvetiis: i.e. Helvetiorum finibus. milia: see note on milia passmtm, p. 56, 1. 14. The accusative depends on perducit, and denotes extent of space. 1 6. pedum sedecim the height is regarded as a quality, or characteristic, of the wall. A. 425. a; B. 203. 2 ; G. 365. R. 2 ; H. 440. 3; HB. 355. Caesar's barricade was not continuous, but was built only where the nature of the ground rendered it necessary. For five sixths of the entire distance the bank of the river is so steep that no defenses were needed. Where the slope was gentler, the bank was cut down perpendicularly, or nearly so, to the distance of sixteen feet from the top. The earth was thrown out to the side towards the river; this produced the effect of a trench. See the plan, p. 59. 17. castella: little fortresses^ or redoiibts, serving as rallying- places for the soldiers. See the illustration on p. 107. quo facilius posset : in order that (lit. by which} more easily he might be able. A. 531. a; B. 282. i. a; G. 545. 2; H. 568. 7; HB. 502. 2. b. For tense of posset see note on tit . . . occuparet, p. 56, 1. 27. 18. conarentur : A. 593; B. 324. i ; G. 663. i ; H. 652; HB. 539. ea dies: the Ides of April; seel. 10. 19. reverterunt: in tenses from the present stem this verb is usually deponent, revertor, reverti. 20. negat se posse : says that he cannot. Nego is regularly used instead of dico . . . nan. more: see note on moribns sm's, p. 57; 1.9. iter : i.e. permission to go. 21. ulli: here equivalent to cuiqnam. Notice that both quis- qtiam and iillus are regularly used only in negative sentences, or sentences implying a negative. See note on nllo, 1. 1. conentur : subj. of ind. disc. Caesar probably said Si vim facere conabimini, prohibebo. A. 516. i.a; B. 302. i ; G. 595 ; H. 574; HB. 579. a. prohibiturtim : \.e.seprohibiturumesse. 22. ea spe deiecti: disappointed in this hope, lit. cast down from (cf. English 'downcast 1 ) this hope. A. 402; B. 214; G. 390. 2. N. i ; H. 462. i ; HB. 408. 2. navibus iunctis : abl. abs., expressing means. I. alii vadis : we might have expected an alii before navibus ; i.e. some tried to cross by bridges of boats and by rafts, others by fording at the shallow places. But the omission indicates that only a few tried to ford the river, while the main body tried to cross in the other ways. The word alii is in partitive apposition with Helveta. A. 282. a ; B. 169. 5; G. 322; H. 393. 4; HB. 319. I. a. qua: the adverb. 268 NOTES I PAGE 2. noctu : an adverb. 60 3. si ... conati : having tried (to see) 'whether they could force their way through. A. 576. a, 574; B. 300. 3; G. 460. I. 5,467; H. 649. II. 3 ; HB. 582. 2. a. b. 4. conatu : see notes on ea spe deiecti, p. 59, 1. 22, and conata, p. 57, 1. 2. destiterunt: the subject is Helvetii. IX. 5. Reliziquebatur tma via : observe the order of words ; there was left (only) the one road. Sequanis invitis : abl. abs., expressing a condition. 6. angustias : the Pas de TEcluse, nineteen Roman miles from Geneva ; see note on p. 58, 1. 6. At this point the Sequani, if so disposed, could easily stop the progress of the Helvetii. His . . . possent : not being able to persuade these by their own influence. The position of his emphasizes its connecting force. sponte : see spontis in Vocab. 7. possent: cf. ubi . . . arbitrati siint, p. 57, 1. 21. Notice that the indicative in temporal clauses expresses merely time ; the subjunctive time and something else, here cause. A. 546 ; B. 288. i ; G. 579; H. 600. I. II. i ; HB. 525. Reread a few chapters of the text, noticing the force of moods in the temporal clauses. Dum- norigem : cf. p. 56, 1. 28. 8. deprecatore : abl. abs. with eo. Deprecator is a noun denot- ing the agent. A. 236. a; B. 147. i ; G. 181. i ; 11.334; HB. 206. i. The prefix de means away. The deprecator ' prays away,' or averts, something. In this case Dumnorix is to try to overcome the refusal of the Sequani to allow the Helvetii to pass. impetrarent: the object is easily supplied. 9. gratia: on account of his personal popularity', abl. of cause. plurimum: A. 390. c; B. 176. 2. b ; G. 334; H. 409. I ; HB. 387. III. 11. in matrimonium duxerat : had married. For the fact jsee p. 57, 1. i. To marry, said of the woman, is nubere. cupiditate : for formation of the word cnpiditas see A. 241 ; B. 149 ; G. 181.2. b ; H. 345; HB. 207. 2. novis rebus: a change of government. For case see A. 367; .B. 187. II. a; G. 346; H. 426. i ; HB. 362. The adjective novus lacks a comparative. 12. quam plurimas . . . volebat: wished to have as many states as possible bound (to hint) by his services. To have a thing bound easily passes into the meaning to have bound a thing. Thus arose the form of the perfect tense in English and other modern languages. 14. ut . . . patiantur : obj. of impetrat, as is obsides ittt . . . I THE HELVETIAN WAR 269 dent of perficit. The arrangement of these clauses illustrates the chiastic order, named from the Greek letter x (fhz) : impetrat ut . . . patmntztr uti . . . dent perficit 15. Sequani, Helvetii: in partitive apposition with the implied subject of dent. He causes them to exchange hostages, the Sequani pledging themselves not to obstruct the Helvetii, the Helvetii under- taking to pass through without doing any damage. The clauses ne . . . prohibeant and ut . . . transeant depend on obsides inter sese dent, which practically means agree. A. 563. d; B. 295. 4; G. 546; H. 565; HB. 502. 3. a. X. 17. Helvetiis . . . ammo: see note on sibi . . . ammo, p. 58, 1. 32. 18. Haeduorum : across the Arar from the Sequani. See In- trod., p. 6. Santomim : on the western coast of Gaul. This word, like some other names of tribes, has forms of both the second and third declensions ; cf. Santonos, p. 61, 1. 17. 19. non longe : a glance at the map will show that the distance was fully 100 miles. In their old home the Helvetii were really nearer the province. They would be more dangerous, however, on the more exposed side of the province (locis patentibus maximeque frumentariis, 1. 22). quae civitas : a tribe which. A. 307. e; B. 251. 4. b; G. 616. 2; H. 399. 3; HB. 327. Tolosa (Toulouse) was the chief city of the Tolosates. 20. Id si fieret : protasis to futurum (esse), which is in ind. disc., depending on intellegebat. The subject of futurum is ut . . . haberet. A. 569. a; B. 297. 2 ; G. 553. 3 ; H. 571. i ; HB. 521. 3. a. Trans, he knew that if this happened (i.e. if the Helvetii reached the territory of the Santones), it would be very dangerous (with great danger) to the province to have (lit. that it would have), etc. Direct : Id si fiet, magno . . . erit (jor futurum esfy ut homines . . . habeat. 21. provinciae : obj. gen., depending onpericulo. bellicosos : A. 245 ; B. 151. 3 ; G. 182. 10; H. 346; HB. 209. 2. 22. locis : dat, depending Q^finitimos. patentibus : exposed, unprotected by natural barriers, as mountains. maxim e fmmen- tariis: A. 128; B. 74. 2; G. 87. 6; H. 159; HB. 121. 270 NOTES I PAGE 23. munition!: A. 238. b; B. 147.3; G. 181. 2. b; H. 333; HB. 60 206. 2. A few references for word-formation are given in these notes, and the student should look up other derivations for himself. The subject is treated in A. 227-267; B. 146-159; G. 176-200; H. 318- 375; HB. 202-218. The student should also frequently consult the Word-Groups in this book. For case of munitioni see note on omnibus, p. 56, 1. 3. 24. legatum : see Introd., p. 32. Italiam: Cisalpine Gaul; see Introd., p. 21. 25. legiones conscribit : Caesar levied these legions on his own responsibility, without the authority of the senate. He now had six legions. See Introd., p. 36. 26. Aquileiam : Aquileia was an important city near the head of the Adriatic. It was strongly fortified, and served to protect Cisalpine Gaul against invaders from the eastward. In imperial times it was a city of great size and enormous wealth. proximum iter : past Cremona and Turin and over the Cottian Alps. 28. Ibi: i.e. in the Alps. 30. Compluribus : A. 120; B. 70; G. 89. R. 3 ; H. 127. 4; HB. 116. b. Notice here the curious interlocked order ; comphiri- bus is to be taken with proeliis, his with pulsis. ab Ocelo : what is the force of the preposition with the name of a town ? 32. Vocontiorum ulterioris provinciae : of the Vocontii (a people) of the farther province, i.e. Transalpine Gaul. 61 i. Segusiavos : these were clients of the Haedui. Caesar seems to have crossed the Rhone a little to the east of its junction with the Arar (Saone) . 2. extra provinciam : Caesar undoubtedly here overstepped his authority. Outside of the Roman province, the Gallic tribes were independent of Roman rule. But the alliance of the Helvetii with the Sequani, who were friendly to the Germans, was a real menace to Roman influence in Gaul. The historian Livy represents the Helvetii as ready to march upon Narbo itself. See Introd., pp. 6-8. Notice the quick succession of events expressed by the historical presents, from pr deficit to ducit. XI. 3. iam : Caesar's journey to Italy and back must have taken nearly two months, so that the time would now be June. 4. pervenerant, populabantur : notice the change of tense. 5. se suaque : themselves and their (possessions). 6. legates : carefully distinguish between the two meanings of legatus. rogatum: to ask. A. 509; B. 340. i; G. 435; H. 633; HB. 618. 1 THE HELVETIAN WAR 271 7. Ita : here begins a sentence in oratio obliqua, i.e. indirect dis- course, depending on the idea of saying implied in rogatum. Cf. esse, p. 56, 1. 3. The main verb of the sentence is meritos esse, which has se as its subject. For it a . . . ut see A. 537. N. 2 ; B. 284. i ; G. 552 ; H. 570. 3 ; HB. 521. 2. a. foot-note i. 8. vastari debuerint: for tenses see A. 485. c, 486. a; B. 268. 6, 270. 2 ; G. 254. R. i, 513 ; H. 550, 618. 2 ; HB. 478, foot-note 2 on p. 311. 10. Ambarri : the name means ' dwellers around the Arar.' See the map of Gaul. 11. depopulates : passive in meaning, though the verb is com- monly deponent. A. 190. b~; B. 112. b; G. 167. N. 2 ; H. 222. 2; HB. 291. d. non prohibere: could not (lit. did not) keep off; non prohibemus in direct discourse. 13. trans Rhodanum : north of the Rhone and east of the Arar. vicos : see note on p. 57, 1. 22. possessiones: i.e. lands. 14. sibi . . . reliqui: that there was nothing left {nothing of a remainder} to them but the bare grozind (soil of the land}. Notice the d of solum; the adjective is solus. For reliqui see A. 346. a. I ; B. 201. 2. a; G. 369. R. i ; H. 440. 5. N. ; HB. 346. a. 15. non exspectandum sibi: sc. esse. Trans, that he ought not to wait. See note on concedendum, p. 59,1- 5- For sibi see A. 374; B. 189. i ; G. 355 ; H. 431 ; HB. 373. i. 16. sociorum: the Haedui and Ambarri, allies of the Roman people. consumptis: we may translate as if an active participle agreeing with Helvetii. 17. pervenirent: for mood see note on d^tm, p. 59, 1. 8. XII. 1 8. Flumen est Arar : there is a river, the Saone. Most of the Haedui lived west of the river, and most of the Sequani east ; but the words' per finis show that the river was not absolutely a dividing line between the two tribes. 19. lenitate: abl. of manner. A. 412; B. 220. i; G. 399; H. 473- 3 ; HB. 445. 3. 20. in utram partem fluat : in which direction it flows. A. 573, 574; B. 300. i. a; G. 452. 2, 467 ; H. 649. II ; HB. 537. b. 21. transibant: observe the tense. The Helvetii had proceeded about 100 miles from Lake Geneva. exploratores : scouts, usu- ally detachments of mounted soldiers sent to reconnoiter. Explain the formation of explorator ; cf. deprecatore, p. 60, 1. 8. 22. tris partis : three fourths. In such expressions as this (a cardinal number with partes) a denominator larger by one than the numerator is regularly understood. 272 NOTES I PAGE 23. id flumen: A. 395 ; B. 179. I ; G. 331. R. i ; 11.413 ; HB. 386. 61 24. Ararim : with this accusative compare the ablative Arari, p. 62, 1. 10. de tertia vigilia : during the third -watch, i.e. after the beginning of the third watch. The time from sunset to sunrise was divided into four equal watches, the length of which would of course vary with the season. In June the third watch, beginning at mid- night, would extend to about two o'clock. cum legionibus tri- bus : abl. of accompaniment. For formation of legio see note on munitioni, p. 60, 1. 23. 25. castris : this camp was probably in the northern angle formed by the Rhone and Saone. 26. impeditos : i.e. unable to defend themselves on account of their burdens and because they were engaged in crossing. 27. coucidit : carefully distinguish the verbs concido, concido, and concede, and notice the composition of each. Another account, probably incorrect, makes Labienus, not Caesar in person, the victor over the TigurinL Labienus had been left in charge of the fortifica- tions along the Rhone, but had probably rejoined Caesar before the battle. The place of this slaughter was probably a point about twelve miles above the junction of the Saone and Rhone. The rest of the Helvetii had crossed here, or a little farther north. manda- runt: i.e. mandaverunt. Cf. oppugnarant, p. 58, 1. I. 28. in proximas silvas abdiderunt : notice the accusative silvas ; they fled into the nearest woods and hid there. The sese of 1. 27 is object of abdiderunt as well as of mandarunt. Is pagus : the word pagus, canton, is used of local divisions of territory and also of the inhabitants of the divisions. 30. patrum iiostrorum memoria : in the time (lit. recollection} of our fathers. The year was 107 B.C. See Chap. VII and Introd., p. 5. 62 2. iugum : notice the case, and look up in the grammar the uses of sub. See note on p. 59, 1. 5, for the custom to which sub iugum miser at refers. 3. quae pars, ea : i.e. ea pars quae. Notice how much more forcible Caesar's order is. A. 307. b. N. ; B. 251. 4. a ; G. 616. I, 620 ; H. 399. 3 ; HB. 284. 5.6. 4. princeps poenas persolvit : was the first to pay {paid first} the penalty. Persolvere means to pay to the uttermost. For the use of princeps see A. 290 ; B. 239 ; G. 325. R. 6 ; H. 497. 3 ; HB. 243. 5. Qua in re: and thereby. 6. eius soceri L. Pisonis avuin : the grandfather of his (Caesar's) father-in-law, Liicius Piso. See Introd., p. n. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 273 7. L.Pisonem . . . interfecerant : the Tigurini had killed Lucius Piso, the legate, in the same battle in 'which they had killed Cassius. XIII. 9. reliquas copias Helvetiorum : notice the position of these words before the conjunction nt. 10. faciendum curat : caused to be built. A. 500. 4; B. 337. 8. b. 2 (337. 7. b. 2) ; G. 430; H. 622 ; HB. 612. III. 11. exercitum : no doubt all six legions. The battle with the Tigurini had been fought with three. 12. cum. . . intellegerent : when they comprehended that he had done in one day that which they had themselves accomplished only with the greatest difficulty in twenty days, namely the crossing of the river. The clause ut flumen transiretitzy^iansidqiiodconfecerant, and hence takes the usual form of a substantive clause depending on conficio. A. 568 ; B. 297. i ; G. 553. i ; H. 566; HB. 521. 3. a. The great numbers of the Helvetii and their allies, and the large amount of baggage which they must have carried, rendered the movements of the host very slow. 14. cuiiis legationis : equivalent to quorum legatontm. 15. Cassiano : Caesar names the war from the general on the Roman side ; cf. 1. i. For the suffix -arms see A. 249. 2 ; B. 152. i ; G. 182.5; H. 353; HB. 210. 5. 1 6. egit : parleyed; it is equivalent in this use to a verb of saying, and therefore introduces indirect discourse. Divico's speech ex- tends to the end of the chapter. Si ... Helvetios : the direct form would be si faciet, ibunt atque erunt Helvetii. A. 589. i. 2. a; B. 319. A. B ; G. 656. 1.2; H. 646 ; HB. 534. I. b. 2. II. 1 8. constituisset : Divico said constitueris, fut. perf. This sentence may be translated if the Roman people would make peace with the Helvetii, the Helvetii would go to that place and remain there, where Caesar (should have} settled them and (should have) wished them to be. sin . . . reminisceretur : but if he persisted in pursuing them with war, he should remember , for the direct sin perseverabis, reminiscere (imperative). Sin is regularly used to in- troduce the second of two conditions opposed to each other. Notice the doubled per in persequi perseveraret. For mood of reminis- ceretur see A. 588 ; B. 316 ; G. 652 ; H. 642 ; HB. 534. 2. IV. 19. incommodi : a mild word ; cf. insignem calamitatem, \. 4. For case see A. 350. c; B. 206. 2 ; G. 376; H. 454. i ; HB. 350. 20. Quod adortus esset : as to the fact that he had attacked. A. 572. a; B. 299. 2; G. 525. 2; H. 588. 3. N. , HB. 552. 2. The subjunctive is due to indirect discourse. 21. cum: at a time when. C^tm^s, a relative word (originally T 274 NOTES I PAGE quom, cf. qui), and the subjunctive is closely akin to the subjunc- 62 tive of characteristic. transissent : this represents an indicative of direct discourse. 22. ne magnopere tribueret : he should not give much credit, or let him not give much credit. This is a prohibition expressed in- directly. A. 450, 588. N. 2; B. 276. b, 316. a; G. 270. R. 2, 652; H. 561. i, 642. 4; HB. 501. a. 2, 534. 2. IV. Notice that suae is a direct reflexive, while ipsos refers to the Helvetii. 23. Se . . . didicisse : they had been so taiight by (lit. had so learned front) their fathers and forefathers. What sort of clause may be expected after an ita ? 25. dolo: A. 431; B. 218.3; G. 401. N. 6; 11.476.3; HB. 438. 1. ne committeret ut . . . caperet : he should not allow that place where they had taken their stand to receive a name from, etc. Cf. ne tribueret, 1. 22. ut ... caperet . . . proderet : substantive clause, object of committeret. 2.6. internecione : Divico uses a plain word to convey his threat, though he had used the mild word incommodi to refer to the old disaster. 27. memoriam : i.e. calamitatis internecionisque. As this is the first long passage of connected indirect discourse which the student has had in this book, he should study it carefully. Changing the indirect to the direct form is a very useful exercise in syntax and composition. Consult A. 590 for a treatment of this passage. XIV. 28. His: sc. legatis. Eo, quod: for this reason, (jiamely) because. Eo is abl. of degree, or measure, of difference, with /mnus, but almost equivalent to an abl. of cause. See note on hoc facilius, p. 56, 1. 4. What is the subject of dari? 30. eo . . . quo . . . accidissent : that he was the more indignant, the less they had happened in accordance (i.e. in pro- portion as they had not happened in accordance} with the de- serts of the Roman people. In direct discourse this whole sen- tence would run : Eo (or hoc) mihi minus dubitationis datur, quod eas (or has) res qnas commemoravistis memoria teneo, atque eo (or hoc) gravius fero quo minus merito populi Romani ac- ciderunt. The Romans always considered their opponents the aggressors. 31. qui si: for if they (the Roman people). alicuius iniu- riae : of some (act of) injustice. A. 310. b ; B. 252. 2 ; G. 315. N. I ; H. 512; HB. 276. 2. For the case of iimiriae see A. 349.3; B. 204. i ; G. 374; H. 451. 2. N. 2; HB. 354. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 275 32. fuisset, fuisse : fuisset, fuit in direct discourse. A. 517.0; PAGE B. 304. i. 3. a; G. 597. R. 3 ; H. 579. I, 583. 3 ; HE. 581, 582. 3. a. 62 The meaning is that it was not difficult for them to be on their guard, and they would have been, if they had been conscious of having committed some act of injustice. deceptum : sc. eum (\.t.populumRomanum) as subject. 33. neque . . . timeret : they did not know that anything had been done by them on account of which they should fear. For timeret see A. 535. a; B. 282. 2 ; G. 631. 2 ; H. 569; HB. 513. 2. The antecedent Qiqiiare is the implied subject of commissum. 1 . timendum : sc. sibi esse, that they ought to fear. Cf. con- 63 cedendum, p. 59, 1. 5. Quod: but (lit. as to whicJi). A. 397. a; B. 185. 2; G. 610. R. 2 ; H. 510. 9. contumeliae : for case cf. incommodi, p. 62, 1. 19. 2. vellet: probably for vettem of direct discourse, the sense being, ' If I were willing to forget the old outrage, can I put aside the memory of the recent wrongs also?' num: A. 332. b; B. 162. 2. b ; G. 456; H. 378; HB. 231. i. d. iniuriarum: explained by the following ^//^-clauses. eo : i.e. Caesar. 5. posse: A. 586; B. 315. 2; G. 651. R. i ; H. 642. 2; HB. 591. a. Quod gloriarentur : the fact that they boasted. This and the following ^7/0^-clause are the subject of pertinere. A. 572. N. ; B. 299. i; G. 525. 2; H. 588. II. 3; HB. 552. 2. Why are the verbs subjunctive ? 6. se intulisse : that they had inflicted. 7. eodem pertinere : pointed in the same direction, i.e. to their ruin. Consuesse : for consuevisse ; a perfect with present mean- ing. A. 205. N. 2 ; B. 262. A; G. 175. 5 ; H. 299. 2 ; HB. 487. enim : note that the conjunctions meaning ' for, 1 enim (always postpositive), etenim, nam, namqne, introduce independent sen- tences. deos : how is this word declined? 8. doleant: for mood cf. posset, p. 59, 1. 18. Notice that the tense is present, though this speech depends on respondit, a sec- ondary, or historical, tense. quos : the antecedent is his, 1. 9. 1. concedere : depends on consuesse. Cum : though. A. 549; 64 B. 309. 3 ; G. 587 ; H. 598 ; HB. 526. 2. si ... dentur : protasis to sese . . . facturum. In direct discourse this sentence would run : Si obsides a vobis mihi dabnn- tur, uti ea qitae pollicemini (vos) facturos (esse) intellegam, et si . . . intulistis, . . . satis facietis, (ego} vobiscum pacem faciam. 3. Haeduis : dat. with satisfaciant. A. 368. 2 ; B. 187 ; G. 344 ; H. 426. i. N. 2 ; HB. 362. I. 276 NOTES I PAGE In a part of Caesar's speech it is difficult to tell from the indirect 64 form whether he spoke in the first person or not ; vellet and eo, p. 63, 1. 2, and posse, p. 63, 1. 5, might refer to the Roman people rather than to Caesar. If the sentence is so understood, the use of eo is regular ; but if it refers to Caesar, we should expect se. Caesar's speech may be found given in direct discourse in G. 66 1 ; H. 653. 6. institutes esse : cf. didicisse, p. 62, 1. 24. 7. testem: why is this singular? XV. 10. equitation: see Introd., p. 37. 11. coactum : see note on p. 60, 1. 12. It agrees with quern, the object cfchabebat, 12. qui videant: a relative clause of purpose; qui is plural be- cause its antecedent, equitatum, is equivalent to equites. 13. Qui: but they. A. 308. f; B. 251. 6; G. 610. R. I ; H. 510; HB. 566. alieno: unfavorable. What literally? What would S2io mean? 14. pauci cadunt : the rest ran away. See Chap. XVIII, end. 15. sublati: see tollo in Vocab. 16. multitudinem : A. 241; B. 149; G. 181. 2. b; H. 345; HB. 207. 2. 17. novissimo agmine : with the rear of their column, abl. of means. 19. satis habebat : held (considered) it sufficient ; the object of habebat is the infinitive prohibere. in praesentia : for the present. 20. Ita : refers forward to uti. dies : ace., expressing duration of time. 21. agmen : A. 239; B. 147. 4; G. 181. 2. a; H. 336; HB. 206.3. nostrum primum : sc.agmen; our van. non . . . pas- suum : not more than five or six miles (each day). 22. quinis: A. 136, 137. a; 6.79, 81.4. a; G. 97 ; H. 163, 164. i; HB. 133. milibus : A. 406; B. 217. i; G. 398; H. 471; HB. 416. Caesar was waiting until a favorable opportunity for attacking should present itself. XVI. 23. Haeduos frumentum : A. 396; B. 178. i. a; G. 339. a; H. 411; HB. 393. 24. essent polliciti: subj- of ind. disc. In making his de- mand Caesar reminded them of their promise. A. 592. 3 ; B. 323 ; G. 508. 3 ; H. 649. I ; HB. 535. i. a. flagitare : A. 463 ; B. 335 ; G. 647; H. 610; HB. 595. frigora: the cold climate (times of cold). The singular, frigus, means the cold. Gaul seems to have been colder in Caesar's time than France is now. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 277 26. frumenta : grain, or crops. The singular usually denotes the harvested grain. ne . . . quidem : these words always inclose the word or words to be emphasized. 28. quod . . . subvexerat : 'which he had brought up the river Saone in (lit. by) boats. For the construction of flumine Arari cf. qttibtis itineribus, p. 58,!. 3. uti: from ntor ; notice how it differs from uti, 1. 20. minus poterat : could not very well. Minus is often a weaker non. 29. iter averterant: to the valley of the Liger (Loire). See the map of Gaul. 30. Diem . . . Haedui : the Haedui kept putting him off day after day. Diem is accusative of duration of time. conferri ... dicere : they kept saying that it (the grain) was being collected, was being transported, was close by. By the omission of connectives (asyndeton) the climax is heightened. 31. diutius : longer (than was right), i.e. too long. i. metiri : see Introd., p. 36. The infinitive depends on opor- 65 teret. A. 454; B. 330; G. 535 ; H. 615 ; HB. 585. 3. Diviciaco et Lisco : partitive apposition to principibus. Diviciacus was a druid. See Introd., p. 27, and note on Dumnorigt, p. 56, 1. 28. 4. quern : its antecedent is magistratui. There is in this sen- tence a slight confusion between the two meanings of magistrates, magistracy and magistrate. vergobretum : the word means 'judge. 1 "Down to the time of the French Revolution, the magis- trate of Autun was called Verg or Vierg." Autun is near the site of the Haeduan town Bibracte. 5. annuus : pred. adj., where English idiom would require an adverb. 7. propinquis : (being) near, with hostibus. 8. sublevetur: A. 540; B. 286. i; G. 541; H. 588. II; HB. 535. 2. a. magna ex parte : to a great extent. 9. multo gravius : Caesar accused the Haedui of ingratitude in not helping him, when he was acting in response to their prayers ; but he complained much more bitterly because they had played him false. XVII. 12. quod: the rel. pron , what, that which (sc. id, obj. of proponif). Esse non nullos : direct stint non nulli. Nearly all the speeches in Caesar are in indirect discourse. 13. privatim . . . possint : have more power, though in private station. Compare the case of Orgetorix (Chap. IV) with his numerous dependents. 278 NOTES I 15. ne . . . conferant: trans, from furnishing. A. 558. b; B. 295. 3; G. 548; H. 596. 2; HB. 502. 3. b. For the plural con- ferant after the collective noun multitudinem cf. exirent, p. 56, 1. 2. 1 6. Praestare : here begins the seditiosa atque improba (reck- less) oratio, which extends through erepturi. (They say that} it is better , if they (the Haedui) cannot lojiger hold the first place in Gaul, to endure the dominion of Gauls than that of Romans, and that they (the multitude) ought not to doubt, etc. 19. Haeduis : A. 381 ; B. 188. 2. d ; G. 345. R. i ; H. 427 ; HB. 371. sint erepturi: are intending to take away, or will take away. For the form of the clause cf. quin . . . possent, p. 57, 1. 4. 20. nostra : i.e. Romanorum. 21. se: the indirect reflexive, referring to the main subject, Liscus. Quin etiam : why, even. quod : see note on quod adortus esset, p. 62, 1. 20. 23. id: notice its emphatic position before cum periculo. It is the object of fecerit, and refers to the clause quod . . . emtntiarit. Notice that all subjunctives in this speech are either present or perfect, and that the speech is introduced by proponit, a historical present All the subjunctives might have been changed to secondary tenses. XVIII. 26. pluribus praesentibus : with too many present, abl. abs. 27. iactari: to be openly discussed. A. 263. 2; B. 155. 2; G. 191. i ; H. 364; HB. 212. i. 28. ex solo : i.e. ex eo solo. Dicit: sc. Liscus. 29. reperit esse vera : he found that the facts were (truth was) as follows. 30. Ipsum esse Dumnorigem : that Dumnorix was the man. summa audacia : equivalent to audacissimum. For the case cf. bono ammo, p. 58, 1. 1 8. 32. rerum novarum : ci.novisrebus,-p.6p,\.ii. For the case see A. 349. a ; B. 204. i ; G. 374 ; H. 451 . i ; HB. 354. portoria : duties on goods carried into, out of, or through a country. Cf. porto, carry. 33. vectigalia : revenues, as from public pastures or monopolies. parvo pretio : at a low price. A. 416 ; B. 225 ; G. 404 ; H. 478 ; HB. 427. I. redempta habere : had' bought in. See note on p. 60, 1. 12. propterea . . . nemo: because when he bid, no one dared to bid against him. Dumnorix bought for a lump sum the right to collect the taxes, expecting to recoup himself and make a profit. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 279 2. ad largiendum : for bribing* See note on prqficiscendum, p. 56, 1. 17. 3. suo sumptu : at his own expense. 4. domi: i.e. among his own people. A. 427; B. 232. 2; G. 411. R. 2 ; H. 484. 2 ; HB. 449. a. 5. largiter posse: equivalent to multum posse. huius . . . conlocasse : to confirm (for the sake of) this power he had given (placed} his mother (in marriage) to a man among the Bituriges, most noble and powerful there. 7. uxorem: the daughter of Orgetorix; cf. p. 57, 1. i. 8. sororem ex matre : half-sister, on the mothers side. nuptum conlocasse : had placed to marry, i.e. had given in marriage. A. 509; B. 340. i. b; G. 435; H. 633. i; HB. 618. 9. Helvetiis: A. 367; B. 187. II. a; G. 346; H. 426. i ; HB. 362. 10. suo nomine : in his own, name, i.e. on private grounds. 13. Si quid accidat : if anything shoiild happen, a euphemistic expression for if any disaster should come. in spem venire : he conceived (came into} the hope. regni: obj. gen., depending on spem. The gerundive obtinendi agrees with it. 14. imperio populi Homani: -under the government of the Roman people. 15. Reperiebat: notice the tense. Caesar kept asking ques- tions, and kept learning something new. 16. quaerendo: A. 507; B. 338. 4. b; G. 433; H. 631; HB. 612. IV. quod . . . adversum: this expression is nearly equiva- lent to quae fuga equitum, and has fugae of 1. 17 for its virtual antecedent. We may translate freely the beginning of the flight in the ^^nsuccessful cavalry skirmish which had taken place . . . had been made, etc. 17. ante: A. 433. 1,424. f; B. 144. i, 223; G. 415, 403. N. 4; H. 420. 4, 488. i ; HB. 303. c, 424. 18. auxilio Caesari: A. 382. i ; B. 191. 2. b ; G. 356; H. 433; HB. 360. b. XIX. 22. res : facts, given in the four yw^-clauses which fol- low. These clauses have their verbs in the subjunctive, on the principle of indirect discourse, as they represent Caesar's thought at the time of the action of the main verb. quod : (namely) that. 23. obsides . . . curasset: had caused hostages to be ex- changed between them. See note on faciendum cur at, p. 62, 1. 10. 24. iniussu suo : without his (Caesar's) orders. A. 103. b. 5 ; B. 57. i ; G. 70; H. 143. i ; HB. 106. i. 280 NOTES I PAGE 25. magistratu : the vergobret Liscus. satis: used as a noun, 66 subject of esse. 26. quare in eum animadverteret : wherefore he should proceed against (turn Ms attention toward) him. See note on timer et, p. 62, 1. 33. 27. rebus: A. 367; B. 187. II. a; 0.346; H. 426. I ; HB. 362. 29. studium: attachment. 30. cognoverat: see note on consuesse, p. 63, 1. 7. What is the meaning of cognosce ? Of cognovi? 31. animum off enderet : he might -wound the feelings. For the form of the clause see A. 564 ; B. 296. 2 ; G. 550. 1.2; H. 567. i ; HB. 502. 4. priusquam . . . conaretur: before he should make any attempt. A. 551. b ; B. 292. i. b; G. 577; H. 605. II; HB. 507. 4. b. What is the negative idea in this clause which makes it necessary to use quicquam instead ofcaliquid? 33. per . . . Troucillum : connect this phrase with conloqui- tur. C. : stands for Gaiitm. A. i. a, 108. c; B. 373; G. i. R. i, and p. 493; H. 5. 3, 354. 6; HB. i. a, 678. 3. 34. cui : fidein habebat is equivalent to a verb meaning 'trusted.' 35. omnium rerurn : in all respects. 67 i. ipso : Diviciacus. 2. sint dicta: subj. in an ind. quest. quisque : each one, giving his individual information or opinion ; omnes would mean all, giving the same information or expressing the same opinion. 3. sine eius offensicme animi: without "wounding his feelings. 4. ipse : Caesar. causa cognita : after investigating the case. statuat: a somewhat milder word than animadverteret, p. 66, 1. 26. XX. 6. ne quid gravius statueret: obj. of obsecrare; that he -would not take any too severe measures. When is quis, quid, an indefinite pronoun? Scire se : ind. disc., depending on the idea of saying in the verb obsecrare ; direct (ego} scio. 7. quemquam : subject of caper e. Just as nee or neque is regularly used instead of et non, so nee quisquam replaces et nemo. ex eo : from that (fact). 8. ipse : the speaker, Diviciacus, while ille refers to Dumnorix. plurimum : sc. posset from minimum posset below, and cf. p. 57, 1.4- 10. qtiibus opibus ac nervis : i.e. the influence and strength gained through Diviciacus. ir. gratiam : sc. suam, referring, as all the reflexives in this passage, to the speaker. Notice the gerundive construction used to I THE HELVETIAN WAR 281 express purpose. uteretur: the subject is Dumnorix, as of PAGE crevisset above. 67 12. amore fraterno : love for his brother. The adj. is used for an obj. gen. vulgi: subjective gen. 13. Quod si: now, if. a Caesare : like abl. of agent, because accidisset is nearly equivalent to a passive, should have been done. 14. nerainem non : everybody. In direct form this sentence would run : Quod si quid ei a te gravius acciderit (fut. perf.), cum ego hunc locitm amiciiiae apud te teneam, nemo existimabit non mea voluntate factum (esse) . 15. futurum: sc. esse ; it would come to pass. Its subject is the substantive clause uti . . . averterentur. Cf. p. 60, 1. 21. The form fiiturum uti animi averterentiir is periphrastic for animos aver sum iri. A. 5169. a; B. 270. 3. a; G. 248; H. 619. 2; HB. 472. c. 1 6. cum: is this the preposition ? Notice peter et. 18. faciat: A. 565. a; B. 295. 8; G. 546. R. 2 ; H. 565. 4; HB. 530. 2. tanti: of so great weight. A. 417; B. 203. 3; G. 379, 380. i ; H. 448. i ; HB. 356. i. In indirect discourse this sentence would run : Tanti tua apud me gratia est uti . . . menm dolorem tuae vohmtati . . . condonem. 19. rei publicae : to the state, obj. gen. eius voluntati : out of deference to his wish ; voluntati is ind. obj. of condonet. What is the literal translation ? 22. in reliquum tempus : for the future. 23. praeterita : bygones. 24. Dumnorigi: A. 362; B. 187. I; G. 345; H. 425. i; HB. 365. Caesar yielded to policy as well as to the entreaties of Diviciacus. The punishment of Dumnorix at this time would have alienated the Haedui, on whom Caesars army depended for food. XXI. 26. exploratoribus : see note on p. 61, 1. 21. 27. qualis esset : an indirect question. 28. qui cognoscerent : (j;ie)i) to/earn, a relative clause of purpose. 29. esse : sc. ascensum as subject. De tertia vigilia : see note on p. 61, 1. 24. 30. legatum pro praetore : the legatus ordinarily had no inde- pendent military authority, but was the assistant of his general. The title legatus pro praetore applied to Labienus probably indi- cates that he had received by special enactment the power and rank of propraetor, empowering him to act as Caesar's substitute when necessary. See legatim Introd., p. 32. 282 NOTES I PAGE 31. iis . . . cognoverant: those (inen as) guides who knew the 67 way ; cf. 1. 28. 68 i . quid . . . sit : what his plan was. For case of consili see A. 343. b; B. 198. 3; 0.366; H. 447; HB. 346. Labienus from the summit was to attack the enemy in the rear, while Caesar attacked them in front. de quarta vigilia : what time was this? 3. rei: A. 349. a; B. 204. I ; G. 374; H. 451. i ; HB. 354. 4. L. Sullae: as Sulla died in 78 B.C., Considius's military experience had extended over a long period of years. M. Crassi : sc. exercitu. Crassus was one of the triumvirs ; see Introd., p. n. He defeated the gladiators and slaves under Spartacus in 71 B.C. XXII. 6. summus: A. 293; B. 241. i; G. 291. R. 2 ; H. 497.4; HB. 244. 7. passibus : abl. with the comparative longius. 8. neque . . . aut . . . aut: trans, and . . . neither . . . nor. 9. Labieui : sc. adventus. cognitus esset : goes with cum, 1. 6. equo admisso : with his horse at full speed, abl. abs. Equum admittere means to let a horse go, give him free rein. 10. accurrit, dicit : notice the asyndeton. voluerit : sc. Caesar as subject. 12. in collem subducit: led (from below) up on the hill. The numerous instances of asyndeton in this chapter add life to the narrative. 13. aciem instruit : Caesar awaited the coming of the Helvetii, thinking that they had already destroyed Labienus. erat prae- ceptum : the order had been given. What literally? What is the subject of the verb? 15. ut . . . fieret: a clause of purpose. 17. Multo die : when day was well advanced. 18. timore perterritum : terror-stricken. 19. quod . . . renuntiavisse : had reported to him as (a thing) seen what he had not seen. The participle visa is used substantively . 20. quo consuerat intervallo : at what interval he was accus- tomed, i.e. at his accustomed interval. This was five or six miles. For attraction of antecedent into relative clause see A. 307. b ; B. 251. 4; G. 616. i; H. 399. 3; HB. 284.6. For case of intervallo see A. 412 ; B. 221 ; G. 399 ; H. 473. 3 ; HB. 422. I. XXIII. 22. Postridie eius diei : lit. on. the morrow (next day) of that day. Postridie is equivalent to postero die. For the genitive see A. 359. b; B. 201. 3. a; H. 446. 5; HB. 380. c. biduum supererat cum oporteret : two days remained (before the time) when it would be necessary. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 283 23. a Bibracte : why is a preposition used? Most neuter names PAGE of towns ending in , though /-stems, have the ablative in e. 68 Bibracte was on Mont Beuvray, not far from the site of the modern Autun. The Gallic fortifications may still be traced. 25. rei: why dative? prospiciendum : sc. esse; that he ought to make provision for. 26. Bibracte : ace. Why ? From a course almost due west Caesar now turned more nearly northward. 27. decurionis : see Introd., p. 38. 29. existimarent : A. 540. N. 2 ; B. 286. i. a; G. 541. N. 3 ; H. 588. II. i ; HB. 535. 2. b. N. eo magis : all the more (more by this). 30. superioribus locis occupatis : though they had seized the heights ; abl. abs., used concessively. commisissent : subj. because the thought of the Helvetii. 31. eo : for this reason, abl. of cause. posse : sc. Romanos as subject. 32. a novissimo agmine : sc. nostro, at our rear. The Helvetii by turning back put themselves in Caesar's power. XXIV. i. id: A. 395; B. 179. 2; G. 342; HB. 391. 3. 69 animum advertit : turned his attention toward, i.e. noticed. Usually animadvertere is used. For mood and tense of verb see A. 543 ; B. 287. I. a; G. 561 ; H. 602 ; HB. 554, 557. 2. qui sustineret : to check. 3. in colle medio: half-way up the hill. triplicem aciem : see Introd., p. 44. 4. legionum quattuor : numbered VII-X. See Introd., p. 36. 5. conscripserat : cf. p. 60, 1. 25. 6. auxilia: see Introd., p. 37. 7. sarcinas : the packs carried by the soldiers, often very heavy. See Introd., p. 40. iis : the two raw legions and the auxilia, who were on the top of the hill. 8. muniri : the remains of this intrenchment have been dis- covered. 9. impedimenta : see Introd., p. 40. 10. confertissima acie : by the great density of their line, lit. by their very dense line ; abl. of means with reiecto. phalange : an unbroken mass, with the shields of those in front overlapping. 11. sub: tip towards. The student should refer constantly to the plan on p. 70 in reading the following account of the battle be- tween the Romans and the Helvetii. XXV. 12. omnium equis : i.e. those of his officers and personal staff. 284 NOTES I PAGE 15. pilis : see Introd., pp. 35, 45. 69 16. Gallis impedimento : A. 382. i. N. i; B. 191. 2; G. 356; H. 433 ; HB. 360. b. 17. quod . . . poterant: this clause is subject of erat. Subor- dinate to poterant are, first, an abl. abs. ; second, a ^awz-clause ; third, two infinitives, closely connected with the second of which is another abl. abs. 1 8. conligatis : pinned together. f errum : the soft iron shank connecting the head with the shaft. 19. evellere : sc. id, \.&. f errum. sinistra impedita : abl. abs., causal. Shields were carried of course on the left arm. 20. multi . . . praeoptarent : a clause of result. Notice the emphatic position of multi. 21. manu : abl. of separation. nudo : unprotected, not naked. 22. et . . . et: both . . . and. pedem referre : to fall back (facing the foe) ; terga vertere means to run away. circiter : an adverb. 23. mille: A. 134. d; B. 80. 5; G. 95. R. 3; H.-i68; HB. 131. 3. Capto : sc. ab Us. 24. Boii et Tulingi : cf. Chap. V. milibus : abl. of means. 25. novissimis : i.e. novissimo agmini. For case see note on Gallis impedimento, 1. 16. 2.6. latere aperto : i.e. the right side, which was unprotected by shields. The Boii and Tulingi, who had just reached the battle- ground, seem to have tried to pass round in the rear of the Romans, to attack them on the right flank. The manoeuver was frustrated when the third line faced about, as described at the end of the chapter. circumvenire : depends on adgressi (sunf). 28. conversa . . . intulerunt : turned about and charged in two divisions. What literally? The first two lines charged forward upon the Helvetii, who had been already once driven before them ; the third line faced about to receive the attack of the Boii and Tulingi. See the plan, p. 70. XXVI. 31. ancipiti: twofold, explained by the last sentence of Chap. XXV. 32. alteri, alter! : i.e. the Helvetii, the Boii and Tulingi. 70 i. hoc toto proelio : abl. of time within which. 2. hora septima: as the time from sunrise to sunset was divided into twelve equal hours, the seventh hour in the latter part of June would extend from noon to about fifteen minutes past one. aversum hostem : the back of an enemy. This was not a flight, but an orderly retreat. I THE HELVETIAN WAR 285 3. Ad multam noctem : cf. mult o die, p. 68, 1. 17. ad im- pedimenta : at the baggage. Here, according to Plutarch, were the women and children, who were probably massacred when the Roman soldiers burst in. 4. pro vallo : as a wall. 5. coniciebant : notice the force of this and the following imperfects. 8. impedimentis : why ablative ? 9. e filiis : A. 346. c; B. 201. i. a; G. 372. R. 2 ; H. 444. I ; HB. 346. e. captus est : agrees with the nearer of the two subjects. 10. nocte : A. 424. b ; B. 231. i ; G. 393. R. 2 ; H. 417. 2 ; HB. 440. continenter: without stopping. The words mdlain . . . intermisso which follow are an explanation of continenter. 1. in finis Lingonum : see the map of Gaul. It is almost c~r- 71 tain that the battle took place near Montmort, a village about three miles from Toulon-sur-Arroux. Excavations have disclosed the form of the intrenchment on the hill, and have yielded calcined bones, fragments of helmets and javelins, and other relics. The time was probably the last of June (June 29, according to one authority). 2. quarto : the third according to -modern reckoning. The Romans counted the day from which the reckoning was made. 3. sepulturam: A. 238. b. N. i ; B. 147. 3. a; G. 181. 9; H. 328. 4; HB. 206. 2. 4. lie ... iuvarent: depends on litteras nuntiosque misit, which implies the idea of commanding. 5. Qui . . . habiturum : in direct discourse (vos) si i^l'ver^tis, (ego vos) eodem loco quo Hel-vetios habebo. This means that Caesar would treat the Lingones as enemies. XXVII. ii. eos: the Helvetii, not the legati. 12. essent : subj. because dependent on exspeciare, and forming a part of Caesar's command. iussisset : introduced by c^lm^ 1. 9. 14. perfugissent : subj. of informal ind. disc. ea : i.e. obsides, arma, serin. conquiruntur : A. 556 ; B. 293. I ; G. 229. R., 570 ; H. 533.4; HB. 559. 15. Verbigenus: the Helvetii consisted of four divisions, or can- tons. The Tigurini have been already mentioned, in Chap. XII. See Introd., p. 5. 1 6. perterriti : masc. because hominnm milia sex means six thousand persons. ne supplicio adficerentur : that they would be visited with punishment, i.e. put to death. The clause depends on the expression timore perterriti, which is nearly equivalent in meaning to timentes. 286 NOTES I PAGE 1 8. occultari . . . ignorari : be concealed (for a time, until they 71 had a sufficient start) or remain altogether unknown. 19. existimarent : see note on p. 68, 1. 29. 20. Germanorum: if the fugitives had reached the Germans, they might have secured sympathy and active help against the Ro- mans. XXVIII. 21. Quod: the rel. pron. How is it to be trans- lated? quorum . . . imperavit : he ordered those through whose territory they had gone to collect them and bring them back, if they wished to be blameless in his sight. For sibi see A. 378. I ; B. 188. 2. c; G. 352; 11.425.4; HB. 370. 23. in . . . liabuit: a mild way of saying that he massacred them or sold them into slavery. 26. frugibus amissis : cf. p. 57, 1. 24. 27. quo famem tolerareiit : with which they could relieve their starvation, A. 531. 2; B. 282. 2; G. 631. 2; H. 591. i; HB. 517.2. . 28. facerent : furnish. Observe the construction used with imperavit, and that in 1. 29 with iussit. ipsos: contrasted with Allobrogibus. 29. ea ratione : for this reason. 30. discesserant : A. 267. b ; B. 159. 3. e. N. ; G. 200. 2. a; H. 375.3; HB. 218. i. b. vacare : A. 563. b ; 6.331. IV; G. 532 ; H. 565. 2; HB. 587. ne : does this particle introduce clauses of purpose or of result ? 32. finitimi : Caesar wished to have the Helvetii between the province and the Germans. See the location of the Helvetii on the map of Gaul. 72 I. Boios : obj. of conlocarent. Haeduis : ind. .obj. of concessit, of which the clause ut . . . conlocarent is dir. obj. quod . . . cogniti : because they were known (to be men} of extraordinary bravery. The Haedui held the headship of one of the two parties in Gaul, and wished to strengthen their power. 3. postea : perhaps after the close of the Gallic War. 4. parem atque ipsi erant : equal to that in which they them- selves were, or the same as they themselves enjoyed. A. 384. N. 2 ; B. 341. i. c; G. 643 ; H. 657. i. N. ; HB. 307. 2. a. Before the mi- gration of the Helvetii the Boii were not settled in a definite home. Cf. p. 57, 1. 30. XXIX. 6. tabulae : the tablets used by the Romans were of wood covered with wax. The stilus, a pointed piece of metal, was used to scratch the characters in the wax. litteris Graecis : in I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 287 Greek characters. The Gauls had learned these from the Greek PAGE colony of Massilia; they seem not to have had a native alpha- 72 bet. 7. et : connects repertae sunt and relatae (sienf). 8. ratio conf ecta erat : an accoiint had been made iip. qui : the interrogative adjective, introducing an indirect question. 9. possent : subj. of characteristic. quot . . . mulieresque : sc. domo exissent. 10. Quarum rerum, capitum : the idea of personality disap- pears. Cf. English 'five hundred head' (used of cattle). 11. milium : pred. gen. Trans, 'the total of all these items was 263,000 souls of the Helvetii. 13. ad : up to, about. 14. fuerunt : notice that this does not agree with summa, but takes its plural form from milia ccCLXVin. 16. o et x : it is uncertain whether this number includes the Boii or not. Even if it does not, the number of killed, captured, and missing during the campaign would be not far below 250,000. No doubt some escaped singly to other tribes, but still the slaughter must have been frightful. Some later writers make the numbers smaller than here given. XXX. 17. totius Galliae : i.e. Celtic Gaul. See Introd., p. 23. 18. gratulatum: A. 509; B. 340. i ; G. 435 ; H. 633 ; HB. 618. 19. Intellegere sese : direct, (iios) intellegimus . The rest of the sentence depends on intellegere. veteribus : learn to com- pare and decline vetus. Helvetiorum . . . Roman! : injuries inflicted by the Helvetii (subj. gen.) on the Roman people (obj. gen.). These injuries are given in Chap. XII. 20. ab his poenas repetisset : had inflicted punishment on them, more literally had claimed the penalty from them. Cf. poenas persolvit, p. 62, 1. 5. 21. ex usu : to the advantage. 22. florentissimis rebus: though their affairs were in a most prosperotis condition. 24. domicilio: A. 382. 2; B. 191. i ;G-356; H. 433. 3; HB. 361. j 26. haberent : in the same construction as inferrent, potirentur, deligerent. 27. in ... indicere : appoint for a fixed time. 28. Sese habere : this is the reason for their request. quas- dam : A. 310 ; B. 252. 3 ; G. 313 ; H. 512 ; HB. 276. 5. i. lure iurando . . . sanxerunt : made a compact with one 73 another ^lnder oath that no one should disclose (the results of their 288 NOTES I PAGE deliberation} except (those) to whom it (the duty of so doing) had 73 been assigned by general agreement. XXXI. 5. ante f uerant : cf. p. 72, 1. 18. 7. Caesar i ad pedes : at Caesar's feet. For the dat. see A. 377 ; B. 188. I. N. ; G. 350. i : H. 425. 4. N. ; HB. 368. 8. se id contenders: (saying that) they strove for this, ex- plained by the substantive clause ne . . . enuntiarentur . 9. quam : than, with minus. 10. si enuntiatum esset : if disclosures should be (should have been} made. The verb is impersonal. in cruciatum ventures : should come into torture, i.e. should suffer torture. ii.' Galliae : the speech which begins here is long, but not diffi- cult as a whole. Try to get the direct form of each sentence. 12. factiones : parties. See Introd., p. 6. 14. multos annos contenderent : had been striving for many years (and were still striving). A. 47i.b; 6.260.4; 0.234; H. 535.1; HB. 485. factum esse : it came about. 15. Sequanis : the Sequani lived across the Sa6ne from the Haedui, and both tribes claimed control of the river. 1 6. posteaquam : this word regularly takes the indicative, like postquam. Why is adamassent (for adamavissenf) subjunctive? 17. copias: riches. 18. esse: sc. eos, i.e. Germanos, as subject. 19. clientis : dependents, weaker tribes under their dominion. 22. qui: the antecedent is eos (they) understood, subject of cqactos esse. 23. hospitio : hospitium was a relation between two independ- ent states in consequence of which mutual favors of honor and hos- pitality were granted. The word was used also of a similar relation between individuals of different nations. 26. sese . . . essent : the substance of the oath. 27. recusaturos quominus essent : refuse to be. A. 558. b ; B. 295. 3 ; G. 549 ; H. 568. 8 ; HB. 502. 3. b. 28. se : the speaker, Diviciacus. 29. potuerit: subj. of characteristic. 31. Romam ad senatum : A. 428.3; B. 182. 2. b; G. 337. R. 6; H. 418. i ; HB. 450. c. See Introd., p. 7. 33. peius : (a) worse (thing), subject of accidisse. 74 i . Ariovistus : some see in this name the German word Heerfurst, 'army-leader. 1 2. optimus : this region still maintains its supremacy. 3. occupavisset, iuberet : be careful to observe the tenses here. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 2 4. paucis mensibus : abl. of degree, or measure, of difference, as ante has the force of a comparative. 5. quibus . . . pararentur : for whom a place and habitations were to be provided. For the subj. see A. 531 . 2 ; B. 282. 2 ; G. 630 ; H. 590; HB. 502. 2. 6. Futurum esse uti omnes pellerentur : equivalent to omnis pulsum iri, all would be driven. See note on p. 67, 1. 15. 8. Gallicum : sc. agrum, subject of confer endum esse. 9. hanc : i.e. Gallicam. 10. ut semel : as soon as (when once). 11. ad Magetpbrigam : at Magetobriga. The situation of this town as given on the map is conjectural. The battle is thought to have taken place in 60 B.C. See Introd., p. 7. 12. nobilissimi cuiusque : A. 313. b; B. 252. 5. c; G. 318. 2; H. 515. 2; HB. 278. 2. b. 13. exempla : warning examples ; defined more closely by cru- ciatus, tortures. 15. iracundum: A. 253. b; B. 150. i; G. 182. 2; H. 328. 5; HB. 208. 3. . 1 6. Nisi quid auxili : unless something of help, i.e. some help. 17. Gallis : dat. of agent with esse faciendiim. 18. ut . . . emigrant : in apposition with idem. 20. quaecumque: A. 151. a; B. 91. 8 ; G. sin. 2; H. 182. 3 ; HB. 140. d. 21. non dubitare quin . . . sumat : he (the speaker, Divicia- cus) did not doubt that he (Ariovistus) would inflict. For the quin- clause cf. p. 57, 1. 4. de obsidibus supplicium sumat : cf. ab his poenas repetisset, p. 72, 1. 20. 24. ne . . . traducatur : for the construction cf. ne . . . confe- rant, p. 65, 1. 15. Observe the tenses of the subjunctive in this speech. In the ear- lier part we have imperfects and pluperfects, except potuerit, p. 73, 1. 29. In the latter part all are presents or perfects. XXXII. 27. Hac oratione habita : after this speech had been delivered. An ablative absolute should seldom be translated literally. 29. Animadvertit Caesar : notice the inversion of subject and predicate. The effect is about like, 'It was very noticeable to Caesar.' unos : alone. A. 134. a; G. 95. R. i ; H. 166. i. 30. tristis : translate by an adverb. 32. respondere : cf. flagitare, p. 64, 1. 24. 33. neque . . . posset : and could not get a single word out of them. u 290 NOTES I PAGE 2. Hoc : cf. eo, p. 62, 1. 28. 75 5. adesset: A. 524; B. 307. i. 2; G. 602; H. 584; HB. 504. 3. a. The imperfect here is accounted for by the sequence of tenses. 6. reliquis, Sequanis : these words are emphatic, and contrasted with each other. Notice that each stands first in its clause. Se- qitanis is dat. of agent, modifying essent perferendi. XXXIII. 10. sibi . . . futuram : that he would attend to this matter. What literally? 11. Magnam: emphatic by position. beueficio: during Caesar's consulship, apparently at. his recommendation, Ariovistus had been officially recognized by the Roman senate as rex atque amicus. It was already known that the Helvetian migration was preparing, and Caesar probably wished to secure the neutrality of Ariovistus in the coming Gallic campaign. See Introd., p. 7. 12. iniuriis : acts of injustice. A. 100. c; B. 55. 4. c; G. 204. N. 5 ; H. 138. 2; HB. 240. 5. b. 13. secundum : a preposition. 14. quare : equivalent to quibus. rebus, abl. of cause. The sin- gular shows that quare was felt as an adverb, wherefore. 15. putaret: subj. of characteristic. quod . . . videbat . . . intellegebat : these clauses give two of the multae res. fratres appellatos : who had been called brothers. 17. apud : in the hands of. 18. quod : a condition which, subject of esse, 20. Germaiios . . . videbat : that the Germans shoidd get the habit of crossing the Rhine and that a great number of them should come into Gaul he' saw was perilous to the Roman people. 22. periculosum: what is the meaning of the suffix -osus? sibi : with temperatures. A. 367 ; B. 187. II. a ; G. 346 ; H. 426. 2 ; HB. 362. 23. quin exirent : from issuing forth. A. 558 ; B. 298 ; G. 555. 1 ; H. 595. 2 ; HB. 502. 3. b. 24. Cinibri Teutonique : see Introd., p. 5. 26. Rhodanus : only the Rhone. quibus rebus : dat., depend- ing on occurrendum. 27. quam maturrime : cf. quam maximum, p. 56, 1. 18. occurrendum : sc. esse ; that he ought to meet a* forestall. 29. ferendus : used adjectively, bearable. By making the danger from Ariovistus appear as great as that which had threatened Rome from the Cimbri and Teuton!, Caesar sought to explain and justify his actions against the Germans. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 291 XXXIV. 31. medium utriusque : between the two. The genitive with medius is rare in prose. 33. utriusque : of both. Ei legationi : i.e. Us legatis. 1 . Si ... f uisse : direct. Si quid mihi a Caesar e opus esset, ego ad eum venissem. A. 589. b. 1.2; B. 321. A. B; G. 656. i. 2 ; H. 647; HB. 581. b. i. Trans, if he wanted anything, etc. What is the literal meaning ? Be sure that you find the right opus in the Vocabulary. 2. quid, se : both accusatives are governed by velit. Trans. wanted anything of him. Observe carefully the use of pronouns in this and the previous sentence. 6. quid . . . esset : ind. quest., subject of videri. sua Gallia : notice the emphasis on sua. 7. Caesari : dat. of possession. negoti: depends on quid. A. 346. a. 3; B. 201. 2; G. 369; H. 441 ; HB. 346. XXXV. 9. Quoniam : this conjunction cannot introduce appellatus esset, because another conjunction, cum, comes between. It must, therefore, introduce referret. 10. beneficio : cf. p. 75, 1. n. It is explained by the clause ciun . . . appellatus esset. 1 1 . Iiaiic gratiam referret : made this return, explained by the substantive clause ut . . . gravaretur . . . ptitaret. 13. discendum sibi : that, he was ^tnder obligation to learn. 14. haec esse quae : these were (the things) which. This is the principal clause of the sentence. primum, ne . . . tradu- ceret : this and the following clauses are in apposition with haec. They have the form, therefore, which clauses depending on postTilo regularly take. We may supply /// to introduce redderet and per- mitteret. A. 563; B. 295. i ; G. 546; H. 565 ; HB. 502. 3. a. 17. ut . . . liceret: that they might return (lit. it might be allowed to them to retrini) with his consent those which they had. Notice the redundancy of words ; permitteret, voluntate, and liceret contain about the same idea. 18. neve : regularly used for et ne. It introduces Caesar's third demand, which, like the second, is in two parts. neve : nor. 19. Si fecisset : si feceris, if you do (shall have done), in the direct form. sibi : refers to Caesar. 21. si non impetraret: if he should not obtain his reqriest. sese : subject of neglecttirunt. It is repeated by the se of 1. 24. M. Messala . . . consulibus : 61 B.C. 23. obtineret: should hold, not obtain. quod . . . posset: so far as he could do it with benefit to the state. A. 535. d; B. 292 NOTES I PAGE 283. 5; G. 627. R. i ; H. 591. 3; HB. 521. i. f. rei publicae : 76 gen. XXXVI. 26. ut . . . imperarent : a substantive clause, sub- ject of esse, the predicate being ius. Ariovistus said, ' It is a law of war that those who have conquered rule as they wish those whom they have conquered.' 28. victis: the conquered-, dat. of the participle, masc., used as a noun. ad alterius praescriptum : according to the dictation of another. 29. consuesse : see note on p. 63, 1. 7. 31. se impediri: subject of oportere. A. 565. N. 3 ; B. 330; G. 535; H. 615 ; HB. 585. Trans, he ought not to be hindered. What would be a literal rendering? Haeduos : subject of esse factos. 32. temptassent : why subjunctive ? What mood does qttoniam regularly take? 33. Magnam : observe the emphasis of its position (it was a great injustice that Caesar was committing) . 77 i. qui . . . faceret: a causal relative clause. A. 535. e; B. 283. 3; G. 633; H. 592; HB. 523. suo, sibi: the former of these words is a direct reflexive, referring to Caesar ; the latter is an indirect reflexive, referring to Ariovistus. Ariovistus feared that Caesar's coming might make the Haedui refuse to pay the tribute. 2. neque . . . neque : but neither . . . nor. 3. si . . . convenisset : if they stood by that 'which had been agreed upon. 5. longe . . . afuturum : the name i brothers of the Roman people" 1 would be far away from them, i.e. would not help them7 6. Quod . . . denuntiaret : as for Caesar 's threatening him. The subjunctive is due to indirect discourse. 7. secum, sua : indirect and direct respectively. Cum vellet, congrederetur : in direct discourse cum volet, congrediatur (let him join battle, subj. expressing a command in the third person) ; or perhaps addressed directly to Caesar, cum -voles, congredere (imperative). 9. tectum nou subissent : perhaps not to be, taken literally, but meaning that they had no fixed abiding-place. XXXVII. n. Haec : put first for emphasis. 12. ab, a : two prepositions are necessary, because there were two embassies. Treveris : on the Moselle. The name survives in the modern Treves. Haedui : sc. ueniebant. 13. questum : supine from queror, expressing purpose. Haru- I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 293 des : cf. p. 74, 1. 5. transportati essent, popularentur : why subjunctive? 14. eorum: i.e. Haeduorum. obsidibus datis : abl. abs , expressing means ; not even by giving hostages. 15. Ariovisti: i.e. on the part of Ariovistus. pages . . . consedisse : depends on questiun understood, while above we have a ^w^-clause. Caesar represents this as a migration, not merely a military movement. A description of the Suebi is given in Bk. IV, Chaps. I-III. The name survives in the modern Svuabia. 1 6. ripas : the plural denotes various places along the right bank. 20. Quibus rebus : abl. of cause. 25. minus . . . posset: resistance could be made less easily. For the impersonal use of resist, see A. 372; B. 187. II. b; G. 217; H. 302. 6; HB. 364. 2. We may supply the dative Us, and trans- late they could be resisted. 27. quam celerrime potuit : as quickly as he could. 28. magnis itineribus : by forced marches. See Introd., p. 40. 29. contendit : apparently from the country of the Lingones ; see p. 71, 11. i and 11-13- The time was probably about the middle of August. XXXVIII. 30. tridui : gen. of quality, or descriptive gen.; the adjective required by the rule is contained in the compound word, which is equivalent to triuin dierum. viam : A. 390 ; B. 176. 4. a; G. 333. 2; H. 409 ; HB. 396. i. nuntiatum est : what is its subject? 32. quod : its antecedent is Vesontionem, which is masculine. For gender of quod see A. 306; B. 250. 3; G. 614. R. 3. b; H. 396. 2; HB. 326. i. est: this clause is not a part of the quota- tion. On the site of Vesontio is built the modern city of Besan^on. 33. suis iinibus : the land which he had taken from the Sequani, in the modern Alsace. Id : the capture of Vesontio. 2. usui : useful, lit. for use. 3. facultas : abundance. Cf. the meaning of the same word in the next line. natura loci : i.e. natural defenses. The town was situated in a bend, or loop, of the river. 4. ad ducendum bellum : for prolonging a war. 5. ut : as if. See the plan of Vesontio, p. 77. 6. spatium : obj. of continet. amplius podum sescentorum : A. 407. c; B. 217. 3; G. 296. R. 4; H. 471. 4; HB. 416. d. pedum : gen. of quality, or descriptive gen., used as predicate of quod. The present distance across this ' neck of land ' is consider- 294 NOTES I PAGE ably more than that given. The distance across the plateau which 78 forms the top of the hill is about 600 feet. 8. ripae : nom. pi. 9. circumdatus : put around, i.e. built around. In compounds do often means ' put. 1 XXXIX. 13. moratur: A. 556; B. 293. I; G. 229. R. ; H. 533. 4 ; HB. 559. ex : in consequence of. 14. magnitudine : abl. of quality, or description, used predica- tively. The Romans were rather small of stature. Cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXX. 15. exercitatione : skill, the result of practice. 17. aciem : fierceness, or glare. 18. timor: a panic. A. 238. a; B. 147. 2; G. 181. 2. b; H. 333; HB. 206. 4. 19. non mediocriter : these words illustrate the figure called litotes, for which the grammar may be consulted. Use the index. mentis animosque : minds and spirits. The Germans were less familiar, therefore more terrible, than the Gauls. 20. tribunis, praefectis : see Introd., pp. 33, 34. Many of these men, no doubt, belonged to families to which Caesar was in debt, pecuniarily or politically. Those who owed their appoint- ment to this were naturally of small use from a military point of view. reliquis : young men who accompanied Caesar in order to gain some military experience under an able general, or to see what .life in the field was. They were called contubernales (< tent- companions ') of the general. 22. quorum . . . inlata: of these one giving one reason, another another. For alms alia see A. 315. c; B. 253. 2; G. 221. R. i ; H. 516. I; HB. 279. 3. quam . . . diceret: which he said made it necessary for him to set out. What is the literal translation? For mood of diceret cf. existimarent, p. 68, 1. 29. 24. pudore : a sense of shame. ut . . . vitarent: a clause of purpose, depending on remanebant. 25. vultum fingere : i.e. so as to conceal their fear. 26. tabernaculis : see Introd., pp. 41, 43. 27. suum : emphatic, contrasted with commune. 28. totis castris : throughout the camp. A. 429. 2 ; B. 228. I. b ; G. 388; H. 485. 2; HB. 436. a. testamenta: not verbal wills, which, when made just before a battle, had binding force, but regu- larly attested documents. 30. centuriones : see Introd., p. 33. quique : and those -who. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 295 31. perturb abantur : were getting frightened', observe the tense. ex his : equivalent to a genitive. 33. ipsos : could se have been used here ? i. rem frumentariam : obj. of timer e. We should expect a nominative, subject of posset. ut . . . posset: A. 564; B. 296. 2; G. 550. 2 ; H. 567. i ; HB. 502. 4. Trans, ut by that . . . not. 3. castra . . . ferri : the expression castra mover e means to break camp ; signaferre, to bear on the standards, i.e. to march. During a halt the standards were set up in the earth. dicto : dat. with ajidientis, which here means obedient. A. 367; B. 187. II. a; G. 346. N. 5 ; H. 426. i ; HB. 362. 4. laturos : this sentence in the direct form would run, Cztm . . . ttisseris, non erunt dicto andientes milites neque . . . ferent. This description ot ui^ panic and the speech given in the next chapter, by which Caesar cl,cked it, are admirable examples of Caesar's literary skill. XL. 5. omnium or dinum : of ell the centuries. See Introd., p. 31. To a council of war only the ctiturions primorum or dinum (see Introd., p. 34) were usually summoned Caesar now wishes, through the centurions, to reach the whole ai~ny as effectively as possible. 7. incusavit: blamed, or reproached. ;. 8. sibi . . . putarent: they thought it incumbent ut themselves to ask or consider. What literally? 9. putarent : subj. because it gives the reason of Caesar the speaker as reported by Caesar the writer. Ariovistum : subject of appetisse. See note on beneficio, p. 75, 1. II. 10. cur quisquam iudicaret : why should any one think? A negative answer is implied. For the subjunctive, which was sub- junctive in the direct form as well, see A. 444, 587 ; B. 277, 315. 3 ; G. 259. 651. R. 2 ; H. 557, 642. 3 ; HB. 513. i. 11. Sibi quidem persuaderi: for his part, he was becoming convinced, more literally to him at least it was being proved. Notice the impersonal use of a verb which takes the dative. ' I am be- coming convinced ' is mihi persuadetur. See note on mimes . . . posset, p. 77, 1. 25. 12. eum: Ariovistus. The clause ewn . . . fepudiaturum is subject Q$ persuaderi. 14. intulisset : intulerit in the direct form. quid tandem vererentur : what in the world should they be afraid off See note on 1. 10. 15. sua: vestra in the direct form. It refers to the army, which 29 2 NOTES I 283. 5; G. 627. R. i ; H. 591. 3; HB. 521. i. f. rei publicae: gen. XXXVI. 26. ut . . . imperarent : a substantive clause, sub- ject of esse, the predicate being ius. Ariovistus said, ' It is a law of war that those who have conquered rule as they wish those whom they have conquered.' 28. victis: the cotiquered; dat. of the participle, masc., used as a noun. ad alterius praescriptum : according to the dictation of another. 29. consuesse : see note on p. 63, 1. 7. 31. se impediri: subject of oportere. A. 565. N. 3 ; B. 330; G. 535; H. 615; HB. 585. Trans, he ought not to be hindered. What would be a literal rendering? Haeduos : subject of esse factos. 32. temptassent : why subjunctive ? What mood does quoniam regularly take? 33. Magnam : observe the emphasis of its position (it was a great injustice that Caesar was committing) . 1. qui . . . faceret: a causal relative clause. A. 535. e; B. 283. 3; G. 633; H. 592; HB. 523. suo, sibi: the former of these words is a direct reflexive, referring to Caesar; the latter is an indirect reflexive, referring to Ariovistus. Ariovistus feared that Caesars coming might make the Haedui refuse to pay the tribute. 2. neque . . . neque : but neither . . . nor. 3. si ... convenisset : if they stood by that which had been agreed upon. 5. longe . . . afuturum : the name 'brothers of the Roman people" 1 would be far away from them, i.e. would not help them"! 6. Quod . . . denuntiaret : as for Caesar's threatening him. The subjunctive is due to indirect discourse. 7. secum, sua : indirect and direct respectively. Cum vellet, congrederetur : in direct discourse cum volet, congrediatur (let him join battle, subj. expressing a command in the third person) ; or perhaps addressed directly to Caesar, cum -voles, congredere (imperative). 9. tectum non subissent : perhaps not to be, taken literally, but meaning that they had no fixed abiding-place. XXXVII. ii. Haec : put first for emphasis. 12. ab, a: two prepositions are necessary, because there were two embassies. Treveris : on the Moselle. The name survives in the modei'n Treves. Haedui : sc. veniebant. 13. questum : supine from queror, expressing purpose. Haru- I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 293 des : cf. p. 74, 1. 5. transportati essent, popularentur : why PAGE subjunctive? 77 14. eomm : i.e. Haedrwriim. obsidibus datis : abl. abs , expressing means ; not even by giving hostages. 15. Ariovisti: i.e. on the part of Ariovistus. pagos . . . consedisse : depends on questum understood, while above we have a ^m'd'-clause. Caesar represents this as a migration, not merely a military movement. A description of the Suebi is given in Bk. IV, Chaps. I-III. The name survives in the modern Swabia. 1 6. ripas : the plural denotes various places along the right bank. 20. Quibus rebus : abl. of cause. 25. minus . . . posset: resistance could be made less easily. For the impersonal use ofresistt, see A. 372; B. 187. II. b; G. 217; H. 302. 6; HB. 364. 2. We may supply the dative Us, and trans- late they could be resisted. 27. quam celerrime potuit : as quickly as he could. 28. magnis itineribus : by forced marches. See Introd., p. 40. 29. contendit : apparently from the country of the Lingones ; see p. 71, 11. i and 11-13. The time was probably about the middle of August. XXXVIII. 30. tridui: gen. of quality, or descriptive gen.; the adjective required by the rule is contained in the compound word, which is equivalent to triwn dierum. viam : A. 390 ; B. 176. 4. a; G. 333. 2; 11.409; HB. 396. I. nuntiatum est : what is its subject? 32. quod : its antecedent is Vesontionem, which is masculine. For gender of quod see A. 306; B. 250. 3; G. 614. R. 3. b; H. 396. 2; HB. 326. I. est: this clause is not a part of the quota- - tion. On the site of Vesontio is built the modern city of Besan^on. 33. suis finibus : the land which he had taken from the Sequani, in the modern Alsace. Id : the capture of Vesontio. 2. usui : useful, lit. for use. 3. facultas : abundance. Cf. the meaning of the same word in the next line. naturaloci: i.e. natural defenses. The town was situated in a bend, or loop, of the river. 4. ad ducendum bellum : for prolonging a war. 5. ut : as if. See the plan of Vesontio, p. 77. 6. spatium : obj. of continet. amplius podum sescentorum : A. 407. c; B. 217. 3; G. 296. R. 4; H. 471. 4; HB. 416. d. pedum : gen. of quality, or descriptive gen., used as predicate of quod. The present distance across this ' neck of land ' is consider- 294 NOTES I PAGE ably more than that given. The distance across the plateau which 78 forms the top of the hill is about 600 feet. 8. ripae : nom. pi. 9. circumdatus : put arottnd, i.e. built around. In compounds do often means l put. 1 XXXIX. 13. moratur : A. 556 ; B. 293. I ; G. 229. R. ; H. 533. 4 ; HB. 559. ex : in consequence of. 14. magnitudine : abl. of quality, or description, used predica- tively. The Romans were rather small of stature. Cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXX. 15. exercitatione : skill, the result of practice. 17. aciem : fierceness, or glare. 18. timor: a panic. A. 238. a; B. 147. 2; G. 181. 2. b; H. 333; HB. 206. 4. 19. non mediocriter : these words illustrate the figure called litotes, for which the grammar may be consulted. Use the index. mentis animosque : minds and spirits. The Germans were less familiar, therefore more terrible, than the Gauls. 20. tribunis, praefectis : see Introd., pp. 33, 34. Many of these men, no doubt, belonged to families to which Caesar was in debt, pecuniarily or politically. Those who owed their appoint- ment to this were naturally of small use from a military point of view. reliquis : young men who accompanied Caesar in order to gain some military experience under an able general, or to see what .life in the field was. They were called contubernales ('tent- companions ') of the general. 22. quorum . . . inlata: of these one giving one reason, another another. For alms alia see A. 315. c; B. 253. 2; G. 221. R. i ; H. 516. i; HB. 279. 3. quam . . . diceret : which he said made it necessary for him to set out. What is the literal translation? For mood of diceret cf. existimarent, p. 68, 1. 29. 24. pudore : a sense of shame. ut . . . vitarent : a clause of purpose, depending on remanebant. 25. vultum fingere : i.e. so as to conceal their fear. 26. tabernaculis : see Introd., pp. 41, 43. 27. suum: emphatic, contrasted with commune. 28. totis castris : throughout the camp. A. 429. 2 ; B. 228. i. b ; G. 388; H. 485. 2; HB. 436. a. testamenta: not verbal wills, which, when made just before a battle, had binding force, but regu- larly attested documents. 30. centuriones : see Introd., p. 33. quique: and those who. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 295 31. perturbabantur : were getting frightened; observe the tense. PAGE ex his : equivalent to a genitive. 78 33. ipsos : could se have been used here? I. rem frumentariam : obj. of timer e. We should expect a 79 nominative, subject of posset. ut . . . posset: A. 564; B. 296. 2 ; G. 550. 2 ; H. 567. i ; HB. 502. 4. Trans, ut by that . . . not. 3. castra ... ferri : the expression caslra mover e means to break camp-, signaferre, to bear on the standards, i.e. to march. During a halt the standards were set up in the earth. dicto : dat. with audientis, which here means obedient. A. 367; B. 187. II. a; G. 346. N. 5 ; H. 426. i ; HB. 362. 4. laturos : this sentence in the direct form would run, C^tm . . . iiisseris, non erunt dicto audientes milites neque . . . ferent. This description ot th*. panic and the speech given in the next chapter, by which Caesar clicked it, are admirable examples of Caesar's literary skill. XL. 5. omnium or dinum : of all the centuries. See Introd., p. 31. To a council of war only the centurions primorum ordinum (see Introd., p. 34) were usually summoned. Caesar now wishes, through the centurions, to reach the whole army as effectively as possible. 7. incusavit : blamed, or reproached. 8. sibi . . . putarent: they thought it incumbent Oi~ themselves to ask or consider. What literally ? 9. putarent: subj. because it gives the reason of Cae^r the speaker as reported by Caesar the writer. Ariovistum : subject of appetisse. See note on beneficio, p. 75, 1. n. 10. cur quisquam iudicaret: why should any one think? A negative answer is implied. For the subjunctive, which was sub- junctive in the direct form as well, see A. 444, 587 ; B. 277, 315. 3 ; G. 259, 651. R. 2; H. 557, 642. 3; HB. 513. i. 1 1 . Sibi quidem persuaderi : for his part, he was becoming convinced, more literally to him at least it was being proved. Notice the impersonal use of a verb which takes the dative. ' I am be- coming convinced ' is mihi persuadetiir. See note on minus . . . posset, p. 77, 1. 25. 12. eum: Ariovistus. The clause eum . . . repudiat^lr^^m is subject of persiiaderi. 14. intulisset : intulerit in the direct form. quid tandem vererentur : what in the world should they be afraid of? See note on 1. 10. 15. sua: vestra in the direct form. It refers to the army, which 296 NOTES I PAGE Caesar is addressing through its representatives. ipsius : refers to 79 Caesar himself. A. 300. b; B. 249. 3; G. 660. 5; H. 509. 6; HB. 263. 2. 16. Pactum: sc. esse. Notice the emphatic position of the word. periculum: trial. The root is the same that appears in the verb experior. 17. Cimbris : cf. Chap. XXXIII, and see Introd., pp. 4-6. 18. meritus videbatur : was seen to have earned. We should expect here the subjunctive of indirect discourse, but the indicative is used to emphasize the statement as a fact. The statement seems artfully thrown in as a hint to the army to be equally deserving of praise. For Caesar's relation to Marius see Introd., p. 8. 19. nuper: more recently. servili tumultu : abl. of time. The Servile War against Spartacus a n d nis gladiators was in 73-71 B.C. These gladiators were lar^uy German slaves. Tumultus was the word applied to any uprising in Italy or Cisalpine Gaul. quos : the antecedent is servo? urn, implied in servili. A. 306. b ; B. 250. 4; G. 614. R. 3. a; H. 399. 4; HB. 325. tamen: i.e. though they were defeated, yet they were helped somewhat by the training which they had received at our hands. 20. usus ac disciplina : experience (from practice) and training (from a teacher). 21. Ex quo : from this. Though introduced by a relative, this is practically an independent sentence ; hence posse, not posset, in indirect discourse. A. 583. b; B. 314. 4; G. 635; H. 643. i; HB. 535. i. b. quantum boni: how mtich (of") value. haberet: trans, has, not had. In Latin such expres- sions of a general, or permanent, truth usually conform to the law of sequence of tenses. 22. inermis : at the outbreak of the insurrection the arms of the slaves were of the most primitive kind. 24. quibuscum congress! superarint: quibuscum goes with congressi, and the object of superarint is to be supplied ; but we may translate whom the Helvetii had often met and vanqitished. Observe the tense of superarint (superaverint) and potuerint. In the next sentence Caesar returns to the regular sequence. 26. exercitui: A. 384; 6.192.1; G-359; H. 434. 2 ; HB. 362. The Helvetii had defeated the Germans, the Romans had overcome the Helvetii. The inference is obvious. 27. adversuni proelium : the battle at Magetobriga ; see p. 74, 1. n, and Introd., p. 7. hos . . . posse: in the direct form hi, si quaerent, reperire possunt. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 297 28. defatigatis Gallis : abl. abs., expressing time and cause. PAGE 29. cum se tenuisset . . . fecisset : after keeping himself and 79 giving them no chance at him. castris : abl. of place. The prepo- sition is not used, because the ablative is one of means as well as place. 30. sui: for gen. see A. 348; B. 200; G. 363. 2; H. 440. 2 ; HB. 354. desperantis . . . vicisse: having attacked them suddenly, when they were now despairing of a battle and scattered, had overcome them more by ruse and strategy than by valor. 32. Cui ration!, hac : equivalent to hac ralione cui. The ante- cedent is attracted into the relative clause. Translate the sentence, Not even Ariovistus himself hoped that our armies could be caught by this ruse, for which there had been a place in fighting against unskilled barbarians. I. Qui . . . conferrent: those who ascribed their fear to a 80 pretended anxiety regarding supplies, etc. The antecedent of qui is the subject oifacere, eos understood. 3. officio : discharge of his duty. 5. frumenta : how does this differ in meaning from frumentum ? 6. Quod . . . dicantur : as to the fact that it was said they would not be obedient to command or move forward. See note on p. 62,1.20. See also A. 582 ; B. 332. c; 0.528; H. 611; HB. 590. i. Notice here again the primary tense. 7. nihil : not at all. A. 390. c. N. 2 ; B. 176. 3. a ; G. 334. R. i ; H. 416. 2; HB. 387. III. 8. scire: sc. se. quibuscumque . . . defuisse: whomever an army had not obeyed, either fortune had failed (these) because the campaign had been badly conducted. 10. avaritiam esse convictam: greed had been proved (against them}. The meaning of the sentence is, if any generals have found their armies disobedient, the reason is that the generals have been unlucky in war or have been proved guilty of dishonesty. innocentiam : integrity. 1 1 . perpetua vita : throughout his whole life. f elicitatem : good fortune, luck, as a personal quality. 12. quod . . . fuisset : what he had intended to postpone to a later day. 13. de quarta vigilia : see note on p. 61, 1. 24. 14. quamprimum: as soon as possible. utrum . . . valeret: A- 334, 335 5 B. 162. 4 ; G. 458, 460 ; H. 380 ; HB. 234. 15. officium: sense of duty. Quod si . . . iturum : in the direct discourse quod si . . . sequetur, taj/ien ego . . . ibo. 298 NOTES I PAGE 17. praetorian? cohortem: bodyguard, composed of the best 80 soldiers, and receiving many marks of favor from the general. This speech deserves to be carefully studied as a specimen of oratory. Caesar was ranked by the Romans second only to Cicero among their orators. As a general he relied much on his power of persuasion. This speech produced an instantaneous effect, as is seen in the next chapter. XLI. 20. conversae sunt : were transformed. 22. inlata est: was inspired. princeps gratias egit: was foremost in expressing thanks. A. 290; B. 239; G. 325. R. 6; H. 497. 3; HB. 243. 23. quod . . . fecisset : because he had expressed a most favor- able opinion about it. 25. cum tribunis egerunt: i.e. begged the tribunes. primo- rum ordinum : see Introd., p. 34. 26. uti Caesari satisfacerent : obj. of egerunt. 27. summa belli : the conduct of the war. suum : predicate of iudicium, which is subject of esse. 29. itinere exquisite per Diviciacum : having sought out a route through the help of Diviciaciis. quod . . . habebat : because of the Gauls he had most faith in him. For the dative i see note oh cui, p. 66, 1. 34. 30. ut . . . duceret : that he might lead his army through, open country, by a detour of more than fifty miles. Thus Caesar avoided the angustiae itineris of which the soldiers were afraid. The case of milium is not affected by the comparative amplius. A. 407. c; B. 217. 3 ; G. 296. R. 4; H. 471. 4; HB. 416. d. Instead of marching northeasterly from Besan9on directly up the valley of the Doubs, Caesar made a detour to the north and east. Then he entered the valley of the Rhine through the pass between the Jura and the Vosges mountains. He thus avoided the difficulties of the Doubs valley and the Jura range. 33. milia : ace. of extent of space. Probably Caesar had reached the Fecht, between Ostheim and Gemar. 81 XLII. 2. Quod : the rel. pron., obj. of postulasset. Its ante- cedent is id, subject of 'fieri. What is the subject of licere ? per se : so far as he was concerned. 4. condicionem : proposal. 7. denegasset : had utterly refused. 9. pro : in gratitude for. 12. fore uti desisteret : he would cease, more literally it would come to pass that he would cease. A. 569. a; B. 270. 3. a; G. 248 ; H. 619. 2 ; HB. 472. c. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 299 13. conloquio : for a conference. 17. postulavit: notice the form of the two demands following this verb, each expressed by the subjunctive, and each having an explanatory clause with the accusative and infinitive appended to it. 22. veniret: this may be taken as a substantive clause, like ne . . . adduceret. But it is better to regard it as simply the in- direct form of uterque veniat, let each come. alia rations : on any other terms. 2.6. tolli : to be prevented. 27. G-allorum equitatui : see Introd., p. 37. 30. Gallis equitibus : dat., though translated with from. A. 381 ; B. 188. 2. d; G. 345; H. 427; HB. 371. Caesar had about 4000 horsemen. 31. eo : thereon, i.e. on them, legionarios : A. 250. a ; B. 151. 2 ; G. 189. 45 ; H. 348 ; HB. 210. i. The word is contrasted with equitibus. See Introd., p. 34. 32. imponere: subject of esse, 1. 29. si . . . esset: if there should be any need of action. For the construction with opus see A. 411. a; B. 218. 2. c; G. 406; H. 477. Ill; HB. 430. i. 2. b. 33. non inridicule : not without wit, a case of litotes. I. pollicitum . , . rescribere: having promised (merely) that he would have the tenth legion as his body-guard, he was (actually) enrolling them among the equites. The joke lies in the double meaning of the word equites, which was the name of an order of nobility at Rome, below the senatorial rank. Perhaps the double meaning of ad equum rescribere may be expressed by the English ' to invest with spurs.' XLIII. 5. Eo: i.e. adtumulum. 6. equis : abl. of means, but trar.s. on horseback. passibus: A. 425. b ; B. 223 ; G. 403 ; H. 4*7. 3, 479. 3 ; HB. 424. The abla- tive is connected with ab. i.e. away by two hundred paces. 8. ex equis: on horseback. Cf. exvinculis, p. 57, 1. 10. 9. denos : ten apiece, a distributive numeral. 12. munera: probably such things as the Romans once sent to an- other foreign king, a curule chair, a golden crown, costly clothing, etc. quam rem : a thing which, subject of contigisse and consziesse. 13. officiis : services. 14. cum: though. aditum: right of approach. 15. haberet: A. 549; B. 309. 3; G. 587; H. 598; HB. 525. 1 6. Docebat etiam : he tried to make clear to him, furthermore. On docebat depend three indirect questions, quam . . . intercederent, quae . . . facta essent, and ut {how} . '. . tenuissent. 82 3 NOTES I 17. necessitudinis : friendship, or alliance. ipsis . . . inter- sederent : existed between themselves (the Romans) and the Haedui. 1 8. quae . . . essent: what decrees of the senate had been made in their favor, how often, and how flattering. honorifica : how are adjectives in -ficus compared ? 20. appetissent : subj. of ind. disc. 21. ut . . . esse : to wish its allies and friends not only to lose nothing of their own, but even to be increased in influence, dignity, and honor. The clause explains consuetudinem. 23. quod . . . posset: and indeed who could suffer that to be taken away from them which they had brought to the friendship of the Roman people? Caesar refers to the independence of the Haedui and their influence among the Gauls. The direct form of the question was qnis possit? 25. ne bellum inferret : that he should not make war. In the direct form this clause would be a prohibition. How are prohibi- tions expressed? 28. quos transire pateretur : allow any to cross. A. 563. c ; B. 331, III ; G. 553. 2. N. ; H. 614 ; HB. 587. XLIV. 30. sese : subject of transisse and three other infinitives. Fhis passage is given in the direct form in G. 661. I ; H. 653. I. rogatum: cf. p. 73, 1. 15. 3. obsides : obj. of habere. 5. victis imponere : to impose on the vanquished. sese G-allis, Gallos sibi: the chiastic order. See note on p. 60, [.14. 6. ad se oppngnandum : to attack him.', the gerundive con- struction, expressing purpose. 8. uno proelio : the battle ad Magetobrigam. Cf. p. 74, 1. 1 1. 3i . . . decertare : if they wished to try again, he was ready to fight it out again. In the direct form, Si iterum experiri vohtnt, ?go iterum paratus stun decertare. 10. de stipeudio recusare : to make excuses about paying tribute, i.e. refuse to pay. quod :. the relative. 11. pependerint : from pendo, not pendeo. 12. Amicitiani esse oportere : friendship ought to be', but re- nember that oportere is impersonal, and hence amicitiam is subject Df esse, not of oportere. sibi ornamento : A. 382. I ; B. 191. 2 ; ^. 356 ; H. 433 ; HB. 360. b. 14. remittatur: should be remitted. The power of exacting Tibute would be lost if the Haeduan hostages were returned, as Daesar demanded. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 301 16. appetierit: appetii in the direct discourse. Quod: see PAGE note on p. 62, 1. 20. 83 17. id: refers to the preceding clause. sui muniendi causa: to protect himself. 1 8. quod . . . veiierit : that he did not come without being asked. The clause is subject of esse, testimonium being predi- cate. 19. defenderit : repelled. 22. G-alliae provinciae : see Introd., p. 23. 23. Quid sibi vellet : direct, Quid tibi vis ? What are your in- tentions? A. 586 ; B. 315. i ; G. 651 ; H. 642 ; HE. 534. 2. HI, 537. 24. Provinciam . . . nostram : this {part of) Gaul was his province, just as that was ours. 25. Ut . . . interpellaremus : direct, Ut mihi concedi non oportet, si in vestros finis impetum faciam, sic item vos estis iniqui, quod in meo iure me inter pellatis. i.e. as no concession ought to be made to me, etc. Up to this point dependent subjunctives in this speech have been either present or perfect ; we now have also im- perfects and pluperfects. 28. tarn imperitum rerum : so ignorant of the course of events. A. 349. a; B. 204. i ; G. 374; H. 451- 1 5 HB. 354- 29. ut non sciret: as not to know, a clause of result. bello proximo : abl. of time. 30. ipsos: i.e. Haeduos. 31. auxilio: abl. with usos esse. 32. Debere . . . habere : he had good reason to suspect that although Caesar pretended friendship, he had tlie army which he had in Gaul for the purpose of crushing him. The subject of habere is Caesarem. 34. Qui nisi : so unless he. 1. Quod : and as to that, referring to the previous sentence. 84 2. gratum esse facturum : he would confer a favor, lit. do a pleasing thing. Caesar had many enemies in Rome, and these were no idle words. 3. compertum : agrees with id, and the expression id compertum habere means nearly the same that id comperisse would mean. A. 497. b; B. 337. 7 (337. 6); G. 238; H. 431. 3; HB. 605. 5. a. quorum : its antecedent is nobilibus principibiisque. 4. morte : abl. of price. redimere: buy back. Ariovistus had been in favor before. 5. Quod: but. decessisset: fut. perf. in the direct dis- course. 302 NOTES I PAGE 6. quaecumque bella : subject of geri. In the direct discourse, 84 quaecumque bella geri -voles sine ullo tuo labor e et periculo confidant. XLV. 9. in earn sententiam, quare : to this effect (namely to show), why. n. pati : its subject is consuetudinem, its object uti . . . desereret. We had pati followed by ace. and inf. on p. 82, 1. 24. optime meritos : most deserving. 12. neque . . . Roman! : and he thought Gaul did not belong to Ariovistus more than to the Roman people. 13. superatos esse: in 121 B.C. 14. quibus . . . ignovisset : but the Roman people had pardoned them. Why is quibus dative? in provinciam redegisset: re- duced into a province, under a Roman governor. The Cdvennes lay between these tribes and the Roman province, so that it would have been hard to incorporate them with the latter. 15. si ... oporteret : if priority of time (each most ancient time) ought to be considered. 17. iustissimum : most valid. imperium : right of rule. 1 8. quam : subject of uti. 19. victam: though conquered. suis legibus uti: i.e. to be independent. XL VI. 20. geruntur : were going on. Account for the tense. 21. tumulum : A. 432. a; B. 141. 3; G. 416. 22; H. 420. 5; HB. 380. b. 22. loquendi : on p. 75, 1. iT.^finem facere is used with a dative. 23. ne quod telum reicerent : not to throw back any weapon. The form quod is adjective, quid generally substantive. 26. ut . . . posset . . . eircumveiitos : subject of commit- tendum. Trans, that, after the enemy were defeated, it could be alleged that they had been deceived by him in the conference through their (misplaced) confidence. As Caesar takes victory for granted, it is better not to regard pulsis hostibus as conditional. 28. qua adrogantia . . . interdixisset : with what arrogance (lit. having used what arrogance} in the conference Ariovistus had ordered the Romans out of (forbidden the Romans from} all Gaul. 29. Gallia: abl. of separation. Romanis : dat., depending on inter dixisset. inter dixisset: subj. in an ind. quest. ut: how. . 30. diremisset : had broken off. Caesar labors earnestly to make his acts appear justifiable, and in a certain sense they were so. Gaul had to be either Romanized or Germanized, and there can be no doubt which was the better for the country at that time. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ARIOVISTUS 303 XL VII. i. Biduo post: next day, lit. two days after, Cf. PAGE pridie eius diei, 1. 6. The Romans counted the day from which, as 85 well as the day to which, they reckoned. legates misit: this ex- pression implies both 'to say' and 'to ask. 1 On the former idea depends the following clause with the ace. and inf., on the latter idea the clause beginning with uti. 2. coeptae : for the voice see A. 205. a; B. 133. i; G. 423. N. 3 ; H. 299. i ; HB. 199. 2. 3. agere cum eo : to treat with him. 4. si id minus vellet: if he hardly wished (to do) that. ex suis legatis : of his legates. A. 346. c; B. 201. i. a; G. 372. R. 2 ; H. 444; HB. 346. e. 5. eo magis : all"the more. 6. pridie eius diei : see note on postridie eius diet, p. 68, 1. 22. quin conicerent : from hurling. A. 558 ; B. 295.3. a ; G. 555. I ; H. 595. 2 ; HB. 502. 3. b. 7. Legatum: obj. of missurum and obiecturum. 9. Commodissimum visum est : it seemed most fitting. The subject of visum est is mitt ere. 10. humanitate : culture. 1 1 . Flacco : Valerius Flaccus was governor of Gaul in 83. B. C. Notice that Procillus took the nomen and praenomen of the man from whom he received the honor of citizenship. For Roman names see A. 108 ; B. 373 ; G. page 493 ; H. 354 ; HB. 678. civitate donatus erat : had been presented with (Roman) citizenship. A. 364; B. 187. I. a; G. 348; H. 426. 6; HB. 365. b. propter fidem : this phrase, propter . . . scientiam, and the clause quod . . . esset give the reasons why it seemed best to send Procillus. 12. multa : agrees with qua, but is nearly equivalent to an adverb with utebatur, i.e. spoke freely. 13. longinqua consuetudine : abl. of cause. quod . . .esset: because in his case the Germans (Germanis is dat. of poss.) had no reason for doing wrong. Procillus was a Gaul, not a Roman. Why is esset subjunctive? Remember that Caesar is describing his own previous acts as if those of another person. 14. una : sc. cum eo, along with him. 15. hospitio Ariovisti utebatur : enjoyed guest-friendship with Ariovistus. Hospitium was a very sacred relationship, and might be hereditary. See note on p. 73, 1. 23. quae diceret Ariovistus: ind. quest. 18. Quid: why? A. 390. c. N. 2 ; B. 176. 3. a ; G. 333. I. R. 2; H. 416. 2 ; HB. 388. a. N. An speculandi causa : or (was it) for 304 NOTES I PAGE the purpose of spying? A. 335. b ; B. 162. 4. a ; G. 457. i ; H. 380. 3 ; 85 HB. 237. Conaiitis : sc. eos. Ariovistus wished his army to regard Procillus and Metius not as envoys, but as spies. Therefore he prevented them from speaking. XL VIII. 20. milibus : see note on passibus, p. 82, 1. 6. 23. ultra eum : i.e. in the direction from which Caesar had come. This was apparently an excellent manoeuver. See the plan, p. 87. 24. qui : agrees with its nearest antecedent. 25. continues : in succession. 26. aciem instructam habuit : kept his army drawn up in line of battle. ut . . . deesset: that, if Ariovistus had a desire to fight a battle, he might have the chance. We have nt -non instead of ne, because the negative is closely connected with the verb. 28. castris : see note on p. 79, 1. 29. 29. se exercuerant : had trained themselves, i.e. had become expert. 31. quos . . . delegerant: whom the horsemen had selected for their own protection from the whole number (of foot-soldiers), one apiece. Each ' knight ' had his ' squire. 1 (86 J 2. si quid erat durius : if there was any ztnus2ial difficulty. 3. si qui : the indefinite pronoun, of which quis is the regular substantive form in the masculine nominative singular. 4. si ... prodeundum : if it was necessary to go forward rather far to any place. Si quo is the adverb of '-si quis, just as quo of quis or qui. 6. equorum : to be taken with both iubis and cursum. Run- ning along by the horses and holding on by their manes, they could keep up with them. Caesar afterwards used these cavalry tactics. XLIX. 7. eum : subject of tenere, and refers to Ariovistus. lie . . . prohiberetur : a clause of purpose, depending on delegit and venit. Cf. p. 85, I. 23. 8. loco : Caesar uses the word locus five times in the first six lines of this chapter. In the previous chapter he uses castra four times in four lines. It is said that Macaulay never hesitated to repeat a noun, if by :;o doing he could express his meaning more clearly than by using a pronoun. 9. castris : for a camp. idoneum : for its comparison see A. 128; B. 74. 2; G. 87. 6; H. 159; HB. 121. 10. acie triplici : see Introd., p. 44. 13. expedita: agrees grammatically with milia, but logically with hominum. The word means unencumbered, hence ready to fight. See Introd., p. 40. I THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST" ARIOVISTUS 305 14. quae . . . prohiberent : a rel. clause of purpose. PAGE 15. Nihilo : abl. of degree, or measure, of difference. 86 1 6. opus : i.e. munitionem castrorum. 18. quattuor reliquas : there were, then, six in all. See In- trod., p. 36, and cf. Chap. X. castra maiora: Caesar's main camp, where he had been for nearly two weeks. The two camps were about two and one-half miles apart, with the camp of Ariovistus between them. See the plan, p. 87. What was the obvious pur- pose of Caesar's smaller camp ? L. 19. institute suo : in accordance with his plan. See note on moribns suz's, p. 57, 1. 9. 2 1 . pugnandi potestatem fecit : offered battle. 26. inlatis : inflicted. 28. proelio decertaret : fight it ont in a (pitched) battle. / quod . . . esset : a substantive clause explaining hanc. ^ 29. ut . . . declararent : a substantive clause explaining con- szietudo. A. 570; B. 297. 3 ; G. 557 ; H. 571. 4; HB. 521. 3. a. 30. sortibus : Tacitus describes the sortes of the Germans. Twigs with certain marks made upon them, scattered over a white cloth, were drawn by him who consulted the lots. The marks were then interpreted. vaticinationibus : perhaps prophecies uttered by women thought to be inspired. 31. necne: A. 335. N. ; B. 300. 4. a; G. 459; H. 650. i : HB. 234. a. fas : divine will. 32. iiovam luiiani : this new moon fell on Sept. 18. Days of new and full moon were of good omen. The Spartans would not send aid to the Athenians at Marathon before the full moon. LI. 2. alarios : auxiliaries. See Introd., p. 37. The word 88 alarins means belonging to the wings, where the auxiliaries were usually stationed in battle. 4. pro: in proportion to, in comparison with. ad speciem : for show. Caesar wished Ariovistus to think that these auxiliaries were legionaries. 7. generatim : by tribes. 10. Eo : i.e. in raedas et carros. These were probably set in a great semicircle, inclosing the rear and flanks. 1 1 . passis : from pando. LII. 14. legates et quaestorem : Caesar had six legions, so probably he had only five legati. Later he had ten. See Introd., p. 32. 15. suae quisque virtutis : notice the Order of words, which is regular. 306 NOTES ' I PAGE 18. signo dato: i.e. by a trumpet See Introd., p. 39. 88 19. ut: correlative with ita. pila:-obj. of the gerund con- iciendi. What other construction might have been used ? A. 503 ; B- 339- r ; G. 427; H. 626. i ; HB. 613. 21. phalange facta: see note on phalange, p. 69, 1. 10. 23. insilirent: subj. of characteristic. desuper: i.e. over the rim. The usual practice of the Roman soldier was to push the enemy's shield upward with his own, and thrust underneath. 24. sinistro cornu: the left wing of the German army. 27. adulescens : perhaps Crassus was distinguished by this word from his elder brother, mentioned in Bk. V as Caesar's legate and in Bk. VI as quaestor; or from his father, M. Crassus, the triumvir. expeditior : freer. The cavalry was chiefly for pursuit after the battle. 28. tertiam aciem : this had been kept in reserve until now. LIII. 30. proelium restitutum est: the tide of battle was turned. 31. prius quam pervenerunt : cf. priusquam conaretur, p. 66, 1. 31, and the note. For the mood of pervenerunt see A. 551. a; B. 291. 2; G. 574; H. 605. i; HB. 561. fugere: A. 456; B. 328. i ; G. 423. 2; H. 607. i ; HB. 586. a. 32. milia passuum quinque : if this battle was fought between Ostheim and Gemar, on the left bank of the Fecht, the distance to the Rhine at its nearest point was twelve or fifteen miles, and quinque must be an error. Some authorities think that Caesar mistook the 111 for the Rhine. The date of the battle was about Sept. 14. 33. viribus : A. 431; B. 219. i ; G. 401. N. 6; H. 476. 3; HB.437- 89 2. naviculam: a diminutive. profugit: he seems to have died not long after. His death is mentioned in Bk. V, Chap. XXIX. reliquos omnis : 80,000 are said to have perished. 4. duxerat: had brought. 5. duxerat: sc. in matrimonium, had married. 7. altera, altera : one, the other. Cf. una, altera above. 8. trinis catenis : with triple chains, i.e. three sets of chains. A. 137. b ; B. 81. 4. b ; G. 97. R. 3 ; H. 164. 3 ; HB. 247. i. Caesar uses catenae as a plural only. 1 1 . honestissimum : notice that honestus means honorable, not honest in the narrower sense. 13. neque . . . deminuerat : and (because) fortune had not de- ducted anything from so great pleasure and rejoicing by harm to him. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 307 15. sortibus : abl. of means. consultum: sc. efse, consulta- tion had been held, or the gods had been consulted. utrum : as to whether. 1 6. sortium beneficio : the lots had decided that he should be reserved. This defeat of the Germans on what was practically their own ground insured the Roman supremacy in Gaul. LIV. 18. Suebi: cf. Chap. XXXVII. Perhaps the Suebi men- tioned in Chap. LI were a detachment only, the advance-guard of the migration. 19. coeperunt: started. qiios : how is this to be translated ? 20. Rhenum: A. 432. a; B. 141.3; G. 359. N. I ; H. 435. 2; HB. 380. b. Cf. tiimuhim, p. 84, 1. 21. 22. maximis bellis : a powerful blow had been struck at free Gaul in the victory over the Helvetii, and the onward march of the Germans had been checked by the victory over Ariovistus. These victories had been won by a man of middle age, whose previous military experience had been comparatively slight. 23. hiberna: sc. castra, winter quarters. See Introcl., p. 43. in Sequanos : among the Sequani. Notice that both hiberna and Seqtianos take the construction of end, or limit, of motion. 24. hibernis : dat. Labienum : see Introd., p. 32. citeri- orem G-alliam : see Introd., p. 21. 25. conventus : the courts of justice presided over by the governor of a province. Caesar wished to be nearer Rome, the better to look after his political interests there. BOOK II I. r. Cum esset Caesar: while Caesar was. The use of the 90 subjunctive with cum in temporal clauses emphasizes the circum- stances rather than the time. In this case the point of impor- tance is that Caesar was not in Transalpine Gaul at the time when he received the reports. A. 545, 546; B. 288. i; G. 579, 585; H. 600. II. i; HB. 524, 550. a. citeriore Gallia: see Introd., p. 21. Here Caesar usually spent his winters while governor of Gaul. See note at end of Bk. I. For comparison of citerior see A. 130. a; B. 73. i ; G. 87. 2. 7 ; H. 155. i ; HB. 123. For declen- sion of comparatives see A. 120; B. 69; G. 89; H. 127; HB. 116. supra: at the end of Bk. I. See Introd., p. 12, for a brief sum- mary of Bk. I. 3 o8 NOTES II PAGE 2. adferebantur : notice the tense ; kept coming, lit. were (con- 90 tinually) being brought. A. 470; B. 260. 2; G. 231; H. 534. 3; HB. 484. litteris : by despatches; see Vocab. For case see A. 409; B. 218; G. 401 ; H-476; 116.423. 3. Labieni: see Introd., p. 32. certior: see certus in Vocab. fiebat: A. 204; B. 131; G. 173; H. 296; HB. 195. Belgas : subject of coniurare and dare. A. 397. e; B. 184; G. 343. 2; H. 415; HB. 398. quam: subject of esse. Its antecedent is Belgas, but it agrees in number and gender with partem. A. 306 ; B. 250. 3 ; G. 614. R. 3. b ; H. 396. 2 ; HB. 326. I. tertiam Galliae partem : see Bk. I, Chap. I, and Introd., p. 23. These words, with esse, form the predicate of quam. 4. dixeramus : i.e. before we began to write the present narra- tive about them. coniurare, dare : these are the verbs of a sen- tence in indirect discourse depending on rumores adferebantur and certior fiebat. Trans, that all the Belgae ivere conspiring . . . and giving. To express the same thought in the direct discourse, change the accusative to a nominative and the infinitive to an indicative, i.e. omnes Belgae coniiirant . . . dant. Similarly quam . . . partem above becomes quac tertia est Galliae pars. A. 578, 579, 580 ; B - 3 r 3> 33 1 - 15 G. 508. 2, 5275 H. 613, 641, 642; HB. 589, 591. 5. inter se: to one another. A. 301. f; B. 245. i; G. 221; H. 502. I ; HB. 266. Coniurandi: gen. of gerund, depending on causas. A. 504; B. 338. i; G. 428; H. 626; HB. 612. i. Any movement against the Roman power was, in Caesar's eyes, a con- spiracy. has esse causas : that these were the reasons ; in the direct form, hae sunt causae. 6. quod vererentur : if this were Caesar's statement, we should have iierebantur. The subjunctive shows that it is part of the in- formation he received. A. 580; B. 314. i ; G. 508. 2 ; H. 643 ; HB. 534.2. ne . . . adduceretur: after expressions denoting fear we find ne with the subjunctive if it is wished that a thing may not happen, ut or ne non if it is wished that a thing may happen. A. 564 ; B. 296. 2; G. 550; H. 567; HB. 502. 4. The rule for sequence de- termines the tense. A. 483 ; B. 267. 2 ; G. 509 ; H. 543 ; HB. 476. Gallia : by this is meant the division inhabited by the Celtae, or Galli. See Introd., p. 23. Trans, after all Gaul had been subdued (rendered peaceful"). Since the ablative absolute is used much more frequently in Latin than the nominative absolute in English, the nominative absolute should seldom be used in translating it. A. 420. N. ; B. 227. 2 ; G. 410 ; H. 489. I ; HB. 421. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 309 7. non nullis : some. sollicitarentur : see note on quod vere- rentur, 1. 6. 8. partim . . . ferebant : partly those (i.e. by some) who, (just) as they had been unwilling that the Germans should continue longer in Gaul, so were indignant that an army, etc. diutius : A. 218. a ; B. 77. i; G. 93; H. 311. 4; HB. 129. versari: A. 563. b; B. 331. IV; G. 532; H. 614; HB. 587. The reference is to the hordes of Germans under Ariovistus whom Caesar had driven from Gaul the previous year. noluerant : this and the following indica- tives show that Caesar is not now quoting the information given by Labienus. 9. exercitum . . . inveterascere : this depends on moleste ferebant. A. 572. b; B. 331. V; G. 533; H. 614; HB. 594. 10. partim qui : these make a second division of the Gallis of 1. 7. The non nullis of 1. n form a third division. mobili- tate . . . animi : on account of changeableness and fickleness of purpose. A. 404; B. 219; G. 408; H. 475; HB. 444. The rest- lessness of the Gauls (often mentioned by Caesar) rendered them particularly susceptible to the influence of party leaders, some of whom no doubt were actuated by motives purely patriotic. novis imperils: a revolution. What literally? For case see A. 367; B. 187. II. a; G. 346; H. 426. i ; HB. 362. n. a potentioribus : abl. of agent, depending on occupabantur. A. 405; B. 216; G. 401; H-468; HB. 406. i. Find other instances of the construction in this chapter. 12. conducendos : a gerundive agreeing with homines. Trans, the phrase for hiring men. A. 503 ; B. 339. 2 ; G. 427 ; H. 628 ; HB. 613. i. ' 13. regna occupabantur: royal power was seised {usurped}. The plural helps to show that there were many instances. qui : and these men. minus: A. 218. a; B. 77. i; G. 93 ; H. 311.2; HB. 129. rem: thing is usually inadequate as a translation of res. Since the reference is to regna occupabantur, we may here say imirpation. 14. imperio nostro : tinder our government. 11. 15. commotus: because he was disturbed. The participle is widely used in Latin, and English participles must be employed less frequently in translating. Notice the agreement of every Latin participle you meet, and consider its meaning carefully before trying to render it. duas : A. 134. b; B. 80. 2 ; G. 95; H. 166; HB. 131.2. 16, conscripsit: Caesar already had six legions. See Introd., 310 NOTES II PAGE pp. 31, 36. inita aestate : in the beginning of summer, lit. summer 90 having been entered. in ulteriorem Galliam: see Introd., p. 23. Connect the phrase with deduceret. 17. qui deduceret: A. 531. 2; B. 282. 2; G. 545; H. 590; HB. 502. 2. Here, as often, the infinitive gives the best English rendering of the clause of purpose. cum . . . inciperet: as soon as there began to be a supply of fodder. See note on cum esset, 1. i. Notice that there is in the original no equivalent of the word ' there,' sometimes used in English to introduce a verb. What is the subject of inciperet ? 18. Dat: historical present, very common in Latin. A. 469; B. 259. 3; G. 229; H. 532. 3; HB. 491. i. 19. Senonibus : where situated ? The maps in this book should be regularly consulted. - The word is in the dative case, indirect object of dot. reliquis Gallis : ,we say the rest of the Gauls, but observe that reliquis is an adjective. A. 293 ; B. 253. 5 ; G. 291. R. 2; H. 497. 4; HB. 279. i. b. Belgis : A. 384; B. 192. i ; G. 359; H. 434. 2; HB. 362. 20. uti . . . cognoscant : A. 563 ; B. 295. I ; G. 546 ; H. 564. I ; HB. 502. 3. a. The phrase negoti^tm dare is equivalent to a verb of commanding. We may translate he charges the Senones to learn, lit. he gives the task to the Senones that they learn. gerantur : A. 593; B. 324. i ; G. 629; H. 652; HB. 539. 21. certiorem faciant: cf. certior Jiebat, 1. 3. constanter: consistently; their stories ' stood together.' manus . . . conduci: indirect discourse ; direct, manus coguntur, exercitits . . . conducitur. . 22. dubitandum : gerundive ; sc. esse, the two words together making the infinitive of the so-called passive periphrastic conjuga- tion. It is here used impersonally in indirect discourse depending on existimavit. Trans, thought he ought not to hesitate, lit. thotight that it was not to be hesitated (by himself). A. 196, 208. d ; B. 1 15, 138. IV; G. 251. i. 2; H. 237, 302. 7; HB. 162, 201. c. 23. quin proficisceretur : to set out. It depends on dubitandum. Non dubito regularly takes quin and the subjunctive when it means I do not doubt ; when it means / do not hesitate, it regularly takes the infinitive. 24. castra movet: the army had been wintering among the Sequani, probably at Vesontio. xv : read it quindecim. Caesar's eight legions, with auxiliaries and cavalry, may have amounted to from 40,000 to 50,000 men. 91 III. i. Eo : the adverb. celerius : how is this compared ? omnium opinions: than any one expected. A. 406. a; B. 217. 4; II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 311 G. 398. N. i ; H. 471. 8 ; HB. 416. e. Notice the order of words in this phrase. Adjectives and genitives normally follow the noun they modify, but may be made emphatic by being put before it. So on p. 90, 1. 3, omnis Belgas, 'all the Belgae ' ; p. 90, 1. 10, novis im- periis, ' new governments.' The student should notice instances of the application of this principle as he reads. 2. Hemi: their chief town was Durocortorum, the modern Rheims. Galliae : see note on Gallia, p. 90, 1. 6. For case cf. Belgis, p. 90, 1. 19. ex Belgis : takes the place of a partitive geni- tive, or genitive of the whole. A. 346. c; B. 201. i. a; G. 372. R. 2 ; H. 444 ; HB. 346. e. 3. qui dicerent : see note on q^^^ deduceret, p. 90, 1. 17. 4. se suaque : the -que shows that se as well as sna is object ofper- mittere. The subject of an infinitive in indirect discourse is usually expressed, but it would be awkward to have another se as the subject of permittere. The indirect discourse extends to the end of the chapter. 6. coniurasse : for coniiiravisse. A. i8i.a ; B. 116. i ; G. 131. i ; H. 43. i ; HB. 163. i. 7. dare : the first of four infinitives limiting paratos. facere : to obey, lit. to do, or exectite. oppidis : the omission of the preposition is due to the fact that the ablative expresses means as well as place. 9. incolant : this might have been incolerent, since misemnt, the main verb of the sentence introducing the indirect discourse, is in a secondary, or historical, tense. A. 585. b. N. ; B. 318 ; G. 654. N. ; H. 644. i ; HB. 478. 10. taiitum : the predicate oifiirorem; so great was the infatua- tion. It is correlative to ?//, which introduces the verb pot^lerint, subjunctive of result. A. 537. N. 2; B. 284. i ; G. 552 (under 3) ; H. 570; HB. 521. 2. a. ne quidem: that which is emphasized by these two words always stands between them, here Suessiones, which is the object of deterrere. The name of the Suessiones survives in the modern Soissons. n. fratres consanguineosque : the second word defines more accurately the first, which is sometimes used in the figurative sense of allies. suos : refers to the subject of potuerint, i.e. the Kemi. eodem . . . legibus : the same cotistitution (legal system) and the same laws (special enactments). A. 410; B. 218. i ; G. 407; H. 477. I ; HB. 429. 13. ipsis : here practically an indirect reflexive. A. 300; b; B. 249.3; G. 521. N. 4; H. 509. 6; HB. 263. quin consentirent : 312 NOTES II PAGE from uniting. A. 558; B. 295. 3. a; G. 555. i; H. 595. 2; HB. 91 502. 3. b. Try to put this speech into the direct form. Change the main infinitives to indicatives of the same tense; five infinitives will remain unchanged. Two verbs, potuerint and consentirent, must remain subjunctive; the others must be changed to the indicative. Be careful about pronouns. The first sentence will run as follows : Nos nostraque omnia . . . populi Romani per mittimus. The last four lines will be : Tantusque est . . . furor ^^t . . . consanguineos- que nostros, qui . . . legibus utuntur . . . magistratum nobiscum habent, deterrere potuerimus quin . . . consenfiant. IV. 15. essent: A. 573, 574; B. 300. i; G. 467; H. 649. II; HB. 534. 2. III. This question in the direct form would be, Quae civitates quant aeque in armis sunt? quid possent: how strong they were. A. 390. c; B. 176. 2 ; G. 334; H. 409. i ; HB. 387. III. Belgas : subject of the four following infinitives. Nearly all the remainder of this chapter is in indirect discourse. 16. a Germanis : see Introd., pp. 23, 24. Rhenum : depends on traductos. A. 395. N. 2 ; B. 179. i. 3; G. 331. R. i ; H. 413; HB. 386. a. 18. solos : pred. adj., (the Belgae) were the only ones. menio- ria: A. 423 ; B. 231 ; G. 393; H. 486; HB. 436. b. omni G-allia vexata: trans, by a w/W-clause. See Introd., p. 5. 19. ingredi: from entering. An infinitive is very common with prohibeo. A. 558. b. N. ; B. 295. 3. N. ; G. 549. N. I ; H. 566. 2; HB. 502. 3. b, 587. prohibuerint : A. 535. b; 6.283. 2 i G. 631. i ; H. 591. 5 ; HB. 521. i. a. 20. fieri : inf. in ind. disc. ; trans, it was coming to pass. What was coming to pass ? The answer gives the subject of fieri. It is, of course, the clause that follows. uti sibi sumerent: that they took upon themselves. A. 569. 2 ; B. 297. 2 ; G. 553. 3 ; H. 571. i ; HB. 521. 3. a. In the direct form it would be qua ex re fit uti . . . sumant. memoria : abl. of cause; cf. mobilitate, p. 90, 1. ro. 22. omnia . . . explorata: that they had everything ascertained. This expression emphasizes the result of action, whereas omnia se exploravisse, that they had ascertained everything^ would emphasize the action itself. A. 497. b ; B. 337. 7 (337. 6) ; G. 238 ; H. 431. 3 ; HB. 605. 5. In expressions like this we see the origin of the perfect tense in English. French, and other modern languages. 23. propinquitatibus : the Remi were Belgae. 24. quantam . . . pollicitus sit : how great a number each II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 3 I ?, (chief) had promised, ind. quest. A favorite position of quisque is immediately after a reflexive, relative, or interrogative. 25. Flurimum : see note on quid possent, 1. 15. 26. virtute: abl. of cause or abl. of specification. A. 418; B. 226; G. 397; H. 480; HB. 441. 27. armata milia centum : a hundred armed thousands, i e. a hundred thousand armed men. So electa milia LX, sixty thousand picked men. 28. totius : for declension see the grammar. sibi : for them- selves. A. 376; B. 188. i ; G. 344; H. 425. 2; HB. 366. 29. Suessiones . . . finitimos : in the direct form, Snessiones nostri sunt finitimi ; suos must refer to the speakers, the Remi. . If the reference were to the Bellovaci, horum would be used. 31. Diviciacum : not, of course, Diviciacus the Haeduan, a prominent character in Bk. I, who is mentioned in the next chapter. qui . . . obtinuerit : who had held control not only of a great part of these regions but also even of Britain. The correlatives cum . . . turn are nearly equal to et . . . et. 32. partis : depends on imperium. A. 348 ; B. 200 ; G. 363. 2 ; H. 440. 2; HB. 354. regionum: A. 346; B. 201 ; G. 367 ; H. 440. 5 ; HB. 346. obtinuerit : for tense cf. incolant, \. 9. 1. summam : the management, subject of deferri. omnium 92 voluntate : according to the wish of all, i.e. unanimously. A. 412. b ; B. 220. 3 ; G. 399. N. i ; H. 475. 3 ; HB. 414. a. 2. habere : sc. as subject Suessiones, or a pronoun referring to them. numero : abl. of specification ; cf. virtute, p. 91, 1. 26. 3. Nervios : sc. polliceri. maxime feri : sup. of ferns. A. 128; B. 74; HB. 121. ipsos : the Belgae. habeantur : why is this subjunctive ? 6. Condrusos : with this and the following accusatives supply polliceri, or conficere posse (from p. 91, 1. 27), and make the clause depend on arbitrari, \. 8. 7. Germani: A. 393. a; B. 177. 3; G. 205, 206; H. 393; HB. 392. b. 8. appellantur: is this a part of the indirect discourse? See note on noluerant, p. 90, 1. 8. arbitrari : sc. as subject se, refer- ring to the Remi ; direct, arbitramur, we think. Perhaps these tribes had not sent delegates to the meeting. ad : about (up to}. The location of some of the tribes mentioned in this chapter is fixed by modern names of places, e.g. Bellovaci, Beauvais ; Ambiani, Amiens. 314 NOTES II PAGE V. 9. Caesar . . . iussit : Caesar encouraged the Remi, .dis- 92 missed them with gracious words, and directed that all their senate, etc. Participles may often best be translated by finite verbs. 10. convenire: A. 563. a; 6.331.115 G. 423. N. 6; 1.565.3; HE. 587. n. obsides : as hostages. Perhaps the graciousness of Caesar's speech was not fully appreciated by the Remi, when they heard the orders which followed. ad diem : promptly, ' on time.'' 13. rei publicae . . . intersit: it concerned the state (Rome) and the common safety (of Romans and Haedui). For rei publicae see A. 355 ; B. 210, 211. i ; G. 381 ; H. 449. I ; HB. 345. What is the subject of intersit f Why is intersit subjunctive ? Cf. essent, p. 91,1. 15. 14. manus hostium distineri: that the forces of the enemy be kept from uniting (be held apart). The inseparable prefix dis- means apart. ne confligendum sit: that they might not be obliged to fight. For the impersonal use of the passive periphrastic conjugation cf. dubitandum, p. 90, 1. 22. For mood of confligendum j#see A. 531. i ; B. 282. I ; G. 545. 3 ; H. 568 ; HB. 502. 2. The clause is to be closely connected with distineri. 15. Id: refers to manus distineri, and is subject of posse. The sentence is in indirect discourse depending on docet, 1. 13. si Hae- dui introduxerint : if the Haedui led (lit. shoidd have led). The powerful Bellovaci would thus be kept busy defending their own territory, and away from the rest of the Belgae. What mood is introduxerint? Why? It was future perfect in the direct form. 17. mandatis : here a noun. 1 8. in unuzn locum : in one place, but, as coactas implies motion, we have the accusative with in. 19. vidit: A. 543; B. 287. i; G. 561; H. 602; HB. 554, 557. neque : and not, connects vidit and cognovit, but the negative belongs to longe. ab iis exploratoribus, ab Remis : connect both phrases with cognovit. 20. cognovit : learned. flumen, exercitum : two accusatives with traducere, one the object of ducere, the other depending on the preposition. Cf. Rhenum traductos, p. 91, 1. 16. extremis: how is this compared ? For use of word see A. 293 ; B. 241. i ; G. 291. R. 2 ; H. 497. 4; HB. 244. 21. traducere: A.456; 6.328.1; G. 423. 2 ; H.6o7; HB. 586. ibi: north of the Aisne, near the little village of Berry-au-Bac. Thus he was between the Aisne and a small, marshy stream (the Miette). See the plan, p. 95. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 315 22. Quae res : this manoeuver. et : notice that the conjunction is used three times to connect the three predicates of quae res, but the first et may be omitted in translation.- latus unum : the side next the river and nearly parallel with it. ripis : abl. of means. 23. muniebat : see note at the end of Bk. I, Chap. III. Reread from the beginning of this book, noticing the force of each tense of . the indicative. post . . . reddebat; rendered his rear '(lit. those things which were behind him} safe from the enemy. Notice the strong emphasis of position of post eum, as also commeatus, 1. 24. 24. coinmeatus ut portari possent efficiebat : made it pos- sible for supplies to be br ought ^ lit. accomplished that supplies could be brought. 25. possent: for mood see A. 568; B. 297. i; G. 553. i; H. 571 . 3 ; HB. 521. 3. a. In eo flumine : over that river ; at Berry- au-Bac ; Caesar had probably crossed by this bridge. 26. in altera parte : i.e. on the south, or left, bank. The river here flows almost due west. By guarding the bridge Caesar secured his retreat in case of disaster. 27. in altitudinem : in height. Notice that in this idiom the accusative is used with in. What prepositions are used with both accusative and ablative ? 28. pedum duodecim : depends on vallo. A. 345. b; 6.203.2; G. 365. R. 2 ; H. 440. 3 ; HB. 355. duodeviginti pedum : width is meant. This is given as the more important dimension. Per- haps a definite relation was regularly observed between depth and width. See Introd., p. 43. The site of this camp has been ex- cavated, and it appears that the depth of the trench was about nine or ten feet. VI. 30. milia passuum octo : eight miles. See note on milia passuum, p. 56, 1. 14. Id : notice its emphatic position. The word serves to connect this sentence with the preceding. ex itinere : the Belgae did not stop to organize a regular siege, but attacked the town as soon as they arrived. See Introd., p. 46. magno impetu: abl. of manner. A. 412; B. 220. i; G. 399; H. 473-3; HB. 445-3- 2. sustentatum. est : impersonal ; trans, the attack was sus- 93 tained or the town held out. 3. Gallorum . . . haec : the method of attack of the Gauls, as well as (lit. the same as) of the Belgae, is as follows. By Gallorum Caesar means the Celtae. See Introd., p. 23. For atque see A. 384. N. 2 ; B. 341. i. c ; G. 643 ; H. 508. 5.; HB. 307. 2. a. 5 . ubi : when, introduces coepti sunt and mldat^ls est. 31 6 NOTES II PAGE 7- moenibus : depends on circnmiecta. A. 370; B. 187. III. 2; 93 G. 348; H. 429. 2; HB. 376. 9. coepti sunt : this verb is usually passive when the dependent infinitive is passive. A. 205. a ; B. 133. I ; G. 423. N. 3 ; H. 299. i ; HB. 199. 2. 10. defensoribus : abl. of separation. A. 401; B. 214. I. b; G. 390. 1.2; H. 462 ; HB. 408. 3. n. testudine facta: making a testudo (tortoise). See Introd., p. 46, and the illustration on p. 93. 12. murum: observe that not all verbs compounded with preposi- tions given in the rule take the dative. 13. Quod: this. A relative at the beginning of a sentence is usually best translated by a demonstrative or personal pronoun, often with a connective, e.g. and or but. A. 308. f ; B. 251. 6; G. 610. R. i ; H. 510; HB. 284. 8. 16. conicerent : its subject is nntltitudo. A. 317. d ; B. 254. 4. a ; G. 211. R. i. a; H. 389. i ; HB. 331. a. consistendi : cf. con- iurandi, p. 90, 1. 5. 17. erat nulli: A. 373; B. 190; G. 349; H. 430; HB. 374. The subject of erat is potestas. Trans, no one was able to maintain his position. What literally ? 18. fiiiem oppugnandi fecisset : had put an end to the assault (inade an end of assaulting) . 20. summa nobilitate : (a man} of the highest rank. A. 415 ; B. 224; G. 400; H. 473. 2; HB. 443. Caesar might have written summae nobilitatis. 22. oppido: A. 370; B. 187. Ill; G. 347; H. 429; HB. 376- 23. ex iis: this equivalent for the partitive genitive, or genitive of the whole, is especially common with numerals. See note on ex Belgis, p. 91, 1. 2. legati : as envoys. Cf. p. 91, 1. 3. 24. nisi . . . posse : a sentence in indirect discourse, depend- ing on nuntios mittit, which may be translated sent messengers to say that. In the direct form, nisi subsidium mihi submittetur, diutius sustinere non possum. sibi : as submittatur implies motion, Caesar might have written ad se, but the dative makes the idea of helping more prominent than that of sending. VII. 26. de media iiocte : shortly after midnight, or about midnight. See note on de tertia vigilia, p. 61, 1. 24. ducibus : as guides, predicate apposition to isdem. 27. usus : employing. 'A. 491 ; B. 336. 5 ; G. 282. N. ; H. 640. i ; HB. 601. i. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 317 28. subsidio oppidanis : A. 382. i. N. i ; B. 191. 2; G. 356; PAGE H. 433 ; HB. 360. b. 93 29. adventu: abl. of time and cause. Remis accessit: was aroused in the Remi. What literally? Remis is dative depending on accessit, a compound of ad. See note on oppido, \. 22. 30. propugnandi : notice the force of pro ; they were eager to sally forth. 31. hostibus : dat., but trans, from the enemy. potiundi: gerundive, or future passive participle, agreeing with oppidi, which limits spes. Trans, hope of taking the town, lit. hope of the town to be taken. Since the gerundive is a passive participle, it is regularly used in agreement with a noun only when the verb is transitive. See A. 503. N. 2; B. 339. 4; G. 427. N. 4. 5 ; H. 623. i; HB. 613. 2. b. N. The learner should carefully distinguish between the gerund, a verbal noun, and the gerundive. For the form potiundi (instead of potiendi) see A. p. 89. foot-note i ; B. 116. 2 ; G. 130. 8 ; H. 243; HB. 184. N. 32. oppidum, vicis, aedificiis : see note on p. 57, 1. 22. 34. quo : an adverb, equivalent to ad qnae. incensis : this participle is parallel to the deponent participles morati and depopu- lati., and may be translated having set on fire. 35. omnibus copiis : cum might have been used. A. 413. a; B. 222. I ; G. 392. R. i ; H. 474. 2. N. i ; HB. 420. 1. a ... duobus : less than two miles away. Perhaps the best 94 explanation of this phrase is that which regards a as an adverb, and the ablative as one of degree, or measure, of difference. A. 414 ; B. 223; G. 403; H. 479; HB. 424. For minus see A. 407. c; B. 217. 3 ; G. 296. R. 4 ; H. 471. 4 ; HB. 416. d. 2. milibus : not to be explained as in 1. i, but as an ablative following the comparative. A. 406; B. 217. i ; G. 398; H. 471; HB. 416, 417. VIII. 4. et, et : both, and. 5. opiniouem virtutis : opinion of their valor, their repiitation for valor-, for the case cf. partis, p. 91, 1. 32. See Introd., p. 25. proelio : i.e. a pitched battle ; abl. of separation. 6. quid posset : see note on quid possent, p. 91, 1. 15. 7. auderent : a semi-deponent verb. 8. inferiores : how is this word compared? loco: abl. abs. with the adjectives opportune and idoneo. A. 419. a; B. 227. i; G. 409; H. 489; HB. 421. procastris: the front of a camp should be the side towards the enemy. A glance at the plan shows that here no side exactly fronted the Belgian lines, but it seems pretty cer- 318 NOTES II PAGE tain that Caesar meant by the front the part facing westward. ad 94 aciem instruendam : for drawing -tip a line of battle, a gerundive phrase depending on opportune) and idoneo. A. 385. a ; B. 192. 2. N. ; G - 359- R - 3 5 H - 435- * 5 HB - 384- 2. 10. editus : rising, lit. having been put forth. tantum : sc. loci, and connect with patebat as ace. of extent ; extended over as much space as a battle-line, etc. This refers to the portion of the hill west of the camp. See the plan. adversus : fronting (the enemy}, an adj. agreeing with collis. 1 1 . quantum : obj. of occupare and correlative to tantwn. loci : A. 346. a. 3 ; B. 201. 2 ; G. 369 ; H. 442 ; HB. 346. 12. ex utraque parte: on both sides. rand ab are frequently used in expressions denoting position, contrary to the English idiom. A. 429. b; G. 390. 2. N. 6; H. 485. 4; HB. 406. 2. lateris de- lectus: i.e. steep lateral slopes, whereas the front sloped gradually. in f route: cf. pro castris, 1. 8. 13. paulatim : do not confuse this word with paululum or paulis- per. redibat : as the upward slope of a hill may be said to leave the level of the plain, so the downward slope may be said to ' return.' 14. transversam : crosswise, i.e. at right angles to the axis of the hill. See the plan. obduxit: notice the force of ob; the pur- pose was to oppose or obstruct an attacking party. This is the main verb of the sentence. passuum quadringeiitorum : limits fossam. A. 425. a; B. 203. 2; G. 365. R. 2 ; H. 440. 3; HB. 355- 15. ad extremas fossas : at the ends of the trenches. A. 293 ; B. 241. i ; G. 291. R. 2; H. 497. 4; HB. 244. 16. tormenta: see Introd., p. 50. instruxisset : A. 5935 B. 324. I ; G. 663. I ; H. 652 ; HB. 508, 509. 17. poterant : indicative because it is the writer's statement of the reason. The use of possent would have indicated that the rea- son was present in Caesar's mind at the time of digging the trenches. ab lateribus : if the trenches had not been dug, the enemy could have reached the right of the Roman line by crossing the Miette at their own left and then following the stream, and the Roman left by passing behind the camp and along between the hill and the Aisne. See the plan. 18. duabus legionibus: what were their numbers? See In- trod., p. 36. Raw legions were commonly assigned to camp duty, or stationed as a reserve. 19. ut . . . possent: a clause of purpose. si . . . esset : wherever (if to any place) it might be necessary. The subjunctive II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 319 may be explained on the same principle as instriixisset, \. 16. sub- PAGE sidio : as a reinforcement, lit. for help. Why dative? 94 21. eductas instruxerunt : we may translate led oiit and drew up. IX. 22. Palus : the Miette flowed through this marsh. nos- trum : from noster ; sc. exercitiwt. 23. Hanc : see note on id, p. 92, 1. 30. si . . . exspectabant : the enemy were waiting (to see) if our men would cross. A. 576. a ; B. 300. 3 ; G. 460. i. b ; H. 649. II. 3 ; HB. 582. 2. a. 24. si ... fieret : depends on adgrederentur. Cf. si . . . esset, 1. 19. ut . . . adgrederentur : that they might attack them at a disadvantage. impeditos : .i.e. as they were struggling through the marsh. 26. contendebatur : impersonal ; cf. sustentatum est, p. 93, 1. 2. faciunt : A. 543 ; B. 287. I. a ; G. 561 ; H. 602 ; HB. 557. 27. equitum proelio : equivalent to eqiiestri proelio. proelio': abl. abs. with secnndiore. nostris : to our men-, it depends on secundiore. A. 384; B. 192. i ; G. 359; H. 434. 2; HB. 362. I. 28. ad flumen : to the west of Caesar's camp. Apparently the Belgae did not cross the Miette. 29. quod : the antecedent \s flumen. 31. eo consilio : with this design. ut . . . prohiberent: this explains eo consilio. Four of the subjunctives are verbs of the ^lt- clause. On these the clauses si possent and si minus potuissent depend. The two relative clauses do not help to express the plan of the Belgae, but are added by Caesar, and their verbs are therefore indicative. castellum : cf. p. 92, 1. 26. This castelhim was south of the Aisne. 1 . minus : when a protasis is repeated in a negative form, minus 95 is often used instead of non. 2. magno nobis usui : of great use (or very useful} to us. See note on subsidio oppidanis, p. 93, 1. 28. The Remi were traitors to the Belgae, and were furnishing supplies to Caesar. Cf. Chap. III. 3. ad bellum gerendum: in (for) carry ing on the war. X. 4. certior factus : cf. certiorfiebat. p. 90, I. 3. The nature of the ground no doubt concealed the movements of the Belgae from Caesar. 5. levis armaturae : of light equipment, i.e. light-armed. The expression is equivalent to an adjective. A. 345 ; B. 203 ; G. 365 ; H. 440. 3; HB. 355. ponte : by way of the bridge. A. 429. a; B. 218. 9; G. 389; H. 476; HB. 426. a. traducit: sc. flumen. 6. in eo loco : see the plan. 7. Hostis : obj. of adgressi. 320 NOTES II PAGE 8. per . . . reppulerunt: we should be likely to say over their 95 bodies the rest attempted to cross, but were driven back. This expe- dient of changing the voice of a verb in translation is often a very convenient means of preserving emphasis. 10. primes . . . interfecerunt : we may say the foremost were surrounded and killed, or, keeping the voice of interfecerunt, they surrounded and killed the foremost. Is equitatu abl. of means, or of agent ? 11. expugnando : is this a gerund, or a gerundive? oppido : Bibrax ; cf. Chaps. VI and VII. 12. se : the indirect reflexive. A. 300. 2; B. 244. i. II. a; G. 521; H. 504: HB. 262. 2. neque: connects intellexerunt and viderunt, both of which are introduced by ubi, as is also coepit ; but the negative should be put with progredi. 13. puguandi causa: one of the ways of expressing purpose. Consult the grammar. The student should accustom himself to finding things in his grammar with the help of the index. Either the word 'purpose' or the word 'gerund' should put him on the track of this construction. ipsos: a more distinctive word than eos, marking a contrast with nostros. 14. constituerunt : the principal verb of the sentence. De- pending on it we have a clause in indirect discourse representing a N decision as to a fact, optimum esse standing for optimum est, and a clause with the subjunctive representing a decision as to a course of action. It is not uncommon for a verb to have object-clauses of different forms. 15. domum suam : to his home. A. 427. 2; B. 182. i. b; G. 337; H. 419. i ; HB. 450. b. reverti: subject of esse, and has qztemque for its subject. Learn its principal parts from the Vocabu- lary. It is semi-deponent, having active forms in the perfect, pas- sive in the present. How does it differ, then, from audeo? quorum: its antecedent is eos, 1. 16. A relative clause very often precedes the clause containing the antecedent of the relative. 17. convenirent : to come together. A subjunctive depending on constituo is regularly introduced by ut. See A. 565. a. N. ; B. 295. 8; G. 546; H. 565; HB. 502. 3. a. ut . . . decertarent . . . uterentur : a clause of purpose. On what does it depend ? In studying syntax always consider this question. It is the only way to understand a sentence fully. 96 I. sententiam : decision. 2. ratio : consideration. It is explained by the appositive clause quod . . . cognoverant. A. 572; B. 299. I ; G. 525. 2; H. 588. 35 II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 321 HB. 549, 552. i. finibus appropinquate : were drawing near PAGE to the territory. The dative is the usual construction with this verb. 96 3. His . . . poterat: trans, freely these could not be persuaded to wait longer and not aid their people. His depends on persuaderi, which is used impersonally, as all intransitive verbs must be when passive. ' I am persuaded 1 is not pcrsuadeor, but mihi persnadetur, lit. // is persuaded (inade acceptable} to me. A. 372 ; B. 187. II. b; G. 208. 2 ; H. 426. 3 ; HB. 364. 2. By his is meant the Bellovaci in the Belgian army. Caesars scheme had worked well ; cf. p. 92, 11. 13-17. ut . . . morarentur . . . ferrent : subject of persuaderi poterat. XI. 5. secunda vigilia : abl. of time. See note on de tertia vigilia, p. 6 1, 1. 24. 6. castris : e castris might have been used. nullo . . . im- perio : in no definite order and ^mder no definite direction. No one superintended the movement. A. 412 ; B. 221 ; G. 399 ; -H. 473. 3 ; HB. 422. cum . . . peteret : A. 549 ; B. 286. 2 : G. 586 ; H. 598 ; HB. 526. We might translate every one trying to get for hiinself. 7. sibi: A. 376; B. 188. i; G. 345; H. 425. 2; HB. 366. Notice its emphatic position, with quisqiie just after it, and see note on p. 91, 1. 24. 8. fecerunt ut . . . videretur : caused the departure to seem like flight. See note on possent, p. 92, 1. 25. fugae : see note on Belgis, p. 90, 1. 19. 9. Caesar : the common subject of perspexerat and continuit. Trans, having learned . . . and fearing . . . because he . . . Caesar kept. speculatores : spies, sent secretly to obtain information. veritus : see note on usus, p. 93, 1. 27. 11. castris : the idea of means is present in this ablative as well as that of place. confirmata . . . exploratoribus : since the fact had been corroborated by the scouts. For the exploratores see note on p. 61, 1. 21. 12. qtii . . . raoraretur : see note on qni dedncerel, p. 90, 1. 17. 13. His: dat. with the compound verb; see note on oppido, p. 93, 1. 22. Why is it plural ? 15. novissimos : those in the rear. 1 6. eorum fugientium : of them as they fled. Do not say 'of those fleeing.' 17. cum : causal, introducing three verbs, consisterent, sustine- rent, and ponerent. Though these verbs are grammatically coor- dinate, logically the first two are somewhat subordinated to the third. Notice that the first two are connected by -que, while the y 322 NOTES? II PAGE third, which has a new subject, stands without a connective. It is 96 as if Caesar had said ' because, while (it is true) those at the end of the line stood their ground bravely, those farther forward were thrown into a panic and fled.' ab extreme agmine: see note on ex utraque parte, p. 94, 1. 12. ventum erat: trans, personally, those to whom they (the pursuers) had come, those whom they had overtaken. 20. imperio : cf. 1. 6. perturbatis ordinibus: broke ranks and, etc. 22. tantam multitudinem quantum fuit: lit. a number as great as was the length of the day, i.e. as great a number as there was time for. See Introd., p. 45, for the usual treatment of a de- feated army. 23. sequi: A. 456; B. 328. i ; G. 423. 2 ; H. 607 ; HB. 586. 24. erat imperatum : they had been ordered, lit. it had been com- manded. Why is the verb used impersonally? XII. 25. Postridie eius diei: the next day, lit. on the morrow {next day) of that day. The genitive diei requires no special expla- nation, but the student may consult A. 359. b; B. 201. 3. a; H. 446. 5 ; HB. 380. c. se reciperent : could recover. A. 551. b ; B. 292. i. b ; G. 577 ; H. 605. II ; HB. 507. 4. b. Caesar's plan was to deal with the tribes of the Belgae one at a time. 27. magao itinere : by a forced march. Noviodunum : this has been identified with the modern Soissons, named from the Suessiones. Probably it was near the site of Soissons, at all events. 28. ex itinere: see note on p. 92, 1. 30. 29. ab defensoribus : abl. of separation. The preposition might have been omitted. 30. paucis defendeiitibus : abl. abs., to be translated by a clause beginning with though. expugnare : to carry by storm, whereas oppugnare means to assault. 31. Castris munitis : the building of camps is constantly re- ferred to by Caesar. See Introd., p. 41. vineas : see Introd., p. 47. quaeque : -que is the enclitic, and. The antecedent of quae is not expressed. ad oppugnandum : for assaulting, for the assault. 32. ex fuga : belongs grammatically with convenit, but its posi- tion unites it closely with multitude, about as if it were fugientium, agreeing with Suessionum. Those are meant who had escaped the slaughter told of in the previous chapter. ' 97 i. aggere, turribus : see Introd., pp. 47,48. magnitudine: goes with permoti. II -THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 323 4. petentibus . . . conservarentur : inasmuch as the Remi begged that they should be spared. The Remi were, it will be re- membered, kinsmen of . the Suessiones. Cf. p. 91, 1. n. XIII. 6. primis : the leading men. 7. Galbae : cf. p. 91, 1. 33. 8. in ... accipit : in English idiom accepted the surrender of the Suessiones. in Bellova^os : after the battle on the Aisne Caesar marched westward, reaching first the Suessiones, then the powerful tribe of the Bellovaci. See the map facing p. 91. 9. Qui cum : A. 308. f ; B. 251. 6 ; G. 610. R. i ; H. 510 ; HB. 284. 8. sua omnia: all their possessions (their all}. 1 1 . maiores natu : older men ; A. 131 . c. N. ; B. 226. i ; G. 397 ; H. 480. i ; HB. 441. 12. voce significare : do you see any reason why Caesar did not write dicere ? What is the object of significare f 13. fidem ac potestatem : protection and power. 15. accessisset, poneret : observe carefully the change of tense. pueri : children. 1 6. passis : from pando. suo more: according to their cus- tom; A. 418. a; B. 220. 3 ; G. 3975 H. 475. 3 ; HB. 414. a. XIV. 18. Haeduorum copiis : the forces with which Divi- ciacus had threatened the Bellovaci. Cf. p. 96, 1. 2. facit verba : made a plea. 19. omni tempore . . . amicitia: i.e. they had always been faithful friends. 20. impulses . . . intulisse : this sentence will not be trouble- some, if one sees plainly that defecisse and intttlisse belong with impulses (Bellovacos}, while perferre has Haeduos for its subject, and depends on dicerent. Notice the tenses of the infinitives. The principes said Haedtti perferunt, while Diviciacus said impulsi et defecerimt et int^der^mt. Why is dicerent subjunctive ? 4. civitati intulissent : had brought upon the state. 5. profugisse : sc. eos, the implied antecedent of qui. Petere : Bellovacos and Haeduos form its subject. 6. sua dementia : his customary clemency, dementia is the mildne'ss of one in authority ; mansitetudo, gentleness of disposition. utatur : the previous subjunctives of this passage have been im- perfect or pluperfect, from here on they are present or perfect. Such a change is common, especially in long passages of indirect discourse. The ruling verb is facit (p. 97, 1. 18), a historical pres- ent. A. 485. e; 6.268.3; G. 654. N. ; H. 546; HB. 491. 1.2. 7. Quod . . . amplificaturum : in the direct discourse, quod si 324 NOTES II feceris (fut. perf.), amplificabis. auctoritatem : Caesar might be expected to wish to increase the prestige of the Haedui, because they were allies of Rome. 8. quorum : its antecedent is Belgas. si ... consuerint : direct, si inciderunt, sustentare consuevimus. Remember that Diviciacus, a Haeduan, is speaking. 9. consuerint : for consueverint, a perfect with present meaning. See consuesco in Vocab. XV. 10. honoris . . . causa : i.e. to show honor to Diviciacus and the Haedui. A. 404. c; B. 198. I ; G. 373. R. I ; H. 475. 2 ; HB. 339. d. 11. eos in fidem recepturum : would take them under his pro- tection, i.e. would accept their allegiance ; cf. p. 97, 1. 13. 12. magna auctoritate : of great influence ; abl. of quality, or description. multitudine : abl. of specification, or respect. 13. DC : sescentos. This was a very large number. 1 6. Nervii : three tribes, the Suessiones, the Bellovaci, and the Ambiani, had submitted with scarcely a show of resistance. We shall read that the Nervii acted differently. Quorum : poss. gen., limiting natura and moribus. 17. Nullum . . . mercatoribus : that traders had no access to them. For case of mercatoribus see A. 373 ; B. 190; G. 349; H. 430 ; HB. 374. Regarding the mercatores see note on p. 55, 1. 8. 18. nihil vini: no wine, lit. nothing of wine', A. 346. a. I ; B. 201. i ; G. 369 ; H. 440. 5 ; HB. 346. pati : sc. eos, i.e. Nervios. 19. rerum . . . pertinentium : i.e. luxuries. inferri : A. 563. c; B. 331. Ill; G. 553. 2. N. ; H. 614; HB, 587. 21. feros : how is this compared? Cf. maxime feri, p. 92, 1. 3. magnae virtutis : gen. of quality, or descriptive gen. Notice that it limits homines, and is equivalent to an adjective. 22. dedidissent : it would be subjunctive in the direct form also, since it stands in a relative clause expressing cause. A. 535. e ; B. 283. 3. a; G. 633; H. 592; HB. 523. patriam: of their fathers, ancestral. 23. sese : not subject of confirmare, but of missuros and acceptu- ros (esse). XVI. 25. triduum: why accusative? iter fecisset: had marched. Trace Caesar's route on the map. 26. Sabim : for the form see A. 75. a. i ; B. 38. I ; G. 57. I ; H. 102. 2 5 HB. 88. i. amplius : cf. minus, p. 94, 1. i. 27. trans id flumen : emphatic, on the other side of this river, i.e. on the southern bank. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 325 29. his utrisque: both of these (tribes)] but notice, that the genitive is not used. How is utrisque declined? 30. uti experirentur : to try, lit. that they sho^lld try, obj. of persuaserant. exspectari : its subject is capias. The Atuatuci did not come in time. 31. mulieres : this word and the omitted antecedent of qui are objects of coniecisse, the subject of which is understood. 1. per aetatem: i.e. the old men and the children. in eum locum quo : almost equivalent to in talent locum ut eo. 2. exercitui : an (not the) army. For the case cf. mercatori- bus, p. 98, 1. 1 8. XVII. 3. centuriones : see Introd., p. 33. 4. castris : for a camp. This may be taken with either ido- neum or deligant. deligant : subj. of purpose. ex Belgis : equivalent to a genitive. 5. una : the adverb ; cf. p. 98, 1. 28. 7. eorum . . . perspecta : having carefully observed ottr army's itsual order of march of (during) those days. Notice how the geni- tives are heaped up. The translation given above will indicate the connection. 8. demonstrarunt : A. 181. a; B. 116. I ; G. 131. i ; H. 238; HB. 163. r. inter singulas legiones: between every two legions ; for the meaning of singuli see Vocab. A passage in indirect dis- course begins here and extends to the end of the sentence. For the formation of the word legio see A. 238. b ; G. 181. 2. b ; H. 333 ; HB. 206. 2. 9. numerum : amount, since we translate impedimentorum by a singular noun. 10. quicquam: lit. anything at all. The masculine is quisquam. Decline it without a feminine, and only in the singular. Note that and nothing is not et nihil, but neqne quicquam. See A. 311, 312; B. 252. 4; G. 317. i ; H. 513; HB. 276. 7. negoti: cf. vini, p. 98, 1. 1 8. What was no trouble? The answer to this question will give the subject of esse. prima legio : i.e. the legion at the head of the column. See Introd., pp. 31, 40. 11. venisset, abessent: represent future perfect and future in the direct discourse. 12. sarcinis : i.e. the packs carried by the soldiers, while impedi- menta signifies the heavy baggage. See Introd., p. 40. The attack was to be made before the soldiers had laid down their packs. qua pulsa: translate by a clause with when. futurum ut . . . aude- 326 NOTES II rent: equivalent to reliquas . . . non ausuras (esse). A. 569. a; B. 270. 3. a, 297. 2 ; G. 248, 553. 3 ; H. 619. 2, 571. i ; HB. 472. c, 521. 3. a. 13. Adiuvabat: the emphasis may be brought out by a change of voice, e.g. the advice -was supported by the fact that the Nervii, etc. The subject of adiuvabat is the gtiod-cla.\ise. 14. eorum : the quidam of 1. 6. 15. cum . . . possent: causal, being weak in cavalry. For nihil see note on quid possent, p. 91, 1. 15. neque enim : and in fact . . . not; the negative goes with student. 1 6. eirei: i.e. cavalry. For the case see note on novis imperiis, p. 90, 1. 10. possunt, valent: practically synonyms. Translate freely, all their strength lies in infantry. What literally ? 17. quo : in order that, lit. by which', used sometimes instead of ut in clauses of purpose, regularly when there is a comparative in the clause. A. 531. a; B. 282. i. a; G. 545. 2; H. 568. 7; HB. 502. 2. b. si venissent : if they came (lit. should have come) . 1 8. teneris . . . interiectis : young trees were cut into not far from the ground and bent over. The branches then grew out side- ways (in latitudineni) . Thus a hedge was formed, with brambles and thorns filling the interstices. These hedges served as boun- daries of districts or towns, or possibly of individual farms. Such hedges are said still to be found in this region. 2. -ut . . . praeberent: obj. of effecerant ; see note on pos- sent, p. 92, 1. 25. instar muri : like a wall. See instar in Vocab., and A. 359. b-, B. 198. 2 ; G. 373 ; H. 446. 4; HB. 339. d. 3. quo . . . posset: through which (whither} one could not only not enter, but not even see, or which could not even be seen through, much less entered. The clause is one of characteristic. 4. cum . . . impediretur: causal. non omittendum con- silium : that the plan (suggestion} should not be neglected. 5. sibi: A. 374; B. 189. i ; G. 355 ; H. 431 ; HB. 373. i. XVIII. 6. quern locum: A. 307. a; B. 251. 3; G. 615; H. 399. i ; HB. 284. 4. Omit locum in translation. 7. ab . . . declivis : sloping downward evenly from the top. 8. Ab eo flumine : on the other side of this river. 9. acclivitate : upward slope ; cf. declivis above. nasceba- tur : rose. What literally ? This hill was on the right, or south- ern, bank of the Sambre, while Caesar's camp was north of the river. See the plan, p. 102. adversus . . . contrarius : fronting this and opposite. 10. passus : ace. pi. infimus apertus : open (i.e. not wooded) II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 327 at the bottom. A. 293; B. 241. i ; G. 291. R. 2 ; H. 497. 4; HB. 244. Both words agree with collis. How is infimus compared ? ab superiors parte : in the upper part. 11. ut . . . posset: a clause of result. 12. secundum flumen : along the river, \\i. following the river. Secundum is derived from sequor. 14. altitude: A. 241; B. 149; G. 181. 2. b; H. 345; HB. 207. 2. ^-pedum trium: pred. gen. of measure. XIX. 15. subsequebatur : was following close behind. om- nibus copiis : A. 413. a ; B. 222. I ; G. 392. R. i ; H. 474. 2. N. i ; HB. 420. 16. ratio ordoque : the two words express one idea, and there- fore take a singular verb. aliter . . . ac : was different from what, lit. had itself otherwise than. See A. 407. d; B. 341. i. c; G. 643; H. 516. 3; HB. 307. 2. a. Notice the derivation of aliter (from alius). 17. appropinquabat : was getting near. 18. consuetudine : see note on suo more, p. 97, 1. 16. expe- ditas : without encumbrances, i.e. in fighting order. See Introd., p. 40. 19. conlocarat: for conlocaverat. duae legiones : numbered XIII and XIV. Cf. p. 90, 11. 15, 16. Caesar usually placed the inexperienced soldiers in the position of least danger. 20. totum agmen claudebant : brought up the rear. 21. Equites : these, with the archers and slingers, preceded the main body. 23. silvas : those at the top of the hill. Cf. 1. n. 25. longius . . . pertinebant: farther than (to the limit to whicJi) the open tracts extending before them (lit. stretched forward} reached. The Romans dared follow only as far as the edge of the woods. quern ad finem: i.e. ad finem ad quern. A. 307. b; B. 251. 4; G. 616. i ; H. 399. 3; HB. 284. 6. 26. cedentis : sc. eos, obj. of insequi. 27. dimenso : passive in sense. A. 190. b; B. 112. b; G. 167. N. 2 ; H. 222. 2 ; HB. 291. d. 29. quod tempus : the time which. committendi proeli : for beginning the battle, gen. limiting tempus. In what case would proeli stand, if committendi were the gerund? coiivenerat: had been agreed upon. Compare the use of the English word ' convention ' in the sense of agreement. 30. ut : just as. Having arranged their line of battle under cover of the woods and strengthened their courage, they charged. 328 NOTES II 1. incredibili: A. 252; B. 150. 4; G. 187. 4; H. 329; HB. 208. 2. incredibili celeritate: this phrase limits decucurrerunt. Be careful to notice who were routed and who ran down to the river. 2. in manibus nostris : upon us, within reach. 3. adverse colle : tip the hill, lit. by way of the hill fronting them, an abl. of the route, or way by which. A. 429. a ; B. 218. 9 ; G. 389 ; H. 476 ; HB. 426. a. These words are, however, explained by some as ablative absolute. The hill was the one where the Roman camp was building. The camp was more than a half mile from the river. 4. opere : i.e. the work of building the fortifications of the camp. The Romans were completely surprised. XX. 5. Caesari: cf. sibi, p. 100, 1. 5. vexillum: a red flag displayed at the general's tent. See Introd., p. 39. 6. proponendum : with this and the following gerundives of this sentence, except petcndi, sc. erat or erant. cum oporteret : ivhen- (ever) it was necessary. A. 542,514. D. 2. b; B. 288. 3. a; G. 584. R. ; H. 601. 45 HB. 540. concurri: the impersonal use of the passive. 7. signum : the signal for the soldiers to take their places in the ranks. tuba: see Introd., p. 39. qui: the omitted antecedent of qui is subject of arcessendi (erant). 8. aggeris : by this is meant material (timber, sods, stones) used to strengthen the rampart. See Introd., p. 43. 9. cohortandi: A. 190. d; B. 112. b; G. 128; H. 222. 2 ; HB. 291. a. signum : i.e. proeli committendi. The signal given by the tuba was probably taken up and repeated by horn-blowers with their cornua. See Introd., p. 39. There was, perhaps, one horn-blower for each maniple. 10. brevitas: A. 241 ; B. 149; G. 186. 7; H. 345; HB. 207. 2. impediebat : see note on ratio ordoque, p. loo, 1. 16. 11. duae res : (i) scientia atque usus ; (2) quod ab opere . . . vetuerat, the fact that Caesar had forbidden, etc. 12. superioribus proeliis : abl. of means. quid . . . po- t erant : they could themselves not less advantageously decide for them- selves (direct themselves') what ought to be done than be shown by others. Observe the collocation of intensive and reflexive pronoun, ipsi and sibi, a favorite one in Latin. 14. singulis legionibus singulos legates : the several legates, and their respective legions. Caesar often assigned to his legati the command of legions. See Introd., p. 32. 15. vetuerat: what verb of commanding takes the accusative II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 329 and infinitive ? What is the usual construction with other verbs of commanding ? 1 6. nihil iam: no longer, 17. perse . . . administrabant : did of themselves what seemed best. XXI. 18. cohortandos: the speech of encouragement before a battle was regarded by Caesar as necessary. 19. quam . . . obtulit: sc.militum; whatever part (of them) chance brought in his ivay. A. 307. e; B. 251.4. b; G. 616 2; H. 399. 3 ; HB. 327. ad legionem decimam : posted on the left wing. See the plan, p. 102. 20. non longiore quam uti . . . retinerent : not longer than (simply to urge) that they should holdfast, etc. Cf. uti . . . cognos- cant, p. 90, 1. 20. 21 . neu : equivalent to et ne, as neque (nee) is equivalent to et non. 22. animo : abl. of specification or, as explained by some, a loca- tive abl. 23. quod . . . aberant: with what is this causal clause to be connected ? non longius quam . . . posset : not farther than (whither) a spear could be. thrown, i.e. not too far for spears to reach them. A. 535. c; B. 283. 2. a; G. 298, 631. 3; H. 570. I ; HB. 521. 2. c. Quo is here equivalent to ut eo. 24. signum: cf. 1. 9. in alteram partem : i.e. to the right wing. 25. pugnantibus occurrit: sc. militibu's ; he found the soldiers already fighting. Temporis, hostium : emphatic by position ; the time was so short, the enemy so ready. 27. ad insignia accommodanda : for adjusting their ornaments, crests of helmets, perhaps also other devices by which soldiers of different divisions of the army could be distinguished. 28. galeas : not worn on the head during the march, or while the soldier was at work. See Introd., p. 35. scutis : abl. of sepa- ration. See Introd., p. 35, and the picture, p. Si. tegimenta: leather coverings, to prevent the shields from becoming scratched or tarnished. For the formation of the word see A. 239 ; B. 147. 4; G. 189. 20; H. 336; HB. 206. 3. defuerit: for mood see A. 537. i ; B. 284. i ; G. 552 ; H. 570 ; HB. 521. 2. For tense see A. 485. c; B. 268. 6; G. 513; H. 550; HB. 478. 29. Quam . . . constitit, ne . . . dimitteret : i.e. every one took his place wherever he happened to come first, so as not to lose time, etc. Quam: agrees with partem. For the order of the words quam quisque see note on p. 91, 1. 24. quaeque , . , 330 NOTES II PAGE conspexit : and what (ever) standards he saw first. The stand- 101 ards of maniples are meant. See Introd., p. 38. 30. ad haec : we might expect hac inparte et ad haec. suis : sc. signis. Is quaerendis a gerund or a gerundive ? Which \spugnandi ? 31. dimitteret: lose (voluntarily), let slip. XXII. 32. loci natura deiectusque collis : for the order of these words see note on p. 60, 1. 14. 33. rei . . . ordo: i.e. the rules of military science ; ratio means theory and ordo arrangement. For formation of the word ratio see A. 238. b ; B. 147. 3 ; G. 181. 2. b ; H. 333 ; HB. 206. 2. 102 i . cum : causal, introducing two subjunctives. The clause explains the preceding ablative absolute, while uniting with it to give the reasons for the statement of the main clause. diversae : being separated. aliae alia in : observe how much neater this is than the awkward English idiom some in one, others in another. See A. 315. c; B. 253. 2; G. 319; H. 516. I ; HB. 279. 3. 2. saepibus interiectis : cf. last part of Chapter XVII. 3. conlocari : sc. poterant ; reserves could not be put in position to meet definite emergencies. 4. esset : its subject is quid, while opus is pred. nom. A. 41 1. b ; B. 218.2. a; G. 406; H. 477. III. N. ; HB. 430. 2. a. provideri: sc. poterat ; the indirect question quid . . . esset is its subject. 5. Itaque . . . sequebantur: i.e. owing to the diversity of conditions, varied results necessarily followed. 6. quoque: A. 599. b; B. 347. I ; G. 479; H. 657. 3; HB. 302. 2. How may we know that this word is not the ablative of a pronoun ? XXIII. 7. Legionis nouae et decimae : these legions were commanded by Labienus, as we learn from Chap. XXVI. siriis- tra parte : the Atrebates, then, were posted on the right wing of the enemy. See the plan. 8. acie : gen. case; see the fifth declension in the grammar. pilis emissis : see Introd., pp. 35, 45. exanimatos : out of breath, agrees with Atrebatis, the obj. of compnlerunt. 9. his : most naturally referred to the Atrebates. n. conantis : sc. eos, obj. Qiinsecuti. impeditam : i.e. strug- gling in the water. 12. transire : dubito usually takes an infinitive when it means hesitate. 13. rursus resistentis hostis : remember the hill with its wooded summit. After those of the enemy who were not killed got across the river, they rallied and renewed the battle, but were again put to flight. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 331 14. diversae : separated from the rest. 15. quibuscum: i.e. ami quibus. C^lm is enclitic with personal and reflexive pronouns, and usually with relative and interrogative. 1 6. ex loco superiors : to be taken with profligates. in ripis : with proeliabantur. 1. afronte: in front. 103 2. nudatis : since the ninth and tenth legions had crossed the river, while the eighth and eleventh, which had formed the center of the Roman line, were fighting on the bank. 4. duce Boduognato : abl. abs., ^lnder the leadership of Bodit- ognatus. See A. 419. a; B. 227. i ; G. 409; H. 489; HB. 421. summam imperi: the stim of power, i.e. the chief command. 5. ab aperto latere: on the exposed flank. As the shield was carried on the left arm, the right was the exposed side. Apertum latits regularly means the right flank. 6. summum castrorum locum : i.e. the height on which the camp stood. The genitive is possessive. XXIV. 7. levis armaturae: see note on p. 95, 1. 5. See Introd., p. 37. 8. cum iis una : along with them, i.e. the equites. quos : re- fers to equites and pedites, not to iis. 9. dixeram : cf. p. 100, 1. 32 ; for tense cf. dixeramus, p. 90, 1. 4. adversis : face to face. 11. calones : see Introd., p. 38. decumana porta: the rear gate, away from the enemy. See Introd., p. 42. It was nearest the top of the hill. 12. victores : as victors. Cf. p. 102, 1. 12. For formation of the word see A. 236. a; B. 147. i ; G. 186. n ; H. 334; HB. 206. i. 13. cum respexissent : i.e. looking back, circumstance, not mere time. versari : means hardly more than esse. 14. eorum: the drivers. Where were the thirteenth and four- teenth legions ? Cf. Chap. XIX. 15. oriebatur: what suggests the blending of distant sounds into one confused uproar ? What is the distinction between imper- fect and perfect indicatives in narrative ? alii aliam : see note on aliae alia in, p. 102, 1. i. 1 6. perterriti : what is the force of per- ? f erebantur : Jmrried. 17. virtutis opinio : reputation for courage. 1 8. auxili causa: for Caesar's auxiliaries see Introd., p. 37. 19. cum : at first sight this seems to be a preposition, as an abla- tive follows. But as we read on we meet compleri (was fllling up), which requires an ablative to complete its meaning. A. 409. a; 33 2 NOTES II PAGE B. 2 1 8. 8; G. 405; H. 477. II; HB. 425. Farther on, vidissent 103 evidently needs a conjunction. legiones : the seventh and twelfth. Cf. 11. 1-6. 21. Numidas: they were famous archers. 22. desperatis nostris rebus : despairing of our success, lit. our things being despaired of. In the active desperare de re is used by Caesar rather than desperare rem. contenderunt : its subject is equites Treveri. This sentence may well be broken up in English into several short sentences. 23. pulsos superatosque : sc. esse. castris impedimentis- que : abl. with potitos. 24. hostis : subject of potitos (esse). XXV. 25. Caesar: subject of processit, p: 104, 1. 6. We last saw Caesar in Chap. XXI. This sentence, though long, is not diffi- cult. In finding the meaning follow strictly the order of the Latin. In translating follow the hint given in the note on contenderunt, 1. 22. 26. ubi : introduces vidit, 1. 28 ; the vidit of p. 104, 1. 4, is simply a repetition. signisque : the -que connects the clauses suos urgeri and signis . . . milites . . . esse. A. 324. a; B. 341. 2. a; G. 476. N. 3 ; H. 677. 2 ; HB. 307. I. b. conlatis : the sudden rush of the Nervii described in Chap. XXIII had driven the component parts of the legion too closely together. 27. conf ertos : being crowded together. sibi impedimento : the double-dative construction. Cf. subsidio oppidanis, p. 93, 1. 28. 28. cohortis: see Introd., pp. 31, 44. 29. signifero : probably the bearer of the standard of the first maniple of the cohort. This might be regarded as, in a certain sense, the standard of the cohort. See Introd., p. 38. The loss of a signum was always regarded as a great disgrace. For forma- tion of the word signifer see A. 264. a, 265. 3; B. 158. I. 2. b; G. 193, 195. i. a, 197. 2. b; H. 369. 4; HB. 214. i, 215. i, 216.3. 31. primipilo: see Introd., p. 34. P. Sextio . . . viro : the brave Publius Sextius Baculus, In Latin an attributive adjective seldom limits directly a proper name. 32. ut . . . posset : a clause of result. What particle introduces a -negative clause of purpose ? se sustinere : i.e. to stand. Bacu- lusy however, lived to fight again. See Bk. VI, Chap. XXXVIII. 1Q4 i. tardiores: rather spiritless. deserto loco: abl. abs., deserting their posts. 2. hostis . . . instare : that the enemy did not cease coming up in front from the lower ground, and were pressing on from both II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 333 sides. The participle subeuntis agrees with hostis and is closely PAGE connected in thought with intermittere, which, however, usually 104 takes an infinitive in this sense. 4. rem . . . angusto : that the sitriation was critical. subsi- dium : reserve ; the six legions which had preceded the baggage- train were all engaged, the cavalry and auxiliaries were in flight, and the thirteenth and fourteenth legions had not yet come up. 5. militi: depends on detracto. A. 381 ; B. 188. 2. d; G. 345, 347. R. 5 ; H. 427 ; HB. 371. 6. processit : "The bare scheme of the sentence is as follows Caesar . . . ubi . . . rem esse in angusto vidit, . . . processit : but strokes of detail are added as the picture grows, until the whole becomes a crowded battle-piece with Caesar advancing to the front as its central figure." See A. 600 ; B. 351. 5 ; G. 684, '685 ; H. 685 ; HB. 630. 7. nominatim : how many centurions did Caesar have to know by name in each legion ? signa inf erre : see Introd., p. 39. 8. manipulos laxare : to spread out the maniples, open their ranks. quo : in order that. uti : the verb ; the conjunction has ii. 9. inlata : having been inspired in (lit. brought into). militi- bus : dat. 10. cum . . . cuperet : since everybody for himself was eager to do his best in the sight of the Commander-in-chief, even in his own utmost peril. 12. tardatus est: an account of this episode in the battle is given in Longfellow's " Courtship of Miles Standish," II, " Love and Friendship." XXVI. 13. constiterat : from consisto. 14. tribunes militum: see Introd., p. 33. 15. conversa signa inferrent: wheel about and charge. See A. 496. N. 2 ; B. 337. 5 (337) 5 G. 664. R. I ; H. 639 ; HB. 604. i. See also Introd., p. 39. 1 6. aliis . . . ferrent : they assisted one another. 17. aversi : while turned away, in the rear. As the enemy were attacking in two divisions ab utroque latere, each legion, i.e. the seventh and twelfth, could face a single division, knowing that the other legion was protecting it from the other division. circum- venirentur : see note on ne . . . adduceretur, p. 90, 1. 6. 18. legionum duarum: cf. p. 100, 11. 19-21. 20. proelio nuntiato: getting word that a battle was on. 21. T. Labienus : he had crossed the river with the ninth and tenth legions. See Chap. XXIII, and note on p. 102, 1. 7. 334 NOTES II PAGE 22. quae . . . gererentur : an ind. quest. 104 23. nostris : what different shade of meaning would ad nostros give ? 24. Qui : i.e. milites decimae legionis. quo . . . esset : in what condition tJie battle was. 25. versaretur: were involved. We might have had versa- rentur. A. 317. c; B. 255. i. 2; G. 285. EXC. i; H. 392; HB. 329. 2. 26. nihil . . . fecerunt : made all possible haste, lit. made noth- ing of remainder for themselves towards speed. XXVII. 28. ut : introduces three verbs, redintegrarent, occur- rerent, and praeferrent. etiam qui procubuisseut : even those who had sunk to the ground. The subjunctive is due to attraction. See A. 593; B. 324. i; G. 663. i; H. 652; HB. 539. scutis innixi: leaning on their shields. A. 431 ; B. 218. 3 ; G. 401. N. 6; H. 476. 3 ; HB. 438. 2. a. 30. inermes : agrees with calottes, subject of occurrerent. ar- matis : sc. hostibus ; dat. depending on occurrerent. 31. fugae: cf. p. 100, 1. 32. pugnando : abl. of the gerund; nearly the same idea would have been expressed by the present participle pugnantes agreeing with the subject. 32. praeferrent : to be understood, perhaps, in a literal as well as a figurative sense. The hilly ground was unfavorable for cavalry. 33. praestiterunt : manifested. ut : introduces insisterent, pugnarent, conicerent, remitterent. cum . . . insistereiit : when the foremost of them had fallen, those nearest stepped up on their fallen comrades. 105 i. iacentibus: from iaceo. The present participle of iacio is, of course, iaciens. 3. qui . . . tumulo: tJwse who survived, as if from a mound. For sitperessent see supersum in Vocab. 4. intercepta remitterent : caught up and hurled back. What literally? Cf. conversa signa inferrent, p. 104,!. 15. ut . . . esse : therefore (lit. so that) one must admit that not in vain (i.e. not with- out performing worthy exploits, or not without ground for confidence) did men of so great bravery dare. This cause of result depends logically on the whole preceding account, from at hostes, p. 104,!. 32. What is the subject of deberet? Notice the emphatic position of non nequiquam, which limits ausos esse, and look up the word 'litotes 1 in the Latin grammar or English dictionary. 6. subire iniquissimum locum : to come up into a very unfa- vorable place. A. 388. b ; B. 175. 2. a. 2 ; G. 331 ;H. 406 ; HB. 391. 2. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 335 7. quae . . . redegerat : (deeds) which the greatness of their PAGE spirit had rendered easy from most difficttlt, i.e. though actually 105 extremely difficult. redegerat: A. 267. b; B. 159. 3. N. ; G. 200. 2. a; H. 375 ; HB. 218. i. b. So ended one of the fiercest battles which Caesar fought in Gaul, one in which the Roman army only narrowly escaped defeat, perhaps annihilation. Caesar gives full credit to the Nervii for their bravery. XXVIII. 9. redacto : agrees in gender with nomine, but is to be taken also with gente. lo. aestuaria ac paludes : i.e. the marshy country along the coast, where inlets, filled with water at high tide, cut them off from the mainland. n. dixeramus : i.e. before describing the battle. Cf. the end of Chap. XVI. cum . . . arbitrarentur : since they thought there was no obstacle in the way of the victors (lit. nothing was hindered for the victors}) no chance of safety (lit. nothing was safe) for the vanquished. 13. miserunt: its subject is maiores natu. 14. DC : sc. senatoribus. Caesar is applying the Roman word senator to the councilors of the Nervii. See Introd., p. 27. 15. vix ad D : i.e. ad vix quingentos (homines). Yet three years later they took part in an uprising, and two years later still could furnish 6000 men. : qui . . . possent : a clause of charac- teristic, to be taken with both numerals. 1 6. ut usus videretur : sc. esse, that he might be seen (not might seem) to have displayed. 1 8. finitimis : i.e. the neighboring tribes. 19. ut . . . prohiberent : to keep themselves and their depend- ents from (doing) injury and mischief (to the Nervii). Let the student rewrite this sentence, transposing iussit and imperavit. XXIX. 20. Atuatuci : cf. Chap. XVI. cum : is this a prepo- sition or a conjunction ? If a preposition, why is venirent "sub- junctive ? 21. ex itinere : i.e. from the place which they had reached when the news of the battle came to them. ' 22. reverterunt: see note on reverti, p. 95, 1. 15. castellis: small fortified places. 23. oppidum : the site of this town is uncertain. It has been identified with the citadel of Namur, but Mont Falhize on the Meuse agrees better with Caesar's description. egregie : e, grex, -ius. Applying principles previously learned, explain completely the form egregie. Consult the grammar, if necessary. 336 NOTES II PAGE 24. Quod cum: now while this. in circuitu: the position of 105 this phrase gives it almost the force of an adjective limiting partibus. rupis deiectusque : i.e. the town was on a hill, steep and diffi- cult of access on all sides but one. 26. amplius : A. 407. c ; B. 217. 3 ; G. 296. R. 4 ; H. 471. 4'; HB. 416. d. pedum: gen. of measure. 28. conlocabant : notice the tense, and cf. munierant above. ex Cimbris : abl. of source, or origin, sometimes used without a preposition. A. 403. a. N. i ; B. 215. i; G. 395 ; H. 467; HB. 413. b. See Introd., pp. 4, 5, and cf. Chap. IV and Bk. I, Chap. XXXIII. 31. agere ac portare: the impedimenta included cattle as well as goods. citra : i.e. on the Gallic side. 32. sex milia: obj. of reliquerant. In predicate apposition with it are custodiam (a guard for the impedimenta) and praesidium (a military garrison). una : sc. cum impedimentis. 33. Hi : the sex milia hominum. eorum : the main body of Cimbri and Teutoni. See Introd., p. 6. 106 * alias : an adverb. bellum inferrent : this refers to offensive warfare. inlatum : sc. bellum. defender ent : warded off, acting on the defensive. 2. eorum omnium : i.e. fa&finitimi. -hunc locum : the region west and north of the Meuse, perhaps extending across the river to the eastward. XXX. 6. pedum : to be taken with both vallo and milium. The wall was twelve feet high and 15,000 feet in extent. 7. castellis : these served as rallying-points for the soldiers, and were used also for the storage of arms. circummuniti : when they had been hemmed in. 8. vineis : see Introd., pp. 46-49, for an account of siege-opera- tions. turrim : subject of constitui. 9. inridere : began to jeer ; a more lively form of expression than the indicative. A. 463; B. 335; G. 647; H. 610; HB. 595. It is nearly equivalent to the imperfect indicative. 10. a tanto spatio: so far away, lit. away by so tmtch space; see note on a . . . duobus, p. 94, 1. i . institueretur : the mood shows that this is part of the taunt. See note on quod vererentur, p. 90, 1. 6. Quibusnam: A. 333. a; B. 90. 2. d; G. 106; H. 184. 5 ; HB. 141. b. 11. homines tantulae staturae: being men of so very small stature. tantulae : a diminutive. See the diminutive endings in the grammar. nam . . . est : for our shortness of stature, in II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 337 comparison with the huge size of their own bodies, is generally a sub- PAGE ject of contempt to all the Gauls. 106 13. in muro : verbs of placing, unless active motion is emphasized, regularly take the ablative with in. A. 430 ; G. 385. R. i ; H. 418. 3 ; HB. 433. c. Cf. the construction with coniectos, p. 105, 1. 10. sese . . . confiderent : trust that they could place. The Atuatuci were acquainted with towers placed along a line of wall, but probably not with movable towers. Hence they affected to assume that this tower must be picked up and placed on the wall an idea which struck them as very ridiculous. Why is confiderent subjunctive? XXXI. 15. moveri: that it was moving. 17. ad hunc modum : after this fashion, as follows. 18. qui . . . possent: probably subjunctive in the direct form, a causal relative clause. A. 535. e; B. 283. 3; G. 633; H. 592; HB. 523. 19. tanta celeritate : abl. of manner. 20. Unum deprecari : in the direct form nnum petimus ac deprecamur. Petere means to ask ; deprecari, to pray that some- thing may not happen. 21. dementia: see note on sua dementia, p. 98, 1. 6. 22. audirent: kept hearing about. statuisset: fut. perf. ind. in the direct form. esse conservandos : that he oiight to spare. What literally ? 23. ne . . . despoliaret: explains unum, and is therefore virtu- ally the object oipetere and deprecari. Sibi : notice the emphatic position of this word. The reflexive refers of course to the Atuatuci. 24. virtuti: A. 367 ; B. 187. II. a ; G. 346 ; H. 426. 2 ; HB. 362. II. traditis armis : equivalent to si anna tradita essent. 25. Sibi . . . deducerentur : in the direct form nobis praestat (it is better for us), si . . . deducemitr. The subject of praestare is pati. 26. quamvis : any whatever, from quivis. quam : than, after the comparative force in praestare. ab his: \hzfmitimi of 1. 23. 27. consuessent: for constievissent. Consuesco .is an inchoative (or inceptive) verb. A. 263. i ; B. 155. i ; G. 133. V, 191. 2 ; H. 365; HB. 212. 2. Notice that this verb has virtually a present meaning in the perfect tense, and cf. cognosco. XXXII. 29. priusquam . . . attigisset: before the battering- ram touched the wall. Only so could the surrender be considered voluntary. See Introd., p. 49. 31. armis traditis: abl. abs. in Nerviis : in the case of the Nervii. 338 NOTES ' II PAGE 32. ne . . . inferrent: not to do any injury to those who had 106 surrendered to (lit. to the captives of) the Roman people. When is quis (gut) indefinite? 107 i. adsuos: why not dative? quae imperarentur : the things which were commanded- The clause is the object oifacere. 2. facere : sc. se as subject^ The future infinitive might have been used, but the envoys say, in effect, 'We are already obeying your commands.' This is a good time to review the principles of indirect discourse and the sequence of tenses. In changing a sentence from the indirect to the direct form, observe these rules : (i) Change the main infinitive to an indicative, except in the case of the conclusion of a conditional sentence which requires the subjunctive; use im- perfect, perfect, or pluperfect for the perfect infinitive, as the mean- ing demands. (2) Put dependent clauses in the indicative, unless you know of some reason why the subjunctive should be used ; if a tense of completed action is used in the indirect form, use a similar tense in the direct form. (3) Let sense determine the choice of pronouns and the person of verbs. 3. sic ut . . . adaequarent: so that the piles of arms almost eqttaled in height (lit. equaled the greatest height of} the wall and agger. The agger had been carried forward almost to the edge of the moat. The verb aequo is derived from the adjective aeqmis. 5. circiter : is this a preposition or an adverb? 6. portis . . . usi : they threw open their gates and that day enjoyed peace. What compounds of facio baveyfo in the passive? A. 204. a. b ; B. 122. Ill ; G. 173. N. 2 ; H. 274; HB. 195. a. XXXIII. 8. ne quam : that . . . no. noctu: an adverb. 9. ante: here an adverb. ut intellectum est: as became clear. consilio : abl. abs. with inito. 10. indiligentius servaturos : would keep less careful watch. 11. partim, partim: nearly equivalent to alii, alii, some, others. quae . . . celaverant : limits Us armis. 12. scutis . . . factis . . . intextis : abl. abs., yet in effect parallel with ciim Us armis. Trans, with shields made of bark or woven of (by means of} osiers. 13. postulabat: rendered necessary. pellibus : abl. of means, or possibly dat. with the compound verb. 14. tertia vigilia: see note on de tertia 'uigilia, p. 61, 1. 24. N qua : where. 15. ascensus: evidently the Roman works were on ground higher than that which lay between them and the town. II THE WAR WITH THE BELGAE 339 16. fecerunt : has the subject of this verb been expressed? 17. ignibus . . . est: the news being spread by fires, there was a rush to that place from the nearest redoubts. The signals in this case were probably bonfires. One kind of signal consisted of a torch displayed from a wooden or stone tower, the torch being thrust forth in the direction from which danger threatened. See the picture, p. 107. 18. pugnatum . . . debuit: i.e. the enemy fought as fiercely as brave men ought to have fought, etc. As the English verb ' ought ' is defective, we have to translate the present infinitive fotgnari by a perfect. A. 486. a; B. 270. 2; G. 254. R. i ; H. 618. 2; HB. foot- note 2 on p. 311. 19. eos qui iacerent: men who were throwing; a rel. clause of characteristic. 20. vallo turribusque : cf. p. 106, 1. 6. Towers were erected at intervals along the line of the vallum. cum . . . consisteret : at a time when all hope rested in valor alone. Cum is a relative word, from the same root as the relative pronoun, and the subjunctive is subjunctive of characteristic. 21. ad : about, used as an adverb. 22. Postridie eius diei: see note on p. 96, 1. 25. 23. iam nemo: no one any longer. 24. sectionem : including both goods and people. vendidit : see its derivation in Vocab., and note the quantity of its e. The purchasers were mercatores. See Introd., p. 38. Caesars reputa- tion for dementia must have suffered, but, after all, such action as the townspeople had been guilty of could not be left unpunished. The Atuatuci were not all destroyed, for we find them three years later storming a Roman camp. Caesar's policy of dealing with the tribes of the Belgae one at a time had been very successful. He had met with little resistance except from the Nervii. XXXIV. i. a P. Crasso : abl. of agent with certior factus est. This was the Crassus who had commanded the Roman cavalry in the battle with Ariovistus. See Bk. I, Chap. LII. legione una: the seventh, as we see from Bk. Ill, Chap. VII. 3. quae : agrees in gender with civitates. A. 306; B. 250. 3; G. 614. R. 3. b; H. 396. 2; HB. 326. i. 5. esse redactas : evidently these tribes were not all thoroughly subdued, for several of them were in arms the following year. Some of these names of tribes survive in modern names, e.g. Veneti, Vannes ; Coriosolites, Corseult ; Redones, Rennes. 340 NOTES III PAGE XXXV. 6. pacata : having been rendered peaceful, i.e. having 108 been subdued. huius belli : the war with the Belgae. ,8. incolerent: subj. by attraction. qui pollicerentur : to Promise. se : indirect reflexive, referring not to qui, but to the logical subject of the sentence; as if Caesar had written, 'The states across the Rhine sent ambassadors to promise that they.' 10. Italiam : Gallia Citerior was beginning to be called Italy. See Introd., p. 21. inita proxima aestate : at the beginning of the following summer, abl. abs. expressing time. 11. in ... hiberna: to be taken with deductis. From the name Carnutes comes the modern Chartres : from Andes, Anjou ; from Turom, Tours and Touraine. 12. quaeque civitates : and the states which. 15. quod: the antecedent is not, of course, supplicqtio,\>\& the sentence dierum . . . est ; trans, an honor which. .A stipplicatio of twelve days was decreed to Pompey after his victory over Mith'ri- dates. BOOK III 109 I. i. in Italiam : see the last chapter of Bk. II. 5. quod . . . volebat : a substantive clause, subject of fuit, causa being predicate nominative. iter : subject of patefieri. The route through the Great St. Bernard pass is probably meant. The growing importance of Gaul rendered an easy communication with the country beyond the Alps necessary to Rome. quo: by which ; its antecedent is iter. 6. portoriis : tolls, levied on goods transported through a coun- try. patefieri: see note on p. 107, 1. 6. 7. arbitraretur : although this is not formal indirect discourse, yet it does represent indirectly Caesar's word, arbitraberis, uti . . . conlocaret: obj. of permisit. 8. secundis : favorable, a common meaning of secundus. 1 1 . ipse : agrees with the subject of constituit, but should be translated with hiemare. reliquis cohortibus: how many were there ? 13. Octodurus : probably on or near the site of the modern Martigny. non . . . planitie : with a small plain adjoining it, an abl. abs. 15. flumine: no doubt the Dranse. alteram, alteram: one, the other. 16. cohortibus : dat. with attribuit. Ill TROUBLE IN THE ALPS 341 .II. 1 8. dies complures: no long time could have elapsed, for Galba's preparations for the winter were not complete. 19. exploratores : see note on p. 61, 1. 21. 20. ex ea parte : to be taken with discessisse. concesserat : why not subjunctive ? 22. Id : it, subject of acciderat, and explained by the clause tit . . . caperent. 24. quod . . . despiciebant : this clause and the clause quod . . . existimabant explain causis. Two more causes are given by quod . . . habebant, ip. no, 11. 5-9, which is made grammatically the subject of accedebat. legionem . . . plenissimam : a (niere) legion, and not a very full one at that. 25. compluribus : abl. abs. with absentibits. 1. commeatus petendi: A. 503; B. 339. i ; G. 427; H. 626. i; HB. 613. 2. paucitatem: no doubt one reason for the smallness of the legion was that it had suffered severely in the battle with the Nervii. Cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXV. 3. decurrerent: this represents a future indicative, which would express the Gauls' thought as they made their plan. 5. Accedebat quod : there was the additional reason that, etc. suos liberos abstractos : sc. esse ; that their children had been taken away. A. 572. b; B. 331. V; G. 533; H. 614; HB. 594. 6. obsidum nomine : as hostages, lit. tinder the name of hostages. Romanes . . . habebant : had become convinced (lit. had it persjiaded to themselves') that the Romans were trying to seize the heights of the Alps not merely for the sake of the passes, but also for the sake of a permanent occupation ; and (that they were trying) to join this region to the neighboring province. A clause used as a noun is always regarded as neuter ; hence persuas^tm, which agrees with the clause Romanes . . . conari, object of habebant, is neuter. 8. finitimae : the Allobroges, recently subdued, were near this place. See Introd., p. 6, and cf. p. 109, 1. 3. III. 10. opus hibernorum : the b2iilding of the winter camp. See Introd., p. 43. 11. munitiones : the fossa and vallum. 12. esset provisum : impersonal; trans, by making an abstract noun from the meaning of the verb, provision had been made. 14. consilio : a council of war, probably of the tribunes and the centurions of the first rank (see Introd., p. 34), with perhaps the cavalry officers. 15. cum: since, introducing three subjunctives. 342 NOTES III PAGE 16. accidisset : this word is used of an unexpected event, often, 110 as here, of a misfortune. Compare the English word ''accident.' Contingere is more often used of a favorable event. 17. completa conspicerentur : were seen (to be) covered. usque subsidio veniri : sc. posset, lit. and it could not be come (by any one to them) for aid; freely, and no aid could come to them. 19. desperata salute : this passive construction implies an active desperare salutem, a construction which is found in some authors. Caesar, however, says desperare de, or uses the dative. eius modi : of the following sort, explained by the substantive clause ^lt . . . contenderent. 21. Maiori . . . placuit: the majority, however, thought it best. What is the subject of placuit ? IV. 25. conlocandis, administrandis : in agreement with Us rebus. Trans, for arranging and executing those things. We have here the gerundive construction in the dative. A. 505. N. ; B. 339. 2 ; G. 429. i ; H. 627 ; HB. 613. i. 26. decurrere: historical inf. gaesa: heavy javelins. They seem to have been used especially by Alpine tribes ; Vergil speaks of Alpina gaesa. See Vocab. 27. propugnare : observe the force oipro. 28. ex loco superiore : i.e. from the rampart of the camp. 29. defensoribus : abl. of separation, with nudata. 30. eo : i.e. ad earn partem castroriim. hoc superari, quod : they were at a disadvantage in this, that ; hoc is abl. of cause ; or perhaps abl. of specification, or respect. The subject of this histori- cal infinitive, as of the four preceding, is nostri. 31. pugnae : the fighting. proelio : the battle. integris viri- bus : abl. of quality, or description. 32. quarum . . . poterat : while nothing of this sort could be done by our men, by reason of their small numbers. 33. non modo . . . sed ne . . . quidem: A. 217. e; B. 343. 2. a ; G. 482. R. i ; H. 656. 3 ; HB. 299. The ne really belongs with dabatur, and hence its force supplies the extra negative which English idiom requires. Trans, not only was opportunity not given to one who was tired, but not even to a wounded man, etc. 111 i. constiterat: had taken his stand, nearly equivalent to stabat, was standing. relinquendi : gerundive agreeing with loci. 2. sui recipiendi : withdrawing, lit. taking himself back. A. 504. c; B. 339. 5 ; G. 428. R. i ; H. 626. 3 ; HB. 614. V. 3. Cum pugnaretur: when the fight had been going on. This use of the imperfect is more common in the indicative. See A. Ill TROUBLE IN THE ALPS 343 471. b; B. 260. 4; G. 234; H. 535. I ; HB. 485. How many verbs depend on cum ? 5. languidioribus nostris : abl. abs., causal. vallum scin- dere : i.e. to tear down the palisades on the top of the rampart. 7. P. Sextius Baculus: cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXV. primi pili centurio : i.e. primipilus ; see Introd., p. 34. 9. tribunus militum : see Introd., p. 33. virtutis : sc. mag- nae. Why ? A. 345 ; B. 203 ; G. 365 ; H. 440. 3 ; HB. 355. 1 1 . extremum auxilium : to abandon camp and attempt to force a way to safety was a resource to be tried only when the situation became desperate. experirentur : subj. of ind. disc., standing for a fut. ind. ; una est spes salutis, si . . . experiemur. 12. certiores facit: we have had this expression as one of say- ing ; here it is equivalent to a verb of commanding, and is followed by five subjunctives without ut, each representing an imperative. The English verb 'tell' has a similar double meaning. 13. tela missa exciperent: receive (i.e. guard themselves against) the enemy's missiles, without throwing any. 14. post : an adverb here. VI. 16. Quod: obj. of facere understood. 17. sui conligendi: see note on sui recipiendi, 1. 2. 18. qui . . . venerant: who had conceived (come into) the hope of capturing the camp. Ordinarily only transitive verbs are used in the gerundive construction. Cf. potiundi, p. 93, 1. 31. 21. constabat : it was agreed; its subject is the clause quern nu- merum . . . venisse. plus tertia parte : more than a third. i. ne . . . quidem : there is a strong temptation here to ignore 112 the usual rule about ne . . . quidem, and to place the emphasis on superioribus. Probably the meaning is that the enemy were allowed no foothold whatever. 3. armis : abl. of separation with exutis, which is in the abl. abs. with copiis. 4. saepius for tun am temptare : observe the emphasis on this phrase, causing it to precede the subject, Galba. 5. alio . . . consilio, aliis . . . rebus : i.e. the design with which he had come had been one thing, the situation which he had met a quite different thing. The design is stated in Chap. I. Notice the absence of a connective (asyndeton) between the clauses. 8. prohibente : trying to prevent him, abl. abs. with hoste. 9. in Nantuatis: there were two cohorts here. Cf. p. 109, 1. ii. This campaign really belongs to the year 57 B.C., and the story * 344 NOTES III PAGE should have formed a part of the previous book. But as it occurred 112 after the close of the regular operations of 57, Caesar preferred to place the account of it at the beginning of a new book. VII. 12. Germanis: the hordes of Ariovistus. See the latter half of Bk. I and Introd., p. 12. 13. in Illyricum : cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXXV. Caesar appears to have started before Galba's difficulties began. 16. P. Crassus : cf. p. 88, 1. 26. 17. mare Oceanum : i.e. the Atlantic. The ace. depends on proxi7nus. A. 432. a; B. 141. 3; G. 359. N. I ; H. 435. 2; HB. 380. b. 19. praefectos : see Introd., p. 34. 20. quo in numero' : among whom. est missus : to be taken together. 21. Esuvios, Coriosolites : look up these tribes on the map of Gaul . 22. Venetos : this and the adjoining tribes in northwestern Gaul were classed together as civitates Aremoricae. For the meaning of Aremoricae see Vpcab. The region now is called Bretagne (Brittany). VIII. .23. omnis orae maritimae : i.e. of all the maritime states. 24. quod et, et : because, in the first place, and also. The force of quod extends through antecedunt. 25 . quibus : abl. of means, but trans, in 'which. in Britanniam : it is said that the Veneti already knew or suspected Caesar's purpose (carried out the next year) to visit Britain, and that they wished to prevent him from interfering with their trade with that island. consuerunt : are accustomed. Why should we not translate ' were accustomed ' ? 27. maris vasti atque aperti : it was a very different kind of sea from the land-inclosed Mediterranean. paucis portibus in- teriectis : i.e. since there are only a few scattered harbors. 28. vectigalis : pred. to omnis, the obj. of habent. These people were obliged to pay tribute to the Veneti for the use of their harbors. 29. Ab . . . Velani : i.e. they began the detention of envoys by detaining Silius and Velanius. 30. obsides : cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXXIV. 113 i. Horum: observe the emphatic position of this pronoun, and notice the beginning of the two sentences before this. 2. subita: Caesar often speaks of the changeableness of the Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 345 Gauls, and the ease with which they were influenced to form new plans ; e.g. Bk. II, Chap. I, Bk. IV, Chap. V. 4. acturos : sc. se and esse. The indirect discourse depends on coniurant. 5. reliquasque : -que here connects two verbs. What are they ? 6. tit . . . malint: to wish rather to remain in that liberty which, etc., than to endure slavery at the hands of the Romans. acceperint : why subjunctive ? 9. Si ... remittat : in the direct discourse, si vis tuos recu- perare, obsides nobis remitte. By suos are meant the officers who had been seized. IX. 12. longius : i.e. too far away to take action himself. He seems to have been in Illyricum. navis longas : see Introd., p. 51. Ships of burden were wide in proportion to their length. 15. cum primum : followed by the indicative. A. 545 ; B. 287. i ; G. 561 ; H. 600. I ; HB. 557. a. See Introd., p. 13, for an impor- tant event in the life of Caesar, which occurred just before this time. 17. in se admisissent : had taken upon themselves, i.e. had committed. 18. legates retentos ... coniectos : sc. esse. The clause explains /acinus, but takes the form of indirect discourse, as if de- pendent on intellegebant. quod nomen : a name -which. Subor- dinate military officers sent to procure grain could hardly be properly called legati, ambassadors ; but Caesar wishes to put the act of the Gauls in the worst possible light, to justify his own subsequent action. 21. hoc maiore spe: with the greater hope (Jiope greater by this). 22. quod . . . confidebant: explains hoc. natura : fido and confido generally take the ablative of things and the dative of persons. Find the rules in the grammar. 23. aestuariis: see note on p. 105, 1. 10. 26. confidebant : confidently believed. ac . . . acciderent : and even though everything should turn out contrary to their expec- tation. A. 527. a; B. 308; G. 608; H. 586. II ; HB. 532. 2. b. 28. locorum : limits vada, portus* insulas. 29. gesturi essent : the periphrastic conjugation is used because the subjunctive is required and the time to be expressed is distinctly future ; gererent might mean were waging. longe aliam atque : far other than (different from}. A. 407. d; B. 341. I. c; G. 643; H. 471. 6; HB. 307. 2. a. 346 NOTES III PAGE 30. concluso mari : what sea is meant ? 113 3 2 - frumenta : see note on p. 64, 1. 26. 33. primum : an adverb. 114 4. posita est : is sfaiated. X. 7. iniuria retentorum equitum Romanorum : the in- justice of Roman knights detained^ i.e. of detaining Roman knights ; freely, the unjust detention of Roman knights. For use of participle see A. 497; B. 337. 6 (337. 5); G. 664. R. 2 ; H. 636. 4; HB. 608. 2. For the meaning of equitum see note on p. 82, 1. i. rebellio : notice the derivation. 8. in primis: especially r , lit. among the first {chief} things. 9. ne . . . arbitrarentur : this clause, like the nominatives which precede, is in apposition with multa. We may translate the fear that the other nations might think, etc. hac parte neglecta : equivalent to a conditional clause. 11. novis rebus studere : *were eager for revohition. 12. natura: abl. of cause. 13. odisse: hate. See A. 205. b; B. 133. 2; G. 175. 5; H. 299.2; HB. 199. i. priusquam . . . conspirarent : before more states conspired (should conspire}. The verb was probably subjunc- tive in the direct form, implying a purpose on Caesar's part to get ahead of the plures civitates. A. 551. c; B. 292. i. b; G. 577; H. 605. I ; HB. 507. 4. b. 14. partiendum: sc. esse ; the gerundive is passive, even in deponent verbs. XI. 1 6. in Treveros : the Treveri had been friendly to the Ro- mans. Cf. Bk. I, Chap. XXXVII, Bk. II, Chap. XXIV. 17. mandat : the three subjunctives depending on this verb may be explained in the same way as those on p. in, 11. 13-15. 1 8. Belgas : the Belgae had been subdued only the year before, and were still uneasy. No doubt the Veneti and other Aremo- rican states expected help from them. adeat: some compounds of eo may be used transitively. 19. arcessiti: sc. esse. A. 582; B. 332. c; G. 528. i; H. 6n. i ; HB. 590. i. 20. P. Crassum: cf. p. 112, 1. 16. 21. equitatus : cavalry would be useless in the operation against the sea-coast states. 22. ne . . . coniungantur : clauses of purpose. The second continues the thought of the first, otherwise neve or neu would be used instead of ac. in Galliam : i.e. Celtic Gaul. 25. qui . . . curet : to see that their forces were kept back. Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 347 * What literally ? For the construction of distinendam see A. 500. 4; B. 337. 8. b. 2 (337. 7. b. 2) ; G. 430; H. 622; HB. 612. III. 26. D. Brutum : he afterwards became one of the conspira- tors against Caesar. 27. Pictonibus : the name survives in the modern Poitiers. 28. praeficit : observe the direct and indirect objects of this verb. cum possit: this forms apart of Caesar's order, and hence the subjunctive is used. 29. pedestribus copiis : Caesar had eight legions. Read this chapter through carefully and see how many he retained with him- self. Some soldiers appear to have been placed on board the fleet. XII. 30. ut . . . haberent : a clause of result. 31. pedibus : on foot, i.e. by land, abl. of means. 32. quod: the rel. pron., referring to the clause cum . . . incita- visset. Id quod or quae res might have been used. 33. navibus : by ship. quod . . . adflictarentur : because, when the tide ran out again, the ships would be stranded on the shoals, if they tried to approach. 1. oppugnatio : how does this word differ in meaning from expugnatio ? 2. superati: agrees with the subject of coeperant. 3. extruso mari, his adaequatis : ablatives absolute explain- ing magnitudine operis. aggere ac molibus : "The forts were situated at the ends of spits or promontories, connected with the mainland by shoals, which, at high tide, were completely submerged. Caesar constructed dykes across the shoals, along v/hich the troops marched to attack the town. Before they could deliver the assault, however, the garrison took to their ships, and sailed away to the nearest fort. 1 ' (Holmes, " Caesar's Conquest of Gaul.") Another theory is that Caesar built two parallel walls, or dikes, between which the soldiers marched. moenibus : dat., depending on adaequatis. 4. f ortunis : dat., depending on desperare. What other con- structions have occurred with this verb ? 5. cuiusrei: equivalent to quarum, referring to navium. 6. deportabant : would carry off. This and the following imperfects denote repeated action. 7. eo facilius : the more easily, explained by the following quod- clause. XIII. 12. ipsorum : their own. 13. carinae aliquanto planiores : the hulls somewhat more flat- bottomed. It is unnecessary to supply a verb with this nominative.. 348 NOTES III PAGE 14. quo . . . possent: see note on p. 99. 1. 17. excipere: to 115 take. The ships did not sink so far into the water as did those of the Romans. 15. admodum: ' to the limit,' i.e. very. 16. totae : trans, by an adverb, wholly, or throughout. 17. ad ... perf erendam : how many different ways of express- ing purpose can you recall ? quamvis : from q^^.ivis, any whatever (lit. what you please}. 1 8. transtra: the cross-beams which upheld the deck. The word often means rowers' 1 benches, but these ships did not employ rowers. pedalibus in altitudinem : afoot in thickness (Jieighf). 19. crassitudine : abl. of quality, or description, limiting clavis. It is accompanied by a genitive, digiti pollicis, instead of the more usual adjective. pro funibus : for (instead of} ropes. 20. pelles alutaeque: untanned skins and (pieces of) leather. 21. eius usus : i.e. of the use of flax in the making of sails. 22. quod . . . simile : which is more probable. veri : A. 385. c. 2; B. 204. 3; G. 359. R. i. N. 4; H. 435. 4; HB. 339. c. quod . . . arbitrabantur : explains eo. The accusatives in this clause are subjects of. posse. 23. tanta onera navium : for tanti oneris navis, such heavy ships. 24. Cum . . . praestaret : the encounter of our fleet with these ships was such that it excelled in speed alone and (the force given by) the impulsion of oars. The Gallic ships had no oars. For dassi see A. 377 ; B. 188. i ; G. 350. I ; H. 425. 4 ; HB. 368. 26. reliqua: (while) everything else. 27. illis : i.e. navibus Venetorum. 28. Neque . . . poteraut : for our ships could not harm them with the beak. See Introd., p. 51. Why is Us dative ? 29. altitudinem: cf. erectae, 1. 15. 30. adigebatur : could be (effectively) hurled. 31. Accedebat ut : besides, or there was the additional fact that, lit. it was added that. Cf. accedebat quod, p. no, 1. 5. 33. consisterent tutius : more safely rode at anchor. ab aestu : abl. of agent, used instead of abl. of means by a sort of personification. relictae : sc. naves. nihil: in no respect, not at all. 34. quarum rerum omnium casus : i.e. all these .accidents. 116 XIV. 3. neque . . . posse: and that no harm could be done to them. A. 372; B. 187. II. b; G. 217; H. 426. 3; HB. 364. 2. 4. convenit : from the Loire, where it had been built. See Chap. IX. Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 349 6. armorum: this word, like armamenfis in 1. 19, includes the entire equipment of the vessels, not merely weapons. ornatis- simae : thoroughly fitted out. profectae . . . constiterunt : sailed out of the harbor and came into position fronting our ships. This battle was probably fought in Quiberon Bay, near the mouth of the Auray River; but arguments .have been adduced to show that it took place farther south, between the mouths of the Loire and the Vilaine. 7. tribunis centurionibus : military officers commanded the ships of the fleet. 9. quid agerent : what they were to do. The direct form of this indirect question would be quid agamus ? what are we to do f A. 444 ; B. 277; G. 265 ; H. 559. 4; HB. 503. 10. noceri: sc. navibus (dat.) hostium. turribus excitatis, has : more regular would be turris excitatas as object of super abat, but this expression is clearer. See the illustration, p. 51. 11. ex navibus : of the ships. 12. neque : correlative to et,\.i-$,both . . . not . . . and; but it is well to omit both in translating. inferiors loco : i.e. the tops of the towers. 13. erat magno usui : was of great use. 14. falces : in apposition with res. 15. longuriis : dat., depending on insertae and adfixae. non . . . falcium : of a shape not unlike that of wall-hooks. The abl. limits falces. For murales falces see Introd., p. 49. His: sc. falcibus, abl. of means, or instrument. cum comprehensi ad- ductique erant, praerumpebantur : A. 542, 518. b; B. 288. 3; G. 567, 584 ; H. 539. 2 ; HB. 579. 1 6. furies : halyards, by which the yard was held in place or raised or lowered. 17. navigio : does this mean a Roman or a Gallic ship ? 1 8. cum: causal. Gallicis navibus: for the case cf. classi, p. 115, 1.25. 19. his ereptis : abl. abs., expressing time. 23. nullum . . . factum: no deed a little braver (than the ordi- nary), no specially brave deed. 24. propinquus despectus in mare: a near view of (lit. downlook upoti) the sea. XV. 2.6. cum circumsteterant : cf. cum . . . comprehensi adductique erant, 1. 15. singulas : sc. navis hostium. Notice the three distributive numerals. 27. circumsteterant: from circumsisto. transcendere in: 350 NOTES III PAGE t b oa rd. The Roman soldiers were much more skilful in fighting 116 than in naval nianoeuvering. On board the ships of the enemy the conflict became a hand-to-hand fight. 28. Quod: and . . . that this, subject of fieri. 29. compluribus : very likely the ships of the Gauls out- numbered those of the Romans. 31. in earn partem: in that direction. quo: i.e. in quam {partem). 32. malacia ac tranquillitas : on the coast of Brittany the wind in summer often dies down about midday. se movere: the Eng- lish verb ' move ' may be either transitive or intransitive. 117 i. interventu: abl. of time and cause. 2. cum pugnaretur: the battle having lasted, more literally when the battle had been going on. hora quarta : about 9 A.M. Into how many hours did the Romans divide the day ? The time of year of this battle was probably late August or early September. XVI. 5. cum, turn : not only, but also. iuventus : equivalent to iuvenes, i.e. all of military age. 6. aliquid consili: something of wisdom, i.e. some wisdom. 7. navium quod fuerat: whatever) of ships there had been, i.e. all the ships which they had had; obj. of coegerant. 8. quo . . . habebant: had no place to which they could betake themselves, nor any way of defending (Jww they might defend} their towns. For the subjunctives see A. 531. 2; B. 282. 2; G. 631. 2; H. 591. i ; HB. 517. 2. 11. vindicandum: sc. esse, punishment must be inflicted. quo diligentius : why is quo used, instead of ut f 12. ius legatorum : see note on quod nornen, p. 113, 1. 18. 13. senatu: Caesar applies the Roman name to the Gallic council of leaders. sub corona : into slavery. Captives were crowned with chaplets when sold as slaves. The selling was in charge of the quaestor. After this war no important naval power was left in Transalpine Gaul. XVII. 14. Sabinus: cf. p. 114, 1. 23. 1 8. copias: troops, not organized into a regular army. his paucis diebus : within a few days, i.e. just before the arrival of Sabinus. Aulerci Eburovices : there were several divisions of the Aulerci. See the map of Gaul. 19. senatu interfecto: the senates, it appears, were between two fires. We remember how Caesar treated the senate of the Veneti. Ill THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE VENETI 351 22. perditorum hominum: scoundrels. quos : i.e. ii conve- ner ant quos. 24. omnibus rebus: abl. of specification, or respect. loco castris : both may be explained as locative ablatives. 25. spatio : abl. of degree, or measure, of difference with contra. 27. ut . . . veniret : this clause of result evidently cannot de- pend on facer 'et. On what does it depend ? hostibus : in the eyes of the enemy, a dat. of reference. 28. nostrorum . . . carperetur: was criticized somewhat in our soldiers' 1 talk (by the voices of our soldiers) . 29. opinionem praebuit : produced an impression. 31. eo : the man, i.e. Caesar. 1. teneret : subj. because subordinate in ind. disc. 2. legato: A. 374; B. 189. i ; G. 355 ; H. 431 ; HB. 373. I. XVIII. 4. auxili causa : as auxiliaries. 6. uti . . . transeat : to go across. 7. quibus . . . prematur: ind. quest., depending on docet. 8. neque . . . educat : lit. and that it ivas not farther off", that on the next night Sabinus would lead, etc., or, more shortly, and that not later than the next night Sabinus would lead. The wz-clause is subject of abesse, which is in ind. disc, depending on docet. A. 558 ; B. 298 ; G. 555 ; H. 595. i ; HB. 502. 3. b. 9. proxima nocte : abl. of time. 12. iri: observe the impersonal passive; it depends on oportere, which is also impersonal. Trans, they ought to go. 13. Multae res: five are named, the last being the clause quod . . . credunt. 1 5 . cui rei erat provisum : for which provision had been made. spes Venetici belli : their hopes regarding the war with the Veneti. Cf. especially 11. 7, 8. 1 6. quod homines credunt : the fact that men believe. 17. non prius quam : not sooner than, i.e. not . . . until. 1 8. sit concessum : permission had been granted. See A. 551. b. N. 2 ; B. 292 ; G. 577. 2. N. 2 ; H. 605. I ; HB. 507. 4. c. 19. ut: as if. The abl. abs. expresses a condition. 20. quibus compleant: with which to fill zip, a rel. clause of purpose. XIX. 22. acclivis : rising, or sloping upward. 23. mille : an adj. quam minimum : as little as possible. 25. cupientibus : dat., sc. Us or militibus. 27. Factum est : what is its subject ? 30. ac : biit. When a negative clause is followed by an affirm- 352 NOTES III PAGE ative which carries on the thought of the negative clause, 'and' 118 is often used in Latin where English idiom requires 'but.' Quos, eorum : these refer to the same persons. 32. equites : nom. ex fuga : from the general rout. 35. Titurio : who was Titurius ? How many names did a Roman regularly have ? A. 108 ; B. 373. I ; G. p. 493 ; H. 354. 3 ; HB. 678, Nam. ut . . . est : for though (lit. as) the spirit of the Gauls is quick and ready, etc., yet (lit. so) their will is weak and very far from firm to endure disasters. 119 XX. 3. Aquitaniam : see Introd., p. 23. 4. tertia pars : a glance at the map will show that this estimate was far from exact. 6. L. Valerius Praeconinus : nothing more is known of him than is stated here. 7. proconsul : i.e. governor. Manlius was defeated in 78 B.C. by an army commanded by a subordinate of Sertorius, a Roman general who fought in Spain against his country. 10. comparato : agrees^ with equitatu, but is to be taken with auxiliis as well. viris : abl. abs. with evocatis. See Introd., p. 34. Tolosa : Tolosa (modern Toulouse) was a town of Gallic origin. 11. Narbone : Narbo (modern Narbonne) was a Roman colony, founded in 118 B.C. It was an important commercial city. G-al- liae provinciae : gen., limiting civitates. 18. ostenderunt: i.e. brought into action. XXI. 20. victoriis: A. 431. a; 6.218.3; G. 401. N. 6; H. 476. i ; HB. 432. 21. nostri autem : while our men, on the other hand. quid . . . possent : an ind. quest., grammatically the subject of the inf. perspici. 22. adulescentulo : a mere boy, diminutive of adulescens. Ob- serve in this sentence the important distinction between imperator and dux. 24. ex itinere : cf. p. 92, 1. 30. 25. Quibus : and since they, i.e. the Sotiates in the town. The town is thought to have been the one now called Sos (from Sotiates) . 26. cuniculis : these were to enable the Sotiates to destroy, by fire or otherwise, the agger and vineae. See Introd., pp. 47-50. 27. cuius rei : in which, i.e. the digging of mines or tunnels. 28. aerariae secturaeque : copper-mines and quarries, prob- ably, though the meaning of secturae is not altogether certain. 29. diligentia, rebus : are these two ablatives of the same kind? 31. faciunt: i.e. anna tradunt. Ill THE CAMPAIGN IN AQUITANIA 353 XXII. 2. Adiatunnus cum sescentis devotis : it will be necessary to look forward a long way to find anything with which to connect these words ; so far, in fact, that they are repeated in cum his Adiatunnus, 1. 9. What conies between is a long parenthesis describing the devoti. In idiomatic original English this description would probably come after the narrative part of the chapter. The narrative might run, perhaps, somewhat as follows : ' While the attention of all our men was fixed *on this proceeding, Adiatunnus, who held supreme command, with six hundred devoted followers, whom they call solditrii, tried to make a sally from another part of the town. A shout was raised from that part of the fortifications. The soldiers ran to arms', and after a fierce contest Adiatunnus was driven back,' etc. Let the student complete the translation in this way, making two or three sentences of the description of the solduru. 4. condicio : position. ut : introduces three verbs, fruantur, ferant, consciscant. The clauses are substantive clauses explaining condicio. in vita : the position of this phrase, between omnibus and commodis, gives it almost the force of an adjective. com- modis : why ablative ? 5. dediderint: subj. by attraction. si quid: if anything. his : i.e. the men to whose friendship the soldurii have devoted themselves. 6. una: together (with them) . 8. qui . . . recusaret: A. 535. a; B. 283. 2; 0.631.2; H. 591. i ; HB. 521. i. 12. uti . . . uteretur: obj. of impetravit. Crassus dealt more leniently with Adiatunnus than Caesar had dealt with the Atuatuci. Cf. Bk. II, Chap. XXXIII. XXIII. 1 6. paiicis diebus quibus : within the few days 'with- in which. In force quibus nearly equals postquam, and may be translated after. A. 423 ; B. 231 ; G. 393 ; H. 488. 3 ; HB. 550. c. 17. expugnatum : sc. esse. 20. citerioris Hispaniae : Hither Spain comprised that part of Spain extending from the Pyrenees Mountains to the Hiberus (Ebro) River. finitimae : nom. Aquitaniae : dat. 21. magna-cum auctoritate : abl. of manner, while magna multitudine is abl. of means. Both are to be connected with helium gerere. 23. Q. Sertorio : see note on p. 119, 1. 7. 24. omnis annos : the Sertorian War lasted for about ten years, ending with the assassination of Sertorius in 72 B.C. 2A 354 NOTES III PAGE 26. castra munire : until taught by Roman example, the Gauls 120 did not intrench their temporary camps. 27. Quod ubi : so when, lit. as to which thing when. Cf. the common quod si, but if. 30. in dies : from day to day. 31. non . . . decertaret: he thought he must not delay to fight a decisive battle, lit. fight it out with a battle. For the 07#!-clause see note on p. 118, 1. 8. It is subject of cunctandum (esse). 32. consilium : a council of war. 121 XXIV. i . duplici acie : thus his twelve cohorts would present a wider front than if drawn up in a triplex acies. See Introd., P- 44- 2. auxiliis : the auxilia were usually placed on the wings. 3. caperent : would adopt. veterem : old-time. 4. tuto : an adverb. A. 214. e; B. 77. 2 ; G. 91. 2. c; H. 307. 2; HB. 126. 3. 5. obsessis viis, commeatu intercluso: ablatives absolute, expressing means. 7. impeditos : sc. eos, i.e. Romanes. 8. animo : in spirit, with infirmiores. adoriri: though not strictly in indirect discourse, this verb expresses indirectly the thought of the enemy, and hence throws the dependent verb coepis- sent into the subjunctive. 1 1 . sua : can this refer to Crassus ? opinione timoris : i.e. apparent fear. Their conduct led the Romans to believe that they were afraid. 13. exspectari . . . iretur: that they ought not to delay longer about going against the camp. The three verbs, exspectari, opor- tere, and iretur, are all impersonal. What is the subject of exspec- tari? 15. contendit: some troops were left in camp, as we see from Chap. XXVI. XXV. 18. quibus : dat, see note on natura, p. 113, 1. 22. lapidibus telisque subministrandis : by handing stones and weapons ; gerundive construction, abl. of means. 20. opinionem pugnantium praeberent : produced the impres- sion of fighting men, not ' of fighting,' which would be expressed by pugnandi. 21. non timide: an example of the common rhetorical figure known as litotes. Cf. non frustra in the next line. ex loco superiore : the rampart and the high ground of the camp. 22. circumitis castris : freely, having ridden around the camp. Ill THE MORINI AND MENAPII 355 23. eadem diligentia : abl. of manner. ab decumana porta : PAGE i.e. on the side where the decuman gate was. Where was the decu- 121 mana porta situated? XXVI. 27. devectis : having been brought over from the Roman camp. 28. praesidio castris : both are dative. relictae : a participle expressing cause. intritae : an adj. 29. circumductis : with Us cohortibus. 31. munitiones : i.e. the part near the decuman gate. prius : do not translate this until qiiam is reached, then translate pritts quam together before. 32. videri : sc. possent, from posset of the next line. The indica- tive here would simply state a fact. The subjunctive hints at the desire or purpose of the Romans to escape notice. Always try to see the meaning of a mood or a case. That is more important than a mere classification. 1. quod: a thing which, or as. The antecedent of qtiod is 122 the idea contained in the words redintegratis viribits. 2. consuevit : is wont. 5. apertissimis campis : abl. of the way, or route, but with an implication of cause. Because the country was open, the cavalry could easily hunt down the fugitives. ex numero : connect this with quarta parte. * 6. quae : ace., subject of convenisse. Its antecedent is milium. 7. multa nocte : late at night. XXVII. ii. paucae ultimae nationes : a few very remote tribes. XXVIII. 14. exacta erat : was ended. 1 6. essent, misissent : subjunctives of characteristic. 18. exercitum: i.e. six legions and eight cohorts, if Sabinus with his three legions had rejoined Caesar. Cf. Chap. XL qui : the Morini, whom alone, it appears, Caesar actually attacked. alia ac : other than (differ ettt frorti). See note on p. 113, 1. 29. 19. quod : introduces two verbs. 20. continentis : of wide extent. 24. opere : i.e. the building and fortifying of the camp. 25. evolaverunt: sc. hostes as subject. 27. longius : rather too far, with sec^lti. XXIX. 29. deinceps : aa, adverb, but its position makes it nearly equivalent to an adjective, successive. 30. quis : with impetus. 32. conversant ad hostem : the tops of the trees were outside, 356 NOTES IV PAGE the butts inside. pro vallo: as a rampart on either side, as he 123 advanced into the forest. 2. extrema impedimenta : the rear of the baggage-train. 3. eius modi : of such a sort, i.e. so violent. 5. sub pellibus : winter was approaching, and a permanent camp, with warmer, drier quarters than skin-covered tents, was necessary for soldiers who came from Italy. 7. exercitum reduxit : i.e. from the Morini. 8. reliquis civitatibus : the Venelli and others. BOOK IV 124 I. i. annus : owing to the confusion of the calendar, the offi- cial beginning of the year, January I, actually fell in November. Hence this entire winter was included in the year of the consulship of Pompey and Crassus. See Introd., pp. n, 13. 3. Rhenum transierunt: German hordes from across the Rhine formed a constant menace to Roman power in Gaul. 4. quo : into which. 8. centum pagos : this probably refers to the separate com- munities, members of which were connected by ties of blood. 11. anno post: a year later, that next year. Why is anno ablative ? 12. ratio atque usus : system and practice. 13 . privati agri : the land was occupied and cultivated in common. 15. maximam partem : mostly. A. 397. a; B. 185. i; G. 328. i. b; H. 416. 2; HB. 387. III. 16. quae res : and this manner of life. 17. a pueris: from childhood. nullo officio: A. 409; B. 222. A (218. 7) ; G. 401. N. 2 ; H. 476. 3 ; HB. 431. 19. et . . . efficit : both feeds their strength and makes (thei) men of gigantic size of body. 20. consuetudinem : explained by the following substantive clause. 21. neque: correlative to et. haberent: have. The present, or definite, perfect usually takes the secondary sequence. 23. lavarentur : bathe', passive used reflexively. Compare the middle voice in Greek. A.i56.a; 6.256.1; G.2i8; H-5i7;HB. 288. 3. II. 24. Mercatoribus : see note on p. 98, 1. 17. ut . . . habeant : a conjunction or relative regularly is to be taken with the IV THE USIPETES AND TENCTERI 357 verb which comes next after it ; but if another relative or conjunc- PAGE tion intervenes, the verb of the latter will precede that of the 124 former. Here, therefore., ut must introduce habeant, which is a subjunctive of purpose. 25. quibus vendant: (those} to 'whom they may sell. quam quo desiderent : than because they desire, a reason introduced ex- pressly to deny it. The comparative implies denial, magis quam being nearly equivalent to non. A. 540. 2. N. 3 ; B. 286. I. b; G. 541. N. 2; H. 588. II. 2; HB. 535. 2. b. 1. iumentis : abl. with utimtur. quibus: abl. with delect antnr. 125 2. pretio: A. 416; 6.225; 0.404; H. 478; HB. 427. I. importatis : "contrasted with quae . . . nata. 4. haec ut sint efficiunt: these they make (to be). laboris : capacity for work, a pred. gen. of quality, or description. 5. pedibus : on foot, abl. of manner; cf. p. 114, 1. 31. 8. ephippiis : the ancients did not use true saddles or stirrups. 9. quemvis : whatever, ace. of qui-vis. quamvis : an adverb, limiting paucL 10. adire : i.e. in a hostile encounter. Vinum : compare a similar statement about the Nervii, Bk. II, Chap. X.V. The drink of the Germans was a kind of beer. III. 1 6. Publics: i.e. to them as a state. 18. vacare agros : for the lands to lie waste, subject of esse. 22. una ex parte : in one direction, but notice carefully the Latin idiom. 23. succedunt Ubii : the Ubii were a little south of Cologne. 24. captus : capacity, i.e. for dignity and prosperity (cf. ampla atqueflorens~). paulo : with humaniores. 26. ventitant: A. 263. 2. a; B. I5'5. 2. a; G. 191. A. i ; H. 364. i ; HB. 212. i. N. 27. Gallicis moribus adsuefacti: used to Gallic ways. See note on millo officio, p. 124, 1. 17. 30. humiliores redegerunt: reduced (so that they were) less important, i.e. rendered less important. For a further description of Germany and the Germans see Bk. VI, Chaps. XXI-XXVIII, and also the "Germania" of Tacitus. IV. 32. causa : case, or sittiation. 2. quas regiones : the district which. 126 5. trans flumen: i.e. from the standpoint of Gaul. 6. praesidiis : this word is used especially of bodies of troops detailed to defend some point. 7. vi contendere : force their way across. 358 NOTES IV PAGE 9. reverti se : ind. disc., depending on simulaverunt. 126 ii. equitatu: abl. of means. The foot-soldiers, women, and children of course returned more slowly. 15. certior fieret : could be informed. 17. se . . . aluerunt: lived on their supplies. V. 20. nihil his committendum : that nothing ought to be left to them. Caesar's action is given in the next chapter. 21. Est . . . consuetudinis : for there is this Gallic custom ', consuetudinis is pred. gen. uti: introduces four verbs, cogant, guaerant, circumsistat, cogat. 22. quaque : abl. fern, of quisque. 26. quorum . . . est: of which they must repent (lit. it must repent them) immediately. A. 354. b ; B. 209. I ; G. 377 ; H. 457 ; HB. 352. i. Observe that eos is object oipaenitere, not subject. 27. rumoribus : dat. 28. ad ... ficta : things made up to their wish. VI. 29. ne . . . occurreret : that he might not have to meet a more dangerous war, a war from Gauls and Germans united. 30. ad exercitum : apparently Caesar had spent the winter, as usual, in Cisalpine Gaul. 31. ea . . . cognovit: he found that his suspicions had been realized, lit. he found that those things had been done -which he had suspected would take place. 32. missas : notice its emphatic position. 127 i. ab Rheno discedereiit : i.e. come farther into Gaul from the Rhine. Omnia . . . parata: depends on invitatos; they had been invited with the promise that everything, etc. 2. fore parata : nearly equivalent to paratum zrz, fut. pass. inf. 3. Eburonum et Condrusorum : these were so-called German tribes living among the Belgae. They may have been late immi- grants from the eastern bank of the Rhine. The Eburones caused Caesar much trouble the next year. 4. Principibus evocatis : Caesar held such meetings of the leading men of Gaul from time to time. 6. imperato : having been levied. The number of Caesar's horsemen in this campaign is given in Chap. XII as 5000. VII. 9. audiebat : notice the tense. News kept coming to him. 11. neque priores : i.e. they were not acting on the offensive. With this speech compare that of Ariovistus, Bk. I, Chap. XLIV. 12. neque tamen: but yet . . . not. 13. quin contendant : to fight. 14. quicumque . . . deprecari: to resist those who (lit. who- IV THE USIPETES AND TENCTERI 359 ever) made war itpon them and not to try to beg off. Why is PAGE infer ant subjunctive ? 127 15. dicere : sc. se as subject invitos : do not confuse this word with invitatos. 17. attribuant: let them assign, probably imperative (attribrtite) in the direct form, though possibly subjunctive. 1 8. possederint: from possido. unis Suebis : to the Suebt alone. 19. reliquum . . . possint: in the direct form reliquus quidem in terris est nemo quern non superare possimus. The last verb is subjunctive of characteristic. The order of words shows the chief emphasis to be on reliquum, there was no one else. VIII. 21. visum est: sc. respondere as subject. exitus: the conclusion. 23. verum : just. suos . . . potuerint : this alludes to the words elect os domo, 1. 15. 24. alienos: the possessive of alms. A. 113. d; B. 354. 4; G. 108 5 H. 93. 3 ; HE. 339. a. occupare : its subject is the omitted antecedent of qui. 26. Ubiorum finibus : see note on p. 125, 1. 23. IX. 30. post diem tertium : on the next day but one. pro- plus se: the comparative propius takes an accusative, like the positive prope. Cf. proximus mare, p. 112, 1. 17. i. trans Mosam: they must have crossed to the west bank of 128 the Meuse, but the exact location of the Ambivariti is unknown. X. 5 . Vacalus : now the Waal. It is larger in volume than the northern arm of the Rhine. insulam Batavorum: the island is bounded on the north by the northern arm of the Rhine, on the south by the Waal and the Meuse, and on the west by what is now the North Sea. See the map. inde : i.e. from the eastern end of the island. 7. longo spatio : in a long course. 8. Nantuatium: the Nantuates previously spoken of (Bk. Ill, Chap. I) dwelt near Lake Geneva and the Rhone. The tribe here meant may have been a branch or offshoot of the other. 9. citatus : trans, by an adverb, swiftly. 13. multis capitibus : by many mouths. Either end of a river might be called cap^lt, but the word was more often applied to the source. XI. 1 6. congress! : sc. cum Caesar e. 19. sibi pot est at em faceret mittendi: give them an oppor- 360 NOTES IV PAGE tumty to send. legates mittendi: what would this be if the 128 gerundive were used instead of the gerund ? 20. fidem fecisset : gave (should have given} a pledge. 21. ferretur : Caesar's proposal is given in the last three lines of Chap. VIII. 22. daret : this represents an imperative of the direct form. 23. eodemillo: to that same point, explained by the following ^/-clause. 24. qui: the antecedent of this pronoun is not eorum. 26. quam frequentissimi : these words indicate that Caesar already had in mind the plan which he afterwards executed. 29. qui nuntiarent : (inen*) to say. et : but. 31. accessisset: this is subordinate to sustinerent, which rep- resents a command. In the direct form it was either a future perfect indicative or a perfect subjunctive denoting anticipation or expectancy. 129 XII. 3. equites: obj. of haberent ', its case is not affected by the comparative ampfats. 6. indutiis : for a truce. impetu facto : this attack, which was probably made without the orders of the German leaders, gave Caesar an excuse for his act of treachery. 7. rursus his resistentibus : when the latter rallied. 8. suffossis equis : may be translated actively, stabbing the horses from below, or in the belly. 9. ita perterritos : in such terror. egerunt : the German cavalry was very effective. Caesar afterwards made considerable use of German cavalry and tactics. Cf. Bk. I, Chap. XLVIII, and see Introd., p. 30. 12. Piso Aquitanus : a foreigner who received Roman citizen- ship usually took the name of the person from whom he received it. Probably that was the case with Piso. genere : A. 403. a ; B. 215; G-395; H.469. 2; HB. 413. 13. reguum: monarchy was disappearing in Gaul in Caesar's time. 16. quoad: as long as, not as on p. 128, 1. 30. A. 555; B. 293. II; G. 569; H. 603. I; HB. 550. 1 8. procul : from a distance. incitato . . . est: spurring on his horse, he dashed upon the enemy and was slain. XIII. 22. per dolum: it is quite possible that the German cavalry had not heard of the truce. Caesar wishes to excuse and justify his action of the next day. 23. dura . . . auger entur : until the enemy's forces should be IV THE USIPETES AND TENCTERI 361 increased. A. 553; B. 293. III. 2; G. 572,- H. 603. II. 2; HB. PAGE 57- 5- 129 24. summae dementiae : the height of madness, lit. of the highest madness. A. 343. c ; B. 203. 5 ; G. 366 ; H. 447 ; HB. 355. 26. auctoritatis : with quantum. quibus : i.e. the Gauls. 28. consilio: his purpose, explained by the clause ne . . . prae- termitteret. 30. quod . . . venerunt : explains opportunissima res. 33. purgandi sui causa: to clear themselves. A. 504. c; B. 339.5; G. 428. R. i ; H. 626. 3; HB. 614. contra atque: con- trary to what. Cf. the use of atque with alius. The subjunctive is due to the fact that Caesar is giving the reason assigned by the ambassadors. 1. ut . . . impetrarent : that, if they could (get) anything, 130 they might by deceiving get (something) in regard to a truce. This translation will show the construction. 2. Quos : subject of oblatos (esse). The clause depends on gavisus. A. 572. b; B. 331. V; G. 533; H. 614; HB. 594. 3. retineri: to be detained. This was treachery on Caesar's part, for the Germans came at his request. An enemy of Caesar, Cato, proposed in the Roman senate that Caesar should be given up to the Germans for this breach of faith. XIV. 6. Acie triplici: see Introd., p. 44. 7. quid ageretur: ind. quest., obj. of s -entire. 8. omnibus rebus : partially explained by the following ablatives. 9. suorum : i.e. those who had gone to Caesar's camp. 10. consili habendi: for holding a coimcil of war. pertur- bantur, -ne . . . an : were in great perplexity as to whether . . . or. 13. pristini diei : of the day before. 17. domo excesserant : had emigrated. XV. 20. clamore : sc. puerorum mulierumque. 22. confluentem Mosae et Rheni : if this reading is right, the point meant is probably the junction of the Meuse and Waal. Cf. Chap. X. But there are rather strong reasons for thinking that this massacre of the Germans actually took place farther up the Rhine, in the neighborhood of Coblenz. If so, Mosae must be a mistake for Mosellae. 25. ad unurn omnes incolumes : without the loss of a man. That incolumes does not here mean ' safe and sound ' is shown by the words which follow it. 362 NOTES IV PAGE 26. ex: after. 130 27. ccccxxx milium : probably an excessive estimate. 31. libertatem : permission to do so. The sacrifice of life in this campaign was enormous ; the. Ger- mans were thoroughly cowed, and gave no further trouble. These two tribes were not annihilated, as we see from the next chapter. Besides the cavalry who escaped, there were also, no doubt, some survivors from the battle. 131 XVI. 2. suis quoque rebus : for their own possessions, too. cum intellegerent : when they shoidd learn. The use of the subjunctive is due to the fact that the clause represents Caesars thought, 'They will fear when (if) they shall learn.' 4. Accessi,t quod : there was the additional reason that. 9. eos . . . dederent : that they should give up to him those who, etc. 11. si se invito existimaret : direct, si te invito existimas. 12. cur . . . postularet: why should he ask. that anything across the Rhine be subject to his authority or power. The verb pos- tularet is in the subjunctive because this is a question in indirect dis- course. sui imperi: pred. gen. of possession. 15. legates miseraut: cf. p. 127, 1: 27. 18. Id : does this refer to exercitum f 21. ad: among; the reputation had spread to the remotest tribes. 22. tuti esse : be protected. XVII. 27. suae dignitatis : consistent with his dignity, a pred. gen. 29. proponebatur : presented itself. 30. id contendendum : that that effort (i.e. to build a bridge) must be made. 32. Tigna . . . iungebat: logs a foot and a half in thickness, sharpened a little at the bottom (and~) of lengths corresponding to the varying depths of the river, he joined in pairs at a dis- tance of two feet from each other. bina : two by two, i.e. in pairs. dimensa : passive in meaning, though from a deponent. Cf. di~ menso, p. TOO, 1. 27. 33. intervallo : for the case see A. 412; B. 221; G. 399; H. 473. 3 ; HB. 422. I. 132 i. cum : whenever, or after. See note on cum, etc., p. 1 16, 1. 15. machinationibus : the machinatio probably consisted of a pair of rafts fastened together, with an open space between. Over this open space and supported by both rafts would be erected a scaffold- ing with tackle for holding and letting down the logs, and ma- IV CAESAR'S PASSAGE OF THE RHINE 363 chin ery for driving them home. immissa defixerat: had let PAGE down and set. 132 2. modo : not the adverb. derecte ad perpendiculum : straight to the plummet. 3. prone ac f astigate : leaning forward and sloping like the rafters in a gable-roof.. ut . . . procumberent : a clause of result. secundum naturam : with -the cztrrent. 4. duo : sc. tigna, obj. of statuebat. 5. intervallo : connect this with statuebat. quadragenum : A. 49. d; B. 63. 2 (25. 6) ; G. 97. R. I ; H. 169; HB. 71. 4. All things considered, it is most reasonable to believe that the forty feet were measured at the surface of the water. If so, the distance at the top, fixing the width of the bridge, would be less than this. ab inferiore parte : sc. fluminis, down-stream. 6. Haec utraque : these two fairs. . 7. trabibus immissis : abl. abs. quantum . . . distabat: explains immissis, i.e. the beams were let in from above as far as the cross-tie (iunctura) was distant from the top of the pier made of the two logs. Some, perhaps rightly, connect the clause with bipedalibus and explain it to mean equal to the distance between the logs, lit. as much as the joining of those logs stood apart. 8. binis . . . distinebantur : were held apart (kept from falling towards each other) at the top by a pair of fasteners on either side. It is entirely uncertain what ^& fibulae were. The form shown in the picture would be effective, and this form seems to fit Caesars description as well as any that has been proposed. Cross- pieces are placed in the acute angles formed by the pier and the two- foot beam on the up-stream side of the bridge, and these are fastened together by strong ropes or bands of iron. Others, simi- larly fastened together, are placed in the obtuse angles formed by the pier and the beam on the down-stream side of the bridge. A little reflection will show that the force of the current of the river, causing the up-stream pier to bend farther away from the perpen- dicular and the down-stream pier to become more nearly vertical, will tend to carry these cross-pieces farther apart and stretch and tighten the rope or metal fastenings. Cf. 11. 10-12. 9. quibus . . . revinctis : and as these (the opposite pairs of logs) -were thus kept apart and furthermore made fast in the appo- site direction, i.e. so that they would not pull apart. 10. ea: sitch. n. quo . . . hoc: the . . . the. 12. Haec : the trestles, each consisting of two piers with the con- 3*4 NOTES IV PAGE necting beam. The wi'dth of the river was probably about one 132 fourth of a mile. If we assume that the trestles were twenty-five feet apart, fifty to sixty would be needed. The building of the suc- cessive trestles is indicated by the imperfects of the description. derecta . . . contexebantur : were connected (woven together) by joists laid on straight, i.e. lengthwise of the bridge. 13. cratibus : these took the place of flooring. nihilo setius : i.e. though the work was so strong, yet. 14. oblique agebantur : these words seem to mean that the sublicae were driven in so as to lean not directly against the cur- rent of the river, but diagonally athwart the current. pro ariete subiectae : placed underneath as a prop, but where and how they were placed can only be conjectured. Certainly an effective arrange- ment would have been that shown in the picture. Sublicae placed this way would not only brace the bridge against lateral swaying caused by the current, but also counteract longitudinal movement of the. bridge. 1 6. aliae supra pontem : these sublicae were probably vertical. There may have been a continuous line of them across the river, or, more likely, two or three in front of each trestle, perhaps as in the picture. 1 8. neu : regularly used for et ne. This bridge was probably built near Neuwied, eight miles north of Coblenz, which is at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle. Napoleon placed it at Bonn, and various other places have been fixed upon by others. In the dredging of the river near Neuwied remains of piles have been found, which are thought to have be- longed to this bridge. Somewhat less than a mile up-stream other piles have been found, and excavations near the river reveal the remains of fortifications. These are thought to belong to the bridge and fortifications built by Caesar at the time of his second crossing of the river, two years after the first crossing. See Bk. VI, Chaps. IX and XXIX. 133 XVIII. i. quibus: after, lit. within which; see note on p. 120, 1. 16. materia: do not translate this 'material.' coepta erat: notice that this verb is regularly passive when the infini- tive depending on it is passive. 3. praesidio : see note on p. 126, 1. 6. A castellum'wzs no doubt built at each end of the bridge. 7. quo: when. 8. ex ... TTsipetibus : the cavalry and the survivors from the battle described in Chaps. XIV and XV. IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 365 XIX. 5. auxilium suum pollicitus : i.e. se 'auxilium latiirum PAGE Pollicitns', hence the subjunctive premerentur, which stands for a 134 future indicative. 9. omnes : subject of convenirent. ii. medium : in the center, a pred. adj. 13. constituisse : sc. S^lebos as subject. rebus : explained by the following z//-clauses. 15. ulcisceretur : for their insolence. Cf. p. 131, 11. 8-14. 1 6. obsidione : from oppression. 1 8. profectum: from proficio ; its subject is satis. Not until many years later were the Germans conquered in their own country by the Romans. We shall meet with the Suebi and the Ubii again in Bk. VI. XX. 21. ad septemtriones vergit : cf. Bk. I, Chap. I. 23. subministrata auxilia : for the fact see Bk. Ill, Chap. IX. Caesar's real reasons for invading Britain are not far to seek. His accounts of his two expeditions, given in this book and the next, are among the most interesting parts of his story. Before Caesar's time Britain was a land practically unknown to the civilized world. See Introd., pp. 29, 30. 25. fore: that it would be; the subject of fore is implied in the following conditional clause. 26. adisset, perspexisset, cognovisset : subj. of ind. disc. 28. temere : easily, a common rendering for temere when it is used with a negative. 30. Gallias : Gaul as a whole had several divisions. See Bk. I, Chap. I. 2. usum belli : skill in war. 135 4. ad ... multitudinem : ~w'\\hidonei; A. 385. a; B. 192. 2.N. ; G - 359- R - 3 5 H. 435- J 5 HB - 3 6 4- 6. XXI. 6. priusquam faceret: before making. A. 551. b; B. 292. i. a ; G. 577 ; H. 605. II ; HB. 507. 4. a. 7. idoneum : in agreement with C. Volusenum. navi longa : a war-ship. In war-ships the ratio of length to breadth was about 7 or 8 to i ; in ships of burden, about 4 to I . See Introd., p. 51. 9. in Morinos : cf. Bk. Ill, Chaps. XXVIII, XXIX. ii. quam classem : i.e. earn classem qtcam. 15. polliceantur : observe the mood. dare: A. 580. c. N. ; B. 328. i ; G. 531. N. 4; H. 619. i ; HB. 593. a. Verbs of promis- ing generally take the future infinitive in indirect discourse. 17. eos: the legati. 366 NOTES IV PAGE 18. ibi: among the Atrebates. There was in Britain a tribe 135 called Atrebates, probably kindred to those in Gaul. Hence Com- mius was a suitable person to send. 19. consilium: shrewdness. 21. magni: of great value. A. 417; B. 203. 3; G. 379; H. 448; HB. 356. i. adeat: depends on imperat. What construc- tion is used after iubeo ? 22. fidem sequantur : place themselves tmder the protection. se : refers to Caesar. 23. Volusenus . . . revertitur: Volusenus, having examined the country, so far as one could (lit. how much of opportitnity could present itself to one) who did not dare, etc., returned $ quantum is the subject oipotuit. 25. auderet: subj. of characteristic. XXII. 27. Dum: while. Learn from the grammar (use the index) the different constructions used with dum. in his locis: i.e. among the Morini. 29. superioris temporis consilio: their actions as given in Bk. Ill, Chap. XXVIII. homines barbari: being barbarians. 30. consuetudinis : gen. with imperiti. What adjectives take the genitive ? The custom is probably that of granting more favorable terms to those who submitted voluntarily. bellum fecissent: this expresses from Caesar's point of view the statement of the legati; hence the word barbari and the subjunc- tive fecissent. 31. sefacturos: cf.dare,!. 15. 34. tantularum rerum : of so trifling matters. 35. Britaiiniae: dat. with anteponendas . The meaning is, of course, 'the expedition to Britain.' 136 i. Quibus : the hostages. eos: the Morini in general. 2. quot . . . existimabat : a number which (Jww many) he thought was enough for, etc. Each ship, then, would carry some- thing like one hundred men. The two legions were the seventh and tenth. Where have we met these legions before ? 3. quod . . . habebat : all the war-ships which he had besides. 4. quaestori, legatis : see Introd., p. 32. praefectis: com- manders of the auxilia. See Introd., p. 34. 5. Hue accedebant : to these were added. Notice this use of the adverb for a pronoun, a very common use. 6. a ... octo: eight miles away. See note on p. 94, 1. i. quominus possent : so that they could not. A. 558. b ; B. 295. 3 ; G. 549; H. 568. 8; HB. 502. 3. b. IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 367 10. ducendum : to be led. A. 500. 4 ; B. 337. 8. b. 2 (337. 7. b. 2) ; PAGE G. 430; H. 622; HB. 612. III. 136 1 1 . quod . . . arbitrabatur : How do you know that this clause is not a part of the order given to Rufus ? XXIII. 14. tempestatem : weather, which may be either good or bad. tertia fere vigilia : this means 'about midnight.' Ex- plain why. solvit : set sail ; sc. navis. The point of departure was probably Portus Itius, identified by some with Boulogne, by others with Wissant. The ulterior portus would then be Amble- teuse (somewhat less than eight miles from Boulogne) or Sangatte (nearly eight miles from Wissant). 2. esset administration : the order had been executed. hora 137 qtiarta : not far from 9 A.M. It was towards the end of August. 3. Britanniam attigit : somewhere near Dover, it is thought. 4. expositas : arrayed. 5. haec : such. montibus : cliffs, coming close to the water's edge. 7. ad egrediendum : sc. ex navibus, for disembarking. 8. dum : until; the best rendering would be for the rest of the ships to arrive. 10. quae cognovisset et quae vellet: objects of ostendit. monuit : advised, instead of the stronger imperavit. 11. ut . . . maxime ut . . . postularent: as . . . (and) es- pecially as . . . demanded. The clause depends on ad nutum . . . administrarentur. 12. ut . . . haberent: being, as they are, things which (lit. as things which) involve quick and unsteady motion. A. 535. e. N. i ; B. 283. 3. a; G. 626. R. N. i ; H. 592. i ; HB. 523. b. The tense of haberent follows the rule for sequence, but English idiom re- quires the present tense. ad nutum . . . administrarentur: depends on monuit. 14. secundum : to be taken with ventum as well as with aestum. See Vocab. for derivation and meaning. 16. aperto: i.e. not shut in by cliffs. navis constituit: various considerations make it probable that Caesar landed between Deal and Walmer. The tidal current, which had been running towards the southwest, turned between four and five o'clock in the afternoon. XXIV. 18. quo genere : the kind (of troops) which. A de- scription of the method of fighting from chariots is given in Chap. XXXIII. 19. navibus egredi: from disembarking. 368 NOTES IV PAGE , 22. militibus . . . pugnandum : i.e. the soldiers, weighed down 137 by their armor, were obliged, etc. 24. consistendum : i.e. get a foothold. erat: to be taken with all three gerundives. cum illi : while the enemy. Notice the phrases in this clause which balance phrases in the preceding clause. 26. insuefactos : well-trained. The word occurs only here. 28. omnino : altogether. generis : gen. with imperiti. XXV. 30. navis longas : subject vlremoveri and the two fol- lowing infinitives. 31. motus expeditior: these ships were more easily handled than the transports, since they were propelled by oars. They were capable of great speed. 33. latus apertum: the exposed flank ', i.e. the right side, which was not protected by shields. 138 I- tormentis : see Introd., pp. 50, 51. Tormenta were placed on Roman war-ships, as heavy guns on modern war-ships. 5 . pedenx rettulerunt : fell back. What would terga verterunt mean ?_ 10. aquilam: see Introd., p. 38. obtestatus deos ut: beseech- ing the gods that. 15. rei publicae atque imperatori : the position of these words, between meitm and officium, shows that they are closely connected in thought with officium. 21. inter se: one another, practically the obj. vicohortati. 22. tantum dedecus : the loss of the eagle. 24. ex proximis navibus : an adverbial phrase connected with conspezissent, but we may say those in the nearest ships. 26. hostibus : dat. with appropinquavemnt. XXVI. 31. firmiter : for formation of this word see A. 214. c; B. 77. 4; G. 92. 2; H. 309; HB. 126. 2. 32. alius . . . adgregabat: one from one ship, another from another (i.e. soldiers from different ships), they joined whatever standards they came to. Notice in this chapter several instances of the imperfect indicative in a principal clause with the pluperfect in- dicative in a subordinate clause, both denoting customary or re- peated action. 33. notis vadis : abl. abs. 35. impeditos: at a disadvantage. 139 i . in universes : at the main body. 3. speculatoria navigia : small, swift vessels for reconnoiter- ing and carrying despatches. They were often painted blue or green, so as the more easily to escape detection. IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 369 5 . simul : for siimd atque, as soon as. PAGE 7. neque : but . . . not. eqtiites : they were detained at the 139 tdterior -portus. See Chap. XXIII and the first part of Chap. XXVIII. Cavalry were necessary for the pursuit. 8. capere: reach. 9. fortunam : though he ultimately triumphed, fortune was not always with Caesar in his campaigns. XXVII. 12. quaeque : equivalent to et (ed) quae. 13. Commius : see Chap. XXI. 14. demonstraveram : for tense cf. dixeramus, p. 90, 1. 4. 15. illi : i.e. Britanni. oratoris mo do : as (in the manner of) an ambassador. Caesar chooses to regard him as an envoy, that his seizure may be treated as a violation of international law. . 17. eius rei culpam : the blame for that act. 1 8. propter . . . ignosceretur : that pardon might be granted on the ground of ignorance. With ignosceretnr sc. sibi, or perhaps ei rei. The verb is impersonal. A. 372 ; B. 187. II. b ; G. 346. R. I ; H. 302. 6; HB. 364. 2. 19. cum: although. 20. sine causa : from Caesar's standpoint the attack of the Britons on the Romans was entirely unprovoked. Why is intu- lissent subjunctive ? 21. imprudentiae : dat. with ignoscere. 23. arcessitam : the action denoted by this word must, of course, precede that denoted by daturos. XXVIII. 26. post diem quartum quam: an idiomatic ex- pression equivalent to quarto die postquam. Cf. post diem tertium, p. 127, 1. 30. The time, according to our method of reckoning, would be three, not four, days after. 28. sustulerant: had taken on board. superiore portu: called ulterior portus in Chap. XXIII. 30. tempestas: storm] cf. p. 136, 1. 14. 31. eodem : to the same place. 1 . inf eriorem partem : southwest of where Caesar had landed. 140 2. occasum : ace. with propius. suo periculo : danger to themselves. The possessive takes the place of an objective genitive. 3. cum fluctibus complerentur : is cum a preposition or a conjunction ? See A. 409. a; B. 218. 8 ; G. 405 ; H. 477. II ; HB. 425. 4. adversa nocte : in the face of the night. XXIX. 5. Eadem . . . plena : on this passage rests the deter- 2B 370 NOTES IV PAGE mination of the chronology of the expedition to Britain. We know 140 (cf. Chap. XXXVI) that the full moon here mentioned was the one next preceding the autumnal equinox. The calculations of astrono- mers show that this full moon occurred August 31, about 3 A.M. Hence this storm occurred August 30. As this was four days (three by our method of counting) after Caesar's arrival in Britain, the date of his arrival would be August 27. To get this date we must assume the absolute accuracy of Caesar's statements. But, as a matter of fact, the highest, tides in these regions occur a day and a half after full moon. Here is a discrepancy, and all that can be said is that Caesar's arrival must have taken place within a day or two of August 27. dies : used in the astronomical sense, to include also the night. 6. in Oceano : the Romans were most at home in the Mediter- ranean, where there are practically no tides. They must, however, have had experience with high tides in the war with the Veneti. Cf. p. 115, 1. 10. 9. in aridum subduxerat : ships were beached out of the reach of ordinary waves and tides. complebat : notice the tense. 10. deligatae : used adjectively. The transports were not drawn up on land like the galleys. 11. administrandi aut auxiliandi: those on board could not manage the vessels, and those on shore could not go to help. 12. funibus . . . amissis : the abl. abs. gives the reason why the rest of the ships were useless. 13. id ... accidere : as could not fail to happen. Give the syntax of each word. Observe that quod is not the subject of erat. 15. Neque: correlative with et, et following. possent: subj. of characteristic. The subject of the verb, milites, is to be sup- plied from exercitus. 1 6. usui: for use, i.e. useful. 17. omnibus constabat: everybody agreed. What literally? hiemari : impersonal passive. ' It is the subject of oportere. 18. in hiemem : against the winter. XXX. 21. Romanis : A. 373. b ; B. 190 ; G. 349. R. 4 ; H. 429; HB. 362. 23. hoc angustiora : smaller on this account. 24. factu: A. 510; B. 340. 2; G. 436; H. 635. I ; HB. 619. I. 25. prohibere, producere : subjects of esse. 26. reditu : from returning, abl. of separation. 28. rursus : i.e. changing from a state of peace to one of prepa- ration for hostilities. IV FIRST EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 371 XXXI. 3 1 . ex e ventu navium suarum : from what had PAGE happened to his ships. ex eo, quod : from the fact that. 140 32. fore . . . accidit : that the thing would come about which really did happen. Notice the mood si accidit. 33. casus : emergencies. subsidia : explained by the following sentence. 2. acre : less liable than iron to rust. "^ 3. quae : sc. as antecedent ea, subject of comparari. Observe the mood of erant. 4. cum : causal. 5. reliquis . . . effecit: he rendered it possible for a voyage to be made fairly well in the rest (lit. by means of the rest). XXXII. 8. frumentatum : a supine, expressing purpose. septima : the numbers of legions, like names, were permanent. neque ulla : equivalent to nullaque. Observe that the negative and the connective usually combine. 9. interposita : having arisen. hominum : the Britons. 10. ventitaret: see note on ventitant, p. 125,!. 26. 12. quam . . . ferret: than c^lstom warranted (i.e. than usual). 13. id ... aliquid : suspecting (as was the case) that some. 15. in stationem succedere : to replace them on guard. 1 6. armari : to arm themselves ; see note on lavarentur, p. 124, 1. 23. 17. paulo longius : some distance. suos : those who were out foraging. 21. disperses: sc. eos, i.e. nostros, obj. Qiadorti. 23. incertis ordinibus : cf. conferta legione above. XXXIII. 25. ex essedis : connect this with pugnae. The British war-chariot was open in front, and probably carried two men. Whether it was armed with scythes is uncertain. Caesar makes no mention of scythes. The Gauls did not use war-chariots in Caesar's time. 26. terrore equorum : fear of the horses ; equorwn is an obj. gen. 28. equitum turmas : this description was probably not written until after the campaign of the next year. In writing it Caesar ap- pears to have forgotten that at this time his cavalry was not with him. Some refer the words to the cavalry of the Britons themselves, which would thus serve to protect the charioteers when dismounting, and there is much to be said in favor of this view. 372 NOTES IV PAGE 29. pedibus : on foot, abl. of manner. Aurigae : the 141 drivers. 30. illi : the fighters who have left the chariots. 142 i. mobilitatem : mobility. stabilitatem : steadiness. 2. declivi ac praecipiti : steep down-hill. 3. incitatos equos sustinere : to drive at breakneck speed, lit. to hold their horses urged fo full speed. brevi : sc. tempore, in an instant. moderari: to rein in. 4. per ... recipere : to run out along the pole, step on the yoke, and from there return very swiftly into the chariot. XXXIV. 6. Quibus rebus: abl. of means. nostris: sc. militibus, dat. novitate : abl. of cause. 13. alienum: unfavorable. 18. occupatis : busy. reliqui: pred. adj. agreeing with qui. discesserunt : the subject is the antecedent of qui. Cf. Chap. XXXII, near the beginning. 19. quae continerent : i.e. severe enough to keep. 22. praedicaverunt : made much of. 23. sui liberandi : see note on sui recipiendi, p. in, 1. 2. 24. expulissent : for fut. perf. of the direct form. XXXV. 27. idem : subject of fore. The clause ut . . . effu- gerent is in apposition with it. 29. equites : what these horsemen had been doing in the mean- time is not stated. 32. ac: but. 143 i. tanto spatio: we might expect here the accusative. quantum: i.e. having pursued them as great a distance as their strength enabled them to run. 2. occiderunt : carefully distinguish compounds of caedo from those of cado. XXXVI. 7. pro pin qua die : since the day was near. It has been calculated that the autumnal equinox of 55 B.C. fell on Septem- ber 26. Caesar probably returned to Gaul a week or ten days earlier than this. hiemi subiciendam : ought to be exposed to bad weather (wintry weather), i.e. the heavy storms which often accom- pany or follow the equinox. 9. navis solvit: cf. p. 136, 1. 14. 1 1 . reliquae : sc. ceperunt. 12. paulo infra: i.e. towards the south. XXXVII. 14. in castra: the camp held by Rufus and the garrison of soldiers at Portus Itius. Cf. Chap. XXII, end. 1 6. non ita magno : no very large. V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 373 17. sese : subject of interfiti, but it may be omitted in transla- PAGE tion. orbe facto : see Introd., p. 45. 143 21. horis : what other case might have been used ? XXXVIII. 28. siccitates : the plural is used to show that all the swamps were dry. A. 100. c; B. 55. 4. c; G. 204. N. 5 ; H. 138. 2 ; HB. 103. N. 29. quo se reciperent: see note on p. 117, 1. 8. quo perfugio erant usi : the refuge which they had ^lsed. For the fact cf. Bk. Ill, Chap. XXVIII. 7. dierum xx supplicatio : cf. Bk. II, end. Caesar by his 144 passage of the Rhine had checked for a time the onward movement of the Germans ; and, though he accomplished nothing in this ex- pedition to Britain, he gained knowledge and experience which were useful to him in the expedition of the next year. BOOK V I. i . L. Pomitio . . . consulibus : 54 B.C. Asyndeton (omis- 145 sion of connective) is common in such formulas as this. 3. quos legionibus praefecerat: cf. Bk. I, Chap. LII, begin- ning. Caesar now had eight legions. 4. navis aedificandas curent : have ships built. 5. modum formamque : fashion and shape. subductionis : see note on p. 140, 1. 9. 6. humiliores : i.e. lower and shallower. quam quibus : than (those) which. iiostro mari: the Mediterranean. 7. atque id : and that too (he did). 8. minus magnos fluctus fieri: shallowness of water, as well as the meeting of opposing tidal currents in the English Channel, brings. this about. 9. paulo latiores : sc. eas facit. 11. actuarias : driven by oars and sails. imperat fieri: im- pero usually takes the subjunctive with ut or ne. It allows the in- finitive of passive or deponent verbs, very rarely an active infinitive. 12. ex Hispariia : Spain furnished metals and ropes. 13. conventibus : see note on p. 89, 1. 25. 15. civitatibus : i.e. of Illyricum. 19. Percepta oratione : having heard their plea. 21. fecerint: subj. of -hid. disc. 23. arbitros dat : he appoints referees. litem : the damage (value of property destroyed) . poenam : the recompense^ inqlud- 374 NOTES V PAGE ing no doubt the value of the property and an additional sum as 145 penalty. 146 II. 3. circumitis : circumeo is transitive, though eo is intransi- tive. singular! studio : limits instructas. 4. in : in spite of. 5. cuius : sc. generis, descriptive gen. (gen. of quality) limiting navis, the omitted obj. of demonstravimus . 6. neque . . . possint: and were not far from this point, that they could be launched in a few days. The clause quin . . . possint is in loose apposition with eo, but has the form of a clause dependent on 11011 multum abesse. Cf. quin . . . educat, p. 118, 1. 9. 8. portum Itium : see note on solvit, p. 136, 1. 14. 10. milium passuum xxx : limits traiectum. 11. huic rei: i.e. for finishing the preparations, bringing the ships round to portus Itius, and guarding them while there. 13. concilia: stated assemblies of Gallic leaders held under Caesars auspices. III. 16. equitatu : cf. p. 103, 1. 17. 17. supra: cf. p. 114, 1. 16. 1 8. principatu : not an official position, but leadership due to personal popularity and influence. By espousing the cause of one contestant, Caesar turned such quarrels as this to his own profit. 19. Cingetorix: he was son-in-law of Indutiomarus. alter: to which does this refer ? . Cf. 1. 23. 24. iisque : -que connects cogere and parare, Us . . . pertinet being parenthetical. 25. silvam Arduennam : the Forest of Ardennes still exists, but it is not as large as in ancient times. 29. de privatis rebus petere : contrasted with civftaticonsulere. 30. quoniam . . . possent : whose reason is this ? Notice the mood of the verb. 31. consulere : this word may take, with a difference in mean- ing, either the dative or the accusative. A. 367. c; B. 175. i, 187. II. a; G. 346. N. 2; H. 426. 4; HB. 367. 32. idcirco : explained by the clause of purpose quo . . . con- tineret. 147 i . itaque : i.e. because he had remained at home. IV. 5. instituto consilio : cf. bellum par are instititit, p. 146, 1.27. 1 1 . principibus, hos : these two words refer to the same persons. 12. Cingetorigi conciliavit : this looks very like double dealing V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 375 on Caesar's part. quod : subject of fieri. cum, turn : not only, PAGE but also. eius : i.e. Cingetorigis. 147 13. magni . . . perspexisset : he thought it of great conse- quence that that marts influence among his own people should be as strong as possible, whose friendliness toward himself (i.e. Caesar), etc. What is the subject of inter esse? 1 6. qui . . . fuisset: a clause of concession, or opposition. Trans, qui, whereas he. 17. multo gravius exarsit : one can hardly blame him. V. 19. Meldis : there was a tribe of Meldi living inland near the Marne and Seine. Some think that there was a maritime tribe of this name, or that the Meldi here meant were a subdivision of the Morini. * 24. perpaucos : what is the force viper- ? 25. obsidum loco : as hostages. 26. cum abesset : while he was (should be) away. VI. 28. Du'mnorix: we have met with him before, in Bk. I, Chaps. IX, XVIII-XX. 30. eum : this word has four predicates, cupidum, cupidum, magni animi, magnae auctoritatis . magni animi: of a proud spirit. 3. regnum deferri: a statement possibly true, though probably 148 not. The Haedui were governed by an elective magistrate. Cf. p. 65, 1. 4. 4. neque : but yet . . . not. 7. insuetus navigandi : unaccustomed to sailing. 8. religionibus : by religious duties. diceret : sometimes in the statement of a quoted reason the vei'b of saying or thinking is put in the subjunctive by a kind of attraction. Cf. existima- rent, p. 68, 1. 29. 1 1 . territare : historical inf. 12. fieri: inf. in ind. disc., depending on the idea of saying in metu territare. Its subject is ut . . . spoliaretur. 13. quos : its antecedent is hos. 14. traductos necaret: i.e. take across and murder. fidem . . . poscere : pledged his faith to the rest and demanded an oath from them. In other words, Dumnorix began to form a 'conspiracy.' 15. ex usu Galliae : to the advantage of Gaul. VII. 1 8. quod . . . tribuebat: Caesar treated the Haedui with so much honor that it would not do to have them set a bad example to the other states of Gaul. 19. coercendum atque deterrendum: Caesar did not wish to 376 NOTES v PAGE adopt extreme measures, because harshness might alienate the friends 148 of Dumnorix. 20. quod : (and} because. 21. prospiciendum . . . posset: he must look out that he (Dumnorix) should not have the power to do any harm to him and the (Roman) state. 23. Corus ventus : a wind blowing approximately from the northwest. 28. impeditis : the hampering effect of the work on their minds prevented them from noticing other things. 32. retrain : see note on imperat fieri, p. 145, 1. n. neque pareat : and refuse to obey. 33. nihil pro sano : nothing as a man of rational mind, i.e. noth- ing rational. 34. praesentis : not se praesente (cf. se absente above), because it limits imperium. 149 3- interficiunt: so Caesar had no more trouble from Dumnorix. He was guilty of no crime, so far as Caesar tells us, but that of being a patriotic Haeduan, anxious to save his country from a foreign yoke. That was crime enough, and his death served as a warning to others. VIII. 8. consilium . . . caperet: i.e. meet any emergency which might arise. 9. pari quern : equal (to that) -which. 10. navis solvit : with wind from the southwest and tidal cur- rent running in the opposite direction, the fleet sailed northwesterly. When the wind died away, the current, which had turned, bore the fleet towards the northeast. In early morning the current changed again, and following the change the Romans moved back to their landing-place of the previous year. This is the view usually held. There are, however, reasons for thinking that the landing was some- what further north than in the previous year, somewhere between Deal and Sandwich. 11. Africo : why should the south west wind btAfricus to a Roman ? 12. sub sinistra relictam : he had been carried too far north- east, and was drifting away from land. 15. qua: where. 1 6. virtus: pluck. vectoriis . . . adaequarunt: in their heavy transport-ships, not ceasing the. labor of rowing, kept itp with, etc. 18. Accessum est : the date has been usually supposed to have been July 21 ; but there are strong arguments in favor of placing it two weeks earlier, or about July 7. V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 377 22. quae, amplius DCCC : more than eight hundred of which, PAGE lit. which,- more than eight hundred. For case of quae see A. 346. e ; 149 B. 201. i. b; G. 370. R. 2; H. 442. 2; HB. 346. c. privatis : those of wealthy officers accompanying the expedition, or of merca- tores. 23. sui quisque : observe the order of these words, which is the regular one. IX. 28. cohortibus decem : not a legion, but cohorts selected from different legions. 29. de tertia vigilia : during the third watch, i.e. not long after midnight. Into how many watches was the night divided ? 30. navibus : dat. 2. ad flumen : according to Napoleon, the Little Stour ; but 150 ' Holmes thinks that the Great Stour is the river referred to. ex loco superiors : the Britons had occupied the opposite bank of the river. Probably there were hills on this side, but ex loco superiore may refer to the advantage those standing on the bank would have over those crossing. 6. arboribus succisis : they had made barricades of trees. 7. ex silvis rari propugnabant : kept sallying forth from the woods in small parties. 8. legionis septimae: so the seventh legion got revenge for hard usage of the previous year. See Bk. IV, Chap. XXXII. 9. testudine : see Introd., p. 46. aggere . . . adiecto : car- rying an agger up to the fortifications. This must have been a very rough-and-ready piece of work. 1 1 . prosequi : with iubeo and veto an infinitive is often used with- out an expressed subject, if the chief stress is on the action com- manded or forbidden, or if the subject is obvious. 13. castrorum: plainly not the same as the camp mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, for that must have been on the sea- shore (cf. navis ctim castris coniungi, 1. 31), while this was a considerable distance inland. X. 15. expeditionem : notice derivation and meaning. 1 6. cum lam extremi: while still the rear, i.e. of Caesar's columns. 17. ad Caesarem: Caesar evidently had not accompanied one of his flying columns. 19. adflictas . . . esse : had been shattered and thrown up on shore. 21. concursu : bumping together. 378 NOTES V PAGE XI. 24. resistere : i.e. to act only on the defensive. 150 26. sic ut : i.e. he saw that the ships were in such a state that. 27. magno negotio : though with great difficulty. fabros : in early times there were in the Roman army centuries of artisans (fabri). Caesar seems to have had no regularly organized body of workmen distinct from the legionary soldiers. 28. ut ... instituat : scribit is here equivalent to a verb of ordering. 29. legionibus : abl. of means. How many legions had Labienus ? 31. cum castris : this camp was no doubt partially fortified on the afternoon of the army's landing. Whatever further work was needed was probably done the next day by the ten cohorts left as a praesidium. 151 i ne . . . intermissis : not even the night-time being lost for (allowed to cause interruption to} the soldiers 1 work. 2. Subductis navibus : if the ships were arranged in a double, or even in a triple row, the frontage on the beach must have been from one to two miles. 7. Cassivellauno : Caswallon, " first of the roll of English heroes." 8. milia passuum LXXX : this probably gives the distance from Caesar's landing-place to the point where he himself crossed the Thames into the territory of Caswallon. Too much stress should not be laid on distances given by Caesar, as they can be only rough estimates. 10. continentia: i.e. without any interval between them. XII. Chapters XII-XIV contain an interesting description of Britain, in which, however, there are some statements demonstrably false, and others which we have no means of verifying. 12. quos . . . dicuiTt : who they say it has been handed down by tradition were born (i.e. originated} in the island itself', quos is subject of natos (esse), and this clause forms the subject viproditum (esse~). We may translate more freely, whom they say tradition declares to have originated in the island itself. 14. qui: and they. 15. quibus ex civitatibus : with orti, which agrees with the subject of pervenerunt. There were Atrebates, for example, on both sides of the Channel. 18. aedificia: the houses of the Gauls were built of timber and wickerwork, round, with conical or dome-shaped roofs. 19. taleis . . . examinatis: iron bars regulated (weighed} to a definite weight. V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 379 20. Nascitur : is found. plumbum album: tin. Long be- PAGE fore Caesar's time the Phoenicians went to Britain for tin ; but Corn- 151 wall, the chief place of supply, is not 'mediterranean.' 22. aere importato : notice the position of each word ; the copper that they vise is imported. 23. fagum, abietein: the beech and fir are both said to be in- digenous to Britain. 24. fas non putant : they co2int it a sin. haec : Why neuter? 25. animi voluptatisque causa: i.e. as pets. Loca : the Latin has no word for ' climate.' 26. remissioribus frigoribus : the seasons of cold (the frosts) being less severe. There are no great extremes of heat and cold in Britain, owing to the warm seas that surround it and the winds from the Atlantic. XIII. 27. natura: the word seems superfluous, but may be translated in shape. unum latus : Caesar regards this side as extending from northeast to southwest. 30. inferior: sc. angulus, now Land's End. tenet: embraces, or extends. 31. Alterum: sc. latus, the second side. ad Hispaniam: Spain is considered as being west of Britain, with Ireland lying between. Tacitus in the " Agricola" repeats this error. 32. dimidio: abl. of degree, or measure, of difference. 33. pari . . . Britanniam : but it is at a distance (from Britain) equal to that from Gaul to Britain', spatio is an abl. of quality, or description, and the gen. transmissus depends upon it. For pari atque see note on p. 72, 1. 4. 2. Mona : the Isle of Man. minores insulae : the islands 152 west of Scotland. 3. non nulli: the scriptores were probably Greeks, who may have heard strange stories from voyagers to far-off northern lands. 5. certis . . . mensuris : by means of accurate measurements with the clepsydra. The clepsydra, or water-clock, measured time by the emptying of a vessel through a small orifice. Caesar must have found the summer nights in Britain more than an hour shorter than at Rome. 14. vicies . . . passuum : straight lines connecting Caesar's ' angles ' would measure somewhat less than this distance ; but if indentations be followed, the coast-line of Britain is more than 2000 miles. XIV. 1 6. humanissimi : most civilised. Shakspere mentions 380 NOTES V PAGE this statement of Caesar's in the Second Part of " King Henry VI," 152 Act 4, Scene 7. 21. lacte et carne vivunt: cf. Bk. IV, Chap. I, where Caesar is speaking of the Suebi. These people had not passed from the pastoral into the agricultural stage of civilization. 23. capillo promisso: abl. of quality, or description. 25. Uxores communis: this statement could have been true only of the more remote Britons, if it was not altogether a mistake. 27. quo : to whom, or to whose home. 28. deducta est: was led (as a bride), a regular meaning of this verb. XV. 29. Equites hostium : the story is resumed from Chap. XI. 30. ita tamen ut : yet m such, a way that, freely but the result was that. 31. fuerint: for tense see A. 485. c. N. i; B. 268. 6; G. 5-13; H. 550 ; HB. 478. 153 i. intermisso spatio : a rendering of the ablatives absolute of this sentence may be found in A. 420. 5. N. 4. duabusque : -que connects piignaverunt and perrupernnt. 5. primis : the first cohort of a legion contained the best sol- diers of the legion. 6. loci spatio : loci defines spatio, which often, as a few lines above, means time. The two cohorts probably attempted to get in the rear of the assailants, thus cutting off their retreat ; but as they did not come sufficiently close together, the enemy slipped away through the interval. novo genere pugnae: cf. Bk. IV, Chap. XXXIII. 9. submissis : notice the force of sub, i.e. as a support, or help. Cf. subsidio above. XVI. 12. nostros : sc. milites, foot-soldiers, contrasted with equites in 1. 15. 1 6. illi: the enemy. consulto cederent : gave way intention- ally. 17. removissent, desilirent: these verbs would be in the per- fect and present indicative in direct discourse. 1 8. dispari proelio : the enemy were at a decided advantage, because supported by their chariots ; while the Roman horsemen could not have the support of the legions. 19. cedentibus: i.e. the Roman cavalry were pursued, if they gave way, by the, British cavalry. 20. Accedebat hue ut : besides. 21. stationes : reserves. V SECOND EXPEDITION TO BRITAIN 381 22. alios . . . exciperent : i.e. they relieved one another. PAGE XVII. 25. rari: here and there. 153 27. C. Trebonio : it was Trebonius who, in 55 B.C., proposed the law by which Caesar's term as governor of Gaul was extended for five years. 29. sic uti non absisterent : so (furiously) that they did not keep back from. 31. quoad: until, introducing egerunt, dederunt. subsidio: abl., or possibly dat. See note on natnra, p. 113, 1. 22. 32. praecipitis : pell-mell, a pred. adj. I. summis copiis : with their full force. -^4 XVIII. 4. lino omnino loco : of course not literally true. This was the only ford which Caesar found. Its location is unknown, but it was some distance above London, perhaps near Kingston or Brentford. 5. hoc : sc. loco. 8. praefixis : driven in front (of the bank). defixae : driven down. II. eo impetu: with sitch a rush. The stakes must have been removed in some way, but we are not told how. cum : though. capite solo : in modern times a river more than three feet deep is generally considered unfordable by an army. 13. dimitterent : abandoned. XIX. 16. milibus . . . essedariorum : from these words some infer that Caswallon had 4000 war-chariots, others that the number was 2000, since each chariot carried two men, a driver and a fighter. 19. atque : connects the verb preceding it with compellebat. 24. hoc metu : i.e. hums ret metu. Notice the idiom carefully. Relinquebatur ut : the fatal result was that. 25. disced! : impersonal, sc. ab equitib:is. 26. tantum hostibus noceretur : (only) so much damage was inflicted on the enemy ; but noceretur is impersonal, and tantum is ace., not nom. 27. quantum : obj. of efficere. XX. 29. Trinovantes : in Essex. 30. adulescens : this word is regularly used to distinguish a younger from an older person of the same name, somewhat like our ' Junior.' Probably some older relative was named Mandubracius. Caesaris fidem secutus : seeking Caesar* s protection. 2. sese : obj. of dedituros. 155 3. Cassivellauni : subjective gen.: niittat, qui praesit : send him, to govern. Caswallon had met with reverses, and now his old 382 NOTES V PAGE enemies wished to revenge themselves upon him, even to the extent 155 of handing Britain over to the Romans. Cf. p. 151, 11. 9-11. Caesar was very ready to accept the assistance of the Trinovantes, as he had that of the Haedui in Gaul. 5. exercitui : for the army. XXI. 8. militurn : at the hands of the soldiers, subjective gen. 9. Bibroci: some think that this name is preserved in the mod- ern name Berkshire. ii. oppidum Cassivellauni : according to some authorities, located in the vicinity of St. Albans. 13. Oppidum vocant: call it a town; oppidum is a pred. ace. The Gauls, on the other hand, had real towns. Observe here the perfect indicative in the handicraft, craft. in-ers, vvithout skill. sollertia, skill. arma, arms, weapons. armo, arm, equip. armatus, armed, equipped'. armamenta, equipment. armatura, armor, equipment. in-ermis, imarmed. 5. V AVG, GROW augeo, increase. auctor, author. auctoritas, authority. auxilium, help, support. auxilior, give help. auxiliaris, atixiliary. 403 404 WORD-GROUPS 6. V CAD, FALL cado, fall. cadaver, corpse. casus, falling, event. ac-cido (ad + cado),y#// to, hap- pen. con-cido (com- + cado), fall, be slain. de-cido, fall down. in-cido, fall upon, occiir. oc-cido (ob + cado), fall, die, set. oc-casio, opportunity. oc-casus, setting, west. re-cido, fall back. 7. V CAED, CUT caedo, cTit, fell. caedes, killing, massacre. abs-cido, cut away, lop off". ex-cido, cut out, destroy. in-cido, cut into, notch. oc-cld5 (ob + caedo), cut down, slay. suc-cldo (sub + caedo), ctit ojf 'be- low, cut down. 8. V CAL, CLA, CALL Kalendae (Calendae), day of proc- lamation, Calends. con-cilio (com-), call together, make friendly. con-cilium, assembly. clamor, shout. clamito, call repeatedly, cry out. clarus, clear, loud. de-claro, declare. classis, thing summoned, fleet. 9. V CAP, TAKE, HOLD capio, take. captus, capacity. captivus, captive. ac-cipio (ad + capio), receive. ac-ceptus, acceptable. de-cipio, deceive. ex-cipio, take oiit, capttire. ex-cepto, take tip. in-cipio, take hold of, begin. prae-cipio, take in advance, direct. prae-ceptum, direction. prae-cipuus, special. prae-cipue, especially. re-cipio, take back. re-ceptus, retreat. re-ceptaculum, place of refuge. sus-cipio (subs- = sub + capio), tindertake. caput, head. an-ceps (for ambi-ceps), with two heads, doubtful. prae-ceps, headlong. prae-cipito, throw headlong. oc-cupo (ob), take up, seize. oc-cupatus, taken up, busy. oc-cupatio, business. dein-ceps, taken next, in turn. prin-ceps (primus), foremost, chief. prin-cipatus, chief place. 10. V CED, GO cedo, go, yield. ac-cedo (ad), go towards, be added. ante-cedo, go 'before. con-cedo (com-),^ aiuay, yield. de-cedd, go away. de-cessus, going away, ebbing. dis-cedo, go in different directions. dis-cessus, departure. ex-cedo, go out. inter-ced5, come between. prae-cedo, surpass. pro-cedo, go forward. re-cedo, go back. re-cessus, retreat. suc-cedo (sub), go up, succeed. suc-cessus, approach. WORD-GROUPS 405 II. V CEL, RISE ex-cello, be eminent. ex-celsus, elevated. collis, hill. culmen, summit. 12. V CLI, LEAN clivus, hill. ac-clivis (ad), sloping upward. ac-clivitas, ascent. de-clivis, sloping downward. de-clivitas, slope. pro-clino, bend forward. re-clino, bend back. 13. V COL, TILL colo, ////, honor. in-colo, inhabit. colonia, colony. Cultura, tillage. cultus, care, way of living. 14. V CVR, RUN currus, wagon, chariot. cursus, speed. ac-curro (ad), run toward. ante-cursor, forerunner. con-curr5 (com-), run together. con-cursus, running together. con-curso, run about. de-curro, run down. ex-cursio, sally. in-cursio, inroad, raid. in-cursus, attack. oc-curro (ob), run against, meet. per-curro, run throiigh. prae-curro, run before. prS-curro, rtm forward. suc-curro (sub), run to help. 15. V DA, GIVE do, give. de-do, give tip, surrender. de-ditio, surrender. de-ditlcius, prisoner of war. man-do (manus), give into one's hands, enjoin. man-datum, charge. com-mendo, intrust. pro-do, give forth, betray. pro-ditor, traitor. pro-diti5, treason. red-do, give back. tra-do (for trans-do), give over, relate. dos, dowry. donum, gift. dono, give, present. con-dono (com-),^'^!?, remit. sacer-dos (\/ SA.C) , friest. 1 6. V DA, PUT (only in compounds) ab-do, put away, hide. ab-ditus, hidden. ad-do, put to, add. circum-do, put around, surround. credo, piit confidence in, believe. in-credibilis, incredible. e-do, put forth. e-ditus, elevated. per-ditus, lost, corrupt. 17. V DIG, SHOW, POINT dico, say. dico, proclaim, dedicate. dictum, saying. in-dictus, not said. dictio, pleading. dicio, bidding, sway. con-dicio (com-), condition. in-dlco, proclaim. in-dicium, information. inter-dico, forbid. ifi-dico (V TV}, judge. iu-dicium, judgment. ad-iudico, adjudge, award. prae-dico, announce. praeco (for praedico), herald. 406 WORD-GROUPS 18. V DTV, DI, SHINE divinus, divine. deus, god. ditissimus, richest. dies, day. men-dies (for medi-dies, medius + dies), midday, south. meri-dianus, of noon. postri-die (posterus), on the next day. pri-die (VrRl), on the day before. diurnus, pertaining to the day. inter-diu, in the daytime. bi-duum (bis), two days. tri-duum (tres), three days. 19. V DVA, DVI, APART, TWO duo, two. du-plex (plango, strike), twofold. du-plico, double. dubius, dotibtful. dubito, doubt. dubitatio, doubt. dis-, inseparable prefix, apart. bis (for duis), twice. bi-, inseparable prefix, two, twice. bini, tivo at a time. bl-duum (V Div), two days. 20. V -DVC, LEAD duco, lead. ductus, leadership. dux (for dues), leader. ab-duco, lead away. ad-duco, lead to. con-duco (com-), lead together, hire. de-duco, lead* down. di-duco, lead apart. e-duco, lead out. in-duco, lead in. ob-duco, lead to meet, extend. per-duco, lead through. prae-diico, lead forward. re-duco, lead back. sub-duco, lead off, draw up. tra-duco (for trans-duco), leaa across. 21. V EM, TAKE emo, buy. ad-imo, take to oneself. co-emo, pttrchase. demo (de + emo), take down. ex-emplum, example. ex-imius, taken out, exceptional. praemium (for prae-emium), ad- vantage, prize. promptus (pro + emptus), fcrottgh forth, manifest, ready. red-imo, buy back. sumo (sub + emo), take itp, as- sume, spend. sumptus, expense. sumptuosus, costly. con-sumo (com-), use up. 22. V ES, BE, LIVE sum, be, live. ab-sum, be away. ab-sens, absent. ad-sum, be near. de-sum, be wanting. pos-sum (for potis, able + sum), bt powerful, be able. potens, powerful. potentia, power, authority. potentatus, power. prae-sum, be at the head of. prae-sens, present. prae-sentia, presence, present. pro-sum,, be of advantage. sub-sum, be tinder, be at hand. super-sum, be over, be left. WORD-GROUPS 407 23. 'V FA, SPEAK f atum, utterance, fate. in-fans, unable to speak, infant. fama, story, report. in-famia, evil repute. fas, divine law. ne-fas, impioits act. ne-farius, execrable. con-titeor (com-), confess. pro-fiteor, declare publicly. 24. V FAC, MAKE facio, make, do. factum, deed. factio, faction. facilis, easy. facile, easily. facultas, ability. dif-ficilis' (dis- + facilis), difficult. dif-ficulter, with difficulty. dif-ficultas, difficiilty. per-facilis, very easy. in-fectus, not done. pate-facio (pateo), lay open. satis-facio, do enough, give satisfac- tion. satis-factio, apology. facinus, deed, crime. ad-ficio, do to, affect. con-ficio (com- + faci5), make com- pletely. de-ficio, break loose from, revolt. de-fectio, revolt. ef-ficio (ex + facio), cause, make. In-ficio, stain, paint. inter-ficio, put to death. per-fici5, make thoro^tghly, bring about. prae-ficio, set over. prae-fectus, overseer, commander. pro-ficio, make headway, effect. pro-ticiscor, set out. pro-fectio, departure. re-ficio, remake, recrztit. suf-ticio (sub + facio), be sufficient. arti-ficium ( V AR), handicraft, craft. bene-ficium, good deed, favor. male-ficium, evil deed, injury. of-ficium (ops), service, drity. sacri-ficium (V SAC), sacrifice. magni-ficus (A/ MAG), splendid. aedi-fico (aedes, building), build. aedi-ficium, building. signi-fico (slgnum), make signs, indicate. signi-ticati5, sign, expression. 25. V FEN, STRIKE de-fendo, ward off, defend. de-fensio, defense. de-fensor, defender. of-fendo (ob), strike against, offend. of-fensio, striking against, offense. 26. V FER, BEAR fero, bear. ferax, fertile. fertilis, fertile. f ertilitas, fertility. ad-fero, bear to. ante-fero, bear before. con-fero (com-), bear together. de-fero, bear off. ef-fero (ex), bear out. In-fero, bear in. of-fero (ob), bear before, present. per-fero, bear through, endure, an- nounce. prae-fero, bear before, prefer. pro-fero, bear forth, reveal. re-fero, bear back. trans-fero, bear over. aquili-fer (aquila), eagle-bearer. fors, chance. fortulto, by chance. 408 WORD-GROUPS fortuna, fortune. fortiinatus, fortunate. furtum, theft. 27. V FID, BIND, TRUST fides, trust, faith. fidelis, trustworthy. In-fidelis, untrustworthy. fiducia, trust, reliance. con-fido (com- + fido, trusf), have trust in. per-fidia, faithle ssness. foedus, agreement, alliance. 28. V FRVG, USE, ENJOY fruor, enjoy, reap the benefit of. fructus, enjoyment, friiit. fructuosus, fruitful. frux (for ttVLgz), fruit, produce. frumentum, grain. frumentor, get grain, forage. frumentatio, foraging. frumentarius, of grain, fertile. 29. V GEN, GNA, BEGET gens, race. in-gens, not natural, enormotts. genus, family, nation, kind, class. generatim, by kinds, by nations. nascor (for gnascor), be born. natus, birth, age. pro-gnatus, descended. natalis, of birth. natio, race, people. co-gnatio, kindred: natlvus, natiiral. natura, nature. e-nascor, grow out. 30. V GNO, KNOW nosco (for gnosco), learn. co-gnosco, learn. i-gnosco (in- + (g)nosco), over- look. notus, known, familiar. notitia, knowledge. i-gnotus (in- + (g)notus), w\ known. nobilis, well-known, noble. nobilitas, nobility. i-gnobilis (in- + (g) nobilis), UK known, obscure. nomen, name, renown. nomino, name. nominatim, by name. i-gnominia (in-), disgrace. i-gnoro (in-), not know. 31. V GRAB, WALK ad-gredior, move toward, attack. con-gredior (com-), come together join battle. con-gressus, meeting, encounter. e-gredior, go out, disembark. e-gressus, going out, disembarkation in-gredior, go in, enter. pro-gredior, go forward, advance. trans-gredior, step across, pass ovei 32. V HAB, HAVE habeo, have, hold. ad-hibeo, hold to, make ^ese of. debeo (for de-hibeo), withhold owe. praebeo (for prae-hibeo), hold be fore, offer. pro-hibeo, hold back, impede, pre vent. 33. V I, GO eo,-^. iter, way, march. ab-eo, go away. ad-eo, go to, get at. ad-itus, approach, access. circum-eo, go around, surround. co-eo, go together. com-es, companion. WORD-GROUPS 409 com-itia, assembly, election. com-itor, accompany. ex-eo, go out. ex-itus, departure, conclusion, out- come. in-eo, go into. in-itium, entrance, beginning. inter-eo, perish. inter-itus, destruction, death. intro-eo, go within, enter. intro-itus, entrance. ob-eo, go to meet. ob-itus, death. per-eo, pass aivay, be killed. praetor (for prae-itor), leader, prae- tor. praetorius, praetorian. prod-eo (pr5), go forward, proceed. red-eo, go back. red-itus, retiirn. red-itio, return. sed-iti5, dissension, insurrection. sed-itiosus, factious, turbident. sub-eo, go tinder, enter, approach, undergo. sub-itus, sudden. sub-ito, suddenly. trans-eo, go across. trans-itus, crossing. 34. V IAC, THROW iacio, throw. iactura, throwing away, loss. iacto, keep throwing. iaculum, missile. ab-icio, throw away. ad-ici5, throw to, add to. con-icio (com- -f- iacio), throw together, put together. con-iectura, giiess. de-icio, throw down. de-iectus, declivity. dis-icio, throw apart, rout. e-icio, throw out. ob-icio, throw before, interpose. pro-icio, throw forward, hurl down. re-icio, throw back. sub-icio, throw under, siibject. tra-icio (trans + iacio), throw across, pierce. tra-iectus, passage. iaceo, lie prostrate. ad-iaceo, lie near. 35- V IV, IVG, BIND, YOKE ius, that which is binding, right, law t iustus, lawful, just. iustitia, justice, uprightness. iuro, take oath. ius iurandum, oath. con-iuro (com-), take oath together t conspire. con-iuratio, conspiracy. iu-dico (V T>lC),jtidge. iu-dicium, judgment. ad-iudico, adjudge, award. iugum, yoke, ridge, hill. iungo, join. iunctura, joining, joint. iumentum, yoke-animal, pack-ani- mal. ab-iungo, separate, ciit off. ad-iungo, join to. con-iung5 (com-),_/oz. con-iunx, husband, wife. iuxta, close by. 36. V LEG, GATHER legio, levy, legion. legionarius, belonging to a legion. con-ligo(com- + lego), collect, rally. de-ligo, choose, select. dl-ligo, single out, love. di-lectus, choosing, levy. di-ligenter, carefully. di-ligentia, carefulness. in-dlligens, careless. 4io WORD-GROUPS in-diligenter, carelessly. in-diligentia, carelessness. intel-lego (for inter-lego), perceive, understand. neg-lego (nee- = ne-), pass over, be indifferent to. per-lego, read through. 37. V LIC, LET licet, it is permitted. liceor, bid. licentia, license. pol-liceor (por- = pro), offer, promise. pol-licitatio, promise, pledge. 38. V LIQV, LEAVE re-linquo, leave behind. re-liquus, remaining. de-Uctum, fault, -wrong. 39- V LVC, SHINE lux (for lues), light. liina (for lucsna), moon. in-lustris, brilliant, noble. 40. V MAG, BIG magnus, large, great. magnitude, greatness, might. magni-ficus (y' FAC), splendid. magn-opere (opus), with great labor, greatly. per-magnus, very large. magis, more. magistratus, ptiblic office, magistrate. malo (for magis volo), wish rather, prefer. maior, greater. maiestas, greatness, dignity. maxime, in the highest degree. 41. V MAN, MEASURE manus, hand. man-do (\/ DA., give}, give into one'i hands, enjoin. man-datum, charge. mani-pulus (V PLE), kattdful, maniple. mani-pularis, soldier of a maniple. man-suetudo (suesco, become accus- tomed'), tameness, mercy. mansue-facio (V FAC), make tame. corn-minus, hand to hand. e-minus, at a distance. 42. V MAN, MEN, STAY, MIND maneo, stay. per-maneo, remain, continue. re-maneo, stay behind. mens, mind, purpose. mentio, calling to mind, mention. de-mentia, folly. meminT, remember. re-miniscor, recall to mind. moneo, remind, warn. de-monstro, point out, show. 43. V MIT, SEND mitt 6, send. missus, sending. a-mitto, send away, lose. ad-mitto, send to, admit, incur. com-mitto, send together, intrust. com-missura, joining. de-mitto, send down, drive. de-missus, loiv-lying. dl-mitt5, send in different directions, dismiss. e-mitt5, send out, hurl, let go. im-mitto (in), send in, insert, throw at. inter-mitto, let go between, leave off, neglect. WORD-GROUPS 411 intro-mitto, send within, admit. o-mitto (ob), let go, lay aside, neg- lect. per-mitto, let pass, yield, allow. prae-mitto, send before. praeter-mitto, allozv to go by, neglect. pro-mitto, send forth, let grow. re-mitto, send back, relax. re-missus, gentle. sub-mitto, send under, send to help. trans-mitto, send across. trans-missus, passage. 44. V MOE, MV, WALL moenia, city walls. munio, wall, fortify. munitus, fortified. munitio, fortification. munlmentum, fortification, defense. com-munio, fortify co>npletely,sec^lre. murus, wall. muralis, of a wall, mural. 45. V MOV, MOVE moveo, move. motus, motion, disturbance. momentum, movement, importance. mobilis, movable, changeable. mobiliter, rapidly, easily. mSbilitas, mobility, changeableness. com-move5, disturb, impel. per-moveo, move deeply, frighten, anger. pro-moveo, move forward. re-moveo, move back. re-motus, distant. sub-moveo, drive off. 46. V MV, SHARE munus, service, gift. com-munis, common. com-munico, impart, share. im-munis (in-), without obligation. im-munitas, exemption. re-muneror, repay, reward. 47. V NA, NAV, SWIM tra-no (for trans-no), swim over. navis, ship., of ships. navicula, boat. nav-igo ( VAG), sail. nav-igatio, sailing. nav-igium, vessel. nauta (for navita), sailor. nauticus, of sailors, of ships. 48. V NE, NEC, NOT ne, not, that not, lest. ne-ve or neu, and not, nor, and lest. ne-cubi (for ne ub.i), lest somewhere, that nowhere. ne-quaquam (quisquam), in no way. ne-quiquam, to no purpose. ne-que or nee, and not, nor. nec-ne, or not. ne-fas (V FA), impious act. ne-farius, execrable. ne-uter, neither. neg-lego (for nee-lego), pass over, be indifferent to. nemo (for ne-homo), no one. no!5 (for ne-volo), not wish, be un- willing. niillus (for ne-ullus), not any. numquam (for ne-umquam), never. nego, say not, deny. de-nego, refuse, deny. neg-otium, no leisure, business. neg-otior, carry on bztsiness. nihilum, nothing. nihil, nothing. nimis, beyond measicre, too. nimius, excessive. 412 WORD-GROUPS ni-si (si), if not, unless. non, not. non-dum, not yet. 49. V NEC, NOC, KILL, HARM nex (for necs), death. neco, kill. inter-necio, slaughter, extermina- tion. per-nicies, destruction. noceo, harm. nocens, harmful, guilty. in-nocens, harmless, innocent. in-nocentia, harmlessness, innocence. noxia, harm, offense. 50. V NV, NOV, NOW, NEW num, interrogative particle implying a negative answer. nunc, now, Tinder these circum- stances. nuper, newly, lately. novus, new, fresh. re-no vo, renew, begin again. nuntius (for novi-ventius, V YEN), bearer of tidings, news. ntlntio, announce, relate. de-nuntio, announce, order, threaten. e-nuntio, tell in public. pro-nuntio, proclaim. re-nuntio, report, declare elected. 51. \/ PA, FEED pabulum, fodder. pa bulor, forage. pabulator, forager. pabulatio, foraging. 52. V PAC, PAG, FIX pax (for pacs), agreement, treaty, peace. paco, make peaceful, conquer. pacatus, peaceful, conquered. pactum, agreement. pagus, district, canton. 53. V PAR, PREPARE paro, prepare, obtain. ap-paro (&&), prepare for, prepare. im-pero (in + paro), command, de- mand. im-peratum, command. im-perator, commander, general. im-perium, command, authority. ,se-paro, prepare apart, separate. se-paratus, separate. se-paratim, separately. pario, prodtice, effect. 54- V PAV, LITTLE paucl, few. paucitas, fewness. paulum, a little. paulo, by a little, somewhat. paululum, a very little. paulatim, little by little. paulisper,^;- a little while. 55. V PED, TREAD pes (for peels), foot. pedalis, a,foot in measure. pedes, foot-soldier. pedester, of foot-soldiers, on foot, overland. peditatus, infantry. ex-pedio, unfetter, make ready. ex-pedltus, unencumbered, lightly eqtiipped. ex-peditio, expedition. im-pedio (in), fetter, hinder. im-peditus, burdened, pathless. im-pedimentum, obstruction. WORD-GROUPS 413 op-pidum (ob), walled town, strong- hold. op-pidanus, of a town., 56. V PEL, PVL, DRIVE pello, drive. ap-pello (ad), drive to. com-pello, drive together, collect. de-pello, drive down, remove. ex-pello, drive out. im-pell5 (in), drive on, infiitence. im-pulsus, pressure, influence. pro-pello, drive forth, drive away. pro-pulso, drive forth, repel. re-pello, drive back, repel. pulvis, dust. 57. V PER, THROUGH, BRING per, through. peren-dinus (dies), after to-morrow. per-fidia (fides), faithlessness. per-paucl, very few. perltus, experienced, skilled. im-perltus (in-), unskilled, un- acquainted with. periculum, trial, danger. periculosus, full of danger. perlclitor, try, risk. com-perio, find o^lt. ex-perior, try, endure. re-peri6,y?;2flT again, find: pro-pero, hasten. porta, gateway, gate. porto, carry, convey. com-porto, carry together, collect. im-porto (in), carry in, import. portus, harbor. portorium, customs, tariff. op-portfinus (ob + portus), fit, fortunate, opportiine. op-portune, opportzmely. , opportitnity. 58. V PLE, PLV, FILL plenus, full. pleri-que, very many, most. plerum-que, mostly, generally. plebes or plebs, the masses, the com- mon people. com-pleo,_/?// tip, crowd. ex-pie o, fi II out, make good. re-pleo,y?// again, replenish. sup-plementum (sub), that which fills up, reinforcements. plus, more. com-plures, many, several. plurimus, most, very mzich. populus, people, nation. mani-pulus (manus), handful, maniple. mani-pularis, soldier of a ?naniple. 59. V POT, MASTER potius, rather, more. potior, become master of. potestas, power, dominion. possum (for potis, able + sum), be powerful, be able. potens, powerful. potentia, power, a^^thority. potentatus, pozoer. hos-pes (hostis), host,giiest, stranger. hos-pitium, hospitality, friendship. 60. V PRO, PRI, PRAE, BEFORE pro, before. pro-tinus (V TEN), straight for- ward, without pause. procul, far away. prone, with a forward slope. proprius, own, special, characteristic. prior, former, in advance. prius, before. primus, first. primS, at first. 4H WORD-GROUPS primum, first of all. pri-die (dies), on the day before. prin-ceps (primus + capi5), fore- most, chief. prin-cipatus, chief place. pnstinus, previous, old. privatus, private, isolated. privatim, privately, individually. prae, before, in comparison with, on account of. praeter, beyond, except. praeter-ea (is), besides. prae-cipio (capio), take in advance, direct. prae-ceptum, direction. prae-ceps (V CAP), headlong. prae-cipuus (V CAP), special. prae-cipue, especially. praeco (prae + dico), herald. praemium (for prae-emium), ad- vantage, prize. praesertim, especially. praesto, at hand, present. praetor (V i), leader, praetor. praetorius, praetorian. 6l. V PVG, FIGHT pugno, fight. pugna, fight. de-pugnd, fight a decisive battle. ex-pugno, take by storm. ex-pugnatio, taking, storming. . im-pugno (in), assail. op-pugno (ob), assault. op-pugnatio, assault. pro -pugno, repel attack. pro-pugnator, defender. re-pugno, make resistance. 62. V RAP, SNATCH rapina, robbery. rapiditas, rush, swiftness. ad-ripio (rapio, snatcJi), snatch. di-ripio, tear to pieces, plunder. e-ripio, snatch out, rescue. 63. V REG, STRETCH, GUIDE rego, direct, control. rectus, straight. recte, rightly, safely. regio, direction, neighborhood, re- gion. de-rigo, straighten out. de-rectus, straight. de-recte, straight. e-rigo, raise up. pergo (per + rego), press on, pro- ceed. por-rigo (por- = pro + rego), stretch forth, extend. rex (for regs), king, chief. regius, of a king.. regnum, kingly power, kingdom. regno, be king. 64. V RVP, BREAK cor-rumpo (com- + rumpo, break), destroy, ruin. e-rumpo, cause to break out, rtish out. e-ruptio, sally, sortie. in-rumpd, break in. in-ruptio, breaking in, incursion. per-rumpo, break through. prae-rumpo, break off. prae-ruptus, abrript, rugged. rupes, cliff, rock. 65. V SAC, SACRED sacer-dos (V DA, give} , priest. sacramentum, oath. sacri-ficium (V FAC), sacrifice. sancio, make sacred, enact. sanctus, consecrated, inviolable. ob-secro, beseech, conjure. WORD-GROUPS 415. 66. V SCI, SCID, SPLIT scio, distinguish, know. scienter, skilfully. scientia, knowledge. con-scientia, consciousness. con-scius, conscious, aware. in-sciens, not knowing: Tn-scientia, lack of knowledge, inex- perience. In-scius, not knowing. a-scisc5 (ad -f scisco, approve}, receive to oneself, accept. con-scisco (com- -f- scisco, ap- prove}, approve of, decide upon. re-scisco, find out, learn. scindo, split, tear up, break down. re-scindo, cut down, tear apart. 67. V SCV, CV, COVER scutum, shield. custos, guard. custodia, guard. custodio, guard. 68. V SEC, FOLLOW sequor, follow. secundus, following, second, favor- able. secundum, following, along, besides. sector, follow eagerly, hunt. con-sequor (com-), follow, come up with, obtain. ex-sequor, folloiu out, carry out. In-sequor, follotv upon, pursue, press ^lpon. per-sequor, follow through, pursue, avenge. pro-sequor, follow fonuard, see off. socius, associate, ally. societas, association, league. 69. V SEC, CUT sec5, sectio, booty. sectura, digging, quarry, mine. de-seco, cut off. securis, ax. saxum (for secsum), large stone, rock. 70. V SED, SID, SIT sedes, abode. ad-siduus, sitting beside, incessant. con-sido (com-), take a position, make a home. de-sidia, idleness, indolence. In-sidiae, ambush, artifice. in-sidior, lie in ambush. ob-sideo, besiege, obstruct. ob-sidio, siege. ob-sessio, siege. ob-ses (for ob-sids), hostage. pos-sideo (por- = pro), occupy, man. pos-sessio, ownership, property. pos-sido, take possession of, seize. prae-sidium, defense, garrison. re-sideo, be left, abide. re-sido, settle down, grow calm. sub-sidium, reserve, aid, relief. sub-sido, settle down, stay. super-sedeo, sit above, refrain from. 71. V SEM, SIM, TOGETHER, LIKE semel, once. semper, always, ever. similis, like. con-similis (com-), very similar. simul, at once, at the same time. similitud5, likeness. simulo, counterfeit, pretend. dis-simulo, disguise, keep secret. siniulatio, pretense. simulacrum, likeness, effigy. simultas, rivalry. singull, one at a time. singularis, solitary, remarkable. singillatim, one by one. 416 WORD-GROUPS 72. V SPEC, SEE, SPY species, appearance, display. specto, /0>, consider. speculor, observe, spy. speculator, j#y. speculatorius, y^r spying. con-spicio (com-) , get sight of, notice. con-spectus, sight. con-spicor, get sight of, notice. de-spicio, look down on, despise. de-spectus, prospect, view. di-spicio (dis-), descry. ex-specto, look out for, await. in-specto, look at, watch. per-spicio, look through, see clearly. pro-spicio, look forward, watch, pro- vide. pro-spectus, outlook, sight. re-spicio, look back, contemplate, consider. su-splcio (sub), mistrust, distrust. su-spicor, suspect, conjecture. 73. V STA, STAND sto, stand. con-sto, stand together, be established. con-stanter, consistently, firmly. con-stantia, firmness. ex-sto, stand forth. in-sto, press on, be at hand. per -sto, stand firm, persist. prae-sto, stand before, excel, main- tain. stabilio, make firm. stabilitas, _^7'jwy.r. In-stabilis, unsteady. Static, station, guard. statim, on the spot, instantly. status, attitude. statiira, height, stature. statuo, set up, decide, order. con-stituo (com- + statuo), station, decide. de-stituo, set down, abandon. in-stituo, put in place, begin, teach. in-stitutum, custom, habit. re-stituo, replace, restore, renew. ab-sisto, hold aloof. ad-sisto, stand near. con-sisto (com-), take one's stand, remain. de-sisto, stand off, give up. ex-sisto, come forth, spring up. In-sisto, take a stand on. ob-sisto, stand in the way, with- stand. re-sisto, stay behind, make a stand, withstand. re-sistens, enduring, resolute. sub-sisto, stand firm, resist. de-stin5, make fast, detail. ob-stinate, firmly. 74. V TEN, STRETCH tenuis, stretched, thin, feeble. tenuiter, thinly. tenuitas, thinness, scarcity, poverty. tener, tender, flexible. teneo, hold. abs-tineo, hold away, refrain. con-tine5 (com- + teneo), hold to- gether, surround, keep. con-tinens, contiguous, uninter- rupted. con-tinens, mainland. con-tinenter, uninterruptedly. con-tinentia, self-control. con-tentus, satisfied. con-tinuus, successive. con-tinuo, without delay. con-tiuuatio, duration. ob-tineo, hold, maintain. per-tineo, extend, tend, pertain. per-tinacia, persistence, obstinacy. pro-tinus, straight forward, -without pause. re-tineo, hold back. WORD-GROUPS 417 sus-tineo (subs- = sub + teneo), hold up, check, -withstand. sus-tento, sustain, hold out. tendo, stretch out. con-tendo (com-), strive, hurry, fight. con-tentio, struggle. os-tend 5 (obs-=ob), stretch toward, show, declare. os-tento, show, display. os-tentatio, display, pride. 75. V TRAH, DRAG, DRAW traho, drag. con-trahd (com-), draw together, collect, contract. de-traho, drag down, remove. dis-traho, draw apart, pull to pieces, tear away. ex-traho, draw out, waste in delay. re-traho, drag back, bring back. sub-traho, draw from below, take aivay. 76. V VEH, MOVE, CARRY vehementer, violently, greatly. vectorius, for transport. vectlgalis, paying tribttte, tributary. vectlgal, tribute, tax. vexo, harass. velum (for vexlum), sail. vexillum, banner. con-veho (com-), carry together, store. de-veho, carry down, convey. pro-veho, carry forward. sub-veho, bring ^tp, transport. sub-vectio, transportation. 77. V VEN, COME venio, come. ventitp, come often. ad-ventus, arrival. circum-venio, come around. 2E con- venio (com-), come together. con-ventus, meeting. contio (for co-ventio), assembly, speech. de- venio, come down, arrive. e-venio, come out. e-ventus, otttcome, result. in-veni5, come upon, learn. in-ventor, discoverer. inter-venio, come between. inter-ventus, coming between. ob-venio, come against, meet. per-venio, come through, arrive. pro-venio, come forth, grow. pro-ventus, result. sub-venio, come to help. nuntius (for novi-ventius, \/ NOV), bearer of tidings, neivs. 78. V VERT, TURN verto, turn. versus, toward. versus, line, verse. vers5, keep turning. a-verto, turn away. a- versus, turned away. ad-verto, titrn toward. ad-versus, turned toward, opposite, unfavorable. ad-versus, in opposition to, against. ad-versarius, opponent. anim-advert5 (animus), turn the mind to, notice. con-verto (com-), turn about, alter. dl-versus, turned different ways, straggling. introrsus (for intro-versus), within, inside. prae-verto, attend to first. quoque-versus (quisque), in every direction, everywhere. re-vertor, turn back, return. riirsus (for re-versus), back, again, on the other hand. , WORD-GROUPS trans-versus, turned across, trans- verse. uni-versus (unus), all together. 79. V VID, SEE video, see. in-video, look askance at, envy. in-vidia, envy, ill will. pro-video, foresee, prepare, look- out for. prudentia (for pro-videntia), fore- sight, discretion. im-prudens (for in-providens, not foreseeing}, unaware. im-provlsus (in-), not foreseen. im-proviso, unexpectedly, s^^ddenly. 80. V VOL, WILL, WISH volo, will, wish. voluntas, will, wish, inclination. voluntarius, willing, volunteer. voluptas, satisfaction, enjoyment. vel, or (if you wilt), even. vel-ut, even as,jttstas. malo (for magis volo), wish rather, prefer. . n51o (for ne-volo), not wish, be ^tn- willing., qui-vis, any you please. VOCABULARY A., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Aulus, Aulus. *a, ab, abs (a only before conso- nants ; ab before vowels and most consonants ; abs rare, except in compounds and the phrase abs te), prep, with abl., from, away from ; in the direction of, near, at, on, in ; after ; by, at the hands of; sometimes with force of an adv., away ; a fronte, in front; ab utroque latere, on both sides ; a pueris, from boyhood ; a mill- bus passuum octo, eight miles away. In comp., from, away ; in adjectives and nouns often has a negative force. *abditus, -a, -um [part, of abdo], hidden, concealed. *abdo, -dere, -didi, -ditus [ab + -do, put], put away, hide; se abdere, take reftige, commonly used with in and the ace. abduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [ab + duco], lead away, take away. abeo, -ire, -ivi(-ii), -iturus [ab + eo], go away, go off, depart. abicio, -icere, -iecl, -iectus [ab + iacio], throw away, throw down, hurl (from oneself). abies, -ietis, i.,fir (tree or wood). abiungo, -iungere, -iunxl, -iunctus [ab -f iungo], separate, detach. abs, see a, ab, abs. abscido, -cidere, -cidi, -cisus [abs + caedo], cut away, cut off, cut. *absens, -entis [part, of absum], adj., absent. absimilis, -e [ab + similis], tinlike. ' absisto, -sistere, -stiti [ab + sistd, cause to stand~\, take position away, hold aloof. abstineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [abs + teneo], hold away, keep away ; refrain, abstain ; a mu- lieribus abstinere, spare the women. abstrah5, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus [abs + traho], drag aivay, carry off. *absum, abesse, afui, afuturus [ab -f sum], be away, be absent, be distant; remain away ; be lack- ing; ab hoc consilio abesse, not be concerned in this scheme; a bello abesse, be exempt from the duty of fighting. abundo, -are, -avi [ab + undo, surge ; cf. unda, wave], overfloiv ; abound, be supplied. ac, see atque. *accedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [ad + cedo], go towards, come towards, approach ; arrive, come ; be added (equivalent to pass, of addo) ; accedit quod, there is the additional reason that, besides; accedit ut, there is the additional fact that, besides. accelero, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + 419 42O VOCABULARY celero, quicken; cf. celer], hasten, make haste. *acceptus, -a, -um [part, of accipio], acceptable, beloved; plebl accep- tus, popular. *accido, -cidere, -cidi [ad + cado], fall to ; fall ; befall; happen, come to pass, turn out ; casu accidit ut, it chanced that. accido, -cidere, -cidi, -clsus [ad -f caedo], cut at, cut into, cut partly through. *accipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [ad + capio], take, receive, accept, get; suffer, undergo; hear of, learn. acclivis, -e [ad + clivus], sloping upward, ascending. acclivitas, -atis [acclivis], f., ascent, slope. Acco, -6nis, m., Acco, a chief among the Senones. *accommodatus, -a, -um [part, of accommodo], fitted, adapted, suit- able. *accommodo, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + commodo, accommodate; cf. corn- modus],^/ on, adjust. accurate [accuratus, careful'], adv., carefully, accurately. accurro, -currere, -curri or -cucurri, -cursus [ad + curro, rwi\, rim to; run (towards); ride ttp. *accuso, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + causa], accuse, blame, chide. acerbe [acerbus], adv., bitterly, harshly, painfully; acerbius ferre, suffer too severely from. acerbitas, -atis [acerbus], f., bitter- ness, severity, pain; pi., suffer- ings. acerbus, -a, -um [acer, sharp}, bitter, harsh. acerrime, sup. of acriter. acervus, -I, TO.., pile, heap. *acies, -el [cf. acer, sharp"}, f., sharp edge, keenness ; battle-line, array ; army ; battle ; prima acies, front rank; acies OCUlorum, glare of the eyes; triplex acies, triple line, see Introd., p. 44. *acriter [acer, sharp], adv., sharply, keenly, fiercely; vigorously, cour- ageously. actuarius, -a, -um [ago], driven, swift; navis actuaria, swift vessel, propelled by both sails and oars. actus, -a, -um, part, of ago. acutus, -a, -um [part, of acuo, sharpen~\, sharpened^ sharp. *ad, prep, with ace., to, towards, to the vicinity of; near, with, among, at; of time, up to, until, by, at; often with a gerund or gerundive, for the purpose of, in order to, for ; according to, as to, in regard to ; with numerals, to, as many as, aboztt; usque ad, see usque; ad hunc modum, in this manner, to this effect; quern ad modum, how ? as; ad extremum, at last; ad tempus, on time; ad Idus Aprflis, on the Ides of April. In comp., to, towards, near, at, besides, etc. adactus, -a, -um, part, of adigo. *adaequo, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + aequo], make equal; become equal, be equal ; equal; keep tip with. adamo, -are, -avi, -atus [ad+ amo, love~},fall in love with, take a lik- ing to. addo, -dere, -didi, -ditus [ad + -do, put}, put to, place on, make addi- tions, add; say besides. *adduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [ad + duco], lead to, lead towards, lead, draw towards, bring, bring along; draw tight, stretch ; chiefly in pass., induce, influence. VOCABULARY 421 ademptus, -a, -um, part, of adimo. adeo [ad -f- adv. eo], adv., to that point, to such a degree, so, so imich, so far ; even. *adeo, -ire, -ivi (-if), -itus [ad + eo], go to, get near, approach; visit, get at ; accost; adeptus, -a, -um, part, of adipiscor. adequito, -are, -avi [ad + equito, ride~\, ride (towards). adf ectus, -&, -um, part, of adficiS. *adfer5, adf erre, attuli, adlatus [ad + fero], bring to, carry to, bring, carry ; bring forward, cite, an- noiince; cause, produce. adficio, -ficere, -feel, -fectus [ad + facio], do to ; affect, delight, afflict, distress; treat; supplicio adfi- cere, prmish ; beneficio adf ectus, treated kindly. adf igo, -figere, -f Ixi, -fixus [ad + figo, fix], fasten to, attach. adfingo, -fingere, -finxl, -fictus [ad + fingo], make tip in addi- tion, add falsely. adfinitas, -atis [adfinis, related by marriage\, f., relationship by mar- riage, alliance. adf irmatid, -onis [adfTrmo, strength- en^, f., assurance, statement. adfixus, -a, -um, part, of adflgo. adflicto, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of adfligo], dash against; strand, wreck. adfligo, -fligere, -flixi, -flictus [ad + fligo, strike~\, strike against, dash against; damage; over- throw. adf ore, fut. inf. of adsum. *adgredior, -gredi, -gressus [ad + gradior, step~\, move towards, ap- proach; attack; try. adgrego, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + grego, collect into a herd; cf. grex, herd~\, collect ; join to, at- tach ; signis se adgregare, gather around the standards. adhaerescS, -haerescere, -haesi [inchoative of adhaereo, cling to~\, stick. *adhibeo, -hibere, -hibui, -hibitus [ad + habeo], hold to ; have with (oneself); retain, detain; sum- mon, admit ; apply to, make use of. adhortor, -an, -atus [ad + hortor], encourage, exhort, urge, arouse; address. adhuc [ad + hue], adv., to this point; thus far ; up to this time, hitherto. adiaceo, -iacere, -iacui [ad + iaceo], lie near, be adjacent. Adiatunnus, -I, m., Adiatunnus, a chief among the Sotiates. adici5, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [ad + iacio], throw to, throw beside, throw; buildup, throw Tip, add; adiecta planitie, with a plain adjoining. *adigo, -igere, -egi, -actus [ad + ago], drive to, bring to, bring near; hurl to; drive in, drive down ; ad ius iurandum adigere, force to take oath. *adimo, -imere, -emi, -emptus [ad + em5], take to oneself; remove, take away ; destroy. adipiscor, -ipisci, -eptus [ad + apiscor, reach after\, arrive at; gain. *aditus,-US [adeo], n\.,approach, ar- rival, meeting; way of approach, ' entrance, access; admittance, privi- lege of association. adiudicS, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + iudico], adjudge, award. adiungo, -iungere, -iunxi, -iunctus [ad+ inngo~\, join to, join with; win over, take as ally ; annex. 422 VOCABULARY adiutor, -oris [adiuvo], m., helper, mediator. *adiuv5, -iuvare, -iuvi, -iutus [ad + iuvo], help, be of assistance ; fur- ther, support. adlatus, -a, -um, part, of adf er5. adlicio, -licere, -lexi, -lectus [ad + lacio, entice"] t allure, entice. administer, -tri [ad + minister, serv- ant; cf. minus], m., assistant, helper. *administr6, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + ministro, serve~\, manage, direct ; perform, carry otit ; manage affairs; imperia administrate, perform the duties of commander; rem publicam administrare, con- duct public affairs. *admirandus, -a, -um [part, of ad- nnror], wonderful, surprising. *admiror, -an, -atus [ad + mlror], wonder, feel surprise ; wonder at, admire. admitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [ad-j-mitto], send to, let in, admit ; permit, incur ; commit ; equo ad- misso, with horse at full speed. admodum [ad + modus], adv., to the limit, to a high degree, very much, very, especially, particu- larly ; at least, about. admoneo, -monere, -monui, -moni- tus [ad + moneo], warn, advise. *adolesco, -olescere, -olevi, -ultus [ad + olesco, grow], grow up, de- come full-grown. *adorior, -oriri, -ortus [ad -f orior], ' rise, rise against, attack. adquiro, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisltus [ad + quaero], seek in addition, gain; aliquid adquirere, gain some advantage. adripio, -ripere, -ripui, -reptus [ad + rapio, sna.tcJi\, snatch, catch hurriedly, seize. adroganter [adrogans, assuming], adv., presTimptiwusly, imperti- nently. adrogantia, -ae [adrogans, assum- ' ing~\, f., prestimption, arrogance, insolence. adsiduus, -a, -um [adsideo, sit be- side^ , sitting beside ; constant, con- tinual, incessant. adsisto, -sistere, -stiti [ad + sisto, cause to stand~\, take a- stand, stand near. adsuefacio, -facere, -feel, -factus [adsuetus, part, of adsuesco + facio], make accustomed, train, inure ; pass., grow accustomed. adsuesco, -suescere, -suevi, -suetus [ad + suesco, become accustomed~\, accustom ; grow accristomed. adsum, -esse, -fui, -futurus [ad + sum], be near, be present, be (in a place) ; often equivalent to have arrived ; stand by, help, sustain. *adulescens, -entis [part, of ado- lesco], &&}.,young; as subst., m. and L, young man, yotmg woman; often with proper names, the younger, to distinguish from older persons of the same name. adulescentia, -ae [adulescens], f., youthfttlness, youth. adulescentulus, -i [dim. of adules- eens], m., very young man, youth, stripling. *adventus, -us [advenio, arrive], m., arrival, coming, approach. adversarius, -a, -um [adversus], op- posing; as subst., m., opponent, adversary. *adversus, -a, -um [part, of adverto], turned against, opposing, opposite ; unfavorable, adverse ; adverse flu- mine, up-stream ; adversis hosti- bus, the enemy, face to face ; ad- versa nocte, in the face of the VOCABULARY 423 night; in adversum 6s, full in the face. *adversus [adversus], prep, with ace., against, in opposition to. *adverto, -vertere, -verti, -versus [ad + verto], turn towards ; animum advertere, turn the mind to, i.e. observe, notice (cf. animadverts) . advoco, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + voco], call to ; call, summon. advolo, -are, -avi, -atus [ad + volo, fly\,fly to; hasten, rush. *aedificium, -I [aedifico], n., build- ing, house. *aedific5, -are, -avi, -atus [aedes, building + facio], build a house, build. *aeger, -gra, -grum, sick, ill, -weak, siiffering. *aegre [aeger], adv., painfully, with difficTilty, barely ; sup. aegerrime } ivith the utmost difficulty. Aemilius, -I, m., Aemilius, a Roman nomen; Lucius Aemilius, prob- ably an enfranchised Gaul, decu- rion of cavalry in Caesar' j army. aequaliter [aequalis, equal~\, adv., evenly, uniformly. aequinoctium, -I [aequus + nox], n., the time when day and night are equal, equinox. aequitas, -atis [aequus], f., uni- formity, eqiiality ; justice ; animi aequitas, calmness of mind, equa- nimity. aequ5, -are, -avi, -atus [aequus], make level, make eqtial, equalize. *aequus, -a, -um, level, plain; equal ; favorable, fair, just; aequo animo, with calmness of mind, with eqiianimity ; aequo Marte, in an ei'enly balanced conjlict. aeraria, -ae [aerarius, of copper~\, f., copper -mine, mine. aes, aeris, n., copper, bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) ; money ; aes alienum, debt (another's money). *aestas, -atis [cf. aestus], f., heat, summer. aestimatiS, -onis [aestimo], f., -valu- ation, estimate. aestimo, -are, -avi, -atus, determine the value of, estimate, judge ; con- sider, think. aestivus, -a, -um [aestas], of sum- mer, summer. aestuarium, -i [aestus], n., inlet (where the tide flows in), salt marsh, estuary. *aestus, -us [cf. aestas], m., heat-; seething, swell (of the sea), tide. aetas, -atis [old form aevitas, from aevum, age~\ } f., time of life, age ; old age. aeternus, -a, -um [for aeviternus, from aevum, age], everlasting, end- less. Africus, -a, -um [Africa, Africa], African; as subst. (sc. ventus), m., southwest wind (blowing from Africa towards Italy). afuisse, perf. inf. of absum. afuturus, -a, -um, see absum. Agedincum, -I, n., Agedincum, the principal town of the Senones, now Sens, on the Yonne. *ager, -gri, m., land, soil ; coiintry, territory, district, region; pi., land, lands, cotmtry ; agrlsolum, the bare ground; agri cultura, farming, agriculture. *agger, -eris [ad + gero], m., heap, mound; dike, mole, rampart; espe- cially, terrace or elevated roadway, built of wood, earth, and stones, on which were placed besieging en- gines (see Introd., p. 47) ; material for a rampart or terrace, earth, timber. 424 VOCABULARY agito, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of ago], set in violent motion ; bring up for discussion, discuss. *agmen, -minis [ag5], n., marching army, column ; line of march, march; primum agmen, van ; ex- tremum or novissimum agmen, rear. *ago, agere, egi, actus, set in motion; drive, pursue ; conduct, lead; push forward, bring forward ; drive down, drive in; drive away; treat, discuss, negotiate; do, act, manage; construct, build; con- ventus agere, hold court; gratias agere, express thanks. *alacer, ,-cris, -ere, lively, eager, ready. alacritas, -atis [alacer], f., eagerness, spirit, energy. alarius, -a, -um [ala, wing], belong- ing to the wing; as subst., m. pi., aiixiliary troops, auxiliaries, so called because their proper station in battle was on the wings of the army. albus, -a, -um, white; plumbum album (white lead"), tin. alces, -is, f., elk. Alesia, -ae, f., Alesia, a town of the Mandubii, now A Use Sainte JReine, northwest of Dijon. ali-, an indefinite prefix. *alias [alius], adv., at another time, otherwise; alias . . . alias, at one time . . . at another time, some- times . . . sometimes, now . . . now. alieno, -are, -avi, -atus [alienus], make another' 1 s ; make unfriendly, estrange, alienate; deprive of rea- son, drive insane. *alienus, -a, -um [alius], another's, belonging to other people ; untimely, unfavorable ; alien, hostile ; alie- nissimi, -5rum, m. pi., utter strangers; aes alienum, see aes. *alio [alius], adv., to another place, else^vhere. aliquamdiu [aliquis + diu], adv., for some time, for a time, a while. aliquandd [ali- + quando], adv., at some time or other, once ; at length. aliquanto [aliquantus], adv., by some- thing, by a little, .somewhat. aliquantus, -a, -um [ali- + quantus], some, considerable; as subst., n., something, a little; aliquantum itineris, some distance. *aliquis (-qui), -qua, -quid (-quod) [ali- + quis (qui)], indef. pron., some one, any one ; something, any- thing; some, any ; aliquid novi consili, some new plan; aliquid, as adv., somewhat. *aliquot [ali- + quot], indecl. adj., some, several, a few. *aliter [alius], adv., in another way, otherwise; aliter ac, otherwise than, differently from ; aliter se habere, be different. *alius, -a, -ud, another, other, differ- ent, else, any other ; alius . . . alius, one . . . another ; alii . . . alii, some . . . others ; alius alia causa inlata, one giving one rea- son, another another ; cum alius alii subsidium ferret, since they helped one another ; alius atque (ac), other than, different from. Allobroges, -um, m. pi., the Allob- roges, a Gallic tribe in the northeastern part of the Roman province. alo, alere, alui, altus or alitus, feed, sustain, support; increase; cherish ; raise ; continue. Alpes, -ium, f. pi., the Alps, moun- tains separating Cisalpine Gaul VOCABULARY 425 from Transalpine Gaul and Ger- many. *alter, -era, -erum, the other, one (of two) ; second; another; alter . . . alter, the one . . . the other ; alterl . . . alteri, the one party . . . the other party. alternus, -a, -um [alter], one after . the other, alternate. *altitudo, -dinis [altus], f., height, al- titude ; depth ; thickness ; in alti- tudinem, in height (depth). *altus, -a, -um [part, of alo, lit. nour- ished, grown great], high, lofty ; deep ; as subst, n.-, the deep, the sea. alula, -ae [cf. alumen, alum"], f., soft leather, prepared with alum. ambactus, -I, m., dependent, follower, vassal, slave. Ambarri, -Drum [Celtic, dwellers on both sides of the Arar~\, m. pi., the Ambarri, a Gallic tribe near the Haedui on the Arar (Saone). ambi- [cf. ambo], an inseparable prefix, around, round aboztt. Ambiani, -orum, m. pi., the Ambi- ani, a Belgic tribe. Ambibarii, -orum, m. pi., the Ambi- barii, a Gallic tribe on or near the English Channel. Ambiliati, -orum, m. pi., the Am- biliati, a Gallic tribe, perhaps on the left bank of the Liger (Loire). Ambiorix, -igis [Celtic, king of the ramparts'], m., Ambiorix, king of a part of the Eburones. Ambivareti, -orum, m. pi., the Am- bivareti, a Gallic tribe, probably near the Haedui on the Liger (Loire) . Ambivariti, -orum, m. pi., the Ambi- variti, a Belgic tribe, probably on the left bank of the Mosa (Meuse). ambo, -ae, -6 [cf. ambi-], adj., both (of two closely associated; cf. uterque). amentia, -ae [amens, mad, from a -f- mens], f., madness, frenzy, folly. amentum, -I, n., strap, thong, used to give a whirling motion to a javelin. *amicitia, -ae [amlcus], f., friend- ship ; alliance, league. *amicus, -a, -um [amo, love~\, friendly, devoted; as subst., m., friend, ally. *amitt5, -mittere, -misi, -missus [a + mitto], let go away, send away, dismiss ; let go by, lose; -abandon. amor, -oris [amo, love~\, m., love, affection. *ample [amplus], adv., largely; liberally, munificently; comp. amplius, more, longer ; besides. amplifico, -are, -avi, -atus [am- plus + facio], increase, extend. amplitude, -dinis [amplus], f., size, breadth; greatness, dignity, might. amplius, see amplus and ample. * amplus, -a, -um, of great extent, ample, abundant; numerous ; dis- tinguished, illustrious ; magnifi- cent; comp. amplius, as subst., n., more. *an, conj., or, introducing the second part of a double ques- tion ; utrum (-ne) . . . an, whether . . . or; sometimes the first part of the question is sup- pressed, and the force of an can be given by some turn to the translation, e.g. an speculandl causa, (for some other reason) or for the purpose of spying, i.e. was it really to spy ? Anartes, -ium, m. pi., the Anartes, 426 VOCABULARY a tribe in .Dacia, in what is now Hungary. Ancalites, -um, m. pi., the Ancali- tes, a tribe in Britain, south of the Thames. *anceps, -cipitis [ambi- + caput], adj., -with two heads ; double, two- fold ; doubtful, uncertain. *ancora, -ae, f., anchor ; in ancoris, at anchor. Andebrogius, -I, m., .Andebrogius, a prominent man among the Remi. Andes, -ium, or Andl, -orum, m. pi., the Andes, or Andi, a Gallic tribe north of the Liger (Loire). The name survives in the modern Anjou. anfractus, -iis, m., turn, circuitous route. angulus, -l, m., angle, corner, bend. *anguste [angustus], adv., narrowly, within a .narrow space, in close quarters ; stintingly. *angustiae, -arum [angustus], f. pi., narrowness, narrow place, narrow pass, dejile ; difficulty, perplexity. * angustus, -a, -um [ango, press tight], narrow, small, scanty; difficult ; in angusto, at a crisis. anima, -ae [cf. animus], f., breatli; life, soul. * animadverts, -vertere, -verti, -versus [animus + adverto], turn the thoughts toward, give attention . to, notice, perceive ; animadver- tere in, take notice of, take measures against, punish ; cf. animum advertere. animal, -alis [cf. anima], n., living being, animal. * animus, -i [cf. anima], m., inspi- ration, spirit ; feelings, thoughts, inclination, character ; heart, will, purpose; spirit, courage, pluck ; consciousness, mind; bono animo videri, seem well-disposed ; animi causa, for amusement; ani- mum advertere, see adverto. ann5tinus, -a, -um [annus], belong- ing to last year, a year old. * annus, -I, m., year. annuus, -a, -um [annus], belonging to a year, for a year, yearly, annual. anser, -eris, m., goose. *ante: (l) adv., before, earlier, pre- viously ; paulo ante, a short time before, a little while ago ; (2) prep, with ace., before (of place or time), in front of; ante exactam hie- mem, before the winter was gone. In comp., before, rather than, in preference to. antea [ante + is], adv., before, formerly, previously, earlier, once. antecedo, -cedere, -cessl, -cessus [ante + ced6],0 before, precede, march in advance ; proceed ; sur- pass. antecursor, -oris [antecurro, run before~\, m., forerunner ; pi., ad- vance-guard. antefero, -ferre, -tuli, -latus [ante + fero], bear before, place before ; prefer. antemna, -ae, f., sail-yard. antepono, -ponere, -posui, -positus [ante + pono],//^i? before ; con- sider more important, prefer. anteverto, -vertere, -verti, versus [ante + verto],// bipedalis, -e [bi |- pedalis], tivo feet in measure, of two feet, two feet thick. *bis [cf. bi-], adv., twice. Bituriges, -um, m. pi., the Bituriges, an important tribe of central Gaul. Boduognatus, -l, m., Boduognatus, a chief of the Nervii. B5ii, B6i5rum, m. pi., the Boii, a Gallic tribe, which was finally settled in the territory of the Haedui, perhaps in the angle be- tween the Elaver (Allier) and the Liger (Loire). bonitas, -atis [bonus], f., goodness, richness, fertility. * bonus, -a, -van., good ; faithful, reli- able ; favorable ; friendly, kindly ; bonus animus, good will ; ' as subst., n., good, advantage ; n. pi., goods, property, possessions. bos, bovis, m. and f., ox, cow; pi., cattle. *bracchium, -l, n., forearm, arm. Brannovices, -um, m. pi., Branno- vices ; see Aulercus. Bratuspantium, -i, n., Bratuspan- tium, a town of the Bellovaci, perhaps near the modern Breteuil. * brevis, -e, short, brief; brevi, in a short time, within a short space. brevitas, -atis [brevis], i., shortness, brevity ; low stature. * breviter [brevis], adv., briefly, in few words, tersely. Britanni, -orum, m. pi., the Britons, the people of Britannia. Britannia, -ae [Britanni], f., Britain, the island now including Eng- land, Scotland, and Wales. See Introd., p. 29. Britannicus, -a, -um [Britanni], of the Britons, of Britain, Britan- nic, British. bruma, -ae [for brevuma, old sup. of brevis], f., shortest day of the year, winter solstice ; winter. Brutus, -i, m., Brzttus, a Roman cognomen ; Decimus Junius Bru- tus, an able legate under Caesar, afterwards one of his murderers. C., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Gaius, Gains. Caburus, -i, m., Cabtirus; see Vale- rius. cacumen, -minis, n., extremity; top. cadaver, -eris {cado], n., corpse. * cado, cadere, cecidi, casurus,/?/// fall dead, be slain. Cadurcus, -I, m., a Cadurcan ; pi., the Cadurci, the Cadurcans, a small Gallic tribe near the Roman province, caedes, -is [caedo],f., cutting down, killing, slaughter, massacre. * caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus, cut, cut down. caelestis, -e. [caelum, heaven~\, of ' heaven, heavenly ; as subst., m. pi., gods. Caemani, -5rum, m. pi., the Cae- mani, a tribe of the Belgae, some- times classed as Germans. 432 VOCABULARY caerimonia, -ae, f., sacred rite, cere- monial. Caeroesi, -orum, m. pi., the Caeroesi, a tribe of the Belgae, sometimes classed as Germans. caeruleus, -a, -um [for caeluleus, from caelum, heaven~\, sky-blue, blue. Caesar, -aris, m., Caesar, a Roman cognomen: (i) Gains Julius Caesar, the conqueror of Gaul (see Introd., p. 8) ; (2) Lucius Julius Caesar, a distant relative of (i), and his legate in 52 B.C. He is thought to be the same Lucius Caesar who was consul in 64 B.C. caespes, -pitis, m., cut sod, turf, clod. caesus, -a, -um, part, of caedo. *calamitas, -atis, f., loss, injury, disaster ; overthrow, defeat. Galetes, -um, or Caletl, -orum, m. pi., the Caletes, or Caleti, an Are- morican tribe on the English Channel, near the mouth of the Sequana (Seine). *callidus, -a, -um [calleo, be ex- perienced^, shrewd, cunning. calo, -onis, m., soldier's servant, camp-follower, driver. campester, -tris, -tre [campus], of a level field, level ; in the plain. campus, -i, m., level place^ open country, field, plain. Camulogenus, -I [Celtic, son of Camulos (the war-god)], m., Camulogenus, an Aulercan leader. Caninius, -I, m., Caninius, a Roman nomen; Gaius Caninius Rebilus, a legate under Caesar. cano, canere, cecim, cantus, sound, sing. Cantaber, -bri, m., a Cantabrian; pi., the Cantabri, the Cantabrians, a tribe of northern Spain. Cantium, -I, n., Cantium, a district in the southeastern part of Britain, now Kent. capillus, -I, m., hair. *capi5, capere, cepi, captus, take, receive; seize, capture, catch; de- ceive, take in; reach, arrive at; move, affect, win over; coniec- turam capere, draw an infer- ence, guess; consilium capere, form a plan ; initium capere a, begin at; quietem capere, rest; dolSrem capere, feel pain. capra, -ae [caper, goaf], f., she-goat. *captivus, -a, -um [capio], taken, captured ; as subst., m., captive, prisoner. captus, -a, -um, part, of capio. captus, -US [capio], m., capacity, standard. *caput, -pitis, n., head; mouth (of a river) ; life ; pi., souls, individu- als, used with numerals; capitis poena, capital ptmishment. Carcaso, -onis, f., Carcaso, a town of the Volcae Tectosages, in the Ro- man province, now Carcassonne. careo, carere, carui, cariturus, "be without, go without.-- carina, -ae, f., keel; bottom. Carnutes, -um, m. pi., the Carnutes, a Gallic tribe north of the Liger (Loire). *caro, carnis, i., flesh, meat. carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus, pick; blame, carp at; divide. *earrus, -I, m., cart, wagon. carus, -a, -um, dear, precious, beloved. Carvilius, -i, m., Carvilius, one of four kings in Cantium (Kent). casa, -ae, f. , hut, cabin. caseus, -I, m., cheese. Cassi, -orum, m. pi., the Cassi, a VOCABULARY 433 tribe in Britain, probably north of the Thames. Cassianus, -a, -um [Cassius], of Cassius, pertaining or belonging to Cassius. cassis, -idis, f., helmet (of metal), used chiefly by the cavalry. See the illustration, p. 37. Cassius, -I, m., Cassius, a Roman nomen; Lucius Cassius Longinus, consul in 107 B.C. Cassivellaunus, -I [Celtic, of supe- rior goodness] , m., Cassivellaunus, leader of the Britons in 54 B.C. In the ancient history of Britain this name appears as Caswallon. *castellum, -I [dim. of castrum, fortified place], n., little fort, post, fortress, redoubt, stronghold; small camp. Casticus, -f, m., Casticus, a chief of the Sequani, son of Catamanta- loedis. * castra, -orum [pi. of castrum, for- tified place], n. pi., military camp, camp; castra navalia, naval camp (to protect a fleet drawn up on shore) ; castra movere, break camp, decamp; castra ponere, pitch camp; quintis castris, in Jive days (at the fifth camp); trina (not tria) castra, three camps. See Introd., p. 41. *casus, -us [cado], m., falling, fall; occurrence, chance, event ; state of affairs; calamity, fate; casu, accidentally. Catamantaloedis, -is, m., Cafaman- taloedis, a Sequanian, for many years king of his people. * Catena, -ae, f., chain, fetter. Caturiges, -um [Celtie, kings of bat- tle], m. pi., the Caturiges, a Gallic tribe living in the Alps. Catuvolcus, -I [Celtic, swift in bat- 2F tie], m., Catuvolcus, king of a part of the Eburones. * causa, -ae, f., cause, reason; pre- text, occasion; condition; case; claim; causa, for the sake of, be- cause of. *caute [cautus, part, of cave5], adv., carefully, cautioiisly, gicardedly. *cautes, -is, f., sharp rock, reef. Cavarillus, -I, m., Cavarillus, a chieftain of the Haedui. Cavarinus, -l, m., Cavarinus, a prominent man among the Se- nones. *caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus, take care, be on guard; de pecunia cavere, give security in regard to money; inter se cavere, exchange pledges. Cavillonum, -i, n., Cavittonum, a town of the Haedui, now Chalon- sur-Saone. Cebenna, -ae, f., the Cevennes, a mountain range in the southern part of Gaul. *cedo, cedere, cessT, cessus, go, move; withdraw, retire, retreat; yield, obey. *celer, -eris, -ere, quick, swift, speedy, s^ldden. *celeritas, -atis [celer], f., quick- ness, swiftness, speed. *celeriter [celer], adv., quickly, swiftly, speedily; immediately, soon. * celo, -are, -avi, -atus, hide, conceal. Celtae, -arum, m. pi., the Celtae, the Celts, the inhabitants of the cen- tral of the three divisions of Gaul. There were Celts in other parts of Gaul also, and in Britain. See Introd., pp. 23, 24. Celtillus, -I, m., Celtillus, an Arver- nian, father of Vercingetorix. Cenabensis, -e [Cenabum], of Cena- 434 VOCABULARY bum, at Cenabum; as subst., m. pi., people of Cenabum. Cenabum, -i, n., Cenabum, a city of the Carnutes, on the Liger (Loire). It was later called Urbs Aurelianensis, whence the modern name Orleans. Cenimagnl, -orum, m. pi., the Ceni- magni, a tribe of Britain. Cenomani, -6rum,m. pi., Cenomani; see Aulercus. censeo, censere, censui, census, tax, estimate; think, determine; suggest, advise, vote, decree ; give judgment, give an opinion. census, -us [censeo], m., registering, enumeration, census. * centum (C), indecl. adj., one hitn- dred. * centurio, -onis [centuria, division of a hundred men, centriry], m., commander of a century, captain, centurion. See Introd., p. 33. cepi, see capio. * cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus (cer- tus), separate; distinguish, make out, discern, see. *certamen, -minis [certo, decide, struggle"], n., battle, contest; ri- valry. * certe [certus], adv., surely, cer- tainly ; at least. * certus, -a, -um [part, of cerno], decided, determined; fixed, defi- nite, accurate; appointed, special; trustworthy, -well-established, cer- tain; certiorem facere, inform, tell, direct; certior fieri, be in- formed, learn; certi quid esset, what was really being done ; pro certo, for a fact. Cervus, -l, m., stag; 'stag's horns,' a defense made of forked branches resembling the horns of a stag. (ceterus), -a, -um, other, the other, the rest ; as subst., m. pi., the others, the rest, everybody else. Ceutrones, -um, m. pi., the Ceu- trones: (i) a Gallic tribe among the Alps; (2) a tribe of the Belgae. Cherusci, -orum, m. pi., the Cherusci, a German tribe. cibarius, -a, -um [cibus], relating to food; as subst., n. pi., food, sup- plies ; molita cibaria, meal. * cibus, -l, m., food, provisions. Cicero, -5nis, m., Cicero, a Roman cognomen ; Quintus Tulliiis Cic- ero, brother of Cicero the orator, was one of Caesar's legates in Gaul. Cimberius, -i, m., Cimberius, a leader of the Suebi. Cimbri, -orum, m. pi., the Cimbri, a German people who invaded Gaul in the second century B.C. Cingetorix, -igis [Celtic, king of warriors'}, m., Cingetorix: (l) a leader among the Treveri ; (2) one of the kings of Cantium (Kent). *cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus, go around, be around, surround; in- close, invest. Cippus, -i, m., stake, pillar, grave- stone. gircinus, -i, m.,pair of compasses. * circiter [circus, circle"] : (i) adv., about, nearly ; (2) prep, with ace., about, around, near. *circuitus, -us [circumeo], m., go- ing around, way around, circtiit, roundabout way ; distance around. * circum [circus, circle], prep, with ace., around, abo^^t; near, in the neighborhood of. ' circumcido, -cidere, -cldl, -cisus [circum + caedo], cut around. circumcisus, -a, -um [part, of cir- cumcido], inaccessible, steep. VOCABULARY 435 circumcludo, -cludere, -clusi, -clusus [circum + claudo], shut in, surround. *circumd5, -dare, -dedi, -datus [circum + -do, put], put around ; surround, encompass. circumduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [circum + duco], lead around ; draw around, trace. circumeo, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [circum + eo], go around, ride around, surround ; visit. circumfundo, -fundere, -fudi, -fusus [circum + fundo], pour around, surround; pass., throng around. circumiciS, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [cir- cum + iacio], throw around, place around. circummitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [circum -f- mitto], send around. circummunio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [cir- cum + rrmnio], wall around, hem in. circumplector, -plecti, -plexus [cir- cum + plecto, interweave], sur- round, encompass. * circumsisto, -sistere, -steti [cir- cum + sisto, cause to stand~\, take stand around, rally around, stand around, surround. circumspiciS, -spicere, -spexi, -spectus [circum + specie, look~\, look about for, look around at ; consider. circumvallo, -are, -avi, -atus [cir- cum + vallo, fortify with a ram- part\, surround with a rampart, blockade, invest. circumvehor, -vehi, -vectus [circum -f veho, carry], be carried around, ride around. * circumvenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [circum + venio], come around, siirround, beset; circum- vent, deceive. cis, prep, with ace., this side, on this side of. Cisalpinus, -a, -um [cis + Alplnus, Alpine (from Alpes)], on this (the Italian) side of the Alps, Cis- alpine ; Cisalpma Gallia, Cis- alpine Gaul, now northern Italy. See Introd., p. 21. Cisrhenanus, -a, -um [cis + Rhe- nanus, pertaining to the Rhine (from Rhenus)], on this (the Gallic) side of the Rhine, Cisrhe- nane. Cita, -ae, m., 'Cita, a Roman cog- nomen ; see Fufius. citatus, -a, -urn [part, of cito, put in swift motion~\, quick, rap'id; sometimes has the force of an adv., swiftly. *citerior, -ius [citer, on this side~], comp. adj., on this side, nearer, hither; Gallia Citerior is equiva- lent to Gallia Cisalpma ; Citerior Hispania, Hither Spain, the east- ern part of Spain (nearer Rome). cito [citus, quick], adv., quickly; sup. citissime, most siuiftly. citra [citer, on this side], prep, with ace., on this side of. citro [citer, on this side], adv., to this side; ultro citroque, to and fro, back and forth. civis, -is, m. and f., citizen ; fellow- citizen. *civitas, -atis [civis], f., condition of a citizen, citizenship ; commu- nity of citizens, state ; nation, tribe. *clam [cf. celo], adv., secretly. clamito, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of clamo, call], call repeatedly, cry out. * clamor, -oris [clamo, call~\, m., loud call, shout, uproar, clamor. 436 VOCABULARY clandestinus, -a, -um [clam], secret, clandestine. clarus, -a, -um, clear ; bright; loud. *classis, -is, f., fleet. Claudius, -l, m., Claudiiis, a Roman nomen ; Appius Claudius Pulcher, consul in 54 B.C. claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus [cf. clavis, key], shut, close; agmen claudere, bring up the rear. clavus, -I [cf. claudo], m., nail, spike. dementia, -ae [clemens, kind], f., kindness, forbearance, mercy. *cliens, -entis, m., dependent, fol- lower, client; pi., dependent tribe, tributaries, vassals. clientela, -ae [cliens], f., relation between patron and client, client- ship, protection; dependency ; de- pendent state, vassals, clivus, -i, m., slope, hill, ascent. Clodius, -I [another form of Clau- dius^, m., Clodius, a Roman nomen; Publius Clodius Pulcher, younger brother of Appius Clau- dius (see Claudius) . Clodius was a bitter enemy of Cicero the orator, and was killed by Milo in a brawl, in January, 52 B.C. Cn.j the abbreviation for the praeno- men Gnaeus, Gnaeus. CO-, see com-. coacervo, -are, -avi, -atus [co- + acervo, heap up~\, heap together, pile up. (coactus, -us), found only in the abl. sing, [cogo], m., compul- sion. coactus, -a, -um, part, of cogo. coagmentS, -are, -avi, -atus [coag- mentum, joining together], fasten together. coarto, -are, -avi. -atus [co- + arto, contract], press together. Cocosates, -um, m. pi., the Cocosates, a tribe of Aquitania. coegi, see cogo. coemo, -emere, -emi, -emptus [co- + emo], ptir chase, buy ^^p. coeo, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [co- + eo], go together, come together. *coepi, coepisse, coeptus, began, undertook, generally used with a dependent inf.; when the inf. is pass., the pass, of coepi is used, e.g. res agi coeptae sunt. The forms of the pres. system are sup- plied by incipio. coerceo, -ercere, -ercui, -ercitus [co- + arceo, inclose], shut in; re- strain, hold in check. cogito, ,-are, -avi, -atus [co- -f-agito], consider thoroughly, think, ponder ; intend, plan ; expect. cognatio, -5nis [cognatus, of the same blood'], f., blood-relationship; family, group of kinsmen. * cognosce, -gnoscere, -gnovi, -gnitus [co- + (g)nosco], get a knowledge of, learn, jind out about; investigate ; in perf., knoiv. * cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus [co- + ago], drive together, bring together, get together, collect; compel, oblige, force. * cohors, -ortis, f., cohort, company (see Introd., p. 31); cohors prae- toria, commander's body-guard. cohortatio, -onis [cohortor], f., in- citing, encouragement. * cohortor, -ari, -atus [co- + hor- tor], incite, encourage; address. *collis, -is, m., rising ground, hill. co!5, colere, colui, cultus, till; honor, worship. coldnia, -ae [colonus, husbandman], f., colony. . . . . color, -or is, m., color. : VOCABULARY 437 com-, CO- [cf. cum], a prefix, with, together ; entirely, thoroughly. comburo, -urere, -ussij -ustus [com- + uro, burn'], burn up, con- sume. comes, -mitis [com- + eo], m., com- panion, comrade. comitia, -5rum [sing, comitium, place of assembly'}, n. pi., assembly of the people tor voting; election. comitor, -ari, -atus [comes], accom- . pany, follow. * commeatus, -us [commeo], ra.,go- . ing to and fro, trip; supplies, pro- visions. commemoro, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + memoro, bring to remembrance'}, bring to mind ; recount, mention. commendo, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + mando], put ttnder one's protec- tion, intrust, commit, commend.. commed, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + meo, go], go back and forth, go about; go. commilito, -onis [com- + miles], m., fellow-soldier. comminus [com- -f manus], adv., hand to hand, at close quarters. commissura, -ae [committo], f., joining, joint. * committo, -mittere, -misi, -mis- sus [com- + mitto] 5 put together, join, unite ; do, act, take measures; risk, intrust; commit ; allow, ad- mit; proelium committere, begin battle. Commius, -l, m., Commitis, an Atre- batian. * commode [commodus], adv., well, suitably, cotiveniently ; effectively, profitably ; easily. *commodum, -I [commodus], n., convenience, profit, advantage, blessing. * commodus, -a, -urn [com-.+ modus], complete; suitable, con- venient, favorable, easy ; service- able, useful. commonef acio, -f acere, -f eci, -f actus [commone5, remind -\- facio], re- mind. commoror, -ari, -atus [com- + moror], delay, stay. *commoveo, -movere, -movi, -mo- tus [com- + moveo], disturb, ex- cite, agitate, impel. communico, -are, -avi, -atus [communis], communicate, im- part, share; unite; consult. communio, -Ire, -Ivi, -itus [com- + milnio], fortify on all sides, make seczire ; biiild. * communis, -e [com- + munus], common, universal, general, be- longing to all ; in common. *commutatio, -5nis [commute], f., changing, change ; reversal. commute, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + miito, change"], change wholly, al- ter ; exchange, replace. * compare, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + paro] , get ready, make ready, pre- pare, prepare for ; provide, pro- cure, acquire, obtain, establish. * compare, -are, -avi, -atus [compar, like], match, compare, coimt equal. *compel!5, -pellere, -pull, -pulsus [com- + pello], drive together, col- lect; drive. compendium, -l [com- + pendo], n., advantage, gain. *comperio, -perire, -peri, -pertus [com- + V PER, cf. experior], learn, find otit about, ascertain, detect. *compertus, -a, -um [part, of com- peri5], established, certain. * comp lector, -plecti, -plexus [com- + plecto, interweqv.e], embrace, include, encircle. 438 VOCABULARY *compleo, -plere, -plevi, -pletu [com-+ -pleo, filf], fill up, fill, crowd; occupy, cover. complexus, -a, -um, part, of complec- tor. *complures, -a or -ia [com- + plus], pi. adj., many, several. * comports, -are, -avi, -atus [com- -f porto], carry together, collect^ bring in. comprehends, -prehendere, -pre- hendi, -prehensus [com- -f pre- bends, grasp], grasp, lay hold of; seize, capture; ignem com- prenendere, catch fire. comprobo, -are, -avi, -atus [com- -f- probo], approve. compulsus, -a, -um, part, of com- pello. *conatum, -i [part, of c5nor], n., undertaking, attempt. conatus, -US [conor], m., attempt. * concede, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [com- + cedo], go away ; yield, give over, grant ; submit; permit. (concessus, -us), found only in the abl. sing, [concede], m., permis- sion. concido, -cidere, -cidi [com- + cado] , fall down, fall; be slain. * concido, -cidere, -cidi, -clsus [com- + caedo], cut to pieces ; cut up, intersect ; kill. *concilio, -are, -avi, -atus [conci- lium], call together; make friendly, reconcile, -win . over ; establish, bring about ; gain. * concilium, -I, n., assembly, meet- ing, council. concisus, -a, -um, part, of concido. concito, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of concio, call together~\, rouse, incite. *conclamo, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + clamo, call~\, cry out, call out, exclaim, shout; call. conclusus, -a, -um [part, of con- cludo, shut iit\, inclosed. Conconnetodumnus, -I, m., Concon- netodumnus, a desperado, of the tribe of the Carnutes. concrepo, -crepare, -crepui, -crepi- tus [com- + crepo, rattle], clash. *concurro, -currere, -curri or -cu- cum, -cursus [com- + curro, run], run together, run up; rush, hurry ; fiock. concurso, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of. concurro], run to and fro, run about. *concursus, -us [concurro], m., running together, thronging ; en~ counter, collision,' onset, attack; tunnilt. concursus, -a, -um, part, of concurro. condemno, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + damno], condemn, convict. *condicio, -onis [com- and cf. dico], f. , terms of agreement, condition, terms ; proposition; situation, cir- cztmstances, state. condono, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + dono], remit, forgive, overlook, condone. Condrusi, -orum, m. pi., the Con- dmsi) a tribe of the Belgae, some- times classed as Germans. The name survives in Condroz, the name of a tract on the east bank of the Meuse. * conduce, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [com- + duco], lead together, col- lect, assemble ; employ, hire. confectus, -a, -um, part, of con- ficio. * confero, conferre, contuli, conla- tus [com- + fero], bring together, collect, convey ; compare; defer, put off; contribute; ascribe, attribute; culpam conferre, lay the -blame; se conferre, betake oneself, go. VOCABULARY 439 *confertus, -a, -um [part, of con- fer cio, press close together], crowded, dense, in dense array. *c5nfestim [com- and cf. festlno, hasten], adv., at once, immedi- ately. *conficio, -ficere, -feci, -fectus [com- + facio], make, complete, accomplish, perform, Jinish; make up, muster ; wear out, exhazist ; dress (of leather) ; pass., go by (of time), be over. * conf Idd, -f idere, -f isus [com- + fido, trust], have confidence in, rely upon, trust, believe ; hope. conf igo, -flgere, -f ixi, -f ixus [com- + figo, fix], fasten together. conf mis, -e [com- + finis], border- ing, neighboring, next. confinium, -I [conflnis], n., border, frontier. confirmatiS, -onis [c5nfirmo], f., assertion, assurance. * confirms, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + firmo], strengthen, make Jinn; encourage, embolden ; assert, state, give assurance; confirm, establish, make certain; appoint, set; exhort. confisus, -a, -um, part, of c5nf idd. confiteor, -fiteri, -fessus [com- + fateor, admit], confess, admit. conf ixus, -a, -um, part, of cdnfigo. cSnflagrS, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + flagro, blaze], be on fire, burn up, burn. conflictor, -ari, -atus [freq. of con- fligo]> struggle; be harassed. confligo, -fligere, -flixi, -flictus [com- + flTgo, strike],, dash to- gether ; fight together, contend. confluens, -entis [part, of confluo], m., flowing together, confitience. confluo, -fluere, -fluxi [com- + fluo], flow together ; flock together, throng. confugio, -fugere, -fugi [com- + fag\o], flee, flee for refuge. confundd, -fundere, -fudi, -fusus [com- + fundo], mingle, confuse. * congredior, -gredi, -gressus [com- + gradior, step], meet ; meet in arms, join battle ; meet in friend- ship, make an alliance. congressus, -us [congredior], m., meeting, encounter, engagement. congressus, -a, -um, part, of con- gredior. * conicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [com- -f- iacio], throw together ; throiv, hurl; station, pzit; attribiite ; in f Ugam CQV.\CQTQ, put to flight, rout; se conicere, dash-, rush. coniectura, -ae [coniciS], f., guess, conjecture. coniectus, -a, -um, part, of conicio. coniunctim [coniungo], adv., in common, together. *coniunctus, -a, -um [part, of con- iungo], closely joined, allied, asso- ciated, connected, having relation- ship. * coniungo, -iungere, -iunxi, -iunc- tus [com- + iungo] , join together, unite; connect, fasten together; se coniungere, unite. coniunx, -iugis [coniungo], m. and f., spouse; esp. frequent as f., wife. coniuratio, -onis [coniuro], f., oath- bound alliance ; conspiracy, plot; revolt. * coniuro, -are, -avi, -atus [com- -f- iiiro], take oath together ; conspire, plot. conlatus, -a, -um, part, of confers, conlaudo, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + , praise, commend. conligo, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + ligo, tie] , tie together, fasten together. conligo, -ligere, -legi, -Iectus [com- gather]* gather together, 440 VOCABULARY get together, collect; get; se con- ligere, compose oneself, rally, re- cover, collect one's wits. * conloco, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + loco, place~\, place, station, estab- lish, pttt ; place permanently, set- tle; give in marriage. *conloquium, -I [conloquor], n., conference, conversation, interview. * conloquor, -loqui, -locutus [com- + loquorj, converse, confer, talk. * Conor, -ari, -atus, attempt, try, en- deavor ; venture. conquiesco, -quiescere, -quievi, -quietus [com- + quiesco, rest], go to sleep, take rest. conquiro, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisi- tus [com- + quaero], seek for, hunt up ; bring together, procure. * consanguineus, -a, -urn [com- + sanguis], related by blood; as subst., m., kinsman, blood-relation. *conscendo, -scendere, -scendl, -scensus [com- + scando, climb'}, climb, scale; with navis, go on board, embark in. conscientia, -ae [com- + scio], f., consciousness, knowledge. consciscd, -sciscere, -scivi, -scitus [com- + scisco, approve], approve of, decide upon, decree ; sibi mor- tem consciscere, commit suicide. conscius, -a, -um [com- + scio], conscious, aware. conscribo, -scribere, -scrips!, -scrip- tus [com- + scribo], write; en- roll, levy, enlist. consecratus, -a, -um [part, of con- secro, dedicate], sacred, hallowed, consecrated. *consector, -ari, -atus [freq. of con- sequor], follow closely, overtake, hunt down; pursue. consecutus, -a, -um, part, of conse- quor. consensio, -onis [consentio], f., agreement, unanimity. cdnsensus, -us [consentio], m., con- sent, agreement. * consentiS, -sentire, -sensi, -sensus [com- + sentio], agree together, conspire; make an agreement. *consequor, -sequi, -secutus [com- + sequor], follow up, follo'cv out, overtake; obtain, secure, attain; pursue, follow. conserve, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + servo], spare, keep safe, protect; observe, regard. Considius, -i, m., Considius, a Ro- man nomen; Publius Considius, an officer in Caesar's army. *c6nsldo, -sidere, -sedi, -sessus [com- -f- sido, sit down~\, take a seat; settle, make a home; pitch camp; take a position, station one- self ; hold a meeting. *consilium, -I, n., consideration; counsel, plan, scheme ; decision, purpose, design ; advice, consent, authority ; shrewdness, judgment, wisdom ; meeting for considera- tion, coTincil. consimilis, -e [com- + similis], very similar, much like. * consists, -sistere, -stiti [com- + sisto, cause to stand], take a stand, be stationed, stand; halt; stay, remain ; get a foothold, settle ; ground, anchor; consist, depend ; be. consobrinus, -i [com- + soror], m., son of a mother's sister, Jirst cousin. consolor, -ari, -atus [com- + solor, comfort], console, comfort, encour- age. * conspectus, -us [conspicio], m., sight, appearance ; presence. * conspicid, -spicere, -spexi, -spectus VOCABULARY 441 [com- + specie, look"], get a look at, see, behold; observe. *cSnspicor, -ari, -atus [cf. conspi- cio], get sight of, see, notice. conspirS, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + spiro, breathe'], agree together; conspire, plot. * constanter [constans, part, of con- sto], adv., consistently, unani- mously ; firmly, resolutely. constantia, -ae [constans, part, of consto], f., firmness, steadfastness, perseverance. cSnsterno, -are, -avi, -atus, dismay, frighten. cSnsternS, -sternere, -stravi, -stratus [com- + sterno, spread out], strew over, spread, cover; fioor over. cSnstipS, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + stipo, crowd~], crowd together, pack closely. * cSnstituS, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutus [com- + statuo], station, arrange, place, put, settle ; set up ; halt, anchor ; appoint, make ; fin- ish, accomplish, form ; decide, de- termine, decide ^tpon,plan; declare an intention. * consto, -stare, -stiti, -staturus [com (- sto], stand together ; be unchanged, be evident, be agreed, appear ; rest upon, depend upon; be accompanied by, cost. constratus, -a, -um, part, of con- sterno. * consuescS, -suescere, -suevi, -suetus [com- -f suesco, become accustomed^, become accustomed, form a habit ; in perf. system, be accustomed, have the habit, be wont. * consuetude, -dinis [consuesco], f., custom, habit; manner, way of life ; practice ; intercourse ; quam cSnsuetudo f ert, than usual. consuetus, -a, -um, part, of con- suesco. consul, -ulis, m., consul, the highest magistrate of the Roman state ; M. Messala et M. Pisone cdnsuli- bus, in the consulship of Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso. consulatus, -us [consul], m., con- suls term; cons^llship. consulate. * consulo, -sulere, -sului, -sultus, consider together, take counsel, hold a consultation; take tho^^ght for, constilt for, look out for ; spare; conszilt. * consults [consultum], adv., with intention, purposely, designedly. consults, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of consulo], take counsel, deliberate, consult. *cSnsultum, -i [consulo], n., de- cree, decision. * consiimo, -sumere, -sumpsi, -sumptus [com- + sumo], use up, eat up, consume, exhaust, waste; overcome, destroy ; spend, pass. consurgo, -surgere, -surrexi, -sur- rectus [com- + surgo, rise], rise in a body, rise, stand up. contabulo, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + tabula], build of boards, erect; raise in stories, cover. contagiS, -Snis [com- -f tango], f., toTiching, contact ; evil association. contamino, -are, -avi, -atus [conta- men, equivalent to contagio], bring into contact ; corrupt. contegS, -tegere, -texi, -tectus [com- + tego], cover, conceal. contemno, -temnere, -tempsi, -temptus [com- + temno, slight], hold of little value, regard lightly, despise. contemptio, -onis [contemno], f., disregard, scorn, contempt. 442 VOCABULARY contemptus, -us [contemno], m., despising, contempt. * contends, -tenders, -tendi, -tentus [com- + tendo], strain, exert one- self; strive for, attempt, try; hasten, press forward ; contend, vie ; join battle, fight, quarrel; insist; de- mand. contentio, -onis [contends], f., ef- fort; stmggle, contest., rivalry. *contentus, -a, -tun [.part, of con- tineo], satisfied, content. contentus, -a, -um, part, of contendo and of contineo. contestor, -ari, -atus [com- + testor, call as a witness'}, call to witness, invoke. contexo, -texere, -texui, -textus [com- + texo, weave~}, weave to- gether, join together, weave. * continens, -entis [part, of con- tineo], adj., contiguous, continu- ous, uninterrupted, consecutive ; temperate; as subst. , f., continent, mainland. *continenter [continens], adv., con- tinuously, uninterruptedly, contin- ually. continentia, -ae [continens], f., self- control, moderation. *contine5, -tinere, -tinul, -tentus [com- + teneo], hold together, keep; restrain, check; surround, shut in, hem in, bound ; hold con- tain, comprise ; fill ; se COntinere, stay, remain. conting5, -tingere, -tigi, -tactus [com- + tango], touch, reach, ex- tend to, border on ; happen. COntinuatiS, -onis [continue, make continuous'}, {., continuance, dura- tion. * continue [continuus], adv., with- ottt delay, at once, immediately. * continuus, -a, -um [com- + teneo], continuous, successive, without in- terruption. contio, -onis [for coventio, cf. con- venio], f., assembly, council; speech, harangue. * contra [comparative of com-] : (1) adv., opposite, fronting; on the other hand, in opposition ; con- tra consistere, form an opposing line; contra atque, opposite to, othenvise than, differently from; (2) prep, with ace., contrary to, opposite, against ; turned towards, facing; in spite of; in reply to. * contraho, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus [com- + traho], bring together, collect; draw in, contract, make smaller. *contrarius, -a, -um [contra], on the other side, opposite, contrary ; opposing; ex contrario, on the contrary. controversia, -ae [controversus, dis- puted'], f., dispute, disagreement, quarrel. *contumelia, -ae, f., insult, abtise, disgrace ; buffeting, violence. convalesce, -valescere, -valui [com- -f valesco, grow strong, from valeo], recover health, regain strength. convallis, -is [com- + valles], , valley, ravine. conveno, -vehere, -vexi, -vectus [com- + veho, carry}, carry to- gether, store. *convenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [com- +venio], come together, as- semble ; be set, be agreed upon ; be stiitable, be necessary ; meet, have an interview with. *conventus, -us [convenio], m., meeting, assembly ; session of a court, assize, court. VOCABULARY 443 * converts, -vertere, -verti, -versus [com- + verto], turn, turn about ; alter, change ; conversa signa In- f erre, wheel and charge. Convictolitavis, -is, m., Convictoli- tavis, a prominent Haeduan, rival of Cotus. convince, -vincere, -vici, -victus [com- + vinco], overcome ; prove beyond doubt. * convoco, -are, -avi, -atus [com- + voco], call together, summon, as- semble. * coorior, -oriri, -ortus [co- + orior], arise, begin, break out ; spring tip, come up. *copia, -ae [co- + ops], f., plenty, abundance, stipply, number; pi., supplies; resources, riches; sol- diers, troops, forces. copiosus, -a, -um [copia], abzm- dantly stipplied, rich. copula, -ae, f., tie, grapnel, grappling- hook. cor, cordis, n., heart; cordi esse, be pleasing. *coram [co- -J- 6s], adv., present, before one's eyes, face to face, in person. Coriosolites, -um, m. pi., the Corio- solites, a maritime tribe in western Gaul. corium, -I, n., skin, hide, leather. *COrnu, -us, n.,Jiorn, antler ; wing (of an axmy) , flank. * corona, -ae, f.,' wreath, chaplet ; circle (of men); sub corona vendere, sell at attction. * corpus, -poris, n., body, person; dead body, corpse. corrumpo, -rumpere, -rupi, -ruptus [com- + rumpo, break], break up, destroy, spoil. cortex, -ticis, m. and f., bark. Corus, -1, m., the northwest wind; the word may be used as an adj. with ventus. Cotta, -ae, m., Cotta, a Roman cog- nomen ; see Aurunculeius. * cottidianus, -a, -um [cottldie], belonging to every day, daily; usual. * cottldie [quot -f- dies], adv., daily, every day. Cotuatus, -I, m., Cotztatus, a desper- ado, of the tribe of the Carnutes. Cotus, -I, m., Cotus, a prominent Haeduan, rival of Convictolitavis. crassitudo, -dinis [crassus, thick], L, thickness. Crassus, -i, m., Crassus, a Roman cognomen: (l) Marcus Licinius Crassus, the triumvir, consul in 55 B.C. See Introd., p. n. (2) Marcus Licinius Crassus, son of (i). He was quaestor with Caesar. (3) Publius Licinius Crassus, a younger son of (l). He was one of Caesar's officers. Gratis, -is, f., fagot, fascine ; pi., wickerwork. * creber, -bra, -brum, thick, crowded; frequent; numerous. *crebro [creber], adv., in rapid suc- cession. credo, credere, credidl, creditus, intrzist ; trtist ; believe, consider true ; think, suppose. cremo, -are, -avi, -atus, btirn, con- siime. * creo, -are, -avi, -atus, create ; ap- point, elect. Cres, Cretis, m. adj., Cretan. The Cretans were famous archers, cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus [cf. cre5], grow, rise, increase in size, power, or dignity; sivelL Critognatus, -i, m., Critognatus, an Arvernian of high rank. *cruciatus, -us [cruci5, crucify}, m., torment, torture. 444 VOCABULARY crudelitas, -atis [crfidelis, cruet], f., harshness, cruelty, barbarity. crudeliter [crudelis, cruel], adv., cruelly, harshly. crus, cruris, n., the leg below the knee, shank. cubile, -lis [cubo, lie down"], n., bed; resting-place. culmen, -minis [for columen, cf. collis], n., summit. culpa, -ae, f., fault, error ; blame. CUltura, -ae [colo], f., tillage, culti- vation. cultus, -US [colo], m., care; train- ing; -way of living, civilization. * cum (used as enclitic with certain pronouns) [cf. com-], prep, with abl., with, in company with, to- gether with, along with ; in addi- tion to, besides ; at the same time with; against. *cum, conj., when, while, after, at the time when ; whenever, as often as; at such time as, in the circum- stances that; since, because; though, although, while ; cum primum, as soon as; cum . . . turn, as . . . so, both . . . and, not only . . . but also, while . . . also. cumulus, -I, m., heap. cunctatio, -5nis [cunctor], f., delay, hesitation. * cunctor, -ari, -atus, delay, hesitate. ciinctus, -a, -um, all collectively, all, the whole of. cuneatim [cuneus], adv., in wedge- shaped form ation . cuneus, -I, m., wedge ; wedge-shaped body of troops. See Introd., p. - 45- cuniculus, -1, m., rabbit; under- ground passage, mine. *cupide [cupidus], adv., eagerly, ardently. cupiditas, -atis [cupidus], f., ea- gerness, readiness ; longing, greed, desire. * cupidus, -a, -um [cupio], eager, ready, desirous, fond. * cupio, cupere, cupivl, cupitus, de- sire, wish earnestly ; be impatient ; wish well to, be interested for. * cur, interrog. adv., why ? from what motive ? for what purpose ? wherefore ? cura, -ae, f., care, anxiety, fore- thought. *curo, -are, -avi, -atus [cura], take care of, see to, cause, oversee ; often used with a gerundive, e.g. navis aedificandas curare, cause ships to be built, have ships bttilt. CUITUS, -us [curro, run"], m., car, wagon, chariot. *cursus, -us [curro, run], m., run- ning, speed; rate of speed; course, voyage ; impetus. custodia, -ae [custos], f., 'watch, guard. custodio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [custos], watch, guard, hold in custody. custos, -odis, m., guard, sentinel, watchman. D., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Decimus, Decimus. Daci, -5rum, m. pi., the Dacians, a people living near the Danube River, damno, -are, -avi, -atus [damnum], find guilty, convict, condemn. damnum, -i, n., loss, damage. Danuvius, -i, m., the Danube river. datus, -a, -um, part, of do. *de, prep, with abl., down from, from, dowTt ; away from ; out of; about, concerning, of; just after ; during, aboitt ; in accordance with, in regard to, because of, in VOCABULARY 445 consequence of,for; de improvise, unexpectedly. In comp., down, away, off, through, thoroughly; sometimes has a negative force. *debeo, debere, debui, debitus [de -f- habeo], keep back, be under ob- ligations to supply, owe; with inf., ought, should, must; pass., be diie. *decedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [de + cedo], go away, depart, withdraw; avoid, shrtn; die. *decem (X), indecl. adj., ten. deceptus, -a, -um, part, of decipio. decerno, -cernere, -crevi, -cretus [de -f- cerno], judge, pass judg- ment, give a decision; decide, de- termine, resolve, appoint. * decerto, -are, -avi, -atus [de + certo, decide, struggle"}, fight it out, fight to a finish, decide by battle. decessus, -us [decedo], m., going away, ebbing. Decetia, -ae, f., Decetia, a town of the Haedui, on the Liger (Loire), now Decize. decide, -cidere, -cidi [de + cado], fall down, fall off. * decimus, -a, -um [decem], tenth; decimus quisque, one out of every ten ; tertius decimus, thirteenth ; quartus decimus, fourteenth. Decimus, -i, m., Decimus, a Roman praenomen. * decipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [de + capio], deceive. declare, -are, -avi, -atus [de + claro, make clear}, state publicly, declare. declivis, -e [de + clTvus], sloping downward, inclining; as subst., n. pi., slopes, declivities. declivitas, -atis [declivis], f., in- cline, downward slope; ad de- clivitatem, downward. decretum, -I [part, of decerno], n., decree, decision. decretus, -a, -um, part, of decerno. decumanus, -a, -um [decimus], of the tenth ; porta decumana, decu- man gate, rear gate of a camp, so called because originally the tenth cohorts of the legions were stationed near this gate. decurio, -Snis [decuria, division of ten"], m., decurion, commander of a troop of ten horsemen. See Introd., p. 38. *decurro, -currere, -cucurri or -curri, -cursus [de + curro, run"}, run down ; hurry, hasten. *dedecus, -coris [de + decus, grace~\, n., disgrace, reproach. dediticius, -a, -um [deditus, part, of dedo], siirrendered ' ; as subst., m. pi., prisoners of war, captives. *dediti5, -onis [dedo], f., surren- der, capitulation; in deditionem accipere, accept the surrender of, receive in surrender; in dedi- ti5nem venire, sztrrender. * deditus, -a, -um [part, of dedo], given ^^p, devoted. ' * dedo, -dere, -didi, -ditus [de + do], give up, surrender, yield, abandon; devote. *deduc5, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [de -f- duco], lead down, bring down, drive down; draw away, withdraw; draw out; launch; instigate, lead astray, mislead; conduct (a bride to her husband) ; reduce, bring; in periculum de- ducere, endanger. defatigatio, -onis [defatlgo], f., weariness, fatigue. defatigo, -are, -avi, -atus [de + fatlgo, weary}, tire out, exhaust, wear out. defectiS, -onis [deficio], f., falling 446 VOCABULARY away from allegiance, desertion, revolt, rebellion. * defends, -fendere, -fendi, -fensus [de + -fen do, strike'], drive off, ward off, repel, avert; defend, pro- tect ; make defense, offer resistance. defensio, -onis [defendo], f., de- fense. defensor, -oris [defendo], m., pro- tector, defender ; pi., guards, gar- rison, defenses. defensus, -a, -um, part, of defendo. *defero, -ferre, -tull, -latus [de -j- fero], carry off, drive down, force ; bring, carry ; confer, grant, give, offer ; report, state; propose, lay before; pass., drift, fall, be ttirned aside. *defessus, -a, -um [part, of defe- tfscor], wearied, exhattsted, worn out. defetiscor, -fetlscl, -fessus [de + fatisco, become weary~], become very weary, be exhausted. * deficio, -ficere, -f eel, -fectus [de + facio], break loose from ; revolt; fail, be wanting, cease; deficere ab, desert; anim.5 deficere, lose heart. * def Ig5, -f igere, -fixi, -f ixus [de + figo, fix~\} set, fix, fasten, drive down. defmio, -ire, -m, -itus [de + finio], set bounds to, limit, define. defixus, -a, -um, part, of def igo. defore, fut. inf. of desum. deformis, -e [de + forma], mis- shapen, deformed, unsightly. defugio, -fugere, -fugi [de -f fugio], run away; flee from, shrink from, avoid, shun. *deicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [de + iacio], throw down, overthrow; throw, hurl ; drive away, drive ; destroy ; se deicere, leap doivn. * delectus, -a, -um [part, of deicio], disappointed. delectus, -us [deicio], m., throwing down; declivity, descent; lateris delectus, fall of the side, lateral slope. deinceps [dein = deinde + capio], adv., taken next, in turn, succes- sively ; continuously. * deinde [de + inde], adv., after- wards, secondly, next, then; be- sides, also. delatus, -a, -um, part, of defero. delecto, -are, -avi, -atus, delight, please. delectus, -a, -um, part, of deligo. deleo, -ere, -evi, -etus, blot out, ob- literate ; destroy, annihilate, over- throw. dellberS, -are, -avi, -atus [de + libro, weigh~\, weigh carefully; consider, discuss. delibro, -are, -atus [de + liber, inner bark~\, strip of bark, peel. delictum, -l [delinquo, faif], n., fault, crime. deligo, -are, -avi, -atus [de + ligo, tie~\, tie down, make fast,, fasten, moor. * deligo, -ligere, -legi, -Iectus [de + lego, gather~\, choose, select, de- tail. delitesco, -litescere, -litui [de + latesco, hide oneself~\, hide away. dementia, -ae [demens, insane~\, f., madness, folly. demeto, -metere, -messui, -messus [de + meto], harvest, gather. demigro, -are, -ayi, -atus [de + migro, remove"}, move away, de- part, go from home. deminuo, -minuere, -minul, -minu- tus [de + minuo], make less, di- minish, reduce; impair; take away. VOCABULARY 447 (demissus, -a, -urn [part, of demitto], bowed; low. (demitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus '[de + mitto], let doivn, send down, lower ; thrust down, sink ; se de- mittere, descend, march down, go down; se animo demittere, lose courage. demo, demere, dempsi, demptus [de + emo], take down. * dem5nstro, -are, -avi, -atus [de -(- monstro, point out], point out, show; indicate, designate; men- tion, speak of, explain. demoror, -ari, -atus [de + moror], delay, hinder. demptus, -a, -um, part, of demo. *demum [de + sup. ending], adv., at last, at length. <3enego, -are, -avi, -atus [de+neg5], refuse, deny. deni, -ae, -a [decem], pi. adj., ten at a time, by tens ; ten each, ten to- gether. denique, adv., finally, after all, at last ; at least. *densus, -a, -um, dense, thick, crowded. denuntio, -are, -avi, -atus [de + nuntio],c;z0zz^, declare; direct, order ; threaten. depello, -pellere, -puli, -pulsus [de + pello], drive down; drive away, expel; remove, avert, deperdo, -perdere, -perdidi, -perdi- tus [de + perdo, destroy}, lose. depereo, -perire, -peril, -periturus [de + pereo],^? to destruction, be lost, be wrecked. *depon5, -ponere, -posui, -positus [de + pono], lay down, lay aside ; piit ; put by, deposit; give in charge ; give up, resign. depopulor, -ari, -atus [de + popu- lor], lay waste, plunder; the perf. part, often has passive force. deport5, -are, -avi, -atus [de + porto], carry away. deposco, -poscere, -poposci [de -f posc5], call for, demand. depositus, -a, -um, part, of depono. deprecator, -oris [deprecor], m., intercessor, mediator. deprecor, -ari, -atus [de + precor, pray}, pray off, beg to escape, beg off ; implore ; ask pardon. deprehendo, -prehendere, -pre- hendi, -prehensus [de + pre- hendo, grasp}, seize, catch; over- take, surprise. depugno, -are, -avi, -atus [de + pugnS], fight out, fight to a finish. depulsus, -a, -um, part, of depello. derecte [derectus], adv., straight, vertically. derectus, -a, -um [part, of derigo], straight ; upright, vertical. derigo, -rigere, -rexi, -rectus [de + rego], lay straight, lay out, ar- range ; aciem derigere, draw up a battle-line. derivo, -are, -avi, -atus [de + rivus], turn aside, divert. derogo, -are, -avi, -atus [de+rog5], take away, withhold. descends, -scendere, -scendi, -scen- sus [de + scando, climb'], climb down, descend ; lower oneself, stoop, fall, resort. deseco, -secare, -secui, -sectus [de + seco], cut off. *desero, -serere, -serui, -sertus [de + sero, bind together], leave, abandon, desert, fail. desertor, -oris [desero], m., runa- way, deserter. * desertus, -a, -um [part, of desero], deserted, lonely. . desidero, -are, -avi, -atus, desire, 448 VOCABULARY wish, ask for, demand ; lack, miss; pass., be lost, desidia, -ae [deses, inactive], f., idleness, indolence. designo, -are, -avi, -atus [de+sTgno, mark~], mark out, describe, desig- nate. * desilio, -silire, -silui, -sultus [de + salio, leap], leap down, jump down ; jump overboard ; dismount. * desisto, -sistere, -stiti, -stitus [de + sisto, cause to stand~\, stand away, aesist, give up, leave off, cease. despectus -a, -urn, part, of despiciS. despectus, -us [despicio], m., down- ward look, view. desperatiS, -Snis [despero], f., hope- lessness, desperation, despair. desperatus, -a, -um [part, of de- spero], hopeless, desperate. despero, -are, -avi, -atus [de + spero], be hopeless, despair, give up hope ; despair of. * despiciS, -spicere, -spexi, -spectus [de + specio, look~\, look down on; feel contempt for, despise. despoliS, -are, -avi, -atus [de -f spolio], rob, despoil. destinS, -are, -avi, -atus [de and cf. sto], make fast, bind; detail. destiti, see desisto. destituS, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutus [de + statuo], abandon, desert. destringS, -stringere, -strmxi, -strictus [de + stringo, draw tight], unsheathe. *desum, deesse, defui, defuturus [de -f- sum], fail, be lacking, be needed. desuper [de + super, above], adv., from above. *deterior, -ius [comp. from de], poorer, less. * deterreS, -terrere, -terrui, -territus [de -f terreo], frighten off ; deter, hinder, prevent. detestor, -ari, -atus [de + testor, call as a witness], curse. detineS, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [de + teneo], detain, delay. detracts, -are, -avi, -atus [de + tracto, drag], decline, shirk. * detrahS, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus [de + trah5], take off, pull off ; take away, remove, seize. detrimentosus, -a, -um [detrimen- tum], hurtful, detrimental. * detrimentum, -I [detero, rub qff~\, n., loss, injury ; defeat. deturbS, -are, -avi, -atus [de + turbo, thro~v into confusion"], drive down; overthrow, dislodge. deurS, -urere, -ussi, -ustus [de + uro, burn], burn down. deus, -i, m., god, divinity. deustus, -a, -um, part, of deuro. devehS, -vehere, -vexi, -vectus [de + veho, carry], carry down, carry away, convey, bring. *devenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [de -f venio], come, arrive. devexus, -a, -um, sloping, steep. devincS, -vincere, -vici, -victus [de -f vinco], overpower completely, vanquish. devocS, -are, -avi, -atus [de + voco], call down; in dubium devocare, endanger, risk. devotus, -a, -um [part, of devoveo], devoted, attached; as subst., m., faithful follower. devoveS, -vovere, -vovi, -vStus [de -f- voveo], devote, sacrifice. * dexter, -tera or -tra, -terum or -trum, on the right, right; as subst., dextra, -ae (sc. manus), ; * f., right hand. di-, see dis-. VOCABULARY 449 Diablintes, -um, m. pi., Diablintes ; see Aulercus. (dicid), -5nis [cf. dico], f., bidding, sway, rule. dico, -are, -avi, -atus, proclaim; dedicate, devote, give up. *dic5, dicere, dixi, dictus, speak, say; state, plead; talk, mention; appoint, arrange, set ; ius dicere, pronotmce judgment. dictio, -onis [dico], f., speaking, pleading. * dictum, -1 [part, of dico], n.,word, assertion; command; dicto au- diens, obedient to the word, obedi- ent. diduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [di- -f- duco], lead apart; divide, distribute ; lead in different direc- tions. * dies, -el, m., sometimes f. in sing., day, daytime ; time, space of time ; opportunity; mult5 die, late in the day ; diem ex die, from day to day, day after day ; ad diem, on the day, on time; in dies, daily, from day to day ; postridie eius diei, next day ; post diem tertium, the next day but one; in longiorem diem, until a later day. * differo, differre, distuli, dilatus [dis- + fero], spread, scatter; put off, defer ; differ ; inter se dif- ferre, differ from one another. difficilis, -e [dis- -f facilis], difficult, hard ; hard to pass through ; labo- rious, perilous. * difflcultas, -atis [difficilis], f., diffi- culty, perplexity, hardship; crisis, strait ; want, embarrassment. difficulter [difficilis], adv., with- diffictilty ; comp. difficilius, with- greater (or too great) difficulty. diffido, -fidere, -fisus [dis- + fido, 2G trust], distrust, be distrustful; despair. diffluo, -fluere, -fluxi [dis- + fluo], flow apart, branch. diffund5, -fundere, -fudi, -fusus [dis- + fundo], spread out, ex- tend. digitus, -I, m., finger; finger's breadth; digitus pollex, thumb. dignitas, -atis [dTgnus], f., worth, character ; reputation, eminence, dignity, honor; authority ; self- respect. dignus, -a, -um, worthy, deserving. dliudico, -are, -avi, -atus [di- + iudico], distinguish, determine. dilectus, -us [dlligo], m., choosing; levy, enrollment, conscription. dilectus, -a, -um, part, of diligo. * diligenter [dlligens, industrious^, adv., attentively, with painstak- ing, carefully, diligently. diligentia, -ae [dlligens, indzis- trious], f., industry, watchfulness, care, earnestness, diligence. * diligo, -ligere, -lexi, -lectus [di- -f- lego, gather~\, single ottt ; value, love. dimetior, -metiri, -mensus [d!- + metior], measure, lay out; the perf. part, often has passive force, dimicatio, -5nis [dimico], f., fight, struggle-. * dimico, -are, -avi, -atus [di- + mico, shake~\,fight, strive, contend. dimidius, -a, -um [di- + medius], half; as subst., n., half. * dimitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [di- + mitto], send in different directions, send about, send out ; dismiss, send away ; let slip, lose ; give tip, abandon. direptus, -a, -um, part, of diripio. dirimo, ,rimere, -emi, -emptus [dis- 450 VOCABULARY -f- emo], break up, interrupt, end. diripio, -ripere, -ripui, -reptus [dl- + rapio, snatch}, tear to pieces; plunder, pillage. dis- (di-) [akin to duo], an insep- arable prefix, apart, away, in different directions; between, among; sometimes has a negative force. Dis, Ditis, m., Dis, or Plulo, the god of the underworld. Caesar identifies one of the Gallic divini- ties with this god. *disced5, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [dis- + cedo], go in different directions, disperse, scatter; go away, depart, decamp; with ab, abandon, forsake. disceptator, -Sris [discepto, decide}, . m., arbitrator, umpire. discerno, -cernere, -crevi, -cretus [dis- + cerno], distinguish, deter- mine. *discessus, -us [discedo], m., de- parture, withdrawal; marching away, decamping. disciplma, -ae [discipulus, learn- er^, f., instruction, training, edu- cation, discipline ; doctrine. discludo, -cludere, -clusi, -clusus [dis- + claudo], hold apart, sJmt off, separate. disco, discere, didicl, learn, be taught. discrimen, -minis [discerno]. n., that which parts; decisive mo- ment, crisis. discutio, -cutere, -cussi, -cussus [dis- + quatio, shake~\, break up, clear away. disicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [dis- + iacio], drive apart; disperse, scatter. dispar, -aris [dis- + par], adj., un- like, unequal, ill-matched. disparo, -are, -avi, -atus [dis- + Tpzio}, part, separate. * dispergo, -spergere, -spersi, -sper- SUS [dis- + spargo, strew}, scatter, disperse. dispicio, -spicere, -spexi, -spectus [dis- -f- speci5, look}, descry, per- ceive. * dispon5, -ponere, -posui, -positus [dis- + pono], pttt in different places, station here and there; arrange, assign, post. disputatio, -onis [dispute], f., argu- ment, discussion. disput5, -are,- -avi, -atus [dis- + puto], investigate, discuss, argue. dissensio, -onis [dissentio], f., dif- ference of opinion; dissension, strife. dissentio, -sentire, -sensi, -sensus [dis- + sentio], think differently, dissent, disagree. dissero, -serere, -sevi, -situs [dis-+ sero], set here and there. dissimulo, -are, -avi, -atus [dis- + simulo], disguise, keep secret,conceal. dissipo, -are, -avi, -atus [dis- + supo, throw}, scatter, disperse, put to flight. dissuaded, -suadere, -suasi, -suasus [dis- + suadeo, urge}, advise against, dissuade. distineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [dis- + teneo], keep apart ; hold back, hinder, prevent. *distS, -stare, -stiti [dis- + sto], stand apart, be distant. distrahS, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus [dis- + traho], pull to pieces, tear away. distribuo, -tribuere, -tribui^ -tri- butus [dis- + tribuo], divide, dis- tribute ; assign, apportion. distuli, see differs. ditissimus, -a, -um, sup. of dives. VOCABULARY 45 1 * diu, adv., a long time, long ; quam diu, as long as. diurnus, -a, -urn [dies], pertaining to the day, by day. diutinus, -a, -urn [diu], long con- timted, permanent. diutius, diutissime, comp. and sup. of diu. diuturnitas, -atis [diuturnus], f., long continuance, long duration. diuturnus, -a, -um [diu], long, en- dtiring. diversus, -a, -um [part, of diverts, turn away}, turned different ways, facing in the opposite direction ; straggling, scattered ; different, separate, separated, distant. dives, -vitis (also dis, ditis), adj., rich, wealthy, opulent. Diviciacus, -i, m., Diviciacus : (i) a druid, one of the Haedui. He was brother of Dumnorix, but, unlike the latter, was friendly to the Romans ; (2) a king of the Suessiones. Divico, -onis, m., Divico, a leader among the Helvetii. * divide, -videre, -visi, -visus, di- vide, separate, scatter; send in different directions. divinus, -a, -um [divus, divine^, belonging to the gods, coming from the gods, divine, sacred. *divisus, -a, -um [part, of divide], divided. * do, dare, dedi, datus, give, grant, furnish, present ; assign, impose, allot; afford, cause; offer ; give up, allow; inter se dare, exchange; in matrimonium dare, give in marriage; in mandatis dare, order, commission; dare neg5- tium, give as a task, direct; dare operam, exert oneself, do one's utmost; recessum dare, make way; dare suspicionem, arouse suspicion ; in f ugam dare, put to flight; manus dare, yield, submit. * doceo, docere, docul, doctus, teach, s/iow; inform, tell, mention, relate. documentum, -l [doceo], n., lesson, example, warning. *doleo, dolere, dolui, doliturus, suffer, grieve, lament, mourn. dolor, -oris [doleo], m., suffering, pain, grief; annoyance, resent- ment, anger, indignation, chagrin. dolus, -i, m., device ; deceit, trickery. domesticus, -a, -um [clomus], be- longing to a home; domestic, civil ; native. domicilium, -i [domus], n., home, dwelling-place. dominor, -arl, -atus [dominus], be master, bear sway. dominus, -i [donius], m., master, owner, lord. Domitius, -i, m., Domitius, a Roman nomen; Lucius Domitius Aheno- barbiis, consul in 54 B.C., with Appius Claudius. Domnotaurus, -i, m., Domnotaurus ; see Valerius. * domus, -us, f., house; family; home; country. dono, -are, -avi, -atus [donum], give, present. donum, -i [d5], n., gift, present; bribe. dorsum, -i, n., back ; ridge, summit. dos, dotis [d5], f., marriage por- tion, dowry. druides, -um [Celtic, true or wise], m. pi., driiids, the priests of the religion of Gaul and Britain. See Introd., p. 27. Dubis, -is, m., the Diibis, a river of Gaul flowing into the Arar (Saone), now the Doubs. 452 VOCABULARY dubitatio, -onis [dubito], f., doubt, uncertainty ; hesitancy. *dubito, -are, -avi, -atus [dubius], doubt, be uncertain; hesitate, delay. dubius, -a, -um, doubtful, uncertain, undetermined; non est dubium quin, there is no doubt that ; in dubium devocare, endanger, risk. *ducenti, -ae, -a (CC) [duo + cen- tum], pi. adj., two hundred. *ducd, ducere, duxi, ductus, lead, conduct, guide ; lead oiit, mar- shal ; bring, take; construct, ex- tend; prolong, piit off ; consider, reckon, hold, think ; in matrimo- nium ducere (sometimes ducere alone), lead home as a bride, marry. ductus, -us [duco], m., leading, leadership, command. *dum, conj., while; as long as; until. Dumnorix, -igis [Celtic, grand king\, m., Dumnorix, a Haed- uan, brother of Diviciacus. *duo, -ae, -o (n), adj., two. *duodecim (XII) [duo + decem], indecl. adj., twelve. duodecimus, -a, -um [duodecim], twelfth. duodeni, -ae, -a [duodecim], pi. adj., twelve each, twelve apiece, by twelves, twelve together. duodeseptuaginta (LXVIII) [duo + de + septuaginta], indecl. adj., sixty-eight. duodetriginta (XXVIII) [duo + de + triginta], indecl. adj., twenty- eight. duodeviginti (xviil) [duo -f de + viginti], indecl. adj., eighteen. *duplex, -plicis [duo + plango, strike~\, adj., twofold, double. duplico, -are, -avi, -atus [duplex], double. duritia, -ae [durus], f., hardness, hardship. duro, -are, -avi, -atus [durus], harden, make hardy. Durocortorum, -I, n., Durocortorum, an important town of the Remi, from whose name comes the mod- ern name of the town, Rheims. *durus, -a, -um, hard; severe, in- clement; diffictdt ; adverse. Durus, -I, m., Diirus, a Roman cog- nomen ; see Laberius. *dux, ducis [duco] , ra..,leader, guide; commander, gener al ; chief, ruler. e, see ex. *ea [abl. f. of is; sc. via], adv., that way, on that side, there. Eburones, -um, m. pi., the Eburones, a tribe of the Belgae, sometimes classed as Germans. Eburovices, -um, m. pi., Ebtirovices; see Aulercus. edisco, -discere, -didici [e + disco], learn thoroughly, learn by heart. *edltus, -a, -um [part, of edo], ele- vated, rising, high. *edo, -dere, -didi, -ditus [e + -do, puf\, put forth, display ; inflict. edoceo, -docere, -docui, -doctus [e -f doceo], teach thoroughly ; inform, instruct, show. educ5, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [e + duco], lead out, lead forth; gla- dium educere, draw a sword. effarcio, -farcire, -farsi, -fertus [ex + farcio, stuff"\\, fill out, fill ^lp. effemino, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + femina], make effeminate, weaken. efferS, efferre, extuli, elatus [ex + fero], carry out, take away ; make public, announce, report, VOCABULARY 453 tell; lift up, raise ; encourage, elate. *efficio, -ficere, -fed, -f ectus [ex + facio], accomplish, do ; finish, com- plete; effect, cause, bring about, produce, render ; make, construct; muster, furnish ; commeatus ut portari possent efficiebat, made it possible for supplies to be brought, effodio, -f odere, -fodi, -f ossus [ex + fodid], dig out, tear o^tt. effugi5, -f ugere, -fugi [ex + fugio] , flee from, escape, shun. effundo, -fundere, -fudi, -fusus [ex + fundo], pour out; se effun- dere, rush. egens, -entis [part, of egeo], adj., needy, poor, destitute. egeo, egere, egui, be in want; lack, need. egestas, -atis [egens], f., indigence, poverty. *ego, mei, pers. pron., // sometimes used reflexively in the oblique cases, me, myself, nos, ourselves ; nosmet, see -met. *egredior, -gredi, -gressus [e-fgra- dior, step}, go out, march out; go beyond, leave; disembark, land. *egregie [egregius], adv., excel- lently, remarkably well. *egregius, -a, -um [e + grex, herd}, excellent, admirable. egressus, -a, -um, part, of egredior. egressus, -US [egredior]^ m., going out, disembarkation. eicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [e + iacio], drive out, expel, eject, banish; throw, cast; strand; se eicere, rush otit, break out. elabor, -labi, -lapsus [e + labor], slip away, escape. elatus, -a, -um, part, of effero. Elaver, -eris, n., the Elaver river, a branch of the Liger (Loire), now the Allier. electus, -a, -um [part, of eligo, pick out], picked, select, excellent, choice. elephantus, -I, m., elephant. Eleuteti, -orum, m. pi., the Eleuteti, a small Gallic tribe living, perhaps, near the Cadurci. elicio, -licere, -licui, -licitus [e + Iacio, entice~\, lure out, entice. Elusates, -ium, m. pi., the Ehisates, a tribe in Aquitania. emigre, -are, -avi, -atus^[e + migro, remove~\, move away, go forth. emineo, -minere, -minui, stand out, project. eminus [e + manus], adv., from a distance, at a distance. emitt5, -mittere, -misi, -missus [e + mitto], send out, send forth; throw ; let go, throw away. *emo, emere, emi, emptus, buy. enascor, -nasci, -natus [e + nas- cor], grow out, sprout out. *enim (always postpositive), conj., in fact, to be stire ; for. *emmtid, -are, -avi, -atus [e + nfintio], tell in ptiblic, announce, disclose. *60 [is], adv., thither, to that place ; to that point ; to suck a point, so far, to such an extent; thereon; to this or that end. *eo, ire, ivi (ii), iturus, go, walk, march, travel ; used impersonally in pass., e.g. itur, a march is made ; with a supine iri forms a fut. pass. inf. *eodem [idem], adv., to the same place; to the same end or pur- port. ephippiatus, -a, -um [ephippium], provided with saddle-cloths, using saddle-cloths. 454 VOCABULARY ephippium, -I, n., saddle-cloth, housing. epistula, -ae, f., letter, -written message. Eporedorix, -igis, m., Eporedorix: (1) a Haeduan of high rank; (2) a Haeduan general. epulae, -arum, f. ^\., feast. *eques, -quitis [equus], m., horse- man, rider ; trooper ; member of the equestrian order, knight ; pi., cavalry. *equester, -tris, -tre [eques], eques- trian, of cavalry, cavalry. *equitatus, -us [eques],m., cavalry, body of horsemen. *equus, -I, m., horse ; ex equis, on horseback; in equum inferre, place on a horse. Eratosthenes, -is, m., Eratosthenes, a learned Greek of the third cen- tury B.C. He won distinction as an astronomer, geographer, philos- opher, and grammarian. erectus, -a, -um [part, of erig5], set up, upright, lofty'. ereptus, -a, -um, part, of eripio. erga, prep, with ace., towards, in relation to. ergo, adv., consequently ; quid ergo? what, then ? erigo, -rigere, -rexi, -rectus [e -j- rego], raise /, lift; erigere sese, rise. eripio, -ripere, -ripui, -reptus [e + rapio, snatcJ{\, tear away, take away ; snatch, seize ; rescue ; pass., be lost or destroyed; se eripere, break away, escape. erro, -are, -avi, -atus, wander; be mistaken. erumpo, -rumpere, -rupi, -ruptus [e -f- rumpo, break~\, cause to break out; rush forth. *eruptio, -onis [erumpo], f., break- ing forth; sally, sortie, wish, raid. essedarius, -I [essedum], m., fighter in an essedum, charioteer. essedum, -i, n., essedum, war- chariot, used by the Britons. Esuvil, -orum, m. pi., the Esuvii, a maritime tribe of northwestern Gaul. *et, conj., and; often, especially after a negative, but ; also, even ; et . . . et, both . . . and, not only . . . but also. *etiam [et + iam], adv., nozv too, even now, still ; also, besides ; even ; non solum (non modo) . . . sed etiam, not only . . . but also ; quin etiam, nay more, besides, furthermore. *etsi [et + si], conj., even if, al- though. *evadd, -vadere, -vasi, -vasus [e + vado, go~], go out, escape. evello, -vellere, -velli, -vulsus [e + vello, pluck\, pull out. *evenio, -venire, -vem, -ventus [e + veni5], come out, turn out, happen. *eventus, -us [evenio], m., outcome, event, result, isszte ; accident, fate, lot. *evocatus, -a, -um [part, of evoco], called out; as subst., m., r e'en- listed veteran. See Introd., p. 34. *evoco, -are, -avi, -atus [e + voc5], call away, summon ; call out, chal- lenge ; invite. evolo, -are, -avi, -atus [e + volo, fly~\,fly out, rush forth. *ex, e (e only before consonants, ex before vowels and consonants), prep, with abl., out of, from; from among, of; immediately after, after, since; in accordance with, in consequence of, by ; of (made of); in, on; ex omni parte, on VOCABULARY 455 every side, on all sides ; ex vincu- lis, in chains; ex equis, on horse- back; ex contrario, on the other hand; diem ex die, from day to day, day after day ; unus e filiis, one of the sons; e regione, opposite ; ex parte, to some extent, in some degree ; magna ex parte, in. great meastire ; qua ex parte, in which respect ; ex usu, to the advantage, advantageous. In comp., out,from, thoroughly ; sometimes has a nega- tive force. exactus, -a, -um, part, of exigo. exagito, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + agito], drive about; harass. examine, -are, -avi, -atus [examen, tongue of a balance}, weigh, test. *exanimo, -are, -avi, -atus [exani- mus, breathless}, put out of breath, fatigue, exhaust ; kill. exardesco, -ardescere, -arsi, -arsus [ex + ardesco, take fife}, blaze forth, rage. exaudio, -Ire, -ivi, -itus [ex + audio], hear clearly, hear. *excedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [ex + cedo], go out, go forth, with- draw, depart, retire. excello, -cellere, -cellui, -celsus, be eminent, be superior. excelsus, -a, -um [part, of excello], elevated, high. excepto, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of excipio], take up, catch tip. exceptus, -a, -um, part, of excipio. excido, -cidere, -cidi, -cisus [ex + caedo], cut out ; cut down, destroy. *excipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [ex + capio], take out ; capture, inter- cept ; receive; bear, take, endure, meet; pick tip; relieve, take the place of; follow, succeed ; clamd- rem excipere, take up the cry. excito, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of excio, call out], call forth ; rouse, incite, kindle; erect, build up, raise. exclude, -cludere, -clusi, -clusus [ex + claudo], shut out; hinder, prevent. excogito, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + cogito], think out, consider. excrucio, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + cru- cio, crucify}, torture, rack. CXCUbitor, -6ris [excubo], m., watch- man, sentinel. excubo, -cubare, -cubui, -cubitus [ex + cubo, lie~\, lie out on guard, keep watch. exculco, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + calco, tread~\, tread down, stamp firm. excursio, -onis [excurro, run ouf\, f, sortie, sally. excusatio, -onis [excuse], f., excuse, explanation, apology. excuse, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + causa], excuse ; se excusare, offer an excuse. exemplum, -i [eximo, take out], n., sample, example; precedent; way, manner. *exeo, -ire, -ivi(-ii), -itus [ex+e5], go out, march out, depart, with- draw. exerceo, -ercere, -ercui, -ercitus [ex + arce5, inclose~], drive on, keep at work, occtipy ; train, discipline, exercise. *exercitatio, -onis [exercit5, exercise diligently], f., exercise, practice, training ; experience, skill. exercitatus, -a, -um [part, of exer- cito, exercise diligently}, trained, experienced, practised. *exercitus, -us [exerceo], m., trained force of men, army; in- fantry. exhaurio, -haurire, -hausi, -haustus 456 VOCABULARY [ex + haurio, draw~\, draw out, reniove. exigS, -igere, -egi,-actus [ex -f- ago], drive out ; spend, pass; exacta aestas erat, summer was gone. exigue [exiguus], adv., scarcely, hardly. exiguitas, -atis [exiguus], f., scanti- ness, shortness, smallness ; small numbers. exiguus, -a, -um [exigo], small, in- considerable, scanty, little. eximius, -a, -um [eximo, take ouf\, exceptional, extraordinary, excel- lent. existimatio, -onis [exlstimo], f., judgment, opinion, thought; re- pute. *existimd, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + aestimd],//&z#/, suppose ; estimate, consider. exitus, -a, -um, part, of exeo. exitus, -us [exeo], m., departure; exit, way otit ; end, conchision; result, outcome. *expedio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [ex + pes], unfetter, extricate, disentangle; make ready, put in order. expediti5, -5nis [expedio], f., getting ready ; expedition, raid. *expeditus, -a, -um [part, of ex- pedio], unencumbered, lightly equipped, without luggage; free, unembarrassed, easy. *expello, -pellere, -pull, -pulsus [ex + pello], drive out, eject, banish, expel; dispel, remove. *experior, -perm, -pertus [ex + -y/PER, cf. comperio], try, at- tempt; experience, endure, meet. expi5, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + pio, appease~\, atone for, expiate. expleo, -plere, -plevi, -pletus [ex + -pleo, fill~\, fill up; make up, complete; supply, make good. *explorator, -oris [explore], m., ex- plorer; scout. *exploratus, -a, -um [part, of ex- ploro], ascertained, assured, cer- tain; pr5 exp!5rato habere, hold it as certain, be sure. *exploro, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + ploro, cry otit~\, search out, explore, investigate, examine; reconnoiter. exp5no, -ponere, -posui, -positus [ex + pono], put out; set on shore, disembark; expose, exhibit, display ; set forth, tell, show, point out. exporto, -are, -avi, -atus [ex + porto], carry out. exposco, -poscere, -poposc! [ex + posco], ask earnestly, request, de- mand. exprimo, -primere, -press!, -pres- sus [ex + premo], force oiit, ex- tort; carry up. expugnatiS, -onis [expugno], f., taking by assault, storming, cap~ ture. * expugno, -are, -avi, -atus [ex -f pugno], take by storm, capture, overcome. expulsus, -a, -um, part, of expello. exquiro, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisi- tus [ex + quaero], search out, explore; inquire into, ask. exsequor, -sequi, -secutus [ex + sequor],_/o//i9Z{; up, enforce. exsero,-serere, -serui,-sertus [ex + sero, bind together], thrust out, uncover. exsistS, -sistere, -stiti [ex + sisto, cause to stand '], come forth, ap- pear ; arise, be produced, spring up; project. *exspect5, -are. -avi, -atus [ex + specto], look out for, await, wait for ; expect, hope for ; wait, delay ; exspectare si, wait to see whether ; VOCABULARY 457 exspectare quid, wait to see what. exspolio, -are, -avi, -atus [ex spolio], rob, 'deprive. exstinguo, -stinguere, -stinxi, -stinctus [ex + stinguo, put oitf], quench, destroy. exsto, -stare [ex + sto], stand forth. *exstruo, -struere,-struxi,-structus [ex + struo,^5z7i? up~[, pile up, heap up ; build up, erect, constritct. exsul, -ulis, m., banished person, exile. exterior, -ius [comp. of exterus, on the outside], outer, exterior, on the outside* exterreo, -terrere, -terrul, -territus [ex + terreo], strike with terror, frighten thoroughly. extimesco, -timescere, -timui [ex + inchoative of timeo], fear greatly. extorqueo, -torquere, -torsi, -tortus [ex + torqueo, twist~\, obtain by force, extort. extra [exterus, on the outside], prep. with ace., outside of, beyond. extraho, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus [ex + traho], draw out; waste in delay. *extremus, -a, -um [sup. of exterus, on the outside~\ , most distant, far- thest, last, utmost, extreme ; end of; border, frontier ; extremum ag- men, rear; extremae fossae, .ends of the trenches; extremae res, extrema fortuna, iitniost peril; ad extremum, finally. extrudo, -trudere, -trusi, -trusus [ex + trudo, thrust], thrtist out, shut out. exuo, -uere, -ui, -utus [cf. induo], strip off; strip, rob, despoil. exuro, -urere, -ussi, -ustus [ex + uro, burn], destroy by Jire, btirn up. exutus, -a, -urn, part, of exuo. faber, -bri, m., workman, smith, ar- tisan. Fabius, -l, m., Fabius, a Roman nomen. Caesar mentions three of the name : (l) Gaius Fabitis, a legate ; (2) Lucitts Fabius, a centurion of the eighth legion ; (3) Quintus Fabius Maximus, conqueror of the Arverni and Ruteni, 121 B.C. He also con- quered the Allobroges, and from this fact received the surname Allobrogicus. *facile [facilis], adv., easily, without difficulty ; safely ; unquestionably. *facilis, -e [facio], easy to do, prac- ticable, easy. f acinus, -noris [facio], n,, deed; villainy, crime. *facio, facere, feci, factus (for pass., see fio), make, construct, fashion, form ; do, act; establish; give, furnish; cazfse, incite; con- stitttte, appoint; obtain; fidem facere, establish confidence, con- vince, be believed ; imperata facere, carry out orders ; potes- tatem facere, give a chance ; cer- tiorem facere, see certus ; finem facere, stop, put an end to ; .ini- tium facere, begin; iter facere, march; iudicium facere, pass judgment, express an opinion; facere verba, make a speech, act as spokesman ; vim facere, make opposition, force a way ; sementis quam maximas facere, sow as much as possible; nihil reliqui facere, leave nothing undone (ad celeritatem, i.e. make all possible 45 8 VOCABULARY speed} ; rei publicae commodo facere, do so -with advantage to the state ; f acere ut, cause (some- thing) to (be done). factio, -onis [facio],f., taking sides; faction, party. *factum, -I [part, of facio], n., deed, act, measure. *facultas, -atis [facilis], f., ability, power ; opportunity, chance, occa- sion, leave; supply, abundance; pi., resources. fagUS, -I, f., beech-tree. f allo, f allere, f ef elli, f alsus, deceive, cheat, trick ; fail, disappoint. f alsus, -a, -um [part, of fallo], false, groundless. falx, falcis, f., sickle; hook, wall- hook. fama, -ae [for, speak~\, f., story, rumor, report; reputation, repute. fames, -is, abl. fame, f., hunger, want, famine. familia, -ae [famulus, servant], f., collection of slaves, household, ret- inue ; vassals, followers ; family ; pater familiae, head of the hoiise- hold, master. *familiaris, -e [familia], belonging to a house or family, private ; res f amiliaris, private possessions ; as subst., m., intimate friend, associate. familiaritas, -atis [familiar is], f., intimacy, friendship. fas, indecl., found only in nom. and ace. [for, speak~\, n., divine law ; justice, right; fas esse, be lawful, be proper. fastigate [fastlgatus], adv., slant- ing, leaning. fastlgatus, -a, -um [cf. fastlgium], sloping, descending. fastlgium, -I, n., gable-end; top, ridge, summit; slope, declivity ; paulatim angustiore fastigio, with a gradtially narrowing slope. fatum, -I [part, of for, speak~\, n., destiny, fate ; ill fortune. *faveo, favere, favi, fauturus, be well disposed toward, short) favor to, favor. fax, facis, f., torch, firebrand. fefelli, see fallo. felicitas, -atis [felix, fruitful}, f., good for 'tttne, prosperity, success. fellciter [felix, fruitful'], adv., for- tunately, successfully. femina, -ae, f., female; woman. femur, -moris or -minis, n., thigh. fera, -ae [ferus], f., wild animal t beast. ferax, -acis [fero], adj., fruitful^ fertile. *fere, adv., nearly, almost, abozit; generally, usually; chiefly. *fer5, ferre, tuli, latus, bear, carry, bring; endure, suffer, meet; carry away, remove; receive, bear off, win ; declare, report ; offer ; pass., rush, flow; Slgna ferre, march forward, advance, start from camp; graviter or moleste ferre, feel indignation at, take hard; ventus ferebat, the wind was blowing ; condici- onem ferre, propose terms, lay down conditions ; ut c5nsuetudo fert, as custom is; ut f ert illorum opinid, as they think. ferramenta, -orum [ferrum], n. pi., tools made of iron. ferraria, -ae [ferrum], L, iron-mine. *ferreus, -a, -um [ferrum], made of iron, iron. ferrum, -l, n., iron; weapon, sword. fertilis, -e [fero], fertile, fruitful. fertilitas, -atis [fertilis], f., fertility. *f erus, -a, -um, wild, savage ; fierce, cruel. VOCABULARY 459 fervefacio, -facere, -feci, -factus [ferveo + facio], make hot. fervef actus, -a, -urn [part, of ferve- facio], hot, burning, boiling. fervens, -entis [part, of ferveo], adj., red-hot, hot. ferveo, -ere, be hot. fibula, -ae [Hgo, fix~\, f., fastening, brace, clasp. fictus, -a, -um, part, of fingo. fidelis, -e [fides], trustworthy, faith- ful *fides, -61 [fldo, trust], f., trttst, faith, confidence, belief, reliance ; trust- worthiness, fidelity, loyalty, good faith; protection, promise to pro- tect; word, pledge, assurance. fiducia, -ae [fldo, trust], L, trust, confidence, reliance. figura, -ae [fingo], f., form, shape, fashion. *filia, -ae, f., daughter. *filius, -I, m., son. *fing5, fingere, finxi, fictus, mold, model, fashion, make; make up, imagine, conceive, devise ; vultum fingere; compose the countenance, control the expression. fmio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [finis], limit, bound, pttt an end to, end; mark off, define, determine. *f mis, -is, m., occasionally f. in sing., boundary, limit, end; pi., borders, frontier ; country, territory, land. *flnitimus, -a, -um [finis], border- ing, adjacent, neighboring ; as subst, m. pi., neighbors, adjoin- ing peoples. *fio, fieri, factus, used as pass, of faciS, be made, be done, be built, be formed, be accomplished; become ; happen, take place, come about; result; certior fieri, be in- formed; si quid opus facto esset, if there was any need of action. *firmiter [firmus], adv., steadily, firmly. firmitudo, -dinis [firmus], L, firm- ness, stability, strength. ffrmo, -are, -avi, -atus [firmus], make secure, strengthen. *firmus, -a, -um, strong, powerful; stable, firm, steady ; trustworthy. fistuca, -ae, f. , rammer, pile-driver. Flaccus, -I, m., Flaccus, a Roman cognomen ; see Valerius. *flagito, -are, -avi, -atus, demand urgently, importune. flamma, -ae [for flagma, from flagro, blaze'], i.,fiame,fire. flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus, bend, turn. *fleo, flere, flevi, fletus, weep, be- wail. fletus, -us [fleo], m., weeping, la- menting. flo, flare, flavi, flatus, blow. *florens, -entis [part, of floreo, bloom~\, adj., flourishing, prosjter- ous ; ^nfi^^ential. flos, fl5ris, m., blossom, flower. *fluctus, -us [fluo], m., wave. *flumen, -minis [fluo], n., running water, river; adverso flumine, tip-stream ; secund5 flumine, down-stream; in flumine, over a river (as a bridge). *fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxus,y?0?e>, run. fodio, fodere, fodi, fossus, dig, make by digging. foedus, -deris [fldo, trust], n., alli- ance, compact, treaty. fore, equivalent to futurus esse, from sum. forem, equivalent to essem, from sum. foris [foris, door], adv., out of doors, outside. forma, -ae, f., form, shape, appear- ance ; plan, design. 460 VOCABULARY fors (fortis) [cf. fero], f., chance, fortune; abl. forte, by chance, perhaps. *fortis, -e, brave, manly, bold. *fortiter [fortis], adv., bravely, val- iantly, boldly. fortitude, -dinis [fortis], f., courage, bravery. fortuito [fortuitus, accidental'], adv., by chance, accidentally. *fortuna, -ae [fors], f., fortune, chance, luck ; fate, lot; good for- tune ; pi., property, possessions; extrema fortuna, utmost peril. fortunatus, -a, -um [part, of for- tuno, make prosperous'], prosper- ous, fortunate. forum, -i [cf. foris], n., open space, public square, market-place. *fossa, -ae [fodio], f., ditch, trench, moat. fovea, -ae, f., small pit, pitfall. frango, frangere, fregl, fractus, break, dash to pieces, crush. *f rater, -tris, m., brother ; pi., breth- ren, allies. *fraternus, -a, -um [frater], of a brother, brotherly, fraternal. fraus, fraudis, f., deceit, imposition. *fremitus, -us [frem5, roar], m., roaring, uproar. frequens, -entis, adj., in great num- bers. fretus, -&,-\\.m,relyingon, trustingin. frigidus, -a, -um [cf. frlgus], cold. frigUS, -goris, n., cold, frost, wintry weather; pi., cold seasons, cold. *frons, frontis, f., forehead ; front. fructuosus, -a, '-urn [ fructus], yrzV- ful, productive. fructus, -us [fruor], m., enjoyment ; fruit, crops ; result, effect ; interest, profit; reward. *frumentarius, -a, -um [frumen- tum], of grain; abounding in grain, fertile ; res frumentaria, grain-supply, provisions. frumentatio, -onis [frumentor], f., providing of grain, foraging. frumentor, -an, -atus [frumentum], get grain, forage. *frumentum, -I [fruor], n., grain, harvested grain, usually wheat, barley, or spelt ; pi., standing grain, grain-crop. fruor, frui, fructus, enjoy, reap the benefit of. *frustra [cf. fraus], adv., in vain, uselessly. frux, frugis [fruor], f., fruit, prod- uce; usually pi., crops. Fufius, -I, m., Fufius, a Roman nomen ; Gaius Fufius Cita, a Roman knight. *fuga, -ae, f., fleeing, flight, rout , sese fugae mandare, take to flight, run away; in fugam dare, p^lt to flight, rout. *fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturus [fuga], flee, run away ; shun, avoid. fugitlVUS, -a, -um [fugio], fugitive; as subst., m., runaway, deserter. fug5, -are, -avl, -atus [fuga], put to flight, rout. fumd, -are [fumus], smoke. fumus, -i, m., smoke. funda, -ae, f., sling; sling-stone. funditor, -oris [funda], m., slinger. fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus, pour; Jnirl, spread, scatter ; overthrow, put to flight. funebris, -e [funus], of a funeral ; iusta funebria, due rites of burial. fungor, fungi, functus, perform, execute. *funis, -is, m., rope. funus, -neris, n., funeral, funeral rites. VOCABULARY 461 furor, -oris [furo, rage}, m., madness, hot-headedness, frenzy. furtum, -I [fur, thief}, n., theft. fusilis, -e [fundo], molten, red-hot. futurus, -a, -um, fut. part, of sum. Gabali, -orum, m. pi., the Gabali, a small Gallic tribe, clients of the Arverni. Gabmius, -I, m., Gab^n^^ts, a Roman nomen ; Aulus Gabiniiis, consul in 58 B.C. gaesum, -I, n., javelin. "Thegaesum was the characteristic weapon of the Gauls in early times. It was probably made entirely of iron. Galba, -ae, m., Galba : (l) a Roman cognomen; Servius Sulpiciiis Galba, one of Caesar's legates ; (2) a king of the Suessiones. galea, -ae, f., helmet (of leather, often strengthened with metal). Gallia, -ae [Callus], f., Gaul; for the different applications of the word see Introd., p. 23. Gallicus, -a, -um [Gall us], Gallic, of Gaul, pertaining to Gaul. gallina, -ae [gallus, cock~\, f., hen. Gallus, -1, m., a Gaul; pi., the Gauls, generally used as synonymous with Celtae, meaning the inhabitants of the central of Caesar's divisions of Transalpine Gaul (see Bk. I, Chap. I., and Introd., p. 23) ; as adj., Gallus, -a,-um, Gallic. Gallus, -I, m., Galhis, a Roman cog- nomen ; see Trebius. Garumna, -ae, m., the Garumna, a river of southwestern Gaul, now the Garonne. Garumni, -orum, m. pi., the Ga- rumni, an Aquitanian tribe near the head waters of the Garumna (Garonne) among the Pyrenees. Gates, -ium, m. pi., the Gates, a tribe in eastern Aquitania. gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus, rejoice, be glad. Geidumm, -onim, m. pi., the Gei- dumni, a small Belgic tribe, clients of the Nervii. Genava, -ae, f., Genava, Geneva, an important city of the Allobroges. gener, -eri, m., son-in-law. generatim [genus], adv., by kinds, by tribes. gens, gentis [cf. gigno, pro- d^tce}, f., race, tribe ; nation, people. *genus, -neris [cf. gigno', produce}, n., descent, race ; kind, sort ; class, rank, order ; genus, species ; fam- ily, house ; nation, people, tribe ; method. Gergovia, -ae, f., Gergovia, a city of the Arverni near the Elaver (Allier). It was not far from the modern Clermont-Ferrand. Germania, -ae [Germanus], f., Ger- many, a country of indefinite ex- tent lying east of the Rhine; see Introd., p. 30. Germanicus, -a, -um [Germanus], Germanic, German. Germanus, -I, m., a German; pi., the Germans; as adj., Germanus, -a, -um, German. *gero, gerere, gessi, gestus, carry ; administer, manage, carry on, con- duct; do, carry out, finish; hold; pass., go on, take place ; bellum gerere, -wage war; res gestae, see res. *gladius, -I, m., siuord. glaeba, -ae, f., clod ; lump, mass. glans, glandis, f., acorn; ball, sling-bullet. gloria, -ae, f. , renown, fame, praise, glory. 462 VOCABULARY glorior, -ari, -atus [gloria], boast, pride oneself. Gobannitio, -onis, m., Gobannitio, an Arvernian, uncle of Vercin- getorix. Gorgobina, -ae, f., Gorgobina, a town of the Boii, perhaps between the Elaver (Allier) and the Liger (Loire) . Graecus, a, -um, Greek; as subst., m., a Greek. Graioceli, -orum, m. pi., the Graio- celi, a Gallic tribe in the Alps not far from Mt. Cenis. grandis, -e, large, massive, huge. * gratia, -ae [gratus], f., gratitude, thanks ; return, requital; favor, friendship, good will; influence, power, popularity ; gratiam habere, feel grateful; gratiam referre, make return; gratias agere, express thanks; gratia, with gen., for the sake of, for the purpose of. gratulatio, -onis [gratulor], f., re- joicing, joy, congratulation. gratulor, -ari, -atus [gratus], mani- fest joy ; congratulate. gratus, -a, -um, pleasing, satis- factory, grateful, acceptable ; as subst., n., pleasing thing, favor. *gravis, -e, heavy, ponderous, bur- densome; hard to bear, severe; seri- ous, important, grave ; gravi5ris aetatis, of maturer years. gravitas, -atis [gravis], f., weight ; importance, influence. *graviter [gravis], adv., heavily; seriously, forcibly ; bitterly, se- verely, vehemently ; graviter f erre, be troubled about, feel indignation at, take hard. *gravor, -ari, -atus [gravis], be un- willing, hesitate. Grudii, -orum, m. pi., the Grudii, a small Belgic tribe, dependants of the Nervii. *gubernator, -oris [guberno, steer], m., pilot, helmsman. gusto, -are, -avi, -atus, taste. H *habe5, habere, habui, habitus, have, hold, possess; regard, con- sider, count; take (a census); make (a speech); compertum habere, to have {hold} discovered, almost equivalent to comperisse ; habere in animo, intend; aliter se habere, be. different ; habere Infamiam, involve disgrace ; gra- tiam habere, see gratia ; satis habere, deem sufficient. Haeduus, -a, -um [Celtic, fiery], Haeduan ; as subst., m., a Haed- uan ; pi., the Haedui, a promi- nent tribe of Gaul, usually friendly to the Romans. haesito, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of haereS, cling\, stick fast. hamus, -i, m., hook. harpagd, -onis, m., hook, -wall-hook, grapple. Harudes, -um, m. pi., the Hariides, a German tribe, originally perhaps living in Jutland. baud, adv., not, by no means. Helveticus, -a, -um [Helvetius], Helvetian. Helvetius, -a, -um, Helvetian; as subst., m., a Helvetian ; pi., the Helvetii, a rich and powerful tribe, whose country was nearly the same as modern Switzerland. Helvii, -orum, m. pL, the Helvii, a small Gallic tribe in the Roman province. Hercynius, -a, -um, Hercynian. The Hercynia silva was an im- VOCABULARY 463 mense forest, or series of forests, extending through southern Ger- many. hereditas, -atis [heres, heir], f., inheritance. Hibernia, -ae, f., Hibernia, or Ire- land. *Mbernus, -a, -um [hiems], of -win- ter, pertaining to winter ; as subst., hiberna, -orum (sc. castra),, winter camp, winter quarters ; time spent in winter quarters. *hic, haec, hoc, dem. pron., this, this man, he; the following ; the latter (contrasted with ille) ; such, of this kind ; hoc, on this account, in this respect, by this, the. *hlC [hie], adv., here, in this place ; at this time, hereupon. *hiem5, -are,- avi, -aturus [hiems], spend the winter, winter, be in winter quarters. *hiems, -emis, f., winter; -wintry weather, storm. *hinc [hie], adv., from this place, from here, hence. Hispania, -ae [Hispanus], f., Spain, including the whole peninsula, i.e. Spain and Portugal. Citerior Hispania comprised the northern and eastern parts of the peninsula. Hispanus, -a, -um, Spanish. *homo, -minis, m. and f., human being, person, man; pi., men, people. honestus, -a, -um [honos], honored, respected, honorable, noble. honorificus, -a, -um [honos + faci5], conferring honor, honor- able. honos (honor), -oris, m., honor, repute, distinction; office; hono- ris causa, out of respect (for). *hora, -ae, f., hotir, a twelfth part of the time between sunrise and sun- set, consequently varying in length according to the season. horreo, horrere, horrui, bristle; shudder at, dread. horribilis, -e [horreo], terrible. horridus, -a, -um [horreo], savage, frightful. *hortor, -an, -atus, urge, incite, en- courage, impel. *hospes, -pitis, m., stranger, espe- cially one bound to another by ties of hospitality, guest-friend ; guest, host ; friend. *hospitium, -l [hospes], n., tie of hospitality, guest-friendship, hospi- tality ; friendship. *hostis, -is, m. and f., enemy (public), foe ; pi., the enemy. *huc [Me], adv., to this place, hither ; to this, to these ; hue acce- debat, to this was added. humanitas, -atis [humanus], f., civilization, refinement. humanus, -a, -um [homo], civilized, refined. *humilis, -e [humus, ground~\, low, small; humble, insignificant, weak. humilitas, -atis [humilis], f., low- ness ; insignificance. iaceo, iacere, iacul [cf. iacio], lie, lie prostrate, lie dead; pres. part, as subst., iacentes, -ium, m. pi., the fallen. *iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus, throw, hurl, cast; throiv up, constriict ; ancoras iacere, cast anchor. iacto, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of iacio], throw with violence, hurl ; toss about, shake ; discuss. iactura, -ae [iaci5], f., throwing; sacrifice ; outlay. iactus, -a, -um, part, of iacio. 464 VOCABULARY iaculum, -i [iacio], n., missile, dart, javelin. *iam, adv., by this time, already, now ; at length ; even, in fact ; with fut., presently, soon; with neg., longer. *ibi, adv., there, in that place; at that time, then. ibidem [ibi + -dem (cf. Idem)], adv., in the same place. Iccius, -1, m., Iccins, a leading man among the Remi. ictus, -us [ico, strike"], m., stroke, blow, shot. idcirc5 [id + abl. of circus, circle (cf. circum)], adv., on that ac- count, for this reason. *idem, eadem, idem [is], dem. pron., that same one, the same; identical ; e5dem vestigio, in one spot. identidem [idem + itidem, so~\, adv., again and again, repeat- edly. *idoneus, -a, -um, suitable, capable, convenient, fit. Idus, -uum, f. pi., the Ides, a fixed date near the middle of each month, being the fifteenth of March, May, July, and October, the thirteenth of the other months. *ignis, -is, m., fire; pi., beacon- fires. ignobilis, -e [in- + (g)nobilis], un- known, insignificant. ignominia, -ae [in- -f- (g)nomen], f., disgrace, shame, ignominy. ignor5, -are, -avi, -atus [ignarus, ignorant], not know, be ignorant of, misunderstand ; non ignorans, knowing well. *ignosc5, -gndscere, -gn5vi, -gnotus [in- + (g)nosco], overlook, par- don, excuse. *ign5tus, -a, -um [in- + (g)notus], unknown, strange. *ille, ilia, illud, dem. pron., that, that one ; he, she, it; the former (contrasted with hie) ; the well- known. *illic [ille], adv., in that place, there. *il!6 [ille], adv., thither; to that point. Illyricum, -i, n., Illyricttm,\.\\e coun- ~try along the eastern shore of the Adriatic, corresponding nearly to the modern Istria and Dalmatia. It was a part of Caesar's prov- ince. imbecillitas, -atis [imbecillus, weak], f., weakness, feebleness. imber, -bris, m., rain, storm. imitor, -ari, -atus, copy, imitate. immanis, -e, monstroiis, huge. immine5, -minere, hang over ; be close upon, threaten. *immitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [in -f mitto], cause to go in, send in ; insert, let down ; send against, throw. immolo, -are, -avi, -atus, sacrifice. immortalis, -e [in- + mortalis, mor- tar], deathless, immortal. immunis, -e [in- + munus], free from burdens, untaxed. immunitas, -atis [immunis], f., freedom from obligation, exemp- tion. imparatus, -a, -um [in- + paratus], unprepared, off guard. *impedimentum, -i [impedio], n., obstruction, hindrance; pi., hig- gage, baggage, baggage train, pack-animals. *impedio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [in + pes], fetter; entangle, obstruct, hinder. *impeditus, -a, -um [part, of im- VOCABULARY 465 pedio], shackled ; burdened, em- barrassed, at a disadvantage ; oc- cupied, busied; inaccessible, dijfi- cult. *impell6, -pellere, -pull, -pulsus [in + pello] , drive in, drive on ; urge on, influence. impended, -pendere [in + pendeo, be suspended^, hang over. impensus, -a, -um [part, of im- pendo, weigh out], heavy, exces- sive. imperator, -oris [impero], m., leader, general, commander-in- chief. See Introd., p. 32. *imperatum, -I [part, of impero], n., order, command. imperitus, -a, -um [in- + peritus], not experienced, unskilled, igno- rant ; unused to, unacquainted with. *imperium, -i [impero], n., mili- tary authority, power; order, command; government, control, dominion, sway ; nova imperia, see novus. *impero, -are, -avi, -atus [in + paro], be commander, rule ; com- mand, order, direct; demand, impose, levy. *impetrd, -are, -avi, -atus [in + patro, bring to pass~\, accomplish; ask and receive, obtain on request, get. *impetus, -US [in + peto], m., at- tack ; shock, force, violence ; fury. impius, -a, -um [in- + pius, duti- ful], undutiful, impious. implied, -plicare, -plica vi or -plicui, -plicatus or -plicitus [in + plico, fold~\, enfold, entwine, connect closely. *imp!5ro, -are, -avi, -atus [in + ploro, cry out\, beg, entreat. *impono, -ponere, -posui, -positus 2H [in -f- pono], put Tipon, place, impose; mount. imports, -are, -avi, -atus [in + porto], carry in, bring in, im- port. impositus, -a, -um, part, of impono. improbus, -a, -um [in- + probus, estimable'], wicked, shameless. *improvis6 [improvlsus], adv., un- expectedly, on a siidden. *impr5vlsus, -a, -um [in- + provT- sus, part, of provideo], not fore- seen ; de improvise, unexpect- edly, suddenly. imprudens, -entis [in- + priidens, foreseeing^, adj., not expecting, unaware, off one's guard. imprudentia, -ae [imprudens], f., want of foresight, inconsiderate- ness, ignorance. impubes, -beris [in- + p\ibes,^rown- up~\, adj., under age ; chaste. impugno, -are, -avi, -atus [in + pugno], fight against, assail, fight. impulsus, -us [impello], m., strik- ing against; impulse, influence. impulsus, -a, -um, part, of im- pello. impune [impunis, unpunished~\, adv., withoTit punishment, with impunity. impunitas, -atis [impunis, unpun- ished'], f., freedom from punish- ment. *imus, -a, -um, equivalent to infi- mus, which see; as subst., n., bottom, foot. * in-, an inseparable prefix, not, in- t tin-, -less. *in, prep. : (i) with ace., into, to, against; sometimes in with ex- pressions which imply motion ; among ; on, upon ; towards, in the direction of; until, for ; ac- cording to ; in Arvernos versus, 4 66 VOCABULARY towards the Arverni : in tertium annum, for the third year ; in noctem, till night ; in perpetuum, forever ; in dies, from day to day ; in annos singulos, year by year, yearly; in susplcionem, under suspicion; in servilem modum, like slaves; (2) with abl., in, within; on; among, in the cotuitry of; at ; in the case of; in the time of, during ; in ancoris, at an- chor ; in epulis, at feasts; in armls, under arms ; in dicione, under the sway ; in flumine, over a river ; in praesentia, at the time, for the present. In comp., in, into, at, on, against, among. inanis, -e, empty ; groundless. incaute [incautus], adv., carelessly. incautus, -a, -urn [in- + cautus, part, of caveo], incautious, off ones guard. incendium, -i [incendo], n., fire, conflagration. *incend5, -cendere, -cendi, -census [in -j- candeo, glow], set fire to, burn ; arouse. inceptus, -a, -um, part, of inci- pio. incertus, -a, -um [in- + certus], not certain, undetermined, doubtful; untried, unexpected ; in disorder. *incido, -cidere, -cidi [in + cado], fall upon; happen, occur; inci- dere in, fall in with. incido, -cidere, -cidi, -cisus [in + caedd], cut into, notch. *incipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [in + capio], take hold of , enter upon, begin. incisus, -a, -um, part, of incido. *incit5, -are, -avi, -atus [in + cito, put in swift motion"], hurry on, drive on; incite, rouse, excite; se incitare, rush in; incitat5 equo, with his horse at full speed ; cursu incitato, advancing at fttll speed. incognitus, -a, -um [in + cognitus, part, of cognosce], not examined, unknown. *inco!5, -colere, -colui [in + colo], inhabit ; dwell, live. *incolumis, -e, uninjured, safe, un- impaired. incommode [incommodus, incon- venient], adv., inconveniently, dis- advantageously. incommodum, -i [incommodus, in- convenient], n., inconvenience, disadvantage, trouble ; injury, loss, defeat. *incredibilis, -e [in- + credihilis, worthy of belief], marvelous, wonderful, incredible. increpito, -are [freq. of increpo, rebuke~], find fa^llt with, rebuke; taunt. incumbo, -cumbere, -cubui, -cubitus [in + -cumbo, lie], lie upon; bend one's energy, exert oneself. incursio, -onis [incurro, run in], f., inroad, invasion, raid. incursus, -us [incurr5, run in~], m., approach, charge, attack. incuso, -are, -avi, -atus [in + causa], bring a charge against, accuse, censure. *inde [is], adv., from there, thence ; after that, next, then. indicium, -i [indico, point out], n., information, disclosure, evidence ; per indicium, through informa- tion, i.e. through informers. indico, -dicere, -dixi, -dictus [in + dico], declare publicly, pro- claim ; appoint. indictus, -a, -um [in- + dictus, part, of dico], not said, unsaid; indicta causa, without a hearing. VOCABULARY 467 indigne [indlgnus], adv., undeserv- edly, shamefully. indignitas, -atis [indlgnus], f., im- worthiness ; insult, outrage. indignor, -ari, -atus [indlgnus], deem unworthy; be indignant, chafe. indlgnus, -a, -um [in- -f dignus], unworthy, unbecoming. indiligens, -entis [in- -f dlligens, industriotts~\, adj., careless, negli- gent. indllig enter [indiligens], adv., care- lessly, negligently. indiligentia, -ae [indlligens], f., carelessness, neglect. *inducd, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [in + duco], lead in ; induce, influ- ence ; pellibus inducere, cover with skins. indulgentia, -ae [indulgens, part, of indulgeo], f., indulgence, for- bearance, favor. *indulgeo, -dulgere, -dulsi, -dultus, be kind to, indulge, favor. induo, -duere, -dui, -dutus [cf. exuo], put on, impale. Industrie [industrius, active'], adv., energetically. indutiae, -arum, f. pi., armistice, truce. Indutiomarus, -i, m., Indutiomarus, a chief of the Treveri. *ineo, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [in + eo], go into ; enter upon, begin ; make, take, form ; gain ; pass., begin (in intrans. sense). *inermis, -e [in- + arma], unarmed. iners, -ertis [in- + ars], adj., -with- out skill ; lazy. infamia, -ae [Tnfamis, disreputa- ble'], f., evil repute, disgrace, dis- honor. infans, -antis [in- -f part, of for, speak~\, adj., not speaking; as subst., m. and f., little child, infant. infectus, -a, -um [in- + factus, part, of facio], not done, imac- complished. * inferior, -ius [comp. of inferus, below], lower; below, beneath, farther down; inferior, weaker ; lower part of; ab inf eri5re parte and ad inferiorem partem flu- minis, on the doiun-stream side. *infero, mferre, intuli, inlatus [in + fero], bring in, import, bring; place tipon ; inflict, cause; bring forward, allege; slgna Inferre, charge; conversa signa Inferre, wheel and charge; spe inlata, hope being inspired ; bellum In- ferre, make war. infestus, -a, -um, unsafe, hostile, threatening, dangerous. inficio, -ficere, -feci, -fectus [in -f facio], stain, paint. infidelis, -e [in- + fidelis], faith- less, untrustiuorthy. infigo, -figere, -fixi, -fixus [in + fTg5, fix], drive in, fasten. *infimus, -a, -um [sup. of Inferus, below], lowest, at the bottom; low- est part of, bottom of; as subst., n., bottom, foot. infinitus, -a, -um [in- + finltus, part, of finio], endless, measitre- less, countless, vast. infirmitas, -atis [Inflrmus], f., wani of strength, feebleness ; inconstancy. infirmus, -a, -um [in- + flrmus], not strong, weak; infirmiores animo, less courageous. inf ixus, -a, -um, part, of infigS. inflecto, -flectere, -flexi, -flexus [in + flecto], bend down, bend. influo, -fluere, -fluxi, -fluxus [in -f- fluo], flow in, empty into. 4 68 VOCABULARY Infodio, -fodere, -f5di, -fossus [in + fodio], dig into, bury. Infra [Inferus, below'] : (i) adv., below, farther on ; (2) prep, with ace., below, smaller than. ingens, -entis [in- + gens], adj., not natural ; enormous, vast. ingratus, -a, -urn [in- -f gratus], displeasing, unsatisfactory. ingredior, -gredi, -gressus [in + gradior, step~\, enter ; advance. *inicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [in + iacio], throw in, throw on; put on; inspire, cause. inimicitia, -ae [inimlcus], f., en- mity, hostility. ininricus, -a, -um [in- + amlcus], unfriendly, hostile ; as subst., m., personal enemy, opponent. iniquitas, -atis [iniquus], f., uneven- ness ; unfavorableness, inequality ; unfairness. iniquus, -a, -um. [in- + aequus], uneven, unequal; unfavorable, disadvantageous; unfair, hard. *initium, -I [ineo], n., going in, entrance ; beginning, start; first part ; initium capere, begin. initus, -a, -um, part, of ineo. iniungo, -iungere, -iunxi, -iunctus [in -f- iungo"], join to, impose on. *iniuria, -ae [in- + ius], f., injus- tice; insrilt, wrong, outrage, in- jury ; iniuria, unfairly, ttnjustly. (iniussus, -us) [in- -J- iussus], m., found only in the abl. sing, iniussu, without orders. inlatus, -a, -um, part, of inf er5. inligo, -are, -avi, -atus [in + ligo, tie~\, tie to ; tie, fasten together. inlustris, -e [in + lux], brilliant; noble, noteworthy. innascor, -nasci, -natus [in + nas- cor], be born in; spring up, be roused. innatus, -a, -um [part, of innascor], inborn, innate. innitor, -nitl, -nixus or -nisus [in -j- nitor], lean on, rest on. innocens, -entis [in- + nocens], adj., harmless ; innocent. innocentia, -ae [innocens], f., harm- lessness ; integrity. *inopia, -ae [inops, without re- sources~\, f., lack, need, scarcity; poverty, destitution. inopmans, -antis [in- + oplnans, part, of opinor, suppose], adj., not expecting, s^t.rprised. inquam, defective verb, say ; inquit, said, said he, commonly inserted parenthetically after one or more words of a direct quotation. inrideo, -ridere, -risi, -risus [in + rldeo, laugli\, laitgh at; laugh sneeringly. inridicule [in- + ridicule, laughably], adv., without wit. inrumpo, -rumpere, -rupi, -ruptus [in + rumpo, break~\, break in, rush in. inruptid, -onis [inrumpo], f., break- ing in ; incursion, attack. insciens, -entis [in- + sciens, part, of scio], adj., not knowing, un- aware. inscientia, -ae [insciens], f., igno- rance, inexperience. inscius, -a, -um [in- + scio], igno- rant, unaware. *insequor, -sequi, -secutus [in + sequor], follow on, follow up, fol- low closely, pursue, press upon. insero, -serere, -serui, -sertus [in + sero, bind together"], put in, insert. *insidiae, -arum [InsideS, sit ^lpon~\, f. pi., snare, trap, ambush ; plot, stratagem; treachery. insidior, -an, -atus [insidiae], lie in ambush. VOCABULARY 469 *insignis, -e [in -j- signum], remark- able, conspicuotis ; as subst, n., mark, emblem, ornament ; signal. insilio, -sillre, -silui [in + sali5, leap], leap against, leap. insimulo, -are, -avi, -atus [in + simulo], make suspected, charge, accuse. msinuo, -are, -avi, -atus [in + sinuo, bend], wind in ; se in- sinuare, wind one's way in. *msisto, -sistere, -stiti [in + sisto, cause to stand~\, take a stand upon ; stand upon, stand; rationem in- sistere, purstie apian ; in bellum insistere, devote oneself to war. insolenter [Insolens, unaccustomed"], adv., in an umisiial way ; hazigh- tily, insolently. inspecto, -are [freq. of Inspicio, look into~\, look on, watch. instabilis, -e [in- + stabilis, firm~\, unsteady. Instar, indecl., n., resemblance; with gen., equal to, like. instigo, -are, -avi, -atus, goad on, incite. *instituo, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutus [in+statuo], jfo^ in position, mar- shal, draw up ; begin ; decide upon, determine; establish; build, con- strtict ; furnish, provide, prepare, procure, organize; teach, train. *institutum, -I [part, of Instituo], n., design ; custom, habit ; institution. *insto, -stare, -stiti, -staturus [in + sto] , push on, press on ; approach, impend, be near. instructus, -a, -urn, part, of instruo. instrumentum, -I [Instruo], n., implement; equipment. *instruo, -struere, -struxl, -structus [in + struo, pile up], build in ; set tip, prepare ; marshal, draiv up ; Jit out, equip, rig. insuefactus,- a,- um [Insuesco, habit- uate + facio], accustomed, trained. insuetus, -a, -um [in- + suetus, accustomed], ^lnaccustomed, ttn- trained, *msula, -ae, f., island. insuper [in + super, above], adv., above, on the top. integer, -gra, -grum [in- -f tango], not touched, unhurt; entire, fresh, vigorous; re integra, at the be- ginning. integ5, -tegere, -texi, -tectus [in -j- tego], cover over. *intelleg5, -legere, -lexi, -lectus [inter + lego, gather], distingztish ; find out, come to know, perceive ; know, understand, see. intentus, -a, -um [part, of intends, stretch out to~\, fixed, intent. *inter [in], prep, with ace., be- tween ; among, in the midst of, with ; dtiring, within ; inter se, in a reciprocal sense, with (to, for, from, etc.) each other or one an- other, together; cohortari inter se, encourage one another. In comp., between, among, apart; sometimes, to destruction. *intercedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [inter + cedo], come between, be between; intervene, pass; occur, be. intercipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [inter + capio], take on the way, intercept, catch rip ; cut off. *intercludo, -cludere, -clusi, -clusus [inter + claudo], shut off, cut off, hinder, prevent. interdico, -dicere, -dixi, -dictus [inter + dlco], interpose by an order, forbid, prohibit, interdict, exclude. interdiu [inter + dies], adv., in the daytime, by day. 470 VOCABULARY *interdum [inter +dum], adv., some- times, at times. *interea [inter + is], adv., mean- while, in the meantime. intereo, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [inter + eo], perish, be killed, be destroyed. *interficio, -figere, -feel, -fectus [inter -f facio], put out of the way, destroy, kill. intericio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [inter -f iacio], throw between, put among, scatter in, plant {set, put) between; intersperse ; brevispatio interiect5, after a short interval. *interim [inter], adv., meanwhile. interior, -ius [comp. from inter], inner, interior, interior of; farther inland, inland ; interi- 5res, those 'within. interitus, -us [intereo], m., fall, destruction, death. *intermitto, -mittere, -misi, -mis- sus [inter + mitt5], let go between, leave between; omit, stop, leave, leave off ; leave vacant ; allow to intervene; neglect; interrupt, separate ; intermisso spati5, at a distance, after an interval. internecio, -5nis [inter + neco], f., slaughter, annihilation. interpello, -are, -avi, -atus, inter- rupt, interfere with. *interpon5, -ponere, -posui, -positus [inter -f- pono], put between, inter- pose, introduce ; cause ; put for- ward, allege ; promise, pledge. interpres, -etis, m. and f., mediator ; interpreter. interpreter, -an, -atus [interpres], explain, interpret. interrogo, -are, -avi, -atus [inter + rogo], ask, question. interrumpo, -rumpere, -rupi, -ruptus [inter -f rumpo, break}, break apart, break down, destroy. interscindo, -scindere, -scidi, -scis- sus [inter + scindo], cut through, break down. intersum, -esse, -fui, -f uturus [inter -f- sum], be between; be present, take part ; attend to ; interest, it concerns, it matters, it is of ad- vantage. *intervallum, -i [inter + vallus], n., space between palisades; space, distance, interval. intervenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [inter + veni5], come between, arrive. interventus, -us [inter veniS], m., coming between, coming in, coming on, intervention. intexo, -texere, -texui, -textus [in + texo, weave~\, weave in, make by weaving. intoleranter [intolerans, not endur- ing~\, adv., immoderately, violently. *intra [inter], prep, with ace. , within, among, inside ; during ; before. intritus, -a, -urn [in- + trltus, part. of tero, wear aiuay~\, not worn, ^lnwearied. intro, -are, -avi, -atus, go in, enter. introduce, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [intro, to the inside + dfico], lead in, bring in. introeo, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [intro, to the inside + eo] , go in, enter. introitus, -us [introeo], m., en- trance. intr5mitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [intro, to the inside + mitto], let in, send in, admit. intrSrsus [intro, to the inside + versus], adv., within, inside; to the interior. introrumpo, -rumpere, -rupi, -ruptus [intro, to the inside + rumpo, break~\, break in, force a way in. VOCABULARY 471 intueor, -tuerl, -tuitus [in + tueor], look upon. intuli, see Infero. intus [in], adv., within, inside. inusitatus, -a, -um [in- + usitatus], unusual, uncommon, strange. inutilis, -e [in- -f utilis], useless, unserviceable. invenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [in + venio], come upon, find; learn, find out. inventor, -oris [invenio], m., dis- coverer, author. inventus, -a, -um, part, of inveniS. inveterasco, -veterascere, -veteravl [inchoative of invetero, make old~\, grow old ; get a footing, become established. invicem [in + vicis, change'], adv., in turn. invictus, -a, -um [in- + victus, part, of vinco], imconquered, invincible. invideo, -videre, -vidi, -visus [in + video], look askance at, envy. invidia, -ae [invidus, envious'}, f., envy, ill will. inviolatus, -a, -um [in- + violatus, part, of vio!5], not treated with violence, inviolate, inviolable. *invito, -are, -avi, -atus, invite, urge, induce, attract. *invitus, -a, -um, against one's will, Tinder compulsion, unwilling; sometimes to be trans, as adv., unwillingly. *ipse, ipsa, ipsum [is], intensive pron., self, himself, etc. ; very ; he himself, he in person, he (the prin- cipal person mentioned) ; the very man. Distinguish carefully the in- tensive self (ipse) from the re- flexive self (sui). iracundia, -ae [iracundus], f., in- clination to anger, quick temper, violence. iracundus, -a, -um [Trascor, be angry'}, easily made angry, quick- tempered. *is, ea, id, dem. pron., that, that one, this, this one, the one ; he, she, it, they; often as antec. of a rel. pron., the man (lie) who, etc. ; such ; eo, for this reason or pur- pose, explained by a following clause introduced by quod or ut ; with comp., the (by this}, e.g. e5 magis, the more, all the more. iste, ista, istud [is], dem. pron., this, that (of something near the person addressed or connected in some way with him), that of yours ; such ; sometimes used with contemptuous force. *ita [is], adv., thus, so, in this way, as follows; so far ; therefore ; n5n ita magnus, not very large ; ita \A.,just as. Italia, -ae, f., Italy. Caesar some- times includes Cisalpine Gaul in Italy. See Introd., p. 21. *itaque [ita + -que], conj., and so, therefore, accordingly, conse- quently ; sometimes it is equiva- lent to et ita. *item [is], adv., also, besides, like- wise, in the same way, too. *iter, itineris [eo], n., going, way, journey, march; route, course, road; distance; magnum iter, forced march. *iterum, adv., a second time, again. Itius, -I, m., properly an adj. (used with portus ),///*/ Portus Itius was a harbor on the northwest coast of Gaul, probably either Boulogne or Wissant. iuba, -ae, f., mane. *iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus, order, 472 VOCABULARY command, direct, tell; munire iussit, gave orders to fortify. iudicium, -I [iudico], n., judgment, decision, opinion, sentence ; trial ; iudicio, purposely, designedly. *iudico, -are, -avi, -atus [ifidex, judge}, judge, form an opinion, decide; have an opinion, think, suppose; declare. *iugum, -I [iungo], n., yoke; ridge, summit, hill. iumentum, -I [iugum], n., yoke- animal, draft-animal, pack- animal, horse, imile. iunctura, -ae [iungo], f., uniting, joining; cross-tie. *iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctus, join, put together. iunior, -ius [comp. of iuvenis, young~\, younger ; as subst., iuni- ores, -urn, m. pi., men of mili- tary age. lunius, -I, m., Junius, a Roman nomen; Quintm Junius, a man in Caesar's army, either a Span- iard or a Roman born in Spain. See also Brutus. luppiter, lovis, m., Jupiter, son of Saturn, chief among the gods of the Romans. Caesar identifies a Gallic divinity with Jupiter. lura, -ae, m., Jura, a range of mountains forming the boundary between the Helvetii and the Sequani. *iuro, -are, -avi, -atus [ius], take oath, swear ; ius iurandum, gen. iuris iurandi", oath. *ius, iuris, n., that which is bind- ing; constitution, law; rights, privilege, authority; right, jus- tice; ius iurandum, see iuro. iussus, -a, -um, part, of iubeo. (iussus, -us) [iubeo], m., found j only in the abl. sing, iussu, by order, by command. *iustitia, -ae [iustus], f., justice, uprightness. iustus, -a, -um [ius], just, lawful; proper, suitable, complete, exact; due. iuventus, -utis [iuvenis, young~\, f., yorith (time of life) ; in a collective sense, young men, men of mili- tary age. *iuvo, iuvare, iuvl, iutus, help, aid, assist. iuxta [cf. iungo], adv., close by. K Kalendae, -arum, f. pi., the Calends, the first day of the month. L., the abbreviation for the prae- nomen Lucius, Lucius. Laberius, -I, m., Laberius, a Roman nomen ; Qziintus Laberius Durus, a tribune of the soldiers. Labienus, -i, m., Labiemis, a Roman cognomen; Tfais Atius Labienus, Caesar's most trusted legate dur- ing the Gallic War. He fought against Caesar in the Civil War. labor, labi, lapsus, glide ; fall into error, be disappointed ; waver (in allegiance). *labor, -5ris, m., work, toil, exertion, labor ; stiff er ing. *labor5, -are, -avi, -atus [labor], exert oneself, strive, labor ; labor for; be in danger, be troubled, suffer. labrum, -i, n., lip ; edge, brim. *lac, lactis, n., milk. *lacesso, lacessere, lacessivl, laces- situs [lacio, entice~\, provoke; challenge, harass, attack. *lacrima, -ae, f., tear. VOCABULARY 473 lacrimo, -are, -avi, -atus [lacrima], shed tears, weep. *lacus, -us, m., lake. laedo, laedere, laesi, laesus, in- jure ; break, violate. laetitia, -ae [laetus], L,joy, exulta- tion, delight. laetus, -a, -um, joyful, exttltant. languide [languidus], adv., slowly, with little vigor. languidus, -a, -um [langueo, be fainf\, faint, listless. languor, -oris [langued, be faint], m., fatigue. *lapis, -idis, m., stone. lapsus, -a, -um, part, of labor. laqueus, -I [lacio, entice}, m., noose. largior, -m, -itus [largus, abun- dant], give generotisly ; bribe. *largiter [largus, abundant], adv., in abimdance ; largiter posse, have great aitthority or influence. largitio, -onis [largior], f., lavish giving, bribery. Iassitud5, -dinis [lassus, faint], f., exhaustion. *late [latus], adv., widely, exten- sively; longe lateque, far and wide. latebra, -ae [lateo], f., hiding-place, lurking-place. *lateo, latere, latui, lurk; escape notice. *latitud6, -dinis [latus], f., -width, extent ; in latitudinem, in width ; sideways. Latobrigi, -orum, m. pi., the Lato- brigi, a Gallic tribe dwelling not far from the Helvetia, perhaps east of the Rhine, near the source of the Danube. latro, -onis, m., freebooter, robber. latrocinium, -I [latrocinor, rob~\,n., brigandage ; raid. *latus, -a, -um, -wide, broad, exten- sive. latus, -a, -um, part, of fer5. *latus, -teris, n., side ; flank, wing (of an army). laudo, -are, -avi, -atus \\sx&\, praise. laus, laudis, f., praise, glory, fame ; merit, excellence. lavo, lavare, lavl, lautus or lotus, wash; pass., bathe. laxo, -are, -avi, -atus [laxus, wide'], extend, open out. *legatio, -onis [lego, commission], f., embassy, legation; members of an embassy. *legatus, -I [part, of lego, commis- sion'], m., ambassador, envoy, messenger ; legate, lieutenant, commander's assistant, deputy. See Introd., p. 32. *legio, -onis [lego, gather], f., body of troops, legion. See Introd., p. 3i- *legionarius, -a, -um [legio], be- longing to a legion, legionary. See Introd., p. 34. Lemannus, -I, m., with lacus, Lake Geneva. Lemovices, -um, m. pi., the Lemo- vices, a Gallic tribe west of the Arverni. The name appears in the modern Limoges. lenis, -e, soft, gentle, favorable. lenitas, -atis [lenis], f., smooth- ness, gentleness. leniter [lenis], adv., gently, moder- ately ; lenius, with less vigor. Lepontii, -orum, m. pi., the Lepontii, a tribe dwelling among the Alps. lepus, -poris, m., hare. Leuci, -orum [Celtic, bright], m. pi., the Leuci, a Gallic tribe near the head waters, of the Mosa (Meuse) and Mosella (Moselle). Levaci, -orum, m. pi., the Levaci, 474 VOCABULARY a Belgic tribe, clients of the Nervii. *levis, -e, light; slight, trifling; ca- pricious, untrustiuort/iy ; levis armaturae, of light equipment, light-armed; leve proelium, skir- mish. levitas, -atis [levis], f., lightness; changeableness, inconstancy. levo, -are, -avi, -atus [levis], .lift up; relieve, free. lex, leg is, f., statute, law, regulation, enactment. Lexovii, -orum, m. pi., the Lexovii, a Gallic tribe on the coast. libenter [libens, willing'}, adv., willingly, gladly. *llber, -era, -erum, free; unre- stricted, unhindered. liberalitas, -atis [liberalis, relating to freedom"}, f., characteristic of a free man ; liberality, generosity. *llberaliter [Hberalis, relating to freedom"} , adv., like a free man ; courteously, liberally. *libere [liber], adv., freely, unre- strictedly ; openly, boldly. *liberi, -orum [liber], m. pi., chil- dren. libero, -are, -avi, -atus [liber], set free, free, release ; exempt. *libertas, -atis [liber], f., freedom, liberty, independence ; lack of re- straint, permission. llbrflis, -e [libra, found'}, of a pound, weighing a pound ; f undae libriles, slings throwing stones weighing a pound. licentia, -ae [licet], f., boldness, pre- sumption, license. liceor, liceri, licitus, bid. *licet, licere, licuit or licitum est, impersonal verb, it is permitted, it is allowed ; with inf. often to be translated by may, etc. . Liger, -eris, ace. -im, abl. -i, m., the Liger, one of the principal rivers of Gaul, now the Loire. lignatio, -onis [lignor, get wood"}, f., getting wood. lignator, -oris [lignor, get wood"}, m., man sent to get wood, wood-cutter. Hlium, -l, n., lily, lily-cup. linea, -ae [linum], f., string, line ; rectis lineis, in straight lines. Lingones, -um, m. pi., the Lingones, an important tribe of northeastern Gaul, across the Arar (Saone) from the Sequani. The name survives in the modern Langres. *lingua, -ae, f., tongue ; language. lingula, -ae [dim. of lingua], f., tongue of land, cape. linter, -tris, f., boat, skiff. linum, -i, T\.,flax. Us, litis, f., dispute; Ktem aesti- mare, assess damages. Liscus, -I, m., Liscus, a Haeduan, who held the chief magistracy of his tribe in 58 B.C. Litaviccus, -I, m., Litavicctts, a young Haeduan noble. *littera, -ae, f., letter (of the alpha- bet) ; pi., epistle, letter, message, despatch; records, writing. *lltus, -toris, n., shore, beach, strand. *locus, -1, m., pi. loci (not in Caesar), m., or more commonly loca, n., place, position, space, station ; rank, degree; condition, state; injluence, importance; oppor- tunity, occasion, room; esp. in pi., country, region, district. locutus, -a, -um, part, of loquor. *longe [longus], adv., far, at a dis- tance ; very much, by far ; longe abesse, be far from, be of no avail; comp. longius, farther, longer, for a longer time. *longinquus, -a, -um [longus], dis- VOCABULARY 475 tant, remote ; long-continued, pro- tracted. longitude, -dinis [longus], f., length; in longitudinem, in length. longurius, -I [longus], m., long pole. *longus, -a, -um, long (in extent or duration) ; distant, late ; tedioits ; navis longa, ship of -war, galley. See Introd., p. 51. *loquor, loqui, locutus, talk, speak, say. lorica, -ae [lorum, thong], f., coat of mail ; defense, breastwork. Lucanius, -I, m., Lucanius, a Ro- man nomen ; Quintus Lucaniiis, a centurion. Lucterius, -I, m., Lucterins, a Ca- durcan. Lugotorlx, -igis, m., Lugotorix, a British noble. luna, -ae [cf. lux], f., moon; moon- goddess, Diana. Lutetia, -ae, f., Lutetia, a town of the Parisii, on an island in the Seine, now Paris. *lux, lucis, f., light, dawn, daylight ; sub lucem, just before daybreak. luxuria, -ae [luxus, excess~\, f., luxury, high living, extrava- gance. M M., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Marcus, Marcus, Mark. maceria, -ae, f., wall. machinatio, -onis [machinor, con- trive^, f., mechanical contrivance, machine, engine. maestus, -a, -um [maereo, be sad~\, sad, despondent. Magetobriga, -ae, f., Magetobriga, a town near which Ariovistus de- feated the Haedui and their allies. It was, perhaps, west of Vesontio on the Saone, but its site is un- certain. *magis [magnus], comp. adv., more, in greater degree ; rather ; in comparison of adjectives, more. *magistratus, -us [magister, mas- ter], m., magistracy, public office; municipal officer, magistrate ; body of magistrates. magnificus, -a, -um [magnus + facio], splendid. *magnitudo, -dinis [magnus], f., greatness, size; extent, force, might; amount, magnitude; magnitude corporum, great stature; magnitud5 animi, great cotcrage or spirit. *magnopere [magnus + opus], adv., very much, greatly; earnestly, urgently ; particularly. *magnus, -a, -um, large, great, high, extensive ; long; numerous, abundant; important; intense; magna voce, in a loud voice; magnl habere, consider of great importance; magni interest, it is of great importance ; magno fletu, -with many tears. maiestas, -atis [maior], f., great- ness; dignity, sovereignty. *maior, -ius, comp. of magnus ; maior natu, older; as subst., maiores, -um, m. pi., ancestors, forefathers; maiores natu, elders. malacia, -ae, f., calm. male [malus, bad~\, adv., badly ; un-_ successfully, ill. *maleficium, -I [maleficus, wicked\\, n., wicked deed, mischief, harm. malo, malle, malui [magis + volo], wish rather, like better, prefer, choose. malus, -I, m., ^lpright pole, mast, post. *mandatum, -I [part, of mando], n., VOCABULARY charge, injunction, order, commis- sion. *mando, -are, -avi, -atus [manus -f do], give into one's hands, com- mit, consign, intrust; command, charge, order ; fugae sese man- dare, take to flight. Mandubil, -orum, m. pi., the Man- dubii, a Gallic tribe, within whose territory Alesia was situated. Mandubracius, -I, m., Mandubra- cius, a young prince of the Trino- vantes. mane, adv., in the morning. *mane5, manere, mansi, mansus, stay, remain; abide (in or by). manipularis, -e [manipulus], be- longing to a maniple ; as subst., m., soldier of a maniple; com- rade. manipulus, -i [manus + V PLE > c ^- plenus], m., handful (of hay); maniple, the standard of which was originally a wisp of hay. See Introd., p. 31. Manlius, -i, m., Manlius, a Roman nomen; Lticius Manlius, a pro- consul, who was defeated by the Aquitani in 78 B.C. mansuefaci5, -facere, -feci, -factus [mansuesco, tame -f- facio], make tame, tame. mansuetudp, -dinis [mansuetus, tamed\, f., kindness, mercy. *manus, -us, f., hand; hold, grasp, power ; band, force, division of an army; manu, by hand, arti- ficially ; per manus, from hand to hand; in manibus nostrls, close upon us; manus dare, ' yield. MarcomannI, -orum, m. pi., the Marcomanni, a tribe of Germans. *mare, -ris, n., sea, the sea; mare Oceanum, the (Atlantic) Ocean; marl uti, sail a sea; nostrum mare, the Mediterranean. *maritimus, -a, -um [mare], belong- ing to the sea, maritime, naval ; bordering on the sea; ora mari- tima, sea-coast. Marius, -I, m., Marius, a Roman nomen ; Gaius Marius, a fa- mous Roman, born near Arpinum in 157 B.C., died in 86 B.C. He was the conqueror of the Cimbri and Teuton!. Mars, Martis, m., Mars, the war- god of the Romans ; aequ5 Marte, on an equal footing, with equal chance of siiccess. Caesar identifies a Gallic deity with the Roman Mars. mas, maris, adj., masculine; as subst., m., male. matara, -ae, f., a Gallic javelin or pike. *mater, -tris, f., mother; mater familiae, matron. *materia, -ae (-ies, -iei) [mater], f., timber. materior, -ari, -atus [materia], get timber. Matisco, -onis, f., Matisco, a town of the Haedui, now Macon. matrimonium, -I [mater], n., mar- riage ; in matrimonium dare, give in marriage; in matrim5- nium ducere, marry, take as . wife. Matrona, -ae, m., the Matrona, an important river of northern Gaul, now the Marne. *mature [maturus],adv., in season; early, soon, quickly. maturesco, maturescere, maturul [maturus], grow ripe, ripen. *maturo, -are, -avi, -atus [matu- rus], hurry, make haste. maturrime, sup. of mature. VOCABULARY 477 *maturus, -a, -um, ripe ; early. *maxime [maximus], adv., most ; in the highest degree, especially, ex- ceedingly, chiefly, very; in com- parison of adjectives, most ; cum . . . turn, maxima, not only . . . but most especially. *maximus, -a, -um, sup. of mag- nus ; maximus natu, oldest. Maximus, -I, m., Maximus, a Roman cognomen; see Fabius. medeor, -eri, relieve, provide against. mediocris, -e [medius], moderate, ordinary, ' inconsiderable ; non mediocris, extraordinary. mediocriter [mediocris], adv., mod- erately ; non mediocriter, not a little. Mediomatrici, -orum, or Medioma- trices, -um, m. pi., .the Medioma- trici, a tribe of northern Gaul, east of the Remi. mediterraneus, -a, -um [medius + terra], inland. *medius, -a, -um, middle, mid, in the middle; middle part of, midst; half-way between ; in medio COlle, half-way up the hill. Meldi, -orum, m. pi., the Meldi, a Gallic tribe near the Marne ; pos- sibly Caesar applies this name to a different tribe. See note on P- 147. 1- 19- melior, -ius, comp. of bonus. melius, comp. of bene. membrum, -l, n., limb, member. memini, meminisse [cf. mens], found only in the perf. system, re- member, keep in mind. *memoria, -ae [mem or, mindful], f., calling to mind, recollection, re- membrance ; memory; tradition; the remembrance of future genera- tions ; memoria tenere, remem- ber; memoriam haec memoria, memory of the present generation. Menapii, -orum, m. pi., the Menapii, a Belgic tribe, which possessed lands on both sides of the Rhine. mendacium, -l [mendax, false~\, n., falsehood. mens, mentis [cf. memini], f., mind, thought, sense. *mensis, -is [cf. metior], m., month. mensura, -ae [metior], f., measure- ment, measure, extent. menti5, -onis [cf. memini], f., men- tion. *mercator, -oris [mercor, trade~\, m., trader, traveling merchant. mercatura, -ae [mercor, trade"], f., trade; pi., commercial transac- tions. merces, -edis [merx, goods ; cf. mer- cor, trade'] , f., pay. Mercurius, -i [cf. merx, goods, and mercor, trade'}, m., Mercury, the god of trade and gain, patron of merchants. He was also the mes- senger of the gods, especially of Jupiter. Caesar identifies a Gallic divinity with this god. *mereo, merere, merui, meritus, de- serve,' merit, earn ; serve in the army ; also as dep., mereor, me- reri, meritu's, merit, deserve, earn, be entitled to; optime merens (meritus), most deserving. merldianus, -a, -um [merldies], of midday, of noon. meridies, defective, ace. -em, abl. -e [medius + dies], ni., midday, noon; south. *meritum, -I [part, of mereo], n., worth, merit, deserts ; kindness, service ; faiilt. meritus, -a, -um, part, of mereo. Messala, -ae, m., Messala, a Roman 47 8 VOCABULARY cognomen ; Marcus Valerius Mes- sala, consul in 61 B.C. -met, enclitic, used with many forms of personal pronouns, -self. metior, metiri, mensus, measiire, measure out. Metiosedum, -I, n., Metiosedum, a town of the Senones, situated on an island in the Seine, now Mehin. Metius, -I, m., Mei^^ts, a Roman nomen ; Marcus Metius, a man whom Caesar sent as an envoy to Ariovistus. meto, metere, messul, messus, reap, harvest. metus, -us, m., fear, dread, terror ; metu territare, alarm. meus, -a, -um [meT, gen. of ego], my, mine. *miles, -litis, m., soldier. milia, see mille. *militaris, -e [miles], of a soldier ; belonging to military service, mili- tary ; res militaris, art of war. militia, -ae [miles], f., military .service, warfare. *mille (M), indecl. adj. in sing., thousand; as subst., milia, -ium, n. pi., thortsands; mille passus, a thousand paces (double steps), mile ; duo milia, with or'without passuum, two miles. The Roman mile, consisting of 5000 Roman feet, was equal to about 4854 feet in English measure. Minerva, -ae [cf. mens], f., Minerva, goddess of wisdom and mental activity. Caesar identifies a Gallic goddess with Minerva. *minime [minimus], adv., sup. of parum, least, in the smallest de- gree ; by no means; minime saepe, very seldom. *minimus, -a, -um, sup. of parvus, smallest, least ; quam minimum spatl, the shortest possible time ; minimum posse, have very little influence. *minor, minus, comp. of parvus ; minus valere, have less power. Minucius, -l, m., Minucius, a Roman nomen ; Luciiis Minucius Basi- lus, one of Caesar's officers, per- haps a cavalry commander, though some think he was a legate. *minuo, minuere, minui, minutus [minus], lessen, reduce; settle; grow less, run out, ebb. *minus [minor], adv., comp. of parum, less ; not; nihilo minus, no less, still, nevertheless. mirandus, -a, -um [part, of miror], to be -wondered at, wonderful, strange. miror, -an, -atus [mlrus], wonder, wonder at. *mirus, -a, -um, wonderful, strange. miser, -era, -erum, wretched, un- happy ; poor, insignificant. misericordia, -ae [misericors, tender- hearted^, f., pity, compassion, mercy. miseror, -an, -atus [miser], de- plore, lament. missus, -a, -um, part, of mitto. missus, -us [mitto], m., sending; missu Caesaris, sent by Caesar. mitissime [mltis, gentle"], sup. adv., most kindly, very gently. *mitto, mittere, misi, missus, cause to go, let go, send; throw, hurl. m5bilis, -e [moved], easy to move ; easily influenced, changeable. mobilitas, -atis [mobilis], f., ease of movement, quickness ; change- ableness. mdbiliter [mol)ilis], adv., easily. moderor, -ari, -atus [modus], guide, control ; check. VOCABULARY 479 modestia, -ae [modestus, moderate], f., moderation, discretion. *modO [modus], adv., -with a limit, simply, only, merely, even; just now, lately, a little while before; non modo . . . sed etiam, not only . . . but also. *modus, -l, m., measure, extent, limit ; capacity; style, manner, method; kind, sort; nullo modo, by no means ; omnibus modis, in every way; cuiusque modi, of every kind; eius (huius) modi, of that (this) sort, of such a kind, such; ad hunc modum, see ad. moenia, -ium [cf. miiniS], n. pi., walls of defense, city -walls, -walls. *m61es, -is, f., mass ; mole, dam, dike. moleste [molestus, troublesome], adv., with, difficulty, with vexa- tion ; moleste ferre, be annoyed at, be indignant. molimentum, -i [molior, exert one- self], n., great exertion, effort. molitus, -a, -um, part, of molo. mollio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [mollis], make easy. *mollis, -e, soft, gentle ; weak. mpllitia, -ae (-ies, -iei) [mollis], f., softness, lack of endurance. molo, molere, molui, molitus, grind; molita cibaria, meal. momentum, -l [moved], n., weight, importance. Mona, -ae, f., Mona, an island be- tween England and Ireland. By Mona Caesar probably meant the Isle of Man, though the name was later applied to the island now called Anglesey. *moneo, monere, monui, monitus [cf.' memim], remind, warn, ad- vise, direct. *mons, mentis, m., mount, moun- tain, mo^lnta^n-range ; cliff. *mora, -ae, f., delay, hesitation, pause. morbus, -i [morior], m., illness, dis- ease. Morini, -orum [Celtic, dwellers by the sea~], m. pi., the Morini, a tribe of the Belgae dwelling on the coast. morior, mori (moriri), mortuus (fut. part, moriturus), die. Moritasgus, -l, m., Moritasgus, a king of the Senones. *moror, -ari, -atus [mora], de- lay, wait, stay, remain; kinder, check. *mors, mortis [morior], f., death; sibi mortem consciscere, commit suicide. mortuus, -a, -um, part, of morior. *mos, moris, m., way, habit, fashion, cristom ; often in pi., manners, character. Mosa, -ae, m., the Mosa, an im- portant river of Belgic Gaul, now the Meuse. motus, -a, -um, part, of moveo. *m5tus, -us [moveo], m., moving, motion, action; political move- ment, disturbance, uprising. *moveo, movere, mdvl, mdtus, set in motion, move ; influence, affect; castra movere, break camp; se movere, stir; often in pass., be in motion. *mulier, -eris, f., woman. mulid, -onis [mfilus], m., mule- driver. *multitudo, -dinis [multus], L,g)-eat number, multitude, throng; com- mon people, crowd. multo, -are, -avi, -atus [multa, fine], deprive. *mult6 [multus], adv., much, by far. *multum [multus] , adv. , much, great- ly ; much of the time, often; non ita multum, not very long. 480 VOCABULARY *multus, -a; -um, much, great; pi., many ; multa, many things; multa nocte, late at night; (lin- gua) multa iitl, speak fluently ; multum posse (valere), have much power. mulus, -I, m., mule. Munatius, -I, m., Munatius, a Ro- man nomen ; Lucius Munatius Planciis, one of Caesar's legates. mundus, -I, m., world, universe. munlmentum, -l [munio], n., de- fense, fortification. *munio, -ire, -Ivi, -itus [cf. moe- nia], fortify, strengthen; protect, secure, guard; build, iter mu- nire, construct a road. *muniti5, -onis [muni5j, f., fortify- ing, building of defenses ; fortijica- tions, ramparts; material for for- tifying; defensive strength. *munitus, -a, -um [part, of munio], fortified, protected, safe; sup. mu- nitissimus, -a, -um, strongly for- tified. *munus, -neris, n., service, function, duty; favor, kindness, gift. muralis, -e [murus], of a -wall, wall-, mural. *murus, -l [cf. munio], in., wall, city wall; earthwork. musculus, -I [mus, mouse~\, m., mus- culus, mantelet, shed, used in siege operations. See Introd., p. 48. mutilus, -a, -um, maimed, mutilated, broken. N nactus, -a, -um, part, of nanciscor. *nam, conj., for ; as enclitic, ap- pended to interrogatives, pray. Wammeius, -i, m., Nammeiits, a Helvetian noble. Namnetes, -um, m. pi., the Namnetes, a Gallic tribe north of the Loire. The name survives in the modern Nantes. *namque [nam + -que], conj., for indeed, for, and in fact. *nanciscor, nancisci, nactus or nanctus, get, obtain, secure, meet with, find. Nantuates, -ium, m. pi., the Nantu- ates, a Gallic tribe living among the Alps, probably south of Lake Geneva. Narbo, -onis, m., 'Narbo, an impor- tant city of southern Gaul, the capital of the Roman province, now Narbonne. *nascor, nascl, natus (old gnascor, etc.), be born, be produced, grow ; arise, spring lip, originate; be found. Nasua, -ae, m., Nasua, a leader of the Suebi. natalis, -e [natus], of birth; dies natalis, birthday. *natio, -onis [nascor], f., race, tribe, people, nation. nativus, -a, -um [nascor], produced by nature, natural. *natura, -ae [nascor], f., nature, natural sittiation ; natural dis- position, temperament, character ; human nature; shape, appear- ance; natura, naturally ; natura fluminis, course of the river, cur- rent. natus, -a, -um, part, of nascor. * (natus, -us) [nascor], m., found only in the abl. sing, natu, by birth, in age; see maior and maximus. *nauta, -ae [for navita, from navis], m., sailor. nauticus, -a, -um [nauta], of sailors, of ships, nautical, naval. navalis, -e [navis], of skips, for VOCABULARY 481 ships, naval; castra navalia, see castra. navicula, -ae [dim. of navis], f., small vessel, skiff, boat. *navigatio, -onis [navigo], f., sail- ing, navigation ; voyage. navigium, -i [navigo], n., vessel, boat. *navigd, -are, -avi, -atus [navis + ago], sail, cruise, make a voy- age. *navis, -is, f., ship ; navis oneraria, transport; navis longa, ship of war, galley (see Introd., p. 51); navis actuaria, see actuarius. navo, -are, -avi, -atus [navus, busy\ do earnestly ; operam navare, do one's ^^tmost. *ne: (i) adv., not; used with qui- dem, with the emphasized word or words between, not even, not . . . either ; ndn modo . . . sed ne . . . quidem, not only not . . . but not even; (2) conj., that . . . not, lest ; after verbs and other expressions of fearing, that ; sometimes to be translated from ; ne quis, that no one. ne-, inseparable prefix, not, un-, in-. -ne, enclitic inter rog. : (i) adv., in direct questions, equivalent merely to a mark of interrogation and untranslatable ; (2) conj., in indirect questions, -whether ; in the second member of a double (dis- junctive) question, or. nec, see neque. *necessari5 [necessarius], adv., in- evitably, from necessity, nec- essarily. *necessarius, -a, -um [necesse], nec- essary, indispensable, requisite ; pressing, urgent; tempus neces- sarium, time of need, critical time ; as subst., m., connection, kinsman. 21 necesse, indecl. adj., necessary, need- ful, inevitable. necessitas, -atis [necesse], f., ur- gency, exigency, necessity ; force, compulsion ; need. necessitudo, -dinis [necesse], f., close connection, friendship. necne [nec + -ne], conj., used in the second member of a double (dis- junctive) question, or not. *neco, -are, -avi, -atus [nex], kill, slay, destroy. necubi [ne + cubi (ubi)], conj., that nowhere, lest somewhere. nefarius, -a, -um [nefas], execrable, abominable. nefas, indecl. [ne- -f fas], n., some- thing contrary to divine law, im- pious act, sin. *neglego, -legere, -lexi, -lectus [nec- = ne- + lego, gather'], dis- regard, neglect, overlook, be indif- ferent to. negd, -are, -avi, -atus, deny, say no, say . . . not; refuse; negat se posse, says he cannot. negotior, -ari, -atus [negotium], carry on business, traffic. *negotium, -1 [neg- = ne- -f- otium], n., business, affair ; concern, inter- est ; trouble, difficulty; dare ne- gotium, intrust . -s a task, order. Nemetes, -um, m. pi., the Nemetes, a tribe of Germans, living probably on the left bank of the Rhine. *nemo, dat. nemini, ace. neminem [ne- + homo], m. and f., no one, nobody, not one ; non nemd, some- body, some ; for gen. and abl. .sing, and all pi. cases the proper form of nullus is regularly used. nequaquam [ne -f quisquam], adv., in no way, by no means, not at all. *neque or nec [ne- + -que], conj., and not, nor, but not; nor yet ; 482 VOCABULARY neque (nee) . . . neque (nee), neither . . . nor. nequiquam [ne + quisquam], adv., to no purpose, without a reason, in vain. Nervicus, -a, -um [Nervius], per- taining to the Nervii, with the Nervii. Nervius, -l, m., a Nervian; pi., the Nervians, the Nervii, a powerful tribe of the Belgae. nervus, -I, m., sinew, muscle; pi., power, resources. neu, see neve. *neuter, -tra, -trum [ne + uter], neither ; as subst, m. pi., neither party, neither army. *neve or neu [ne + -ve], conj., and that . . . not, and lest, and not, nor. nex, necis, f., death, murder, slaughter. *nihil, indecl. [nihilum],n., nothing ; often trans, as adv., not, not at all; non nihil, somewhat ; nihil agri, no land; nihil reliqui, no re- mainder, nothing left. *nihilum, -I [ne- + hllum, shred], n., nothing; nihilo, by nothing; nihilo magis, none the more ; ni- hild minus, none the less, never- theless ; nihilo setius, no less, nevertheless. nimius, -a, -um [nimis, beyond meas- ure], excessive, too great. *nisi [ne- + si], conj., if not, unless ; with ellipsis of verb, except, save, but. msus, -a, -um, part, of nltor. Nitiobroges, -um, m. pi., the Nitio- broges, an Aquitanian tribe on the Garonne. *nltor, niti, nixus or msus, strive, struggle, endeavor ; relyon,trustto. nix, nivis, f., snow. *nobilis, -e [nosco], well-known, noted, famous; of high birth, noble; as subst., m. pi., nobles. *nobilitas, -atis [nobilis], f., nobil- ity, rank; in a collective sense, nobles, aristocracy. *nocens, -entis [part, of noceo], adj., harmful; guilty. *noce5, nocere, nocui, nociturus, injure, harm, hurt, do injiiry. *noctu [nox], adv., by night, in the night. nocturnus, -a, -um [nox], of night, nocturnal, night; during the night. nodus, -l, m., knot ; protuberance, knuckle. *nolo, nolle, nolui [ne- + volo], not wish, be unwilling, wish . . . not; the imperative with an infinitive expresses a prohibition, e.g. nolite exspoliare, do not deprive. *nomen, -minis [nosco], n., name, title ; reptttation, renown ; su5 nomine, in his (their} own name, on his (their) own account. *nominatim [nomen], adv., by name, expressly. nomino, -are, -avi, -atus [nomen], name, call ; mention. *non, adv., not, not at all, by no means. *n5naginta (XC) [novem], indecl. adj., ninety. *nondum [non + dum], adv., not yet. *nonus, -a, -um [for novenus, from novem], ninth. N5reia, -ae, f., Noreia, a city of the Norici, identified with the modern Neumarkt in Styria. Noricus, -a, -um, pertaining to the Norici, Norican ; as subst., f., a Norican woman ; m. pi., the Norici, a tribe living near the Danube. VOCABULARY 483 nos, pi. of ego; *nosc5, noscere, novi, notus, get knowledge of, learn ; novi, / have \ learned, hence / knoiv, I under- stand. nosmet, see -met. *noster, -tra, -trum [nos], our, ours ; as subst, m. pi., our men. notitia, -ae [notus], f., acquaintance, knowledge. *ndtus, -a, -um [part, of n5sco], known, well-known, familiar. *novem (VIIII or IX), indecl. adj., nine. Noviodunum, -I [Celtic, New-town^, n., Noviodunum, the name of sev- eral towns in Gaul. Caesar men- tions: (i) a town of the Haedui, probably the modern Nevers ; (2) a town of the Bituriges, situation unknown ; (3) a town of the Suessiones, located perhaps about three miles northwest of the mod- ern Soissons. *novissimus, -a, -um, sup. of novus, last, latest; novissimum agmen, rear ; as subst., m. pi., soldiers in the rear, rear guard. novitas, -atis [novus], f., newness, strangeness. *novus, -a, -um, new, fresh, recently acquired; novel, strange, unusual ; novae res, nova imperia, change in government, revolution. *nox, noctis, f, night; prima nocte, at nightfall; multa nocte, see multus. noxia, -ae [noxius, harmful ], f., injurious act, harm, offense, crime. nubo, nubere, niipsi, nuptus, veil oneself, be married (said of the woman) ; nuptum conlocare,^z'w in marriage. *nud5, -are, -avi, -atus [nudus], strip, uncover; expose, leave unprotected. nudus, -a, -um, naked; bare ; un- protected (by a shield). *nullus, -a, -um [ne- + ullus], not any, no, none ; non nullus, some ; as subst., m., no one, nobody (cf. nem5) . num, interrog. : (l) adv., introduc- ing a direct question and implying an expected negative answer; (2) conj., whether, if, introducing an indirect question. numen, -minis [-nu5, nod~\, n., di- vine will, divinity. *numerus, -I, m., number, quantity ; enumeration ; rank, class ; repute, position, importance; ad nu- merum, to the required_mtmber. Numida, -ae, m., a Numidian, na- tive of Numidia, a country of northern Africa. nummus, -i, m., piece of money, money, coin. numquam [ne- + umquam], adv., never ; non numquam, sometimes. nunc, adv., now, under these circum- stances. *nuntio, -are, -avi, -atus [nuntius], bring news ; announce, report, re- late; command. *nuntius, -I [novus + venio], m., messenger ; message, news. nuper [novus], adv., lately, recently. nuptum, supine of nubo. *nutus, -us [-nuo, nod~\, m., nod, signal ; will. *ob, prep, with ace., before; on ac- count of, because of, for ; quam Ob rem, wherefore, therefore, why? In comp., toward, against, before. obaeratus, -a, -um [ob + aes], in debt; as subst., m., debtor. 4 8 4 VOCABULARY obduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [ob + duco], lead to meet, extend in front of; carry out, dig a trench. obeo,-ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [ob + eo], go to meet ; attend to. *obicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [ob + iacio], throw before, cast in the way; interpose; expose. *obiectus, -a, -um [part, of obicio], opposite, intervening. Obitus, -us [obeo], m., destruction, . death. oblatus, -a, -um, part, of offerS. Oblique [obliquus], adv., aslant, obliquely. Obliquus, -a, -um, slanting, obliqiie. obliviscor, -livisci, -litus, forget, be forgetful of. obsecro, -are, -avi, -atus [ob + sacro, consecrate^, beseech, im- plore, beg. Obsequentia, -ae [obsequens, yield- ing^, f., compliance, complaisance. observe, -are, -avi, -atus [ob + servo], observe, take note of, -watch; respect, regard. *obses, -sidis [ob + sedeo, sit], m. and f., hostage. obsessio, -onis [obsideo], f., siege, blockade. obsideo, -sidere, -sedi, -sessus [ob + sedeo, sit] , beset, besiege, block- ade ; occupy, obstruct. *obsidio, -onis [obsideo], f., siege, investment; oppression. obsigno, -are, -avi, -atus [ob + slg- no, mark~], seal, attest. obsisto, -sistere, -stiti, -stitus [ob + sisto, cause to stand~\, make a stand against, withstand. Obstinate [obstinatus, resolved'}, adv., firmly, resolutely. obstringo, -stringere, -strinxi, -strictus [ob + stringo, draw tight], bind ; lay under obligations. obstruo, -struere, -struxi, -structus [ob + struo, pile up~\, build against, stop up, obstruct. obtemper5, -are, -avi, -atus [ob + tempero], obey, yield to. obtestor, -ari, -atus [ob + testor, call as a witness'], call as a wit- ness ; appeal to, beseech, entreat. *obtineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [ob + teneo], hold against (an- other), hold fast, hold, possess, keep, occupy; preserve, maintain; get possession of, gain. obtuli, see offero. obvenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [ob + venio], come up to, come against, meet ; come by chance, be allotted. Obviam [ob + via], adv., in the way of, toward, against ; obviam pro- ficisci, start to meet. *occasi5, -onis [occido], f., oppor- tunity, jit time, convenient mo- ment ; surprise. *occasus, -us [occido], m., going down, setting; occasus solis, sun- set, west. occidS, -cidere, -cidi, -casus [ob + cado], fall, be killed; set. *occido, -cidere, -cidi, -cisus [ob + caedo], cut down, kill, destroy. occultatio, -5nis [occulto], f., con- cealment. *occulte [occultus], adv., secretly. occulto, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of occulo, cover], hide, conceal. *occultus, -a, -um [part, of occulo, cover~\, covered up, hidden, secret ; ex occult5, in (from} ambush; se in occultum abdere, go into hiding; in occulto, in a secret place', secretly. occupatid, -onis [occupo], f., busi- ness, engagement, employment ; OC- cupati5nes rei publicae, affairs of state. VOCABULARY 485 *occupatus, -a, -um [part, of oc- cupo], busy. *occup5, -are, -avi, -atus [ob + capio], take, seize, take possession of, master ; take up, Jill, occitpy. *occurro, -currere, -curri or -cu- curri, -cursus [ob + currS, run'], run against, fall in with, meet ; run to; resist, face ; be involved in ; obviate, counteract ; siiggest itself, occur (to the mind). *0ceanus, -I, m., the ocean; Caesar applies the word to the Atlantic, including the North Sea. See mare. Ocelum, -i, n., Ocehim, a town of Cisalpine Gaul, on the eastern slopes of the Alps. *octavus, -a, -um [octo], eighth. *octingenti, -ae, -a (DCCC) [octo + centum], pi. adj., eight hundred. *oct5 (VIII), indecl. adj., eight. Octodurus, -l, m., Octodnrus, a. town of the Veragri, on the Dranse, now Martigny. octogeni, -ae, -a [octoginta], pi. adj., eighty each, eighty in every instance. *0ctoginta (LXXX) [octo], indecl. adj., eighty. octoni, -ae, -a [octo], pi. adj., eight apiece, by eights, eight. OCUlus, -l, v m., eye. odi, odisse, osurus, defective verb, hate. Odium, -1 [odi], n., hatred, animosity, odium. offendo, -fendere, -fendi, -fensus [ob -f- -fendo, strike^, dash against, hit ; offend, hurt ; suffer disaster, offensio, -onis [offendo], f., striking against; offense; offensio animi, wounding the feelings. offerd, offerre, obtuli, oblatus [ob + fero], bear to ; present, put in one's power, offer, proffer, confer, bestow; se offerre, offer oneself, rush against, expose oneself to. *officium, -l [ops + facio], n., duty, official duty, business; sense of duty, obligation, allegiance; serv- ice, favor. Ollovico, -onis, m., Ollovico, one of the Nitiobroges, father of Teuto- matus. omitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [ob + mitto], let go, lay aside; give up, neglect. *omnlnd [omnis], adv., wholly, entirely, utterly; in all; only; at all. *omnis, -e, every, all ; the whole. *onerarius, -a, -um [onus], of bur- den, for freight; navis oneraria, transport. onero, -are, -avi, -atus [onus], load. *onus, -neris, n., load, burden, weight; cargo. *0pera, -ae [opus], f., exertion, effort, pains, work; services, agency ; dare operam, exert one- self, do one's utmost. *0pmi5, -onis [opinor, suppose~\, f., opinion, szipposition, belief, guess ; expectation ; reputation, renown ; celerius omni opinione, more quickly than any one would have thought. *oportet, oportere, oportuit, imper- sonal verb, it is necessary, it is proper, it behooves; ought, shoiild. oppidanus, -a, -um [oppidum], of a town; as subst., m., townsman, inhabitant of a town. *0ppidum, -l, n., town (fortified), stronghold. oppono, -ponere, -posui, -positus [ob + pono], set against, oppose. *0pp0rtune [opportunus], adv., sea- sonably, opportunely. 4 86 VOCABULARY opportunities, -atis [opportunus], f., convenience, fitness ; occasion, opportunity ; advantage. *opportunus, -a, -um [ob + por- tus], fit, convenient, seasonable, opportune ; iiseful, advantageous, fortunate. oppositus, -a, -um [part, of op- pono], set against, lying in the way. *opprimo, -primere, -pressi, -pres- SUS [ob + premo], weigh down, burden, press upon ; oppress, over- throw, subdue; fall upon, stir- prise. *oppugnatio, -onis [oppugno], f., assault, siege ; method of attacking. *oppugno, -are, -avi, -atus [ob + pugno], fight against, attack, be- siege. ops, opis, f., aid, assistance ; pi., re- sources, wealth, power, ability, in- fluence. optatus, -a, -um [part, of opto, wis/i], longed for, welcome. optime, sup. of bene ; optime merens (meritus), see mereo. optimus, -a, -um, sup. of bonus. *0pus, -peris, n., work, labor ; un- dertaking; structure ; fortifying, fortification, works. *0pus, indecl., n., necessity, need; opus esse, be necessary. 5ra, -ae, f., shore, coast. *oratio, -onis [oro], f., speech, plea; orationem habere, make a speech. orator, -oris [oro], m., speaker; ambassador, envoy. orbis, -is, m., circle; see Introd., p. 45; orbis terrarum, the whole earth or world. Orcynia, -ae, f. adj., Orcynian, the name given by the Greeks to the Hercynia silva. *6rd6, -dinis, m., row, line ; order ; series; layer; rank, position, class ; company of soldiers, cen- tury ; primi ordines, first centu- rions ; see Introd., p. 34. Orgetorix, -igis, m., Orgetorix, a Helvetian nobleman. *0rior, oriri, ortus, rise, arise, ap- pear ; spring, begin ; be descended, be born ; orta luce, at daybreak. ornamentum, -i [orno], n., honor, distinction, ornament. ornatus, -a, -um [part, of orno], fitted out; sup. ornatissimus, -a, -um, fully equipped. orno, -are, -avi, -atus, fit out; . honor. *oro, -are, -avi, -atus, speak, plead; beg, implore. ortus, -a, -um, part, of orior. Ortus, -US [orior], m., rising. 5s, oris, n., mouth, face. Osismi, -orum, m. pi., the Osismi, a tribe on the northwestern coast of Gaul. *ostendo, -tendere, -tendi, -tentus [obs- = ob + tendo], stretch to- ward, expose to view, point out, show ; declare, make known, men- tion. ostentati5, -onis [ostento], f., exhi- bition, display ; ostentation, pride ; ostentationis causa, to attract notice, for show. ostento, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of ostendo], present to view, exhibit, display. otium, -i, n., leisure; quiet, peace. ovum, -i, n., egg. P., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Publius, Piiblius. pa.bula.tio, -onis [pabulor], f., col- lecting of fodder, foraging. VOCABULARY 487 pabulator, -oris [pabulor], m., for- ager. pabulor, -an, -atus [pabulum], for- age, get fodder. pabulum, -I [pasco, feed'}, n., food for cattle, fodder. *pacatus, -a, -um [part, of paco], pacified, conquered ; peaceful, ^tn- distttrbed. paciscor, pacisci, pactus, agree, agree upon; the perf. part, often has passive force. *paco, -are, -avi, -atus [pax], make peaceful, quiet ; subdiie, conqiier. pactum, -1 [part, of paciscor], n., agreement; way, manner. pactus, -a, -um, part, of paciscor. Padus, -l, m., the Padus, a large river of northern Italy (Cisalpine Gaul), now the Po. *paene, adv., nearly, almost. *paenitet, paenitere, paenituit, impersonal verb, it grieves, it re- pents ; used with ace, of the per- son, but to be translated personally, e.g. eos paenitet, they repent. *pagUS, -l, m., district, canton ; people of a canton. palam, adv., openly, publicly. palma, -ae, f., palm, hand. *palus, -Mis, f., swamp, marsh; marshy stream. paluster, -tris, -tre [palus], marshy, swampy. *pando, pandere, pandi, passus, spread out, extend; passus capil- lus, disheveled hair. *par,paris, adj., equal, well matched; like, same. *paratus, -a, -um [part, of paro], prepared, ready ; fitted, equipped. parce [parcus, sparing}, adv., spar- ingly. parco, parcere, peperci, parsus [parcus, sparing'], use sparingly ; spare, protect, not injure, treat with care. parens, -entis, m. and f., parent. parento, -are, -avi, -atus [parens], offer sacrifice in honor of dead kindred ; avenge. pareo, parere, parui, obey, submit, comply. pario, parere, peperi, partus, pro- duce; gain, accomplish, effect. Parisii, -orum, m. pi., the Parisii, a Gallic tribe, on the Sequana (Seine). The name survives in the modern Paris. *paro, -are, -avi, -atus, prepare, make ready, prepare for, provide ; arrange ; procure. *pars, partis, f., part, division, section ; party, faction ; side, di- rection ; respect, particular; maximam partem, for the most part, chiefly; quam in partem, in what direction; una ex parte, on one side ; maior pars, the ma- jority ; ex parte, in part; tres partes, three fourths. *partim [pars], adv., partly, in part; partim . . . partim,/r/^ . . . partly, some . . . others. partior, -iri, -itus [pars], divide, distribute, share; the perf. part, often has passive force. partus, -a, -um, part, of pario. *parum [parvus], adv., too little. parvulus, -a, -um [dim. of parvus], very small; petty, slight ; very young. *parvus, -a, -um, small, little ; in- considerable, slight, trifling; young. *passim [pand5], adv., in every direction. passus, -a, -um, part, of pando and of patior. *passus, -us [pando], m., step, pace; double step (five Roman feet); VOCABULARY mllle passus, mile; duo mflia passuum, two miles. See mille. patefacio, -facere, : feci, -factus [pateo + facio], lay open, open. patefI5, -fieri, -factus, pass, of patefacic. *patens, -entis [part, of pateo], adj., open ; accessible, passable. *pate5, patere, patui, stand open, be open; be accessible, be free; stretch out, extend. *pater, -tris, m., father ; pi., fore- fathers, ancestors. *patienter [patiens, part, of patior] , adv., with fortitude. patientia, -ae [patiens, part, of patior], f., endurance, suffering; submissiveness, patience. *patior, patl, passus, bear, endure, undergo, suffer ; permit, allow, let. patrius, -a, -um [pater], of a father, ancestral. patronus, -I [pater], m., protector, patron. patruus, -i [pater], m., paternal uncle. *pauci, -ae, -a, pi. ad]., few, only a few. paucitas, -atis [pauci], f., small number, fewness. *paulatim [paulus, little'], adv., little by little, by degrees ; a few at a time. *paulisper [paulus, little'}, adv., for a short time. *paulo [paulus, little'], adv., by a little, a little, somewhat ; paulo post, just after. paululum [paululus, -very little, dim. of paulus, little'], adv., a -very little. *paulum, -i [paulus, little~], n., a little; often used adverbially, a little, somewhat. *pax, pacis [cf. padscor], f., com- pact, treaty of peace ; peace. pecco, -are, -avi, -atus, do wrong. pectus, -toris, n., breast. pecunia, -ae [pecii, cattle'], f., prop- erty, wealth; money. *pecus, -coris, n., cattle, used of all domestic animals kept for food or service ; flesh. pedalis, -e [pes], afoot in measure. *pedes, -ditis [pes], m., foot-soldier ; pi., infantry. *pedester, -tris, -tre [pedes], of foot-soldiers, of infantry ; on foot, overland; pedestres c5piae, in- fantry. peditatus, -us [pedes], m., foot-sol- diers, infantry. Pedius, -i, m., Pedius, a Roman nomen ; Quintus Pedi^^s, one of Caesar's legates. He was the grandson of one of Caesar's sisters. peior, -ius, comp. of malus, bad; as subst., n., greater misfortune, worse fate. peius, comp. of male. *pellis, -is, f., skin, hide, leather ; sub pellibus, in tents. *pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus, drive, drive away ; rotit, put to flight, defeat ; expel. *pendo, pendere, pependi, pensus, hang, weigh, weigh out; pay; poenas pendere, pay the penalty, stiffer pimishment. penitus [penes, witJi], adv., far ^vith^n ; penitus ad, all the way to. *per, prep, with ace., through, across ; of time, through, during, for; over, along, on; by means of, by the agency of; on account of, be- cause of, by; per manus, see manus ; per vim, by violence; per se, of himself (themselves), of his (their) own accord, in itself, so far as he is concerned. In VOCABULARY 489 comp., through, along, thoroztghly, very. *perago, -agere, -egi, -actus [per + ago], carry through, go through -with, finish. perangustus, -a, -urn [per + an- gustus], very narrow. percipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [per + capio], _?/, receive ; reap ; per- ceive, hear, learn. percontatio, -onis [percenter, ask partictilarly\, f., questioning, in- vestigation. percurro, -currere, -cucurri or -cum, -cursus [per + curro, run}, rttn through ; rim along. percutio, -cutere, -cussi, -cussus [per + quatio, shake"], strike thro^lgh, transfix. perdisco, -discere, -didici [per + disco], learn thoroughly, get by heart. perditus, -a, -um [part, of perdo, destroy], lost, desperate, corrupt, abandoned. *perduco, -ducere, -duxl, -ductus [per + duco], lead through, bring, conduct; win over, persuade; draw out, prolong, contimie ; ex- tend, construct. perendinus, -a, -um [perendie, on the day after to-morrow], after to-morrow. pereo, -ire, -ii, -iturus [per + eo], pass away, be killed. perequitd, -are, -avi, -atus [per + equito, ride~], ride through, drive through. perexiguus, -a, -um [per + exi- guus], very small, insignificant. perfacilis, -e [per + facilis], very easy. perf ectus, -a, -um, part, of perficio. *perfero, -ferre, -tuli, -latus [per + fero], bear through, bear ; endure, ' sztbmitto, suffer ; carry, announce, report. *perfici5, -ficere, -feel, -fectus [per + facio], make thoroughly, bring about, accomplish; finish, com- plete; arrange; construct. perfidia, -ae [perfidus, /#,/?.?/], f., faithlessness, treachery. perfringo, -f ringere, -fregi, -f ractus [per + frango], break through, force a way through. perfuga, -ae [perfugio], m., deserter, fugitive. perfugio, -fugere, -fugi [per + fugio], flee for refttge, go over, escape, desert. perfugiunij -I [perfugio], n., refuge, place of safety. *pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrec- tus [per + rego], press on, proceed. periclitor, -an, -atus [periculum], try, make trial of, put to the test, try to find out ; be put in peril, be endangered. pericu!5sus, -a, -um [periculum], dangero^ls. *perlculum, -I [cf. experior], n., trial, attempt, experiment; test, proof; danger. *peritus, -a, -um [cf. experior], experienced, acquainted with ; skilled, skilful. perlatus, -a, -um, part, of perferS. perlego, -legere, -legl, -lectus [per + lego, gather], read through. perluo, -luere, -lui, -lutus [per + -luo, wash], wash, bathe ; the pas- sive is used in a reflexive sense, like the Greek middle voice. permagnus, -a, -um [per + mag- nus], very large. permaneo, -manere, -mansi, -man- surus [per + maneo], stay, re- main ; continue, hold out. permisceo, -miscere, -miscui, -mix- 49 VOCABULARY tus [per + misceo, mix], mingle, intermingle. *permitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [per + mitto], give up, yield, sur- render ; intrust; permit. permixtus, -a, -um, part, of per- misceo. *permoveo, -movere, -movi, -motus [per-f moveo], move deeply, rouse, influence, induce; disturb; dis- courage, frighten ; anger. permulceo, -mulcere, -mulsi, -mul- sus [per + mulceo, stroke\, soothe, appease. pernicies, -ei [perneco kill out- right], f., destruction, overthrow, ruin. perpauci, -ae, -a [per + paucT], pi. adj., very few. perpendiculum, -I [per + pendo], n., weight, plummet ; ad perpen- diculum, perpendicularly. perpetior, -peti, -pessus [per + patior], bear resolutely, endure. *perpetuo [perpetuus], adv., con- tinually, forever. *perpetuus, -a, -um [per -f peto], continuous, unbroken, uninter- rtipted ; whole, entire; lasting, enduring, perpetual ; in perpe- tuum, forever. perquir5, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisitus [per + quaero] , ask earnestly about, inquire about. perrumpo, -rump ere, -rupi, -ruptus [per + rumpo, break"], break through, penetrate, force a passage. perscribo, -scribere, -scrips!, -scrip- tus [per + scribo^, write in full, write out, recount in detail. persequor, -sequi, -secutus [per + sequor],y0//0w up, chase, hunt down; press upon, proceed against; resent, avenge. persever5, -are, -avi, -atus [perse- verus, very strict"], persist, perse- vere. persolvo, -solvere, -solvi, -solutus [per + solvo],/ go by, pass; omit, disregard, pass over. praeterita, -orum [part, of praeter- eo], n. pi., the past, bygones. praetermitto, -mittere, -misi, -mis- sus [praeter + mitto], let go by, overlook, lose. praeterquam [praeter + quam ] , adv., beyond, except, other than. praetor, -oris [for praeitor, from prae -f eo], m., leader, com- mander ; praetor ; prd praetore, acting as praetor, of praetorian rank, propraetor. praetorius, -a, -um [praetor], of the praetor, praetorian; praetoria CO- hors, {commander's') body-guard. praeustus, -a, -um [prae + ustus, part, of uro, burn~\, charred at the end. praeverto, -vertere, -verti [prae + verto], attend to first, anticipate. pravus, -a, -um, distorted ; -wrong, vicious. *premo, premere, pressi, pressus, press, press upon, press hard, crowd; urge, drive^ folloiv up; oppress, weigh down, burden, im- pede. prend5 (for prehendo), prendere, prendi, prensus, grasp, seize. VOCABULARY 495 *pretium, -I, n., price, value. *(prex, precis), used chiefly in pi., f., request, entreaty, prayer ; curse, imprecation. *pridie> [prae + dies], adv., on the day before. primipflus, -i [primus + pllus], m., first centrtrion (of a legion), chief centurion ; see Introd., p. 34. *prim5 [primus], adv., at first, in the first place. *primum [primus], adv., first, first of all; cum primum and ubi primum, as soon as; quam pri- mum, as soon as possible. *primus, -a, -urn [sup. from prae], first, foremost; first part of; as subst., m. pi., the van; in primis, among the first things, especially, chiefly. *princeps, -cipis [primus + capio], adj., foremost, first; chief, most eminent, most noble ; as subst., m., leader, originator; noble, chief- tain. principatus, -us [prlnceps], m., first place; supremacy, leader- ship. *prior, prius [comp. from prae], former ; in advance, ahead; previotts, first ; as subst., m. pi., those in front, the van. *pristinus, -a, -um [prior], former, previous, preceding ; of old, origi- nal, pristine. *prius [prior], adv., before, earlier ; prius . . . quam as conj., see prius- quam. *priusquam [prius 4- quam], conj., earlier than, sooner than, before ; also prius . . . quam. *privatim [privatus],.adv., in pri- vate capacity, personally, pri- vately. *privatus, -a, -um [part, of privo, deprive~\, private; personal, in- dividual; as subst., m., private person. *pro [cf. prae], prep, with abl., before, in front of; in behalf of, for, for the benefit of; in place of; as, just as ; becat(se of, in return for ; in accordance -with, in comparison with, in proportion to, in consider- ation of. In comp. (prod- usually before vowels), before, forward, forth, away, for. *probo, -are, -avi, -atus [probus, estimable'], approve, esteem ; assent to; commend ; assert ; show, prove. *procedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [pro + cedo], go forward, ad- vance, proceed, march on. Procillus, -I, m., Procillus, a Ro- man cognomen ; see Valerius. proclmo, -are, -avi, -atus [pro + -cllno, bend~\, bend forward; perf. part., already started. proconsul, -ulis [pro + consul], m., proconsul, ex-consul, as governor of a province. procul, adv., at a distance, far away ; from a distance. *procumb5, -cumberer-cubui, -cu- bitus [pro + -cumbo, lie], fall forward, fall prostrate, sink down ; lean forrvard, incline ; be beaten- down ; lie down. procure, -are, -avi, -atus [pro + euro], take care of, attend to. procurro, -currere, -cucurri or -cum, -cursus [pro + curro, rzeti], run forward, rush forward, charge. *prodeo, -Ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [prod- = pro + &o~], go forward, advance, go out. prodesse, see prosum. proditio, -onis [prodo], f., treason, treachery. proditor, -oris [prod5], m., traitor. 49 6 VOCABULARY prodo, -dere, -didi, -ditus [pro + do], give forth, divulge; hand down, transmit ; give up, betray. *produco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [pro -f duco], lead forward, bring forward, produce ; prolong, pro- tract. proelior, -ari, -atus [proelium], join battle, fight. *proelium, -I, n., battle, combat; proelium facere, fight a battle; proelium committere, see com- mitto. *profectio, -onis [proficiscor], f., setting otit, departure. profectus, -a, -um, part, of profi- ciscor. profectus, -a, -um, part, of pr5ficio. profero, -ferre, -tuli, -latus [pro + fero], carry oiit, bring out. proficio, -ficere, -feel, -fectus [pro -f- facio], forward, advance ; effect, accomplish. *proficlscor, -ficisci, -fectus [pro- ficio], set out, start, depart; march. profiteer, -fiteri, -fessus [pro + fateor, admit], declare piiblicly, avow, profess ; promise, offer. profligo, -are, -avi, -atus [pr5 + fligo, strike~\, strike down, over- throw, rout. profluo, -fluere, -fluxi [pro + fluo], flow forth, rise. *profugio, -fugere, -fugi [pro + fugio],y?^i? forth, escape. profui, see prosum. prognatus, -a, -um [pro + (g)na- tus, part, of (g)nascor], descended, sprung. *progredior, -gredi, -gressus [pro + gradior, step~\, go forward, ad- vance, proceed. *proMbeo, -hibere, -hibui, -hibitus [pro -f habeo], hold back, hinder, check, impede, prevent ; keep off; defend; cut off. *pr5ici5, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [pro + iacio], hurl forward, throw, throw down; abandon, reject; se proicere, prostrate oneself; hurl oneself, leap. proinde [pro + inde], adv., there- fore, accordingly, so. promineo, -minere, -minui, lean forward. promiscue [promiscuus, mixed], adv., in common, together. promissus, -a, -um [part, of pro- mi tto], long. promitto, -mittere, -misi, .-missus [pro + mitto], let go forward ; let grow long. promoveo, -movere, -movi, -m5tus [pro + rnoveo], move forward, push onward. pr5mptus, -a, -um [part, of promo, take forth~\, manifest; ready, prompt. promunturium, -i [cf. promineo], n., headland, promontory. *prone [pronus, turned forward], adv., leaning fonuard. *pronuntio, -are, -avi, -atus [pro + nuntio], make known publicly, proclaim, announce ; pronounce ; tell, relate, report; order. *prope: (l) adv., almost, near, nearly ; prope nulli, scarcely any ; (2) prep, with ace., near. propello, -pellere, -pull, -pulsus [pro + pello], drive away, keep off, dislodge. *properp, -are, -avi, -atus [properus, quick], hasten. propinquitas, -atis [propinquus], f., nearness, vicinity ; relationship. *propinquus, -a, -um [prope], near, neighboring, at hand ; related ; as subst, m. and f., relative. VOCABULARY 497 *propior, -ius [comp. from prope], nearer. *propius [propior], adv., nearer; used sometimes with ace. *propono, -p5nere, -posui, -positus [pro + pono], place before; set forth, display ; propose, offer, pre- sent ; relate, recount, explain, point out; intend. proprius, -a, -um, special, individ- ual, own ; peculiar, characteristic. *propter [prope], prep, with ace., on account of, because of. *propterea [propter + is], adv., therefore, on that accoztnt ; prop- terea quod, for the reason that, because. prdpugnator, -oris [propugno], m., defender. propugn5, -are, -avi, -atus [pro + pugno], go forth to fight, fight on the offensive, sally forth ; repel an attack, resist. propulso, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of propello], beat back, repel. prora, -ae, f., bow, prom. proruS, -ruere, -rui, -rutus [pro + ruo, c ast down~\ , tear down, demol- ish. *prosequor, -sequi, -secutus [pro + sequor], follow up, piirsiie ; escort, honor ; liberaliter orati5ne prose- qui, dismiss with gracious words. prospectus, -us [prospicio], m., view, prospect, sight. prospicio, -spicere, -spexi, spectus [pro + specio, look~\, look forward; watch, provide, use foresight. pr5sterno, -sternere, -stravi, -stratus [pro -j- sterno, spread out\, over- throw, ruin. prosum, prodesse, prdfui [pro sum], be of advantage, help. proteg5, -tegere, -texi, -tectus [pr5 + tego], cover over, protect, shield. 2 K proterreo, -terrere, -terrui, -territus [pro + terreo], frighten off, terrify. protinus [pro + tenus, stretching to; cf. tendo], adv., straight onward, forward; at once, without pause. proturbo, -are, -avi, -atus [pr5 + turbo, disturb~\, drive away, repel. proveho, -vehere, -vexi, -vectus [pro + veho, carry], carry for- ward ; pass., advance, sail out. prdvenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [pro + venio], come forth; be pro- dziced, grow. proventus, -us [proveni'5], m., issue, result, outcome. *provideo, -videre, -vidi, -visus [pro + video], see in advance, discern, foresee ; take precautions, provide, prepare. *provincia, -ae, f., official dtity; prov- ince, territory governed by a mag- istrate from Rome ; Gallia pro- vincia, see Introd., p. 23. prSvincialis, -e [pr5vincia], belong- ing to a province, of the province. provisus, -a, -um, part, of provideo. provolo, -are, -avi [pr5 + volo,y?>'], hurry forth, rush out. *proxime [proximus], adv., very lately, most recently, last; used sometimes with ace., nearest. *proximus, -a, -um [sup. from prope], nearest, next, adjoining; last, latest, most recent ; following, ensiling ; used sometimes with ace., nearest. prudentia, -ae [Tpmdens, foreseeing], f., foresight, practical judgjnent, wisdom, discretion. Ptianii, -orum, m. pi., the Ptianii, a tribe of Aquitania. pubes, -beris, adj., groiun-up ; as subst, puberes, -um,, adults, men of military age. 498 VOCABULARY *publice [publicus], adv., in the name of the state, officially ; pub- licly. publico, -are, -avi, -atus [publicus], make public, confiscate. *publicus, -a, -um [pubes], of the grown men, of the people, public, official; as subst, n., piiblic place, public view ; res publica, gen. rei publicae, L, public interest, pub- lic welfare, the state (especially Rome). pudet, pudere, puduit or puditum est, impersonal verb, it makes ashamed; used with ace. of person, but to be translated personally, e.g. eum pudet, he is ashamed. pudor, -oris [pudet], m., sense of shame, shame, conscientiousness. *puer, -eri, m., boy; pi., children; a pueris, from childhood. puerilis, -e [puer], of a boy, boyish. *pugna, -ae [pugno], L, fight, fight- ing, battle. *pugno, -are, -avi, -atus [pugnus fisf\, fight, give battle; used imper- sonally in pass., e.g. pugnatur, there is fighting. pulcher, -chra, -chrum, beautiful; honorable, illustrious. Pullo, -5nis, m., Pullo, a Roman cognomen ; Titus Pullo, a brave centurion in Caesar's army. pulsus, -a, -um, part, of pello. pulsus, -us [pello], m., beating, stroke; impulsion. pulvis, -veris, m., dust, cloud of dust. *puppis, -is, f., stern. purgo, -are, -avi, -atus [purus+ ago], cleanse ; excuse, justify. *puto, -are, -avi, -atus, think, con- sider, believe, deem, judge. Pyrenaeus, -a, -um, with montes, the Pyrenees Mountains. Q., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Quinctus, Quinttis. *qua [abl. f. of qui; sc. via], adv., by which way, where ; on which side. quadrageni, -ae, -a [quadraginta], pi. adj., forty each. *quadraginta (XL) [quattuor], in- decl. adj., forty. *quadringenti, -ae, -a (CCCC) [quattuor + centum], pi. a.d].,four hundred. *quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quae- situs, look for, seek; try to find out, inquire, investigate, ask. quaestio, -onis [quaero], f., ques- tioning; judicial investigation. *quaestor, -oris [quaer5],m., quaes- tor; see Introd., p. 32. quaestus, -us [quaero], m., gain, profit. qualis, -e [quis and qui], of what sort? ivhat? of which kind. *quam [quis and qui], adv., to what degree? how? as; than, rather than; quam with a superlative, with or without some form of pos- sum, in the highest degree, as . . . possible; quam primum, see pri- mum; quam diu, see diu; postea . . . quam, prius , . . quam, see posteaquam, priusquam. *quamvis [quam + vis, from volo], adv., as you will; however. quando [quis], adv., when? after si, at any time, ever. *quantopere [quantus + opus], adv., how much ? how greatly ? as much as, as. *quantus, -a, -um [quis and qui], how great? how much ? as great, as much, as; as great as, as much as ; tantus . . . quantus, as great . . . as, as much . . . as; quanto VOCABULARY 499 . . . tanto, by how much . . . by so much, the . . . the, quantusvis, -tavls, -turn vis [quan- tus + vis, from volo], as great as you please, however great. *quare (qua re), adv., on what ac- count? wherefore? why ? on which account, and for that reason, and so, wherefore, therefore. *quartus, -a, -urn [quattuor], fourth; quartus decimus,. four- teenth. quasi [quam + si], conj., as if, just as if. *quattuor (IIII or IV), indecl. adj., four. *quattuordecim (Xim) [quattuor + decem], indecl. adj., fourteen. *-que, enclitic conj., and ; and finally, and in fact ; often, espe- cially after a negative, bitt ; -que . . . -que, both . . . and. *queror, queri, questus, complain, bewail, lament ; complain of. *qui, quae, quod, rel. pron., who, which, that ; and this, and that ; and he (she, if}, but he (she, it); he (she} who, that which, what; as; quo . . . eo, the . . . the ; quern ad modum, after what manner, just as; quam ob rem, for which reason, therefore; quod SI, but if, and if, noiu if. *qui, quae, quod, interrog. adj., which? what? quern ad modum, after what manner ? how ? quam Ob rem, for what reason? why? the form qui is sometimes used as a substantive, who ? *qui, quae or qua, quod, indef. adj., used chiefly after si, nisi, ne, num, any, some ; the form qui is sometimes used as a. substantive, any one, some one. quicquam, see quisquam. *quicumque, quaecumque, quod- cumque [qul], indef. rel. pron., whoever, whatever, whosoever ; every one who, everything which t all who. *quidam, quaedam, quiddam and (adj.) quoddam [quis], indef. pron., a certain one, certain ; some- body, something, some ; a sort of, a. *quidem (postpositive), adv., as- suredly, certainly, in fact, indeed; yet, however ; ne . . . quidem, see ne. quies, -etis, f., repose, rest, sleep. quietus, -a, -um [part, of quiesco, resf\, at rest, peaceful, tranquil. *quin [qui + -ne, not], conj., that . . . not, bid that, but, than that, that; who . . . not; quln etiam, why even, nay more, in fact. quinam, see quisnam. quincunx, -uncis [quTnque], m., quinczinx, an arrangement like that of the five of cards or dice. *qumdecim (XV) [quTnque + de- cem], indecl. adj., fifteen. *qumgenti, -ae, -a (D) [quTnque + centum], pi. adj., five hundred. *quini, -ae, -a [qulnque], pi. adj., five each, by fives. *qulnquaginta (L) [qulnque], in- decl. adj., fifty. *quinque (V), indecl. adj.,^^. *quintus, -a, -um [quTnque], fifth. *quis, quid, interrog. pron. (the form quis is sometimes used ad- jectively), who ? what? quid, why ? how much ? *quis, quid, indef. pron., used chiefly after si, nisi, ne, num, any one, anything; some one, some- thing ; the form quis is sometimes used adjectively, any, some. quisnam and (adj.) quinam, quae- nam, quidnam and (adj.) quod- 500 VOCABULARY nam [quis + nam], interrog. pron., who, pray ? which, pray ? what, pray? who? which? what? quispiam, quaepiam, quidpiam and (adj.) quodpiam [quis], indef. pron., any one, any, some one, some; nearly equivalent to aliquis, but rarer. *quisquam, quicquam [quis + quam], indef. pron., any one at all, a single one, anything at all, any . at all, any one, anything, any ; used chiefly in negative sentences or those implying negatives. *quisque, quaeque, quidque and (adj.) quodque [quis + -que], indef. pron., each, every one, every- body, all; decimus quisque, one in ten; nobilissimus quisque, all the highest nobles ; antiquissimum. quodque tempus, each most an- cient time, priority of time. quisquis, quicquid or quidquid [quis + quis], indef. rel. pron., whoever, whatever. *quivis, quaevis, quidvis and (adj.) quodvis [qui + vis, from volo], indef. pron., any one you please ; as adj., any you please, whatever. quo, abl. of qui and of quis. *quo [quis and qui], adv.: (i) rel., to which place, whither ; as far as ; to whom ; to which ; (2) inter- rog., whither? to what end? (3) indef., after si, nisi, ne, num., to any place, in any direction . *quo [qui], conj., that thereby, in order that, used in clauses of pur- pose with comparatives ; in a clause which gives a reason only to deny it, quo often has the force of because, for the reason that. *quoad [quo + ad], conj., until; as long as. *quod [qui], conj., that, in that, be- cause, since ; as to the fact that . the fact that. *quominus (qu5 minus), conj., whereby the less, that . . . not, but that; terrere quominus, pre- vent from ; recusare quominus, refuse to. *quoniam [quom = cum -j- iam], conj., since now, since, because. *quoque, adv. (placed after a word to emphasize it), also, too. quoque, for et qu5. qu5que, abl. of quisque. quoqueversus [quisque + versus], adv., in all directions, everywhere. quot [quis and qui], indecl. adj., how many ? as many as, as. quotannis [quot + annus], adv., year by year, every year, annually. quotiens [quot], adv., how often? how many times ? as often as. R *radix, -ids, f., root; lower part, base ; pi., foot of a hill or moun- tain. rado, radere, rasi, rasus, scrape, shave. raeda, -ae, f., wagon, four-wheeled, sometimes covered ; traveling- carriage. ramus, -I, m., branch, bozigh ; prong. rapiditas, -atis [rapidus, swiff], f., rush, swiftness, rapidity. rapina, -ae [rapio, snatcK\, f., rob- bery, plundering. *rarus, -a, -um,far apart, scattered, straggling; pi., few. rasus, -a, -um, part, of rado. *ratio, -onis [ratus, part, of reor, reckon~\, f., reckoning, mim- bering ; account, list, statement, report; theory, knowledge, art, science; method, plan, manner, VOCABULARY 501 arrangement; conduct, fashion, way; condition; motive, reason, explanation; respect, regard. *ratis, -is, f., raft, float. Rauraci, -Drum, m. pi., the Raurad, a Gallic tribe about the head waters of the Rhine. re- or red-, inseparable prefix, again, back; against; not. rebellio, -onis [re- + bellum], f., re- newal of hostilities, revolt. Rebilus, -i, m., Rebilus, a Roman cognomen; see Canmius. recede, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [re- +ced6],0 back, withdraw, retire. *recens, -entis, adj., recent, fresh ; ^lnwearied, vigorous. recenseo, -censere, -censui, -cen- sus [re- -f- censeo], count again, number; review. receptaculum, -i [recepto, freq. of recipio], n., place of refuge, shelter, retreat. receptus, -a, -um, part, of recipio. receptus, -us [recipio], m., retreat ; way of retreat ; place of refuge, shelter. recessus, -us [recede], m., retreat ; means of retreat ; chance to re- treat. recido, recidere, recidl or reccidi, recasurus [re- + cad5], fall back, be thrown back. *recipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [re- + capio], take back, recover ; carry back, lead back; retreat; take, admit, accept, receive; se recipere, regain composiire, re- cover ; betake oneself, retire, re- treat, go. recito, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + cito, cite], read aloud. reclino, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + -clino, bend], bend back; pass., lean; se reclinare, lean, recline. recte [rectus], adv., rightly, well, excellently, safely. rectus, -a, -um [part, of rego], straight, direct; recta regione, in a straight line, parallel to. recupero, -are, -avi, -atus [recipi5], get back, recover. *recuso, -are, -avi, -atus [re- -f causa], make objections ; refuse, decline, reject. red-, see re-. redactus, -a, -um, part, of redigo. *reddo, -dere, -didi, -ditus [red- + do], give back, restore, return ; grant, assign, give; render, make. redemptus, -a, -um, part, of redimo. *redeo, -ire, ivi (-ii), -iturus [red- + eo], go back, return ; sink down ; be referred. *redigo, -igere, -egi, -actus [red- + ag5], drive back; bring down, re- duce ; cause to be, render. *redimo, -imere, -emi, -emptus [red- + emo], buy back, btiy up, purchase. redintegro, -are, -avi, -atus [red- + integro, make whole], restore, re- new, recruit ; begin again. reditio, -onis [redeo], f., going back, return. reditus, -us [redeo], m., going back, retttrn. Redones, -um, m. pi., the Redones, a tribe of northwestern Gaul. The name survives in the modern Rennes. *reduc5, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [re- + duco], lead back, bring back ; draw off, withdraw ; draw back, extend back. ref ectus, -a, -um, part, of reficid. *refero, referre, rettuli, relatus [re- -f- fero], carry back ; bring, carry; report, annoimce ; refer; 502 VOCABULARY gratiam referre, see gratia ; pedem referre, see pes. *reficio, -ficere, -feel, -fectus [re- 4- facio], repair; recruit, refresh, make strong again. refringo, -fringere, -fregi, -fractus [re- + frango], break open, break down; break. refugio, -fugere, -fugi [re- + fugio], flee back, flee for safety, escape. Reginus, -I, m., Reginus, a Roman cognomen ; see Antistius. *regi6, -onis [reg5], f., direction, line; region, territory, district; country ; e regione, over against, opposite. regius, -a, -um [rex], of a king, royal. regno, -are, -avi, -atus [regnum], be king, reign. *regnum, -I [rex], n., kingly power, royalty, sovereignty ; kingdom, throne. rego, regere, rexi, rectus,, make straight ; direct, control; govern, rule. *reicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [re- -f iacio], throiv back, hurl back; drive back, drive away; thrjw away, throw aside, reject. relanguesco, -languescere, -langui [re- + languesco, become fainf\, become enfeebled, become weak, be relaxed. relatus, -a, -um, part, of refero. releg5, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + lego, commission^, send azvay, remove, banish. relictus, -a, -um, part, of relinquo. religio, -onis, f., sense of duty ; duty to the gods ; superstition; pi., reli- gious matters, religious obliga- tions. *relinquo, -linquere, -liqui, -lictus [re- + linquo, leave^, leave be- hind, leave remaining, leave ; let remain ; abandon, forsake ; pass., remain. *reliquus, -a, -um [relinquo], re- maining; the remainder, the rest of, the rest ; the other ; else ; fu- ture ; as subst., n., remainder ; nihil ad celeritatem reliqui fa- . cere, see facio. *remaneo, -manere, -mansl [re- + maneo], stay behind, be left, re- main; stay, continue; last, con- tinue to be. remex, -migis [remus + ago], m., rower. remigo, -are [remex], row. remigro, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + migro, remove'], go back, return. reminiscor, -minisci [re- + me- mim], recall to mind, remember. *remissus, -a, -um [part, of re- mitto], relaxed, gentle, mild. *remitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [re- + mittS], let go back, send back; release ; hurl back; relax, slacken; remit, remove ; resign. remollesco, -mollescere [re- + mol- lesco, become soff\, lose strength, become enervated. *remotus, -a, -um [part, of re- moveo], distant, remote, retired. *removeo, -movere, -movi, -motus [re- -f- moveo], move back; re- move, take away, dismiss. remuneror, -ari, -atus [re- + mu- neror, give\, repay, reward. *remus, -i, m., oar. Remus, -i, m., Reman, one of the ]\emi ; pi., the Remi, a powerful Btlgic tribe. Their chief city, Durocortorum, is now Rheims. reno, -onis, m., deerskin. *renov5, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + novo, make new\, renew, revive ; begin again. VOCABULARY 503 *renuntio, -are, -avi, -atus [re- -f. nuntio], bring back word, an- nounce, report ; declare elected. *repel!5, repellere, reppuli, re- pulsus [re- + pello], drive back, repel, repulse; ab hac spe re- pelli, be forced to abandon this hope. repente [repens, sudden], adv., suddenly, zinexpectedly. *repentinus, -a, -um [repens, s^^d- den~], sudden, ^^nlooked for ; im- pefuous, hasty. *reperio, reperire, repperi, reper- tus [re- + V PER, cf. comperi5], find, meet with ; discover, hit upon, devise ; ascertain, learn. repetS, -petere, -petlvi, -petltus [re- -|- peto], seek again, demand again, ask back ; demand in com- pensation, claim. repleS, -plere, -plevi, -pletus [re- + -pleo, fill'], replenish, supply fully. reporto, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + porto], carry back. reposco, -poscere [re- -f- posco], demand back ; demand, exact, re- quire. reppuli, see repello. repraesentS, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + praesens], bring back into the present ; do at once. *reprehend5, -prehendere, -pre- hendi, -prehensus [re- + pre- hendo, grasp"], hold back; blame, censure, rebuke. reprimo, -primere, -press!, -pres- SUS [re- + premo], press back, drive back ; suppress, stop. repudio, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + pudet], reject, reftise, repudiate; disdain. repugnS, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + pugno], fight back, resist, defend oneself, oppose ; be an objection. repulsus, -a, -um, part, of repello. require, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisitus [re- -j- quaero], demand, reqrtire, need; ask, seek for. *res, rei, f., thing; matter, object, affair, event; business ; condition, fact, circumstance; the proper .translation of the word must often be derived from the context ; res gestae, deeds, occurrences; novae res, see novus; res famili- aris, private property; summa res, highest interest; communis res, mailer of common interest ; secundae res, prosperity; ex- tremae res, utmost peril; qua ex re, from this state of things, there- fore ; res publica, see publicus; res mflitaris, art of war. rescinds, -scindere, -scidi, -scissus [re- + scindo], cut down, break down, tear apart. rescisco, -sciscere, -scivi, -scitus [re- + scisco, inquire], find out, learn. rescribS, -scribere, -scripsi, -scrip- tus [re- + scrlbo], write again; transfer, enroll. *reservo, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + servo], keep back, reserve, keep. resideo, -sidere, -sedi [re- + sedeo, sit], be left, remain, linger, abide. residS, -sidere, -sedi [re- + sido, sit down], settle down again, become calm. *resistens, -entis [part, of resists], adj., enduring, firm, resohite. *resistS, -sistere, -stiti [re- + sis- to, cause to stand~\, stay behind; halt, stop ; make a stand, withstand, resist, oppose ; resistitur, resistance is offered. *respicio, -spicere, -spexi, -spectus [re- + specie, look], look back; look at, give attention to, content- 504 VOCABULARY plate ; regard, be mindful of, con- sider. *respondeo, -spondere, -spondi, -sponsus [re- + spondeo, prom- ise], answer, reply. *resp6nsum, -I [part, of responded], n., answer. respuo, -spuere, -spui [re- + spud, spit], reject, spurn. restinguo, -stinguere, -stinxi, -stmctus [re- + stinguo,/^ out], put out, extinguish ; put out ajire in. restiti, see resists. *restituo, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutus [re-+statuo], restore, renew,rein- state ; begin again ; give back, de- liver up, return ; rebuild. *retine5, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [re- + teneo], hold back, keep, retain, detain; restrain, check, prevent; memoriam retinere, keep a mem- ory, remember. retrahS, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus [r e- + traho] , drag back, bring back. rettuli, see refero. revello, -vellere, -velli, -vulsus [re- -f- vello, pluck], pull away, tear away, tear out. *revertor, -verti, -versus, perf. usu- ally act. in form, reverti [re- + verto], turn back, come back, go back, return. revincid, -vincire, -vinxi, -vinctus [re- + vincio], bind back, fasten back, fasten. revoco, -are, -avi, -atus [re- + voco], recall ; call ojf, call away, withdraw. *rex, regis [rego], m., king. Rhenus, -i, m., the Rhine, a large river forming the boundary be- tween Gaul and Germany. Rhodanus, -i, m., the Rhone, a large river of southeastern Gaul. *ripa, -ae, f., bank, margin. rivus, -I, m., small stream, brook. *r5bur, -boris, n., oak, oak-wood. *rogo, -are, -avi, -atus, ask, beg, im- plore; sacramento rogare, bind by oath, enlist. Roma, -ae, f., Rome. Rdmanus, -a, -um [Roma], Roman ; as subst., m., a Roman; pi., Ro- mans, the Romans. Roscius, -I, m., Roscius, a Roman nomen; Lucius Roscius, one of Caesar's legates. *rostrum, -l [rodo, gnaw~\,T\., beak; ship^s beak, ram. rota, -ae, f., wheel. rubus, -1, m., bramble. Rufus, -l, m., Rufus, a Roman cog- nomen; see Sulpicius. *rumor, -6ris, m., report, hearsay, rumor, common talk. *rupes, -is [rumpo, break], f., cliff, rock. *rursus [reversus, part, of revertor], adv., turned back ; back again, again ; on the other hand, in turn. Ruteni, -orum, m. pi., the Ruteni, a Gallic tribe, partly within and partly without the boundaries of the province. Rutilus, -I, m., Rtttilus, a Roman cognomen ; see Sempronius. Sabinus, -i, m., Sabinus, a Roman cognomen ; see Titurius. Sab is, -is, ace. -im, m., the Sabis, a river of Gaul, now the Sambre. sacerd5s, -Otis [sacer, consecrated -\- do], m. and L, priest, priestess. sacramentum, -i [sacro, consecrate'}, n., oath ; sacramento rogare, see rogo. VOCABULARY 55 sacrificium, -i [sacrificus, sacri- ficial}, n., sacrifice. *saepe, adv., many times, often ; minime saepe, very seldom ; comp. saepius, more freqiiently, too often ; sup. saepissime, -very often. *saepenumero [saepe + numerus], adv., very often, again and again. saepes, -is, f., hedge. *saevio, -Ire, -ii, -itus [saevus, fierce'}, be fierce, rage. *sagitta, -ae, f., arrow. Sagittarius, -I [sagitta], m., bow- man, archer. sagulum, -l [dim. of sagum, mili- tary cloak~\, n., small military cloak, cloak. saltus, -us, m., pass, glen. *salus, -Utis [salvus, well}, f., health ; safety, preservation, deliverance; welfare, prosperity ; place of safety. Samarobriva, -ae [Celtic, bridge over the Samara {Somme)~\, f., Samarobriva, the chief town of the Ambiani, now Amiens. sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctus, [cf. sacer, consecrated}, make sa- cred; establish, ratify, confirm, enact ; inter se sancire, solemnly agree with one another. sanctus, -a, -um [part, of sancio], sacred, inviolable. sanguis, -inis, m., blood. sanitas, -atis [sanus], f., soundness ; sanity, good sense. sano, -are, -avi, -atus [sanus], heal, cure; correct, repair. Santones, -um, or Santoni, -orum, m. pi., the Santones, or Santoni, a tribe of western Gaul. sanus, -a, -um, so^lnd, well; dis- creet, sensible ; pro sano, as a rea- sonable being, reasonably, sanely. sanxi, see sancid. sapio, sapere, sapivl, savor of, taste ; have taste, be discreet, be wise. sarcina, -ae [sarcioj, f., bundle, pack, soldier's pack, bzirden. See Introd., p. 40. sarcio, sarcire, sarsi, sartus, mend, repair, make good. sarmentum, -I, n., light branch, fagot ; pi., brush^vood. *satis: (l) indecl. adj., only nom. and ace. n., enoiigh, sufficient, adeqiiate; it is often used substan- tively; (2) adv., enough, suffi- ciently, fully ; somewhat. satisfacio, -facere, -feel, -factus [satis + facio], do enough for, sat- isfy; give satisfaction, make repa- ration; make amends; make exczise, apologize ; conciliate, placate. satisfactio, -onis [satisfacio], f., apology, explanation. satus, -a, -um, part, of sero. *saucius, -a, -um, wounded. *saxum, -l, n., large stone, rock. scalae, -arum [scando, climb'], f. pi., flight of steps, ladder, scaling- ladder. scapha, -ae, f., shifts boat, skiff. sceleratus, -a, -um [part, of scelero, pollute}, infamous, vicious, wicked. scelus, -leris, n., wicked deed, crime, sin. scienter [sciens, part, of scio], adv., intelligently, skilfully, expertly. scientia, -ae [sciens, part, of scio], f., knowledge, intelligence, skill. scindo, scindere, scidi, scissus, split, cut ; tear up, break down. *scio, scire, scivi, scitus, under- stand, know. scorpio, -onis, m., scorpion. See Introd., p. 51. scribo, scribere, scrips!, scriptus, write. scrobis, -is, in. and f., ditch, pit. VOCABULARY *scutum, -l, n., shield. se- or sed-, inseparable prefix, apart. se, ace. and abl. of sui. sebum, -I, -a., fat, tallow. seco, secare, secui, sectus, cut; reap. secreto [secretus, separated], adv., separately, apart, in private. sectio, -onis [seco], f., booty. sector, -an, -atus [freq. of sequor], follow after, search for, hunt. sectura, -ae [seco], f., excavation, quarry, mine. secundior, -ius, comp. of secundus ; secundiores res, greater pros- perity. *secundum [secundus], prep, with ace., following, along, beside ; in addition to; secundum naturam fluminis, down-stream (see na- tura). *secundus, -a, -um [part, of se- quor], following ; second ; success- ful ; favorable ; secundo fluorine, down-stream. securis, -is [sec5], f., ax; securibus subiecta, subject to the authority of^ Rome (axes carried by the lictors were a symbol of Roman power). secutus, -a, -um, part, of sequor. sed-, see se-. *sed, conj., but, on the contrary; yet, however ; biit in fact, but in- deed. *sedecim (XVI) [sex + decem], indecl. adj., sixteen. sedes, -is [sedeo, sit], f., seat, dwell- ing, habitation, home. seditio, -dnis [sed- + eo], f., dissen- sion, civil discord, sedition, insur- rection. seditiosus, -a, -um [seditio],/?/// of discord, factious, turbulent, sedi- tious. Sedulius, -i, m., Sedulius, a chief- tain of the Lemovices. Seduni, -orum, m. pi., the Seduni, an Alpine tribe of Gauls. Sedusil, -orum, m. pi., the Sedusii, a German tribe. seges, -etis, f., crop of grain, grain- field. Segni, -orum, m. pi., the Segni, a German tribe, living in Belgic Gaul. SegontiacI, -orum, m. pi., the Segon- tiaci, a tribe of Britain. Segovax, -actis, m., Stgovax, a king of Cantium (Kent). Segusiavi, -orum, m. pi., the Segit- siavi, a Gallic tribe, clients of the Haedui. *semel, adv., once; semel atque iterum, again and again ; ut semel, when once. sementis, -is [semen, seetf], f., sow- ing, seeding; sementis facere, sow. semita, -ae [se- + meo, go], i.,path, byway. semper, adv., always, ever. Sempronius, -I, m., Sempronius, a Roman noinen; Marcus Sempro- nius Rutilus, an officer in Caesar's army. senator, -oris [senex], m., senator, councilor. *senatus, -us [senex], m., senate, council of elders; the name usually referred to the Roman senate, but Caesar uses it also of other na- tional councils. senex, senis, m., old man. seni, -ae, -a [sex], pi. adj., six each. Senones, -um, m. pi., the Senones, a Gallic tribe on the Sequana (Seine). Their chief town, Age- dincum, is now Sens. *sententia, -ae [sentio], f., way of VOCABULARY 507 thinking, feeling, opinion; fur- port; decision, determination, pur- pose ; official judgment, sentence; vote. sentes, -ium, m. pi., thorns, briers. *sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus, per- ceive, notice, Jind out, observe ; feel, experience ; think, jitdge ; under- stand, know. separatim [separatus], adv., apart, separately, individually. separatus, -a, -um [part, of separo], separate, distinct. separo, -are, -avi, -atus [se- + paro], separate, divide. *septem (VII), indecl. adj., seven. *septemtriones, -um [septem], m. pi., seven plow-oxen, the seven stars of the constellation 'Great Bear*; north ; .sometimes sing, in same sense. *septimus, -a, -um [septem], sev- enth. *septingentf, -ae, -a (DCC) [sep- tem + centum], pi. adj., seven hun- dred. *septuaginta (LXX) [septem], in- decl. adj., seventy. sepultura, -ae [sepelio, bury\, f., burial, obsequies. Sequana, -ae, f., the Sequana, the largest river of northern Gaul, now the Seine. Sequanus,.-a, -um, of the Sequani, Sequanian ; as subst., m., a Sequa- nian; pi., the SeqTianians, the Se- quani, a tribe of eastern Gaul, west of the Jura Mountains. *sequor, sequi, secutus, follow ; fol- low up, pursue; attend, accom- pany ; conform to, attach oneself to ; keep to. Ser., the abbreviation for the prae- 7iomen Servius, Serviris. jjp, -onis, m., talk, conversation. sero, serere, sevi, satus, sow, sero [serus, late'}, adv., late; too late. Sertorius, -I, m., Sertorius, a Ro- man nomen; Quintus Ser tor his, a Roman general, who took sides with Marius in the First Civil War. After the death of Marius, Sertorius held Spain for a long time against the forces sent from Rome to recover it. servilis, -e [servus], of a slave, of the slaves ; slavish, servile. servio, -ire, -Ivi, -itus [servus], serve; labor for ; be ruled by, de- pend on, have regard to. *servitus, -utis [servus], f., servi- tude, slavery, subjection. servo, -are, -avi. -atus, make safe, deliver; protect, keep, preserve, maintain, save; observe, watch, keep in view ; lay up, store. servus, -I, m., slave, servant. *sescenti, -ae, -a (DC) [sex + cen- tum], pi. adj., six hundred. sese, ace. and abl. of sul. sesquipedalis, -e [sesqui, one and a half-}- pes], a foot and a half in measure. setius, comp. adv.; less, see nihi- lum. seu, see sive. severitas, -atis [severus, strict], L, strictness, severity, sternness. sevoc5, -are, -avi, -atus [se- + voc5], call aside, call away, lead aside. *sex (VI), indecl. adj., six. *sexaginta (LX) [sex], indecl. adj., sixty. Sextius, -1, m., Sextius, a Roman nomen : (l) Publius Sextius Bacillus, a brave centurion of Caesar's army ; (2) Titus Sextius, one of Caesar's legates. 508 VOCABULARY *si, conj., if; -whether ; quod si, but if, now if, and if; si quidem, if indeed, inasmuch as. sibi, dat. of sui. Sibusates, -um, m. pi., the Sibusates, a tribe in Aquitania. *S1C [si], adv., in this way, thus, so; accordingly, under these circum- stances ; as follows ; SIC . . . ut, so . . . as, in the same way . . . as; so . . . that, to such a degree . . . that; ut . . . sic, as . . . so, while . . . yet, though . . . still. siccitas, -atis [siccus, dry'}, f., dry- ness, drought. *sicut or sicuti [sic + ut (utl)], adv. , just as ; as if. sidus, -deris, n., heavenly body, star ; constellation. signifer, -eri [slgnum -f fero], m., standard-bearer. significatio, -onis [signified], f., sign, indication, signal; behavior. significo, -are, -avi, -atus [slgnum + facio], make signs; shoiu by signs, express, indicate, make known. *signum, -I, n., sign, token, signal ; military standard. See Introd., p. 38. Silanus, -I, m., Silamis, a Roman cognomen ; Jlfarcus Junius Si- lanus, one of Caesar's legates. silentium, -I [silens, sileni\, n., silence, stillness. Sllius, -I, m., Silius, a Roman nomen ; Titus Silius, an officer in Caesar's army. *silva, -ae, f., wood, forest. silvestris, -e [silva], of a forest ; wooded. similis, -e, like, resembling, similar. similitude, -dinis [similis], f., like- ness, resemblance. *simul [similis], adv., at the same time ; at once ; also, likewise ; simul atque (ac), sometimes simul alone, as soon as; simul . . . simul, partly . . . partly, not only ... but at the same time. simulacrum, -I [simulo], n., likeness, effigy, image; statue. *simulatio, -onis [simulo], f., shoiv, semblance, pretense, feint. simu!5, -are, -avi, -atus [similis], counterfeit, pretend. simultas, -atis, f., rivalry, jealousy. *sin [si + -ne, not], conj., but if, if on the other hand, if however. sincere [sincerus, ptire~\, adv., honestly, sincerely. *sine, prep, with abl., without. singillatim [singull], adv., one by one, severally, singly. singularis, -e [singull], single, one by one; singular, matchless, ex- traordinary. *singuli, -ae, -a, pi. adj., one by one, one at a time, separate, single ; one apiece ; in annos singulos,.^?' by year; inter singular legiones, be- tween every two legions. *sinister, -tra, -trum, left, on the left; as subst., f. (sc. manus), left hand. sinistrorsus [sinister + versus], adv., toward the left. + situs, -us, m., situation, position, site. *sive or seu [si + -ve], conj., or if, or; sive (seu) . /. sive (seu) s whether . . . or, either . . . or. socer, -eri, \n., father-in-law. societas, -atis [socius], f., associa- tion, league, alliance, itnion. *socius, -i [sequor], m., comrade; confederate, ally. *sol, solis, m., sun; occidens s51, west; oriens sol, east; S51, the Sun, personified. VOCABULARY 509 solacium, -i [solor, comfort}, n., comfort, consolation, solace. soldurii, -drum, m, pi., soldtirii, retainers, vassals, liegemen. soleo, solere, solitus, be wont, be accustomed. solitude, -dinis [solus], ,, loneli- ness; lonely place, wilder ness. sollertia, -ae [sellers, skilled'], f., skill, adroitness. sollicito, -are, -avi, -atus [sollicitus, agitated], stir, rouse, agitate ; urge ; incite to revolt, tamper with. sollicitudo, -dinis [sollicitus, agi- tated'], f., uneasiness, apprehension, anxiety. solum, -i, n., bottom; ground, soil. *s61um [solus], adv., alone, only; non solum . . . sed etiam, not only . . . but also. *SOlus, -a, -um, only, alone, single. solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus [se- + luo, loose], loose, cast off; sc. navis, set sail. sonitus, -us [sono, sound], m., sound, noise. sonus, -i, m., sound, noise. *soror, -oris, f., sister; soror ex matre, half-sister (of the same mother). *SOrs, sortis, f., lot; decision by lot. Sotiates, -ium, m. pi., the Satiates, an Aquitanian tribe, on the Ga- rumna (Garonne). *spatium, -i, n., space, length, dis- tance, interval, extent, room, course ; used of both space and time. "'species, -ei [specio, look], f., ap- pearance, spectacle, sight; pretense, display, show ; form, shape. *specto, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of specio, look], look, face ; look to, consider; lie, be situated. speculator, -oris [speculor]-, m., spy. speculatorius, -a, -um [speculator], for observation ; speculatorium navigium, spyboat. speculor, -ari, -atus [specula, look- out], observe, 'watch, spy. *spero, -are, -avi, -atus [spes], hope, look for, expect. *spes, spei, f., hope, expectation; ground for hope; in spem venire, conceive the hope. spiritus, -us [splro, breathe"], m., spirit, courage; pi., arrogance, airs. spoli5, -are,-avi, -atus[spolia, booty], strip, rob, deprive. *spontis, gen., found only in the gen. and abl. sing, [spondeo, promise], f.,free will ; suasponte, of his (their} own accord, volun- tarily ; also sometimes by his (their) own influence. stabilio, -ire, -ivi, -itus [stabilis, firnt], make firm, support. stabilitas, -atis [stabilis, firni], L, firmness, stability. *statim [sto], adv., at once, on the spot. *statio, -onis [sto], f., station, post; guard, reserve, sentry, picket. *statuo, statuere, statui, statutus [status], set zip, set, erect ; decide, determine ; decree, order, pass sen- tence ; think. statura, -ae [sto], f., height, statiire, status, -us [sto], m., attitude, con- dition, state. stimulus, -i, m.,goad, spur. stipendiarius, -a, -um [stlpendium], paying tribute, tributary; as subst., TO.., payer of tribute, tributary. *stipendium, -i [stips, contribution, + pendo], n., tax, tribute. stipes, -pitis, m., trunk of a tree; post, stake. 5 io VOCABULARY stirps, stirpis, f., stock, race. sto, stare, steti, status, stand; stand by. stramentum, -i [sterno, spread out], n., thatch ; pack-saddle. *strepitus, -us [strepo, make a noise], m., confused noise, din rattle. *stude5, studere, studui, give atten- tion to, strive for ; wish, care for. studiose [studiosus, eager~\, adv., eagerly ; carefully, earnestly. *studium, -I [studeo], n., eagerness, earnestness; enthusiasm, zeal; endeavor, exertion, pursuit ; good will, devotion, friendliness. stultitia, -ae [stultus, foolish], f., folly. *sub, prep. : (i) with ace., implying motion, literally or figuratively, under, beneath ; near to, zip to ; - just before, toward, about; (2) with abl., implying rest, under, beneath; below, at the foot of, near ; at the time of. In comp., under, below ; from below, up ; as help; slightly. subactus, -a, -urn, part, of subigo. subdolus, -a, -urn [sub + dolus], crafty, subtle, deceptive. *subduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [sub + duco], lead up, with- draw; 'draw up from below, draw up on land, beach. subductio, -onis [subdiico], i.,draw- ing ashore, beaching. subductus, -a, -um, part, of subdiico. *subeo, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus [sub 4- eoj, go under, enter ; come up, ap- proach ; press forward ; submit to, accept, endure, undergo. *subicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [sub + iacio], hurl from below; place under ; make subject, reduce ; ex- pose. subigo, -igere, -egi, -actus [sub + ago], drive under, reduce, sub- due ; constrain. *subito [subitus], adv., suddenly, immediately. *subitus, -a, -um [part, of subeo], sudden, unexpected, surprising^ quick. sublatus, -a, -um, part, of tollo. sublevo, -are, -avi, -atus [sub -j- levo], raise up, lift from beneath; hold up, support; lighten, lessen; assist, sustain; se sublevare, rise. sublica, -ae, f., pile. subluo, -luere, -lui, -lutus [sub + luo, wash], wash at the foot, flow below. subministro, -are, -avi, -atus [sub + ministro, serve], aid by giving, hand; furnish, supply. *submitt5, -mittere, -misi, -missus [sub + mitto], send to help, fur- nish as reinforcement ; send. submoveo, -movere, -movi, -motus [sub + moveo], drive off, drive back. subruo, -ruere, -rui, -rutus [sub + ruo, cast down], dig under, undermine. *subsequor, -sequi, -secutus [sub + sequor],y^//0z/ up, follow after, follow closely. *subsidium, -I [sub + sedeo, sit], n., support, aid ; protection ; pro- vision; troops in reserve, reserve ; aiixiliary troops. subsido, -sidere, -sedi, -sessus [sub -}- sldo, sit down], settle down, establish oneself ; stay behind. subsists, -sistere, -stiti [sub + sisto, cause to stand], make a stand, stand firm, resist. subsum, -esse [sub + sum], be near, be at hand. subtraho, -trahere, -traxi, -tractus VOCABULARY 5 11 [sub + traho], draiv from below remove secretly, take away, with draw. subvectio, -onis [subveho], f., car- rying, conveyance, transportation subveho, -vehere, -vexl, -vectus [sub + veho, carry\, bring up, transport. subvenio, -venire, -veni, -ventus [sub + venio],?;w to help, assist, relieve ; rescue, save. *succedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessus [sub + cedo], march up ; ap- proach ; come next; succeed, take the place of, relieve ; be sttccessful, prosper. succendd, -cendere, -cendi, -census [sub + cande5, glow'], set on fire below, set fire to. SUCCessus, -us [succedo], m., ad- vance, approach. succido, -cidere, -cidi, -cisus [sub + caedo], ciit off below, ciit down; reap. succumbo, -cumbere, -cubul, -cubi- tus [sub + -cumbo, lie\, yield, succumb. succurr5, -currere, -curri, -cursus [sub + curro, run'], run to help, rim up ; assist. SUdis, -is, f., stake. Suebus, -a, -um, Sueban; as subst., m. and f., a Sueban ; pi., the Sue- bans, the Stielri. The Suebi lived in Germany, but the exact lo- cality is uncertain. Some think that several different German tribes were included under the name. Suessi5nes, -um, m. pi., the Sues- siones, a tribe in the southern part of Belgium. sufficio, -ficere, -fed, -fectus [sub -f facio], be sufficient, be adequate, suffice. suffodio, -fodere, -f5di, -fossus [sub -J- fodio], stab underneath. suffragium, -I [suffragor, vote for], n., ballot, vote. Sugambri, -orum, m. pi., the S^tgambr^, a German tribe, suggestus, -us [sub + gero], m. ; raised place, platform, tribunal. *sul, gen. (no nom.), reflex, pron., himself, herself, itself, themselves ; him, her, it, them; inter se, see inter ; inter se dare, ex- change ; per se, see per. Sulla, -ae, m., Sulla, a Roman cog- nomen ; Lucius Cornelius Sulla {Felix}, born 138 B.C., died 78 B.C. He was the bitter enemy of Marius, and leader of the aristo- cratic party. Sulpicius, -I, m., Sulpicius, a Ro- man nomen: (i)seeGalba; (2) Publius Sulpicius Rufus, one of Caesar's legates. *sum, esse, fui, futurus, be ; come to pass, happen ; be engaged ; with gen., belong to, be the duty of; with dat., serve (for} ; with dat. of possessor, which is to be trans- lated as subject, have, possess; tantl esse, be worth so nnic/i. 'summa, -ae [summus], f., chief place; leadership, general man- agement, control; decision; whole, amount, sum. *summus, -a, -um [sup. of superus, above~\, highest, greatest; highest part of, top of, summit of; first, best, utmost, extreme ; most impor- tant, critical, momentous; exact, perfect; as subst., n., top, end, summit. *sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus [sub + em5], take, appropriate ; obtain, get, proczire ; spend, con- sume, use, employ; take on oneself, 512 VOCABULARY assume, claim, arrogate,- suppli- cium sumere, inflict pimishment. sumptuosus, -a, -um [sumptus], very expensive, sumptuous. sumptus, -us [sumo], m., expense, cost. *superbe [superbus, proud~], adv., proudly, haughtily. *superior, -ius [comp. of superus, above"], higher, upper; former, previous; more distinguished; superior, better, stronger. *supero, -are, -avi, -atus [superus, above"], rise above, overtop, sur- mount; surpass; conquer, over- come, prevail ; be left, survive. supersedes, -sedere, -sedi, -sessus [super, above + sedeo, sit], re- frain from , keep from . *supersum, -esse, -fui, -futurus [super, above + sum], be left, re- main; survive. suppeto, -petere, -petm, -petitus [sub + peto], be at hand, be avail- able ; be sufficient, hold out. supplementum, -i [suppleo,yz///], n., that ^vhic}l fills up; reinforce- ments. *supplex, -plicis [sub+placo], adj., humbly entreating, suppliant; as subst., m., suppliant. supplicatiS, -onis [supplico, humbly entreat], L, public prayer ; thanks- giving (for victory) . *suppliciter [supplex], adv., sup- pliantly, humbly. supplicium, -l [supplex], n., pun- ishment, penalty (especially the death-penalty), torture, suffering. supports, -are, -avi, -atus [sub + porto], bring up, bring forward, convey ; supply. *supra [superus, above"} : (l) adv., above, befor e, previously ; (2) prep, with ace., above ; before. *suscipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptus [subs- = sub + capio], take up, undertake, take, enter ttpon. suspectus, -a, -um [part, of su- spicio, look askance at], suspected. *susp!cio, -5nis [sub + specio, look"], L, mistrust, distrust, suspicion. *suspicor, -an, -atus [cf. suspicio, look askance at], suspect; sur- mise, conjecture. sustento, -are, -avi, -atus [freq. of sustineo], sustain, endure; sus- tentatur, the attack is sustained. *sustineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [subs- = sub + teneo], hold up- right, keep up, hold ; hold back, check, -withstand ; sustain, endure ; holdout; se sustinere, stand. sustuli, see tollo. *suus, -a, -um [suT], his (her, Us, their) own; his, her, its, their; his well-known ; favorable ; as subst., m. pi., his (their~) people, followers, soldiers, or fellow-coun- trymen ; as subst., n. pi., his (their) possessions. T., the abbreviation for the praeno- men Titus, Titus. tabernaculum, -I [dim. of taberna, hut], n., tent. tabula, -ae, f., board, plank; tablet, record, list. tabulatum, -I [tabula], n., floor, story. taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus, be si- lent, keep silent ; be silent about, keep secret. tacitus, -a, -um [part, of taceo], silent. talea, -ae, f., stake, bar, rod, block. tails, -e [cf. tarn], such, of siich a sort; so extreme. VOCABULARY 513 *tam, adv., so, so very, to such a degree. *tamen [tarn], adv., yet, however, still, nevertheless. Tamesis, -is, ace. -im, m., the Tame- sis, the Thames, an important river of southern Britain. tametsi [tarn + etsi], conj., al- though. *tandem [tarn], adv., at length, fi- nally ; quid tandem, what, pray? what in the world? tang5, tangere, tetigi, tactus, touch, border on, reach. *tantopere [tantus + opus], adv., so much, so greatly, so earnestly; just as much. tantulus, -a, -um [dim. of tantus], so little, so trifling ; unimportant. *tantum [tantus], adv., so far, only. tantummodo [tantum + modo],adv., only, merely. tantundem [tantus + -dem; cf. idem], a.(\v.,j-ust as much,J2ist the same distance. *tantus, -a, -um [tarn], so great, so muck; tantum . . .- quantum, w much (as much) . . . as; tanti, of so great value, so important. TarbelH, -drum, m. pi., the Tarbelli, a tribe in Aquitania. *tarde [tardus], adv., tardily, slowly, late. tardS, -are, -avi, -atus [tardus], delay, hinder, check. *tardus, -a, -um, slow, late. Tarusates, -ium, m. pi., the Taru- sates, a tribe in Aquitania. Tasgetius, -i, m., Tasgetiits, a prince of the Carnutes. taurus, -i, m., bull. Taximagulus, -i, m., Taximagulus, a king of Cantium (Kent). taxus, -l, i., yew, yew-tree. Tectosages, -um, m. pi., Tectosages, 2L a division of the Volcae, living in the western part of the Roman province. tectum, -i [part, of tego], n., roof; covered structure, house. tectus, -a, -um, part, of tego. tegimentum, -i [tego], n., covering, cover. tego, tegere, texi, tectus, cover; shelter, protect ; conceal. *telum, -i, n., missile, weapon, jave- lin, spear. temeraiius, -a, -um [temere], rash, inconsiderate, liasty, imprudent. *temere, adv., without plan, rashly, inconsiderately ; easily. temeritas, -atis [temere], f., rash- ness, indiscretion, temerity. temo, -onis, m., pole of a chariot, tongue. temperantia, -ae [temperans, part, of tempero], f., moderation, self- control. *temperatus, -a, -um [part, of tempero], moderate, temperate. *tempero, -are, -avi, -atus [tern- pus], observe proper measure, re- strain oneself, forbear, abstain, refrain. *tempestas, -atis [tempus], f., weather ; stormy weather, storm. *tempto, -are, -avi, -atus, try, at- tempt; make trial of, attack ; in- cite, tempt, tamper with. *tempus, -poris, n., time; season; occasion, opportunity ; circum- stance, emergency, crisis ; ad tem- pus, on time, punctually; pro tempore, as the time allows, ac- cording to circumstances ; in re- liquum tempus, 'for the future. Tencteri, -orum, m. pi., the Tencteri, a tribe of Germans, living east of the Rhine. tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentus VOCABULARY [teneo], stretch out, extend; spread out ; pitch (tents), encamp, be encamped. tenebrae, -arum, f. pi., shadows, darkness. *tene5, tenere, tenui, hold; keep, re- tain; occupy, possess, control, be master of; hold back, check, hin- der ; hold under obligation; se tenere, stay, remain; memoria tenere, remember. tener, -era, -erum, tender ; flexible, young. tenuis, -e [tendo], 'thin; meager, trifling, slight ; feeble, poor. tenuitas, -atis [tenuis], f., thinness; poverty. tenuiter [tenuis], adv., thinly. *ter [tres], adv., three times. teres, -etis [tero, rub'}, adj., rounded; round, smooth. *tergum, -I, n., back ; a terg5, post tergum, behind ; terga vertere, turn in flight, flee. *terni, -ae, -a [ter], pi. adj., three at a time, three apiece. *terra, -ae, f., earth, land; region, country; ground, soil; orbis terrarum, see orbis; in terns, on earth. Terrasidius, -l, m., Terrasidius, a Roman nomen; Titus Terra- sidius, an officer in Caesar's army. terrenus, -a, -um [terra], of earth. terreo, terrere, terrui, territus, frighten, terrify ; deter by fright- ening, prevent. territo, -are [freq. of terre5], alarm, flll with terror ; threaten. terror, -5ris [terreo], m., fear, alarm, panic. *tertius, -a, -um [tres], third; ter- tius decimus, thirteenth. testamentum, -I [tester, call as a witness], n., will, ' last will and testament? testimonium, -I [testis], n., evidence, testimony, proof. testis, -is, m. and f., witness ; eye- witness. *testudd, -dinis [testa, shelf}, f., tortoise; testudo, shed. See In- trod., pp. 46, 48. Teutomatus, -i, m., Teutomatus, a king of the Nitiobroges. Teutones, -um, or Teuton!, -orum, m. pi., the Teutones, Teutoni, or Teutons, a German tribe. See Introd., p. 4. tignum, -i, n., piece of timber, log, tree-trunk. Tigurinus, -i, m., Tigurinm, the name of one of the four cantons of the Helvetii ; pi., the Tigurini, the people of this canton. *time6, timere, timui, fear, dread ; be apprehensive. *timide [timidus], adv., timidly, hesitatingly. *timidus, -a, -um [timeo], fearful, timid, afraid ; cowardly. *timor, -oris [timeo], m., fear, dread, anxiety, apprehension ; cowardice. Titurius, -l, m., Titurius, a Roman nomen; Quintus Titurius Sabi- nus, one of Caesar's legates. toler5, -are, -avi, -atus [cf. tolls], end^^re, siipport ; hold out. *tol!5, tollere, sustuli, sublatus [cf. tull, perf. of fero], take 2ip, lift up, raise; take on board, weigh (anchor); cheer, encourage, elate ; take away, carry off; put out of the way, ruin, destroy ; an- nul, interrupt, prevent. Tolosa, -ae, i., Tolosa, a city of the Roman province, now Toulouse. Tolosates, -ium [Tolosa], m. pi, VOCABULARY 515 the Tolosates, the people of Tolosa and the surrounding country. tormentum, -I [torqueo, tzvisi], n., windlass; engine (pi. may be translated artillery, see Introd., p. 50) ; instrument of torture, tor- ture. torreS, torrere, torrui, tostus, dry ; parch, scorch, burn. tot, indecl. adj., so many. *totidem [tot + -dem; cf. Idem], indecl. ad]., just as many, the same number. *totus, -a, -um, whole, the whole, entire ; all; often with the force of an adv., -wholly, entirely. *trabs, trabis, f., beam, timber. tractus, -a, -um, part, of trah5. *trado, -dere, -didi, -ditus [trans + do], give over, hand over ; pass along; give up, surrender, deliver ; intrust; yield, leave; transmit; propound, teach; relate. *traducS, -ducere, -duxi, -ductus [trans + duco], lead across, bring over ; win over; transfer, pro- mote. tragula, -ae, f., dart, javelin, thrown by a strap or thong. *traho, trahere, traxi, tractus, drag, drag along. traicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectus [trans + iacio], throw across; strike through, stab through, transfix. traiectus, -us [traicio], m., crossing over, passage. tranS, -are, -avi [trans + n5, swim~\, swim over, swim across. tranquillitas, -atis [tranquillus, still~\, f., stillness, calm. *trans, prep, with ace., across, over, to the further side of; beyond, on the other side of; through. In comp., across, over, through. Transalpmus, -a, -um [trans + Alpes], across the Alps, Trans- alpine; Gallia Transalpina, see Introd., p. 21. transcendo, -scendere, -scendi [trans + scando, climb~\, climb over, pass over ; transcendere in navis, board the ships. *transeS, -ire, -Ivi (-ii), -itus [trans + eo~\,go across, crossover, cross; march through ; pass by, elapse ; be transferred, change; vado transire, ford. transfers, -ferre, -tuli, -latus [trans + fero], carry over, transfer. transflgo, -figere, -fixi, -fixus [trans + flgo,y?.r], pierce throtigh, drive through, transfix. transfodiS, -fodere, -fodi, -fossus [trans + fodio], run through, stab through. transgredior, -gredi, -gressus [trans + gradior, step~\,step across; cross; climb over, pass over. transitus, -us [transe5], m..,. going over, passage. translatus, -a, -um, part, of trans- fero. transmarinus, -a, -um [trans + mare], beyond-sea, foreign. transmissus, -us [transmitto], m., crossing, passage. transmitto, -mittere, -misi, -missus [trans + mitto], send across, carry over. ^transports, -are, -avi, -atus [trans + porto], carry over, take across, transport. Transrhenanus, -a, -um [trans + Rhenus], beyond (on the German side of) the Rhine ; as subst., m. pi., the people dwelling beyond the Rhine. transtrum, -l [trans], n., cross- beam. trans versus, a, -um [trans + ver- 5 i6 VOCABULARY sus, part, of verto], turned across, crosswise, transverse, at an angle. Trebius, -I, m., Trebius, a Roman nomen ; Marcus Trebius Galhts, an officer in Caesar's army. Trebdnius, -I, m., Trebonius, a Roman 'nomen: (i) Gains Tre- bonius, one of Caesar's legates ; (2) Gains Trebonius, a Roman knight. *trecenti, -ae, -a (CCC) [tres + centum], pi. adj., three hundred. trepido, -are, -avi, -atus [trepidus, restless'}, bustle about, hurry in alarm, be agitated. *tres, tria (m), pi. adj., three. Trever, -eri, m., a Treveran; pi., the Treverans, the Treveri, a Gallic tribe living near the Rhine. The name survives in the modern Treves. Triboci, -orum, m. pi., theTribod, a German tribe, perhaps dwelling on both sides of the Rhine. *tribunus, -I [tribus, tribe~\, m., head of a tribe; tribune; tribunus militum, see Introd., p. 33. tribuo, tribuere, tribul, tributus [tribus, tribe}, assign, confer, ac- cord; yield, grant, concede; at- tribjtte, ascribe ; give credit; dis- tribute. tributum, -l [part, of tribuo], n., contribution, tribttte. *triduum, -l [tres + dies], n., period of three days, three days. triennium, -I [tres + annus], n., period of three years, three years. *triginta (XXX) [tres], indecl. adj., thirty. *trim, -ae, -a [tres], pi. adj., three at a time, three each; threefold; three. Trinovantes, -um, m. pi., the Trino- vantes, a tribe of southeastern Britain. tripartite [tripartitus, divided into three parts~\, adv., in three parts, in three divisions. *triplex, -plicis [tres + plango, strike~\, adj., threefold, triple ; tri- plex acies, see Introd., p. 44. triquetrus, -a, -urn [tres], three- cornered, triangular. tristis, -e, sad, sorrowful, gloomy. tristitia, -ae [tristis], f., sadness, sorrow, dejection. Troucillus, -I, m., Troucillus, see Valerius. truncus, -i, m., trunk of a tree. tti, tul, pers. pron., thoti, you. *tuba, -ae, f., twtmpet. tueor, tuerl, tutus, watch, care for, guard, defend. tuli, see f ero. Tilling!, -orum, m. pi., the Tulingi, a small tribe, living perhaps across the Rhine from the Helvetii. Tullius, -i, m., Tullius, a Roman nomen ; see CicerS. Tullus, -l, m., Tullus, a Roman cognomen ; see Volcacius. *tum, adv., then, at that time ; next, afterwards; besides; cum . . . tum, while . . . also, as . . . so, not only . . . but also, both . . . and. tumultuor, -ari, -atus [tumultus], make a disturbance, be in tiproar. tumultuose [tumultuosus, full of uproar}, adv., noisily. tumultus, -us [tumeo, swell}, m., uproar, noise, disturbance; out- break, revolt. *tumulus, -I [tumeo, swell}, m., mound, hill. turma, -ae, f., throng, body ; troop of cavalry, consisting of about thirty men. VOCABULARY 5*7 Turoni, -orum, m. pi., the Turoni, a tribe of western Gaul, on the Liger (Loire). The name sur- - vives in the modern Touraine. turpis, -e, unseemly; disgraceful, scandalozts, dishonorable. turpiter [turpis], adv., disgracefully, basely. turpitude, -dinis [turpis], f., dis- honor, disgrace, baseness. *turris, -is, f., tower ; see Introd., p. 48. tutd [tutus], adv., safely. tutus, -a, -um [part, of tueor, in passive sense], safe, secure, free from peril. tuus, -a, -um [tu], thy, thine; your, yottrs, U *ubi [for cubi, from quis and quT] : (1) adv., where, in which place; (2) conj., when, as; ubi primum, as soon as. Ubii, -5rum, m. pi., the Ubii, a powerful German tribe ; Ubius, -a, um, as adj., of the Ubii. *ubique [ubi + -que], adv., every- where, anywhere. *ulclscor, ulcisci, ultus, take -ven- geance on, pzinish ; avenge. *ullus, -a, -um [dim. of unus], any ; as subst., m. and f., any one, anybody. *ulterior, -ius [comp. from ultra], farther, more distant; Gallia Ulterior, Farther Gaul, Trans- alpine Gaul. *ultimus, -a, -um [sup. from ultra], farthest, most remote. *ultra [cf. ultr5], prep, with ace., on the farther side of, beyond. *ultr5 [cf. ultra], adv., to the farther side ; besides, too ; of oneself, un- asked, spontaneously, voluntarily, without provocation; in spite of himself; ultro citroque, back and forth, to and fro. ultus, -a, -um, part, of ulciscor. ululatus, -us [ululo, howt\, m., howl, yell. umerus, -l, m., upper arm, shoulder. umquam [for cum-quam], adv., ever, at any time. *una [abl. f. of unus ; sc. via], adv., at the same time, together ; una cum, together with. *unde [for cunde, from quis and qui], adv., from what place? where ? from which place, whence. *undecim (Xl) [unus + decem], in- decl. adj., eleven. undecimus, -a, -um [undecim], elev- enth. undeviginti (XVHIl) [unus + de + vigintl], indecl. adj., nineteen. *undique [unde + -que],adv.,yr